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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

He smiled as he brushed the dress down her shoulders and let it pool on the floor. He silently pulled his own shirt off and then wrapped his arms around her pulling her naked back against his naked chest. “Aurora, I’m not going to be able to sleep without you next to me I think.” He nuzzled her neck his hands rubbing down to lightly cup her breasts sighing deeply. “I want you to sleep forever beside me.”
Aurora tried to cling to the dress a moment as it began to fall but soon she just let it fall. She was no naked except for her panties like she was in the cave only this time she didn't have the blanket to cover herself from his eyes. She leaned back feeling his bare skin. She listen to his words and then turned around slowly her breasts were now pressed against his chest. She looked up in his eyes. "i will if you want me to sleep beside you forever" She said softly
He brushed his hand over her cheek looking down into her eyes and then leaning down kissing her deeply. “I do want you to. But can you trust that I mean that? You were so worried before I don’t want you to make that choice without thinking it all the way through.” He brushed his hands over her back holding her close against him loving the feel of her naked chest against his.
The cold made her shiver in his arms and she sighed softly before speaking. "I am still worried, I worried that you will never love me the way you loved your wife, that i am just here because...well just because. But i am starting to fall in love with you. And my girlish heart can't help but hope you will" She rested her head against his shoulder.
He snuggled her close slowly moving them around the bed before pulling back the thick blankets. He sat down and looked up at her his hands rubbing over her body slowly. “Aurora, I will be honest with you. I will never love you like I did my wife.” He gently pulled her down on top of him laying back. “I will love you just as deeply and as long as we both live just like I did with her. but I can never love you the same as her because you are not her and that very fact makes me love you.” He kissed her deeply.
Aurora watch as he pulled the blankets back. the bed was comfortable but it was about to become even more comfortable with laying beside her. Aurora was worried when he said he would never love her like he did his wife. as he pulled down on top of him she was holding her breath hoping he would say more. and when he did she smiled "Oh Nathan i love you so much" She then kissed him it as deep and passionate. she then broke the kiss "i want to be able to love you forever"
He smiled and kissed her back moving back on the bed more taking her with him. his pants and her panties was all that stood between them making love and he wanted to badly. However the last thing he would do was force her to. He gently rolled them both over so he was above her looking down into her eyes. His hand brushed her cheek before he leaned in kissing her neck and starting to nibble lightly. “And I know I will love you forever Aurora even if you don’t become my wife.”
Aurora looked up at him when he rolled her on her back. Her eyes seemed to sparkle and there was a light smile on her lips. She seemed happy. Her hand touched his cheek. "i can know your wife, if you ever wanted." She said almost shyly
Nathan looked into her eyes before sighing softly and moving back off of her sitting on the edge of the bed. “I do want you to be my wife Aurora…but you said yourself this is happening so fast that how can you be sure that I mean what I am saying.” He sighed and then looked over his shoulder at her. “I want to be with you tonight but I’m not sure I trust myself to not touch you.”
Aurora sat up a litttle as she did she wrapped the blanket around her. She seemed almost sad. "i know what i said, and i know i am still a little worried that this may all just be a fling for you, i guess the only thing to do is give it time." She sighed almost defeated. "as for sleeping in the same bed...well i really wish you would i love being next to you to feel your arms around me, but i understand if you can't." She then rose out of bed. She went to her dresser and quickly put on a night gown. "that might make it easier"
He sat there as she spoke and then went to put on the nightgown. He shook his head and stood coming over to her slipping his arms around her from behind stopping her from tying the nightgown closed. “It won’t help Aurora.” His hand brushed over her shoulder as he kissed her neck lightly pushing the nightgown down off one shoulder and then the other letting it fall off her body again. “I need to pleasure you tonight Aurora, I promise I will stop when you tell me too but I need to show you my love.” He picked her up carrying her back to the bed bridal style laying her back down and kissing down her neck slowly.
Aurora was a little shock when he came over and stopped her from putting on the nightgown. She drew a deep breath as she felt his hand touch her skin. "Nathan i don't understand" She then let out a little giggle when he picked her up. her arms wrapped around his neck. When he laid her down she looked up at him, her hair was splayed around the pillow. She looked so innocent. "are you sure this is a good idea"
He brushed a hand over her cheek looking into her eyes for a long moment. “No…but I need to do it…unless you stop me.” He leaned down his large hands taking one of her full breasts into each of them. His lips kissed down her neck and over her collar bone slowly moving up the slopes of her breasts before taking a nipple into him mouth and sucking lightly at the nub of pleasure his hands rubbing the smooth flesh of her beautiful breasts.
"what if it goes to far...."she trails off has he feels his hand touch her sensitive breast. she sighed softly enjoying the feeling of him touching her. her eyes closed when she felt his mouth begin to suckle her nipples. "oh go Nathan, that feels so good" She said softly. She was starting to get lost in everything he was doing
He growled against her breast lightly his hands still rubbing her soft mounds. “Mmm I won’t let it go too far unless you want it to.” He nipped softly at the skin of her breasts sucking lightly at the nipples before his hand slipped down between her legs and started to lightly rub at her panties and pussy behind them working it softly.
Aurora was getting so lost in herself she knew she was losing control, at this point he could take all of her if he wanted, although they might regret it in the morning. she felt him touch her panties and it made her hips buck. it was a new sensation. she didn't understand but just a simple made her want to feel more.
He growled into her nipple sucking on it lightly as his fingers worked her pussy. Slowly his fingers moved on the heated core of her sex rubbing at the wet spot and then up to her clit never yet moving past her panties. He moved his lips to the other nipple sucking softly on it and working it with his talented tongue his teeth just brushing over it.
Aurora had never felt anything like this before. Her own fingers never touched sex and now he was working over her sensitive flesh. It was becoming to much. the thing she felt were slow driving her into madness she loved the feeling. "oh god Nathan"
He growled into her nipple sucking hard his hand pushing under her panties to rub at her pussy softly. He continued to work her breasts his mouth moving from nipple to nipple sucking and licking at the pleasurable bit of flesh and moaning softly wanting to do more then he was going to allow himself. Finally he started to kiss down her body slowly moving down pulling her panties off as well.
Aurora whimpered in sheer pleasure as she felt him touch her. He longer was touching her through her panties. There was no longer anything between his hand and her body. Her hand knotted in the sheets. Her womanly slit soaking wet.
He growled softly as he rubbed harder at her pussy working the wet lips open and pushing in to rub at her inner lips. his lips kissed down over her stomach and down to her thighs. His hands worked her body like a well strung violin stroking her just the right way to make her body sing in pleasure.
It was all becoming to much for Aurora's inexperienced body. her body was soon reacting. Her toes curled her hand knotted in the sheets and she let out a loud moan as she came.
Nathan smiled as she came and he leaned back in cleaning her up slowly as she came down from the high of the orgasm. He slowly moved up her body moving to lay beside her kissing her neck softly. “There my love, I did what I needed to do and I can wait for anything more.”
Aurora couldn't believe how wonderful that felt. She didn't know how to explain it, and she didn't understand what that meant, but she knew she liked it. When he came to lay beside her Aurora turned over on her side and buried her face against his chest. "oh god Nathan, that was wonderful" She then kissed his chest gently.
Nathan smiled and snuggled her close brushing his hand over her hair and kissing it softly. “Mmmm I’m glad you enjoyed it my love.” He smiled holding her close against his chest willing his body to calm down and relax just enjoying her presence there next to him and the pleasure he had just given her. he started to feel himself slipping into sleep just by being close to her.
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