Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“...Probably not, but it’d be amusing.”Tony muttered smiling as they checked on the dogs, relaxing and snuggling to sleep.

“...Okay. Hold on...”Thorne muttered untangling herself from the blankets, easing across the big bed and nodding. “They are.Don’t worry about it.”Thorne said looking worried as she watched them, moving to the far side of the bed as he watched. Tears filling her eyes as she watched, this might not be her fault, but it heart to see. Looking relieved when he started to cry, knowing that this was the breaking part, nodding a little. “Come on Jamie.”She muttered moving to the edge of the bed, gently helping steve get him into the bathroom, utterly glad she had a bathtub big enough for all of them. “I’ll get the closet.”She said as she let steve get him into the tub and get the closet ready, the small bathroom closet perfect as she pulled the comforter off the bed to have james snuggle in that after before moving back to the other two. “Need help?”
he smiled a little at her. "thanks. if he gets away from me, go under the bed. as long as he doesn't have line f sight on you, he won't go after you." he promised, grunting when James got several good hits in. bruised ribs, they'd be healed by morning. "that's it. that' it Buck. it's okay, shh, it's okay now." he murmured once the crying started and he carried the other to the bathroom. "thanks Thorne." Steve chirped. "no, i'm okay. could you go in our suitcases and get some of our clothes? he likes to smell us." he explained. "toss what ever you wore before bed in there. mine too." he suggested. "pants and shirt should work best." he admitted, gently washing James. before plucking him out of the water and drying him off, James just sitting there, eyes glazed again. more like he was in shock than lost this time. "here Bucky, come on, lets get you into your little Den, okay?" he asked, gently laying the other in the closet and shutting the door, ot all the way, but enough that it was almost completely dark in there. Steve waited, tense and then James sighed and shifted around. Steve sagged, relaxing in relief and he smiled at her. "he'll be okay now." he promised. "wanna kip out in here or go to bed?"
“Got it.”Thorne said looking worried as she padded out to the bedroom, gathering not only the clothes they’d worn before going to bed, but some of the others and arranging them in the closet before looking over at the other two. “Come on Jamie.”Thorne muttered smiling a little as she watched steve settle james into the closet, before looking up at steve, relieved and happy for the moment before looking at the closet then the bed. “Here. Go grab the pillows and there’s a spare comforter in the closet, it’ll be comfy.”
Steve smiled. "i thought as much" he agreed with a chuckle, heading out to gather what they needed, settling into the blankets and pillows, smiling at Thorne. "you did wonderfully." he admitted. "you didn't freak out, didn't panic and didn't get in the way. you should be proud of yourself or keeping it together." it helped that whatever James had been feeling, didn't come through, and Steve had been calm as Zen. he'd done this countless times. "most people, when they see something like that, they fly off the handle. Pepper actually had to get stitches when she witnessed because she got too close, wanting to help." he paused and wrinkled his nose. "he bit her right in the leg, to the bone, it was gross and he was practically inconsolable the next day when he fund out." he admitted, snuggling her. "the hardest part is waiting when he's screaming." he admitted, well aware she was still upset. "once he's stopped fighting and sobbing it' usually okay." he admitted. "if your ever alone when it happens, just guide him to his fish room and lock him in, he'll curl up under the bed and watch the fish until he calms down... only works for the fish room though, he'll just break down the door if you lock him in a closet or a bedroom or something." he admitted. "but i don't expect you to be alone with him when he doesn't have his fish room." he admitted with a smile.
Thorne sighed softly as she settled into the blankets with him, snuggling close. Smiling shyly at the praise before smiling a little. “It helps that I knew he wouldn’t want to hurt me. Had to keep calm otherwise he was going to lash out, or I was going to make it worse by feeding him what I was feeling.”She muttered nuzzling her face against his chest before wincing. “Ouch. It helped he’d warned me, and I wasn’t alone to.”she said trying to calm before nodding. “I think I’ll put in a fish room in here to, just in case we’re ever here and he needs it. God knows there’s enough rooms to change something over for him.”She smiled stealing a kiss as she yawned.
he nodded. "he wouldn't hurt you. but he doesn't know anyone when he's like that. all he knows is that he's in danger. and that he has to get away." he admitted. "i'm not sure he can actually feel what we're feeling when he has episodes like that." he admitted. "Bruce says it's because of the mind wipes." he admitted. "that's why they're so severe and don't seam to be recovering much." he admitted before smiling. "yeah. i guess i'm so used to everyone already knowing about them that i forgot you didn't know." he admitted. "i'm glad James thought to warn you properly." he admitted. "you know. i think he'd like that. sometimes when he just doesn't feel right, he'll go in there. sometimes he can feel it coming, you know?" he asked. "other times, like Tonight probably, he dreams about Hydra or the war and it sets it off." he admitted. "go to sleep. he'll come out and join us when he's ready." he promised with a smile. as promised, James was curled up between them when she woke, and Steve was gently running his fingers through James hair, helping him sleep better.
“I know.And I don’t think he can. I mean....when you two were on ice, it was numb and icy, but was like he simply wasn’t there anymore. But that does make sense, and if they’re not getting better, at least we know how to take care of him while it happens.”Thorne smiled a little before nodding. “Good. I’ll take him around while we’re here, and he can choose a room.”she muttered before nodidng.”He said he could.”She yawned before smiling as she followed the orders and went to sleep. Stirring when she woke she blinked up at steve sleepily, smiling. “how are you?”She muttered worried about him to as she sat up slowly.
he nodded. "burned, right?" he asked sympathetically. he understood. his and James marks had burned like ice and fire when she hadn't been alive yet. "we can help him, yes." he agreed with a smile. "and when we're home we do experiment with what works best. tying him up makes it worse. way worse and so does locking him in. so far holding him down works the best. not sure why, more intimate maybe, or gives him something to fight, i don't know. the fish work the best though." he admitted with a smile. "soft music helps sometimes too. real soft. like lullabies." he admitted. "but he doesn't like them on CD. he just smashes the tape player." he admitted. "next time, maybe you could sing for him?" he offered. "i didn't think of it because i was more focused on containing and then calming him, but it might help next time." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm fine." Steve promised, smiling. "bruises are already healed. he won't even know he hit me." he promised her. "he won't remember last night much." he warned her. "he might remember the nightmare that triggered it. but he won't remember screaming and fighting. he might remember the bath and he may, or may not remember curling up in the closet and then coming out to snuggle with us." he admitted. "could you go and get his leather journal?" he asked. "he'll write down everything he remembers. it's supposed to help." he admitted. "makes him feel better so i guess it must."
“Yea, like I’d touched it with liquid nitro, really really cold.”she shuddered a little before smiling. “That’ll be fun. I’m sure we can figure out a way to help him the best, though you’re right, flesh is the best most likely. Personal, and up close, he might recognize us unconsciously, simply by our touch.”She said sounding thoughtful before nodding. “I can sing. “we’ll try that next time.”she said.

