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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“...You know, if you mentioned that to tony, you’d have like 10 different stark built controllers to choose from right?In like a day?He’d enjoy making them.”Clint snickered looking amused, “Same goes for weapons.Tell Tony.”Clint smiled a little before smirking. “Maybe later.”he said nuzzling grant a little before nearly whimpering at the idea that he’d been in subspace without any pleasure. “no, it’s not supposed to be.but we’ll show you.”Clint muttered, for the moment knowing that this was probably the best they could do until they could teach him better.

“you like it.”Tony huffed making a face at her as she snuggled against him, relaxing a little.”good. Don’t wanna go anywhere.”He muttered before frowning a little, “...You don’t expect me to be honest when I’m up?”He said looking at her with wide brown eyes, for a moment looking utterly hurt and upset before looking up at her again, “ long as you set ground rules, and no collar....I wouldn’t mind...I just don’t want to be that far down in front of anyone but you...”

“Yes I did.”The guard said smiling, before nodding. “Yes sir. I know sir, it is a good story in my house as a child.”The man smiled pleased that the captain had remembered, sounding pleased to know this as he left. “Kay...”Thorne said sounding spacy, looking up at him, simply letting him help, whining quietly as she looked at the clothes she’d been put in, looking like a little kid wrapped up in their clothes, settling into the bed leaning into his hand as she shuddered. “...Lay with me?”
Grant blinked a little. "it wouldn't help much." he admitted. "it's repetitive movement too. even pushing a button can hurt like hell on a cold day." he admitted. "but i don't need weapons, i like the ones i have,: he admitted, picking up the wire 'toothbrush' that he used to clean his guns, returning to the task at hand because he felt better when he was working or doing something. "you don't know how wrong it is, because you've never had anything better. but we'll show you how glorious it can really be." Phil promised, pulling Grant's face up and kissing him gently. "okay?" he asked with a smile, Grant blinking before nodding, starting to look les confused and more curious. "okay." Grant agreed before pausing, hesitating before quipping. "now, are you going to keep disrupting me or can i get back to cleaning my tools?" Phil laughed.

she snorted. "i am not admitting that." she admitted. "and honestly. no i don't think you'd be honest." she admitted. "you'd deflect." she admitted. "and of course there will be ground rules. ones that we will work on together so we both feel okay with them being there." she promised. "no collar. this? is just for me and you. us alone." she promised. "i won't share my Kitten with anyone." she admitted. "your Deep Space is just for me." she assured him, kissing him gently. "it will be just like putting on a show." she teased with a smile. "they'll sit and watch while i fuck your lights out."

he smiled at the man. "we'll have to talk later. i'd like to know how his life went." he admitted, pleased that the man was as kind as his Grandfather had been. "there we go. all clean." he promised her, stroking her neck. "okay." he promised, James appearing after a moment, just as wet as she was, sliding into bed on the other side of her, holding her hand but not crowding her, wanting to let her have an escape route while still offering comfort. "we have you Thorne." James promised. "won't nothin get through us. your safe."
“Ah....huh. Wonder if you could have a hologram controller or something....tony’d probably get a kick out of the challenge.”clint said, momentarily totally derailed by the thought of giving tony something to do to simply see if it would stump him. “Well then, keep the ones you have.”He said smiling a little, pressing a kiss to grant’s neck.”good. It’ll be good.”He muttered amused at the curiousity, before laughing. “Clean, we’ll make dinner or-”Clint frowned at the sound of the marching boots down the hall, waving ohil to stay with grant before he went to investigate, before returning. Looking shaken. “Chris is dead, and they’re putting the palace on lockdown. No one’s to leave their rooms until they’ve been cleared.”

“Always honest with you.”he muttered, making a face at her but not denying he would have deflected. “...Good. Rules are good.”He muttered smiling slightly, relaxing and looking happy. “Good. Only your kitten, no one else’s.”He muttered kissing her back, before laughing a little. “I would like that. Show them how sex is supposed to be.”

