Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

"You mean you don't already have one?"thorne teased before smiling at them. Absolutely content with them."hmmm pizza sounds good."she smiled.

Tony shuddered at the memory of wires and skin,it really wasn't surprising considering how much of a tech person he was, that he liked the thought of cybrogics. Shivering at her praise he snickered."I've had enough practice.I should be amazing."she snickered before pulling away and stepping out of the car and pulling her after him,straight ing their clothes."shall we my lady?"he smiled holding out a arm for her.

Clint eyes looked a little glazed and amazed as he listened his heart hurting as he considered what was going to happen to his lover before startling."...we can never tell tony he was right in calling it the glow stick of destiny....we'll never hear the end of it..."Clint muttered a little sounding shocked and so worried about phil."you're doing great loki."Clint said though it sounded like it hurt him to admit it. While he didn't want to say anything,he did because the other hadn't been at fault. He might not like it but he understood.
Pepper chuckled a little and shook her head. "you know. i'm not sure why they even did that to him. i'm not sure it's ever helped him at all." she admitted. but it had. without all those wires, mechanics and tech in his arm, he would have no motor control at all, it would just be a dead arm. he also wouldn't have touch sensation. it would have just been a dead arm. "we shall." she agreed, smirking. "shall we visit the Super Boys first?" she asked with a grin. "they're bound to have good food for us to steal while they complain that they weren't invited to the wedding." she admitted happily.

"....gods, i know." Phil groaned, rubbing his chest. "i just don't understand why Loki had a piece of the Tesseract in the first place. if whoever was controlling him needed all nine pieces, why grant him one?" Phil muttered, looking aggravated because he knew Loki wouldn't know the answers to that. "why is Loki like this in the first place? is he always like this?" "no." Loki admitted, blinking at Phil. "not always... though i can't..." he paused, looking confused. "i can't rightly remember. i know this has lasted for much longer than it should have... it's... not normal?" he wondered, head tilted. "how long does it normally last?" Bruce asked curiously. " earth year?" Loki mused. "and how long has it lasted this time?" "...four earth years?" Loki asked, sounding uncertain but it was a close enough guess. "how long between?" Bruce asked, writing that all down. "....i don't know. a hundred earth years between?" he wondered. "i'm not sure. the maths don't quite match up." "it's alright that's close enough." Bruce promised. "so you where, like this, when you turned on Thor?" "i don't understand..." Loki admitted. "have i hurt Thor?" "Yes..." Bruce admitted softly, realizing Loki was very, very upset by the idea of hurting Thor. "it looks like there's some sort of memory lag of some kind. he doesn't remember anything from his previous Master, but he seams to be regaining some memories. when he first showed up, you said he didn't remember stabbing you at all, right?" Bruce asked Phil who nodded. "he does remember that now. your right, maybe whatever this is, he's tarting to come out of it?" "i still don't get why he talks so funny..." Grant grumbled, Loki blinking at him but saying nothing. what was wrong with Elucidating and enunciating? they didn't need to know about his little problem... unless Phil asked, he'd tell Phil... Phil didn't ask.
“It did. Gave him feeling and the ability to use it again, it’s just not as good as you could hope for.”Tony sighed a ltitle before smirking. “Yes. Always. Steve’s cooking is worth getting yelled at.”He snickered as he finger combed his hair as he walked into the super soldier’s apartments, grinning a little. “Hello?”He called as they walked into the living room heading for the puppies, wanting to check on marie first.

“Maybe it had to be done like that?Given away only to be reclaimed later?”Clint shrugged helpless before looking at loki, looking interested.”Maybe his last master, ordered him forget what happened before?I mean, if he’s trying to fulfill a demand, he might be forgetting because of that....”Clint frowned wrapping a arm around grant, pressing a kiss to his head,”Don’t tease. He talks how he talks.”
she blinked, startled. "you mean Hydra actually helped him? poor guy. i bet you could make it better though." she admitted before laughing and nodding, following her inside where Steve and James where in the bedroom getting dressed. "hey." Steve stated as he walked out, not bothering to pull on a shirt. "so, we didn't get an invite?" "i'm not entirely sure he planned it." Pepper admitted with a chuckle. "you have any food? i'm starving." "ah, we're ordering Pizza, i'll get you guys one too." he promised, smiling as he watched Tony get mobbed by the puppies.

