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What game are you playing now?

Kratos? Godly.
Atreus? Boy.
Baldur? Snapped.
Sigrun and the Valkyries? Clapped.
Freya? Pissed.
Faye? Missed.

All achievements unlocked for God Of War (2018) and it's back to slaying demons in Devil May Cry 5, then FF7R over the weekend.
Chibi-Robo: Clean Sweep for DS. Shame it never got a Western release, but thank God for fan-translations, and Etsy. Feels good to play it on an actual DS. Too bad the series is dead now :(
Made the dumb mistake of re-installing League of Legends... ha... it's too addicting.
I elected to pick up Elden ring against my better judgement, but I'm having a blast with it.
Gone back to Mass Effect for the first time in ages. Slowly making my way through the first game.
MH4U on... 3DS, think it was.

Actually played it long time ago when it came out, stopped. Realized when I started again I stopped at HR5 with 60 hours in. Think main reason I stop was back then, me and friends did local play in Guild and life happen so we stopped meeting.

Funny enough, after running few single quests, I check multiplayer and people still play the game. Who would of thought. Surprise its servers are still up. Well, guess it was one of few real MH games of its time before Capcom went easy mode and started babying its player base with its newer features and less hardcore inventory managing/mapping/etc.
Horizon Forbideen West!
I'd love to play it...! But I have to wait 3.25 years before it gets released on PC (end JUL25 is the proposed PC release date so far).

I can't justify getting a PS4 or PS5 for a single game, and I'm crap with console controllers anyway.
Feeding my gacha addiction with Nier: Reincarnation, Princess Connect, and Honkai Impact. When I don't feel like dealing with the disappointment of not getting my waifu from the random drawing, I'm usually working on Mortal Kombat 11 or Lost Ark.
Currently playing through Oblivion, even if it is extremely buggy, only has 5 VA and is unplayable without mods, I'm having a blast with it!
Just beat Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines not once, but twice. Game is fucking great, besides the last section
Been on a small sabbatical from World of Warcraft which recently ended due to the hype around the new expac.

Up until then I was playing alot of Valheim and Warframe, both excellent games in their own right.
Gonna take a stab at the Borderlands series. Cyberpunk 2077 got me in the mood to see big numbers as I murder people.
Started on Rune Factory 5 yesterday. Took a little bit, but I think I'm invested, love the characters!
More Stardew Valley (always seem to end up back at it), and some Deep Rock Galactic mixed in!
Looks fun. Finding a copy, on the other hand...
Going digital (if you can) is the way, sometimes.

I'm kinda interested in RF5 but I've heard the performance is butts. However Ludmilla seems to be best girl and I want to know more about her.
Going digital (if you can) is the way, sometimes.

I'm kinda interested in RF5 but I've heard the performance is butts. However Ludmilla seems to be best girl and I want to know more about her.
There is definetely room for improvement in the game-- especially with it competing with games like BoTW and stuff on the same console, but I haven't had any issues so far. Graphically while not the most impressive, and some of the voice-acting being incredibly repetitive, the characters are fantastic and I've been having a lot of fun just exploring and going about it. If you like farming sims like Stardew I think it's worth picking up!
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