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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Tony smiled a little as he let her pull his head around, petting marie as he let the other fix his hair, smiling. “Thanks.”He said smiling snickering a little. “probably not, but they’re going to get teased about it now. Just think, they’re going to be a little steve or james....oh god, no!We can’t have another james around. One is enough.”Tony whined a little sounding amused before nodding. “I know, I know.”He said making a face at the words. “Hm, better metaphor. Like thor on a box of poptarts.”He snickered a little.

“...We’re going to have to. I mean, I like kids, but you’re right, I don’t want to be pregnant all the time.”She said smiling a little, blushing as she thought about just how much sex they’d been having. And while she did like kids, she was also deathly afraid of them to, not quite sure how to bring it up, and simply letting the thoughts go for now, they had bigger concerns at the moment. Looking up at loki as he walked in, she smiled, eyes widening as she turned to look at the mirror.”Oh my god, Loki!It’s perfect!”she said twirling a little to look spinning a little, blushing. “You can’t even tell I’m expecting.”She said, now that she knew what to look for, she could see just the tiniest little curve to her stomach, actually made her wonder if the pregnancy was going to go faster simply because of the fathers being super soldiers.
she smiled at him. "your welcome." she chirped. "of course they're going to be teased. and of course it's going to be a little James. you do realize that he's going to have at least a third of the process of raising the child right?" she asked, amused. "that means at the very least, it's going to be a third James. just like you where twelve percent of the baby inside of me." she stated with a happy little smile. waiting for him to catch on to that. "or Odin on Skittles!" she agreed. or worse, Loki on white chocolate. the godling was utterly obsessed with white chocolate and would actually attack someone for it if he saw they had it and he didn't.

they nodded. "we'll content ourselves with these two for a few years." Steve agreed, smiling at her belly. "go... i'm going to be a daddy." he breathed. "i'm terrified and ecstatic all at the same time." he admitted with a smile before staring at her, pupils blown wide at the sight of her, her makeup on and hair done the second Loki had flicked his fingers. "i thought that you would like to keep the pregnancy hidden until the... threat, is over." he had not handled the fact that Tyr was acting of his own violation and hurting innocent women and children in his petty squabble for power. he was determined to stop Tyr at any cost now, and was taking his betrayal just as personally as everyone had expected. "Loki!" Grant wailed as he knocked on the door. "Loki i'm itchy again!" he had scratched red lines into his arms, which was why Clint had sent him to Loki, to heal the scratches and numb the itching. "it won't itch for much longer Grant, i'm sure." Loki assured him. he knew what was happening, of course he did, but he didn't say a thing about it. "are we all ready?" Loki asked after healing Grant, again.
“...oh god. No. We’re forbidding him from helping raise the kid. Having one of him is enough as it is.”Tony whined before huffing, making a face at pepper. “I thought you were done punishing me for that!Pepper, that’s not fair.”he whined a little as he gently steered her towards the ceremony hall, snickering a little. “hm, no loki with chocolate. Man’s obessed.”Tony muttered amused as they walked into the hall of mirrors, looking amused.

“Good. That’s good....Oh. Oh good it’s not just me then.”Thorne said relaxing as she realized they were just as happy and terrified as she was before looking up at steve as she felt the lust trailing through the marks. “That good then?”She said for a moment distracted from the ceremony they had to get to before nodding as she looked at loki.”Yes, I’d rather not worry everyone more then I have to.”She said smiling a little as she looked worried about loki for a moment before startling, staring at grant. “Is clint’s just as bad as this?”Thorne said worried as she studied him. And indeed, the archer had nearly screwed up his hand because he was scratching so badly, good thing his bow was designed by tony, otherwise having his hand a little messed up from all the scratching would have been bad for the archer. “Yes, I think we are.”Thorne said looking nervous as they left, looking up at her mates. “You two ready?”She said smiling quietly as they headed for their backstage places to wait for alex to get them.
she snickered a little and shook her head. "don't worry i'm sure Thorne and Steve will balance it out." she promised, patting Tony's shoulder. "i will never be done punishing you for that." she teased. "oh yes. though i think it's just an emotional thing. he's upset, so he eats chocolate." she mused. "i'm sure he'll stop attacking people for their chocolate soon enough." well, she sure hoped so because her chocolate stash was taking a hell of a hit.

