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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

He growled his hand slipping around her hips and lightly scratching at her thigh. His hips moved with her thrust into her down thrusts and pulling back as she pushed forward giving her the most stimulation that he could. He loved his wife so much and it had been so long for them. It was true that neither of them were in their early twenties anymore, but she still was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. â??I love you my wife I will always love you.â?
At his touches Lily began to ride him harder. Her breast bouncing up and down as she did. Her inner walls pulsed around his cock as she grew wetter and hotter with ever passing second. "oh god i love you more Alan" she said in a moan. She was really turned on by him.
He loved watching her breasts bounce as she rode him hard. Leaning up he kissed her deeply his arms slipping around her waist holding her close. He held her close so she didnâ??t pull out as he moved back a little bit so that he was sitting up leaning against the head board as she rode him. he gently nipped her neck and whispered to trust him. Gently he turned her around lifting one leg up so that she could turn all the way around without taking his cock out. His hands slipped up to cup her breasts his chest now behind her back. â??Mmmm ride me lover, you always loved leaning against my chest, so lean back against me as you ride me.â?
Lily didn't know what to think at first as he swung her around all with out taking his cock from her throbbing pussy. Before she knew it she was facing the the other way and her back was pressed against his chest. she felt a whole new sensation as she began to ride him facing out. She moaned again as she moved on his memeber
He growled holding her close and nibbling lightly at her neck. His hands cupped and rubbed her breasts from behind before one of them slipped down between her legs and started to rub at her clit hard as she bounced on his thick hot throbbing rod. He growled softly into her ear loving the feel of her riding him like this. â??Mmmm my wife like?â?
Lily leaned back and rested her head against his shoulder. Her lip found his ear lob as she began to nibble and suck on the flesh. She had to pull away she moaned his name softly "you feel so good inside me"
He growled and thrust up into her with all his strength. He wanted to do this till they both passed out from exhaustion. He could think of no better way to fall asleep knowing that his wife was filled with his cum and his cock was still inside her even as they slept. â??Mmmm And you feel so good around me.â?
Lily's back arched and she he thrust into her hard. It was all to much for her and she let out a moan and she came hard around his cock. She was panting as she finishing coming it felt so go to have release after so long it seem to last forever
Just as she was coming down from her orgasm he thrust up into her one more time and came hard inside her tight pussy and womb. â??Mmmm oh god Lily.â? He nuzzled into her neck holding her close as he filled her with all the seed he had been holding on to for those months he had been gone.
Lily drew a deep breath and relaxed against him. She felt him fill her beyond belief. "Oh my god Alan, that felt so good." she nuzzled against him she was unmoving not want to dislodge his member for her pussy
He nuzzled against her neck and hair his arms still holding her tightly. His cock wasnâ??t softening at all even after cumming so hard and filling her so much. his hand brushed over her stomach which now bulged with his seed. He sighed and kissed her neck, â??I love you Lily, and I donâ??t want to stop making love to you tonight.â?
Lily needed to rest against him. She nuzzled against his neck she was panting softly "oh love i want to too, but you have have had a long long. you need to rest and get some sleep"
HE growled softly biting her neck lightly as he started to move a little underneath her again. His cock was still hard and deep inside her womb. â??I donâ??t care tonight I want to be about just us and let the rest of the world be hung.â?
Lily laughed and then kissed him. When she pulled away she had a soft smile on her lip "oh my dear if only that could be true. But if you continue tonight you will be to tired tomorrow and i don't want to see that. You should rest my love" She brushed some of his hair gently off of his forehead
He growled softly and smiled at her leaning over kissing her shoulder before his cock came out of her with a loud pop. â??Mmmm well I suppose you are right but one of these days soon Iâ??m going to take the whole day and do nothing but remind you how much I love you and how good of a lover I am.â? He laid back still naked and just smiled.
Lily felt empty when he removed himself from inside her. So she snuggled close to him her face buried in his chest. Her naked body pressed tight to him. She covered them with a blanket. "i already know how much you love me...but a whole day with the man i love so very much does sound wonderful"
He smiled and nipped her neck snuggling her close â??Mmm maybe we will just have to leave the kids here with someone and go off into the woods somewhere for a day or two and just be together.â? He nuzzled close to her imagining how good it would be to fall in love with his wife all over again.
Lily laughed a little "oh and how do you think your children would respond to that" she teased a little she knew her children wouldn't be please since they just got their father back
He sighed, she was right but if their children came with them it would be likely that the two of them wouldnâ??t get any time alone. He sighed and kissed her hair softly. â??Okâ?¦family outing then I know a cabin that the royal family keeps deep in the woods just for this. A place to get away, we will go as a family out there and just be there a week just us.â?
Lily smiled softly kissing his cheek. "i'm no fun to be with anyway. You would have much more fun playing with the kids and just being daddy for once" She tried to make the whole thing better but she knew deep down the two of them needed some alone time
He glared at her and lifted her chin looking into her eyes. â??Hey you stop beating on my wife she doesnâ??t need it.â? he leaned in kissing her deeply his hand stroking through her hair softly as he poured his love into her. â??I will make time to spend with you and find time when the kids are busy to make you scream and moan my name my love.â?
"your right we can find ways. We have before and we do it again" she gave another smile and then kissed him. This time more deeply and passionately then before.
He smiled and snuggled his wife close before letting his eyes drift closed falling asleep with her in his arms. He would make time to take his family out into the woods just because they all needed it after his time away.
Lily watched him sleep for a little while before her eyes became to heavy and she gave into sleep herself. She slept deeply that night tired from the loving making and just being in his. when morning came Lily didn't even wake when the kids suddenly entered the room. Aurora rushing straight to her father trying to wake him up "wake up daddy, wake up"
Alan slowly woke as his daughter poked and tried to wake him up. â??Mmm hello princess what is going on?â? he smiled and brushed his hand over her hair lightly before sitting up careful to keep himself covered. He looked over at Lily and lightly brushed her hair also smiling to himself just enjoying being with his family again.
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