Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

"He is indeed. I mean that hair could be used as a hair care commercial." Clint snickered trying to make him smile a little."take your's okay."thorne muttered rubbing loki's back letting him calm."no thor's not the most careful of people. He got in a fight with my toaster once."tony said hoping to distract him before smiling."well thorne?" "Well there's the history books. The originals that some people wrote about the asgardians."thorne said showing them into the book vault before pausing in front of one of the cases staring at the book of markings, looking them over as the others explored. Looking over the past royal marriages always made her feel more connected before wincing stepping back looking worried and upset.
Loki chuckled a little. "Commercial? that's the T.V thing right?" Loki asked, amused. he was much, much better about tech than Thor was, but he had very little interest in the 'talking box'. "your toaster?" Loki asked, looking even more amused. "did it talk to him too or did it just spit his pop-tarts at him?" he asked, chuckling. "i would like to read the books." he agreed, feeling much more settled now that they weren't laughing, where in fact, helping him. "Thorne?" Steve asked, moving over to her once he felt her worry and upset. "what is it? what's wrong?" he asked, gently stroking her back, James there as well, throwing blade in his hand, eyes scanning for the trouble, making sure there was no one there to bother them.
"Yep. It is. They sell stuff in them. And thor could totally advertise the perks of shampoo."Clint snickered a little. "Yea my toaster. And he freaked out when the pop tarts popped out of the toasterr. It was amazing watching him use his hammer on it."tony snickered. "Good let's go look then."thorne said smiling and indeed there were tons of ancient books from the vikings,the largest collection in the world in fact. Thorne whined a little as steve touched her to upset to talk for a moment before swallowing trembling a little."...I know why chris was looking at bonding and marriage laws."she said sounding shaken.
Loki snorted. "Thor would have to learn how to bathe first." he pointed out. "well. at least you got to build a new one." Loki teased with a chuckle before settling in to look at their history. "i have NEVER fornicated with a horse!" was Loki's loud, very indignant response to Grant handing him that particular legend. Grant just started giggling and Loki gaped at the rest of the legend. "well i NEVER! i CREATED Sliepnr! i didn't give birth to him!" he complained. "it took years of alchemical research! YEARS!" he complained.

Steve and James looked over at the fit throwing Loki and shared a brief smile about if before snuggling Thorne, trying to comfort her. "oh?" Steve asked softly, gently pulling the book from her finger to look at the page she'd stopped at. "...oh."
"You mean he does his hair without bathing?thas totally unfair that his hair looks amazing!"clint said indeed looking a little we eyed at the idea. "Very true. Now the toaster talks so it's all good."tony snickered a little. "Are you sure?that legend has plenty of details about mating with a horse."tony teased looking at loki simply glad to see grant enjoying something.

"Uh huh..."thorne swallowed letting steve see."no ruling royal has ever had a non noble bondmate....they've actually made a law to stop it from happening...I cant...I dont..."she stuttered a little sounding so lost."not to mention about a divorced person ruling I cant..."
Loki snorted. "don't be stupid, of course he takes baths. but we don't have Shampoo or soap n Asgard. we use scented oil and sand." he admitted before chuckling at Tony's comments on the talking toaster. "yes i'm sure!" he snapped. "i Made this for Odin! the Fastest Horse in the Nine Realms!" his tongue was going this again and he snarled wordlessly, forcing himself to calm down. "This is what people think i do!? Odin's G-Great Eye!" he huffed, shaking his head. "and i Th-Thought G-g-g-gods where perverted!" he huffed, Grant looking worried now that he'd made Loki stutter again. "Breeding with a horse! what next!? Thor laying with G-Goats!?" "er... actually..." Phil muttered sheepishly and that made Loki pause and then start to laugh. "serous;y?! Serious;?! Thor and Goats! HAH!" and off he was, laughing again. laughing so hard he was bent over. seamed he cared not a whit about his own humiliation so long as Thor was humiliated more.

