The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Hanbei flinched at the unexpected outburst from Sasuke, but quickly regained his composure, pulling a needle out and forcing Sasuke's arm relatively still, injecting him with a heavy sedative. He disposed of the needle and made a noise of annoyance, moving back to the table to log Sasuke's progress.
"You let him die!! He was a chick, you heartless son of a whore, barely old enough to fly on his own!! And you let him die!! I'll kill you myself when I get free, I promise!! I'll rip out your throat and show it to you between my talons, I swear, Hanbei!!" He screeched, filled with rage as well as despair and heartbreak.
Hanbei paid the threats and screaming no mind, though did find them to be irritatingly loud. "He wasn't the first, and he will not be the last." He said simply. "Your DNA seems incompatible with ninety-nine percent of all bodies we've fused them with, and we're still searching for that one percent."
Hanbei stopped his work to look once more at Sasuke before turning to leave, letting the two doctors that worked under him start the work to extend his life.

Minehime woke groggily, the swaying motion beneath her making her feel mildly nauseous, a throbbing pain coming from her abdomen. Her entire body felt like lead, but she still managed to move the blankets aside to get a look at the gauze wrapped around her middle, stained lightly with blood.
((*ditches Sasuke*))

Masamune was sharpening his katana beside her, looking up when she moved. He set the blade aside and began signing slowly, "Don't move too much, you might reopen the wound. Nana worked really hard on keeping you cloed up."
"What happened? I feel sick... Did I get sick..?" She signed, laying back down. "I feel like I'm going to throw up?" She muttered.
Tears pooled in Minehime's eyes and she reached her hand out for her father to take it. "I'm sorry, Otou-san.."
((Got it!))

Nearly a month had gone by, and even raiding the Toyotomi Labs time after time, there was still no sign of Sasuke or Kojurou, every member of the Date and Chosokabe crews out searching for the two. Minehime joined the hunt, searching high in low in alleyways and abandon buildings, her gut telling her he had escaped somehow.
There was a ruckus of garbage and bins being knocked about down the far end of an alley, a tall built man stumbled into a wall before slumping to the ground.
Minehime couldn't hear the garbage bins fall, but she definitly saw them fall, stopping and focusing down the alleyway before breaking out into a sprint toward the man. Dropping to her knees once she was before him, she threw her arms around Kojurou, hugging him tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Minehime held onto him for another minute, shaking when she finally did pull away, looking him over to make sure he was really Kojurou. "Are you ok? How did you get out?" She signed quickly.
Minehime blinked, confused on why Kojurou had called her Masamune, but she took his hand, standing. "We need to go home."
Minehime felt the vibrations of Kojurou speaking, but she missed what he had said, not getting a chance to read his lips, so she replied with a slight shrug. Leading Kojurou through the streets, she hurried toward the Date gang estate.
When they arrived, Masamune was standing in wait, brows knit with worry. "Mini, Kojurou, thank Christ." He said. Kojurou was frozen in place when he saw Masamune. The Dokuganryuu frowned and moved towards his Right Eye, "What's up, Kojuro-oh shit!" He jerked when Kojurou suddenly hugged him tight, sobbing loudly. Masamune blinked and frowned, hugging Kojurou in return.
Minehime frowned softly, looking to her father, signing. "He thought I was you." She looked worn out, never before having see Kojurou cry.
Six more days went by, and still hooked up to machines in a high security lab, Sasuke remained on the same table he's been strapped to for over a month. A soft metal clang sounded from somewhere in the lab, then the soft clicks of talons on the floor, the straps on Sasuke's wrists and ankles releasing.
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