“Good.”Thorne smiled pleased and happy that at least james wouldn’t have to be upset over injuries he’d inflicted on steve. “Okay.”She nodded a little biting her lip, worried for james before nodding already pulling away to go get the journal and returning in a few minutes, settling back next to james with a smile.”Well, anything that makes him feel better is good.”
he nodded. "i don't know what that is." he admitted before snorting. "fun isn't the word i'd use. no." he admitted with a chuckle. "you know. you could be right. i can always tell who it is touching me even when i'm half asleep." he admitted. "maybe he does recognize me a bit?" he wondered before smiling at her. "he plays the Viola you know. maybe you two could duet." he suggested with a grin.

Steve smiled a little and leaned over him to give her a kiss. "yes. mostly we just snuggle after an episode." he admitted. "or, depending on his mood, have hot wild kinky sex." he admitted with a chuckle before looking down. "morning sweetheart." James mumbled something, probably a smart-ass comment before he stirred and poked his head out of the blanket and slid his hand out, slid his journal over and started to write. "oh. before i forget, if he's writing in that? don't interrupt him, he gets rather...." "possessive. 's mine. don't touch." James mumbled as he wrote down his most recent dreams and sensations. "and never try to read over his shoulder." " 's mine. don't look." James ordered, curling his arms around the book so his two lovers couldn't see, Steve chuckling.
“It’s a liquid freezing thing, it’s like...-20 degrees in its natural state.”Thorne smiled a little. “Well, I’m trying to be positive. Using the word fun.”She said rolling her eyes a little before nodding. “I’m always right.”She teased before brightening a little. “We could totally do a duet.”

Thorne smiled kissing her back, “Ah, well, cuddling is good.”She smiled before smiling down at James.”Morning Jamie.”She said absently stroking his hair as he worked before nodding. “No trying to steal the protected journal, got it.”she smiled.

“...Pepper...”Tony tossed and turned, whining a little as the blankets twisted around his legs, looking annoyed and anxious at finding himself trapped. His own worries and the worry she was feeling, keeping him overly prone to nightmares.
he blinked a little. "oh. pretty cold stuff." he mused with a smile. "well. positivity will only make Bucky grumpy." he warned, looking amused. "so keep it up." he suggested with a chuckle.

