Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

James smiled. "Steve's my therapist." he admitted. "i don't trust strangers." he admitted, shrugging his shoulder. "Of course Pepper believes in you, she's a smart lady." Steve agreed with a smile. "and she's psychic i'm sure." James agreed, chuckling a little. "you do a very good job with Marie. and i'm sure Pepper is already planning on sending you to parenting class to help you with the basics." Steve admitted with a smile. not about to fix the illusion either. Tony would feel better thinking that he would be okay. "now. do you want some breakfast or are you going to have faith that Pepper knows you best and go back and tell her your okay with a baby?"
“I don’t trust strangers either, why do you think I’m here talking to him?”Tony snickered a little before sighing. “He is really smart.”he hummed proud of his woman before smirking. “Yes, I’m fairly certain she is. That makes sense on how she always knows I’m doing stuff.”he snickered before looking at the three. “I’m gonna go see pepper, probably skip out on the museum tours today.”Tony grinned waving goodye as he left. “Good. He’s going to be okay.”Thorne smiled a little watching the billionaire go.

Tony sighed softly as he walked, going in search of pepper, wondering where his girl had wandered off to, and hoping she was okay, and hadn’t ran into chris. It hadn’t occurred to him, but now that he thought about it, it worried him to leave her alone.
James shrugged. "because you know if anyone was going to give you the full blunt truth instead of false platitudes and comforting words it would be him?" James asked. and it was true. if Tony was really going to be a bad father, Steve would say so. "you know, i think maybe it's just because she knows you that well." James admitted, amused. "remember that time you wanted to try Skydiving and Pepper called you on your cell and told you that if you jumped out of that plane she'd not let you in her bed for a month?" James asked, looking very amused. "Have fun Tony." Steve chirped with a smile. "he is going to be okay. we're going to have to calm him down again though." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "you feeling any better James?" "yes. much better." he admitted, standing up and heading for the bedroom so he could hide his journal in his suitcase again. he knew James and Thorne wouldn't peek but he didn't trust the staff not to.

Pepper was safe with Phil, Grant, Clint and Loki. or a copy of Loki since the other was still tailing Chris. they where actually hacking the Swedish Television systems and where currently broadcasting the video of him holding Thorne's arm to the stove, letting them see the marking's very clearly before he tried to burn them off. they where also broadcasting Fury's report on the rape victim. they left MAria's name out of it, but everything else was included. how she'd been raped, how she'd bee lead to believe someone else had done it to cause a distraction. how they'd found Chris's DNA under her nails and in her cloths. the people where already starting to fuss, annoyed that someone they had trusted, they had loved could do such horrible things.
“Yes, exactly.”Tony said smiling a little because he did trust steve to tell him the truth all the time even if it was going to be painful. “....I don’t know why she freaked out about that, when I go flying around in the suit all the time. Skydiving would have been awesome.”Tony sulked a little before nodding.”I will.”he smiled as he left. “We will, but it’ll be okay.”Thorne smiled a little looking pleased with James and that he was feeling better. Yawning as she got up and headed out to get dressed, smiling happily. “So, what do you guys want to do first?”

Tony smiled a little as he watched them all, shaking his head slightly. “So, they are getting ready to tear him apart aren’t they?”He muttered sounding utterly pleased and knowing that the other man was probably having issues right at the moment. “When’s the funeral?” “Tomorrow.”Clint said gesturing towards the tv. “They just announced that it’ll be a public service, so it’s going to be ineteresting.”
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "probably because you already do more dangerous things then she's comfortable with." he admitted with a chuckle. "it will be okay." he agreed. "oh my god... Pepper's pregnant!" he gasped, stunned. "we have to throw her a baby shower!" he admitted grinning brightly before chuckling. "Museums!" James ordered with a grin. "i want to see how many things Loki recognizes as his. or belongs to someone he knows." he admitted with a grin.