“Thanks.”Thorne muttered leaning into the touch, shifting to lean against steve as she laid down, resting her head against his chest even as she curled her fingers around james’, holding onto him nearly painfully tight, not wanting to let go of either of them.”....Thank you jamie...for coming for me.”She muttered twisting to look up at him, leaning in for a kiss before whining, bullying them both closer, so she could cuddle them both, before wincing, panicking and squirming away. Looking confused. Wanting to be so utterly surrounded and hold them both, but to emotioanlly battered to stick with one emotion to long.Shame tightening her stomach, because even if she hated him, she was still grieving for a husband she'd known since she'd been a child. it hurt to miss him, and be glad he was dead all at once.
Grant chuckled a little. "you just like messing with Tony, don't you?" he asked, amused. "i will. i plan to." he admitted with a smile, leaning into the kiss with a slight shiver. he'd never been kissed there before, it was sort of tickly, in a good way. he paused at the sound f marching boot and wondered for a moment if there was going to be a strike? then he remembered he wasn't at Hydra anymore and wondered if it meant the same thing as it did at Shield and there was an attack somewhere that they needed to defend? "...But i wanted to be the one to kill him!" Grant protested before tensing. "....why is he dead? did he hurt Thorne?" it was the only reason he could think of why Chris would be dead now. "we'll find out soon, right?"

she chuckled a little. "no. you never lie to me. that's different." she stated with a shake of her head. "Rules are very good and they will obey them or i'll fuck them up." she promised him with a smile. "that's right, MY kitten." she purred, nuzzling his neck before pausing when she heard the thudding and stomping of feet. "wait here. i'll see what's going on." she promised, kissing him before sliding free of the bed and talking to the guard outside. "...well fuck." she breathed, sitting down next to Tony. "Chris is dead and they're looking for his accomplices. we're not to leave the room until all the rooms have been cleared." she explained to him.

Steve smiled at her. "of course. always." James promised. "i'm sorry i scared you." he admitted softly, giving her a gentle kiss back. "hey. hey, shhh, it's okay." Steve promised gently. "do you want me to call Pepper and Natasha? you might be ale to cuddle them without getting scared." he promised her. "we won't leave. i swear we won't." he promised her, gently holding her hand. "it'll be okay."
“I do. Telling him that he’s incapable of makign something always results in the most awesome toys.”Clint snickered a little smiling as grant shuddered. Looking upset he laughed at grant’s protest, snickering a little. “I think we all wanted to be the one that killed him. I’m surprised he lasted this long actually.”He said thoughtfully.

“It is.”Tony agreed, relaxing, pleased that she’d understood that he never lied to her, sighing quietly before snickering. “You are so bossy.”he muttered, before tensing, whining, upset at the stomping feet, to far down to take the threat of attack well. “....What?”The news jerking tony harshly out of his headspace, eyes wide as he considered the other. “Fuck. Damn it all to hell. He couldn’t have been working alone probably.”Tony said frowning, mentally skidding before reaching for his phone, needing to text the boys to make sure everyone was okay.

“...It’s okay. You saved me.”She muttered kissing him back, looking at steve, whining, shivering a little before relaxing trying to be calm even as she rubbed at her eyes, wiping the tears away. Hating that she was even mourning the bastard. Nodding quickly she whimpered. “Okay. Please.”She muttered watching him as he texted the girls, upset and lost, absently rubbing at her marks, seeking comfort in the touch/
he snorted a little and shook his head. "that's just mean. what happens when he can't make something one of these days?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at him before scowling as he snuggled into the other. Thorne was the first friend he'd ever had. the idea of her being hurt bothered him deeply. he looked up when someone knocked on the door, revealing a Guard. "you have been asked to follow me Sirs, to the Lady Vasa's rooms."

she snorted. "you won't Lie, but you don't always tell me either." she admitted before scowling at the stomping feet. "easy Tony! you shouldn't jerk out of Space so fast." she protested, gently unhooking his collar. he'd only find it an irritant right now. "no he probably wasn't." she admitted before blinking at the knock on the door, going to answer it. "yes?" "You've been asked to attend to the Lady Vasa. you and your husband are both asked to follow me." "we need to get dressed." she admitted, the guard nodding.

