Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“...So it was. But it’s still epic.”Tony snickered a little before looking amused at loki’s look. “Hm...?”clint stirred blinking sleepily at th god as he rubbed a hand over his face with a small smile. “...phil?I’m not awake enough for the insane person....”He muttered rolling to his stomach, he never woke happily, or easily.

“...I know. But it’s still not fair.”Tony pouted kissing her back, shuddering a little. “Hm, I do indeed enjoy being punished.”he muttered snickering at steve, sulking.”Why does everyone think they need small doses me of?I’m going to be insulted soon.”Tony said smiling as thorne to sat up dressed already, starting to eat. “So. Does naked steve mean everyone was having sex last night?”Tony sked, and it was amazing really that he’d refrained from asking this long.
Loki blinked at Clint and then chuckled. "i'm sorry i thought you where awake." he admitted. "i'll return in an hour." "no. stay." Phil ordered. "you've been waiting until you where fully out of Thrall before bringing this up, why?" "so that you would not think you where manipulating into my decision." Loki admitted. "So that you would in no way think yourself at fault for wanting it when you truly do not and so that you would not think me 'not in my right mind' when offering it." "you want to be punished." "yes." "why?" "because i hurt people. i killed people, i destroyed a realm i truly adore and most of all.... i tore my brother apart..." "why not ask Thor to punish you?" "because he will not." Loki admitted. "he does not understand. he has never been blocked out, pushed inside, turned into a puppet. he has never found himself under the complete control of another person and he has never done vile, evil things because you could not stop yourself..." he swallowed thickly. "any punishment you wish to give me.... would be appreciated."

she giggled at him and shook her head. "tell you what. you be a very good boy, and i'll let you take me apart bit by bit." she promised with a grin. "and you do enjoy getting punished." she agreed with a chuckle before rolling her eyes at him. "Tony, that is not behaving." she complained, looking amused before blinking at James who smirked. "well... Stevie got a blowjob and we got the emotional and physical sensations." James admitted, eyes shining. "it was amazing." he breathed, Steve snorting. "ignore him, he's always like this after sinking into Space." Steve admitted.
“I am, just not awake enough deal with insane things.”Clint grumbld as he pressed his face into the pillow even as he listened to the othr two, “....Loki, sorry to tell you, you aren’t in your right mind, I mean, no one as old as you are could be. Insanity comes with old age.”Clint muttered. “And you had sex with Stark, it takes a certain brand of insanity to do that.”He muttered teasing him a little because even if he wanted to punish him a little, it still made him uncomfortable to do so. “....we’ll think of something...”He frowned trying to think of a approiate punishment he’d be okay with.

“...Really?”Tony perked up, eyes going wide at the idea looking pleased. Before sulking a little, “No it’s not, but I like being punished and I want to know.”Tony said snickering a little. “...You’re to nosy for your own good tony.”Thorne said blushing as she ate, “You mean, this is different then normal?He’s usually talking about sex.”Tony teased as he ate, looking pleased to know, nudging pepper a little. “I told you they hadn’t had sex yet.”he said sounding pleased that he’d been right in judging how they were doing.
Loki rolled his eyes. out of everyone he had expected Clint to understand the most. "i am, technically, only twenty or so in comparative aging." he admitted simply. "you have to remember. we age at a much slower rate than humans do. my puberty lasted upwards of hundred years. it was horrible." he admitted. "especially when i started at the comparative age of twelve." he admitted. "and Stark was the first mortal to actually keep up with me." Loki admitted with a grin and a contented little sigh. "it's been years since i've had sex. i'm not allowed to when i'm in thrall you see. i can't even get hard when i'm in Thrall." he admitted. "so it's been a long time indeed since i was able to have sex. it was glorious." he admitted, Phil snorting. "we'll get back to you on the punishment thing. in the meantime, go away. i'm tired." Phil ordered, making Loki chuckle.

"Really." she agreed with a chuckle before snorting. "i'll forgive you this once. because i wanted to know too." she admitted with a chuckle. "Tony's not the nosy one, he's just blunt about it. it's Pepper you have to watch out for." James admitted, chewing on his breakfast. "it is different than usual. see, James talks about HIS Sex, but he rarely talks about what others have done." Steve pointed out. "he'll talk about what he liked, but he doesn't often talk about other people." Steve explained with a chuckle. "i didn't anticipate that they had." Pepper admitted, looking amused.
Clint sighed looking at the other man. “...Don’t look at me like that. I’m tired and trying to not worry about grant, and not fully awake.”He grumbled before grinning, “That would suck. Though it’s not fair your younger then me.”He pouted a little smiling slightly before wincing a little, groaning.”Oh man, that would suck. Going that long without sex.”Clint shuddered a little looking amused that loki had enjoyed tony so much. “Yes loki. Go. I want to see if I can wake phil up some, and maybe take a nap.”

