Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he chuckled. "well. he certainly seams to like sucking cock." Phil admitted as he flipped the steaks on the indoor grill he was cooking them on. he wasn't much of a cook but even he could make a good steak and potatoes. "...nine at all?" Phil asked, sounding almost breathless. most people, even after learning to control their gag reflexes, still choked on occasion on a cock as large as Clint's. his boy was very well endowed. "damn, he's holding himself down. look at that!" Phil gasped, impressed despite himself. how the fuck had Garret trained Grant to do that?! the man couldn't have had the patience to teach Grant how to do that, so how? Grant was humming now, throat wrapped tightly around that cock as he savored the sensations. swallowing around it he did something he wasn't sure he could actually do. he'd read about it, but h wasn't sure. but he could do it, he reached out with his tongue, choking just slightly, running the tip across the others balls for that extra added sensation. "....holy hell..." Phil breathed, eyes wide. "he's like a little sex prince, look at him. look how much he enjoys having your cock down his throat.... fuck." and Grant smiled, realizing he was making them happy. a sweet, calm, happy smile that he'd never given to anyone before and Phil gulped, set a hand on his crotch and shuddered, looking amazed. "i....i just came in my pants..." he sounded so surprised by that. of course he was getting the pleasure from his mark with Clint. but still, he hadn't cum untouched since he was thirteen.

Loki smirked. "yes, Tony?" he asked, his head tilted. "oh. you want me to fuck you? is that it?" he asked, standing up, his clothes melting away as he approached Tony, who had gone still. he ran his hands down Tony's body, checked his moist hole and then, without warning engulfed all of Tony's cock in one swift motion. suddenly, Tony could move all on his own, though he still couldn't cum. "go on little one. beg some more. if you beg well enough, i'll let you cum before i press inside of you, and fuck you till your a limp little doll." he promised with a smirk.

they grinned. "it was awesome. fuck, i've done that before of course. with panic, or fear." James admitted. "like if i'm having a panic attack and NEED Steve but i've never done it a'purpose." he admitted with a grin. Steve just chuckled. "he's fine. he's just floating. he likes it." he promised her. "there's a reason he's usually the sub." he admitted. "he likes it when people stroke his neck though." he admitted. "helps him stay down i think." he admitted. "i'm fine. already healing." he promised her with a smile before chuckling. "we should all take a nap." "kiss first." James ordered.
”He does that indeed.”Clint said panting softly as he tightened his hand in the othr’s hair, his hips flexing ever so slightly. Trying so hard not to give in and fuck the other’s mouth with utter abandon.”Seems not to.”He panted shuddering as he looked at grant, whimpering ever so slightly. Not even wanting to consider how grant taught him this, he had no doubt that it’d be unpleasant and rage inducing. “He is. I’m going to get him a crown, and a prize for being this good.”Clint panted shuddering as he saw the smile, eyes going wide as phil’s orgasm crashed into him by surprise, usually he was able to keep from letting one trigger him, but he hadn’t been prepared. Moaning as he came he shuddered looking up at phil then down at grant with wide blown eyes.

“Please, please do.”Tony whimpered sounding desperate moaning as he watched hte other, eyes going wide as he was free, groaning as he fucked the other’s mouth. “Please, Loki please I want to feel you in me, fucking me into pieces, and giving pepper a show worthy of her. I want to feel this for days.”Tony begged whining.

“Well, that was indeed fun.”Thorne smiled glad that they were okay shifting to look at james, smiling a little.”He looks peaceful like this.”She muttered shifting to get comfortable between them, absently stroking james’ hair before leaning in for a kiss. “You’re awfully bossy, you know.”She teased
Grant sucked, and then swallowed as Clint came, gulping down every last drop before pulling away with a small, contented little sigh and a glazed happy expression. he stayed kneeling, unwilling to move for now, laying his head on the others hip, simply enjoying his high. "fuck." Phil breathed. "that was the hottest thing ever... you guys go sit, i have to change my underwear." he admitted. Grant seamed to take that as an order because he was moving into the kitchen and waited for a moment for Clint to sit first. then he did something really surprising. granted, he'd done it before. often in fact. but never in a way it would be so blatantly obvious. he sat down on the floor so he was pressed against Clint's leg. often, when they where watching a movie on the couch, or Phil was doing paperwork, Grant would sit on the floor, close to them. Phil had never thought anything of it. the couch was rather small and Grant hated being alone so Phil hadn't thought anything up it. but there he was.... sitting on the floor when there was a perfectly good chair. "...what are you doing?" Phil asked, struggling to keep his voice calm, curious instead of baffled. "i like it here." Grant stated calmly. "it's safe here." "....did Garret...?" "no. he didn't like it." Grant admitted. "he hated it. but i like it..." he admitted, laying hi head on Clint's knee. "i like being here." "okay Grant. you sit there then..." he blinked at Clint. he'd had subs before, before he had met Clint he had been heavy into the Dom.Sub scene. after Clint he hadn't needed it so much. he'd never, ever had someone who wanted, liked, preferred to sit at someone's feet. he'd read about it of course but he'd never SEEN it.

