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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

they chuckled a little and nodded. "most governments are dicks, though certain monarchs are adorable." James admitted with a grin, giving her a gentle kiss. "Scrappers not fine! i don't like Johnny." he grumbled, sulking when Steve chuckled. "Scrapper is fine." he assured James who grumbled under his breath before following them to the kitchens. the entire staff paused at the sight of her and one by one they came up, offered her words of comfort or condolences and brushed their fingers against her, as if frightened touching her would break her. eyes full of joy and love at the sight of her. remembering how wonderful her father was, how wonderful she would be. "wow. i knew they adored her, but i didn't realize just how much." James admitted, looking amazed.
“Heh. I see how it is. Calling me adorable, you just want laid.”Thorne teased kissing him back. “You like johnny, you know’re just sulking cause scrapper’s not here.”Thorne teased kissing james a little before moving away. Looking startled as they all approached, tense a little at mostly strangers approaching, but relaxing as she wasn’t hurt, wasn’t being harmed at the touch. Simply talking to people. “They love her. She might have been isolated from her people, but what they knew, they loved, because they knew she loved them. A monarchy isn’t simply the people worshipping their kings or queens, but a truly good ruler, loves their people like they’re their children. Her father understood that, she understands that”Alexander Skarsgard said as he stepped into the room behind them, “I heard you three were wandering about, figured I’d better see if you needed anything.”The general said looking amused at how the surprised they looked.
he snorted. "nah, if i wanted laid i'd go to Steve, i'm trying to seduce you, there's a difference." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't like Johnny. he'll corrupt Scrapper." he grumbled before tensing as everyone approached, gripping his favorite gun bt not pulling it out. "They do love her." Steve agreed. "she's the first hope they've had in a long time for something new, better." Steve agreed, smiling at the General, giving him a good handshake. "we're fine, though Thorne wanted to thank you personally for your swift actions and firm loyalty." he admitted. "also, i should warn you that most of her guests are moving here permanently." he admitted. "do you have a room with a large window that locks from the inside? one of ours is going through a process and he's going to need the privacy soon." he admitted. "apparently touching him when he's in some weird state could cause pain or death so we're taking it very seriously." he admitted, watching the crowd out of the corner of his eye while James openly studied everyone who approached Thorne. overly protective no doubt, but after last night, no one could blame them.
“Ahhh, well. It’s working. You are sweet.”Thorne teased kissing him again, amused before snickering a little. “No he wont. Scrapper’s fine.”Thorne teased. Alex smiled a little, nodding as he shook the man’s hand. “She is hope. She’ll be good for us.”He said before tilting his head, blushing slightly as he shook his head a little. “She doesn’t need to do that.”The man said blushing and sputtering a little at the idea of his queen recognizing him for something that he simply thought she deserved without question. “Okay. I’ll have the rooms they have now set as their rooms, instead of guest rooms. Good that they’re in the family wing already then.”he said before frowning, thinking about it. “...Hm. There’s a few rooms that might work, I’ll show them to the man and let him choose which one that work best.”Alex said tilting his head as he watched the two men, smiling slightly,”It is good to see her have such protective marked. I had worried she’d never be as happy because she was markless...”The man trailed off, because it was good to see his queen so happy. And indeed she was happy, soon enough freeing herself from the crowd and approaching the men, rolling her eyes a little as she watched james and steve studying everyone but not saying anything knowing they were simply being protective. “The maids pointed out something to me, we need to see to getting you two new clothes for the coronation.”She said with a quiet happiness, simply happy to be with them, happy to have a chance to be happy.
James grinned at her. "i am sweet. i taste like honey and marshmallows." he teased with a smirk before sulking, muttering about how no one understood how impressionable a young puppy really was. "She has impressed even the Asgardians." Steve admitted. "Thor said 'she is a Warrior of Adversity'. he thinks she's a woman of remarkable strength." he smiled before smirking at Alex. "it was my idea." he teased, snickering. "well. it was a joint effort. just smile and thank her or you'll hurt her feelings." he warned with a smile. "the rooms are amazing." he admitted. "though, you should assign Natasha, Bruce, Loki and Thor their own separate rooms too. they might kill each other if they don't have their own private space from time to time." he admitted. "we'd be much appreciated. Phil Coulson is the one you'll want to talk to. we're all a bit nervous because we don't really know what's about to happen." he admitted. "honestly? we never thought we'd find her." he admitted softly. "me and James, we used to be 'cursed', because we had a third Mark who appeared to be dead before we where even born. her mark burned like ice and fire most of our lives." he admitted. "honestly, i don't know why the old Queen thought it was a good idea to say she wasn't marked. she's suffered so much." he admitted before blanching at her. "shopping?!" Steve squeaked, mortified as James brightened. "shopping!!!!"
