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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Once her father was sitting up Aurora climbed on the bed and sat with her father. "can you have breakfast with us today. we didn't see you much yesterday. You weren't at dinner" She pouted a little hoping her father would say yes.

Lily turned over mumbling to herself not wanting to wake up yet.
He laughed and snuggled his daughter close kissing her hair, â??Alright I can promise breakfast, and I can also tell you that soon mommy and I will take you both out to the woods for several days just to be a family.â?

Conner came crawling up between his parent and poked at his motherâ??s arm. â??Mommy? You awake?â?
Aurora's eyes lite up "really daddy, you won't have to be away all day doing work! and we can just play?!" she seemed to being getting so excited.

Lily felt Connor poke her arm. She pretended to be a sleep for another moment and then suddenly she grabbed pulling down to lay down with her. "what are you doing poking me" she said as she laughed at her son
Conner couldnâ??t help but start to laugh and laugh as his mother pulled him down with her snuggling into her breasts through the blanket. â??Mmm I wanted mommy awake.â?

Alan kissed his daughters hair lightly, â??Yes my dear I will be back tonight and hopefully soon we will be on a trip together so that you can get tired of having daddy around.â? he leaned over kissing his wifeâ??s neck whispering to her, â??We need to get them out of her so we can get dressed love.â?
"yeah!!!!!!!" Aurora yelled and stood up on the bed excited to go on a trip.

Lily kissed the top of Connor's head and then she heard Alan. He was write "alright you two lets get ready for breakfast. did you guys wash your faces and make your bed"

Aurora looked at her mother "but mommy what if daddy leaves...."

"he won't he said he would have breakfast with us" Lily explained

Alright" Aurora jumped from the bed and ran to their room to make her bed and then to wash her face
Alan smiled and kissed his wifeâ??s neck softly. â??Mmmm you are so good with them my love.â? He nuzzled in close his hand coming up to cup one of her breasts lightly as he growled softly in a very suggestive manner. â??Maybe I should lock the door and make us late for breakfast my love.â? He was still wanting to spend some quality love making time with his wife to make up for the months without her.
Her back arched when he cupped her breast she was aroused. and she would love nothing more than to spend the morning repeating what happen last night but she thought about the children. "i am may be a good mother but your a great father and what do you think your children will do if you lock them out."
He smiled at her nipping her neck and rubbing his hands over her body slowly. â??Mmm maybe we just have time for me to get you off than.â? He nipped at her neck as one of his hands moved down and slipped between her legs starting to rub at her clit and pussy lips lightly as his other rubbed at her breasts his mouth never leaving her neck and ear.
Lily jumped as she felt her husband touch her sensitive clit. her legs parted slightly to give him better access. Her body was enjoying his touch. "you we have repeat last night tonight if you want to" she smiled "the kids can eat dinner in their room"
He growled softly and nibbled at her neck more lightly biting at the most sensitive spots. â??Mmm I plan to my love, but right now Iâ??m focused on making you cum for me.â? He smirked and slipped two fingers into her pussy his thumb still working at her clit as his fingers thrust and rubbed at her g-spot wanting to her to squirt for him.
Lily couldn't believe how good he made her body feel. She was already building towards a climax and he had only just started to play with her sensitive flesh. Her body had truly missed him as much as her heart did. they still had months to make up for and there body would demand it
He growled into her neck and rubbed her pussy harder his fingers thrusting into her g-spot and deeper as hit thumb rubbed her clit hard. He knew just how she liked it and had learned over the years how to give her the best pleasure that any man could give his wife. â??Mmm soon we will spend days doing nothing but making love Lily I promise.â?
Lily moaned deeply as she felt her climax wash over her. After all these he still could make her cum as if it was her first time. She kissed him back deeply as she felt herself slowly come down off of her orgasm. She broke the kiss and looked deeply into his eyes "i love you"
He smiled and leaned over kissing her deeply before he slipped his fingers out of her and brought them up tasting her juices. â??Mmmm I love you too Lily.â? He then slipped out of bed and started to get dressed for the day before coming over and helping her get dressed also though he was often more of a problem then a help.
Lily climbed out of bed and began to get dressed quickly before the children returned. She felt him come up to her and she giggled "hey there trouble maker you best let me get dressed before your children return to have breakfast with you."
He smiled and nipped her neck as he both tied and untied the back of her dress making it harder for her to finish. He sighed and finally helped her finish before turning her around and pinning her against the wall looking deep into her eyes. â??I love you Lily and it is hard to contain my need to make love to you.â? His cock was still hard from when he had made her cum just a moment ago.
Lily looked into his eyes. She always desired her husband but after he was returned to her she desired him more, and could not imagine a day where he would not make love to her "Alan, i think you just want me to bad because you missed me to much" She giggled a little
He blinked and looked at her in shock. â??Um yeah, but when I was without you for so long I learned just how important you are to me, and just how much I love you and that I donâ??t show you often enough.â? He nuzzled her neck and sighed as he heard their children coming back. He nuzzled against her before drawing her slowly toward the door to join their children for breakfast.

The next week passed slowly for Alan but he needed to get all the work done both in repairing the problems caused by his absence and in what had needed to be done and wasnâ??t while his brother ruled. Finally he woke both the kids and Lily getting them dressed and out to the carriage before the sun had come up. By the time the kids were awake they were out at the cabin by the lake and would have a week there to do nothing but be a family.
Lily couldn't wait to go on vacation as a family. She just wanted to be with her husband and her children without the needs of kingdom keeping them a part. When the family finally did arrive at the cabin of course it was Aurora who was the first to be out of the carriage. She flung open the door and ran right down to the water
Alan shook his head and rushed after his daughter catching her just before the water and picking her up over his shoulder. â??Now now young lady you are not going swimming in that fine dress. Let mommy help you and Conner change but I think we are going to have lunch first.â?

Conner had gone to the back of the carriage and started to try to help unload some of the food and luggage even though he was much to short and young to be doing that.
Aurora laughed when her father caught her "but daddy i am not hungry and i thought you said we can do whatever we want, and i want to go swimming, Please daddy, please" She said with a sweet smile on her face

Lily went over to where Conner was trying help. "and what are you doing young man, i am surprise you didn't make a break for it like your sister."
Alan laughed and swung his daughter around on his shoulder before continuing on up to the carriage. â??Yes but there are still rules my dear, we can do anything we want, but you still have to listen to your father.â?

Conner looked up at his mother and then looked down feeling like he had done something bad. â??Iâ??m sorry, but I wanted to help. Was I wrong for wanting too?â?
"Alright" Aurora said almost pouting "but after lunch we can go swimming right, and daddy will you go swimming with me please please please"

Lily smiled down at her son "oh Conner your not wrong for wanting too" she then moved to kneel down on the ground in front of him she wrapped her arms around her him "i sometimes forget how good of a helper you are"
Lana laughed and lightly spanked his daughter as he placed her down on the porch before turning to head back to help unload. â??We will see my dear, and you need to stop trying to blackmail your father.â?

Conner smiled and wrapped his small arms around his motherâ??s neck hug her close. â??Thank you mommy.â?

Alan walked around the carriage and smiled, â??Should I leave you two alone?â? he asked playfully.
Aurora didn't stay on the porch she followed her father back down the carriage.

Lily looked up from Conner to see Alan she shook her head and looked back at Conner "Conner your Daddy is picking on us, we should leave him alone to unpack the carriage" Lily said playfully
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