Tony smiled looking pleased at being forgiven as he nuzzled the other. “They’re dangerous together. If tony’s blunt and pepper sneak attacks you.”Thorne snickered shaking her head a little at the sight of her relaxed boyfriend studying james. “Ah I see. But it’s good to know. And I know you hadn’t, but now we know for sure.”Tony smiled. “You’re a shameless snoop aren’t you?” “yep.”
he smiled a little. "dn't worry about Grant. what he wants is something that is good for him. he just doesn't think you would understand, or would refuse him because of the pain it might cause, emotionally or physically." Loki promised. "Tony and Bruce are both solving it, together." he knew that would sooth Clint a lot. Tony alone, probably not but Bruce was a man who wouldn't hurt anyone, not even by accident. "i am thousands of years older than you. my mental proficiency is simply that of a twenty year old." he admitted. "i have ten times the life experience however." he admitted. "giving me much greater control over myself than a human would." he admitted. "it does suck, particularly when i enjoy sex very much." he admitted before snorting. "you just got up." Loki teased. "no matter. i'm going to go play pranks on the maids." Loki decided. "i think i will start by moving everything to the left just slightly." he admitted. "that's just mean." Phil muttered, amused.

Pepper chuckled a little. "we are a very dangerous duo." she admitted. "people often forget how dangerous i really am." she admitted with a smile. "yes. well, us having sex isn't really any of your business unless we do something wrong." Steve admitted. "now. if we had forced ourselves on her, then that would be a different story, but since she' the instigator, none of your business." Steve said, half serious half teasing. he knew they would never, ever force themselves son her, or make her do anything she wasn't ready to do. he also knew if they did, Tony would beat the shit out of them and that was a comfort.
“...Okay. Well, I’ll trust bruce then.”Clint snickered a little, because indeed he trusted the doctor to not hurt grant. While tony wouldn’t purposefully hurt him, he also knew the man was a little mad genius, so he might on accident, but bruce. Nope. “...Makes sense. Still weird though.”Clint said smiling a little before snickering. “Everyone enjoys sex.”He smiled before making a face. “I know, but we don’t have to get moving until around noon to go to the funeral, so we can spend the morning doing nothing.....and go play pranks on Chris to. It’d be amusing.”

“I don’t think I’ll be forgetting anytime soon.”Thorne said smiling a little. “But you should know I always everything my business.”Tony said looking amused though before huffing. “Fine fine, no more questions about the captain’s sex life, would hate to have you pass out cause you’re blushing so much.”
Loki chuckled a little. "what, you think i'm not fucking with Chris?" he was. a lot. every time Chris went to find something he would inexplicably be incapable of finding it. little things. a blank piece of paper, a pencil, the remote to the TV. all his books had suddenly become foreign languages and there had been honey in his shampoo. little things, that told him he was being fucked with, but now HOW. no matter how often he bathed, or smacked, or sprayed fly killer there was always one around his head. buzzing incessantly. mostly though, aything to do with marriage laws, was gone from his rooms and he could not find them anywhere. Loki would not allow Thorne to be trapped by this monster.

"well no, you wouldn't. your actually intelligent." Pepper teased with smile, James and Steve snorting. because yeah, a lot of people who Pepper dealt with where dumb and stupid to the extreme. treating her like she was a woman, forgetting that she was more of a man than any of them could ever be. "shut up Tony." Steve ordered, indeed blushing.
“hmmm on second thought, I think you’re going to drive the poor man insane if you haven’t already done it.”Clint snickered a little looking amused at the god, snuggling into phil. “Go away. I want a nap before we have to go.”he smiled a little as he yawned.

“She is. These three are scary smart really.”Tony said snickring a little as he watched them before perking up, tilting his head.”Fine, I’ll shut up but only cause I’m being rewarded later for being good.” “....I don’t even want to know what kind of prize he’s getting for being good.”Thorne said looking thoughtful and amused before sighing quietly as she finished eating. “we better be getting ready...”
he smirked. "i've even short sheeted the bastards bed." he admitted happily, a smirk on his lips before he huffed and vanished to find someone else to bother.