"Cuddling is good." he agreed with a smile, chuckling at James possessiveness. "he's going to be clingy and possessive over a lot of things. mostly you, i'd think." he admitted. "but he'll get pretty possessive over me as well, and his Cap Bear." he admitted. "like... don't even look at it." he warned with a chuckle. "he'll be mostly normal by the time noon rolls around." he admitted, watching James finish writing in his journal, looking much more calm now. "did i hurt anyone?" "not a scratch." Steve promised. "want some breakfast?" "no.... no leaving." James ordered, tightening his grip on Steve's sleeping shirt.

Pepper stroked his hair, wary of flying fists. she'd been through many Tony nightmares. "hey. Tony. it's okay. i'm here." she knew better than to shake him, or raise her voice, it only upset him more. "come on Tony, wake up now." she whispered, stroking his face gently. "wake up for me darling."
“Hm, me?Seriously?”She said looking amused that anyone would want her enough to be possessive. Smiling slightly before leaning down and pressing a kiss to james’ head. “Awesome. We’ll have the whole afternoon to do things then.”she smiled a little before snickering.”Hm, don’t have to. I have my phone, I’ll text Phil, see if he can get one of the servants to bring up breakfast.”She said indeed already texting.

Tony whimpered under her hands, pressing his cheek into her hand, squirming a little, swallowing thickly before bolting awake, sitting up quickly, eyes wide and startled, looking around him frantically before slumping back into teh bed tiredly."...damn..."
he smiled. "your the best and most important thing in his life. of course you." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. i know Phil wanted to take Loki and Clint on some museum tours." he admitted. "and James loves museums." he admitted with a smile. "oh your a doll." Steve agreed with a smile. "tell them to send up enough for Seven. me and James can eat enough for three just by ourselves." he admitted, looking amused.

"hey." she smiled at him. "you okay?" she asked, stroking his hair, sighing. "Tony?... i i tell you something... will you promise me you won't freak out?" she asked softly. worried about his reaction but unable to not tell him anymore.
“Oh.Well. You two are important to me to.”She said flushing brightly as she ducked her head before nodding. “And james wanted to go look at stuff, he’s such a geek.”She snickered a little before looking amused at the other’s words before nodding. “Got it.”she said grinning as she nodded. “Food’s on the way.”

“Yea...i’m okay...bad dream...”He muttered shuddering a little as he slumped back into the bed before looking over at her, looking concerned, and worried. He hated feeling just how anxious she was, which in turn made him even more anxious. “Yes I wont freak.”
he smiled at her. "i'm glad." he admitted before chuckling a little. "he is a geek." "'m not a Geek." James whined, sulking, dozing because he wasn't ready to get up now that he knew no one was leaving. he stirred only when the food arrived. he clung to Thorne instead when she went to get up, leaving Steve free to talk to the maid who had brought up the meal and wheeled the tray into the bathroom so they could snuggle and eat at the same time.

she nodded. "i figured." she admitted softly, smiling at him before sighing, staring at her toes. she didn't want to see the look on Tony's face when she told him. it would only make her hurt. "...i'm pregnant."
“Yes you are. A adorable museum geek.”Thorne teased as she smiled as she was clung to, pressing a kiss to his head as she shifted so they could all eat. “We’re not going anywhere, Jamie. Come on eat something.”Thorne said.

“...”Tony stared at her, swallowing thickly hands gripping the blankets tightly. Definitely a sheer feat of will that he hadn’t freaked out the moment he heard and bolted, blinking hard. “....Can...Can I go talk to steve?”He asked gently, because he knew he was upsetting her, but he had promised to not freak out, and he wasn’t...but he didn’t know how long he could hold out and he didn’t want to hurt her, which meant getting to someone who’d be logical and annoying enough to talk him down.
he huffed. "'m not a Geek." he grumbled, smiling anyway simply because he got a kiss. "yeah. okay." he muttered, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes before moving over and munching on the food slowly, more on autopilot than anything else.

Pepper swallowed thickly, twisting her own blankets before pausing. well, that was good. no screaming. it was okay right? "Steve? yeah of course. go see Steve." she agreed, feeling relief course through her. he wasn't mad, he'd be okay, they'd be okay, Steve would fix whatever was wrong with Tony. it was okay. it was going to be okay...
“I think you’re in denial, love.”Thorne teased amused pleased as he ate even if she knew that the man was still mostly going on autopilot.