“She is a remarkable woman indeed.”Alex agreed before wincing, making a face at the other man before sighing. “Fine, no hurting her feelings, as I’m sure you two would have something to say about it.”He grumbled good naturedly though smiling slightly before nodding. “I’ll make sure they get their own rooms.”He agreed before nodding, looking concerned himself. “Well, I’ll talk to him, and see what room he wants.”Alex said nervous about what to expect himself now before etilting his head as he considered the two super soldiers. “Because you two were ‘dead’. She would have suffered just as much for having marks that no one understood to.”Alex pointed out stifling a laugh at the men’s reactions to shopping. “Yes shopping. You’re going to be royal. You can’t show up in a simple suit...though me and james can always go, you could stay here if you wanted.”Thorne said tilting her head a little, not wnating to force himself to do something if he didn’t want to do it.
he chuckled. "there's a difference between accidentally upsetting her and tormenting her. torment her and we'll tear you apart. but we're not going to hurt you just because your a human and make mistakes." he promised Alex. "you don't have it in you to be honestly cruel, not to anyone, so i doubt we'll ever have to have... words." he admitted, a grin tugging at his lips. "i'd appreciate that. Phil's a picky one and he's only getting worse." he admitted before he shook his head. "that was a fine excuse when he was a child. but we've been awake and alive for several years now. why not let people know the truth then? why keep torturing her?" he asked, scowling. "why marry her to Chris when they all knew we where her true intended? i know she hasn't been married to him for as long as we've been alive. and we all know that every last one of them knew we where her intended. especially with our Mark's being so intensely publicized." he admitted. "i think they just didn't want Her, with US." he admitted before wrinkling his nose at her. "i am not letting you do this thing without me. i just hate shopping." "he does. though, maybe that's my fault." "i am putting a limit down right now! i am only trying on five outfits." "fifty." "five." "forty five." "five." "you're not doing it right!" James whined. "Five." "Fine! spoil sport!" no wonder Steve hated shopping, if James used him like a giant Ken doll.
“...Ah. Well then, good to know.”Alex said smiling a little before nodding. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure Agent Coulson is well looked after.”The general said before sighing, shaking his head. “. I think they knew you two would be good for her, she wouldn’t be controllable if you two were around. But I’m glad you two are here now.”Alex smiled a little. “....”Thorne stared at the two before laughing. “You dress him up like a doll. That’s not fair James. It’s unkind to make him dress up when he doesn’t want about this. I’ll let you dress me up, if you leave him alone to choose his own clothes. You can choose my outfit for the ceremony.”She promised kissing him before looking at Alex. “WE’re leaving now, can you see that we have a discreet guard?” “Of course my lady.”The general said as he left. “Not that I don’t trust you, but we need more guards.”Thorne said looking up at her marked mates, not wanting to offend them by having asked, but feeling safer if it was more then just them
he nodded. "we're possessive, and more than a bit protective but we're not madmen." he promised the General with a chuckle. "honestly James is worse than i am, and it's more over personal space and certain items than it is anything else. the only time we'll get unapproachable is if one of us is hurt, and Thorne is even worse about that than we are." he admitted. "we're well matched." he admitted happily. "we are here, and we're never leaving her no matter what." he admitted before huffing at the smiling ever so innocently James. "really?!" James asked, his eyes lighting up before he shook his head. "Steve can't pick his own clothes, i thought we'd covered this already? he wears Sandals and socks." "not all of us can be as feminine as you Bucky." "wouldn't we all be so luck... hey!" he complained, realizing he'd actually been insulted, making Steve laugh. "we do need more guards. James and i are good, but we don't know the location or the people. it's better to have people who know the area with us. they'll be better for picking out danger." Steve admitted, James nodding. "i'm glad you are taking your own safety seriously." he admitted, smiling at her. "i was going to ask for a guard detail if you hadn't." Steve nodded to that. he had the same idea. he knew Alex would pick the best. "that man really does need a medal, he managed to escape before you could thank him. sneaky."