"oh, i'd imagine so." Pepper admitted. "especially as Loki dug up a bit more information for us." she admitted, smirking. "he's currently on the lookout for more. Chris won't be able to hide anything now that he's been bugged." she admitted before glancing up at the other. "very interesting." Pepper agreed. "it's a shame we can't tell the world how much of a bitch she really was, but we can't be seen taking pot shots at the crown." she admitted. "Chris isn't truly nobility so we can air his dirty laundry all we want." she admitted, sipping daintily on a cup of her preferred tea.
"Yes yes she is. Are we going to have to talk you out of freaking out now?"thorne teased as she dressed before laughing."and we will dont worry."she added before smiling.well let's go get the other's then. "She said heading for the door.

"Oh?what's he doing now?"tony wondered what kind of information the god could have gotten before shaking his head."I know but if we did we'd not only hurt thorne but they'd freak out since we'd indeed being taking shots at 5he former queen.better it just be chris' dirty laundry."
Steve grinned at her. "God no! i love babies!" he admitted. "i'm going to spoil the hell out of it!" he admitted happily. "a baby shower will be perfect. we'll have confetti and streamers and a cake so big it even takes all of us days to finish it." he decided with a grin, holding her had. "and it will be a complete surprise. which means we can't tell Tony because she can read him far too easily. James laughed and nodded his agreement.

"various things. he's trying to bury a few more rapes, a couple of Blackmails he's used to get into the position he's currently in. the rapes will nail his coffin as well, but the blackmail is fairly minor compared to those." Pepper admitted, Loki nodding. "he's working on something as well, looking up both marriage and bonding laws." Loki admitted, looking worried. "i think he's trying to trap her into marriage so he can keep the throne." the Godling admitted. "it would be better if i could just slip a little poison into his food. he'd die of natural causes, just a little bleeding in the brain." Loki admitted. "or a ruptured blood vessel in the arm." Loki admitted. "no one would know. hell even you wouldn't know, if i had to i'd just erase your memories of it and no one would ever know it was anything but natural." "you just want to see him dead." Pepper accused, Loki shrugging. "i don't deny this. are you not the same?" "....well. yes. but it's not right to just kill someone. i'd rather him suffer first anyway."
“Oh good.”Thorne said looking amused before grinning. “We should wait till we get home though.It’ll be better to have a party there.”Thorne said before snickering,”Yea. No telling tony. He’d ruin it.”She snickered.

“....Damn.Well. That’s more to know about.”Tony said before frowning looking interested and concerned. “Think we could get some of those books?See what he’s looking for?”Tony said looking worried. “It’s not right....and despite everything, his death would upset Thorne.” “What would upset thorne?”Thorne asked as they walked into the room, tilting her head. “Chris’ untimely death.”Clint said smiling slightly.
Steve nodded. "agreed. we could have Jarvis set most of it up. order everything and make the Bots set everything up and then we'd walk in and yell 'surprise' and Tony would faint." he decided with a smirk.

"i have made copies." Loki admitted. "Phil and Pepper are working on it, trying to find what he's looking for." he admitted. "please, help yourself, perhapse an internet search might go faster, but i don't know that the internet would hod what he's looking for if he's looking in books." Loki admitted, Phil nodding. "whose to say she ever had to know either?" Loki asked. "she would be upset, but the boys are better for her." Loki admitted. "i do not like him being able to hurt her again." he admitted before looking up at her and shrugging.
“I like it.”Thorne grinned at the idea of surprising tony that much. It’d be amusing.

