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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Aurora seemed lost as his lips touched her sensitive skin. It felt so wonderful. then he suddenly stopped and she sighed softly she listened as he spoke. She slowly turned around their faces were close. She held the front of her dress up with one hand but she couldn't totally cover herself and the tops of her breast showed. "I understand." Her hand touched his cheek. she was so gentle. she did not want to push him. "I just can't help wishing for more, but your still so in love with her...." she knew she could never be loved by him.
He nodded looking into her eyes his hand coming up and brushing over her cheek. She looked a lot like his dead wife, the hair color was the same as were her eyes. There were so many things that made him think about her. â??Yes, yes Aurora, I do love her I always will.â? He started to cry softly, â??but I know now that loving someone else wonâ??t make my love for her any less.â? He leaned in and kissed her deeply his hand slipping behind her neck pulling her close against his body.
Aurora wanted to believe his words so much. when he kissed her she couldn't help but kiss him back just as deeply. She didn't know why but she was starting to have feelings for him. Her body pressed tight to his her lips kissing him, she could get lost in the moment. But suddenly she broke the kiss and looked at him. "Nathan, i am not your wife, and i fear that is all i will be for you a substitute for her." She wasn't angry she had tears in her eyes. "please understand, i want to be able to have all the love of a man, i want him to rule my heart, and i want to rule his, just like you and your wife had. I fear though i won't be able to have that with you."
Nathan looked into her eyes for a long lusty moment before he pulled away more. â??Your right of course.â? He turned his back again. â??Let me know if you need an more help.â? He had been suppressing his emotions for the longest time and so it was very clear now in his voice that what she had said hurt him deeply. He walked deeper into the cave starting to take stock of what they had to work with in the cave in the way of supplies.
Aurora drew a deep breath when she heard him speak. She did not want to hurt him but that was what she did. She felt awful. A tear came to her eyes. They fell down her cheeks. She hugged her wet dress to her and sunk down to the floor. She cried softly. She couldn't believe she felt so much for a man that hated. She wanted to call him back to her. but knew she he needed a break. She shivered as she watch the flames of the fire and cried softly.
Nathan continued his work deeper in the cave his mind starting to sink back into the darkness that had held it for so long. Only this time it was mixed with self loathing, how could he have thought for a moment that a princess could have feelings for him, after all his heart was already given and he should remember that. He loved his wife but Aurora had started to slip into his feelings as well. He couldnâ??t stay here with her he would have to go back out into the storm and make his way back to the castle. He turned and headed for the door but in the process he saw her laying on the floor crying. His heart melted again and he came over to her his hand brushing over the soft skin of her back as he leaned down kissing her neck again.
Aurora couldn't believe how her feelings had changed for him in just a few hours but now he filled her mind. She couldn't believe that she suddenly felt his touch on her cold skin. She savored it a moment, but then she turned her head to look at him, tears still in her eyes. "I know you can never love me, but for tonight can you just stay here until i fall a sleep" She asked him softly.
He smiled and nodded slowly before he slowly helped her sit back up. â??Yes, I will stay at least till then.â? He pushed the shoulders of her dress down and kissed her hair lightly. â??Come on lets get you out of those clothes or you will get sick.â? He pulled off his cloak and wrapped her around her so she could finish undressing.
Aurora smiled softly. "You should smile more, you have a really nice smile" She then held his cloak around her and then finally removed her dress. She did her best to keep herself covered as she did so but she was sure that he caught a peak of her. Once she was undressed she tossed her dress aside and wrapped the cloak around her. Then she rested her head against his shoulder. Her naked body pressing against him.
He tried not to look but there was no way he couldnâ??t see how perfect her body was. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close. Even through the cloak he could feel how cold she was and he knew that he had to do something about that. He kissed her neck softly. â??Stay here I will be right back.â? He stood and quickly went back and got some blankets he found in the supplies bringing them to her he wrapped them both up after taking his shirt off. â??There now press against my body, donâ??t worry about making me cold, we need to get you warmed up and direct skin to skin contact is the best way.