"From what I've heard you're best friends with tony stark. There has to be some madness there."Alex teased looking pleased though that they'd never consider was good to know thorne was going to be looked after."yes really. And okay we'll pick out his clothes but we won't make him try on alot. You can make me dress up in whatever though."she promised snickering quietly as james was insulted and agreed before sulking at it."it's okay jamie. I know you're all guy."thorne teased kissing him before looking relieved that they understood why she'd asked for guards.I'm trying to be better...I didn't care really...before. but now I have something I want to be careful for. Don't want to die on you guys now that I'm here with you."she smiled at them before snickering kerning as she looked around."Damn he did manage to get away. He's getting a medal for being sneaky."she giggled a little as she headed back to their rooms to get ready to go out
Steve stared at him and then. "good point." he agreed with a grin. "fine. we're not unreasonable then." he decided with a chuckle. "i am all Guy! just because i make a better woman than most girls do don't mean a thing!" he declared, Steve snickering because that didn't help his case at all. "your doing much better." Steve greed, smiling at her. "you have more of a reason to take care of yourself, and when you forget, we'll be there to take care of you for you, okay?" he asked with a grin. "we'll make a huge ceremony out of it. maybe even have him knighted. that'll teach him..." he paused. "can you knight people? i know in Britain the Queen can knight people, but i'm unsure about Sweden." he admitted before snorting. "right. Queen, you can do anything you like." he muttered, amused as he let James pick out his cloths before changing. he would never admit it, but he really didn't have any fashion sense. not in the least. he'd never had a chance. before it was all second hand clothes, not a whole lot of choices there. after, it was all military uniforms and the Captain America outfit. he was always glad for the help, but he couldn't let James know that. nope. never.
"You're not helping yourself any jamie."thorne teased a little. "Okay. I'll remember and let you guys help if I dont."she smiled at him."ohhh I should knight him. I could do that."thorne said looking pleased with the idea before laughing."I can do anything. Even knight you two if wanted. I could totally knight you two for being good looking."she said her eyes glazing a bit at the idea."make it the order of naked knights. I could totally do it." Smiling a little amused that steve was letting james dress him ever if he'd never admit it. Changing into a spspring blue dress she smiled a little as she put on a pair of strap heels before looking at the others."ready to go?"
James shrugged. "i was supposed to be sane in my arguments? i don't recall that being part of the rules." he admitted before snickering at their plotting. poor Alex was never going to know what hit him. "would we have to be naked all the time, or only in your presence?" James asked curiously, Steve snorting. "considering we are always in her presence, yes." "ah." James agreed, nodding. "very true. but does she really want other people looking upon our naked Glory?" "ah, good question, no i don't think she'd like that. s maybe we can only be naked when we're alone with her." "yes. i could go for that." James agreed. "You do that already." Steve pointed out. "so?" "never mind." stve huffed, amused as he finished dressing in his slacks and button up. very nice looking. "ready." "naked." James admitted, working on pulling his pants up over his naked butt. "commando? is that any way for a prince to act?" "i was a heathen first." "good point."
“No, I guess that’s not a rule.”She snickered a little before shivering as she listened to them arguing. “Hmm, no I wouldn’t like the othr’s looking. Just being naked in my presence would be enough I think.”She mused snickering a little before smirking as james pulled his pants on. “It’s unkind to make me go shopping with you, and know that you have nothing on under your clothes.”Thorne whined a little as they gathered their escorts, and heading for the shopping district, for the moment simply enjoying being with her boys.
they grinned at her. "that's why i'm doing it." James admitted, zipping up his pants. when they got to the shopping center, full of fancy clothes, James was off like a rocket, picking through clothes and muttering under his breath. he was the best at fashion so Steve was content to sit in a chair with a kindle and pretend to be reading while keeping an eye on, well, everyone in the store. nothing happened of course, except a small fit when Steve actually put his foot down at the sixth outfit James tried to get him to try on. when he realied Steve really would not cave this time, he set about making Thorne as beautiful as possible instead.
James was happily using her as a barbie doll, granted he was nowhere near over the top as Steve had made him out to be. this was only her seventh dress. "but your so gorgeous." he admitted softly, staring at her, eyes blown wide with lust, Steve nodding. "you really are beautiful." he admitted softly, reaching out and taking her hand. "if you really don't like it, don't wear it." he offered, smiling. "but we thought... we could all go showing our Marks." he admitted softly. "show the world how much we truly deserve each other." he admitted, smiling at her. "pick what makes you feel comfortable. James can make a paper sack look perfect." he teased, smirking. "i'd know. i had to wear one once." he admitted, James snorting. "i'd forgot about that." "i didn't. you beat the shit out of him for stealing all my clothes." he admitted. "and then you screamed at all the teachers for not letting me go home to get new clothes. the police got involved and then the whole thing was all over the news. thank god they never named me." he huffed, James snorting. "it was fun though, half the school administrators got fired for it and all of a sudden the bully problem dropped a lot." he admitted. "that's true. still, i refused to go back for a week because i was so mortified."