“Good.We’ll figure it out. Cause whatever he’s looking up, just can’t be pleasant for anyone.”Tony said as he started to look at his phone, reading over the online stuff, before looking up at thorne. “...I don’t like the idea of him hurting me either but I....I don’t know.”Thorne said looking a little lost, not sure what to do, or what to want before looking at the others. “we’re going to the museum. Are you guys coming?”She said wanting to distract herself from worrying to much
Loki sighed. "if cou don't want me to. then i won't." he promised. unhappy, but he would not go against Thorne. never. "i wish to go to this Mu-se-mum." Loki ordered, following her. Phil chuckling as he stood up and nodded. Grant just shrugged, dispassionate as ever and followed them. Steve and James shared a look and sighed, Pepper frowning as she closed the books she'd been looking into and followed them as well, worried about Grant even while her fingers found Tony's and held his hand.
“...I don’t know. I would...I don’t know.”Thorne said looking a little anxious at the idea, shifting to cuddle into steve’s side trying to balance herself before sighing quietly as they walked. Clint frowned softly wrapping a arm around grant’s shoulders, pressing a kiss to his head, “You know, we should totally prank loki while we’re here.”he muttered as they walked, smiling as they followed thorne towards the public side of the castle. “You oaky?”Tony muttered looking at pepper, kissing her cheek as he tucked her under his arm, simply holding onto her.
Loki smiled at her. "it's okay. i understand." he promised her. "you don't need to say anymore." he promised, Steve wrapping an arm around her shoulder, holding her gently. "...Prank Loki?" Grant asked, looking more interested in that then he had been in anything since he found out he was nothing but an experiment. "how?" he asked, blinking at the other. "i'm fine." Pepper promised with a smile. "just a bit worried about you... are you okay?"
"okay.Thanks."Thorne said relaxing a little smiling slightly. "Yes, prank loki. There's plenty of stuff I'm sure that's nearly loki's. we could find something ridculous, and convince him it was once his. like maybe the painting of loki giving birth to a's a popular legend, I'm sure there's a painting somewhere."Clint said looking a little desperate, having not thought it all the way through, desperate a little to keep greant's attention. "Good."Tony muttered kissing her head a little before snickering. "I'm okay. seriously. for now."He muttered before sighing. "Steve and James have reassured me there's enough people in the tower willing to kick my ass if I do something wrong, so we'll be okay."
Grant cocked his head, very intrigued now, life entering those eyes again. "would he really fall for it? he seams to be getting most of his memories back now..." he admitted. "i think he's completely out of the Thrall now." he admitted. "maybe he won't fall for it?" he muttered, plotting. "no. not the horse. something a little more subtle... a dress maybe? there's a cross dressing legend in there somewhere, right?" he asked curiously, Phil's lips twitching as he watched, his amusement fluttering through his bond into Clint. "oh. trust me Tony, i'd kick your ass if you did anything wrong. i already have you signed up for parenting classes, and Jarvis is ordering baby books fr us both, as well as pregnancy books and the like." she admitted. "we are going to be the most prepared parents ever."
Clint smiled a little, “It’s loki. He’s always been a little dimwitted, we’ll just have to find the perfect thing.”Clint said, hoping the asgardian wouldn’t take offense, simply hoping to keep grant interested. “He will.”He muttered pressing a kiss to grant’s head before grinning. “There is. For both brothers actually.”He said sounding thoughtful, glancing at phil, relief and amusement in the look, glad to simply seeing grant responding to something.

“...Oh. Well. I guess steve wasn’t wrong. It’s not fair he’s always right and said you’d sign me up for classes.”He whined looking amused though. Smiling slightly as he watched the others starting to move through the exhibits, amused at just how much of a geek james was.
Grant pondered that and then Grinned. "yeah. he is a bit of a dimwit." he agreed with an even brighter grin before grabbing the other's arm and leading him deeper into the museum to find the perfect set of dresses. Grant never noticed when Loki slid up to Phil. "they are aware that i am a Trickster God with a nose for mischief right? and that i could hear them?" he asked, sounding highly, highly amused. "you don't mind if i play my own little prank?" he asked the man with a smirk, Phil chuckling. "nothing humiliating or dangerous." "psh. pranks are for fun." he huffed. "can't have fun if your too hurt to enjoy it." he stated simply before pausing. "hey. that's mine." he admitted, heading over to where there was an ornamental dagger laying on a cushion. "hmm. no, it's just a very nice replica, how charming." he sounded quite delighted actually. "oh! this is a replica of Thor's shield from the last we where here. they even got the little squiggles right, how clever!"