Loki chuckled a little and resumed sucking on Tony's cock, enjoying the length nd feel. it had been a while since he'd had a partner. three years now? more? yes, more. four, closer to five years. "oh. you will." he promised, smirking at Tony. flipping the other onto his stomach, lifting his hips and pressed his face into Tony's ass and began to lick and suck and stroke that entrance, working him simply because he could. Pepper moaned, watching but not touching herself, because that was half the fun, part of the tease. getting hotter and hotter with no relief. soon Tony felt something in his cock loosen, and he could cum, cum with Loki's tongue in his ass, almost, but not quite reaching that bundle of nerves deep inside.

Steve smiled. "he is peaceful like that. it's a quite place. i've never felt it myself but he's described it to me. it's calm. he doesn't have to think. he just reacts really. of course it means he has no brain to mouth filter." he admitted, chuckling at his bossiness. "very bossy. not down enough not to be..." he admitted with a sly grin before reaching for Steve who also gave him a kiss, turning to Thorne and giving her one too before James could demand it. "now. sleep." he ordered James who sighed, settled into the bed and slept obediently. "it's nice how obedient he is like this too." he admitted with a chuckle.
Clint sighed shuddering as he looked down at the man gently stroking his hair as grant leaned against him. “Hm, that was fairly hot.”He said smiling a little as he tucked himself back in his jeans before heading to the table and sitting down. Startling a little as the man sat at his feet, looking thoughtful. He’d never noticed it before, but watching the other sit at his feet, he realized it wasn’t the first time the other had done it. Looking curious himself he smiled a little. “Well, as long as you like it.I’ll just hand feed you okay?”Clint muttered smiling as he absently stroked the other’s hair as he looked at the food, smiling quietly.

Tony whimpered, wanting so much to squirm. Panting as he rolled his eyes to look at pepper with wide eyes, looking utterly undone. Moaning as the other tongued him, he moaned, gasping in quiet relief as he came, tears spiking his eyelashes as he groaned.

“Ah, that makes sense.”Thorne said with a quiet wistfullness that said that she was a submissive who’d never had that, it was interesting and quiet for her, and she wanted to. Eventually feel that. “Hm, he barely has one anyways, so it’s not that different.”She snickered a little yawning as she snuggled down and started to fall asleep.”Hm, it is quite nice to see him so obedient. Cute.”
Grant smiled as he knelt, feeling so happy and content. uncaring that he had gotten no real pleasure for himself. he had finally gotten to give a real honest to god Blowjob. "he had never felt more happy and pleasured in his life. "really?" he asked, sounding so delighted at the idea of being fed, his pupils blown so wide you just knew this was something that he really liked. liked, and had probably never gotten to do. Garret wasn't the kind of person to do something so intimate, let alone kind. Phil smiled a little and took the time to cut up the third steak and potatoes into bite sized pieces so he and Clint could take turns feeding Grant. who was arching into the hand in his hair like a giant cat. "i've never seen someone so submissive before." Phil admitted softly. "i'm at a bit of a loss how to properly take care of him. i might have to talk to Tony. he gets submissive like this sometimes, doesn't he?"

