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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Loki looked stunned, startled at Thor's proclamation before he beamed at Thor, utterly delighted. "excellent!" he chirped, very delighted that he would get to stay. he adored Midgard. or rather, he adored the people on Midgard. okay he liked Tony and Phil really, the others where just sort of there.

Loki offered her a smile. if they opened trade here, then he could go visit Odin anytime he wanted. "Tony? Pepper? can we talk to you?" Phil asked them once they where back inside. "Loki too if he's available." "...uh, sure. about what?" "well... Grant dropped on his own last night..." Loki gasped. "that's so dangerous! he could have gone into a bad place doing that..." "i don't think he did it on purpose. but... Clint and i, we've never had someone so submissive before. we don't know what to do." he admitted, looking at Clint. "and we want to do what's best for him." he admitted. he watched James and Steve snuggling Thorne, comforting her and soothing her and bustling her away so they could give her some back and foot massages to help her calm down.
“Hm?”Tony frowned as he looked at the other, looking worried. “And he did it once when we were at home, simply tugging on his hair dropped him. He drops easily....”Clint said looking worried. Tony looked thoughtful because he dropped that easily sometimes, “Don’t freak out when he drops, even if you’re surprised don’t show it. He’ll be upset simply because you are.”Tony said as he sighed quietly as he sprawled out on the living room couch, so glad that the huge living room had enough space for them to simply sprawl out and relax, amused at the sight of the super soldiers leaving with thorne, at least they wouldn't ever have to worry about things getting to stressful for her, they'd make sure she was okay.
Pepper pondered that and then. "most supremely submissive actually NEED subspace. they need drop time. Tony's one of those, he needs to float. if Grant is one of those, then he probably dropped himself by accident because he's been so long without a drop." Pepper admitted. "Tony's been known to drop himself too when he gets too upset or too stressed out." she admitted. "this can be very dangerous. particularly with Grant's past." she admitted, setting up some Coffee and a Tea for Phil, who had found the taste of Coffee made him feel ill. "the problem with him being so submissive, is that he'll do anything for you, so long as he thinks it pleases you." Loki admitted. "you will have to use a firm hand, and read him very carefully. try and set up a baseline." "i did. i cheated a bit but i found out what he does and does not like...." suddenly Phil looked utterly furious. "i killed Garret entirely too quickly." he hissed, the teacup shattering in his hand, startling him so badly that all he could do was stare at his wet, but unhurt hand. "....that's new..." he admitted, Loki chuckling. "establish a safe word." Pepper ordered. "and make him FOLLOW it. make sure to tell him, ever time you set up a scene, that using the safeword is NOT failing." Pepper said. "Have a Safeword for yourself as well. this way if YOU need to stop, you can use that word and let him know t's You who needs to stop and it's in no way his fault. it will take a while for him to understand and trust this system, but that's true of anything you could do." "if he's as submissive as you say he is, then he will crave a punish/praise system. set up specific punishments and make sure he knows what they are. then when he acts out, and he will. he will test you, he will crave the punishment, he knows exactly what may happen. never add a new punishment without telling him first. don't surprise him." Phil, ever the boyscout, was actually writing that all down.
“I’ve learned to tell pepper, even though she reads me amazingly,you need to make sure he knows to tell you if he needs it. I’ve gone to long sometimes, and dropped while working with high powered explosives. Definitely need to avoid those moments if you can.”Tony said biting his lip as he considered. “It’s not cheating, he would have told us even if he wasn’t under. We just found out more.”Clint pointed out startling as the teacup shattered, looking startled. “Definitely new...”He stared. “Safewording is a safe thing for you both, not because it’s a failure, but you need a step back.Make him understand that you want him to use it if he needs to, I doubt Garret gave him the option.”Tony said amused that phil was indeed writing stuff down.”Such a boyscout.”He teased a little.
Phil nodded. "does it always need to be sexual? he really liked it when we fed him..." "no. not always." Pepper answered this time. "it also depends on the person. some Sub's can't stand subspace without sex involved, some don't like to orgasm because it throws off their space. it depends entirly on Grant, but you'll be able to experiment and find out what works best for him, as well as for you. remember, a person as submissive as Grant, is happiest when he's pleasing his 'masters' as it where." she admitted, smiling at Tony. "well. i'm not sure he would have told us much. like the.... pissing..." Phil said it through gritted teeth. "okay. we'll make sure all of us have a safe word. Clint has one of course, since he prefers to bottom and we do enjoy a bit of BDSM on occasion, but we usually agree on a specific set of toys before we start." he admitted. "if we try