"shh. it's okay." James promised her. "it's okay to miss him. just like it was okay to miss your mother." he promised her, trying to make sense of the emotions coming through the bond while Steve hit the number 3 on the phone. "Hello, Commander Skarsgard? yes, could you have the people from rooms... 303, 304, and 305 come here please?" that was the boys, Pepper and Tony, and Natasha, Bruce, Loki and Thor who where sharing a room because they didn't like to room alone. "hey." James whispered, stroking her mark on hi arm, trying to fill her with love and comfort. "Steve's gonna go great them and send the girls in and he's gonna keep the guys out there okay?" he asked, smiling at her. "you'll be okay. we'll get through this together." he promised softly.
“Hm, I’ll smile, tell him even his genius has limits, and give him something else to work on.”Clint said smiling a little as he was snuggled, hugging grant tighter. “she’ll be okay. If she was really hurt, we’d have heard something blowing up in a super soldier’s rage by now, you know.”He pointed out before nodding, getting up slowly. “Come on.Let’s go see for ourselves.”He said looking worried as they headed for thorne’s rooms.

“...True.”He muttered wincing a little as he loked at her, swallowing hard. “I know, didn’t mean to.”He said offering a small shaky smile but knowing he would be okay. “Come on, lets go see thorne, and don’t worry about me okay?I’ll be okay.”Tony muttered stroking her hair, nuzzling him a little before getting up and getting dressed before heading for thorne’s rooms.

“....Is it?”She said looking up at james, biting her lip as she leaned into him, closing her eyes as she started to cry. Feeling the emotions the man was giving her, calming enough to actually cry. “Kay.”she muttered glancing up at the knock on the door. “Hey. We heard you needed us?”Natasha said looking worried as she stepped into the bedroom, pausing in the doorway, looking worried, wincing a little as thorne flinched. “Come cuddle.”Thorne muttered. “Okay. Though I have to tell you, I’m not normally one for cuddling, so this is going to stay between us.”Natasha teased a little, moving over to the bed, willing to do anything to help the shaken looking woman. “Kay.”
he snorted. "that's just mean, it'll drive him mad before he gives up you know.... have him make a light saber!" Phil laughed and shook his head, watching Grant snuggle Clint. he felt his heart warm, love pouring through the mark and into Clint. Loki could not believe how much he loved Grant and Clint. Clint he'd expected of course, he'd loved Clint from the moment he laid eyes on the sulky circus raised teenager. Grant was new, and he wished desperately that they could be together forever. he led the way to Thorne's rooms and settled in the outside sitting room with the rest of the men.

Pepper nodded. "i know Baby." she admitted with a smile, kissing him gently before following him out the door and to Thorne's rooms. "stay here okay?" she asked Tony. "if you start to drop again, get Loki's attention." she ordered. "he can take care of you until i can get to you."

James nodded. i was upset when my oldest brother died, and he was the one who tortured me the most." he admitted. "i was so upset he was gone that i cried for almost a week." he admitted, smiling when she started to cry. letting it out would help, he knew. "oh hush Natasha, we all know your a snuggly little Bunny." Pepper teased as she crawled into bed as well, careful not to dislodge James, who was still holding her hand.
“Ohhhh. I want a lightsaber.”Clint said looking a little wide eyed at the idea, glancing up at phil with a slight smile, his own emotions close to his, smiling quietly. He wanted grant forever. Settling in to wait with grant, he sighed quietly, stroking grant’s hair, trying to keep him from being to upset until they knew how peppr was doing.

“Kay. I’ll stay with them, I’ll be okay.”Tony promised smiling a little as he looked at the other woman, waving her into the room, simply letting the othr go, knowing things were bad, content for the moment to be with his friends.