"We are scary." Steve and James agreed, pleased with themselves before chuckling a little. "yeah... i guess we should. James go shower. i want you in your right head for this." he admitted, glancing at Tony and Pepper. "yu guys gonna go get Phil and Clint up?" he asked. "i don't want to go in there if they finally had sex with Grant." he admitted, stretching with a grunt before heading, still naked, to the closet to find some clothes.
\”That’s awesome.”Clint snickered at the idea.

“Yea, we’ll go wake them up. Don’t worry about it, we have them.”Tony smirkd looking at th three worried for a moment before heading off with pepper to wake the others. Thorne bit her lip as she cleaned up and got ready, pausing as she considered her clothes, sighing as she got the simple black dress and viel, leaning against the wall for a moment as she started to cry. The shock and anger of being home, and having this happening, finally ending, grief finally hitting her as she realized she was indeed going to be going to her mother’s funeral.
James was there in an instant, pulling her into a tight hug, holding her close and soothing her. uncaring that he was naked and still wet.then Steve was there, holding her too and humming a stuttering sort of lullaby. he didn't sing very often and it showed. it was James who did the singing, sometimes hilariously, dancing wildly while he sang at he top of his lungs when he was feeling life and knew for a fact he was more safe than he'd ever been in his entire life. James picked up the tune and Steve stroked her shoulders and neck, he'd discovered early on hot to stroke her hair, especially when she was upset. he assumed it was because Chris often grabbed her there, made her, forced her to do what he wanted by the handle of her hair. that was okay, there where other ways he could touch her to comfort her. other ways to help her.
Thorne startled a little as she was pulled into a hot, blinking startled as she looked at the two, swallowing thickly as she closed her eyes, simply snuggling against the two, smiling quietly as she listened to the other two singing. Looking relieved and feeling it as steve stroked her neck and shoulders, indeed the woman had been pulled around horribly by her hair. Sighing quietly as she sighed softly, “....okay...I’m okay. We should get ready.”She muttred sniffling, calming a little as she rubbed her tears away.
they held her until she had control and they each kissed her cheek, lingering to make sure she was really okay before slipping back to getting ready. soon they where back, this time in their pressed suits. they took her hands, holding them before helping her finish getting ready. the fact that Bucky could put her makeup on so well was a bit concerning really. Steve just looked amused as he very carefully, gently brushed and did her hair for her. "someday. i'm going to give you a manicure." James decided, examining Thorne's fingers, pleased with the shape of her nails. "all done." Steve explained gently. "ready?" he asked her.
“....I find this worrying, that you’re doing my makeup better then me.”Thorne teased smiling a little as she looked up at james, tense a little under steve’s hands as he did her hair, but not pulling away, simply trusting. Swallowing hard smiling a little. “You can give me one when we get back. Pepper’d probably like one to.”She said with a smile before swallowing thickly, looking up at them.”Yes...I am.”She said softly looking nervous but prepared.
Steve smiled, rubbing her shoulders a little once he was done. "thank you for letting me do that." he whispered, kissing the shell of her ear. knowing how much trust that must have taken. "oh i do Pepper's nails all the time. i'm cheaper than the places she used to go to, and better at it too." he admitted with a smile. "sometimes, when Sarah, Steve's mom, came home exhausted, i'd do her nails and he'd brush her hair out and braid it." he admitted. "and in the mornings, if she was too tired, i'd put her makeup on." he admitted, knowing she was probably curious. "used to do the same for Steve actually. when we wanted to go on a date, he'd put on a dress and a wig and i'd do his makeup and we'd go dance and necking." he admitted with a grin. talking mostly to calm her. they looped her arms their theirs and led the way down the halls. joining with the rest of the group. all who whispered reassurances to Thorne that they where there for her. "here." Loki handed her something. a large black Flower with a glowing center. "it is a flower from Niflheim. got it special for you." he admitted. "it is the Soul Flower." he admitted. "it will give your mother a safe passage straight to Helhiem, the land of the dead. she will not face the Trials. she will just so straight to judgment. i know your mother was... cruel, but i also know you love her despite that. so, this is my gift to you, to ease her passage." Loki admitted, settling the flower in her hands. "lay it in her coffin" he explained. "that's all that needs be done."
“Welcome.”Thorne flushed a little as she felt his lips against her ear, smiling slightly. “That’s awesome. Seriously. You’re doing my nails from now on.”She smild a little looking amused before looking up at steve. “You’d make such a pretty girl.”she teased. Walking with them, looking peaceful and happy as she walked, smiling at loki. “Thank you.”She said holding it as she kissed the god’s cheek, wincing as the crack of thunder echoed across the sky, frownign as she lookd up, startled as she saw th viking god walking across the cementary to join them. “Lady Vasa, I am vry sorry to hear about your mother, and know that asgard mourns for it’s mortal queen. Though we have long been separated from our human brethern, this was home once, and we all mourn with you.”Thor said tilting his head, the blond god having been informed of things by hel and had torn through his remaining enemies to be able to get here in time. His features growing thunderous as he saw Chris moving to join them, but choosing not to say anything as the man followed them to the grave. Thorne smiled sadly at thor, “Thank you.”She muttered walking with steve and james, ignoring her angry husband as she watched her people both mourn her mother as the ceremony started, and try to stare at the gods among them. It was quite amusing really.