Loki smirked a little as he watched the other, humming eagerly as he watched Tony cum. "what a good boy." Loki praised. "such a good boy for me, aren't you Tony? i want you to say it. i want to hear you say it." he breathed. "i want to hear it and then i'm going to fuck you so deep you'll never get the feeling of my cock inside of you out." he breathed, smirking at him. as soon as Tony said it, Loki did just as promised. slipping inside of Tony. but he didn't fuck him, not hard. he did it slow, elegantly, dragging every inch of his cock against Tony's prostate until he was a gibbering mess and cumming again. then he really fucked him, slamming into him until Tony was certain to feel it, and the gentle bruises around his hips, for days. Loki moaned eagerly, cumming hard as Tony reached his third orgasm. "such a good boy. what a good boy." he breathed with a smirk, stroking the other. "shall i fuck your pretty wife now?" he asked. "make you watch as i do the same to her? make her cum again and again until she's just as wrecked as you are?" Pepper just moaned, shuddering at the thought, so turned on she could hardly stand it.

he smiled at her. "someday, when you trust us completely, we'll give that to you." he promised with a smile, kissing her temple. he snickered at her tease, James whining, sulking at being picked on. "oh. one of these days i'll take him all the way down for you. it's a hell of a sight." Steve admitted with a grin. "you'll love it."
Clint smiled a little as he looked down at the other man, startled that he looked so pleased with the idea. “Oh yes, I thnk I like the idea of feeding you.”he said smiling slightly, though he to looked a little lost on how to deal with this. “Me either.”Clint muttered as he fed grant a bite of food before nodding. “He does. Though you might want to ask Pepper, tony’s like this with guys sometimes, but most of the time, it’s usually around pepper. She might have better advice then Tony.”Clint said smiling slightly.

Tony shuddered whining quietly, “Good. I’m good. Good boy.”he shuddered groaning at the promise. And indeed the man was coming utterly undone as he was fucked so good, shuddering through his third orgasm as he laid down in his mess, blinking stupidly before craning his head to look at pepper, nodding eagerly. “You should. She needs it.”He muttered shuddering at just how much emotion he was getting from the other.

“...Okay.”Thorne smiled at him, smiling at james whine. “Hmmm, I like that.”She shuddered at the idea, smiling as she fell asleep.
Grant smiled, floating as he accepted food from the fingers, his lips and tongue lapping each finger clean before chewing slowly on the food. too hazy and content to care that he was actually hungry. more focused on savoring the flavor, and the experience. "i will ask Pepper." Phil agreed. "your right, she would know better." he admitted with a smile. "he really seams to like having his head rubbed... i know he drops when you grip it, i can't imagine his head being that sensitive..." he admitted, running his nails over the scalp, making Grant moan. "i could be wrong." Phil admitted with a grin. "'s kind of hot. feeding him like this isn't it?" he asked, slipping a slice of potato into Grant's lips, flushing a little when Grant suckled on the fingers before chewing the piece of food. "he almost looks stoned." he admitted, amused.

"Good Boy. such a good boy." Loki agreed, smirking at Tony. "yes. she does need it." Loki agreed, smirking as he moved over to her, laying her on the bed and giving her much the same treatment as Tony. though she was much more vocal and a lot more opinionated. too dominant to submit to Loki too much. Loki had his fun with her until Tony rose up and then he let Tony have at her while he watched, smug and enjoying himself immensely. "so. Tony." Loki purred. "would you like me as a man, as a woman, or both?" Loki asked, smiling in that 'i'm not planning any pranks at all, promise' way.
Clint shuddered as the other licked his fingers, smiling quietly. Absolutely content and happy that grant trusted them enough to be like this. Even if he knew it wasn’t just them, it still touched him that grant trusted them. “he’s dropped nearly every time I touched his head.”Clint said thoughtfully before snickering as grant moaned, feeding himself some before returning to feeding grant. “I think you’re wrong. His head is way sensitive.”He smiled before shuddering, nodding.”It is hot. I want to do this in bed sometime...”he muttered before laughing softly, nodding.”He does look stoned.”

Tony groaned as he watched, smiling a little as he listened to his opinionated mate, shifting to snuggle against her side as she was fucked, simply needing to touch her as he looked up at loki with contented, pleased eyes before studying the other.”Woman.”he requested snickering a little as he leaned up for a kiss.
he nodded. "but how much is it sensitivity and how much is it training?" Phil wondered, looking worried. "i don't want to do things he doesn't like because Garret trained him to accept it... how do we get around that?" he wondered, frowning as he tried to think of a way to give Grant what he wanted... what he needed without giving him anything that Garret had left stains on. "i can't imagine why his head would be that sensitive. is that normal i wonder?" Phil mused before perking up. "i could ask Loki! he's ancient! he knows everything there is to know about sex right?" he asked, his head tilted. "we'll have to do that. with something messier. strawberries maybe? ones that aren't cut up so he gets juice everywhere, so we can lick it up." he mused with a grin, watching the other as Grant sighed, full and finally turned his head away from the offering of food, nuzzling the others knee instead before blinking when Phil offered him Grants favorite drink. simple milk. Grant hadn't been allowed to drink milk with Garret. because it was Garret's milk, so to have it now always filled him with a deep satisfaction. he gulped down half of it before yawning, laying his head on Clint's thigh and just enjoyed his favorite place with his favorite people.