"of course not. all new parents are terrified of their children at first.... even Pepper is afraid." he admitted. "it's just that she hides it really well." she admitted. "you look fantastic." Steve breathed, James nodding, too speechless now to speak. "yes, Clint is just as bad, though his is only on one location, while Grant has three. it will be over with soon enough." "it annoys me very much that you won't tell me what's happening." "don't worry. you'll like it." Loki promised with a smile. "i'm not sure how much i believe you." Grant admitted. "we're ready" Steve promised with a smile. "are you ready?" James asked, taking her hand, smiling. "your going to be the best Queen ever." he admitted.
“Hm, if you’re sure.”Tony said snickering a little before whining, nuzzling her a little. “You should. I saved the world, AND I married you as the dread pirate westley, that should get me some brownie points.”he sulked a little before smiling as they settled into their seats near the front of the room, smiling slightly as he watched the crowds of nobility and peasants settling in. “I’m sure. If not, I might have to invest in a chocolate company for you.”He teased a little.

“Thanks, so do you two.”She smiled a little watching the two of them. “Huh. That’s just weird. And it is fairly annoying to not know what it is.”Thorne said studying loki, though she figured if it was something seriously bad, loki would have told them.

“I am. I think.”She said smiling at her mates, squeezing their hands before looking up at the sound of the swedish national anthem, “well then. Let’s go.”she said as she stepped out with them, flushed and embarassed as she settled onto the throne, smiling quietly as she listened to Alex giving the speech on queen and country, knowing that her captain of the guard was probably ready to scream, knowing he hated being the center of attention even as he settled her crown onto her head, smiling as he moved to the boys, who were while close, were still a few feet away and slightly set back from Thorne, making it obvious while they were her consorts crowned and mated, she wasn’t crowning them king, at least not yet. Letting her people get used to them,”and you, lords Rogers and Barnes, Avengers and Knights, do you so promise to hel-”Alex stuttered to a stop as his attention was drawn back to thorne, and the Asgardian forcing her chin up at the edge of a dagger, paling. Torn between moving towards her and stopping, not sure how to get her away without getting her killed.

“Ahhh, don’t even think about it. Just give me my brothers, and we’ll end this now.”Tyr snarled pressing the blade up, smirking a little as the tip cut into the vulnerable skin of thorne’s throat, feeling the blood coat his hand as she bled, having cut just deep enough to bleed her impressively, but not enough to let her bleed least not yet.

The way the throne room is set for them, sort of. Leaving Thorne set away from them.
she nodded. "very sure." she admitted with a smile and then snorted. "you married me as twelve percent of the dread pirate Roberts and, here's the funny part. i checked. only twelve percent of the world." she teased with a snigger. "besides, i haven't brought it up in months. so there's your brownie points." she admitted.

"you'll be a wonderful queen." Steve promised her, following her out, back straight and head held high, marks proudly showing as he and James settled into their places. he nearly laughed at poor Alex standing in front of all those people. his new promotion making him the only one qualified to do so in this situation. "Thorne!" Steve gasped, leaping to his feet when Tyr appeared, only to freeze, when he sa the blade pressed to her neck. "Stop! please!" James pleaded, terror flooding their marks, James was nearly catatonic at the idea of loosing Thorne when they'd only just found her. James would die if Tyr killed her. "...C...Clint?" Grant asked, looking frightened, and confused. he was feeling feelings that where not his own. Clint too could feel Phil's emotions, but he could also feel Grant's confusion and fear. Phil's emotions washed over them. Rage, fury, disgust. not at them, never at them. there was a shimmer of air, and then Tyr's head was rolling across the stage even as his body collapsed. "You have been judged and found guilty." a Man informed the dead body of Tyr. he was completely naked, his privates hidden only by long strands of some sort of thread that Loki recognized right away. they weren't glowing anymore, so the others might not. there was a blood red rose on his chest, a rose that was now etched into the back of Clint's hand and in the middle of Grant's back. there was a triquetra on the back of his neck still, and Clint's marking was still on his upper arm. markings that where now layed into Grant's skin, connecting him to Clint and Phil as marked Bondeds. "My God he's a Valkyrie." Loki whispered, stunned. "a Warrior God who defends the helpless, the weak, the innocent and children. he can see into the hearts of man and know their every sin." Loki whispered, awestruck. too stunned over Phil's new appearance to care about the fact that his baby brother was now dead.