something new, then that is all we use during that, scene? you called it?" "yes.In BDSM, a scene is the stage or setting where BDSM activity takes place, as well as the activity itself." Pepper explained, sounding more like she was quoting something. "it's a way to differentiate normal sex, from kinky sex." she explained. "do some research on your own as well. there's a handbook of sorts you should read. for both Master and Submissive." she admitted. "i'll loan them to you, i used them too when i first found out Tony was... wired, the way he is." she admitted with a smile. "okay... uhm, Clint and i where thinking Grant would like a Collar... something to let him know he's always ours, no mater what you know? something to assure him that we're not going to leave...." "that's a very good idea." "I hope so... but we want something he doesn't have to take off if he doesn't want to, so it needs to be battle capable. something functional as well. something that can protect his neck as well as work the way a collar is supposed to work.... we have no idea if something like that even exists..."
“No it doesn’t. Sometimes I simply like sitting at her feet and watching her work. And it’ll demand on the mood, or how things went. Talk is the best way to figure any of this out.”Tony shrugged a little, leaning into pepper a little, “And he’ll test the bounds. Even if he likes pleasing you, he’ll push at the boundaries just to see.”Tony smiled a little. “...Oh. Yea.”Clint winced shuddering a little, pained at the memory. “And choose the new toys before he drops, that way you can be sure he really wants to try it, and isn’t simply agreeing.”Tony smiled a little before smirking. “There’s lot of books, but pepper’s got some of the best.”He said nuzzling her a little before raising his head to look at the men. “He liked the idea. Something combat ready, cause I really don’t like the idea of him taking it off, since it’d be like...he wasn’t with us. And he needs to be with us.”Clint muttered. “...Well. I can make one. Leather?” “Most likely.” “Hmmm, I’ll work on it.”Tony said, his eyes glazing a little, already imagining it.
Phil nodded, still writing everything down. "okay so that's where the Safe, Sane and Consensual thing comes in then? if he's down, he can't consent correctly because he'll just say yes, whether or not he'll actually want it, right?" Phil asked, Pepper smiling at him. "that's correct." she agreed. "S.S.C is one of the most important parts of BDSM." she admitted. "he really likes sitting at our feet. i didn't realize he was doing it at first. what about around other people? should i treat him differently?" "again, that depends on him and on you. some people want their 'bedroom' to stay in the bedroom. or stay private. others don't mind, some like the idea of being seen and some don't. again, sometimes it's sexual, sometimes it isn't." she admitted. "there are a lot of behaviors and it's highlighted more in the books i'll give you." she admitted. "for Grant, i would say he probably wants to always submit. a lot like Sue Storm, he won't want to make decisions, and he'll want to sit at your feet and obey you no matter where you are. how far that behavior goes will be up to you and him to decide." she admitted. "for example, if Tony's having a bad day, he'll sit at my feet in the tower. but he doesn't like to exhibit behaviors in front of certain people, so if we're at the office, he will do other things, like brush my hair. it soothes us both and he's till serving me without bringing undue attention to ourselves." she admitted. "behaviors will greatly vary from couple to couple, so that's something your going to have to work out for yourselves." she admitted before smiling at Tony. "do you feel comfortable letting them see your collar?" she asked him. "sometimes, Tony needs to feel like he belongs to someone. his collar is only temporary." she admitted. "Leather, yes. and maybe with some lightweight, but strong metal on the inside? something that would make it hard to break or cut. then it has the duel purpose of protecting his neck, as well as keeping someone else from trying to remove it." Phil decided, giving Tony a bit more of a challenge. "i'd like to have Clint's name on it somewhere. since he's primarily Clint's... submissive?" Phil asked, his head tilted. "yes. submissive. pet works well too. or slave, depending on what branch your taking." " not Slave." Phil said quickly, recoiling from the idea. "he's been a slave for most of his life. he won't be our slave."
“and if you feel like he’s agreeing to simply please you, even if he’s up, step back and talk through it some more. He’s been a pet to Garret to long to be used to having options. Let him grow comfortable with being able to have them.”Tony smiled a little. “I think we have a good start now.”Clint said looking pleased, easier with knowing what to do, and knowing that they would be able to ask qusetions of these three if they needed to. “...”Tony bit his lip before dipping his head, “I will.Hold on, I’ll go get it.”Tony said as he walked out before returning, looking amused.”hm, I’ll make the middle out of the same stuff as the suit then...or many a thin later of vibrianium...hmmm.”Tony said looking thoughtful before nodding. “I’ll put his name on it.” “No, not slave.”clint flinched, looking startled and hurting at the idea. “Pet.he liked pet...”he muttered. “Okay. Here. Mine can be permenant if I wanted, but I don’t, it’s simply nice to have.”Tony said as he handed pepper the collar to put on, simply because he never ever put it on or took it off himself.
