The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime frowned softly, looking down at her juice box sitting in her lap. "But he needs them." She signed, making a face.
Minehime smiled slightly. "Maybe." She signed, standing up and quickly finishing off her juice box. "Should we continue?"

Amaya had slowly grown more accustom to Sasuke, eventually ending up sharing a room with him on Motochika's ship. Joining Sasuke for one of his usual daily snoozes, Amaya lay curled up on her side, sleeping lightly.
He nodded and stood, unsheathing his blade and taking a stance.

Sasuke fussed, as he normally did in his sleep, but soon it escalated into kicking and light squawking, his feathers ruffled and puffed.
Minehime nodded pulling out the short sword she often used, along side a glove shaped rock over her fist, moving to attack Hidemune with her blade first, keeping her other hand close to her body like a shield.

Amaya stirred when one of Sasuke's claws dug into her side, making her since and sit up, brushing hair away from her face. Crawling closer to Sasuke, she placed her hands on his shoulders, shaking him firmly. "Sasuke?"
He shifted his foot before rushing at her, slashing diagonally before jumping over her and moving to attack from behind.

Sasuke fussed even more, kicking and crying as if he was being attacked and restrained.
Minehime parried his attack, spinning to stop his attack from behind with the hardened rock over her fist, shoving him back hard and charging. She gave him little time to react, swinging her fist first, then with the sword, always keeping one reserved for blocking.

"Sasuke!!" Amaya shook him harder, slapping his cheek to try and rouse him from his slumber, having to climb on top of him to keep him down.
He ducked and rolled to the side, swinging for her side with the blunt end so he wouldn't hurt her.

"No!!" Sasuke suddenly jumped up and pinned her down under his talons, wings spread threateningly as he hovered over her. His breathing was labored and his pupils were small in his panicked state.
Minehime took the hit with a grunt, kicking Hidemune's feet out from under him, pinning him down by putting her knee on his chest and her blade at his throat.

Amaya winced as his claws dug into her flesh, giving him a moment to calm himself before speaking. "Sasuke, it's me, Amaya. You need to calm down, it was a nightmare." She said calmly.
He grunted and grinned at her, "Very good."

He trembled and slowly removed himself, "I-I'm so sorry...I-I didn't..." Tears poured down his cheeks.
((*ditches them for a while*))

Amaya sat up, moving forward slowly and holding Sasuke in a tight hug, shaking her head. "Ssh, it was a nightmare, this wasn't you." She said softly, holding him close to her. "Just relax now, you're safe." She whispered.
He hid his face in her chest and sobbed silently, body shaking hard as he held onto her for dear life. "Make them stop...make the nightmares stop, please...I can't take it anymore..."
"Why don't we do another freezing session? You haven't slept peacefully in days, it's the only thing that seems to help." She said, petting his hair, not letting go of him.
She nodded and kissed his brow gently, standing and leading him back to the bed. Once he laid down, she pet his hair, placing her other hand on his chest. As he relaxed, ice very slowly crept over his body in a fine layer of frost, slowly freezing him partially and putting him to sleep.

After Minehime's practice training, she cleaned up, and went to see what her father was doing.
Sasuke finally relaxed and fell asleep, looking more peaceful than he had in days.

Masamune was on his throne, still covered in the hardened lava, breathing on it to heat it up.
Minehime trotted out to Masamune, smiling softly as she holstered her knife, her gun already on her hip. "I have a small job to run, I'll be back in an hour, tops." She signed, tying her hair back, so it wouldn't get in her face.

Amaya had let Sasuke rest, slowly letting the ice fall from his body, petting his hair as he slept peacefully. She stiffened when an odd feeling settled over her, sitting up in bed, she moved over to the window, cracking it open. As soon as the window opened, it was kicked open, knocking Amaya back with a heavy thud, a smoke grenade dropping to the floor and going off. Amaya coughed and wheezed, her eyes burning, lungs aching as two men entered the room, moving over to Sasuke and sticking a needle in his neck. Injecting the sedative, one man grabbed Sasuke, the other stopping when he saw Amaya get up wielding a knife. Blocking her, he kicked her hard in the chest, knocking her back and leaving her stunned on the ground.
"Take Kojurou with you." Masamune signed, having gotten much better with sign language now, "It's dangerous to go alone.."

Sasuke was carried off like a limp doll, barely having time to wake up before they sedated him. A few other men were thrown overboard trying to get to Motochika, but the Pirate King was no match for them. He had steadily grown immune to the drugs Toyotomi used and they did little other than anger him.
"Got it, I'll let him know, see you soon, papa." She signed before heading off to get Kojurou from his garden, letting him know it was time for them to head off.

Amaya got up after steadying her spinning head, grinding her teeth and heading out to make sure Akihime was still on board, and of course she was. Nana had the whole inside of her white coat lined with needles full of what she could only assume to be sedatives, since anytime one of Toyotomi's men came near, she stuck them with a needle and they dropped like flies. Ren had Akihime's back, helping Nana and Akihime fight off anyone who came near. "They got Sarutobi!" She called over the loud sounds of fighting, making her way to the rear of the ship to try and retrieve him, but he had already been loaded onto the Toyotomi's vessel, Amaya shaking with rage.
Kojurou nodded and went with her after he grabbed his sword, his side arm hidden under his coat.

"We have to help him, they're getting away!" Akihime yelled, rushing off to see if she would have enough time to at least hit the one controlling the ship with a bow and arrow.
Minehime trotted along, walking just a few steps ahead of Kojurou as they made their way to their job. The two barely made it two blocks before Kojurou found a taser to the back of his neck, the sharp prick of a needle digging into his shoulder before he was tackled to the ground. Three more men rushed around Kojurou to grab Minehime, sticking the needle into her neck, the young girl almost immediately dropping to the ground.

The ship was already moving away fast, leaving heavy smoke trailing after the ship, already out of range.
Kojurou couldn't register anything before he was knocked out and knocked to the ground.

"No...! Sasuke-san!" She called, dread tightening her chest.
The next time Kojurou woke, he was strapped down to a steel table, wearing a sterile pair of scrubs, and already iv lines hooked up to his arms; he was back in the Toyotomi lab, back as an experiment. "Ah, Katakura-kun, it seems you're finally awake. I'm sorry for the rather, aggressive way you were returned home, but we just didn't have much of a choice." It was Hanbei, wearing a white lab coat, a soft smirk on his face.
Kojurou's eyes widened and sparks danced across his arms and between his fingers, but it wasn't enough to really do damage to the machines or Hanbei. The drugs were working rather well. "What i the meaning of this? Where is Minehime? Why am I here...!?"
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