James beamed. he loved doing nails! he id them for Natasha too, when she sat still long enough to have them done anyway. "well. no. not now i wouldn't." he admitted, looking down at himself with a smirk. "but i made a pretty nice dame back when i was still tiny." he admitted. "your welcome." Loki said softly, smiling at her and kissing her cheek back before looking up when the crack of Thunder sounded, sulking. well, he was going home now. damn, he'd wanted to have sex with Tony and Pepper again. "Brother." Loki murmured, stepping into Thor's body, pressing his face into the others chest. "Brother.... Thor. i missed you." Loki admitted. he had always worried. after falling. after stabbing him. after tearing Thor's world apart he had worried that Thor wouldn't want him as a brother anymore. Loki stepped back and smiled at the flower in Thorne's hands. Thor knew what it really meant. it would read Thorne's deepest desires. if she wished her mother to suffer, then she would suffer. but if she wanted her mother spared, then Hela, as a favor to Loki, would spare the woman the agony of the flames. the boys stepped up, blocking Chris from getting close to her while Loki slid close to Chris, followed by Grant. "you will remove yourself from this group." Grant ordered. "we will not let you have the illusion you wish to give your people. you are not welcome here, you will not be allowed near Thorne and we will not have anyone here thinking that you are." Grant warned, Loki smirking at him. "having a bug problem?" one fly had turned into five, buzzing around him. pestering him, bothering him.
“Hm, I’m sure we could find a dress and heels that would look amazing still.”Thorne said smiling a little at steve. Thor smiled a little as he lifted a arm, folding the smaller god in his arms, ducking his head to close his eyes, simply holding him. “Brother, you were long gone, and I feared for you. It is good to see you.”Thor muttered before stepping back, smiling slightly as he studied the flower. Good. At least the woman would have whatever her daughter wanted for her. Chris looked up, studying the trickster and grant, before paling slightly as the blond god moved over closer to them. “....She is my wife. I am king here.” “Only for as long as you are married, or alive. I can take care of you being living....”Thor looked thoughtful, snickering a little as the man batted at the flies as he glared at them all before walking away. “We need to get him gone soon. He is up to something.”Thor growled the warrior studying a potential enemy.
he smirked a little. "not as amazing as Thor did i bet." he admitted with a chuckle. Loki sighed, relaxing in his brothers arms. the three year Thrall had wrecked havoc on him he knew once he'd slated his hunger, thirst and lust he'd probably sleep for three days straight. "i would like to say i feared as well, but i had no mind with which to worry with." he admitted. "i have infected Phil Coulson. he is going through Transcendence." he explained to Thor, watching him go and threaten Chris with a small smirk on his lips. "no. you are only King so long as SHE says it is so. those pretty law books you where researching gave me all the information i needed." Loki admitted suddenly. "while it is true, only Royalty can break a Royal Marriage, YOU, Christopher, are not really Royalty. you are just some little nobody to sit on the second Throne. it is Thorne who holds the power here. she is the Noble Born and it is HER that the Laws will bend for and HER that makes them, breaks then, or changes them." Loki smiled at Chris. "i have the words, all in here. i know what to have her say, then you would be nothing but the fourth son of a minor Duke. no power here, or anywhere."
“...He is a good man.It will be interesting to see what he transcends to.”Thor said smiling slightly as he watched the other, before looking at chris. Finding loki, his silver tongued amazing brother, utterly endearing and made him miss him all the more since it’d been a long time since he saw him like this. “No, she wont do it.” “She stands next to her bonded. TWo men who are willing to do anything to keep her away from you, and know how to make the world work for them.” “They wont be accepted here. Not when Barnes’ past is released to the public.” “He is bonded to a queen, that is all her people will care about, he will be prince consort here, while you have nothing.”Thor growled shaking his head. “Do not cause a scene here. I will escort you away.”Thor said gently hustling the other man away, royal asgardian towering over the disgraced king of sweden, the dark clouds overhead the only sign that the man was being thunderous and threatening even as he escorted chris away.
Loki chuckled. "you think she won't? you think it is because she is weak, yes?" Loki asked, eyes sharp grin sharper. "the people here already love her. they will do all to make her happy. especially when the boys tell the world that they will not influence Thorne overly much, simply carry out her will." he admitted. "they are not royalty and they know it." he admitted. "it is you who are the misguided fool." he admitted. "Barnes past is of noble strength, and true love. yes he did some awful shit when he was broken, tortured, shattered and insane but he broke that hold and became loyal and true once more and the people will love him for it." Loki admitted. "you? they will hate you for the pain you put their Queen through, for the lies you told them, for the pain you have caused. you have already lost." Loki admitted, smiling at Chris. "i will speak to the people here." Loki admitted. "and Thor, as the High Prince of Asgard shall bless her upon her coronation and none would dispute her words." Loki admitted, staring at Chris. "do not interfere here. for we are Gods, and you are naught but a pest, trying to eat bread it cannot have."
Chris glared at the man nodding. “Yes, she is.”The man said simply. “Even if she was, and she isn’t, there are more then enough strength around her to take care of her and this country until she finds herself again.”Thor said as he smiled at loki. “It is good to have you back brother.”He muttered as chris indeed left, looking quite amused at the man’s disgrace. It was going to be epic watching thorne get crowned, and the boys named prince consorts, while not with the full power of kings, they would have the power and right to speak for thorne if needed, and were available to talk if someone needed to get word to their queen.