she snorted. "please. i signed us ALL up for classes!" she informed him. "i am not having a house full of uncles who won't know how to babysit." she admitted with a smirk. "plus it'll be good practice for when Thorne ends up pregnant." she admitted with a snicker. "the boys are up to something." she mused, indicating Clint and Grant. "that's more life Grant's shown in almost a week. i knew Clint would be the one to break him." she admitted with a grin. "hey! hey check this out! it's a statue of Odin!" "very close." Loki admitted, moving over to James. "they got the beard wrong. and the eye patch but it's very good all around. i forgot how clever humans where." he admitted. "they've gotten even more so since the last i was here. it's thrilling to see such amazing artistry." he admitted with a smile. who would have thought it. Loki was an artist. or a fan of it in any case.
"Truly he is."Clint grinned so utterly pleased that the other was showing signs of life smiling as he let grant drag him along. Simply glad to be along for the ride. "Is it really?"thorne asked as she looked at loki then the knife looking truly curious about it.

"Very true.though it'd be amusing watching them all figure it out."tony snickered raising a eyebrow."are you expecting them to actually have sex soon?"tony said looking genuinely interested and concerned with pepper's opinion."he is good. I'm glad...even if they're trying to prank the king of pranks."tony snickered. "Artist or art fan?"thorne said looking at loki with curiosity
Grant smirked as he looked at a set of dresses. one was bright red, the other black. "these two their perfect." he admitted happily. "let's go get Loki." he ordered, grinning impishly at Clint before blinking at Loki's declaration. "yes it is. of course it's made with earth metals so it's not nearly as strong as mine, but it is a very impressive replica to have fooled me so easily." he admitted. "i wonder how the balance is?"

"of course. Thorne is already starting to trust them enough. they'll start slow of course, but i figure in the next two months they'll be at it worse than we do." she admitted with a smile before blinking at Loki. "Sorcery is a form of Art." Loki admitted. "it is not like science, where you just plug in the proper mathematical figures. with Sorcery, two plus two does not always equal four." Loki admitted. "our runic schematics are always open to interpretation. for example, the Runic symbol for Life, can also mean death. so a healing spell, in the hands of another, can be a killing spell." Loki admitted. "it is not unlike writing a novel. you must be careful with your words, write them in sequences that must make sense, but also flow and fit together. you cannot put a runic marker for sickness next to a runic marker for health because they are opposites." he admitted. "Fire cannot touch water, air cannot touch earth, they must be joined by other Runes, making it not unlike a dance at times." he smiled. "it is as intricate as it is beautiful." he admitted. "it also gives a sorcerer a keen eye and appreciation for other forms of artistry." he admitted. "of course, like most 'artists' Sorcerers are seen with skepticism. most Warriors, such as Tyr, Sif and the Warriors Three, seam to think Sorcery is a useless art. they forget that it is sorcery that prepares their food, warms their rooms and makes their clothing, armor and weapons." he admitted, looking amused. "i wonder if they have yet realized that most of their armor was made by me? how will they cope without my skill?" he wondered. well aware that they where already wailing about 'shoddy weapons and armor'. Loki was not just an illusionist, he was the Asgardian equivalent of a Master Metal Smith.
"Lets. He would look good in them really."Clint snickered before pausing at loki's words as he listened with interest."ah. We'll I don't have keys but I'm sure we could talk to the exhibit director if you want to try it."thorne said tilting her head already imagining the nervous little man's reaction to finding loki in his museum. It'd be worth it just to see how happy it'd make him.