"Hush... shh..." Steve whispered, stroking her hair. "you forget. we're not married yet." he admitted softly. "there are laws in Sweden against abusive relationships. you CAN divorce Chris based on that fact, Pepper already made sure. you are the Ruling Authority in this land. not Chris. if YOU declare it. it is Law, no matter what the population decides. you can change the laws, and even if you can't, that's okay." he promised her. "we don't have to be married to be happy. we don't have to be married to love each other." he promised her, kissing her forehead. "Whatever happens, we're in it together." he promised with a smile. "we won't leave you alone. i promise. no matter what."
"Ah I see. We'll give him shampoo next time he's here."Clint snickered a little."okay okay I believe you."tony said looking worried as loki grew upset before grinning"yep. The ors got the goats and he nearly made a giant once apparently."tony said smiling sli ghost tly glad as loki started to laugh. That was just amusing really and relaxing to see the other so entertained by something.

"I know it's just I..."thorne stuttered so upset and lost she couldn't think couldn't figure out how to fix rhis. Oh yea, she was definitely going to be submissive. To needy and utterly lost when upset she needed help and the grounding force of having someone else in control. "...okay. i..we'll finish this after the funeral tomorrow. I'm tired of this game and him pretending to be in charge."she shuddered leaning into them desperate and struggling to find some sort of balance, her fear and worry sending her spiraling out of control."no matter what."she shuddered
Loki chuckled a little. "i have to admit, i do adore human body soaps." Loki admitted. "when i go back..." and he would go back, Thor and Odin would insist after this last horrible episode. they would want to coddle him and make sure he was really okay after being under for three times longer than normal. "i'm going to take an entire store's worth of soap and shampoo with me." he admitted. "just so i can have better hair than Thor." he admitted happily.

"shh. it's okay." Steve whispered, stroking her hair. "it's okay." he promised, kissing her forehead. "shh. tomorrow." he agreed. "come on. lets go back up to the room and snuggle for a while, okay?" he asked, stroking her back a little. "he is only pretending. he has no power. not here. not anywhere." he promised softly.
"You would do well having prettier hair. You'd make a pretty girl. Now if only you can convince thorne to let you have your dress back."Clint teased though he looked a little serious as if he wasn't sure he'd been pranked or not.

"...kay. snuggling's good."thorne muttered waving goodbye and saying a quiet word to the other's so they wouldn't worry before heading up to their room sighing quietly as she slumped onto the bed."I'm sorry..."she said upset she'd ruined james' day to explore even if she knew he wouldn't care.
Loki chuckled a little. "i do make a pretty girl." Loki admitted, and between one step and the next, he was a full busted, curvy slender woman wearing the red dress from the museum. "don't you think i look pretty?" Bruce was choking on his tongue and Grant was laughing again, Phil chuckling when Loki wiggled in Tony's general direction, Pepper's breath hitching a little. "....i want a threesome." she whispered at Tony. "see if you can swing it." and in that instant you knew why Pepper was so good for Tony. "just imagine. him a man, or a woman, anytime we want..." she whispered. "he could fuck you first. and then you could fuck her." she whispered, smirking. nearly jumping out of her skin when Grant popped up, tugging on Tony's sleeve. "can i talk to you? in private? later i mean?" Grant asked, looking nervous, but steely and determined.

"there's nothing to be sorry for." James assured her, gently stripping off her shoes and socks once they where in bed, pulling her feet into his lap and rubbing them gently. giving her a glorious foot massage. "i saw the good parts." he admitted with a grin. "Loki howling over that horse bit was awesome." he admitted with a snicker, Steve chuckling, running his hands over her shoulders and neck, massaging her there too. both of them simply doting on her without really thinking about it.
Tony's mouth went dry as he stared at loki,eyes blown as he nodded dumbly."I will."he moaned softly nearly squirming in place at what pepper was describing. He was going to come if he didn't get her in a bedroom soon. Giving a absent growl as grant tried to get his attention he focused again when he saw flint glaring at him. "Hm?yea. We could go for a walk now if you want...there's a garden somewherd..."he said looking at grant worriedly as he tugged pepper close trying to focus on grant and not on what he wanted to do to loki.