Alex indeed was twitching something fierce at being in front of the crowd, making a face at steve and james as he realized they were silently laughing at him. “Oh no, she’s going to be my hostage, and when I slaughter her-”Tyr said his words ending as phil killed him. “Yea, it’s me. I don’t know, but I got you.”Clint said his confusion blending together into a fierce sort of protection, the assassin so used to shoving his feelings away that he was like the eye in the storm of phil’s rage. And indeed if it hadn’t been for the bow and arrow at phil’s arm, he would have recognized him just yet. “A fitting title for a warrior.”Clint said lookign awestruck as he eased towards the stage, holding out his hands, not sure if his mate would recognize him. Glancing at Thorne as she pressed her hands against her neck, just by the bleeding he knew it wasn’t to bad, but it needed looked at. “phil?Can we help her?”He asked glancing at steve and james, not wanting them to get close until he was sure phil knew them.
Phil huffed at the man dead man, sneering at the body. "i don't.. i don't...." unlike most people, Grant had never felt another person's emotions along side his own, it was entirely too overwhelming for the poor man so he just sat down and stayed there. trying not to feel anything so he could figure out what the hell was happening. "Hey Clint." Phil chirped, sounding so much like himself for a moment that Grant started to giggle. "i don't know healing." "i have her." Frigga promised, setting her fingers to Thorne's neck, healing the cut without so much as a scar to show it had ever been there. "there you go darling." Frigga chirped. she'd grown very close to Thorne in the last month. "why is everyone staring at me like that?" Phil demanded, Jame and Steve chuckling as they moved forward and fussed over Thorne, murmuring and whispering and trying to comfort her and reassure her at the same time, stroking her arms and neck to calm her down. "how are you feeling Phil?" Loki asked curiously, the man pausing. "i feel.... off center..." he admitted, examining the wings. "those are going to take some getting used to. i almost missed." he admitted, kicking the dead body of Tyr to show what he was talking about. he flexed the metal things around his arm and Loki scowled. "hey! that's mine!" he protested Phil shrugging. "it was the first thing i found that i liked." he admitted. " can't use a gun right now, my hands are still shaking." "yeah they'll do that for a while." Loki admitted. "you need to eat, you haven't had food for almost a month." Loki admitted. "what did you do with your Cocoon?" "i hid it." Phil admitted. "not sure why, i just knew i had to hide it...." he admitted, scowling when someone's hand got too close to the strip of Cocoon that was saving his modesty. "we need to get you dressed. i don't like how naked you are, people can see you." Grant complained, looking rather possessive. he didn't like people other than him seeing Clint naked, and apparently that was the same for Phil. "Clothes would be nice." Phil agreed. "i can't really feel the breeze, but i'm not too fond of the way people are staring at me either." he admitted.
“Shush, it’s okay. I think you’ve gained a’re feeling both of us.”Clint said staring at the new mark on his hand, because it was the only thing that made sense, before phil startled a laugh out of him, looking amused.”Hey Phil.”He said before stepping away. “It’s okay. We can.”Clint said looking relieved as frigga healed Thorne. “Thank you.”Thorne smiled at the goddess, relaxing as the boys fussed over her, smiling faintly as she heard alex and the rest of the guards talking to the rest of the people, reassuing them that all was well. “Hm, we’ll have to go to the range, practice. I’ m sure Tony would be more then willing to design something for you, if loki wants his bands back.” “Oh yea. I can totally do that.”Tony said looking a little wide eyed as he considered the other man. “Food. Food we can get food.”Clint said pouncing on the idea of how to calm them all down, knowing thorne could use something to eat to as she cried and cuddled her boys. “Possessive are we?”Clint teased absently rubbing grant’s mark, it was a nice feeling, amused as he gentle herded all of them towards the private rooms again.