"i have no idea. maybe we could ask Thor?" Phil wondered before glancing at Loki who just shrugged. he had no idea what they where talking about really. "he sounds like Whitehall. i don't like it." Grant muttered, pressing his face into the others chest. "and Alexander Pierce talks like that too." he admitted, a little bothered by the way Loki talked. "So, Loki. this... transcendence, how long will it take?" "it varies." Loki admitted. "typically it can take anywhere from a month, to a year. however there are factors that will slow the process down and make it much less painful. the presence of another God for example." "is that why i suddenly got worse after i left HQ?" "Yes. my physical proximity to you was stabilizing your condition, just as it is now. it is slowed by half, the discomfort you feel is much more minor." "any way to tell what will happen to me?" Phil asked, Loki shrugging. "i don't know. i have never seen it happen in person. the Tesseract so rarely sees a person worthy of Transcendence."
“Yea, for the fat lot that it did him. It helped, but not nearly enough.”Tony made a face smirking as he glanced at the other’s getting dressed. “You three are nymphomanics. I told you they wouldn’t hold out that long.”Tony said as he cuddled the puppies. “They’re just to pretty together....tony, so tell me, what did you plan?”She said as she called to order the pizza. “Uh...the proposal?I mean, It wasn’t till we were there that I realized the priest was actually a priest...”Tony squirmed looking vaguely uncomfortable. “It was just supposed to be a prank!I didn’t think we’d actually get married right now.”

“maybe, if he comes. Fury said he was still stablizing things, can’t get away just yet.”Clint frowned before looking at grant, cupping his head in a broad hand, pressing him close. “It’s okay. He’s not going to do anything.”he muttered before frowning, listening, and looking relieved as he realized loki was helping. “Thanks, loki.”He said with a small smile before glancing at phil.”I always told you you were a rare sort of person.”
she nodded. "they did horrible things to him." she agreed, shaking her head before smirking as he realized James and Steve must have had sex. "now Tony, i don't think you have any right to talk. we did just have sex in the Limo." she admitted with a giggle, Steve flushing when he realized they knew. how embarrassing! "hey, i'm not complaining." Pepper admitted with a smile and a shake of her head, chuckling. "it was just perfect." she breathed, Steve snickering. "you know. i can totally see them trying to prank us and getting married instead. well however it happened, i'm happy for you guys." he promised with a smile. "it was really sort of perfect." Steve admitted, James nodding. "she stabbed me once for interrupting her when she was watching the Princess Bride." James admitted.

Phil huffed and snuggled deeper into his blankets, feeling cold and sleepy. "...." Loki looked a bit upset that Grant was unhappy and sighed. "i speak as i do because careful crafting of my words and careful enunciation allows me to hid the fact that i have a speech impediment." Loki explained, looking highly uncomfortable. "when i am upset or s-stressed i s-still S-stutter a bit." Loki admitted, flushing as he did indeed stutter, upset that he'd admitted it, but feeling better when Grant looked a lot less nervous. "i am not actually d-doing anything you know." Loki admitted, clearing his throat and forcing his tongue to behave. "it is merely my presence, the same would be true if any of the other nine realms where here." Loki assured them. "...not as rare as Captain America." Phil muttered with a smile, Loki snorting. "you are mistaken. the 'Serum' used was loosely based on chemicals located within the Tesseract. he has achieved his own Transcendence." Loki admitted simply. "as has the other man... i know not his name." "Bucky? the one with the metal in his arm?" "i have not yet met hi. nay, the one that turns green." "...BRUCE?" "yes. the one that throws people into floors." that got a bit of a laugh from Phil.
“...Yes. But people expect me to be that horrible. Not them. They’re supposed to be saints. Though people think it’s bucky getting steve in trouble, when we all know better.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “It was perfect.” “You might consider a job change, tony. You’re looking good as a pirate.” “I know right?I’m amazing.”Tony smiled before making a face at steve. “Don’t make it seem like I do accidental stuff all the time. I’m always awesome.”Tony grumbled. “She’s kneed me in some very uncomfortable places for wanting sex during the movie. I understand your pain.”Tony said wisely snickering a little.