Phil nodded. "when we where talking to him, i got the feeling that Garret had made him talk through what he didn't like before... just so he could do it." Phil admitted, rage in his voice. because Garret would do that. force Grant to tell the truth, admit what he didn't like, and then do it anyway. "always give him options. i can do that." Phil muttered before smirking. "actually. that could be fun." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "Vibranium? you have some? we've been trying to track some down for MONTHS!" he complained, sulking at the other. "i don't want yours, but if you have a contact i'd really appreciate it." he admitted before smiling at Clint. "he did like Pet." he admitted. "we'll call him Pet... and he liked the pet names. we'll find one that suits him best. i don't think Darling suits him too well." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking when Tony returned, Pepper taking the collar. "now. normally when Ton brings me this, it's because he needs to drop. sometimes, he can't ask for things, in certain moods he can't make the words come, so he brings me this and i know he needs it deep and hard. just the act of putting it around his neck can drop him." she admitted. "but i never put it on him when there are others in the room, because he looses the ability to give Sane Consent." she admitted. "when he's that far down, other people can frighten him." she admitted. "so we never use the collar when there are other people in the room." she admitted, setting the collar down and smiling at Tony. "we where thinking of inviting Bruce to join us sometime, the poor man hasn't had touch in so long." she admitted, running her fingers through Tony's hair. "however. if you need training, in floggers, in how to bring someone up from subspace, things like that. come talk to us, Tony loves to help." she admitted with a smile. "i too could give lessons." Loki admitted. "being a Switch, and able to replicate myself, i can show you how, and then let you try on a body that will feel no pain in case you do it wrong." Loki admitted.
“...Yea, that would be like garret.”Clint shuddered. He hadn’t known the other well, but he’d known enough to utterly despise the man. He bothered and rubbed him the other way. “....Yea. I have a contact. Tall,blond, and patriotic. When I re-did the shield I had some left over. Not alot, but enough to do a small collar center.”Tony snickered a little. “No, darling sounds wrong.”Clint said making a face, before studying tony. Staring at the other man, realizing just how much trust it meant he had in them, to let them see him like this. “I’m never sane, pepper.”Tony muttered looking vaguely nervous despite wanting to show them, simply because he knew they could use a demostration, “...bruce would be good.”She muttered closing his eyes as he leaned onto the other, even without it on, it dropped him. Leaning into pepper’s hand as his head was stroked, simply leaning into her, content to be with her.”Helping’s fun.”he muttered smiling a little.
Phil nodded. "i can't believe i thought of him as a friend." Phil growled. "sick... disgusting... traitor." he hissed unhappily before shaking his head. "i don't know what's wrong with me today...." "your displaying." Loki explained. "your Transcendence is... peeking, for lack of a better word. instincts are starting to come to the fore. once you've finished, those instincts and impulses will be under your control but for now your human half, and your God half are... struggling,i suppose would be a good analogy." Loki admitted. "you are Sane. well, Sane enough that i can trust you when you say yes." she admitted with a chuckle. "i won't put the collar on you." she promised tony. "but i'm going to drop you, so they can see." she admitted. he'd dropped for others, he'd dropped for Loki last night. "he would be very good." she agreed with a chuckle before looking at them. "see how calm he is now? he's dropped. just handling the collar can take him partway down, a good Dom can bring a sub down, or back up as they please. you should never abuse this. dropping a sub too far too fast, or bringing them up too fast can do nasty things in their mind. dropping, raising them and dropping them again can also do nasty things. always give them a chance to rest before altering their subspace. like now, Tony has just dropped, so i need t let him settle there before doing anything to him." she admitted, Phil nodding, soaking in everything. "
‘It’s okay. He fooled us all.”Clint muttered leaning against phil a little before looking at loki. “Should we get him home?I’d hate to leave thorne and the other’s here, but if you need away from everyone...”Clint looked worried about phil even as he watched tony. “...Ah. That you can trust.”Toyn smiled a little, whining a little at the absence of his collar even as he leaned into pepper, because well, he’d not worn the collar for others, simply because it pulled him down to hard, but he trusted the others, and that he’d handled it he wanted it. “...You’ll screw someone up playing with the space like that...I go back to afghanistan if I rise to fast, I wouldn’t want to consider what grant’s mood souring would do.”Tony said still up enough to discuss and talk, even if he was looking utterly content and relaxed in the other’s hold. “...Thank you. For this. It’s good to see...I mean...we’ve done some, but Grant’s....I’m scared for him.”clint said smiling quietly.