Thorne shivered looking them over feeling that they meant it,before straightening a little as she ofoffered them a small it's okay...I just usually wear dresses like this...its just.... if you think it's really okay?"she said looking at them both swallowing hard."...that's both vey amusing and sad all at once. Saddening no one can give you a paper sack painted like a captain's uniform. Tony would have died laughing if he knew about it."she teased sighingquietly. She wanted the dress but she wasn't sure.
they beamed at her and James let her see the low neck short sleeved shirt he was going to be wearing. it was coupled with the black jacket that was fitted to come just past his elbows so his marks would be proudly exposed. anything for Thorne. even if it meant showing off the Marks he usually kept hidden because of his own brutal past. Steve would be wearing a traditional suit with the top buttons undone and pulled back, showing his hairless chest with the marks proudly displayed. "i'm sure Tony will be laughing to death anyway." James admitted with a chuckle before examining her. "a compromise." he decided. "we'll get you a long sleeve dress, and you'll wear that to the party, but for the actual coronation you'll wear this one, that way you can still show off your marks to the people, but you don't have to do so for too long, hows that?" James offered, smiling at her. "and if you change your mind, then that's okay too."
Thorne smiled, tilting her head as she looked them over, relaxing a little as she realized they were truly going to be a matched pair, in showing off their marks. Relaxing more at the idea as she smiled a little shifting, snuggling into them before tilting her head to look at james as he spoke, smiling pleased. “I like it. That works.”She said glad for the promise, shifting to lean in for a kiss, sliding her hands through his hair as she snuggled against him, responding to both their emotions and lust as they responded to her simply looking good in the dress.
they beamed happily at her and Steve examined the outfit that James had picked for him. he rather adored it to be honest. James kissed her just as she wanted while Steve went off to pay for everything, using the card that Alex had insisted they use. it was the royal bank account or something like that. he didn't know but Thorne had insisted too so there he was, using the card. "you should put your clothes back on." James whispered breathlessly. "i want to go home and see if i can't do that thing you did with the lust through our marks." he muttered playfully, kissing her neck.
Thorne sighed quietly as she smiled watching steve go, resting her head against james’ shoulder.”Hm, think I can convince him to let me pay for everything now?”She said amused because steve had protested using her money when they had their own, shuddering as she listened to him. “You want to help me?”she said smirking a little as she stepped back, her own eyes blown as he kissed her neck.”Hm, I’m sure you can.”She muttered already stepping back into the dressing room to change, cocking a eyebrow at him, smirking. Teasing, wanting to see if he really would help her change simply to play the game out longer. having never really had a chance to play the seduction game, she was enjoying herself.

James smiled a little. "i doubt it. he likes using his own money, he's never had any before." he admitted with a smile. "he likes spending money he earned on the people he loves." he admitted, smiling at her before licking his lips. "help?" he asked, chewing on his lip, hesitating, uncertain she'd be okay with him in there before following her in, unable not to. he could leave if she needed him to. he gently slid the straps of her dress down and stroked her bare shoulders, gentle, careful, simply exploring what she would let him explore.
“Well, I guess we’ll compromise on that to, cause I like taking care of you two to.”She smiled a little before nodding. “yes, help. We might as well tease our captain till he gets back. Hiding in the dressing room together.”She snickered a little, shivering a little as he slid the straps down, whining softly in pleasure under his fingers before sliding the rest of the dress off and reaching for her clothes, holding out her jeans, smirking. “Kneel, knight. You can do a knightly duty of helping me into my pants.”She snickered looking so happy and amused, relaxed that it was hard not to simply do what she wanted.
he snickered a little and nodded. "i'm always up for teasing Steve." he agreed with a grin, stroking her soft skin was one of the best things he'd ever done in his life and he shivered at her order, kneeling obediently and offering her the pants to step into, kissing her ankle once he pulledthe pants leg all the way up, flicking a glance up at her and smiling. "As You Wish." he breathed softly, grinning because they'd watched that movie just a few days ago, and he knew she'd get the reference. and the meaning.
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