“See, not evil, simply correcting himself. Feel better?”Clint muttered stroking the other’s hair before tilting his head. “I know you’re not, I’m just glad you showed up when you did.”Clint said looking like it pained him to admit it before snickering at phil’s words. “Cap’s fairly one of a kind....and we’re not allowed telling tony he’s noot included among those changed. He’ll sulk something fierce.”He snickered before laughing quietly. “He does through people into floor impressively.”
Pepper giggled and Steve shrugged. "then they clearly know nothing about how the Serum works." Steve admitted with a grin. "we're horny, like, literally, all the time. even after we've had a two day sex marathon stopping only for water and more lube? yeah, we're still horny." Steve admitted. "and no, you can't test that scientifically." Steve stated calmly. "he is not getting a job change. if he really tries to be a pirate he'll get arrested and then who will pay for my shoes and give it to me the way i like it?" she asked, her head tilted. "Tony. everything you do is accidental. i'm pretty sure you don't think about anything but se and robots." James admitted, looking highly amused as Pepper just shrugged. "don't interrupt my Princess Bride and you wouldn't be having these problems." she stated simply.

Grant nodded. "yeah a little." he admitted with a smile before wincing as Loki fidgeted. "he would not be in this condition at all if i was not so weak willed..." he admitted softly. "i do not even know why i dd what i did. i did them only because my Master wanted me too.... i was too weak to even question.." he admitted, sounding very upset. "i am beginning to recover my mind enough to know that what happened., the few things i can remember, where extremely... bad..." Loki admitted softly. "Stark is the man of metal?" Loki asked. "why do you think he and the female he has mated to are not also Gods? can they not light themselves on fire with but a thought? the have had their Trancendance... halted somehow though, they are not yet what they could be." Tony had stabilized Extremis. that was probably what Loki was talking about. "...wait. what happens if someone unworthy is...uh, infected? with the Tesseracts power?" "oh. they die." Loki admitted. "the Tesseract sees into your very soul after all. either you are worthy, or you are not." he admitted. "Thor's hammer works ina similar way. though it's judgment is different from the Tesseracts. from what i understand, the Tesseract seeks out inherent goodness, loyalty, the ability to put others before yourself always. the willingness to risk life, and even kill to protect those weak and helpless." he admitted. "People very much like your Avengers." "people like that are fairly rare too." Bruce admitted, still getting over the shock of being considered a God. "yes. to find so many in one location is very impressive." Loki admitted. "it is why Thor is so mightily impressed with you all."
“...Seriously?”Thorne hummed looking interested as she studied the two super soldiers. “But-but steve!It’d be for science!”Tony whined looking up at him. “...Well that’s true, though I’m sure there’s prisons that would let you visit.”Thorne snickered a little. “I do to. I sometimes think about you and your arm, and how utterly amazing...yea sorry. That involves sex to. Never mind. Robots and sex.” “....Is he going to be this hyper always now?”Thorne said looking amused as she left for a moment to get the pizza from teh delivery man, smiling as they settled down to eat.

“Loki, don’t. We all do things we regret. Don’t think to hard on it, otherwise you’ll start remembering things before you’re ready.”Clint said gently before nodding. “Yes he is. And because if I ever have to tell Tony Stark he’s a god, I might kill him afterwards. I don’t know what’s worse, him not being a god and complaining, or being a god and bragging.”Clint snickered.”Do we have to tell him?”He muttered before smiling interested. “we are fairly rare.”He smiled. “You hungry loki?”
Steve snorted and then nodded at Thorne. "yeah pretty much, we work around it more than anything else or we'd never leave the bedroom." he admitted with a shrug before snorting at Tony. "Science my ass you pervert. Pepper just wants to see if you can handle me." "this is true." "the answer is, no he can't." Steve stated simply. "because the only man i am ever bottoming for is James." "and i don't top anyone but Steve." James admitted before pausing. "well, and Thorne too i suppose. depends really." he admitted with a shrug. "sorry Tony. i'm not having sex with you." James stated with a chuckle. "nice try though." he admitted. "yes. yes he is." Pepper admitted. "i like hi like this, he gets very creative." she admitted with a grin.