"No...they couldn't be worse then us."tony said looking amused though. "Huh...I guess I'd never considered sorcery like that...makes sense though..."tony said looking so utterly fascinated you knew as soon as things settled he was going to be settling down to do research and thoughts with sorcery. "I'm sure they're already complaining you're gone. We'll ask thor next time he's here. I'm sure he'll know."thorne said looking fascinated to. "Hey loki. We have a dress you need to see."Clint smiled a little.
Loki smirked a little. "i would like that." he admitted. "i'd like it even more if i just..." and he reached, through, the glass. he picked up the knife and slid it back through the glass and gave it a few twirls in his hand, his head tilted. "hmm. very nice." he admitted before setting it back in the glass case before smiling at Tony. "is not your science like artistry?" he asked. "the way you build something out of millions of different parts, is that not like building life?" he asked before blinking. "Does Thor know i'm here?" he asked, looking a bit surprised. "i guess he must, i'm surprised he hasn't come to fetch me." he admitted, head tilted. "he must be busy. did cause quite the mess..." he sounded faintly upset about that. "a Dress?" he asked, looking interested as he followed them. "ah. yes. that is mine." Loki admitted, looking amused. "that was a heck of a party... poor Thor." he snickered. "i don't think he was quite ready for the attention he received." he admitted. "i believe he only just managed to leave with his virginity intact." he admitted. "i, on the other hand, greatly enjoyed the following orgy. i make a lovely female you know." Grant was gaping at him. so much for their prank.
Thorne yelped as he reached through the glass before laughing."okay that was a cool trick. Though you still need to meet the director. He'll be disappointed if he doesn't get to meet the real loki."she snickered."...yes I guess it is."tony said looking a little startled at that not used to people seeing what h3 did as art."he does...but due to the dark elves and other issues he is still working on bringing order back to the nine realms. I'm sure he'll be here as soon as he has a free moment."tony added looking worried that loki would be angry thor hadn't dropped everything to come right away." a dress?"clint to was gaping staring at the sorcerer as tony and thorne nearly died laughing at the look on their faces. It was so good when a prank got turned back on someone.
he chuckled a little. "i'd be glad to meet him." he agreed before offering Tony a smile before he froze. "D-did you J-j-just say D-Dark Elves?!" Loki demanded, his stutter coming out. it looked like he had serious trouble with the back of the tongue letters when he was upset. the J seamed to stutter much worse than the D's. still, for even the mention of Dark Elves to upset Loki that much, they must have been a very big deal. "G-g-god Thor, if you d-die before i c-c-c-can apolog-gize you you i'm k-k-kicking your ass in Hel." Loki stuttered, looking rather frantic before laughing at the reaction of Clint and Grant. "oh yes. i d-didn't even t-turn him into a woman. we where with D-Dwarves you see." he admitted, starting to calm himself. "and D-dwarven women are not unlike Thor in appearance, only shorter and d-darker. so he was c-c-considered to be a very impressive prize." Loki admitted, flushing when they all stared at him. "yes. i have a st-st-stutter." he complained, sulking that he'd blown his own cover. "it d-doesn't come out often..."
Tony looked startled then worried as he realized that the other was stuttering looking anxious as the other stuttered."I did. But he already dealt with malekth....its just he's now cleaning up after them."tony said looking worried for the other as thorne wrapped her arms around the godling."He'll be fine loki."she assured anxious for him. Clint laughed grinning a little."that's awesome. And thor's fairly pretty himself. Good thing he didn't actually get married."Clint smiled a little still looking shocked though. "It's okay loki. Just calm down,it'll stop."Clint said looking worried about the other
Loki sighed, relaxing, relieved. "G-g-good." he stated, pleased that Thor had prove himself in battle once more. "Thor is very Pretty." Loki agreed with a smirk. Grant giggling at the idea of Thor being pretty enough to pass for a female despite his massive manly bulk. "i Kn-know it'll st-st-stop." Loki promised. "it's j-just g-g-geting my tongue back und-der control ag-g-gain." he admitted, shrugging a shoulder. a little surprised no one was making fun of him. Asgardians delighted in upsetting him, making him stutter, laughing at him as he tried to use his biting words in his defense, only to have them marred by the stutter. over the years it got harder and harder to do, until they failed every time and got bored with trying to torment him when he tore them to shreds instead. there where very few things that honestly upset him. Odin sleep, and Thor being in danger where one of the few things that truly bothered him. he adored his father, and had even broken free from his Thrall in an effort to save, and save he did, Odin's life. oh how his Master had punished him, letting him float in the abyss, twisting him up and letting him scream in the agony. when in Thrall, his master could punish him from anywhere, could even kill him. "Loki? are you alright?" Phil asked, a bit worried. Loki just nodded. "i am fine now." he promised. "i was simply worried. Thor is not the most careful of beings." if anyone noticed he was avoiding certain word sounds, no one commented. "what shall we see now?"
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