Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Aurora's arms draped over him, her face pressed against his chest just breathing in his scent. She couldn't imagine ever no falling asleep with him beside her. "i love you Nathan" she said as she yawned and then her eyes closed. She slept through the night, it was a peaceful sleep. She didn't even turn over.
The next morning came far too soon for Nathan. The sun came in through the large windows which had the night before added the moonlight to the romance. Now the sun interrupted their peaceful sleep. The servants were next coming in to see to the princess’s needs. They paused as they saw the couple asleep in bed together followed shortly by Cassandra. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand in shock…what had her brother done?
Aurora slept wonderful through the night, but then morning came to soon. the sun shown through the windows and started to wake her. She grumbled and tried to hid herself from the light what little good that did. She heard Cassandra gasp. She couldn't believe it, suddenly her cheeks blushed and she nodged nathan. "nathan wake up please" she begged as she covered herself up more.
Nathan was still out cold sleeping soundly though her nudging did start to bring him to the world of the wakeful.

Cassandra came over and dropped down beside the bed on her knee gently grasping Aurora’s hands. “Please my lady don’t hold this against him…I’m sorry that my brother has been ungentlemanly but you do know of what happened to him with his wife and I can only hope he didn’t hurt you.”
Aurora looked down at her with a smile on her face. "oh Cassandra you are to sweet. But really your brother has been nothing but a gentleman. I was cold, and he offered to help keep me warm i am also still a little nervous of this place, so he offered to keep me company" Aurora did her best to tell little white lies so cassandra would not worry so much
Cassandra wasn’t buy it. she looked up at aurora wondering why she wasn’t pissed at Nathan like she had been. “If you were cold my lady…why are you sleeping without any clothes? Please don’t defend him I can tell what happened. And unless you majesty objects I will make sure that he pays dearly for that.” She started to stand and cross to Nathan’s side of the bed.
Cassandra was a smart girl, she had called Aurora out on not wearing clothes. She had to think a moment. "I went to address but was so tired that i feel a sleep as i sat on the bed. So your brother tucked me." Aurora then hit Nathan harder in hopes of waking him up this time. "Nothing happen cassandra really, you don't have to worry, Your brother has been nothing but sweet to me"
Cassandra still wasn’t satisfied with that and motioned the servants to leave them. she growled softly looking down at her brother. “Then explain why it smells like something did happen last night Aurora?”

Nathan was slowly waking up his eyes opening and since he was on his side facing Aurora he saw her not yet seeing his sister. “Mmmm good morning my love.”
Aurora looked down at nathan "your sister is here" Aurora then looked up at Cassandra she was not happy that she kept pushing the issue so she thought she would try a different a approach. Aurora's forehead wrinkled and her head cocked to the side. "Cassandra, may i ask why you enter my room without knocking and waiting to be invited in" she said very nicely, but she had to do something to change the subject.
Cassandra was put on the defensive for a moment before she bit her lip and answered. “I came to invite you to breakfast but finding my brother in your bed seems to change that plan.” She was trying to keep this on the issue that he brother needed his ass kicked for being in a compromising position with the princess.

Nathan looked over at Cassandra before he slipped out of the bed his pants still clearly on as he stood his large frame dwarfing that of his sister. “Cassy, do you really think I would do anything without the princess’s permission? How far gone do you think I was? She told you what happened so I suggest you leave it there.”

Cassandra looked up at her brother for a moment then down feeling chastised but looking at Aurora, “Are you sure there was nothing else that he did to you?”
Aurora was glad when Nathan stepped in. She did like being made to feel like a child by Cassy. She looked at her and smiled "I am sure" She looked at Nathan then back to cassy "i love him, so there is no worries" She didn't know if Nathan was ready to tell his sister but she couldn't help it she wanted to tell the world how much she loved him
Nathan looked over at Aurora as she admitted that she loved him and smiled leaning down and gently puling her close kissing her just barely making sure that her body was still covered. Even though they had both said it, there was something about admitting it to someone else that made it real. “Anything else Cassy?”