Loki shook his head. "the more i come up out of Thrall, the more i will remember anyway." he admitted, Bruce latching onto that new word. "Thrall?" "yes. the mindless." Loki admitted. "the Jotun, my birth people, are of a Hive mentality. you have the Thrall, whose only tasks are to serve. they will even refuse to eat after starving for months if their Queen tells them no." he admitted. "the Queens control the Thrall, the Kings control and breed with the Queens, an the Hive Master controls them all." he admitted. "the Hive Master was my blood borne Father, being a half blood, and of a Thrall disposition, he left me at the temple to be taken by a Queen, as was my place. no Queen wanted a runt however, so when Odin found me i was days away from death." he admitted. "there are times when i cannot contain my natural born Thrall mentality though, typically it was Odin who handled me during these moments of pure mindlessness. though Thor has been my Queen, also known as The Master, a time or two. i am as self aware as i am right now only because The Master needs it of me. typically i only do as i am told. it helps that i am beginning to shake off the Thrall and regain my sanity." Loki admitted. "i don't see why we have to tell Tony, Steve, or James that they're gods... i'm not sure if we should tell Pepper or not." Phil admitted with a chuckle before coughing into his hand and blinking. "oh deer...." there was blood in his hand. "it's normal." Loki admitted. "your human blood is being replaced by a Gods blood, the blue cells will be multiplying at a fast rate and this will force the excess more human blood out through carious extremities. you may find blood in your urine or feces as well as have it come out through your nose." "Fascinating!" Bruce admitted before blinking at them. "you guys want me to order something to eat?" he didn't notice that Loki had never answered if he was hungry or not. Loki would eat if his Master told him to, but he cared little for his own discomfort in the face of his Master needing assistance.
“...That’s awesome in amazing sort of way.”She said with wide eyes because she’d known that they hadn’t had sex, but she hadn’t considered just how high their sex drive would be. “...Fine. Be that way.”Tony whined but you could tell it was just mostly him teasing, for the most part he had no interest in having sex with his best friends. “I can tell. It’s cute like this to.”Thorne snickered a little as they started to eat.

“...that’ weird and fascinating all at once. Seriously.”Clitn said studying the other man becase he had no idea what to say to a man who knew his family hadn’t wanted him, and made him like the other a little. They’d both be fairly unwanted. “...oh. That’s true. Lets not tell them, steve and james will think its weird, and tony’ll never sht up.”clint snickered before tensing, looking anxious when he saw the blood, looking at loki for a answer. “...Oh.Okay.”he said though he still looked upset at not being able to help before smirking. “hm. It’s dinner time, if we go upstairs, steve should have dinner ready by now.”
Steve chuckled a little. "your surprised?" he asked, looking amused. "yu should have seen us when i was still super tiny." he admitted. "complete horn-dogs." he admitted. "he is cute isn't he?" Pepper asked, grinning. "did you guys order enough Pizza?" "we're expecting more to come." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "most of the Tower comes here for their meals." he admitted. "since i can cook and they can't." "oh."