Loki shook his head. "he's fine." he promised. "based on him as a person and his behavior now, i suspect he will become a God that values innocents greatly. he is upset because Garrets Actions against Grant touch him more than just personally, they stroke his inner power as well and make him desire to unleash his wrath." Loki admitted. "he has entirely too much control over himself to go on a Rampage." Loki admitted. "if Grant does go up too fast, do not panic and certainly do not yell! don't shake him, don't grip him. stroke him, gently, and whisper to him. tell him where he is and who he is with." she explained, rubbing her hand through Tony's hair, scratching his scalp gently to keep him steady and stable. "never. ever. ever leave your sub for any reason ever when he is down." she warned. "not even for a second. particularly not one who has been so abused as Grant has. if you do have to leave, explain to him exactly where you are going and why. tell him your going tot he bathroom to get a cleaning rag, or the kitchen to get a drink. only leave if it's to get something to take care of him." Phil nodded, writing that down. "it is a bit scary. the first time i saw Tony in a subspace was after he came back from a club. it was just a few months after i'd started working for him. i was terrified. his back was all whipped up, he wouldn't answer any of my questions. i was sure he'd been raped. i even called the police." she grimaced. "it was a bit of a mess." she admitted. "i can't imagine how it must bother you to see him drop like this, it gets easier, and you'll start to understand how his mind works the more you progress. a relationship like this is so much deeper, so much more intense than people who are having a 'traditional' relationship." she admitted. "also, don't be surprised if Grant starts to cry, a lot of subs find the pleasure and the love and the emotions so overwhelming they can't help it. Tony cries for me when he gos deep enough, don't you Baby?" she asked, smiling at Tony.
“...He already does value them. I can’t imagine how much worse it’s going to get when he’s fully a god.”Clint muttered looking thoughtful before looking at phil, nodding slightly relieved phil was okay for now. “Calm. Okay. I can do that.I’m a sniper, good at being calm.”Clint muttered pleased because calm and together was definitely something he could do no matter the circumstances. “kay. Stay and if we have to leave, tell him. That sould be easy enough.”Clint said looking relieved at the idea. “....That was a mess. Everyone thought I was being abused, wanted to arrest someone.”Tony snorted a little looking amused, sighing quietly as his hair was stroked, starting to steady, responding like a quiet happy kitten as he nudged his head into pepper’s hand as he shifted to lay down and snuggle. “...Only time I do cry. Though did you have to tell them that?”Tony whined a little smiling quietly u pat his wife.
Loki smiled a little. "some of the most amazing people where Gods." he admitted. "a lot of the ancient gods, like Zeus, The Morrigan, Saint Nicholas and others where actually humans undergoing Transcendence." he admitted. "Phil is simply the first in a very long time to be chosen as worthy. i'll give you the history lesson on it later if you like." Loki offered. Phil nodded, he was curious. "that's right. and never leave for more than a minute or so at a time or he might think he's been abandoned." she admitted. "that's never a good thing." she admitted. "as he begins to trust in you more, and come to know and believe that he won't be left, you'll be able to leave him for longer periods of time, but it's best not to get into the habit." she admitted, smiling at Tony. "it was a mess." she admitted. "especially when we found out who was doing it." she admitted with a huff. it had been Johnny storm of course, but he hadn't known much more than Tony and they hadn't practiced the SSC because they hadn't known. they'd actually fucked themselves up more than they'd settled themselves down. "i did have to tell them, yes, because Grant will probably cry and it's better if they know it's expected." she admitted, smiling at him. "your being such a good boy for me." she admitted, kissing Tony. "we should get going. i don't like leaving Grant alone for so long." Phil admitted, realizing how much time had passed. "thank you, so much." "we'll get you those books. make Grant read them too." she ordered with a smile. "and come to us if you have any other questions or concerns." "i'm going to go pester Thor." Loki decided with a smile. blowing the two a kiss before vanishing. Pepper just smiled and looked at Tony. "get your collar and go lay down on the bed." she ordered.
“That’s really cool.”Clint said looking interested, indeed he was going to like listening to the stories of the other gods. “Okay.”Clint said reassured that they were going to be okay. “Hm, we were learning. Things tend to be messy if you don’t ask for help. You did the right thing asking.”Tony smiled at the two, whining a little. “Fine. Fine everyone has to know I’m crying.”Tony huffed a little. “Thanks tony.”CLint smiled watching the two. “I’m good.”Tony smiled happily at the praise. “Thanks pepper.”Clint smiled kissing her cheek as they headed for the door. Tony perked up, smiling happily as he picked up his collar and laid on the bed, holding it out to her.

