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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

He stirred slightly as she moved and nuzzled into his neck. He wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back before he leaned down and kissed her hair just responding to her like she was the last woman that was in his arms. He sighed deeply moving his body a little under her making his thick cock press up harder against her.
Aurora eyes opened and she looked up at him after he kissed the top of her. It was so nice to have him there. She kissed his lips softly before pulling back. her body still pressed tightly to him she didn't seem to notice or mind his cock against her. "Good morning" She said softly.
He smiled looking down at her kissing her back softly enjoying the warmth of her body against his. He had missed the feel of a naked woman next to him in bed. He sighed deeply, “Good morning your majesty.” He moved again and stopped feeling where his thick cock was pressing and had to bite his lip to stop from gasping. Guessing she didn’t know what that was he just said nothing not wanting to make a scene.
Aurora looked at him "you can call me Aurora, no need to be formal" She thought it was funny, here she was laying naked with a man she was not married to and he was calling her majesty. She felt him move then suddenly he stopped and she knew why, she felt his manhood pressing against her. She kissed his cheek "its ok" she said softly.
He blushed as she caught him hard against her and sighed softly. “I’m sorry Aurora, I normally have better control over myself only my wife could make me like this when I didn’t want to be.” He looked down into her eyes and sighed again his hand brushing over her cheek and didn’t know what to say. “I….I…should probably move…”
"Its ok" She looked into his eyes she meant what she said it was ok with her. "But if you want to move you can" She slowly began to move away from him her leg moved off of him allowing him to move if he wanted. She did like having him close, and she like the idea that she could make his body react like that
He slipped his arms around her as she moved away gently holding her there. He looked into her eyes and sighed softly brushing his hand over her cheek and looking into her eyes. “I haven’t responded to a woman like this in so long. I don’t want you to more Aurora…I…I want to…” he looked down sighing softly not being able to finish his statement.
Aurora was a bit suprised when he moved and pulled her closer. She thought he would want a break from her. She was very happy when he didn't. She had to cock her head just a bit as he spoke she was not sure what he was going to say. "You want to what Nathan?" She questioned softly
Nathan blushed softly and looked into her eyes his hands rubbing over her naked back lightly. “I shouldn’t say. You are my princess and no matter how much I want something I shouldn’t say it not to you.” He looked down trying to will his cock to be soft though nothing was happening his thick cock still pressed up against her panty clad pussy.
"you don't have to feel that way." She paused to giggle a little "After all i am laying here naked with you" She smiled and then kissed his cheek. "You can tell me"
She was right on that point, propriety was already long gone between them. He looked into her eyes and sighed softly. “Ok…I want to make love to you Aurora. I haven’t felt this way about any woman before I met my wife or after she died till I met you. It was that reason that I kept so distant from you, I just couldn’t stand being around you because I felt like my body was betraying my wife.”
Aurora drew a deep breath and smiled at him. "i can not deny that my body wants you as well, and i am so very glad that you felt you could be honest with me." She kissed him softy "But i guess i am bit traditional i always hope that i would make love to man who loved me, Perhaps in time your heart may feel that..." She trailed off she then slow began to move and then sit up she held the blanket to the front of her, the back of her almost completely exposed to him.
He sighed softly and sat up leaning close and kissing the back of her neck his arms slipping around her waist lightly and nodding. “I know Aurora, and I and my wife were the same way till we got married. But you wanted me to be honest with you, so I was.” He kissed her neck softly before standing up still naked from the waist up. “I can see if there is anything you can ware till your clothes dry.”
Aurora looked up at him and smiled "i am so glad you were honest with me, i didn't say it was a bad thing, i just wanted to do the same and be honest with you." She slowly stood and wrapped the blanket around her. "I just hope you are not angry at me for it. I just want the same thing you and your wife had, what i saw in my parents growing up"
For the next two day Nathan kept himself under control even though he often would wake hard and needing her touch. All through those two days that they were stuck there together it was hard not to take her even though she said no. However he did control himself. Finally the snow melted enough and they were able to head back to the castle together. He made sure she was well dressed for this trek in the snow as they both were bundled up in heavy cloaks. He reached out and took her hand softly. “Ready?”
Aurora enjoyed the two days they had together. She did her best to make sure he would not revert to his beastly ways and she was glad when he didn't. She did long for his touch and she would find any reason she could to have him touch her. She was falling for him, even though she knew it was foolish that he would never love her.

On the day they were to leave Aurora was bundled up and smiled when he took her hand "yes i am ready"
The truth was that he was falling for her just as hard as she was falling for him. and even though there was still going to be a major hurdle for them when they first made love there was no doubt in his mind that he loved Aurora and not just because she reminded him of his lost love. He walked with her out into the snow holding her hand and slowly moving through the deep snow. The pass was quiet around them only the sound of their feet crunching in the snow as they walked. About half way to the castle he stopped her and gently pulled her back against his chest nodding out over a large snow covered valley dotted with trees and frozen lakes. “Isn’t it beautiful?” he whispered into her ear.
Aurora walked with him through the cold. She held his hand tight to keep from sinking into the snow at time. She suddenly stopped with him and for the first time she really looked around. He was right it was beautiful. "Nathan your right it is, everything seems to glitter with the snow and there is a peacefulness in the air. like the whole world is slumbering."
He smiled and brushed the hood of her cloak back and leaned in close kissing her neck softly. “Yes Aurora, that is much the same way I was. Cold and covered over with a blanket of silence. Later in the winter things get bitter and angry and everything yearns for spring.” He gently turned her around and looked into her eyes brushing his hand over her cheek softly. “You are my spring Aurora.”
Aurora wrapped her arms around him listening to his words. He was right when they first met he was cold, and bitter, but now his heart began to thaw. She was bit shocked though when he said she was his spring. "No i am nothing like that, you began to melt on your own"
He smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek lightly. “No Aurora you helped me. Without you coming out into the snow and almost getting yourself killed I would still be cold and bitter.” He smiled and leaned down kissing her softly his hand brushing her cheek holding her gently against him for a long moment.
Aurora kissed him back deeply never wanting to not feel his lips against hers. when they did pull a part Aurora giggled and smiled. "maybe that was all part of my foolish plan" She tried to be cute about the whole thing
He laughed softly his hand brushing her cheek lightly looking into her eyes. “Oh you had a plan did you?” he let his other hand slip around her waist under all the cloaks and wrappings just brushing over her dress and her skin.
Aurora shivered when she felt his touch, not from the cold but from the fact he was touching she loved it so much. "yes it was all part of my plan" She said softly there was still some happiness in voice but she was starting to get lost in his touch
He smiled and leaned in kissing her neck again his hand rubbing over her side and over her back. He was far to used ot touching her for their own good. He kissed and nibbled at her neck softly rubbing his hand down over her hips lightly. “And what plan was that my love?”
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