Tony relaxed,”Good. I’ll be back. Maybe go spend time with Clint and phil, I’m sure they could use some help distracting and cheering up grant.”he pointed out trying to give her something to do, not wanting her to be worried about him leaning over to kiss her lightly, nuzzlign her a little before leaving, and nearly bolting for thorne’s room, nearly bouncing in place as he knocked on the door, knowing better the nto simply walk in. Not only because the boys were overprotective and they were in a place thorne had been hurt so badly, but because they tended to be naked if left to their own devices.
he just huffed.

he smiled at her. "i think i could do that." she agreed with a smile, kissing him back, her heart lightening even more. if he was giving her a liss, then he wasn't leaving. good. she could handle this then. there was a snarl when Tony knocked on the door and a gentle admonishment followed before Steve called for whoever it was to come in. James calmed only once he realized it was Tony. Tony was safe, Tony wouldn't take his mates. "sorry Tony. James had an episode last night. he's still overly possessive." he admitted. "come on in. have seat on the bathroom floor, make yourself comfortable." "....why are we in the bathroom?" James asked, suddenly realizing where they where. "Tony? everything okay? your all pale and twitchy." Steve admitted looking worried.
“Possessive are we?You, Barnes, are extremely hot when you’re doing the possessive mate thing.”Tony said snickering a little as he walked into teh bathroom, settling onto the bathroom floor, not even bothering to be distrbed at the location, well used to having conversations with the two in the oddest spots. “You really are looking twitchy...And you were sleeping in the bathroom closet, and we didn’t want to leave you alone.”Thorne said smiling a little at james’ question, smiling a little as she looked at tony. “....Yea.No.Yes...I mean, it is.”Tony said twitching a little. “Yes....Its okay...Pepper’s pregnant.”
James smirked a little. "sorry taken, you'll have to find someone else to pound you into the mattress." "that's what Strap ns are for." "strap... what?" James asked, looking confused. "Strap Ons. it's this little belt, or a pair of underwear with a dildo attached so a woman can give it to her man." he explained with a grin, laughing when James eyes glossed over at the idea. "or her female partner." he admitted, shaking James free of his thoughts before he smiled at Thorne. "oh. i forgot... tight spaces make me feel better." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "....Pepper's... i thought she couldn't have kids?" James asked, sounding startled. it was true, before, she couldn't have babies because something was wrong inside of her. which meant Extremis must have fixed it. "Tony. this is a good thing." Steve promised the other with a smile. "don't think i don't know how badly you want a little daughter to adore and love and spoil." he said as gently as he could. "or a son to pass on your genius to. just because you had a shitty childhood, doesn't mean that your kids will. for one thing, Pepper will beat you senseless if you do anything seriously wrong." he admitted. "for another, you have an entire tower of people more than willing to lend a hand. Loki, for example, has had hundreds of kids." "literally, if the books are true." "...let's hope the books aren't true." "and Phil has had a LOT of face time with kids. so has Clint and Natasha. i know my own way around a baby too." he admitted. "we're all hre and we're all going to help you be the best father you can be, okay?"
“Damn.And here goes that dream.”Tony said snickering as he rolled his eyes a little, before laughing at james’ look, smirking at thorne. “I think you’ve found a new kink, Thorne.” “Hm, maybe.”Thorne said blushing brightly as she looked at the other, before growing serious as she stared at tony. “....No it’s not!It’s not good. It’s not.”Tony said starting to break, staring at the others. “...Hundreds?Really?”he looked startled before shaking his head. “No. I can’t do this. I mean, I’m going to be shitty.”
Steve chuckled. "he likes anything that has to do with Thorne touching him." he admitted with a grin. James just grinned and nodded. it wasn't wrong. "of course it's good." James stated calmly. "Tony, take it from someone who knows first hand how much a bad childhood can ruin the rest of your life. my family was horrible. the only time i ever had peace was when i hunkered down in a closet or when i was out with Steve." he admitted. "i grew up thinking i was worthless, pathetic, disgusting and unworthy." he admitted. "but i know just how good a person i can be now, thanks to Steve. i trust Steve, so i know as long as i'm with Steve, i'm a good person." he admitted. "dont you feel the same with Pepper? Pepper makes you good right? so trust her, trust her to know that you'll be a good father. Trust her to know who you really are. because people like us? we can't trust ourselves, right? so we'll have faith in the people who know us best. people like Steve, like Phil, like Pepper." he suggested, smiling at Tony. "trust Pepper. she's never been wrong before, right?" he asked with a smile. "she knows what she's doing, if she wants you to be the father, then trust her knowledge that yu won't fuck it up, okay?"
“...I bet we could get a discount on therapy if we went together.”Tony said frowning a little as he looked at james biting his lip before nodding. “Yes. Pepper believes I can be good, even if I don’t.”he mttered looking down, slumping a little before nodding. “No, she’s never been wrong. It’s freaky like that, she’s always right....”He muttered before perking up some.”I’m doing okay with Marie aren’t i?A kid wont be much different then a puppy.” Thorne swallowed hard, not about to correct him on the assumption of baby-dog sameness, but finding it amusing anyways. “You do a very good with Marie.”
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