"We'll okay...and that was pretty awesome."she said laughing quietly moaning as she relaxed under their hands pretty much a pile of goo as she blinked up at them wrapping her hands in steve's hair and dragging him up for a kiss."I think you deserve a reward for being so good to me..."she muttered smirking a little. Relaxed enough to be totally playful forcing herself to focus on them and not anything else.
Grant blinked a little and then suddenly seamed to realize why Tony was all spaced out and he snorted. "are you ever not horny?" "no he's not." Pepper admitted with a chuckle. "what is it?" " can wait. till tonight, or tomorrow." he promised. "it's not very pressing it's just... something i want... need to do. if it can be done. i don't know if it even can be but..." he shrugged. "you go have sex or something before you mentally scar everyone in the castle." he ordered with a smile, heading back over to Phil and Clint, Phil giving him a questioning look. for once Grant didn't immediately respond to it and provide an answer, he just shrugged. "interesting." Loki mused, examining Grant. "if you can't, Tony. send him to me. i should be able to help." Loki admitted. "Do you wanna come have sex with us?" Pepper asked breathlessly and Loki blinked, startled at her. "...yes." Loki decided. "...not permanently?" "no, no. just for fun. no emotions required." "then yes." Loki agreed, amused. one would be a fool not to be sexually attracted to Pepper Potts and Tony Stark.

they both chuckled at her when she started to sag, James hands massaging her legs now while Steve worked on her arms and hands, offering her as much slow pleasure as they could. "oh? a reward?" Steve asked, looking amused. "will i get a cookie? i like cookies." he teased, kissing her back.
"No. Sex is to fun to not be horny."tony said smirking a little before studying clint nodding a little."okay then. I'll come find you after."tony said looking curious before smirking at pepper then nodding at loki."I will."he promised before laughing at pepper's very straightforward question."no. Just a roll in the hay,cause can both Fuck and be fucked."tony flushed as he led them towards their room.

"You okay?"clint muttered studying grant with curiosity.

"We'll I was thinking a blow job but if you prefer cookies I can go get some."she said with thewide eyed amused innocence you just knew she was waiting to see how he'd react to that.
Grant smiled at him. "Thanks Tony." he said before glancing at Clint. "i'm fine. just... something i need to do." he admitted, hesitating before tangling his fingers with Clint's. wanting the comfort. "Clint?.... can i stay with you?" Grant asked softly. "even... even though i'll never..." "Of course you can stay." Phil promised, gently rubbing the back of Grant's neck. "we where talking abut it you know. keeping you even before we found out." he admitted, Grant's eyes wide as he stared at them, startled. "you... want to keep me?" "yes." "...okay."

Loki chuckled a little. "well i am never adverse to such a thing. however, as i am a Jotun, you will need to wear protection. my virility is high and i highly doubt any of us wants to be pregnant for this." Loki admitted with a grin. "human men can't get pregnant." "no. but i can." Loki admitted. "man or female in shape i truly have no real gender. i can carry offspring and Tony's genetics are strong enough to impregnate me quite easily if we do not take precautions." he admitted, chuckling. "do you with me to fuck you Tony?"

both Steve and James choked at the proclamation and they paused, staring at her. "....are you joking, or being serious?" Steve asked, looking stunned. "if you want to, i won't stop you to be sure, but only do it if your ready. and be aware i won't get mad or upset if ou have to stop." "if you do have to stop, i'll finish him off." James promised with a grin. "who said she's sucking me?" "because i said so." "and who made you boss?" "uh.... Thorne did?" "i see." Steve just sounded very amused at the obvious lie.
Clint tilted his head looking him over, tugging him closer, and tucking the brunette under his arm, pressing a kiss to his head. “Of course. And we did. We didn’t want you to be alone, and well...we don’t quite fit well alone either, so you need to stay. We want you.”Clint smiled simply enjoying touching them both.

“....”Tony stared looking both interested and worried at the idea, before wincing. “No, no. Pepper being pregnant is enough. We don’t need pregnant again.”Tony said looking anxious at even just the idea of a hypothetical child, moaning softly as he looked at loki, eyes blown and nodding eagerly.”Please.”He said softly.

Thorne laughed looking amused as she watched them both, biting her lip a little before nodding. “I know. You’ve both promised that you wont react badly if I have to stop...but I’ve given james one...and I want to see this monster cock up close and personal, and see if you taste like apple pie.”Thorne teased looking amused as she leaned up for a kiss before smirking. “Hm, James always thinks he’s the boss.”
Grant relaxed a little and smiled, just leaning into them. "...can we have sex? not now... but eventually? i've never...." he'd never had sex that had felt good. he'd gotten some pleasure from Garret but he had rarely had true, all consuming sexual pleasure the way Sex was apparently supposed to feel like.