Aurora watched as he got up once he disappeared in the back of the cave she quickly took one of the cloaks and laid it down on the floor. She made a make shift bed. She then sat down on it and waited for him to return she smiled. She was glad to see he returned with more blankets. She starred for a long time when he took off his shirt she couldn't help it. "thank you" Aurora grabbed his hand and pulled him to lay down with her covering them both up. Her bare chest was pressed against his. Her face nuzzled his necki.
Nathan laid under her his large strong arms wrapped around her naked body holding her close against him. he tried to fight the feelings of arousal rising up in him as she pressed her naked chest against his letting him feel those perfect breasts. He bit his lip lightly trying to think of anything else but not being able too. Down inside his pants his cock stirred for the first time in years in response to anything but a dream about his dead wife. He softly kissed her hair stroking it with his hand and rubbing lightly over her back.
Aurora sighed happily as he she felt his lip touch her hair, and she felt his hand on her back. It was nice to held like this. When he wasn't angry Aurora noticed how handsome he was. there was a softness in his eyes just trying to break through. She couldn't help but wish he would care about the way she wanted him too. "this nice, although i am sure to be able to stand having me so close to you, you be pretending i am wife" She said softly. She knew that was the only way he would ever want to be close to her, is to pretend she was a dead woman.
He shook his head slowly knowing that what she said was only partially true. â??No Aurora its not true, I donâ??t think you are my wife, I know you arenâ??t.â? he gently lifted her chin to look into her eyes his hand brushing over her cheek. â??You do remind me of her, but I know that she is dead and you are not her.â? he sighed kissing her forehead. â??I still have some issues to deal with but I think once they are done I can let her rest in peace.â?
Aurora couldn't help but feel hopeful that he would be able to let his wife rest and perhaps open his heart and allow it to love her like she had always dreamed, like she had seen her parents love. Aurora leaned forward pressing more to herself against him. "I haven't thanked you for saving me" Her lips lingered over his and then finally she kissed him deeply.
He looked into her eyes for along time before she kissed him and he kissed her back. His hand slipped up into her golden locks pulling her tight against his entire body not being able to hide his thick shaft from her any more. He growled lightly into the kiss his hand rubbing down her back to her ass pulling her tight against him.
Her cold hard nipples pressed tight to his chest as the two shared a deep kiss. She loved the feelings of his hands on her. it was wonderful. But she slowly had to break the kiss needing a breath of air and she just wanted to look into his handsome face. "I can't believe how nice this is. Just being here in your embrace"
He brushed his hand down over her nice firm ass looking into her eyes and sighing deeply. â??I know, I never thought that any woman could make me feel so in love and loved like she did.â? he kissed her forehead lightly sighing. â??I spent so long not being able to love, I just hope I remember how to be in love.â?
Aurora smiled softly. part of her couldn't believe what he was saying, he wanted to love again. She hoped he could. She had fallen for him, and fast since he began to change, since his heart of ice began to melt. "I hope so too" Aurora finally said softly.
His hand brushed over her back as he looked down into her eyes smiling before lightly kissing her lips. His naked chest pressed against hers as they lay there him kissing her softly all the while trying his best to not get hard underneath her.
Aurora's eyes starting to close and she opened them again. Finally she couldn't fight it any more she fell a sleep. Her naked chest pressed against his. she was sleeping quietly.
He sighed deeply as she relaxed and fell asleep. He soon let himself also relax down into sleep. The night passed and day came around with him sleeping better than he had in awhile. Though as he was asleep there was nothing to keep him from responding to the naked skin touching his and his cock was standing at full attention even before he was awake.
Aurora slept wonderfully through the night. Her body warmed all the way and she slept deeply. In the night had moved closer to him her leg now draped over his butt. Her pantie clad womanhood now touching his stiff cock.
He stirred slightly under her his hands rubbing her back softly still not really noticing anything or totally waking up. All he felt was the warmth of her body against his and sighed deeply letting himself start to drift back into deeper sleep
Aurora slowly began waking up. She had slept so well and so deeply she didn't want to wake up. As she fought to go back to sleep she began to nuzzle his neck in an attempt to go back to sleep.
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