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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Lily looked out the window then sighed. She couldn't believe how snowy it was. all she saw was snow. Lily then turned to the maid. "thank you for opening the curtains." she smiled softly "When is the master of the house returning home?" She questioned softly
â??I donâ??t know mâ??lady but I hope soon since there is a large storm brewing. Soon it will be hard to leave the castle once the winter snows set in.â? the maid brought her a hot cup of tea smiling. â??There now not used to this cold are you?â?
Lily took the tea and smiled "thank you" She looked out the window then back to the maid. "it does not snow this where i come from. And what do you mean we won't be able to leave the castle? Certainly there must me a way" Lily was a little shocked she did not want to be trapped here longer than she had to she hoped to be out of her by the weeks end
The maid shook her head, â??once the heavy snow comes there is no way out of the castle. But donâ??t worry there is much to do around her through the cold winter months, and the duke always see that he is back for those months. so if you marry him Iâ??m sure there is much you to can do to stay warm.â? The maid smirked lightly at the obvious statement.
Lily was a little shocked by her comment. She never even thought that, because she knew that she would not like this man. She tried to be polite not wanting to snap at the girl. "Yes well we shall see. Marriage is a big IF"
The maid was a little worried about what the princess said but knew that it wasnâ??t her place to ask more. Sighing softly she turned and went back to her work to prepare for the Duke returning.

It was a few hours later that the dukes party returned barely ahead of a massive snow storm that seemed ot hit the moment that the duke stepped inside the hall. He was a large broad shouldered man with thick hair down to his shoulders, though no beard. His clothes were thick and almost common but they were warm there was no doubt about that. He sat down at his dinner table and when told she was there just nodded telling the servants to see that she was well cared for, and that was all.
Aurora stayed in her room. She didn't know what to do or where to. She was not pleased at all to be here. She got out a book she had brought with her and sat in a chair and began to read. She wondered if the Duke would ever return so they could get this meeting over with. As read she would glance out the window and she saw the snow starting to come down.
There was a soft knock at her door before it was opened. The person that stepped in was not the duke but another noble lady slightly younger then Aurora but still rather close in age. â??Hello your majesty.â? She curtsied, â??I am the sister and I came to apologize for my brother, he hasnâ??t had any manners ever since his dear wife died. Would you care to join us both for dinner?â?
Aurora rose from her chair when she heard the knock on the door. She wondered if it could be the Duke. But it was not, she explained herself to be his sister. She was shocked to hear that this man was married before. That if they were to marry Aurora would be just second wife, never really having the love she so desperately wanted. Aurora just simply nodded at the girl agreeing to join them for dinner.
His sister smiled and came over slipping her arm through Auroraâ??s smiling pleasantly. â??Come let us both just hurry on down, my brother will be waiting.â? She started to lead Aurora on down the hall and toward the dining hall. â??Iâ??m Cassandra by the way.â?
Aurora smiled at the girl. "its nice to meet you Cassandra." Aurora knew she could be nice to this girl it was not her fault she was here, Aurora bit her lip a moment as the two walked to the dinning hall. she hope this dinner would be over quickly she did not want to get to know this man, she knew he could never love her.
Nathan duke of the northern mountains sat in his large chair at the head of the table just lokoing straight ahead. He had seemed to have lost a lot of his personality when his wife had died. No longer did he smile or laugh. The parties and time of joy and happiness were long gone. It seemed now that his heart was as cold as the bitter northern snow.
Aurora flowed Cassandra into the dinning hall. As she enter she saw the man sitting at the head of the table and knew he had to be the duke. She noticed he was not saying much. Aurora took her seat and looked down at her plate, her long hair fell in her face. Unlike him Aurora was full of life and warmth and it showed on her face.
Nathan had little to say hardly even noting that there was the princess at his table. Cassandra was a different matter. She was bubbly and talkative glad to spend time with Aurora and did her best to draw the princess into conversation. About half way through the meal Nathan stood up and bowed to Aurora. â??Excuse me your majesty.â? It was all he said to her before turning and leaving the room.
Aurora tried to talk to Cassandra, she thought she was very talkative but it was very sweet how bubbly she was. Aurora thought that perhaps she was just happy to have someone to talk her brother didn't seem to care about anything. Then suddenly with out a word through the whole meal he excused himself. Aurora shook her head "why would he want another wife, he seems not to care about anything" She mumbled softly to herself
Cassandra sighed watching her brother leaving the table wishing that he would get over this melancholy that he had been in so long. She heard what the princess said and turned back to her. â??Oh your majesty you must understand, he wasnâ??t like this before. When his wife died taking their unborn child with her, it was like a dark cloud settled on my brother. He just hasnâ??t ever gotten over that.â?
Lily shook her head. "well regardless of how he was he certainly not the most friendless man in the world. And i refuse to marry a man like that, someone who may only to see me to have sleep with me to have children." Tears came to her eyes at thought but she tried to push them back. "i don't know how you put up with is Cassandra if this was my brother i would have slapped him by now"
Cassandra sighed softly shaking her head slowly. â??You donâ??t understand highness. I have slapped him several times. For that brief moment I can see in his eyes that he can feel.â? She sighed and looked after her brother just shaking her head. â??My brother hasnâ??t felt anything since the moment my sister-in-law died. Only when I slap him does he feel anythingâ?¦it hurts to see him like this.â?
Lily shook her head "I am sorry Cassandra you shouldn't have to live this way." She bit her lip a moment "Why don't you return with me when i go back home. I am sure you would have a good time plus you may meet your future husband there." Lily would hate to see Cassandra trapped her forever.
Cassandra shook her head slowly. â??I couldnâ??t leave him majesty, he needs someone here to try and keep him from going mad. Otherwise he would be lost to the world forever. Until I know that he is happy again I will never leave him.â? she sighed softly looking after her brother, â??I love him too much.â?
Aurora sighed softly "your right, i would do the same thing for my brother no matter how foolish i thought he was." Aurora looked up at Cassandra "I wish there was something i could do, you deserve so much more than this"
Cassandra smiled and reached out resting her hand on Auroraâ??s. â??All I would ask of you is to give my brother time, he knows you are here to be courted by the kings orders. He wouldnâ??t allow it otherwise, he feels like it dishonors his dead wife somehow.â? She sighed, â??Just try please?â?
"i have little choice until the snow thaws." She sighed a little "but i doubt i would do much good. I wanted my husband to love me, and i wanted to love him, But by the looks of it your brother would never be able to do that, he is to much in love with a dead woman, and there is nothing i can do to change that"
Cassandra couldnâ??t help but smile a little before looking at Aurora, â??Well you will have to forgive me your majesty I have faith in you. I think you can do it.â? Little did Aurora know that Cassandra was planning ways to force the two of them together.
Aurora shrugged she didn't think it could be done but she would humor the girl. "Cassandra you can call me Aurora if you like." She said softly with a smile. She did not like being so formal anyway.
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