The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Minehime? That's what you're calling her? Hm. Well I suppose calling her by her experiment number wouldn't suit most people." He kept busy as he spoke, moving around the lab. "She's safe, under close observation elsewhere, she was after all a rather expensive and important project. I simply repossessed something that was always mine to begin with." He moved over, a needle in hand, casually injecting the liquid into Kojurou's iv bag. "Of course, you belong to me as well, don't you, Experiment 863?" He gently caressed Kojurou's face, letting out a soft sigh.
"You say that as though you weren't factory made just for this job. You are an object Katakura-kun. I created you." He said, moving away and waiting for the drugs to kick in. "You'll be going right back to work, we need to make up for lost time. We'll begin right away."
"Don't fret my dear boy, not I or anyone else will be taking away your life, no, I'm giving you much more purpose. I'm going to give you more. I'm going to extend you life." He said, Kojurou's vision darkening before he blacked out completely.
A fifteen year old teen sat in an alleyway with an eight year old boy, heavy rain pelting the both of them. They had been running for hours, the teen exhausted and his chest burning for air. The child watched him with a reptilian left eye, expression blank but curious. The fifteen year old looked to him, breathing heavily, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?" He asked. The child shook his head slowly, continuing to stare. The teen rested his head against the wall, eyes closed as he caught his breath. He exhaled heavily and looked to the child again, "Do you have a home?" He asked. Again, the boy shook his head. The teen frowned, "Parents?" "Killed." The boy answered simply. The teen made a noise and nodded, "Hai...mine, as well..." He replied. The boy tilted his head, "What's your name?" He asked. The teen looked and blinked, "Kagetsuna." He answered, "Yours?" "Botenmaru. But I don't like that name anymore." The boy answered. Kagetsuna turned towards the boy and furrowed his brow gently, "You have a new name in mind?" He asked. Botenmaru nodded, scowling lightly, "Date Masamune. I'm going to return to Oshuu and rule it as the Dokuganryuu." He stated. Kagetsuna couldn't help but smile, "The One-Eyed Dragon? That's very strong talk for a hatchling." Masamune puffed embers, glaring lightly. Kagetsuna chuckled softly, "I don't suppose you'll need someone to help you with your quest?" He asked. Masamune nodded and pointed to him, "You will be my Right Eye, you're gonna watch my back and protect me." "I don't suppose I'll be getting a new name as well?" Kagetsuna asked. Masamune made a noise and nodded, "Katakura Kojurou." He answered. Kagetsuna, now Kojurou, smiled humbly and bowed his head, "I will do my best to protect you, Masamune-sama." He said gently.
Through the memories that relayed in the mans head, murky noises and voices could barely be heard, unaudible, but clear enough to be able to tell there were at least three different voices. They were all men, and they all seemed agitated, beeping and blaring slowly filtering in through the mans unconsciousness.
"What do you mean you administered the wrong dosage?" Hanbei growled out, shooting one of his assistants a nasty glare, working quickly on Kojurou. His vitals had spiked and he was running a fever, four hours into the operation, and something had gone wrong. "Wh-When the alarms went off I panicked, how can you be so calm..!?" The assistant sounded frantic. "It's the One-Eyed Dragon and the Pirate King! They've both entered Toyotomi's stronghold and-!" "Enough! Get back to work! Do you see Hideyoshi-sama so frail as to be unable to defend his own territory?" His words were as sharp as knives. "N-No sir." "Then get back to work." "H-Hai!"

Elsewhere in the Toyotomi Lab, Minehime was undergoing invasive prosedures, already having been under the knife regardless of the fact that she had only been there for a mere five hours. The teen was on a metal table, breathing tube down her throat, eyes taped shut as to not dry out, her midsection being the only thing exposed from under the blue cloth placed over her other than her head; her stomach open, flesh and muscle pulled back to expose her innards. Doctors murmured nervously as they worked, hearing word of the two major gang leaders waging war.
"Masa...mune...sama..." Kojurou meekly called for his lord in his fevered dreams, memories of all the fights they got into together as Masamune rose to power. It was comforting, like reliving everything once he received his new name and life.