Cassandra blinked and watched her brother kiss the princess before turning and walking out closing the door behind her. even though she had encouraged them to get together she hadn’t thought that they would…what would she do if they got married?

Nathan kissed Aurora again moving into the bed with her gently snuggling her close. “mmmmm now then as I was going to say. Good morning my princess.”
Aurora kissed Nathan back, loving the feeling of him kissing her. She watched as Cassandra left and she felt a little bit bad. She drew a deep breath she knew she would talk to her later, hopefully when Cassandra was thinking with a clearer head. She smiled as Nathan laid back in bed. "good morning my love"
He smirked and pulled her naked form up on top of his kissing her neck and nibbling lightly at the sensitive skin lightly. His hands rubbing up over her breasts just wanting to touch her again even more then he had last night. “MMm you realize I don’t plan to let you out of this bed tonight right?” he smirked knowing that it wasn’t really possible but he wished that it could be.
Aurora giggled as he pulled her on top of him. She wraped the blanket around them as she looked down at him. "You know since we don't have to hid it any longer you are never going to sleep alone again" She then leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.
He growled at the kiss and rubbed his hands down over her hips softly. “Mmmm we need to be careful love…it has been years since I have been with a woman and I want to make deep passionate love to you. But we aren’t married and sleeping together will make people talk and I don’t want your reputation ruined. “
Aurora looked down at him her forehead wrinkled. "My body craves yours Nathan, not just in the way you are thinking, every touch, every embrace, it feels so wonderful, I never slept as well as i do next to you. I love you Nathan, and i will be damned to care about what others think of me, if they want to believe i am a slut then so be it, but as long as you don't i don't care"
He smiled and looked up into her eyes brushing his hand over her sides and lightly down her arms bringing her hands to his lips kissing them softly. “I could never think you were a slut my love. Even if we slept together I would know that it was merely because of our love.” He wanted her the same way the problem was that for a man all those touches turned on the male sex drive and mad him want to make love to her. “I know that is not how you want me my love but just having you in my arms and holding you like that, which I want as well, it makes me want you sexually.”
Aurora looked down at him she bit her lip a moment when he confused that he wanted her "i know my love i want you in that way as well." She looked at him "Its just....I don't know....."
He smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek leaning in and lightly kissing her lips. he cuddled her close against his chest her breasts flattening against him as he brushed his hand over her naked back. “Shhh I know love, I just have to warn you that being close to you makes it harder to resist, and I want to try and wait till we are married. I owe you that much at least for pulling me out of that darkness. “
Aurora kissed him back. "thank you my love for understanding, and i am so sorry this is hard for you, perhaps i have to be fair to you and allow you to sleep in your own bed instead of mine, i don't want things to be hard on you" She said softly as she rested against him.
He shook his head kissing her neck rubbing her back and pulling her close against his body. “No my love, the only way I will be sleeping in my bed is if you are there as well. I would rather struggle then not have you close by my side at night.” He smiled kissing her lips one more time.
Aurora bare skin was touching his on his chest. she loved the feeling. she loved him. She kissed his cheek softly. "so what would you like to do today? i am not sure what you like to do in this snowy place" She giggled a little it never really snowed hard where she came from so she was sort of at a loss for what to do
He smiled and snuggled her close kissing her neck again and nibbling softly at the tender skin. “Mmmm well mostly we stay warm. In the months with the snow there is often little to do except keep oneself busy.” He smirked and nuzzled her neck his hand gently cupping her breasts. “Mmmm I know what I used to do when my wife was alive but since then one day seemed to be the same as the next.”
Aurora smiled softly. She then slid off of him and laid on her side her head now resting on his chest her arm drapped across him. She kissed his chest softly. then she moved up to kiss his lips before her head came to rest again on his chest. "well i guess we will just have to try to stay warm today" She said with a little smile
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