“ that.”Thorne whimpered a little rubbing hr eyes. “Yes, a playboy bunny maybe.”Natasha said simply to watch Thorne smiled as she snuggled into thorne, holding th woman as she cried herself to sleep. “....good.So good.”Natasha muttered gently stroking the woman’s back, glancing at james. “You okay?”She muttered looking worried for him, having stopped long enough to talk to a guard to find out what had happened.
"you? a playboy bunny? i don't think so." Pepper scoffed. "if anyone's the playboy bunny here it's me." she admitted with a chuckle, snuggling Thorne and stroking her arms while she slept. James just shrugged. he and Natasha went way back, she could tell he was still a little upset. "i turned back into Him. but i was able to break loose of the hold on my own. i'm trying very hard not to think of what might have happened if i hadn't." he admitted. "or worse, if i hadn't obeyed Steve." he admitted, chewing on his lip a little before laying down so he could take a small nap. trying to fill Thorne with calm feelings he didn't feel was exhausting.

when Thorne woke up Pepper was still there, humming as she knitted two and pearled three while Steve and James bickered gently at the end of the bed about the ever present, who would win in a fight? the Hulk or Superman. the smell of food was heavy, which was obvious by the massive trays of food on small tables. "hey. good morning." Pepper chirped, offering her a gentle smile. "want some breakfast?" she asked, offering her the plate full of rich, delicious Swedish Waffles all curled up like little hearts on a plate. with bacon and eggs for a side dish.
“Hm, no. I think Tony is the playboy bunny really. He’d look good with bunny ears.”Natasha said so seriously that it made her smile when thorne gave a sleepy giggle. “...Might have. But your mates have always been able to get through to you, you recognize them. IF you can’t trust yourself, trust them.”Natasha muttered hesitating for a moment before reaching out to gently stroke james’ hair.

Thorn smiled a little as she listened to them, “Captain america would win. I mean, come on.”Thorne teased. “No, no he’s a man of steel, the man in tights would win.” Tony protested from the doorway, while he wasn’t going in, he was still staying in the conversation.“Well, no. Vibrianium’s harder then steel.”Thorne pointed out smiling a little as she nodded, reaching for the plate, “...hmmm these are adorable.”She smiled a little looking them ovr as she started to eat.
Pepper paused and then smirked and pulled out her phone and ordered a 'sexy bunny' costume in Tony's sizes from a specialty store. "good idea Natasha." she chirped, James snickering. oh Tony was not going to be a happy bunny once Pepper got him in that costume. "i always trust them." James promised with a smile. "Steve will always stop me, no matter what." he admitted with a smile, leaning into the hand in his hair. Natasha was one of the few people allowed to touch him in anything more than a handshake. at least, while still keeping their hands.

