Grant smirked as he looked at a set of dresses. one was bright red, the other black. "these two their perfect." he admitted happily. "let's go get Loki." he ordered, grinning impishly at Clint before blinking at Loki's declaration. "yes it is. of course it's made with earth metals so it's not nearly as strong as mine, but it is a very impressive replica to have fooled me so easily." he admitted. "i wonder how the balance is?"
"of course. Thorne is already starting to trust them enough. they'll start slow of course, but i figure in the next two months they'll be at it worse than we do." she admitted with a smile before blinking at Loki. "Sorcery is a form of Art." Loki admitted. "it is not like science, where you just plug in the proper mathematical figures. with Sorcery, two plus two does not always equal four." Loki admitted. "our runic schematics are always open to interpretation. for example, the Runic symbol for Life, can also mean death. so a healing spell, in the hands of another, can be a killing spell." Loki admitted. "it is not unlike writing a novel. you must be careful with your words, write them in sequences that must make sense, but also flow and fit together. you cannot put a runic marker for sickness next to a runic marker for health because they are opposites." he admitted. "Fire cannot touch water, air cannot touch earth, they must be joined by other Runes, making it not unlike a dance at times." he smiled. "it is as intricate as it is beautiful." he admitted. "it also gives a sorcerer a keen eye and appreciation for other forms of artistry." he admitted. "of course, like most 'artists' Sorcerers are seen with skepticism. most Warriors, such as Tyr, Sif and the Warriors Three, seam to think Sorcery is a useless art. they forget that it is sorcery that prepares their food, warms their rooms and makes their clothing, armor and weapons." he admitted, looking amused. "i wonder if they have yet realized that most of their armor was made by me? how will they cope without my skill?" he wondered. well aware that they where already wailing about 'shoddy weapons and armor'. Loki was not just an illusionist, he was the Asgardian equivalent of a Master Metal Smith.