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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

"my plan to get you to be nicer" She said with a sweet smile. she leaned against him. Her hands slid under his cloak and ran up and down his back. Finally the last part of what he said hit her like a ton of bricks "Did you just call me your love?"
He smiled and brushed a hand into her hair looking into her eyes as he leaned in kissing her softly . “Yes Aurora I did. I’m falling in love with you and can’t stop myself.” He brushed his hand over her cheek noticing everything that was the same about her and his wife. But more importantly noticing the differences which seemed to stand out even more.
Aurora looked shocked she couldn't believe what he had just said. She smiled softly "I think the cold is going to your head, i think your just happy" She shrugged a little she was afraid of getting hurt because she was starting to love him. But she thought maybe she was just a replacement for his wife. that he could never really and truly love her
He smiled and looked into her eyes smiling and brushing his hand over her back and over her skin lightly. “I know that it seems that way Aurora. But you don’t really understand.” He leaned down and lightly kissed her neck. “I do see my wife in you but I can remember every inch of my wife’s body. and you are not her. there are so many small differences in how you react to my touches and how your body is made that I could never get you mixed up with her.”
Aurora looked at him. She had real hope in eyes, she hoped what he said was true, she hope they could be together they she had dreamed of but she was a little nervous that he would change he his mind once he returned home and he did not have to spend every moment like with her like he did in the cave. "I want to believe you, because i am starting to fall in love you too, it just....." She paused and shook her head "never mind we should just head back to your castle"
He smiled and nodded kissing her neck and then brushing her hood back up so that she was protected from the cold again. He took her hand again and started them on toward the castle again. It was still an hour before they got back to the castle and he stopped a few times to show her things. Finally they made it back the servants and Cassandra quickly getting them inside and in front of a large fire with hot drinks and food for them. They were on a large couch sitting on each side of it one seat between them. He looked over at her and patted the seat beside him wanting her to come closer.
Although it was cold it was a nice walk back to castle, she loved how he showed her different things as they walked he did love his land. When they finally reached the castle she was so glad to be back in the warmth she was glad to see Cassandra was ok. Aurora was happy when they were sitting infront of the warm fire. But she became happier when he called her over to sit next to him. She moved and took a seat next him her feet tucked underneath her and her head came to rest against him. "are you glad to be home?"
He softly slipped his arms around her holding her close and lightly kissing her hair. It wasn’t the same as sleep almost naked together but it still felt wonderful to have her close to him. “Yes I am glad to be home. Though I think I’m going to miss having you all to myself like I did out in that cabin.” He smiled his hand rubbing her arm lightly as he nuzzled into her hair.
"I could go get lost out in the cold again and you could find me again" She said with a little laugh. Aurora looked up at him smiling, "i am going to miss not sleeping next to you tonight" She admitted to him. Aurora then put her cup down on the table infront of him and grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and she wrapped it around them.
He smiled and gently snuggled her close his arms around her as they snuggled together under the blanket not knowing that Cassandra was watching from the partially open door. He kissed her neck softly sighing. “I know I will miss you as well Aurora. I have gotten used to having your warm naked body next to mine. But what would my sister say if she heard us like this? Sounds almost as though we have already made love.”
"I know, i guess here we can't be as free as we were out there." She nuzzled his neck a little. She could help but think perhaps some day they would together the way they both wanted. "perhaps you will just have to sneak into my room" Lily laughed a little.
He laughed softly kissing her neck softly holding her close. “Or you into my love.” His hand brushed her hair and just sat there holding her in the light of the fire. He didn’t know what to say and just didn’t need to say anything just holding her and letting his love for her show.
Aurora closed her eyes a moment and savored the fact that he called her his love, she loved that so much. She knew she would never get tired of that. Aurora rested against she snuggled tight against him, her arms were wrapped around him. She soon fell a sleep just as she was.
Nathan stroked her hair holding her for a long time just enjoying her closeness. He sat there looking into the far dealing with demons of his past as they came to his mind because he wanted nothing more than to love Aurora and that meant dealing with all this. Finally he fell asleep holding her close against his chest a blanket over them just keeping them warm as the fire burned brightly.
The fire burned for man hours as it hour past it grew less and less until finally it was just embers. It wasn't long after that Aurora began to shiver from the cold. She woke up and saw that they were both on the couch and smiled. She kissed him softly before moving off of him in search of another blanket to keep them warm.
It was late into the night as the fire died but that wasn’t what woke him. Nathan missed her warmth not the warmth of the fire. He smiled and sat up looking around for her wondering where she had went too.
Aurora stood not far from him trying to see through the dark for another blanket. Her hands were on hips and she sighed "where is another blanket." She mumbled out loud to herself not knowing he was awake
He smiled as she offered such a tempting target. He stood up the moonlight spilling in the room but not touching either of them. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back against his chest kissing her neck softly. “There are plenty of blankets on both of our beds.” He whispered.
Aurora jump a little when she suddenly felt his arms go around her."Nathan you startled me i thought you were a sleep, I am sorry i woke you, the fire burned out and i wanted to make sure you were warm enough so i was in search of another blanket." She smiled as he said there were blankets on there beds. "And i want to go my bed if you join in it." She said in a sweet innocent voice.
He smiled and leaned down kissing her softly his hand rubbing over her back lightly. “I would be glad to join you in your bed my love.” He smiled and wrapped the blanket they had been using around her shoulders before he led her to the door. The moon was out and shining brightly over the snow covered land. He slipped an arm around her waist holding her close against his side before starting to lead her back to her room the large windows letting the moonlight in giving a almost dream like quality to the walk.
Aurora smiled brightly when he said he would join her in bed. Her face even lite up as she looked at him. As they walked to her bed room she leaned against him. If anyone would see them and not know about the past they would think they were a couple deeply in love instead of a couple of people just finding there way through this new relationship. They reached her door and Aurora opened the door. she looked at him with a soft smile and then entered the room hoping he would follow. SHe sat down on the bed waiting for him. She still wore her dress from that day but she didn't care she was happy to be sharing a bed with him.
He smiled watching her slowly walk into her room. He soon stepped in and shut the door behind him. he looked over her body in the dress not being able to help wanting her badly. He walked over and knelt in front of her kissing her lips lightly brushing his hand over her cheek. “You must be uncomfortable in that dress Aurora, would you like me to call one of your ladies to help you remove it for the night?”
Aurora touched his cheek softly when he knelt in front of her. She kissed him back softly. She smiled and shook her head "No need to wake someone, besides you have help me before, would you mind helping me again?' She questioned softly then slowly rose from the bed and turned her back to him so he can help her. her heart was racing at the thought of his hands touching her skin.
He smiled and brushed his hands up her sides as he stood. Leaning in he kissed her neck his hands moving to the back of her dress slowly starting to unbutton it slowly. His lips trailed over her neck as his hands pushed the fabric back from her skin once again slowly uncovering her beautiful body to his hands and lips as he moved them lower down her back.
It felt like hours had past since she turned around. ever second felt like minutes as she waited to see if he would help her undo her dress. then suddenly she caught her breath in her throat as she felt his hand slide up her sides. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Then she felt his lip against her neck and down her back her knees felt weak. He had such a power effect on her
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