Steve snorted. "i would not beat Superman in a fight." he scoffed. "he shoots lasers out of his eyes! besides, he's totally a Mary Sue." "how do you even know what a Mary Sue is?" Grant asked from the other room. "Please. i AM an artist. i went to art school. that included Lit. i know what a Mary Sue is." Steve scoffed. "yeah, but your Vibranium shield could totally deflect the laser eyes." "well... you might be right but we can't be too sure of that one." "the Kitchen Staff sent them up special for you. apparently you loved them as a little girl." Pepper admitted with a smile. "they wanted to show you their support. surprisingly, General Skarsgard hasn't found anyone who had been working with Chris, not yet. though he has found a lot of maids who where... accosted." Pepper admitted. "no rapes, but plenty of fondling." Steve admitted, wrinkling his nose. "they where so used to it, they didn't even realize he wasn't allowed to do it. one of the other Dukes was involved and he's being held for questioning, but so far none of the others have any idea what Chris was really doing." hopefully that would make her feel a little bit better.
“He is a mary sue, which is why you would totally win.”Tony snickered amused at grant’s surprise steve knew what a mary sue was. Thorne looked up at pepper in slight surprise at the news before nodding, “They were. I would eat these until I made myself sick some days.”She said smiling a little before looking startled. “Really?That’s good though. Even if I’m sure there are some allies.”She frowned a little, worried that they were missing something, but truly hoping that her people hadn’t conspired with chris. “...I think I will visit the kitchens after I eat. I would like to see the maids, and tell tehm how much this meant myself.”She said with slightly tearful eyes, having felt alone for so many yeras, feeling so supported by her family, and the people who were around her was overwhelming.
Steve snorted. "the point of a Mary Sue is that they can't lose and if they do they come back up and beat you up twice as hard." he admitted. "although technically Superman isn't a Mary Sue because he DOES have a weakness. granted, it never lasts very long." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "so far, no one from Sweden has been helping, so we're suspecting outside influence." Phil admitted. "Fury is looking into it and Loki's sniffing around as well." he admitted. "he's also looking into making a permanent exit from the Rainbow Bridge to here. so Asgardians can come down any time they want and trade with us. a lot of the Aeser are extremely curious about humans now, after Thor came down and brought back so many fun stories." Grant admitted, sounding amused. "and since this is where they lived before they withdrew, they feel more comfortable coming here." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "the castle has been cleared, so you can go down to the kitchens." Steve promised with a smile. "General Skarsgard is a very efficient man." he admitted. "shame he's so loyal, he'd make a great Shield Agent." Phil agreed, looking highly amused.
“True. Though....doesn’t that make you a mary sue, Cap? I mean, you don’t lose alot, and you do come back and kick someone’s ass twice as hard, and your only weakness is your marked two, and even that’s not that much of a weakness, as they can take care of yourself.”Tony teased his best friend smirking a little. Simply being mean to rile up the man, because steve was so easily riled, and tony was just a jackass. “...Damn. I had hoped sorta it was in country, a little easier to sort out then. But then again I feel bettere about it that no one’s here...”Thorne sighed quietly smiling pleased, “Do you know if he needs me to do anything for that?I mean, they did say they were opening trade.”Thorne said looking curious, amused as tony informed them that while thor was helping loki, the blond prince was mostly exploring the country he’d once lived in. He was definitely going to be popular with her people. “WEll, he might be willing to visit and work with shield, even if he doesn’t want to leave here. Considering how much time I’m going to be spending between here and back at shield run things, it might be a good idea to talk to him about it.”Thorne said smiling at phil, looking utterly pleased that they found her general so skilled.
he shook his head. "no, i have a lot of weaknesses. hit me hard enough, i still go down. shoot me and i still bleed. shoot me in the right place and i'll still die. i collapse if i don't eat enough food, i can still get tired, do still get tired." Steve shrugged. "i'm harder to hurt, sure, but i am still human." he admitted. "and my marked and bonded aren't weaknesses." he admitted. "i fight thrice as hard for them. they are my strength and my convictions." he admitted, smiling at Thorne and James before smirking at Tony. "besides, if anyone here is a Mary Sue it's you. you look damn good in a dress tony." he teased, flipping his tablet over so Tony could see the picture of himself in a dress and sulking at the camera. a Pepper induced costume no doubt. "well, it is a little in country. one or two of the Dukes have admitted to being threatened by Chris." he