Loki chuckled. "thus, the protection." he admitted. "don't worry it is simple enough to do. a simple Runic mark on both of our bellies." he promised. "it also keeps any diseases any of us might have from transferring to the others." he admitted. "i doubt you are anything but clean but i like to be certain." he admitted with a smile before smirking at Tony. "my. how interesting. are you submissive dear Tony?" Loki asked, running his fingers through the others hair, Pepper chuckling as she watched. she loved to watch. "tell me, how you want it Tony." Loki whispered. "tell me how you want me to fuck you." he whispered while Pepper pulled the door to their room open.

they laughed a little and Steve paused. "oh! i forgot he got one already." he admitted with a laugh. "alright, hold on." he ordered, slipping off the bed and pulling off his clothes. "how do you want me?" he asked her with a smile, letting her look at him all she wanted. willing to lay or sit however she wanted.
Clint looked startled before grinning at the other, leaning in to kiss him lightly. “Of course. Sex should be fun, and we’ll show you.”he grinned looking utterly pleased that the other was wanting to be with them.

“Ah, that’s good. Simple is good.”Tony said indeed looking interested in teh idea of magic though before nodding. “No diseases, but no reason to be reckless either.”he shrugged before shuddering, looking up at the other as he leaned into the hand.”With other men?Yea. With women I prefer being in charge.”Tony whined a little leaning into him, growling as he looked at him, “I want you to fuck me, while pepper watches, and then we’ll both have turns with her, then I want to fuck you. Beyond that, where you want, how you want it, up to you.”Tony shuddered a little as he walked in.

Thorne shuddered as he watched the other, shivering a little as he studied him shivering at how very beautiful he was, purring a little as she watched them, she reached out, brushing a hand over his hip before smirking. “I know. On the bed, lay back, head in james’ lap. Jamie, you get to hold him still while I do this.”
Grant smiled, feeling much better about it now. "thank you." he murmured, just resting into them now, luxuriating in the contact. delighting in being warm and safe and wanted. wanted in a way that he wanted back.

"yes. particularly when even though i might not have something, your bodies might react to mine anyway." Loki admitted. "i don't know precisely how STDS work you see... so, if i where to, say, have sex with one human who had it, and then had sex with you, it might be transferred even after a good three hundred years?" he wondered. Pepper blinking. "well... i don't know." she admitted. "if it can't live in your skin, i would say no, but i suppose we can't be too certain." she admitted. grinning as Loki growled deep in his throat, studying Tony eagerly. "yes. i deeply enjoy this plan." he agreed. "do you like being restrained?" he asked Tony. "there are a few spells i would delight in casting on you. such pale, perfect skin." he breathed, stroking Tony's writs. "they just beg to be inked. even if it's only for n hour." he admitted with a smirk. "just simple black lines and you'll be nothing but a helpless puppet, your entire body at my command. only able to move if i move you. helpless as i take my pleasure from your body. would you like that?"

Steve smiled at her and settled onto the bed, James chuckling. "don't worry. he doesn't need to be held down." he promised. "Steve is entirely too in control of himself to thrust." he admitted, grinning as he let Steve settle against him. "just do what you want." he assured her. "Steve won't mind." he promised her with a chuckle.
“Welcome.Come on, you should get a shower, you’re hair’s looking greasy and you smell.”Clint teased, because it had been a effort for the last week to get the man to show even the slightest interest in taking care of himself. So now that he was doing better, clint was going to fuss over him.

“.,....That’s a disturbing and interesting thought. I want to test you’re blood. After sex. It’ll be interesting to find otu.”Tony said looking interested in the idea. Shuddering as the other talked, nodding a little. “I do.Though not blindfolded, I’ll freak if I am.”He warned, shuddering as the man stroked his wrists, swaying a little on his feet, swaying into the other with a shudder before swallowing thickly.”Y-yes, yes please.”Tony stuttered, and it was obvious he wasn’t trying to make fun of loki, just simply that the was so undone he was stuttering.