Loki blinked at him. for him, the fact that his father had essentially given him up didn't really bother him. in a Hive, it was to be expected. he was a Thrall, and thus not suited to being a Queen, let alone the Hive Master. he was given to the Temple for a Queen to take, or to die. that was the way the Jotun worked. "then we shall not tell them. though i think they might suspect when they are still alive and no one else is." he pointed out. "it's alright. heating packs where he hurts will help him a lot. keeping him warm will be the hardest challenge. physical proximity works the best." Loki admitted. "pain medication might be helpful, though if it is of the addicting sort would steer clear of it." "what about weed?" "i do not understand." "you know. pot. Marijuana.... it's a plant that is supposed to help in pain control." "i don't know. you are the earth doctor, use your best judgment." "i think it'll be fine." Bruce admitted. "it's not nearly as addicting as alcohol or cigarettes are. if you'd be willing to try it?" "...i'm not in that much pain yet, but if it gets worse i'll ask you for some." "wait... Bruce smokes pot?" "i do. yes." Buce admitted, looking amused. "why else did you think i was always so calm?"
“...That;s awesome. I’ve seen pictures of you before. It’s adorable and awesome you were horndogs.”She said looking amused before nodding. “He is.” “I’m not cute. I’m sexy.”Tony corrected as he moved away from the puppies and started eating. “Any minute now, clint’s going to drop ot of a vent or something and announce everyone’s on their way for food.”

“Okay. I can do that.”Clint said relaxing as he listened to loki, realizing there was ways to help phil, even if he couldn’t speed things along, he could help him. Snickering at bruce’s words he smirked as they headed upstairs. “Well, you did hide tony’s cattle prod, might have something to do with the calm.” “It’s totally unfair he hid that, and the rest of my tools.”Tony said shaking his head as they walked in.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "where?" James asked, lifting an eyebrow before looking up at the vents, as if looking for Clint. he probably was.

Bruce smirked. "of course i hid that damn thing. it's annoying as hell working with Ton when he randomly zaps you every half an hour or so." Bruce pointed out. "besides, i didn't hide his tools very well. he'll find them all.... well..." here he smirked. "most of them." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling innocently at Tony while Steve glanced at Loki, a bit unnerved that the other was there. Loki, for his part, was disturbed by the now large crowd and settled into a dark corner to hide until Phil needed him. "we all have enough, stop fighting over the Pizza!" Steve ordered when James and Grant squabbled about who got the pepperoni and green olive.
“yea, I’m sre it is. Thankfully he didn’t try zapping me with the thing after I threatened him with my bow. Not sure why the bow was more intimidating to him then you as the hulk, but there you go.”Clint snorted amused. “What did you hide?It’s my wedding night!You should be glad for me!”Tony pouted a little looking a little weirded out by the godling to, but okay. Smiling as he watched the others squabble before frowning. “Sir?” “Yea, J?” “There is...a news article that you need to see.”Tony said frowning a little as he looked at his phone, paling a little,biting his lip. Not sure how to bring it up. This was so, so bad.
Bruce just laughed a little and shook his head. "probably because he knows Hulk won't hurt him, where you will." he admitted simply. "oh. nothing much." Bruce teased with a chuckle as he chewed on his slice of Pizza. "oh. i am glad for you. but i wasn't there, so that means it was less perfect than it could have been." Bruce stated with an impish grin. "therefor, i am punishing you because clearly, i should have been there." Steve laughed and there was a pause when Jarvis spoke. "...Tony? what is it?" Steve asked, Phil leaning forward, looking worried.
“Like I told the wonder twins, I didn’t mean to get married!It was just supposed to be a prank proposal. I’d already asked her to marry me during sex!”Tony sputtered out looking upset that he’d upset his friends ignoring the people staring at him. “ know, that’s oddly apporiate for you.”Thorne said looking amused at the real proposal before looking worried. “Oh well...uh...”Tony squirmed biting his lip, looking at Thorne, and just that look was enough to make her stomach tighten in fear and anxiety, because it was so sad and pitying. “Your mother died this afternoon.” “What?”Thorne’s mouth fell open looking utterly confused.
Bruce started laughing. "Seriously?! Seriously Tony!? that's funny as hell!" he admitted, Grant snickering as he stole the last piece of Pepperoni and green olive off of James plate. "it is. it was perfect. and this was the best wedding ever." Pepper admitted, practically gushing she was so happy. "...oh Thorne. i'm so sorry." Steve murmured, gathering her into his arms, James snuggling her from the other side. "we're going to the bedroom." James decided, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom so they could snuggle more comfortably.
“Yea, yea does this make up for you not being there for it?”Tony sulked a little.