admitted. "and one of the dukes was directly involved. but other than that, it appears to be outside influence." Phil admitted. "and no. for now they're just working on the technical aspects of coming to and fro." Phil admitted with a smile. "once the bridge is connected then you'll need to lead a ceremony of some sort, it's expected. after all you are opening trade with another country, sort of." Phil admitted. "well. there's really no point." he admitted. "we offered him that too and General Skarsgard doesn't want to serve two 'masters' of a sort. he'll be willing to work with us to help you but that's as far as he'll go." Phil admitted with a smile. "his loyalty is to be commended." he admitted. "however. there is a problem we have to work around." he admitted. "your coronation. once that happens, you are going to be the Queen." he pointed out, Steve smiling. "James and i have already agreed, we'll be living here with Thorne." Phil nodded, he'd expected that.
“’s so amusing listening to you to prove me wrong and get all serious in stupid superman vs. Whoever arguments.”Tony teased smiling as thorne blushed before sputtering. “What?W-what?”He sputtered staring at the picture as he flushed, “Where did you get that?” “That is definitely a good look for you Tony.”Clint smirked leaning into the room to look at the picture, snickering. “Well that’s good to know.”thorne said before looking startled. “Well, I’ll plan the ceremony. It’ll be fun.”She said perking up at the idea before smiling gently, “That is commendable. I’m going to have to see to it that he’s recognized it for it. Maybe join us for dinner one night, since he does know you two.”She said looking at her mates, before looking at phil startled. “Yea, I know. I’m planning it for a few days from what. I don’t see the problem...”Thorne said looking confused and looking at james and steve, startled a little that they were staying, and despite being marked and with them for so long now, it still startled her.
Steve snorted, amused. "your the one who was nearly throwing things at James head over it." Steve teased before smirking even more brightly. "Jarvis helped." he admitted with a snigger at Tony's spluttering. "it really is a nice view." James agreed, appreciating Tony's long legs. "it will be fun." Steve agreed with a smile. "he acted swiftly as well, and perfectly." Steve admitted. "is there a medal you could give him? or a promotion maybe?" he wondered. "i would like to talk to him though, i knew his grandfather." he admitted with a smile. "what? you don't want us to stay?" he asked with a grin at her to show he was joking. "we belong to you, just as you are ours. we're not going to leave, especially when you can't leave the people who need you most." he admitted. "we'll set up a jet, or get Loki to open a portal of some sort so we can go to and from the Tower as we please. we're not going to stop being superheros, we're just moving our base of operations." "actually. it would be a good idea to move the Avengers. the American government is trying to 'exert control' over the superheros. might be best if everyone moved here, with your permission of course Thorne." Phil admitted.
“I was not. I would never do any as undignified as throw things at James.”Tony said smirking a little though before smiling pleased.”That’s true. I do have nice legs.” “You are such a narcissist.”Thorne teased. “I have both. Currently he’s just in charge of this palace when I’m in residence, but I think I will promote him to my personal guard.”Thorne said pleased with the decision before grinning. “We’ll talk to him. We’ll invite him to dinner tonight, have talk to him about the coronation anyways.”Thorne smiled. “N-no I do.but-”She trailed off looking so lost a little at the idea of them all moving simply to be with her, smiling a little when she realized it wasn’t just for her, not really. “What about tony?”She said looking concerned. “Hm, It is Stark Industries International, you know. I can work here as easily as I can work anywhere else....besides. You guys are really close to CERN in switzerland, with their science stuff.”Tony said his eyes glazing a little at the idea of being that close to other geniuses.
James and Steve both snorted at Tony, rolling their eyes. he was such a twink. "good. he'd be a good head guard or something... i don't really get how monarchy works..." he admitted sheepishly. "he'll be the one putting the crown on your head right?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "i didn't know that the American government was trying to control us." Steve admitted, frowning. mostly Tony and Pepper had been the ones handling that pain in the ass. "we can have everything in the Tower packed up and moved here in a mater of a day or two." Pepper assured her. "we'll be buying a property close by, we already agreed to it." Pepper admitted. "we want to be close, but since Tony is... Tony, we figured living in your space would be a bad idea." she admitted, amused. "the last thing we need is Tony blowing up your palace." she admitted with a chuckle. "i need to drop off the radar anyway." Bruce admitted. "General Ross is putting pressure on 'bringing me under control' again." Bruce admitted with a small shudder. "if i don't like in America anymore, then it severely limits what he is capable of doing against me. especially i my citizenship is no longer that of an American. plus. you know... CERN." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "i don't want Grant anywhere near any American politicians, particularly not when we just got Senator Ward arrested for conspiring with Hydra." he admitted. "a lot of people would like to reclaim, kill, or hurt Grant for that."