Pepper enjoyed how Tony snuggled up to her. loved how even after Loki had rocked his world he still had to touch her. Loki chuckled when Pepper intercepted the kiss, pulling Tony down for a deep kiss before she staggered to her feet. "wanna watch this." she breathed, sitting down in her chair again, eyes bright as Loki's bod shimmered and then slid into his favorite female form. muscled and flat bellied, medium breasts and soft cunt. black hair that flowed in waves and eyes as green as the grass. "Tony... fuck me." Loki breathed, spreading his legs enticingly. he had no doubt Tony was going to have his revenge for earlier.
“I don’t know. We’ll try and find out.”Clint said biting his lip, looking worried as he considered what garret had done, swallowing thickly before looking down at grant, nodding quickly. “I don’t know. I mean, tony loves having his hair petted, but thorne hates having her hair touched. Maybe simply different people, different tastes.”Clint shrugged a little before snickering. “I’m sure he’ll know alot. And I mean, he’s good at figuring out things.”CLint said perking up, pleased with knowing they had a plan, groaning at the mental image that gave him. “Oh the idea of strawberries...maybe oranges to...”He said shuddering. Smiling as he finished his food, simply stroking grant’s hair looking up at phil with a sleepy happy smile, taking care of grant, having started to drop him into a peaceful place himself.

Tony groaned as he was pulled around for a kiss, smiling as she pulled away. “Go ahead and watch then.”Tony said groaning as he watched loki, growling at the other as he pounced, and proceeded to indeed get his revenge for earlier, and showing that extremis nearly matched the serum for pure endurnace. When they were done, he slumped onto the bed panting as he blinked slowly, waving a hand towards pepper. “Come here.”He demaned, whining a little. Wanting to cuddle his wife.
Phil nodded. "i wonder if he can't lie, or won't lie when he's down like this?" Phil muttered. "would it hurt his subspace?" he wondered, his head tilted a little. "your right, Tony does love having his hair played with..." he muttered before smiling. "we'll talk to Loki and Pepper then." he decided with a smile. "oh yes, oranges. and mangoes. soft and slippery." he agreed with a grin before smiling at Clint, pulling him in for a soft kiss before nodding. "Bed." he ordered. "Grant? can you answer some questions?" "yeah. okay." Grant promised, slowly standing up. not stiff, just reluctant. "it won't hurt your space?" "no. not much can." Grant admitted with a sigh. "no yelling, it's nice." "i imagine." Phil admitted, gently settling them all into bed, tucking them in and fussing over them before smiling as he examined them. "okay Grant. i want yu to tell me things you like." he ordered, Grant blinking. "and things you absolutely hate and don't want done, so we won't do them to you. i want you to be honest." "...okay... you won't do them if i ask you not to?" he sounded more confused by that and Phil realized Garret had probably done them because Grant didn't like it. "i like giving blowjobs." Grant finally started. "i like having a cock in my throat. it's really nice. i like having my hair pulled. especially if i was naughty and you make it sting so good... i don't like getting blowjobs though..." "why not?" Phil asked, started and Grant shrugged. "i don't know." he admitted. "i don't like whips. or sticks. they slice and shatter... but i like the flogger, the long strips all hitting me at once... and i like the paddle, but i like the hand more, hitting me..." Grant shivered a little. "i like to sit at your feet. it's nice. like i can just hide behind you anytime i get scared. and i like being fed. i like that a lot. because your taking care of me and i've never had that..." he admitted. "i like... i like to snuggle and.. and..." he faltered, uncertain. "i don't like being hit on the face, or spit on, or being used as a bathroom..." "Garret PISSED on you!?" "....yeah." Grant admitted. "but i do like it when you cum on me." Grant admitted. "and... and..." he faltered again ad shrugged helplessly.

