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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Masamune forcefully ripped his claws from her and deactivated his BoS. "I should've warned you. I think I did when I asked if you were sure about pickin a fight. But whatevs."

Akihime's smile didn't falter, "I don't remember! I've been in here since I was really little~!"
Nana fell to the ground with a heavy thud, blood pooling under her slowly from the hole in her stomach. Staying awake was just about the only thing she could manage though, eyes half-lidded as she stared at Masamune's feet.

Yukimura made a face. "You grew up in a prison?" He mostly muttered it to himself, looking a little bummed out by this, anyone would be really, a prison wasn't any place for kids to grow up in.
Masamune turned to leave, stopping when he was met with an absolutely livid Motochika. He made a face and pointed, "She started it. I finished it. She isn't dead but she's getting the-" He was interrupted when Motochika punched him so hard, that it sent him flying. Motochika rushed to Nana and scooped her up, taking her hurriedly to the infirmary.

"The only thing I remember is my adopted father and a lot of blood. And then the rest is being scared and alone in here~" She told him, sounding like it didn't even bother her.
Nana gazed up at Motochika with an unfocused stare. "Gomenasai... I just got so mad, I couldn't control it... Gomenasai.." She apologized, tears pooling in her eyes.

Yukimura made a face again and a slight shiver went down his spine. "Oh... Um, well anyway, how do you get food? You have to earn cast points?"
"Eh? I can't do that, it's your CP, you earned it, I wouldn't feel right if I took it from you." He said, a lopsided frown on his face. "I'll just get some of my own... If you could tell me how I could do that?"
"You have to fight in the Carnival Corpse and win~! Or play in the amusement park attractions and not die~ or do work around the prison or park." She smiled more, "Work is easiest~"
"Work sounds like the one thing that won't get me in trouble here.. What do I do?" He asked, getting a bit anxious. Why was he anxious? He wanted to get moving again, he wanted to go back to his room and hide, he wanted out.
"Cleaning, mostly! Sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, yadda yadda." She answered. She nudged her head, "Come on, let's get food. I have so many CP that spending some on a friend won't hurt me!" She told him and started trotting off.
Yukimura gave in and followed Akihime, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Hai, hai.." He said, keeping pace with her easily.

Heavy knocked came at Masamune's bedroom door before the door immediately opened, and once again, Tamura Megohime stood in the doorway. "You really aren't good at he whole "keeping under the radar" thing, are you?"
Akihime had a spring in her step, humming softly. "If it isn't rude to ask, why are you here? You don't seem like a the type of guy to commit a crime."

Masamune looked up at her from over the bandage on his nose, "Nah, the radar loves me too much." He answered.
Megohime had her hand resting on the pistol at her side, stepping one step into the room. "You should know this song and dance by now, on your feet; I finally got you that stay in solitary you've been begging for." She sounded smug, and she was grinning under her helmet, this asshole was finally going to get a penalty for once.

Yukimura's body went rigid, but he kept walking, only now he felt completely numb. Flashes of blood shot through his mind and he kept seeing one person, over and over, only they were dead. He said nothing, the look in his eyes speaking for him, they screamed: "I don't wanna talk about it."
"Aw, how sweet~ that's so nice of you~ here's hoping I don't have any fights, or you're boned, lady~" He replied.

Akihime looked back and her expression changed to shock, "Oh gosh, I'm sorry, it's probably a sore subject, I didn't mean to upset you!"
Megohime motioned for him to start heading out the door. "Actually you had two this week, but they've both been rescheduled, don't worry, you'll still get to fight eventually. Now, get off your ass and get moving. I have better things to do."

Yukimura shook his head, forcing himself to move. "Let's just not talk about it." He muttered, heading off in the direction they were going so he could start cleaning for CP.
Masamune scowled heavily and stood, heading out the door, "Cunt."

Akihike frowned and moved to the eating area and bought some food for the both of them.
"Yeah, yeah, but I'm not the idiot starting fights at every turn." She elbowed him in the back as he passed her, making it so he was in front of her and more easy to subdue.
"Do you even listen to the shit that comes out of your mouth?" Megohime muttered, shaking her head as she escourted him to solitary.
Nana had been patched up quickly, and was still under anesthesia when Motochika was allowed in to see her, not that the doctors really cared. She had plenty of bandages covering her arms and face, and one eye even had a patch over it, but it was more than likely she wouldn't lose her eye, just some nasty bruising and swelling.

((Masa was actually gonna fight Yuki, and Yuki was gonna fight with Nana as well, but it was kinda fucked up~))
((They're still gonna fight tho!))

After what seemed hours, Nana started to stirr, opening her better eye, which was still a bit swollen. "Motochika..?" She rasped groggily.
She nodded, shifting in an attempt to sit up. "Motochika, I'm sorry, I really am." She said softly.
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