“Grant?”Clint called as tehy walked into their rooms, looking around for the other man, feeling happier and more relaxed now that thy’d asked for help.
"well, we didn't know what to do and since your... well, you..." Phil teased, smiling at Tony. "we thought you, and Pepper might be the best to ask. Loki's been alive for so long he's sure to have come across this, right? so we thought between the three of you, we'd know everything we needed to know." he admitted. "thank yu Pepper, Tony. Loki." Phil said, smiling as he followed Clint out. "in here!" Grant called from his bedroom. he was cleaning his weapons. parts of guns laying everywhere. Phil picked out five different guns and a set of throwing knives. well armed, and caring for them properly. Grant looked so much better himself. settled, calm, content. the drop and the activities last night had given him what he'd needed. he looked more at peace, with himself, with everything, than he ever had.

Pepper smiled and took the collar and settled it against his neck, pulling him into a kiss as she locked it in place. only she could remove it. he'd designed it that way. only her fingerprint would release the locking mechanism. because he was amazing like that. "such a good boy for me."
Clint smiled as they walked into the room, pausing as he looked at the other man, smiling quietly. “Very good. Seems like your well armed. I think we should send him after chris like this. Reward him for being good.”Clint snickered a little moving over to sit next to him, smiling quietly. “You okay?”He said looking him over.