"Head guard is the correct term. And you'll get lessons. If you're going to be my consort you both need to know how it works."thorne smiled at them both before nodding."yes he will be putting the crown on me. On the three of us though you two are just going to be prince consort and not kings, cause I can't have two kings it'd be awkward...."she said frowning a little at the idea hating that they wouldn't be equal in all things but not sure how to make it happen either."cause me and pepper were keeping them away. You love your country cap,I didn't want to ruin your views on their policies if I didn't have to."tony smiled a little before sputtering."I don't explode everything!" "Yes you do."thorne teased a little. "Definitely time to get you out of there bruce...and cern."tony grinned. "That's it then. We'll all stay here. It'll be fun."
Steve nodded. "Prince Consort. i like that." Steve agreed with a smile. "besides, you are the Ruling Power. if you want two kings, then have two Kings. i don't want to be a king though." he admitted. "Prince Consort is fine, James can be the King. he's better at politics. i just hit things." Steve admitted with a grin. "besides, i'm not sure your people would accept foreigners as ruling monarchs." he admitted with a shrug before scoffing at Tony. "no. i love justice, freedom. America? sure, i used to love it. then i was turned into a living guinea pig and realized that most of the politicians are dick wads concerned only with power instead of the people suffering every day because of their cruel crooked ways." he admitted. "i am well aware of what America is Tony." he assured the man. "you don't have to hide things from me. i'm a big boy." he promised with a smile. "thanks. i'd be glad to move in with you Tony." Bruce agreed. "i promise not to ogle you or your wife when i accidentally walk in on you having sex." Pepper just snickered and shook her head. "well. if we're going to stay here, we're going to need a Hulk Room." "already taken care of." Pepper admitted. "and we have a room set up in the new Stark Mansion for Phil to have his transformation in safety. i've already started moving the private labs out of the tower and all of the bank accounts have been drained and moved to the banks here in Sweden, including Steve, James, and Bruce's." she admitted with a smile. she was always on top of things.
"Hm you are a good consort."thorne smiled kissing him before tilting her head looking thoughtful."...we'll talk about it...I don't know..."she bit her lip not sure what her relationships or her people would accept. She wanted this to work."...well. fine. I'll not hide how much our governments are dick then."Tony snickered looking a little relieved that he woulsnt have to not tell the other man things."...oogle all you want. You know you'll want to."tony smirked at his science bro snickering a little."don't worry. Pepper's got things covered. And we're sending loki after the dogs. Between him and johnny helping they'll get here safe."tony promised. Thorne smiled looking relieved then looking at her boys."well we better be going to see everyone."she said eager to speak to her people. Simply because itd be the truly first person She'd be free to say what she wanted without getting punished by Chris or her mother
Steve smiled a little at her. "it doesn't matter, politically, what our titles are. we love you and that's all that matters, right?" he asked with a smile. "even if we stay Prince Consorts for the rest of our lives, we are equal to you anyway because we are always there for each other." he promised her with a smile. "all governments are dicks... no offense Thorne." James stated with a small grin. "well. i do like to ogle." Bruce admitted with a grin. "oh good." James muttered, unhappy that he'd been away from Scrapper for so long. "mind if we come with?" Steve asked her with a smile. "i'd like to thank them all too." he admitted, gently taking her hand, leaving it loose so she could pull away if she had to.
“Yea, that’s all that matters.”Thorne said smiling at them, shifting, leaning into the two, before snickering. “No offense taken. Goverments are dicks.”She smiled slightly, “They’re fine. We video called johnny yesterday remember?Scrapper’s fine.”She muttered stroking his back, knowing james had been unhappy about leaving the dog. “Nope, don’t mind at all. Let’s go.”Thorne smiled squeezing his hand a little as they left, heading for the kitchens, laughing softly as everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the royal couple. “H-hello. I just wanted to come down and thank you all for remembering I liked the waffle hearts as a kid.”She smiled a little nervous as she looked around.
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