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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

He smiled and snuggled her close brushing his hand against her cheek just sighing softly. “Well I suggest we get up and get breakfast and then maybe curl up near a fair together were a good book or two.” He kissed her hair lightly one hand brushing over her naked back lightly.
"now that sounds like a perfect idea" Aurora couldn't help but think how wonderful it was that he was able to spend time like that with her, not like her father who had very little time to spend with her. Aurora rose from the bed and went to her closet. The cold air made her nipples hard so she quickly put on a dress.
He smiled but pouting a little as she got out of the bed though he did enjoy watching her naked body. He sighed softly finding his desire for her rising again. After she was dressed he came over to her gently wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against his naked chest as he kissed her enck softly. “I love you Aurora, and I want you to be my bride as soon as we can.”
Although she was now dressed aurora still shivered from the cold. her dresses were not warm enough for such cold weather. but her being cold was soon remedied when he came over and wrapped his strong arms around her. When he spoke Aurora's forehead wrinkled and she pulled back a little to look in his eyes. "Nathan, are you asking me to marry you?"
He had thought that he had said as much to her before making it clear that he loved her and wanted her to be his. He smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek. “I am, though I thought I made it clear how I felt about you and how I wanted you with me forever already.” He gently leaned down kissing her softly his hands rubbing her arms softly.
"well yes, you made that clear, its just you wanted to give it time before marrying me." Aurora looked up at him a soft smile on her lips, "You know i love you and want so badly you to be my husband, and we could be together forever"
He smiled and brushed his hand over her cheek looking deep into her eyes before leaning down and kissing her deeply. “Aurora, I want you as my wife from now till the day one of us dies. But I want you to be sure so don’t accept unless you are sure that I love you as I claim too.” He knew she had been struggling with him still loving his dead wife but perhaps last night had been what she needed.
Aurora looked up at him she knew what he was saying, she knew she had some issues with him being married before. "I understand Nathan, but i do love you to much to let my few fears get in the way. And i think perhaps some of my fears come from loving you so much, and i think i am always going to be a little worried, that had your wife not have passed away i would not have the chance to find my soul mate"
He smiled and pulled her closer kissing her deeply his hands rubbing down her back and over her tight firm ass. “I know, but there is no need to worry about that my love since it didn’t happen.” He brushed one hand back up and cupped her cheek lightly looking into her eyes. Rather suddenly he dropped down to one knee taking her hands in his looking up into her eyes. “Aurora, may I ask for your hand in marriage?”
Aurora knew she shouldn't worry about such things and she would try her hardest not to let anything from his past bother her. She about to kiss him back when he suddenly dropped to his knee she looked at him with surprise. Her eyes began to water as he officially asked her to marry him. she nodded quickly to him."Yes. Yes"
He smiled and stood up kissing her lip again deeply rubbing his hands down over her back again before turning to grab his shirt. “Mmmm maybe we should get out of this room before I do things we might now want to happen yet.” He smiled and pulled his shirt on slipping an arm around her waist leading her to the door.
Aurora's happiness was was covering her face she couldn't help but show it. He wanted to marry her, she couldn't believe it. She leaned against him as they walked. "did you want to tell your sister, or did you want to wait"
He smiled and held her close kissing her hair lightly and brushing one hand over it. “She probably already has guessed finding us in bed this morning.” He nuzzles into her hair leading her down to the kitchen where the chef and his team quickly started on something for them for breakfast. He held her close all through breakfast just enjoying being with her not wanting to let her go even while they ate.
Aurora leaned against him all through breakfast. She really didn't care what she ate. She just wanted to be close to him. She nibble on her food day dreaming what their wedding was going to be like, and what there wedding night was going to be like. SHe couldn't wait. "My love how soon can we get married?"
He smiled and snuggled her closer kissing her neck. “Mmmm I don’t know my love, but I want it too be soon. for that we will need to talk to my sister.” he sighed and once they were done eating he drew her close once again and headed toward one of the large sitting rooms with a large fire where they could be alone and warm and just be together. “I worry that we might have to wait till the snow melts in the spring so that your parents can come.”
She was excited that he wanted to get marry soon. She too wanted to marry him soon. She followed him to the room. And she left his side for a moment setting blankets and pillows in front of the fire. She looked at him it sort of looked like how they were in the cave. "i want me parents here so badly when we get married, but spring is so far away"
He smiled as she laid the blankets down and moved over to lay down on them patting the spot next to him invitingly. “I know love but if we have too I can wait for you till then.” He smiled drawing her down to him and kissing her neck softly rubbing his hands over her arms lightly.
Aurora laid down on their make shift bed. She snuggled up close. She loved being in front of the fire even though she was still cold she was still not use to the cold. "stupid snow, the only good thing about it is i get to snuggle with you"
He smiled and kissed her lightly snuggling her close using his body to reflect the heat back so that infront of him was warmer which is where she was. He kissed her neck nipping it softly his hands rubbing over her arms and down under them to cup her breasts. “I know love but think of it, once we are married we will have months and months of snow that winter and we can use all that time in bed making up for the lost time this winter.”
Aurora kissed him and smiled. "mmm that would be nice" she giggled "perhaps we can also use that time to make something else" She hinted a little that maybe they would also try to have a baby. She didn't know how soon he wanted to have children, or if he even wanted them at all. Aurora couldn't help but think about it.
He smirked and snuggled her close rubbing her sides and looking down into her eyes sighing deeply. “I’m going to have a hard time not doing that this winter love…” he kissed her again growling softly his body burning with need for her already and he had months with her that they would have to control themselves from going too far. It was going to be the closest thing to hell being frozen over.
Aurora's hand cupped his cheek. "i know my dear, i know, every time you touch me i want more, and more. It driving me made. Again i say stupid snow." She looked down a little she wanted so much more. She was almost thinking she was not going to be able to wait till the snow thaws.
He sighed and kissed her hand and then frozen thinking a idea coming to him that might solve both their problems. “Aurora…you want to marry me and won’t let anyone stand in your way not even your father? Because if that is the case…I might have a idea that will let us be together this winter and still have the marriage for your parents.”
Aurora cocked her head to one side. She looked into his eyes. SHe didn't know what he meant. "i don't understand how is that possible?"
He bit his lip softly worried that he shouldn’t have even brought this idea up. It wouldn’t be the best thing since the king probably would object when he found out but the other option was to test their will power till the winter was over…that would be a bad outcome most likely. “We could have a wedding here with my family priest and be married in the sight of god and the law where as we have the public one later when everyone can be there.”
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