Tony shuddered as she locked it into place, eyelids fluttering shut as he leaned into her. “I am...always yours.No one else’s.”Tony muttered nuzzling his mark over her neck, simply enjoying being with her.
Grant smiled a little. "they're my favorites." he admitted. "i threw the rest out. i didn't like them but Garret made me use them. so i chucked em." he admitted, "these Guns are my best. i picked them myself." he admitted, proudly. effortlessly assembling the one he'd just finished cleaning before examining it, running it through his fingers to make sure before sliding the safety on and setting it to the side, offering Clint a smile. "i feel better than i have in my entire life." he admitted, leaning against Clint. "thank you, for last night. i know it couldn't have been easy. i didn't mean to..." he admitted. not all that bothered that he had but needing to apologize. "there's nothing to apologize for." Phil promised. "actually we just got done talking to Pepper and Loki about how to give you what you need." he admitted. "Pepper's going to loan us some books, i want you to read them." "okay... i can't read very well..." "i'll help you if you need it." he promised. "why do i have to read the book?" "so we all have the same information." "oh... i never knew there where books." Grant admitted, head cocked curiously.

Pepper smiled at him, running her hands through his hair. "there's my good Kitten." she purred, stroking his face. you are mine, aren't you Kitten?" she asked, smiling. "all mine." she purred, stroking his neck around the collar, she loved to touch, and taste, and see the collar wrapped around Tony's neck. locking him to her. "What should i do to you Kitten?" she wondered, running her long nails along his chest, catching on his nipples. teasing the rosy buds. "shall i hurt you? shall i fuck you? shall i ride you? it's been a while since my Kitten wanted to play, i'm not sure what i want to do." she admitted with a grin.
“Hm, I have favorite weapons to. These look good. Though bow’s still better then guns.”Clint smiled a little shuddering at the utter confidence the other was displaying at sliding the gun into place and locking it. That was so hot. “Welcome. And don’t apologize.”He muttered nuzzling the other as he wrapped a around him, smiling slightly. “And we’ll help you learn to read better. And this way, we all know the same thing, so we don’t mess up or make things worse....and apparently there’s lots of books. Though you might consider talking to Tony sometime, he might be easier to talk to if you wnat to know more.”clint smiled amused.

“...Always.your kitten.”he muttered shuddering. While it wasn’t often he acted like a cat, it was always when he was collared. While he was normally more cuddly when he was down, he was definitely even more so when he was this far down. Shivering as she stroked his neck, he moaned as she toyed with his nipples. “Anything you want.”she panted.

Elsewhere Thorne smiled slightly as she looked over the garden, having simply stepped out of the bedroom to the indoor gardens, letting the boys sleep, because here she thought she was safe. Hadn’t really considered that there was another room that connected to it. Startlign as she felt the gun pressing against her neck she froze, trembling as chris moved around. “If I can’t have you, I’ll make sure they can’t either. You always were beautiful you know.”Chris muttered as he walked around, the gun barrel pressing against her chin as he jerked at her clothes, smirking as the robe fell open, looking her over, “You are going to be such a good fuck.”He growled as he backed her against the building, pinning her there as he worked at his jeans, having every intention of fucking her then killing her, watching the woman tremble and shake, it was utterly inpowering to see her like this.
Grant grinned a little. "i don't have the accuracy for a bow." he admitted. "a Gun is a lot less challenging when i have arthritis in my left hand." he admitted, Phil pausing. "Chris... Christopher, my brother, he closed it in a door once, and no one bothered to have it checked so it didn't heal right." he admitted, flexing his fingers. "it doesn't usually matter, since i'm right handed, but it's enough that two handed activities bother me at times." he admitted. talking so much more easily about his past. proving that he really did trust them more than anything. he smiled and leaned into Clint with a small sigh, relaxing into the touch. "anything you want, i want too." Grant promised. Phil grimacing. at least Pepper had warned them about that. Grant accepting anything so long as they wanted it.

she smiled, stroking him again. "such a good boy for me." she purred, leaning down and licking his nipples. "i think i'm going to suck your cock, and then your going to go and get my strap on." she decided, smirking. "and i'm going to fuck you until you cum before riding you until you cum again. hows that sound Kitten?"