“...Hmmm, but I intend on making him lose all control.”Thorne smirked as he watched the two, smirking as she nudged steve’s legs apart and laying down, pressing a kiss to his hip as she took her time kissing over his chest and stomach, slowly making her way lower before carefully lowering her mouth over him, closing her eyes as she worked her mouth over him, looking so serious and careful as she took her time with him, before a slight smirk twitched her lips and she started shoving emotions through the bond, it’d taken some doing, but research and studying how they responded to each other had made her realize that if she could get things started, she could feed it into a lust driven loop, one hunger finding another, and then hitting the third. It was going to be interesting just to see how far she could drive them.
he wrinkled his nose. "yeah i... haven't been myself lately." he admitted, looking quite sheepish as he followed Clint and climbed into a shower that was just that side of too hot. just the way he liked it best. he scrubbed clean and sighed at the fake bonding mark on his wrist before climbing out of the shower and into some clean clothes.

"sure." Loki agreed. "later." he agreed with a chuckle before smirking at the other. "no blindfolds. agreed." he stated calmly. "anything else i can't do?" he asked with a smile. "he doesn't like being spoken harshly to. it ruins his space." Pepper explained. "he loves being told he's a good boy." she admitted, smiling at Tony, Loki's lip twitching, amused at Tony's stuttering. "i see i'm not the only one who stutters when he gets flustered." he teased, pulling the other into a deep kiss. "Go undress, lay on the bed on your back and wait there, do not touch yourself." Loki ordered firmly. stripping off his own shirt as well and drawing ink black lines on his stomach, watching them flash and then sink into the skin, leaving the faintest of lines, a sparkly sort of blue that could barely be seen. "Pepper." "yes." she agreed, pausing. "it won't hurt a baby?" "no. it will not harm the fetus." he promised, drawing the lines onto her stomach as well before smirking as he approached Tony, drawing the lines on his belly as well. Tony wouldn't feel a single thing, which was a very odd experience, to see ink spreading across your skin but not feel a thing. "you have a safe word?"

Steve snorted. "i doubt you can." he challenged, looking amused, James snickering. Steve let his legs fall apart and watcher her, sighing at the kisses. enjoying her attentions. lay pleasure curling around him while she kissed lower and lower. he groaned, tipping his head a little when she finally worked her mouth over him, his eyes never left her, watching her intently. needing to memorize every moment. "FUCK!" he gasped, arching under the emotions, shuddering and trembling, hips starting to rise, James mewling as he forced Steve's hips back down. "s...shit." James sounded startled, shaken, panting, staring at her as if he'd never seen her like before, Steve gulping in deep breaths. " again." Steve stuttered, sounding fairly astonished, as if he couldn't believe that had been real.
“I know. We’ve been worried. But it’s good, you’re okay now.”He muttered nuzzling the other again grinning as the other went to shower, smiling at phil as he hugged his mate.”He’s back.”He said sounding so very relieved.

“Ask pepper.I’m not usually aware enough to know what I respond worst to.”Tony shrugged a little smiling at pepper shivering at the idea of being good, whining softly as he was teased.”y-yes sir.”He stuttered at the order, whining softly as he did so, whimpering, wanting to touch himself as he laid back on the bed, groaning as he watched the other two. “That’s really weird....”Tony muttered watching the ink spread before smiling, nodding. “Spangles.”Tony said snickering, because it was definitely not a word that’d come up except if he was safe wording.