“...Let’s go.”Thorne shuddered a little as she watched the coffin lower, setting the flower gently on the cover, shaken and tired, turning to look at the boys with a quiet happy smile, simply wanting held and to hold them, before turning to look at the people who’d gathered for the funeral. “We say goodbye to a queen today, one who loved you. We will mourn her, and remember her legacy, and I shall do my best to remember her, and to live up to what she wanted from me. Thank you for mourning with me today, and I shall do my best for you.”She said smiling quietly as they clapped, for one of the first times, realizing that her people loved her. Having been kept in the dark and abuse by her mother and chris, she had never really realized that her people cared and wanted her to be happy, cared and loved her.
Loki chuckled. "she is so much stronger than a filth like you could ever realize." he admitted simply. "she will lead this country to greatness, and you will squalor in the mud and filth like the peon peasant you are." Loki admitted before smiling at Thr. "it is good to be myself again. though, i admit. i would like to stay here for a while." he admitted. "the people here are...." they where kind to him in a way most asgardians where not. most of them tolerated Loki, for Odin's sake but they sure as hell didn't like him and many of them took every opportunity to inform him so.

"alright." Steve whispered, stroking her back and following her, a comforting silence by her side, James on her other side, both letting her speak, offering her soft, gentle smiles full of love and compassion. when she was done, it was Loki who took the Stage. "I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, Speaker here today. Your Queen is gone, but she is not forgotten. her legacy lives on in her people, and in her daughter. Your people, Your Country has long held the ancient Norse beliefs and have kept us Gods strong with your prayers and now we return the Favor. we Bless this woman, who is about to be your Queen, and hope to connect with your country, the way we have been able to connect with others, opening for Trade and business between us. with Thorne as your Queen, Sweden will flourish once again!" Loki promised, smiling because he knew it was only because Thorne was his friend that Thor and Odin would open the idea of trading goods. that and Odin's unmistakable addiction to the sweet fruity candy Skittles.
Thor smiled at the other man, tilting his head a little.”Father is of agreement. While he would like you to visit so he can assure himself that you are fine, the avengers, the family you have found here, are good for you. WE just want you to be happy loki.”Thor said smiling softly.

Thorne looked up startled at Loki’s words, tilting her head as she slid her arms around the boys’ waists, looking amused and happy at the thought of trading with the gods her people, she herself, had held in reverence so long. After all, in sweden paganism was nearly as dominate as Catholicism. “W will see her crowned and honored in the old ways, we will join her in the new. She will be the queen who joins the old and the new.”Thor said smiling as he stepped forward. “Thank you.”Thorne said smiling softly at the two, before moving to leave. Quite content to be leaving, needing away from the emotions starting to batter her, both happiness and pain.
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