Masamune bisected any who got in his way, and when his hands were too slippery from the blood for his sword, he switched to his gun - even though he hated using it. Killing was an intimate and personal action that he preferred to feel his weapon deliver the killing blow rather than watch from a distance. Motochika was caving in chests and smashing men into the ground with his anchor, sometimes throwing short fuse grenades into massive groups of men just to help put a dent into Toyotomi's forces. "Getting tired yet, Ryuu-niisama?!" Motochika called. Masamune spat flames and molten globs at any who came within distance, "Not even close, Motochika!"
Amaya scouted ahead in a more quiet manner, searching each room for any sign of Sasuke, but found nothing. Opening one door she found herself watching a live surgery, turning on her radio, she held down the button. "Captain Chosokabe, I believe I've located Date's child. West wing, room 213b... She's under the surgeons knife." She reported, wanting to move on to find Sasuke, heart pounding against her chest. "No sign of Katakura or Sarutobi yet, though."
"That's real grand, Amaya, thank you. See if you can convince those working on her to stitch her back up. If not, I'm sure Ryuu-niisama will persuade them." He replied over the radio, "We'll be there soon."
"I'll do what I can, but I need to find Sasuke." She ground out, putting the radio back on her belt, entering the room to get Minehime.

((Shall we have papa dragon come in~?))

"Ryuu-niisama! West wing! 213B!" Motochika called. Masamune's eye turned to a slit before he rushed off, "Have fun, Motochika!" He called, disappearing in a blurr. Motochika gave a feral grin before swinging his anchor and killing a good sized group in front of him.
Amaya had already moved on, her mind only able to focus on Sasuke, heading off to find him, searching high and low.

Minehime lay unmoving on the table, the doctors quickly taking samples from her organs, scrapping the outsides for tissue, and taking some from the insides. Her organs didn't look like any normal humans, they were all blue, purple, or even black - every organ healthy and working, but it was only further proof, she wasn't human. When the door slammed open, the doctors stopped, looking up with a look of fear on their faces.
Masamune was exhaling fire, "I want you to put everything back and stitch her closed. I want to know exactly when she will wake up and if she will be in any pain. I want you to destroy the samples, every last one. If you do this in a timely manner, I will let you live."
One of the doctors stammered madly, the others complying, moving to sew up Minehime. "Sh-She may experience pain... Abdominal discomfort, but she should waken in a matter of hours.." One stammered as the other moved to destroy the organ tissues.
When Masamune moved closer, the doctors moved away from Minehime as fast as they could, letting him retrieve his daughter without so much as a peep.
"" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of tiny devices, "These will remove your collars without harming you or triggering any alarms. Kojurou had them made ages ago just in case. I brought them in case I needed them, too...take em. Get out of here."
((How's he gonna carry Mini~?))

The men nodded moving to take the devices quickly, bowing their heads in thanks before running off down the hall, leaving Masamune with a waking, but barely conscious Minehime.
Minehime whimpered softly when Masamune picked her up, eyelids too heavy to open, and the tape still keeping them shut, groaning weakly. "No sign of Katakura or Sarutobi, we must retreat, reinforcements have been called for, and the men are taking a beating." Amaya crackled through the radio, clearly distressed about not finding Sasuke.
Masamune ground his teeth, not wanting to leave without Kojurou but not having a choice. We he was outside, he shouted for his gang to fall back and retreat, Motochika doing the same.
Nana was standing by in an unmarked van in case anyone needed medical attention, waiting nervously for Motochika's return.
When they got to safety, Motochika took Masamune to have Nana take a look at Minehime. "Nana, give her a look over and we'll meet Ryuu-niisama at the Fugaku."
"Hai." Nana nodded going to work on looking over Minehime, checking her for anymore possible wounds that needed closing.

((To the Fugaku~? Oh! I also have a little thing for Sasuke, wanna post for him~?))
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