Grant nodded. "i feel... it' all so... too much." Grant finally whimpered, it was hard to process three sets of emotions even for someone who was used to it. Grant felt like he was drowning. he'd adapt quickly though. or he'd go mad, but the boys would love him no matter what so that was probably okay. "By the way. i know where all the Hydra bases are located at the moment. remind me to email Fury that list." "how do you know?" "concentrated evil." Phil admitted. "we won't get all of them of course but even if we miss a few dozen they won't be regrouping anytime soon." Phil admitted. "and i will need to practice, my aim is a bit off." "Valkyrie tend to favor swords, not guns, your eyesight is geared for that now instead." Loki admitted. "i'll develop some weapons for you. being a God, you should have a Gods weapon." Loki admitted. "and since you like the bracers so much you can keep them." Loki promised. "yes. i am possessive. your MINE now." Grant informed Clint. "you said and so it's true. your mine and i don't share." he stated smugly. "well he'd grown a lot." Phil admitted, smiling at Grant, pleased to see the other was expressing himself a lot more. soon Phil was... mostly dressed. he couldn't get a shirt on because of his wings, Loki promised to make special shirts for him and Steve and James where cooking up a feast for everyone. Phil inhaled so much food he out ate Thor and Steve combined. and that was a lot of food.
"I know. You've never had practice at feeling another. You'll adjust soon."he hoped anyways."....seriously? You just feel them?"clint said looking both startled and amused by the idea that it'd be that simple to take care of hydra."...I can totally make something worthy of a god!" Clint nearly bit his lip bloody at tony's protest. Oh gods he was going to go on a manic spred to just do that. Smiling slightly at grant wrapping a arm around the other."so I did. And you have to share with phil,but that's it I promise."Clint said before nodding a little half suspecting it was their own emotions that had made grant steady even more then he'd already been. Leaning in to press a kiss to phil's cheek he smirked."you just out ate a god and a super soldier. I don't know If I should be impressed or frightened really."he teased.
he nodded. "it's.... i LIE it." he admitted suddenly and shuddered as warm love blossomed across their bonds. Phil was expressing his joy at having Grant enjoy being connected to them apparently. "no you can't Stark! only a GOD can make something worthy of a God!" the sorcerer scoffed. "just because you humans have some very impressive toys doesn't mean you know how to handle a Gods true power." he huffed. Phil's lips twitched, well aware that Loki was referring to the weapon he'd blasted him with before 'dying'. "Phil and you are mine, so of course you to can share each other." Grant stated with a smile, pleased that he was being allowed to be possessive. "i did, yes. but they haven't been a full month without food." Phil pointed out with a chuckle before hiccuping. "oh. excuse me. now then." Phil stated calmly. "you three, may split this." he informed them, sliding what was left of the golden Cocoon across the table. Loki immediately plucked five strands from the bundle and vanished, making Odin chuckle. "...he was supposed to take a third of it." Phil admitted, amused. "Loki is Frugal. one strand he will be able to use over and over again and a single inch of the others can make dozens of items. no doubt he thinks he was being rather greedy." Frigga admitted with a giggle. "you underestimate the power of Transcendence." she admitted. "it is good that you hid the rest. while the Golden Threads can be used for good, they can also be used for great ill." "i know. that's why i hid it. i'll hand it out strand by strand to people i fully trust. ut of the few people i do trust, only Loki, Tony, and Bruce would be capable of actually doing anything with it." he admitted, even as he slipped two strands free and looped them over and over before sliding them onto Grant, and then Clint's wrists. he wanted them to have a strand, so they knew just how much he loved and trusted him.
Clint shuddered as he felt the love, smiling a little as he looked at the other, pressing a kiss to phil’s head. “What?No. I can totally make something, you runt of a god.”Tony growled competitive enough to really want to make a weapon now. “That’s true. I’l just have to make sure you’re well taken care of now.”clint muttered resting his head on phil’s shoulder, before looking startled, before outright laughing at the look on tony’s face as he looked at the bundle, looking amused that tony was eyeing the thing like he wasn’t sure he was really being given some or not. “Loki couldn’t be greedy if he tried.”Thorne snickered a little. “Hmmm, I don’t know what to start making first....I feel like I should blow you or have amazing sex with you phil, to repay you for this awesome, amazing gift, cause only sex with me could measure up to be giving something like this.”Tony said in that spaced out way that said he really wasn’t aware of what he was saying. Already off in his own head, planning what to make. “....I wonder if I could use this as a bowstring.”Clint hummed a little as he blushed slightly, brushing his fingers over the strand, he’d known phil trusted them, but this was something else to see.
