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What game are you playing now?

I'm replaying Xenoblade Chronicles on the Switch, after that probably a playthrough of XB2 so I can be ready for XB3 in July! Well, almost August.
Haha, the last time I played XB1 was when I emulated it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when it wasn't available in the US for some reason. Didn't get too far in to it. Really enjoying DE though.
Haha, the last time I played XB1 was when I emulated it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when it wasn't available in the US for some reason. Didn't get too far in to it. Really enjoying DE though.
It's one of my favorite games of all time so I hope you enjoy it, I myself have yet to play the DE (as soon as my backlog allows it...)
Replaying Final Fantasy XV. Never beat the game 6 years ago when it came out because I had a bug/corrupt file that deleted days worth of progress and never touched the game again. I know from others telling me about its issues, but it is the only FF game I haven't beaten (minus XIV and XI) because I don't really care for MMO's.

EDIT: Also in that FF mood because of this.

I am obsessed with Going Medieval. Still early access so it has a way to go, but it's literally Rimworld minus the scifi... What's not to love?
Replaying Final Fantasy XV. Never beat the game 6 years ago when it came out because I had a bug/corrupt file that deleted days worth of progress and never touched the game again. I know from others telling me about its issues, but it is the only FF game I haven't beaten (minus XIV and XI) because I don't really care for MMO's.

EDIT: Also in that FF mood because of this.


I hope you're enjoying it! I found XV to be kinda eh, but Im glad it came out.

Also! I was going to tell you that there's a rogue trader CRPG coming out, but I imagine you probably know that by now haha.
I hope you're enjoying it! I found XV to be kinda eh, but Im glad it came out.

Also! I was going to tell you that there's a rogue trader CRPG coming out, but I imagine you probably know that by now haha.
I don't know if I would say I'm enjoying it. It is okay at best so far. Doesn't really feel like a Final Fantasy game half the time. Usually FF games have multiple party members and different stories going on besides the main characters and well. This game so far seems to just be the Noct and boy band show with no one else.

Yeah I saw the trailer for the Rogue Trader game. Will have to wait and see how it goes.
I don't know if I would say I'm enjoying it. It is okay at best so far. Doesn't really feel like a Final Fantasy game half the time. Usually FF games have multiple party members and different stories going on besides the main characters and well. This game so far seems to just be the Noct and boy band show with no one else.

Yeah I saw the trailer for the Rogue Trader game. Will have to wait and see how it goes.
Yeah. It pretty much is just the boyband. TBH it's one of my slight concerns for FFXVI since it seems to have no party whatsoever. That said I think it has a lot of (personal) positives going on for it, so I'm waiting to see how that goes. It's the first time I've been at least slightly hyped for a mainline FF since XII.
Prompto is easily the best party member. Also concerned about XVI both due to the combat system and the fact it seems to be focusing on making Summons/GFs playable I'd rather have an actual party like in older titles.
Well I will wait and see on FFXVI. Will hold out slight hope even without a party system and the new combat because it appears the director for 16 is the person who works on XIV and made that MMO rather popular. Yoshida or something?

It almost looks like the Summons/Eidolons/Astrals/etc. May only be playable/fighting each other for big fancy combat scenes. At least, that is what it looks like from the trailers. Idc either way. Odin is my favorite and he looks to have a great design for this one.
Yoshida (The director of FFXIV) is producing XVI. he was able to turn FFXIV from a complete shitshow into one of SE's most profitable/successful games, and the lead composer of XIV (Soken) Is also the composer for XIV. The combat system is being done by the some person who did DMC5, so I imagine that it's going to remain a single person game rather than a party.
If we play as multiple characters throughout the story of XVI I think I would be okay with that in trade of a party system. Not having a party system would be odd, but honestly XV doesn't really have one either since it is all A.I. and so far (maybe it gets better later on). The boyband really is there just for looks and some damage, but not much. I rather have a great narrative and cast (even if they aren't in a party) over the direction XV went in so far.
Hopefully we get some solid information soon. They still have a year before it's released (Unless they delay it), so here's hoping they're a bit less conservative with the news for it.
I do believe the combat director for FFXVI did do DMC5 but he also did Dragon's Dogma which has a party system. So, it is still entirely possible for one even with a more mainlined combat system. Will have to wait and see as FF likes to try and innovate things though sometimes it doesn't work out.
In between bouts of Xenoblade and certainly against my better judgement I picked up the new Destiny 2 expansion.

I always like the lore of destiny and the gunplay always feels good. I probably won't stick with it for the long haul but for now haha gun goes brrrr space necromancers explode.
Sick all day so I ended up putting some good progress into Xenoblade, having never played this game before I really see why it's so beloved, honestly such a unique world and so far fantastic story and settings, I can't wait to play more and join the fandom.
Sick all day so I ended up putting some good progress into Xenoblade, having never played this game before I really see why it's so beloved, honestly such a unique world and so far fantastic story and settings, I can't wait to play more and join the fandom.

Can't even bother finishing FFX. Mediocre experience.

Sooooo, messing around in Street Fighter V and massacring Nazi garbage in Wolfenstein: The New Order instead.
I mean like... IV, V, and VI are better anyways >.>

A little bit of that is nostalgia but I actually just am happy to go back and replay those three. Replaying other FF's are just a big... eh on me. I never can finish another playthrough.
I mean like... IV, V, and VI are better anyways >.>

A little bit of that is nostalgia but I actually just am happy to go back and replay those three. Replaying other FF's are just a big... eh on me. I never can finish another playthrough.
Well, IV does happen to be my favorite game of all time so I get you on that, but I don't like V and love VI. IX though hits that perfect FF mood mixed with a cool fairytale aesthetic, so it's time to agree to disagree on the entries that got mentioned~

I feel the same about VIII, XIII and its' sequels, as well as XV. Games make me want to hurl.
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