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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Shion let out a grunt and continued on for some time in silence before slowing at the sound of rapidly approaching noise of hooves. Barely having time to move out of the way as a woman on a horse barreled around the corner, nearly knocking Senji on his ass. "Gomenasai!" The woman slowed and turned her horse, stopping and dismounting. "I didn't see you there." She smiled brightly, tucking thick pink locks behind her ear. A thin sword hung at her side, a golden crest on the hilt, showing she was far from being a peasant.
Shion shifted the pack on her shoulder, ready to either fight or run. "You aren't hurt are you?" She asked, taking a step towards Senji to help him get to his feet.
She frowned and ducked slightly to get a better look at the two, Shion turning her head away and pulling the hood lower, but the young woman definitely saw Senji's face. "What are you doing all they way out here anyway?" She asked, brows furrowing slightly, meeting Senji's eyes with her own black eyes.
The woman frowned and stared hard at Senji's face. "Ne... Do I know you from somewhere..?" She made a soft noise. "You look familiar.."
"I have that kind of face. We really should be going." He stated. Another horse trotted up and Senji groujd his teeth, a woman in steel plated armor moving quickly to the pink haired woman, "Milady, please, I hate when you just race off like that.."
"Riko-chan you worry to much..~" Yui smiled and Shion stiffened, eyes widening. "Lady Yui.." She muttered to herself, looking to Senji nervously before backing away towards the forest slowly.
Yui waved her hand, crossing her arms over her well endowed chest. "I think I know him.. What was his name again..? Kuromasa? No, that's not right.."
Senji grew nervous and cut his arm, his blade shooting out as he rushed forward at Yui. Moriko's eyes widened and she jumped from her horse, throwing off her gauntlet and using a barbed ring to cut her arm, a massive shield of brambles forming as she jumped between Yui and Senji; her shield stopping Senji's attack and she glared dangerously. "How dare you attack my Lady, Sinner!" "Whore, you're no better than I!" Senji spat.
Yui's expression shifted, a small cut on her cheek, turning her gaze into Senji. "I remember now, Kiyomasa Senji, it's been so long since you've come to visit me I've forgotten you." Her tone was cold, but hauntingly sweet. Shion had already taken off down the hill through the forest, leaving Senji behind as she made her way away in a dead sprint.
Yui turned on her heel moving back towards her horse. "Let him leave." She said, like it was the most obvious answer. Mounting her horse she looked to Senji with a small smile. "I hope to see you again, Senji-chan." She said, turning her horse once to face in the correct direction, the small cut on her cheek have seeming to changed, the small drop of blood that moved down her face gone without a trace, like it had vanished. "Let's go, Riko-chan."
Shion had made some ground, weaving through trees and clearing rocks and holders easily, trying to lose Senji in the chaos.
"Yeah, just give me a minute!" She shouted over her shoulder, tone dripping with sarcasm, pushing herself to go faster.
Shion was making good progress, and even was slowly breaking away from Senji, until she came across a large river snaking through the woods. Hesitating a moment before she began to wade through the water, the water level started to grow higher and higher until it was to her hip.
That's when Shion lost her footing, plunging into the icy waters and being pushed downstream with the current. She struggled in the water for a moment before finally breaking the surface, taking in a large breath and trying to find a foothold, grasping out for something she could grab on to, panic showing clearly on her face. She couldn't swim.
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