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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Days passed and things didnâ??t get any better. The fact that Aurora was trying to be nice and get to know him at all only seemed to make him less agreeable. He didnâ??t want to spend any time around her and when forced to by Cassandra he would sit there and say nothing to the point of being very very rude.
Aurora was trying hard to be nice to Nathan but he was being stubborn and being a jerk. One day after being forced to sit together and him being his normally rude self she had enough. "i can't take it anymore. I'm leave this awful place" with that she left the room quickly. She then went to the front door only having her coat. She left heading out in the freezing weather
Cassandra ran after her trying to stop her and make her think about the problem with what she was doing. However when Aurora stormed out Cassandra came to her brother. â??Nathan, the princess left!â?

Nathan looked at his sister and then back to the book he had been reading, â??Good, now I donâ??t have to worry about her bothering me.â?

Cassandra hated doing this but she walked up and slapped Nathan hard. â??She left out into the snow with just a simple coat and no one with her!â?

Nathan for a moment was worried because he didnâ??t want to let the princess die but then he sighed, â??She will be cold in moments and come back inside, probably already is.â?

When Cassandra came back she grabbed her brother by the collar. â??A blizzard is picking up, she has been out their ten minutes and is already far enough away that she couldnâ??t see the castle.â?

That was enough to make Nathan grab his heavy fur cloak, and an extra one for her before heading out into the blizzard truly worried for her.
Aurora walked through the heavy snow she had tears in her eyes. The the wind picked up and it made it impossiable for her to see anything. She stumbled in the snow her dress became covered in snow. She got up she was freezing cold. She tried to look back for the castle and she couldn't see it all she could see is snow.
Nathan knew his way around the pass by instinct alone. He could follow her path in the driving snow, which is good because that is just what he was having to do. Even without tracks to follow he could tell where she had been, there was something about having been out in blizzards like this before. Even with all his skills it took over an hour before he spotted something that seemed to stand out from the snow, something that could be her.
Lily tried to figure her way but she felt like she was getting no where. She couldn't see anything and she was getting so cold. She hugged her coat around her and stopped in her tracks unable to go further. Finally her knees buckled and she went crashing into the snow she was freezing cold.
It was her he could tell as she suddenly fell to her knees and then over in the snow. He rushed forward as fast as he could in the blowing wind. Pulling the second cloak out from where he had been keeping it warm close to his body, he wrapped it around her lifting her up and cradling her close against him. he turned to move through the snow knowing that they would both die if he tried to make it back to the castle. In his mental map he remembered a cave cabin not far from here where they could seek shelter. He made his way there as quickly as he could.

