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Forced Love (KolathxNightsorceress)

Auroras inner walls pulsed around her, she was very warm and wet. She leaned forward a little and whispered into his ear "i love you" before she playfully nibbled on it. She didn't know where this side of her came from but she was starting to enjoy it.
He smirked and nibbled at her neck softly growling into her ear. “Mmmm I love you too.” His thrusts slowly started to moved faster inside her as she was clearly relaxing into the moment and enjoying the pleasure he was giving her. He thrust deep into her with each thrust moving hard and long into her tight wet passage filling her with his cock faster and faster each time.
Auroras hips began to meet his thrusts she was slipping further and further into the sensations he was causing in her woman hood. She moaned softly feeling how big and deep his was inside her she didn't think he could go any further inside her tiny body. She was becoming really wet as she grew closer to her climax.
He thrust hard into her taking her with all the passion and desire that had been building up over their months snowed in together. He hadn’t been with a woman in years and the feel of her around him was enough to already be drawing him closer and closer to his orgasm. His former bride had been very talented at helping him hold out for her to finish and he remembered those tricks and was no using them all to keep from finishing before his love.
With every thrust from him she felt as though she would be pushed over the edge, but she tried to hold back she was enjoying the feeling of him inside her to much. But soon she no longer could fight it, she moaned his name and she came hard around his member. squeezing him tightly with her inner walls.
Over the last few months together he had been taking the time to introduce his soon to be bride to the pleasures of the flesh. However he had not taught her or let her help him with his need. So for the last few months he had been holding back and so his control was not as good as it should have been. As he thrust into her that last time that she came around his thick shaft he felt his control melt. He moaned and panted pushing deep into her as he came hard deep inside her filling her with his hot seed. He slowly panted nuzzling her neck and nipping it softly. “I love you Aurora.”
Aurora was panting hard as she felt him fill her with his seed. It felt so wonderful to her to have him so deep inside her, and it felt even more wonderful that they were now free to be with each other. "i love you too" She whispered in his ear. Her arms were wrapped around him hold him close to her never wanting to let go of him or this moment.
They continued their long passionate love making late into the night, the sounds of their love could be heard well outside their room filling most of the family’s wing. It sparked some continued love from her parents as they were reminded of their first years together after he had taken back the castle. They had spent days locked in their rooms together only letting the servants in with food.

The only one of the family that wasn’t enjoying their partner of course was Conner. He had spent so much time looking for a wife. As the crown prince ladies were always coming to him looking for him to marry them. many of them trying to entrap him by taking them to his bed. He had never given in to them, Now there had been a few maids that had warmed his bed, all of whom could speak to his tenderness, and his sizeable endowment.

Tonight however there was no one in his bed. And he had to listen to the sounds of lovemaking ringing through the family’s wing. Tonight was the night that he wasn’t going to just stay where he was like a good prince. For the longest time he knew that he would have to take the throne when his father died. Now that Aurora was married…her husband could take it if his father died. Conner wanted to make his own life…so that night Conner slipped away into the darkness of the night leaving behind the world that he knew and the people that he loved.
That night as the prince slipped away a ship pulled into port. It had a dark purpose one that was not looked kindly on in the kingdom. A tiny row boat slide across the water to the docks where a man stood waiting. Two larger men moved from the boat standing on the docks facing the man. "you got the money." ask one of the men to the man standing on the dock. "of course sir now show me the goods" he tone was nothing but pure evil.

The two men reached down into the boat and grabbed a young woman, rail thin and dirty, but beautiful. she was an exotic creature with sun kiss skin, differently not from these lands. "one savage virgin as you ask" The men gave a laugh as they tossed the young frighten creature at the mans feet. "Perfect" grinned the man and paid for his fresh new toy
Weeks passed and there was no sign of Conner anywhere. However there was a new knight. He bore the mark of the oak leaf on his shield and answered to the name of Coran. He was a freelance knight, his hair dark and seeming to almost absorb light itself as you looked at it. He rode now down a path heading for a large castle. He had heard that he could find work here, it had been about a week since the money that Conner had taken for his own use had run out and he needed to ply his one skill…that with the blade.
He walked into the large main hall, finding it greatly different then his father’s. the men sitting at the tables were all rough and grabbing at the food tearing it and eating like savages. He had seen a lot in his time on the road but this was the worst. He was shown to the raised dais where the lord of the castle sat eating and acting just like the others. This was something eh would have to get used too if he was going to work here he could tell.

Weeks passed and there was no sign of Conner anywhere. However there was a new knight. He bore the mark of the oak leaf on his shield and answered to the name of Coran. He was a freelance knight, his hair dark and seeming to almost absorb light itself as you looked at it. He rode now down a path heading for a large castle. He had heard that he could find work here, it had been about a week since the money that Conner had taken for his own use had run out and he needed to ply his one skill…that with the blade.