“I totally can.”Thorne smirked a little smiling quietly pleased as she listened to him fall apart. Jerking back a little as he arched, not used to blow jobs enough to be able to take the thrusting as she raised her mouth a little, letting james help her, smirking as she looked up at them. Raising her head she looked at him.”You okay?”she muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s cock head before sliding her mouth again down over him, groaning as their emotions crashed into her, and in turn feeding it back to them. Oh yea, all three of them were going to be twitching, amazing, orgasmic messes soon enough.
Grant smiled a little. "yeah... i'm okay now." he whispered, hesitating before kissing the other, on the cheek because he wasn't brave enough for lips yet. he thought about how different they where, he wondered if sex would be different? he had never really liked sex with Garret. no, that wasn't true. there where a few things he had enjoyed. he had liked being held down, had liked being tied up. he had liked lots of things. maybe Phil would tie him up? he hoped so, maybe he'd use a flogger? or a paddle? Phil seamed the kind of guy who used his hand. Grant liked to feel the sting of flesh against flesh. he didn't realize he was dropping, too fast, too alone to be safe until he realized his cock was half hard. what was he going to do now? he was too deep in subspace to make rational decisions and Garret wouldn't help him... wait. Garret was dead, who was he with now? Phil and Clint. they would help him. he finished his shower, Clint had told him to, and got dressed, staggering out of the bathroom and into Phil's arms. "Sir..." Phil tensed and Grant winced and whimpered. "i'm sorry... i didn't mean to... i'm sorry..." "you dropped? on your own? Jesus..." Phil muttered. "easy. hey, easy, take deep breaths i'm not mad. just surprised. not many can drop on their own." "it's bad. dangerous. didn't mean to. i'm sorry. i'm sorry." "hey. easy. calm down. no one's mad." Phil promised, looking worried. "you've been so upset the last few days some sub time will probably be good for you, we just have to stabilize it first..." he muttered, glancing at Clint before smirking. "Do you want to give Clint a blowjob?" "oh. oh Yes, Sir." Grant gasped, eyes wide with delight. "okay. you give Clint a blowjob and i'll go make Dinner." before Clint can even say a word Grant is kneeling in front of Clint and trying to work his pants open.

Loki nodded. "i will defer to Pepper then." he agreed with a smile. "Spangles?" he asked, amused before nodding. "very well." and with that he touched Tony's forehead, each wrist, his belly button, his knees and his ankles. each spot leaving a black dot that spread across his body and all in an instant, Tony couldn't move. at all. he could blink, he could work his mouth, but that was it. "hows that feel?" Loki asked. "nothing tingling? nothing tight? no cramping?" he demanded, checking to make sure the other was comfortable before smirking, turning and sitting next to Pepper as if waiting for a show. and then the show started. Tony's hands began to stroke him, running up and down his body, stroking, pinching his nipples and working lower, one hand gripping his cock, the other slipping behind to stroke his tight entrance. Loki must have used another spell because Tony was already wet, pre-lubricated. making it easy for Tony's fingers to slip inside and drive him wild. and wild they did, driving him higher and higher until he was going to cum, and then, somehow, strangely, kept climbing, black ink flashing on Tony's cock giving him all the clue he needed. he couldn't cum. not without Loki's permission. completely at the godlings mercy.

Steve moaned at the pleasure coursing through him, James mewling. "es.... yes. fine. more." Steve gasped, begging. how had they never thought to do this!? pushing their emotions into each other. it was the best feeling in the world! soon Steve was shuddering, trembling, writhing, held in place only by a mewling, humping James who was rubbing himself into Steve's back, desperate for release but held in check somehow. it was Steve who broke first, surging, or trying to, arching as much as he could when held in place by James, who was gasping, following Steve into bliss as the feelings of the orgasm raced across their bonding marks, flooding them all with the pleasure of one, then two, and three people all cumming at once. "Fu...Fu... Fuck..." Steve gasped, limp once they finally started to wind down. "i... i think... i broke something." he gasped, James groaning. "yeah. me. hit my head. broke the headboard." James admitted, sounding sheepish. "sorry..."
“Good.”Clint smiled that quiet pleased smile as he turned his head into the other’s touch, watching him go as he settled on the bed. Startling as he looked up at grant as the man came in, he looked worried before frowning a little. “It’s okay, you’re okay, Grant.”Clint muttered gently stroking the man’s hair glancing up at phil, needing help to stablize the other before nodding. “You’re okay Grant, we’re not mad. Just surprised.”Clint promised before groaning as he looked at phil, shaking his head as he looked down at grant as the man knelt in front of him.”Phil, you always have the best ideas.”He groaned as he wrapped his hand in grant’s hair looking amused though.

“Hm, Cap and sex just go hand in hand.”Tony said snickering a little, shivering under the othr’s fingers, eyes widening a little as he held still, “I’m good. This is weird though.”Tony said blinking a little as he looked up at the two. And by the time he climbed, the man was falling apart, utterly coming undone as as he made quiet desperate whimperings. “please, please please Loki!”He begged shuddering.