Pepper smirked. "i will." she growled eagerly, panting as she watched the two fuck, Loki submitting to Tony easily and crying out in pleasure. so responsive and sensitive. Loki groaned once they where done, panting and sated, sluggish with fatigue and pleasure. "that was awesome." Loki breathed. "it's been so very long." he admitted with a smile as Pepper giggled and snuggled into Tony. "sleep now. i'm exhausted." Pepper admitted. "i don't have the same libido you boys do."
“I don’t think so. He was answering questions last time he went down.”Clint said before shuddering as he leaned into the other, kissing phil back with a smile as he looked down at grant getting up,”Come on, grant.”he muttered as they all settled into bed, shuddering as he snuggled in close to them both, smiling quietly at how surprised grant looked, and his heart hurting because he looked surprised that they cared. “No we wont, we’ll do whatever you want, grant.”Clint promised swallowing thickly, wanting t oscream at garret, but knowing it was no use. “I did notice you liked that.”Clint said smiling a little before frowning. “Hmm, I can spank you. It’ll be fun.”Clint muttered filing the knowledge away before smiling a little, “You can just hide behind us when you get scared okay?”He promised nuzzling the other a little before fliching at the idea of grant getting pissed on, swallowing thickly. “We wont hit you in the face, it’s to pretty to mess up and definitely not pissing on you...”Tony said shuddering a little in disgust that grant had been used like that before smiling slightly.”And?”He proded gently looking him over.

Tony yawned, nuzzling his face against pepper’s neck, quite content to snuggle them both, yawning as he rested his head on her chest.”Sleep is good.”He muttered passing out with a smile, completely utterly spent and content.
Phil nodded. "that's true." he admitted, smiling at his lover. "you handle him so well." he admitted, smiling. "it's nice to see him so trusting of you." because they both knew, Grant liked Phil well enough, but it was Clint he was mostly fixated on. "...okay." Grant agreed, wondering if that was true or not. "yeah. i like sucking cock." Grant agreed, breathless as he remembered giving his first real blowjob. "i bet he'd liked gags too then." Phil admitted. "do you like Gags Grant?" "i don't know." "would you like to try them?" "oh. oh yes." Grant agreed, breathless just at the idea of them. "i like spanking." Grant admitted softly. "okay... you promise?" he asked, nervous. Garret had made promises he'd never kept, but he trusted Clint more than anything. if Clint said it was okay, then he believed the other. "okay." he chewed on his lip and then. "i don't... i don't like being called names..." he whispered, hunching up a little. "i... i don't like to be called a whore, or a slut, or a bitch or anything like that..." "then we won't. what about pet names?" " names?" "yes. you know. like how i call Clint my pretty Hawk. or how Pepper calls Tony Kitten. Baby, or Darling, or things like that?" "....i don't know." Grant admitted, looking rather confused. "well, we'll try that too then. i think you'd like that." Phil admitted. "what about your head? can you tell me why it's so sensitive?" "always been that way." Grant admitted. "Garret didn't like to touch my head much unless he was pulling, but i like having my head touched." he admitted, melting into Phil when he stroked the others head. pleased with all the answers they had gotten. "anything else?" "i like... i like to be tied up. and held down, pinned.. i like... i like to be helpless." he admitted. "i feel safe when i can't do anything."
“I’m trying.”Clint said blushing a little at the praise, normally he was submissive to phil, but he could play it both ways, he just preferred subbing. But looking down at clint...well, he just wanted to take care of him. “He would...he’d look pretty in one to.”He muttered stroking his thumb against grant’s mouth as he cupped the other’s face, smiling a little before nodding. “I promise.”He said before frowning, looking upset that garret had so hurt the other, but a gentle touch at grant’s face reassuring himself he wasn’t angry with him. “I think he will to....that’s adorable really. You’re so responsive when we stroke your hair...”Clint muttered smiling a little equally pleased before grinning.”Well, we’ll definitely be taking care of you like that. As helpless as you need it, and all you have to do is ask....we should get him a collar. Even if he can’t wear it in combat or something, it’d be a control thing...”
Phil smiled at the other. "your succeeding." he assured the other. he wasn't sure, but he was pretty sure that Clint could still be submissive and still take care of Grant. it was working so far at any rate. Grant sighed, a trembling, eager sound, leaning into him when the other stroked his lip. eyes fluttering shut and smiling, soothed by the promise. "Collar?" Phil asked, sounding more surprised than anything else. he'd never entertained the thought of collaring Clint. he was too wild for that, too free. submissive but never broken, never tamed. Grant though... "yes... a Collar." Phil breached, stroking the slender neck. Grant was broken, was tame and was happy to be locked in, tied to them always. "we'll go shopping for one together." he decided, looking at Clint, meaning the two of them, making it a surprise for Grant. "and maybe some arm and ankle cuffs." he muttered, stroking that slender wrist, brushing against the fame bonding mark, making Grant recoil. "no... don't... not there..." he muttered, covering the mark. Phil just nodded. "okay." it wasn't hard to guess why that bothered Grant. "if we where to get the right kind of collar though..." Phil muttered, stroking Grant's Adam's apple, making the man sag into the bed, enjoying that immensely. "he could wear it always it, even in battle..." he mumbled. "i've seen others wear collars of a sort. as protection so people can't cut their necks. we could get a modified one of some sort?"
Clint smiled quietly, relaxing simply at the promise he was doing okay. Looking pleased as grant leaned into him, hearing that eager sound with a smile before nodding. “yea...I mean...not for me, but he’d look good in one.”Clint muttered because he didn’t want one, but grant would look amazing in one. “Hm, shopping would be amazing togethr.”he muttered nuzzling grant a little, shuddering at th idea of cuffs before studying grant. “Kay. Not there.”he muttered studying the othr before snickering quietly at how grant relaxed, amused and pleased at the reaction.”Hmmm...that’s true. Makes sense. We should look into that...if we can’t find something, we can ask tony where to have one custom made...”
he smiled. "no. not for you. Hawks aren't meant to be tied up." he admitted with a smile. "puppies on the other hand..." he muttered, Grant shivering. "....we could probably just ask Tony outright and then have it designed." he admitted. "you always did have a better artistic eye than me." he admitted with a smile, enjoying the way Grant melted into his touch. "we should all get some sleep." he decided. "i'm not tired." Grant protested, even if he was already half asleep.

