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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Aurora looked at him for a long moment. She wanted to say yes so badly, but then she thought about her family. She first thought about how her parents would feel when they found out. she worried that they might be hurt by it. Aurora bit her lip. "i don't know i want to so badly but i worry that it might cause trouble. i don't know if it will." Aurora was so confused.
He smiled and sighed softly gently pulling her close into his lap and kissing her neck softly. “I know…I want you to say yes love, but I don’t want you to force yourself.” He rubbed his hands over her sides slowly looking up into her eyes and sighing. “I guess we will just have to control ourselves till spring won’t we my love?”
Aurora knew there was no other option but to wait. Her family would so hurt if they got married and they were not there to see it. Aurora was lucky though Nathan was a great man and was able to wait, although it was tough for both of them. But there was a bright side their love grew and soon it surpassed the love that her father and mother shared.

Soon the snow melted and they were on their way back to her home. As the carriage pulled up to her castle she grew excited. She could wait to see everyone. She looked at Nathan. "oh i can't believe it." She said she was excited as a child she almost couldn't wait for the carriage to stop. She did not tell her parents that she was coming. She didn't even let her brother know. She wanted to surprise them. When the carriage finally did stop Aurora got out of the carriage and took Nathan's hand and entered the castle she went to the throne room where she knew her family was.
Nathan smiled and followed her gently stopping her before the doors to the throne room and pulling her back into his arms. “I love you Aurora, and no matter what happens I want you as my wife.” He smiled and leaned down kissing her deeply his hand brushing over her cheek lightly as he just held her there. Those months together in his castle had almost been to much for him and now they were so close…he wasn’t sure that this marriage could happen soon enough for him.
Aurora suddenly was stopped before she could open the doors. She looked at him a moment but then her face soften with a smile. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back deeply. "i love you more, and i hope by tomorrow night you are my husband" She hoped that they would not need so big lavish wedding. she just wanted her family there. Aurora kissed his cheek and then turned to open the door. As she opened it. she saw her Father and her Brother. then her Mother came into view, she just took a moment to look at them she was so happy to see them again.
They were all gathered in the throne room just enjoying some time as a family since the court wasn’t in session at the moment. As the doors opened and Aurora came into view Alan just smiled and seeing Nathan standing behind her just made him smile all the more. he leaned over and kissed Lilly’s neck lightly. “I think we need to be ready for a wedding soon.” he whispered to her.

Nathan just lightly held Aurora’s hand as they came into the throne room and moved over to the family. As they drew closer he dropped to one knee at the distance that a duke was supposed to close with the king. Letting Aurora’s hand go since she could move closer to her family.
Lily's heart almost skipped a beat when she saw Aurora come through the door. She couldn't believe her daughter had returned home and with the man Aurora swore to hate when she left. Now it looked as though Alan was right. Lily stood and took Alan with her as she moved to Aurora and hugged.

Aurora wrapped her arms around her mother. "i have missed you" She said. then pulled away and gave her father a hug. "and i have missed you father"
Alan smiled and wrapped his arms around his dear daughter kissing her hair lightly. “Welcome home Aurora, and I’m sorry for my trick in forcing you to stay up there after the first snow.” He looked at the duke before pulling away from his daughter and walking over to him. “Rise Nathan,”

Nathan slowly stood up and was shocked when the king shook his hand like a equal.

Alan clapped him on the shoulder and moved him over toward the group of family. “When we are just here as family then please treat me as a father not a king. And from what I can see Aurora my trick worked you were able to get through to him.”
Aurora smiled at her father and put her hands on her hips. "you are a wicked trickster father." She moved over to Nathan and wrapped her arms around him, "at least this time you used your wickedness for good"

Lily smiled "so it looks like you too are in love, perhaps marriage?"

Aurora looked at Nathan then to her mother and nodded her head quickly
Alan smiled and nodded his head in agreement, “I think that is perfect. Now lets see we will have to check with the cook and make sure that it is announced with plenty of time for people to be able to get here. so…sometime next month I would think we can have it without too much trouble.”
Aurora's eyes grew huge as her father spoke. She couldn't wait a month. She wanted to be Nathans wife now. "um father, Nathan and i were thinking that we should have a simple wedding. there is no need to go through all that trouble. Perhaps we should just get married tomorrow"
Nathan looked at Aurora whispering “Tomorrow? We have to wait?”

Alan couldn’t stop himself from laughing a little at the clear feelings of love between the two and the desire to be together. “Ok ok I will be good and let you two marry tomorrow rather then waiting. I mean its not like I would deny anything to my darling little girl.” He smiled and kissed her cheek lightly looking at his wife and winking slightly clearing having enjoyed teasing the two of them.
Lily shook her head. "well it gives me time to get a few things ready. Aurora if you like you can wear my wedding gown."

