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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura tightened his grip on the door handle, grinding his teeth and averting his eyes. "I don't need help." He muttered, his voice weak, and he sounded like a scared child. Closing the door slightly, he stepped away from the door. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't need help." He said quietly, then closed the door.

((He's so nice~))
Akihime frowned and stood outside his door a while longer before taking a piece of candy she had in her pocket and trying to slip it under the door before leaving.
Yukimura had already laid down by the time Akihime slipped the candy under the crack in the door, so it would go unnoticed until morning came around.

((Wanna have Masa be his usual self~?))
((Hell yeh~))

Masamune had started another fight, some poor sap of a Deadman trying to get the drop on him to prove he was stronger than Masamune. He failed, naturally, and was now a beaten and bloody mess on the grond while Masamune pummeled him.
Once again, and as if by some cruel fate, Megohime was on call and the one to answer that Masamune was on another rampage. This time however, Megohime requested backup. "Inmate 1733, remove yourself from your little friend!" She came jogging down the hall with two others, all three had their weapons raised and aimed at Masamune. "This time you're going to solitary for a week." She growled out.
Masamune stopped and looked to her before jumping up and rushing at her, pinning her to the wall. He pressed his knee between her legs and just sat there.
Megohime couldn't react, and was caught off guard when he slammed her into the wall, forcing her gun out of her hands and onto the floor behind Masamune. Megohime's entire body heated up with embarrassment when he pressed his knee between her thighs, only inches away from her crotch. The other two guards stood stunned before aiming their guns at Masamune.
"Release her, Deadman!"
"Back away! Go to the other wall, now!"
Her mouth hung open, still in shock that he had attacked her suddenly, and with two other guards present. Glad to have her helmet on so he couldn't see her face, she tried her best to pull herself back to reality, but was struggling to do so.
Once Megohime was released and Masamune sat down, she retrieved her gun, then fired thre times at Masamune, all three hitting him in the chest. Three darts stuck into Masamune's flesh, the tranquilizes kicking in fast. "You can make that two weeks in solitary." She growled out.
"Throw him in solitary." Megohime hissed, moving to help the other deadman to the infirmary.
Masamune of corse, didn't get two weeks in solitary, he was the Caracara after all and he always brought in good ratings; prize winning birds would always get top priority.
Megohime was obviously upset about Masamune getting no time in lock up, but couldn't do much about it, so she continued on with her job.
Masamune didn't hol too much of a grudge for the female guard who tranqed him, but it did boil his blood a little. He would let it slide this once, but he couldn't promise himself that he would let it slide if it happened again.
Yukimura, who had no cast points, would often take food off the trays left outside of other rooms, often going far enough as to hoard food. When he heard he was already scheduled for a cage match, he stopped stealing food. He didn't know what the cage match really meant, all he knew was it was probably some strange boxing ring. No matter, he had grown up on the streets, and knew how to fight, plus there was his "power" but he doubted he would be allowed to use it.

Nana had been fussing over Motochika since he lost his eye, and even could go as far as to describe her acting a little jumpy at times.
Going to retrieve some lunch for Motochika and himself, she headed down the hallway; Motochika's noises of pain still stuck in her head, so when she again crossed paths with Masamune, her anger blossomed again.
Akihime visited Yukimura again, smiling brightly, "Hello again!" She greeted, "I hear you have a match today!"

Motochika didn't let the loss of his eye get to him, working harder to accommodate for his weakened depth perception.
Yukimura looked a little on the rough side that day, hair in a low pony tail and clothes looking disheveled. He looked at Akihime again, making a face before continuing on his way, continuing his walk. "Why are you talking to me?"

The more she looked at Masamune, the angrier she got; she understood fully this was her life now, and that'd she'd have to see Motochika get hurt time and time again, but it didn't mean she had to like it. An inch long gash opened on Masamune's cheek as Nana passed him, a small thread of blood retreating into the small pin prick on the tip of her index finger, a soft scowl on her face.
"I told you, I wanna help you out~!" She chirped, "Is that wrong?"

Masamune froze and turned sharply, "Are you sure you wanna fuckin do this, kid?"
Nana stopped as well, reaching into her coat and gripping the collar. When she pulled her hand back out, each fingertip had a small dot of blood on them, and as if to answer his question, Masamune's belt fell off his waist. It had been cut, the leather now in pieces on the floor, and thin tendrils swaying from each finger.

Yukimura felt uncomfortable, his face flushing lightly. "Um, sorta?" He didn't sound all that sure. "This is prison, usually you don't help others.." He pointed out.
Masamune ground his teeth and lifted his pants, fixing them before rushing at her at lightning speeds, punching her hard in the face with all his might.

"This place is a hellhole and yeah, not a lot of people help others here. It's kill or be killed but you know what, it doesn't hurt to have an ally." She told him brightly.
Nana felt her nose crunch under Masamune's fist, and the force he hit her with was enough to send her into the wall behind her. Holding her gushing and broken nose she quickly staggered to her feet, bringing her hand up and attacking Masamune. Four thread-like tendrils shot toward Masamune and cut into his forearm, flaying off thin strips of flesh, cutting open his shirt and chest, and his middle.

Yukimura coughed softly, looking down at his feet for a moment before he spoke. "I guess you're right." He said awkwardly. "But I'm not gonna do you any favors." He said, a little bit of wild fear in his eyes, he didn't know if she had something else in mind or not.
Masamune moved away and cut open his palms, activating his Six Claws and rushing at her, slashing at her tendrils before trying to hit her.

"Favors? You mean like sexy favors?" He face lit up like a christmas tree and she shook her head, "Oh no, I wouldn't ask that of you, ever! That's really rude, whywouldyousaythat?!"
Nana pushed out more blood, covering her entire fingertips as she moved to the defensive, but still barely countered Masamune, struggling to deflect his attacks. Soon she was getting covered in cuts and gashes, but she was still on her feet, and had even landed a couple deep gashes herself.

Yukimura's face flushed more. "Well, I-I was only answering as to what I thought you were implying!" He looked equally as flustered, and this was the first time he had raised his voice much.
Masamune pushed harder, moved faster, cutting up every part of her he could get to. He was mad, absolutely furious; this dumb little bitch had decided that it was a good idea to fuck with him. That shit didn't fly with Masamune, not at all.

"I-I didn't mean to imply that at all! I'm really sorry!" She was so embarrassed, "I-I only really want to be your friend!"
Another hard knock to the head and Nana fell to her knees, strings going slack and opening up a clear shot for Masamune. Nana had been hit pretty hard, and her vision was fuzzy and she tasted blood; she had messed up really bad, she was going to die, she was going to die.

Yukimura smoothed out his frayed feelings, swallowing the lump in his throat before holding out a calloused hand. "Sanada Yukimura." He muttered softly.
Masamune moved forward quickly and drove three of his claws into her abdomen, jaw clenched tight.

Akihime smiled widely and shook his hand vigorously, "Akihime-desu! I already told you that, though, but I'm really happy that you've accepted my friendship!"
Nana let out a small grunt, work blood seeping through Masamune's fingers. The battered woman gripping the shoulder of his shirt, slumping over his arm and coughing up blood onto the front of his chest. Shaking, she did her best to not move, trying not to worsen the damage, feeling just about ready to lose consciousness.

Yukimura shook her hand lightly, then quickly pulled his hand back and stuck both hands in his pockets. "Um.." This was a stupid question. "Why are you here?" He averted his eyes. What a stupid thing to ask, she obviously did something to break the law and put her on death row.
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