Phil chuckled at the bickering. "Runt!? RUNT!? i'll show you runt you Narcissist! ou should be lucky i don't turn you into a turtle!" Loki raged. "you can make NOTHING to compare to my skills!" but the way he was grinning showed he wasn't in the least bit irritated. he was probably egging Tony on just to see what the billionaire would make. "Loki is very easily appeased." Frigga admitted with a chuckle. Loki had always been a child who preferred to fend for himself. Loki had once even joined the 'working class' and then campaigned for their rights when he realized how horrible they had been living. "Take a third Tony." Phil ordered with a chuckle, pulling out a third strand and handed it to Clint, to let him see if it would work as a bowstring. "...hey, Phil?" James asked, eyes brightening with an idea. "do you think...?" four strands where pulled free and handed to James who leaped to his feet. "i'll be right back!" he gasped, leaping through the room to do whatever it was he'd thought of. "so. wha now?" Steve asked, his head tilted. "do we have to go through the entire ceremony again?" he asked Thorne, smirking. "because if we could make Alex stand up and talk to all those people again that would be pretty epic."
“I would make a amazing turtle, but you are wrong!I’m totally making something awesome and so much better then yours.”Tony growled, sounding amusedly annoyed. Which just made thorne giggle to watch loki egg tony on. “Thanks. It’ll be a good bowstring.”Clint said smiling at phil before tilting his head looking at james in thoughtfulness. “....Wonder what he’s making?”Thorne frowned watching james leave, looking interested before laughing, shaking her head as she smirked. “That’s just mean captain. But I think we’re going to have to. I mean, what better way to reassure the people that we survived, then going on. Though I do think we’ll wait till tomorrow to do so.” “That’s just mean, my lady, plotting to make me get ni front of a crowd.”Alex said rolling his eyes a little as he walked into the room, tilting his head. “Lord Odin, Lady frigga, I did not know the apporiate funeral rights, but I had the doctors prepare the body for burial, if you wish to return Tyr to Asgard.”The guard said bowing his head towards the two, having proven to be well liked and knowledgable over the last month, proving that despite being barely 25, there was a reason that he was the captain of the guard, level headed and in control.
Loki snorted. "i'll turn you into a Capuchin!" he decided. "see how you like being an inferior species!" he decided. "oh. he'll be back within the half hour to show you." Phil assured them. "i can see into the souls of men now. which is why i know that Carlos Eclair is a child molester and you should do something about him." he was one of the royal guard! "yes. we're going to have to." Steve agreed with a smirk before beaming at Alex ever so innocently. "thank you, General Skarsgard." Odin said, his face tight with pain. "we will return him to Asgard and have a funeral pyr built. for Loki's sake if anything else. he will be handed into Hela's arms and she will decide his fate. Death is always fair." he admitted. "the Bride is fully functional now." Frigga admitted. "and Asgard has a human friendly atmosphere. would you all like to come with us? after the funeral of course." she admitted. "such a thing will be a very private affair." she admitted. "family only, no chance of someone disrupting the ceremony that way."
“....what the hell is a capuchin?”Tony said looking interested, simply because he couldn’t not be interested. “....What?”Thorne looked startled as she stared at Phil before looking up at Alex. The man nodding slightly to show that he had heard Phil before making a a face at steve but not protesting that he was going to be doing the ceremony again. “You are welcome, I only wish it hadn’t be necessary.”Alex said tilting his head a little. “...That would be good. I would like that.”Thorne said and while she’d always dreamed of having a wedding in the hall of mirrors, it was a good thought to have, to be able to have a private, simple wedding that was just for them. Something that for once, was just hers, and family. While they could always have a public wedding for the people if they wanted to, she liked the idea of celebrating with her men.
"...Capuchin. it's one of your earth creatures. a monkey?" Loki stated, raising an eyebrow at Tony as if mocking him for his inability to remember his own creatures. Steve just smiled at Alex happily, Odin shaking his head. "i always knew that only death would stop Tyr." he admitted softly. "we'll have the funeral tomorrow and then any time you want to come up, have Thor or Loki bring you. it will be a while before we have suitable systems in place to meet and great humans entering the borders of Asgard." she admitted. "that's alright, we're not sure how to handle visiting Asgardians either." Steve admitted before blinking when James returned, Viola in hand, the strings replaced with the golden threads. "listen!" James ordered, voice breathless, raising the bow and dragging it against the threads, creating a note so pure it nearly made Steve cry. the music flowing through the air was pitch perfect and echoed hauntingly beautiful. Phil just smiled. "you like it then?" "i LOVE it." he whispered, amazed.