Thorne smirked a little as she listened to the other as they starting coming undone, gasping as she pulled back, coming splattering her face as she lost control, collapsing across steve’s lap as she came herself, a twitching horrible mess since the orgasms simply kept feeding each other, but finally they started coming down, panting as she trembled laying across them, laughing quietly, panting. “Jamie, of all the things broken in this room, that was by far the best way to break something. You two okay?”She muttered turning her head to look up at them.
Phil smiled a little before frowning at the youngest. honestly, he hadn't realized Grant was that submissive. really, he should have. "of course i have the best ideas. we'll have to figure out why and how he dropped but he needs attention right now." Phil admitted. "we'll get him to tell us what he does and doesn't like while he's down so he can't lie." he decided, grinning as he watched Grant slide his fingers over the others balls, running his tongue slowly over the flesh. savoring every taste, every touch. sighing as he settled, deeper, but calmer as he kissed, sucked, licked and lapped the others cock and balls. enjoying everything, just enjoying finally having an experience that didn't involve Garret shoving his cock down his throat two or three times, cumming, and then tossing him off and yelling at him to get back to work. he slid the other into his mouth, sucking and stroking and working it deeper and deeper until his chin was brushing the others balls, his nose pressed to the flat stomach. cock full, heavy in his throat. it felt just as perfect as he'd always imagined. he moaned, holding Clint there, simply liking the way it restricted him, held him down, filled him up. he could still breath, barely. but that was half the fun. finally, he moved, rocking his head back and forth, pulling the other in and out of his throat with nary a cough or a gag. none whatsoever. far too practiced to do such a thing.

Loki grinned as he watched Tony. his head tilted. "oh? did you want something Tony?" he asked, examining the other. "you'll have to be more specific." he admitted. "i can't give you what you want, if i don't know what it is after all." he admitted with a smirk before turning to Pepper. "what is his refractory period?" "nonexistent. the Extremis gives him the libido of a teenager. he might go soft but he'll firm up again as soon as you touch him again." she admitted. "he can cum four or five times in a row. it's simply pleasant to see." she admitted with a grin, Loki chuckling. "well. perhaps i will have to push him to his limits?" he wondered, licking his lips as he watched Tony, pleasuring himself but unable to even arch or buck his hips the way he wanted. all he could do was lay there and take it. until Loki got bored with that game anyway.

they moaned and blinked at her. "i didn't... know you could... DO that." Steve gasped, trying to gulp in air, panting like he'd just won the Boston marathon. "god... that was... awesome." James breathed. "your amazing." he sighed, blinking at her, looking sluggish and fazed out and Steve snickered. "congratulations. you dropped James. that's hard to do." he admitted, slowly sitting up and grimacing. "ugh... i pulled some muscles." he admitted with a snicker. "i've never cum that hard in my life! we are SO doing that again." "yeah... yeah... now?" "no. not now." "oh... okay." James agreed, content with life.
“Hmmm, we’ll have fun asking him what he enjoys.”Clint said smiling a little as he petted the other’s hair, shifting to lean against the bed rail, simply letting the other do what he wanted as he leaned against the bed, bracing his knees so he wasn’t going to be falling over. Shuddering as the othr slid him all the way into his mouth, he whimpered resisting the urge to fuck his throat, looking up at phil with wide eyes, “He has no gag reflex.”he sputtered groaning, biting his lip to keep from coming.

“Loki!”Tony growled, to strung out to think of what to say, what he neded before shifting his eyes to pepper, “She tortures me. Pushes my limits all the time.”He whined looking up at loki, growing quietly. “Please fuck me!Loki!”He said a high whine.

“...I didn’t know I could for sure...figured I’d try.”Thorne panted, pressing her cheek against steve’s hip, simply comfortable laying over them as she worked to steady herself. Turning her head up she blushed brightly, “Thanks.”She muttered before looking at steve startled, biting her lip. “Is he okay?Should I do something?”She said shifting, squirming her way between them to snuggle them both, before wincing, shoulders slouching at steve’s wince. Even if she knew he wasn’t angry about it, she was still skittish. “later.”She muttered sighing quietly as she relaxed.
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