He walked into the large main hall, finding it greatly different then his father’s. the men sitting at the tables were all rough and grabbing at the food tearing it and eating like savages. He had seen a lot in his time on the road but this was the worst. He was shown to the raised dais where the lord of the castle sat eating and acting just like the others. This was something eh would have to get used too if he was going to work here he could tell.
The lord of the castle saw the new knight and rose from the table. "ahh you must be Coran i heard from some of my other knights that you were coming, you sword is legend." The man looked down right evil and suited the place and company he kept. "I am glad you are here, i have special project for you" He put his hand on Coran's shoulder and walked him towards a large door. "take this key and see if you can get the creature in the middle cell to break, this creature proven to be most diffcult, wrost than a horse" He gave Coran his first job and then left to rejoin his friends

In the cell sat the rail thin girl from the docks, she had been badly beaten and bored on death now. She was huddle in a little ball her pressed against her knees hiding her swollen face from where mans fists have been hitting. her clothes in rags she was shaking uncontrollably.
Conner looked at her and sighed softly. He closed the door and went back out into the dining hall, he gathered some food and water. When the master of the castle came over and demanded to know what he was doing Conner simply explained, “You want her to live I assume?” it wasn’t really a question as Conner went back to the cell. He had brought simple food easy on the stomach and so she would be able to eat it without trouble. He placed the food down with the water before turning back out and asking a servant to bring hot water and some bandages. He then sat down and looked across at her smiling slightly. “Hello…you don’t have to worry I am not going to hurt you.”
The girl pulled herself closer to the wall when she heard the cell door open, she was shocked see food being laid in front of her but that was not her concern. She worried about being hit again, she worried that the man would try to touch her womanly area's but she was once again shocked to hear he was not going to hurt her, and she could hear the truth in his voice. "she lifted her head and he could he eyes held tears and locked on his pleading. "he will hurt me......please get me out" was all she seemed to say before she went into a coughing fit coughing up her own blood. "i don't want to die here" she managed to say while coughing.
He wanted to rush over and help her but heard the servants coming. He sighed softly and waited till they had dropped off the bandages and left again. In a moment he was by her side and helped her sit up leaving her back against his chest as he drew the food and water closer. “Shhhhh, don’t worry I won’t let you die here.” he brushed her hair back and brought a cup full of water up to her lips. “Drink, we need you to get stronger.”
The girl whimpered as he moved her. She grew concerned when he said she needed to get stronger she had other tells her the same thing. She became scared and try to move from his arms "no you will just give me to him when your done" she moved the best she could back into the corner of the cell. She was so afraid now. She knew what this ones plans were to get her strong and healthy and to trust him then she would be given to the monster that brought her here.
He sighed and shook his head slowly. He could see a lot of things in her eyes and knew that someone had tried to use her trust against her before. He still held out the cup of water to her waiting for her to take it. “Think about it, you asked me to help you escape. In the condition you are in I would end up having to carry you most of the way. How far do you think we would get before they caught us with me carrying you?” he realized she needed something more and had a idea but he needed to get her to trust him first.
She shook her head and pulled her knees to her chest. She was like a frighten animal and that how the other saw her, animal needing to be broken in. "Don't lie to me, i know, i know i am going to die in this cage" she said as tears came to her eyes, she had no reason to trust him. "your not here to help me, if you were i would be free already" she said softly coughing once again this was all to much for her.
He sighed and shook his head pulling out his dagger and the key he had been given. He placed them on the ground in front of her and stepped back leaving her a open path to the door. “There, you want to get away take them and run. You won’t get very far, but you are welcome to try.” he knew she didn’t have the strength to make it to the door and if she tried and started to fall he would be there to catch her.
She saw the key her freedom was at hand. She use the wall to get up her legs so weak. She pushed herself from the wall and towards the door but the man was right was not able to get very far her legs gave out from under here and she crashed into his arms. "why do you tease me..." she tried to pull herself away but it was little good, her arms tried to punch him but it did her fist were like feathers.
He let her beat on his chest as he just gently held her. “I’m not teasing you. You want to get out of here. You can leave any time you want, I have given you the key and you can always ask for it back. Now listen to me, you won’t make it out of here in your condition, let me help you get stronger and then I till help you get out of here. I promise.”
She stopped trying to hit him her head just fell against his chest. she was sobbing against his chest now. "please don't make me stay here another night there has to be a way" she was so frighten of this place. He had no idea what she endured her and what she would continue to endure as long as she was here.
He brushed her hair lightly kissing it softly. He oculd feel her fear and realized that she had been beaten not just with fists…but deep inside she had been hurt… He didn’t think about that right now. If he did he might do something stupid. “Eat, drink, You won’t be here another night. Just get what strength you can.” He gently took her over to the food and water gently laying her down near it and holding the cup up to her once again.
Here those words the girls sprites seem to lift a little. She moved with him and took a small sip of water. then she leaned up and kissed him just softly "thank you, thank you." she took another small sip of water. Being starved of food for so long she knew she could not handle much, but the water felt good on her dry throat she was happy.
He smiled and brought the chicken soup over to her. The meat and vegetables would be more then she could handle but the broth was just what she would need to heal. He placed the dagger next to her with the food. “Keep this close but hidden, if anyone comes in and tries to hurt you don’t be afraid to defend yourself. I need to go get some things for our escape.” He held out the hand to her again, “But I will need to take the key with me…they will wonder why I didn’t lock the door if I don’t.
Her eyes grew wide at the thought of being left alone in the cell again. She was worried if this was a trick. She had all the emotion in her eyes as she looked at him. She brought the key up holding it close to her chest a moment as if she was afraid to give it up. Then she slowly with a shaking hand gave it to him with a little whimper.
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