The cabin really just a wooden wall set over the mouth of a cave that had been designed to allow fire to be started in there and still not with smoke, but at the same time keep the chill. He pushed the door open and after laying her down and covering her with blankets he started a fire waiting for her to recover.
Aurora was limp in his arms. Her body like a human ice cube. her lips were blue and her hair frozen. As she laid in the cave her body seemed to wrap itself in the coat. It took about an hour before Aurora came too. She was still cold her damp cold clothes where helping keeping her cold. She looked around and then she saw Nathan. "what are you doing here" she asked softly her voice was shivering.
He looked over at her as she spoke and leaned over a pot he had placed on the fire to start it heating for a stew tonight. â??Iâ??m saving your life, your welcome.â? He turned and reached out taking the blankets and cloak from her. â??Undress.â?
Aurora looked at him "Oh please saving my life i would have found my way out..." She then struggled to keep the covers on her "i will certainly not be undressing for you what do you think i am?!"
He growled deeply his eyes flashing with fire in them. â??You were half frozen when I found you, and your clothes are still soaked. Either undress or go back out into that blizzard and die, I canâ??t help stupidity, I would have thought you would have had half a brain being the princess but it would seem not with you going off into the blizzard like that.â?
"i would rather freeze to death out there than remain with a beast like you" Aurora shook her head. "You have no idea do you how your nasty attidue effects people. I mean your sister won't leave your side until you are better poor girl doesn't see that she is throwing away her life, her chance to be happy because your to stubborn and wrapped in your self pity"
He turned and glared at her his eyes on fire deep emotion present in them something she had never seen. â??What do you know?! Have you lost the most important person in your life? have you had life rip your heart out and grind it into dust as you watch? What can you possibly know about pain in your gilded castle that you live in.â?
Aurora has enough of him her anger grew. "many people have gone through what you went through but they don't make the world suffer for it." She then through her hands up "just leave me alone go back to your castle"
He glared at her for the longest moment before grabbing his cloak and storming to the door. He opened it letting the cold wind hit him and rush past to her. it was like the cold wind was against him as well forcing him to stay but also forcing the heat of anger out of him. he closed the door softly and slowly turned back to her. he knelt in front of her hot tears pouring down his face. â??How dare youâ?¦come here and try to force me to give up my wifeâ??s memory.â?
Aurora watched as he opened the door. She had so much anger in her. She was glad to see him leave. but then she was shocked he turned back around and came towards her. he had tears in his eyes. She looked puzzled and then the anger left her face. "I am not trying to do that, i am trying to get you see that your not honoring your wifes memory by the way your acting."
His anger might have been gone but the pain was still there and like a dog with a hurt paw, when it was touched he would snap at the one that touched it. Tears still rolling down his face he snapped, â??How the hell do you know what my wife would want! Your nothing but a spoiled rich little girl that knows nothing about the world outside the castle walls.â?
Aurora pulled back from him and gave a sigh Her anger seemed to grow again. "Well then are you just a hypocrite, you say i don't know what your wife would have wanted, well how do you no anything about me?!" she snapped right back at him. "So how dare you accuse me of something you know nothing about"
For the longest moment he just sat there glaring at her his anger trying once again to claim a place in his heart and close him up once more. But there was no room for it anymore. The anger had filled his heart for so long that he hadnâ??t been able to grieve for his wife and unborn son. Now that his heart was for a moment empty the grief had taken its please and there was no room left for anything else till the grief was gone. Having almost no control of his body now Nathan fell forward to the ground curling up in a small ball and sobbing uncontrollably. His entire body was wracked by these heartfelt and painful sobs.
Aurora was surprised when he did not not snap at her again. He didn't even seem angry any more. Instead he began to cry. She didn't know what to do. She was to tired and to cold to fight with him any longer. She took his coat and wrapped it around him and let him cry perhaps that was what he needed.
After several moments his sobbing stopped and he slowly pushed himself up barely being able to bring himself under control. â??Yoâ?¦you stillâ?¦.still need to get out of those wet clothes. You will die if you donâ??t. I will leave if you need me to or just turn my back but you need to get out of them and soon or you will go into cold shock.â?
Aurora bit her lip a moment he was right. She drew breath "alright, and you can just turn your back. It to cold out there to leave." She tried to speak kindly although she figured he would probably snap at her any way. Once he turned his back Aurora began to undress. But because he clothes were so wet it made it hard for her to undo the back. "Nathan, um, can you help me please i can't get the back undone."
Nathan had turned around for her to undress but when she asked for help he turned around and came over slowly. There was something about it that was bringing back memories to him. he reached up and slowly started to undo the clasps on the back of her dress slowly opening it. he slowly worked it open exposing her neck and slowly opening it enough to expose the tops of her shoulders. Without realizing what he was doing he leaned in and kissed her beautiful neck softly.
Aurora was glad when he didn't become angry with her when she asked him to undo her dress. She sat still a moment as he began to unclasp the dress. As he worked her dress down her silky soft skin was exposed to him. When he drew closer to her she smelled lightly of vanilla.

Suddenly Aurora felt his lips touch her neck and she froze a moment. She didn't know what to do. But as her heart raced in her chest her body was enjoying the feeling. She sighed softly.
His lips continued to lightly brush over her neck as he continued to undo her dress. His hands finally brushed up the soft silken skin of her back before he stopped suddenly. He pulled back just a bit so his lips werenâ??t touching her neck but his breath still brushed over the sensitive skin. â??Iâ??m sorryâ?¦justâ?¦the last woman I undressed was my wife, and Iâ?¦â? he couldnâ??t put into words what he was feeling.
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