in the morning, Grant was hunting for Tony. he'd left as soon as Phil had checked him to make sure he wasn't still under. Phil always insisted on Clint waking him in the morning before leaving so he could check on him. that habit apparently carried over to Grant. probably a good thing, considering how shy and submissive the man was. once he had Tony alone he hesitantly removed his shirt and let Tony see his back. the black mark there marred by the scar that ran thought it. "i want it off." he explained. "can you remove it? remove them?" he asked, his thumb digging into the one on his wrist. "i hate them. i hate that they're stuck in my skin. like a permanent piece of him that i'm carrying around. i HATE it...." his eyes flicked to the bedroom, making sure Loki and Pepper where still sleeping. they where.
“Hmm, puppies are good for being tied up.”he smirked a little smiling softly, before smiling quietly.”Hmm, I’ll do that. Like that idea better.”He muttered yawning as he shifted to get comfortable, snuggling as he went to sleep.

Tony stumbled out of the bedroom, his hair sticking up every which way, looking quite pleased and content before startling as the other stripped, pausing ot consider the marks, biting his lip a little before nodding. “I can. It’ll hurt, I can’t fix that. But I’ve developed a way for tattoo removal that wont scar, but I’ll need to tell bruce. I designed the procedure and fix, but I can’t actually do it. I don’t do medicine.”
Grant nodded. "i expected it to hurt." he admitted. "but i need them off... Tony i just... i can't have him inside of me anymore... i CAN'T...." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "'s okay if Bruce knows." he decided. "but... but don't... don't tell Clint? or Phil okay?" he asked softly, yanking his shirt back on, trembling because he didn't like to be undressed around people who weren't Clint or Phil. he knew it was necessary though. he just wasn't sure Phil and Clint would agree. "thank you Tony." Grant muttered, hugging Tony before fleeing. he'd leave it to Tony to hash out things with Bruce and then get back to him once he had it solved. "what did he want?" Loki asked, lounging against the doorway and sipping at a cup of ta once the man was gone. "and why are you awake? i'd expected you to sleep longer than me, at the very least." he admitted, amused. "thank you. by the way." he admitted with a smile. "it's been a long time since i've had sex that actually wore me out. anytime you want a repeat, just let me know." he offered, kissing Tony before swinging out the door, humming happily. Pepper giggling. "he is so Feminine."
“I know. It’s okay, I’ll get things sorted out. And I wont tell them.Though you probably should.,,”Tony said smiling a little startled as he was hugged, giving the othr a brief hug back as he watched the other go, before smirking a little. “Just a little project. Nothing to bad.”Tony said smiling a little not about to tell him until he asked grant if it was okay, though considering what he wanted, it might be easier to ask the sorcerer to fix it. Laughing he smirked. “Coffee. Sleep is not important, coffee is. I wanted coffee.”Tony snickered ebfor smiling,”You are very welcome.And I’m sure we’ll be taking you up on it. Apparently, my wife likes watching.”He snickered before looking at pepper as he watched loki go, nodding. “H is.”
Grant shook his head. "they won't understand." he muttered. "it doesn't matter. i wan him out... even if it hurts. i'm no stranger to pain." he admitted before vanishing. "well. little projects are sometimes the most worthwhile." Loki admitted with a smile. "you and your coffee." Loki huffed, amused. "well. i'll look forward to it, so long as you don't expect me to be celibate. i don't do celibate." he admitted sashaying out of the room. "so. were definitely inviting him again right?" Pepper asked with a smile, leaning against him and nuzzling his neck. "we should go check on Thorne and the boys." she admitted. "and Grant and his boys too." she admitted. "we should get food for everyone." she decided, smiling. "what do you think?"
“Well, okay. And I’ll figure it out, and when we get home, we’ll do it.”Tony said smiling before smirking at loki. “Hm, thy are. Iron man was once a small project.”H snickered before sipping his coffee, snickering. “The only person I expect to stay celibate is pepper, and even that’s sort of questionable, as I expect to have sex with my mate.”Tony grinned before laughing at pepper, wrapping a arm around her, pressing a kiss to her head.”Oh yea. That was fun.”He grinned shuddering as he was nuzzled before smiling. “We better. Let’s get food and go see the other’s.”Tony grinned as they went to gather food and go check on the others.

