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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Alan looked flabbergasted at his wife turning on him like that even playfully.

Conner nodded and turned his little face away from his father. â??He is being silly so he should have to do all the work.â?
Lily laughed and picked up her son walking away from Alan

"does this mean we can go swimming now?" Aurora asked from behind her father
Alan shook his head and sighed deeply. â??Fine just let your mother help you change and then you can go swimming.â? He sighed and started to unload the carriage moving the boxes of food and clothing into the cabin. All the time he would watch his wife just enjoying the sight of her with their children.

Conner stuck his tongue out at his dad then chimed in with his sister. â??Yeah swimming!!â?
Aurora clapped her hands and ran towards the house.

Lily couldn't help laugh at her defeated husband "so is that how you won the war giving in to your enemy's" Lily laughed and set Conner down so he can follow his sister Lily then went over to Alan and kissed her cheek and took a few of the bags
Conner was right behind his sister rushing in and then realizing that their parents werenâ??t with them.

Alan smiled and leaned over kissing her lips softly before loading up for another trip into the house. â??You arenâ??t my enemy Lily I donâ??t fight with you or my children.â? He smiled and slipped one arm around her already most of the stuff was inside just what they were carrying was left.
"then you are a foolish man. Cause your wife and your childern have you wrapped around there fingers so you might want to fight us" she teased him a little bit more as they finished bringing everything it
He smirked and looked at her from the side. â??Well then you have better run because Iâ??m going to come ad fight you right now then.â? He gave her just enough time to react to his statement before he started to chase her.
Lily laughed and ran towards the children. "oh no daddy is being mean again"

Aurora laughed and stood in front of her mother "daddy be nice to mommy" she said with acute smile
Alan laughed and scooped up his cute daughter pulling her up into his arms. â??How about I be mean to you then princess.â? He started to tickle her giving her just enough time to breathe.

Conner wrapped his arms around his motherâ??s leg protectively nuzzling in close just needing to know his mommy was ok.
Aurora wiggled in his arms as she laughed "daddy be nice" she laughed again "daddy be nice"

Lily bent down to her son and whispered in his ear "lets get daddy and tickle him" She waited for Conner's answer
The family spent a wonderful week together just enjoying being with each other. The kids reconnected with their father and mother, and the parents spent many hours alone with just the two of them reconnecting as well.

The years passed and both of the children grew, soon the few months when their father was gone seemed nothing but a unhappy dream. Things were progressing fast and soon it would be time that both of the children would marry. To Conner it was the last thing on his mind focusing only on learning to be the best king he could.

Aurora was another matter though. Ever since she came of age suitors had been calling on her every day it seemed like. She could never get away from them and though her father was under tremendous pressure he would not force her to marry someone she didnâ??t love.

Finally one day Alan called her into his chamber. He was sitting with Lily just holding her gently in his lap. He looked up at Aurora and smiled. â??Please my dear princess join us we have a lot to talk about.â?
Aurora had grown into a beautiful young woman. She had her mothers eyes that were a vibrant purple, maybe even more enchanting that her mothers. She was tall and slender, and her womanly curves attract many men. She was a devoted daughter, sister, and princess and really did not have any interest to marry. But she knew the day would come sooner than she would hope.

So when her father called her into his chambers she knew what it was about before he even said a word. She entered the room and took a seat "Yes Father, what is it"
Alan looked over at lily for a moment before continuing. â??Aurora I know that your mother and I promised that we wouldnâ??t force you to marry. But we do need you too find someone soon.â? he sighed deeply and looked at Lilly again, â??Your mother and I have compared notes and found someone that seems to suite both the requirements of nobility and the ideal you told your mother about some time ago. We would like you to go and meet him at his castle.â? Alan knew that this wouldnâ??t go over so well.
Aurora felt like she just got the wind punched out of her as her father spoke. She looked at her mother and then her father. "what have i done that was so horrible that you need to send me away so quickly" Aurora asked with tears in her eyes, she never wanted to be far from home, she wanted to be able to visit her family when ever she wanted. She feared that where ever they were sending her would be to far away.

"oh my dear Aurora its not like that..." Lily looked to Alan to try and explain it better she was starting to get upset just looking at her daughter
Alan sighed knowing that Aurora often used this to manipulate him and his wife into what she wanted to have happen. â??It isnâ??t that at all my dear, but I cannot continue to turn away every suitor that comes calling for your hand. You are at the age to be married, and I honestly think that once you get to know him the duke will be the man you have always dreamed of marrying.â?
"How do you know what i have always dreamed of. Maybe i never want to be married. I know i never want to be married if i don't even love the person. I want what you and mom have, but with me marrying some guy i never met how will i know if i will ever have that" Aurora was angry and hurt all the same time. she didn't know what to do

Lily sighed. "we know you never met him sweet heart but we know you and he is a good man" Lily bit her lip, she did have one issue with the man he wasn't a prince she did want her daughter to marry a prince. It would more safety a duke would be barely about to defend his land let alone his wife that may hate him.
Alan sighed deeply looking over at his wife as Aurora insisted that she wanted the perfect marriage that he and Lily had. If only she could have been there for the early months of their marriage and seen just how unperfect it was. â??Aurora listen to me, I am saying that you have to go and meet him, Iâ??m not saying you have to like it. Now will you obey your father and your king in this?â?
Aurora knew this was a battle she was going to loose and she was not happy about it. Even if she was were to go and meet him and she didn't like him that she would be forced to marry him anyway. It was just how things were done. "What choice do i have father, you going to send me there and make me marry him either way. not matter what i say"
Alan was not happy about this but he stood narrowing his eyes at his daughter. â??You need to marry my daughter there is no other option and this is the first man that your mother and I have found that is acceptable. We want you to get a chance to get to know him and find out if he is just unsuitable. Your mother and I didnâ??t have that option.â?
Aurora shook her head. "Fine father, fine, but i know i will be unsuitable for him. So i guess this man will have a wife that hates him." Aurora was hurting so much right now. She normally was not this tough, but today she felt she had to be. but her softer side was coming through as tears formed in her eyes
Its seemed that he just couldnâ??t make his daughter understand that he wasnâ??t forcing her to marry him. he was giving her a chance to get to know him and see if she liked him. â??Just go and start planning for your trip you leave in two days.â? There was nothing he could say to his daughter that would make her understand that this was more of a chance then he and Lily hadâ?¦and Lily had good reason to hate Alan.
Aurora left her their room but she didn't start packing she went out into the garden and cried. She never felt so lost or so lonely in her life her parents were forcing her to leave.

Lily sighed when Aurora left she looked at Alan. "She is stubborn...just like you." Lily felt like she had just done the worst thing possible for her daughter but in truth she needed to meet this prince, he would be a great match for her.
Alan sighed and leaned over kissing his darling wife. â??At least we are letting her get to know him. we never had that choice, and though I know the duke is a rough man, I know that he will never hurt her like I did you.â? He smiled and kissed his wife deeply brushing his hand over her cheek.

((Perhaps skip to when Aurora is arriving at the duke's castle?))
Lily nodded and hugged her husband, she still felt like the worst mother ever. She hoped her daughter would be happy.

After a few days Aurora arrived her future husbands home. upon her arrival she was told he was not there and would be returning home in the evening. She was taken to her bedroom and left to settle in. Although her room was nice she was far from happy. she felt so sad.
A maid came into her room to open up the blinds letting more light into the room. The castle was up high in the mountains where there was almost always snow. The fires in the fire places always were burning keeping the inside a nice warm glow but outside the castle was a frigid cold.
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