“...I don’t....I just saw her....well. Damn. It’s been a month ago now...”Thorne said looking startled as she realized just how long she’d been with the boys, sounding upset and at a loss as she snuggled against the two, almost wanting the fish room, but her need to be with both of them, outweighing her need to watch the fish. Trembling a little she cursed quietly. “....I...I can’t skip her funeral guys...I have to go home.I mean...I’m...queen now.”She said sounding shell shocked and lost.
Bruce snorted. "not by a long shot." he teased.

"hey. hey easy." Steve murmured, trying to calm her down a little. "we would never make you skip the funeral." he promised. "but we have to be careful. we can't let them get advantage over us." he promised softly. "we're going, all of us, to Sweden and we're bringing every piece of dirt we have on that man." he promised with a smile. "We'll make sure he never hurts another person ever again." he promised, kissing her forehead.
Thorne swallowed hard, relaxing a little as he closed her eyes, resting her head against steve’s shoulder as she started crying ever so slightly. Because she might not like the woman, but she had still been her mother.”...okay. I think you’ll like it there. Even with everything that’s going on...and I’ll be going home as a’ll be okay.”She said with wide eyes that said she was in slight shock as she leaned into them.
they held her close, just holding her because they couldn't bare to let her go when her emotions where rolling through them. they just held her through the night and into the morning, moving only one at a time to fetch things for her. Hot Cocoa, Tissues, a blanket. otherwise they stayed and snuggled her. in the morning Steve made her a warm breakfast, since Tony and Jarvis where doing the grunt work and finding out every little Dirty Secrete Chris had in his closet while Pepper made flight plans for all of the Avengers into Sweden.
When they got ready to go, thorne frowned sleepily as the woman looked at the other's packing her bags. Snuggling down into the bed she sighed,"Am I a bad person for not really wanting to go?"She muttered before sighing as she slid out of bed, knowing that the plane was going to be leaving soon, and since she knew she'd been outted at least for being a princess, even if the public was still blissfully unaware of her bonded status, she knew things were just going to be hard.

"...Chris needs killed. Come on pepper, you know you want to just kill him."Tony whined as he looked over the surprisingly slender file, which was all tony could dig up, and you just knew that whatever was missing, was the important stuff, the stuff that chris had never written down to keep others from knowing, and was definitely the nasty stuff tony wanted to know. but hopefully he had enough to get thorne free.
"Of course your not a bad person. Sweden was a place of bad memories and worse experiences for you. our mother was negligent if not full on abusive and your abusive, borderline homicidal husband is there. of course you don't want to go." James assured her. "besides, we have a plan." James admitted with a smile. "remember?" he asked, his head tilted. with everything that had been going on, he wondered if she'd forgotten what She, Tony and Pepper had planned.

Pepper nodded. "of course he does. but we have to try and work him into prison first. we don't want him to die so easily now do we?" she asked with a smirk. "Grant's promised to do a bit of digging for us." she admitted, looking a bit worried. Phil and Clint had sat down a few days ago and told Grant the truth. since then Grant had all but closed himself in. he didn't smile, he didn't meet anyone in the eye, he just worked on autopilot. they where all hoping the trip to Sweden would help him reconnect with himself. as well as other people.
“It is a beautiful country though. And I’m thinking I’m going to take over my mother’s rooms. I mean, they’re going to be empty now, and Chris is probably staying in my rooms. I want to stay with you guys. Even if its going to be awkward, I don’t...I don’t want to be alone.”She sighed a little as she pulled on her hoodie, frowning at him, looking utterly snuggly in a pair of steve’s jeans and james’ hoodie, dressed not for style, but to comfort herself. “We do?What?”She said so overwhelmed with everything, she’d forgotten.

“I know, I know. That would be a crime to let him die to easily”Tony huffed before smiling.”Good. Maybe putting his skills against chris’, and working down to bring the bastard in, will get him to open up again.”Tony frowned a little, because he was indeed worried about the man.
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