“...Someone’s knocking...”Thorne whined from where she was sleeping between the two boys, not wanting to get moving just yet, but knowing they should.
Grant bit his lip. he wasn't sure he wanted to wait that long.. but he could. anything to get the marks off his skin. "Iron Man was never a small project." Loki scoffed. "your talking toaster was a small project." he corrected with a smile before pausing. "....i don't think Celibate means what i think it means." Loki admitted, looking puzzled while he left. "it was fun." she breathed, smirking. "i've never seen you look so utterly blissed out before!" she admitted before grinning at him. "it was so hot, watching you moan and mewl, helpless as you fucked yourself." she breathed, grinning.

Steve groaned, extracted himself from the bed. butt ass naked, and opened the door, letting Tony and Pepper get the full view. "oh! food!" he crowed, delighted. "James! get dressed! people we love brought us food!"
“I’d do it here, but I’d rather use my own medical lab.”Tony said seeing that the other was upset with the idea of waiting. Snickering at loki’s words he made a face.”My talking toaster is a totally epic amazingly huge project.”Tony snickered looking amused. “Oh no, it does. It’s just adorable at how confused you look trying to figure out what it means.”He smiled a little before smiling at pepper. “Hm, I’m a little insulted really that I’ve never seen you that blissed out before. It was quite enjoyable.”he teased a little.

Tony grinned as he looked at the good captain, nudging pepper. “A naked god, and a naked captain. I need to visit my friends more often.”Tony grinned handing him the tray of food as they walked in. “...What’s for breakfast?”Thorne squirmed a little sitting up with a smile. “waffles.”Tony grinned looking at the three, looking pleased and amused. Definitely was thinking about asking about their sex lives.
he nodded at that. "okay." he could understand that. it was better to use equipment they could trust. "your talking toaster was made just to freak out certain members of your household." Loki teased with a snicker. "...uh...." Loki gave Tony a half baffled half annoyed look before huffing and stalking off, nose in the air. he went straight to Clint and Phil, examining them both and feeling glad that Grant wasn't there. "i am completely clear of the Thrall." he admitted, examining them. "however, being in a Thrall does not excuse what i have done to you." he admitted. "i give you the chance now, to punish me as you please." he admitted, watching them carefully. "i would feel better if you would punish me." he admitted softly. "i did terrible, horrible things to you and i would like to make up for that."

she snorted. "tony i'm usually the one in charge." she admitted, amused. "i don't submit, i don't like to submit very often." she admitted. "so you wouldn't have seen me like that, you haven't earned it yet, naughty boy." she teased, kissing him eagerly. "you just like being punished too much." she teased with a smirk before laughing at the naked Steve. "yes you do. later." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "we can only handle so much of you." he teased with a grin as he flopped back into the bed to root around for his pants, squirming into them. James was already fully dressed again, not wanting to share his own bonding marks to anyone but his bonding mates.
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