there was a long moment where Chris might have gotten away with it. might have pressed inside Thorne and taken her again. then, there was a gun pressed to his own neck, just under the chin. then nothing at all. blood spraying across the air, splattering across the floor and down Thorn's dress, James standing there, eyes as cold as a Russian winter, blank and steely. he paused, looked at her, and in a horrific scene, did not recognize her. he turned back to Chris's dead body and shot him again, this time in the heart, making sure there was no chance he was alive while Steve's hands gently pulled her away. "shh. Thorne, Shhh. it's okay. shh." Steve soothed, the Guards already running in, reacting to the gunshots. "Stand Down Soldier!" Steve barked when James turned, gun raised to the Guards. at Steve's order he stopped and settled again, gun at his hip in loose fingers, waiting, eyes blank, face emotionless, mind turned off. the Winter Soldier again. he would recover with a night of gentle work, but Steve was more concerned with Thorne. James wasn't in any danger, Thorne was.
“Really?”Clint stared, startled at the knowledge of such a weakness, not because it made him think less of grant, but because he was surprised they’d been trusted with it. Smiling quietly as he pressed a kiss to grant’s head, sighing quietly. “It amazes me he’s a senator you know. So glad tony got things started, he shouldn’t be reelected next time..”Clint muttered nuzzling him a little before wincing, “No. I want you to want it to. It wont be fun if you’re not enjoying it as much, Grant.”Clint said gently, his voice soft and kind, instead of scolding.

Tony moaned arching off the bed, blinking, whimpering loudly. “Please,please, yes, lets do that.”He squirmed, moaning, needy as he looked up at her.

Thorne screamed as blood splattered her, screaming as she felt the warm wash of blood coating her face and eyelashes, trying to pull away as steve grabbed her, before she realized who it was, scared and startled, even trusting them, she was to scared and reaction to the blood and brains in her face to react well. “St-st-wha-”Thorne panted, nearly screaming and scared as she looked up at him, utterly unable to force the words out, definitely falling apart. "Sir?"One of the guards asked, looking over the scene. "Do you need help?"
he nodded. "yeah." he admitted with a smile. "stroking cocks don't seam to bother it much, but holding smaller things does." Phil choked back laughter. "like pencils. or arrows. or bowstrings." he admitted, unaware of how ridiculous it was to just insert that into conversation. "he's a senator?" he asked, looking startled. "well. no matter i don't care so long as i never have to see him." he admitted with a shrug before looking confused at Clint. "i don't understand." "if you aren't enjoying it, then we won't enjoy it either. so we want you to be completely honest with us. like you where last night. i swear it, Grant, we will never do anything you don't like. we will never do anything to you that you don't want us to." he paused when Grant just stared at him, confused. clearly he didn't realize that he should be enjoying sex too. and how sad was that?

she grinned and did exactly that, taking him apart and putting him back together again. she calmly let him rest once she'd finished rifing him into oblivion and gathered the cloth and water she'd set out earlier and cleaned him up. he'd let her know when he was ready to be Tony again, so she left the collar on until he was ready to have it off. removing it before he was ready brought him up too fast, never a good thing. "how was that Kitten?" she asked, smiling as she finished and settled into to snuggle him, running her nails through his hair while she pressed her front to his back, spooning him effortlessly.