"really mother?" Aurora asked and Lily nodded Aurora hugged her. "thank you" then Aurora went and hugged her father. "and thank you for not making us wait a month." She laughed. and let her father go and stood by Nathan. "Where is Connor?"
“Waiting for my turn at you.” Her brother said from his place behind his parents. He smirked and came forward hugging his sister and brushing his hand over her hair. “You look great sis, better then when you left, I think that the mountain air agrees with you.”

Nathan stepped over his arm slipping around Aurora’s waist gently snuggling her close. “If we have to wait then I guess one day is better then a few months.” he kissed her hair lightly and the family all welcomed the new member in since the two of them might as well be married as it is.
Aurora smiled when she saw Connor she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "you have to be more pushy if you are going to be king some day" She teased her brother. "and thank you, it is so nice there you will have to come for a visit"

She finally let go of her brother and nodded at Nathan. she looked at family "its so good to be home"
The rest of the day passed quickly for them as Aurora and her mother as well as many of the maids disappeared into part of the castle to get the preparations made for Aurora and the chapel. While Nathan and the king went out to talk for long hours, no one sure about what but the two of them. the day passed and it went on into the next one the chapel ready and the ladies all helping her get ready as the wedding was to be held within the hour. Nathan was already waiting at the front of the church dressed to the nines and waiting for his love.
It seemed like everything happened in whirl wind for Aurora. She spent most the day with her mother getting things ready. She spent the other portion of the time try to find Nathan but he was always with her father. She glad however that they were getting along or atleast that was what she thoughts.

Before Aurora knew it she was entering the chapel on her father's arm. Her eyes lit up she saw the man loved and would spend forever with. She could only see him.
He smiled looking up at her a she entered and just about couldn’t stay standing. She looked so beautiful and he wanted nothing more than to take her home and have her be his for all time. He would have to wait he knew that but tonight she would be in his bed and this time he didn’t have to stop unless she asked him too. He took her arm from her father and moved them both up to the front of the alter kneeling before it as the family priest slowly went through the ritual.
AS she took Nathans arm and knelled before the the priest she kept glancing over her shoulder at him. she couldn't believe this was happening. She also couldn't believe how long this was taking. It seem to take forever every minute seem to tick loudly in her ear. Then finally the priest said the words she was longing to hear "i know pronounce you man and wife you may kiss your bride"
Nathan didn’t have to be told to kiss her as soon as he heard the words that made them husband and wife, he turned slipped his arms around her one around her waist and back, the other behind her neck as he kissed her deeply. all his passion poured out into that kiss holding her close against his body not caring that others could see all the passion he held for her.

Finally he released her and from those few assembled there was a cheer. It was a rather informal wedding that allowed them to just be family as her parents came up to them still at the alter. Ralph couldn’t help but be smiling as he took Nathan’s hand shaking it his eyes happy but serious. “You better take good care of her.” he smiled embracing his new son-in-law as his wife was with Aurora.
Aurora kissed him just as deeply. Every ounce of passion she had went into that kiss. Her love for him swelled in that moment so much that tears fell from her eyes. She was the happiest woman a live. Finally when they did break the kiss she saw her father come up to her new husband. She hugged her father. "you have nothing to worry about daddy, he will take care of me and i will take care of him for the rest of my life" She whispered in her Father's ear.
Alan smiled and hugged his darling daughter back softly kissing her hair and brushing his hand over to soft silky locks. “I know that Aurora, or I wouldn’t have let him marry you.” He pulled back his hand brushing over her cheek tears in his own eyes looking at her and no longer seeing his little girl but a woman now married. “I had the east wing guest rooms prepared for you since no one is out there, I thought you two would like to have some privacy. Now take your new husbands out there and the soonest I want to see either of you is breakfast tomorrow…or lunch if you are like your mother.”
(i thought her father's name was Alan, lol it has been a while since we role played)

Aurora cheeks blushed at her father she knew what he was implying. "thank you father" she said almost meekly as she was still blushing. Aurora turned to Nathan with a soft smile. and then the two began to walk to the east wing as her father had instructed. As the two walked to looked up at her husband. "I love you so much"
He walked with her stopping her when she turned toward him. he gently pulled her close kissing her deeply his hand brushing over her hair lightly. “I love you too Aurora, and I have been waiting to have you as my bride for months.” he smiled and slowly led her to the door of the guest room opening it and letting them both in. he held her hand slowly leading into the bed room of the suite and then closing the door behind them wanting to be totally alone with his wife. All around the room candles had been lit casting a warm romantic glow over the bed.

((You are right, sorry))
Aurora smiled and kissed his cheek and then continued to the guest room with him. She was so glad they could finally be together. She entered the bed room and looked around amazed at how romantic it looked. She looked at the bed and it looked inviting, but she waited for him to make a move, she had never done this before, she was a little nervous but she was excited as well.
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