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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Shion could barely hear him over the water rushing around her and plugging her ears, but when her arm scrapped a low hanging tree limb, she grabbed on, sputtering and gasping for air.
Clambering onto the riverbank, Shion coughed up a bit of water, breathing hard. "Excuse me for trying to get away from an asshole like you." She panted, hair plastered to the sides of her face.
Shion stated up at the sky that filtered through the trees, chest rising and falling steadily. "I want to be free now." She said softly.
"Where are you even trying to get to, you know you can't evade them." She muttered.

Yui and Moriko had returned to the estate that was one of the many houses the Royal family stayed in, entering her sleeping chambers and immediately stripping off her riding clothes, not bothering to close the door or wait for Moriko to turn around. "I think I want to do a bit of hunting Riko-chan." She called over her shoulder, moving to find better suited clothing.
"I have this long..." He replied, "Means I an keep it up until they forget all about me."

Moriko kicked the door closed behind them to keep anyone from staring at her mistress. "Hai! What game will we hunt today, milady? Bears? Large cats? Deer?"
Yui pulled out some more appropriate attire, pulling on the gentlemans blouse and trousers, flashing Moriko a smile. "Sinners." She said simply, like it was a normal thing to hunt human beings.
"There'll be no need for such a thing." She said, pulling on her footwear before leaving the room, making her way back towards the stables, a soft smile on her face.
"There are many Sinners I'm sure you would find a worthy opponent, Mistress...I just...don't wish for you to be harmed. I hear Kiyomasa has killed many who have come for his hide." She answered, grabbing the reigns of her own horse and mounting.
"You talk too much, Riko-chan." She said, giving her horse a good kick and setting off.
Night fell and Shion's clothes were still wet, so after setting up camp, she started a fire and kicked off her shoes, pulling her shirt over her head and laying it by the fire to dry, pulling her cloak around her to cover her chest. She stared blankly at the fire, slowly digging through her pack and pulling out a bruised apple, taking a bite and chewing.
Closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the wind rustling the trees, Shion finished her apple, and tossed the core away, the wind picking up. The sound of the leaves against each other was loud, but something else could be heard, very faintly, and from behind Senji, almost not even there.
Shion looked up and made a face. "Yeah why?" She asked, reaching forward to grab her shirt and pull it back over her head, not yet having heard the noise.
It was deathly silent, the air still and not a single bird or bug making noise, Shion growing edgy and shifting into a crouching position slowly and carefully. Without warning and little noise, a figure dropped from the tree like a stone, a silver glint flashing a warning of an approaching blade, bearing down to sever Senji's head from his shoulders.
Shion cut her palm with the small blade on her gauntlet, jumping to her feet; the woman stood easily, long, pink hair swaying. "It's been a long time, since we've fought, huh, Senji-chan?" Yui gave a soft smile, the light from the fire casting an eerie glow on her face before she charged toward the man, ready to strike.
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