"shhh, Thorne Shhhh it's okay." Steve soothed, holding her gently. "shhh, i have you, it's okay, shhh..." he whispered before looking up at the Guard. "get that filthy rapist fucker out of here. i want you to release the statement to the public that Chris just tried to assassinate the Princess, use the video evidence if you have to. Soldier! into the room." Steve ordered James, who turned and moved into the bedroom to wait like a good little machine. "i want the entire castle locked down. no one in, no one out i want to find out if anyone else was involved in this." he admitted before turning his attention to Thorne again. "shh, come on, into the bedroom love. we have to get you clean. shhh it's okay. into the bathroom now." he whispered, urging her into the bathroom and started running the shower. "i'm no going to stay, but i'll leave the door open so if you need me, you call for me okay?" he asked her, stroking her shoulders and neck before leaving so she could scrub clean. James was in his closet, having snapped out of it himself, he needed his own calming place. he was barely upset, just a little unsettled he'd become the Soldier again, not that he cared since he'd saved Thorne.
“....Well. I’d rather have you stroking cocks then writing, really. As long as it’s my cock of course. And phil’s. I’ll share since he enjoyed the sight of you sucking me off so much.”Clint teased grinning a little, amusing at how very odd his boy was. “He is.And no, you’ll never have to see him.”he promised before tilting his head at phil as the man explained gently stroking grant’s hair. “Never, I promise. You’re supposed to enjoy sex to, you know.”He muttered.

Tony sprawled out across the bed, as always, a total bed hog, shuddring as he laid out over the bed, simply relaxing and quiet, sighing softly as she spooned him, smiling quietly. “...that was good. I’m good.”He promised starting to come up. “....we’re just going to lay here for awhile...don’t have to go anywhere do we?”He muttered.

Thorne stared up at the other, panicked and scared as she looekd up at him before nodding, calming slowly. “Yes sir. We will lock things out, and find out if anyone else was involved. I will report myself within the hour.”The younger man said, “I am commander Skarsgard. Dial three on the room phone if you should need anything, I will answer myself for the foreseeable future until we are sure things are locked down.”The blond said as he left with the rest of the guards, he was young, but him and his guard was utterly loyal to their princess. “....kay...clean would be good...”She said, sounding utterly disassociated, completely divorcing herself from things as she got into the bathroom. “...kay...”She muttered as she undressed and cleaned up, though as time past it was obvious something was wrong as she’d simply curled up in the end of the tub, huddling and shivering in the cooling water, totally in shock.
h smiled at Clint and nodded. "i can use a pen just fine with my right hand, but some of the video game controllers bug my left up a bit." he admitted. "and the two handed guns, like the sniper rifles and stuff." he admitted before laughing a little. "i can suck off Phil if he wants..." he paused. "Sir?" "no. Phil is fine, unless you particularly like calling me Sir?" Phil asked, Grant pondering that before shrugging. he wasn't fussed either way, unless he was feeling... needy, then he'd use Sir. but he'd leave that a secret for now. "am i?" he asked, looking confused. "i've never. not really." he admitted. "it's sort of boring innit?" he asked, making Phil twitch. a subspace without any pleasure. fuck that was horrible. "we'll teach you better." Phil promised, making Grant beam at him, pleased that he would be shown how to behave for Phil and Clint's maximum delight. not exactly what Phil was going for, but hey, Grant was happy. that was what mattered right?

she snorted. "bed hog." she complained affectionately. but that was okay because she usually slept curled up in a little ball. safe and wrapped up with Tony all around her. "no. we don't have to go anywhere. i made sure of that before i told you to get the collar." she admitted. "i was wondering, while your low enough to be completely honest. how would you feel if i dominated you in front of Grant, Phil and Clint in the near future? just so they can see how BDSM, sex is supposed to work?" she asked, examining him.

Steve nodded at the man before pausing and looking at him. "did you just say Skarsgard?" he asked, staring at the man. "your grandaddy was a guard?" he asked. "he saved my life. good man." Steve admitted. "i know you'll make him proud today." he admitted, gently clapping the man on the shoulder. blood often told, and knowing the man's grandfather was a good way to set his nerves a little less on edge. "Thorne? i'm coming in." Steve called gently, moving slowly so he didn't scare her anymore, gently washing her as best as he could without traumatizing her even more. then he helped her dress, in his jeans and Jame's sweater, knowing it would help her realize where she was. when James was upset he liked to smell Steve, dress in Steve's clothes. "shhh, sweetheart, it's okay." Steve promised, gently settling her into the bed and cupping her face. "how can i help you?"
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