“Ah, I knew that.”Tony made a face at loki. “That is fine, we’re not well prepared for visiting asgardians yet.”Thorne assured the other, smiling a little before looking at james, eyes widening as she started to cry because it was so beautiful.”It’s amazing. Truly.”She said looking utterly in love with it.

Nearly 8 months later Thorne frowned looking up at James, tired and grouchy. “I can’t see my feet anymore. I blame you. I swear your kid is practicing beating up on me.”She whined looking up at him as she looked up at her husband, the three having tied the knot months ago in a perfect fairy tale wedding, perfect for them, and private in asgard, which really had been perfect as no where else would captain america, queen of sweden, and the winter soldier manage to have some privacy to celebrate such a long awaited event. But now, nearly 5 months later, the woman was utterly tired and grouchy, ready to be not pregnant, and angry because she was so very anxious over being a mother, which was amusing because it seemed the more calm tony became with the idea of being a father, the more wound up thorne got over it.
James smiled at her. "it's Steve's kid." he stated calmly. "my child is perfectly well behaved, Steve is the one who gets into trouble." he admitted, gently setting his fingertips to her belly and laid a kiss on her stomach. "hush now." he purred. "Mommy's not feeling well little ones, don't make it worse." and like always, they settled under his touch. "our boys will by a rambunctious lot." James admitted with a smile. he had long since informed them that they where both boys. and that the one was going to be very sickly. Steve had been horrified that he'd passed on bad genetics and had locked himself in the bathroom and refused to come out. lamenting that he was a bad father before the babies where even born. James physically dragged him out, by the hair even, and gave him a rough work over that made Steve calm down. no one mentioned the fact that the bruises lasted quite a number of days. "hmmm...." James murmured and then smiled. "Steve? go and get the doctors ready? her water is going to break in.. three.... two... one..." and there it was.
"No I'm sure it's yours. Cause we all know steve always drags you in on his plots."thorne huffed before smiling a litfle as he pressed a kiss to her stomach closing her eyes."they're going to be. You two are fairly rambunctuous lot."thorne snickered. "What?"thorne looked startled at his words eyes widening as she looked down yelping a little as she felt her water break."bloody hell...noooo I'm not ready. Guys I'm not ready."she said sounding panicked as she looked up at them
James smiled at her. "exactly. Steve's child is the one causing problems." he teased with a smile before chuckling, taking her hand. "Thorne. look at me." he ordered. "you've taken the lessons. you read all the books. you've gotten doctors opinions from five different doctors. you know what your doing. it's okay. your going to be a wonderful mother. i know more than anyone." he admitted softly.. "now, come on." he ordered with a smile. "we have two new Vasa to bring into the world." while they had all kept their last names, they had all agreed that the twin boys would share Thorne's last name, to carry on the royal title. James also knew what Thorne was going to name the babies but both of them refused to tell Steve, who was already sulking at not knowing. not that Thorne had told James, the sneak psychic that he was.
“,,,Okay. You’re right. I’m okay.”Thorne muttered making a face at him before nodding as she moved up slowly, swallowing thickly as she let james get her to the hospital wing, whining quietly as she was settled back onto the bed, smilign a little as she looked up at her boys, before laughing as alex poked his head into the room to tell them that tony and pepper were to having their baby at the moment in the room across the hall.
he smiled a little and helped her to the bedroom and they both laughed when they realized Pepper was having her child at the exact same time. James had known but he hadn't said anything, just like he knew the gender as well but hadn't told. mostly because Pepper wanted it to be a surprise. both boys took her hands and they stayed with her until the first boy, James, was born, followed by a tiny baby who was so small you'd have sworn he was a premie. Frigga, who was doing the deliveries as a special gift, immediately wrapped the tiny infant in a mass of spells to keep it healthy and alive. it would have struggled for life in a modern hospital. this way the baby had a true fighting chance.
Thorne settled back into the pillows, looking worried as he watched the boys and the twins, looking worried. “Frigga?How’s Stephen?”She said looking anxious about the baby, even as she snuggled the healthier twin, resting her head against steve’s shoulder, worried and upset. “I have a girl!I have a girl!”Tony called as he poked his head into the room, before pausing, looking worried. “How are you five doing?”
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