Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Maria looked confused and hurt as she looked up at him, so very lost. “..Okay. Thank you.”She muttered relaxing, trusting him to help. He was the Captain, he was trustworthy. Sniffling as she calmed down she rested her head against his shoulder, starting to fall asleep as she calmed. “I’ll see to it. We have a few therapists working here. We’ll see who she responds best to.”Fury said frowning. “...”Thorne didn’t say anything shifting her body to cuddle up against james, taking comfort in his hold, tucking her head under his chin, shivering. “....I want to know what he’s up to.Is he just trying to distract me from actually filing for divorce?We...I need to go home. I can’t file for divorce from here, at least..I don’t think so. I need....I need to end this james.”She said fairly frightened herself. Seeing a stranger like this, had shaken her badly with the thought that she was probably right in who did this.

“...Fine.Fine no fighting.”Tony sulked a little before smiling a little. “We should start the paperwork for her divorce. We’ve been so distracted with everything we haven’t done it, but she needs away from chris.”He said before wincing.”Okay, at least I didn’t bring strawberries again.”He pointed out before snickering. “Hmm, there’s always perks in spending time with me.”He said looking amused
he smiled at her. "we'll figure this out." he promised, holding her for while as she slept, heart breaking that a woman had been so brutalized just for some disgusting plot by a filthy man. "you should find out why she thought it was Tony too. did she see his face? hear his voice?" James asked. "there are ways to fake that kind of thing." he admitted. "see if she has any genetic remnants under her nails or in her underwear. find out if she's pregnant." Jame, being a volunteer in Women's halfway houses knew a great deal about what he was doing here. "Tony's working on that. your not stepping foot in Sweden, they'll just kidnap you." James warned. "once everything's calmed down and we have Chris in police custody we can talk about going to Sweden, but i won't let that monster ever get near you again." he promised. "you just relax, Tony and Steve, they got this." he promised.

she chuckled a little. "that's right, no starting wars." she ordered before shaking her head. "I've already started on it." she promised. "and no you didn't bring strawberries. you learned your lesson." she promised with a smile. "there are perks when it's me spending time with you. everyone else is horrified by the idea. which is fine by me, means i get you all to myself." she admitted with a grin.
“Especially if what we suspect is true. Chris is Hydra, he could have had help creating ‘Tony’.”Fury frowned looking thoughtful.”I will. We already got her new clothes. I’ll have them actually looked at.”Fury said quietly. Thorne sighed softly, “But they’re my people James. I can’t...I can’t leave them to him. If he’s doing this to get my attention, what else is he doing?”Thorne clung to her mate, so very upset. She hated this. Looking up when Steve came out she reached out for him, just wanting held for a moment.

“Good.The less time she’s married to him the better. I don’t trust him to simply let this happen.”Tony sighed feeling uneasy before snickering. “I did. Though I still haven’t figured out that desk decoration you have. It spins pepper.”he made a face before snickering. “No, everyone’s horrified at the idea of me spending time with me when on sugar. You just get sex.”Tony teased grinning as he stole a kiss, before starting to eat ice cream. “So, where do you want to go for dinner?”
James shook his head at her. "Thorne, look at me." he ordered. "Chris won't, Chris Can't do anything to your people. they would never stand for some interloper getting away with things like this." he informed her. "Chris is doing this for the exact reason you think. he wants you to go to Sweden. where he can control you again, hurt you again." he gently cradled her face. "you have to do what's best for yourself, as well as for your people." he admitted. "right now, he can't do anything but fuck with us, and that's his main goal, to get you so worked up that you do exactly what he wants you to." he admitted. "we won't let him win and we won't let him get away with this." he promised, smiling as Steve picked her up and cradled her as if she was a broken child. she kind of was.

She nodded. "i've been running into problems." she admitted. "Swedish laws are a bit different then ours but i should be able to work around that." she admitted. "if i can't, well i know a couple of Assassins who would be willing to handle the problem for me." she admitted with a smirk. James, Clint, Natasha, even Grant would be all too willing to take out Chris for what he'd done to Thorne. "oh! we should go to a Dinner Theater! if you really where giving me one of those crappy romantic proposals you'd take me there." unlike what most people would have expected, Pepper hated 'fairy tail Cliche's'. sure she'd watch a Disney movie or two, but they mostly annoyed her. if he had taken her to a restaurant or a theater and proposed, she certainly would have said yes, but she would have sulked about it. proposing in the middle of Kinky Sex had been pretty darn perfect. "the Dinner Theater is playing tomorrow night, The Princess Bride. we should go see it, since it's one of my favorites." she admitted with a smile.
Thorne swallowed hard before looking up at him,dark eyes pained as she studied him. Looking pain as she listened. Swallowing thickly as she trembled."....okay. I know you're right. It won't do any of us any good to go running back."she muttered leaning her face into his hand, yelping a little as she was picked up. Fury smiled slightly shaking his head."take her home,there's nothing else you can do here."he said gently worried about thorne..

"Good. She needs out of this."tony sighed softly before grinning."I know a few to. Weshould send them anyways. It'd be worth seeing all of them deal with him."Tony smirked."I totally would...actually what I planned on...proposing by sex was just a accident."he said blushing though in truth it fit them more then anywhere else he could have proposed."lets. I love the princess bride."he smiled stealing a kiss even as he set out to get them tickets and plan. Cause this was going to be epic.
James smiled at her. "i'm always right." he teased with a chuckle. cracking a joke in the hopes it would make her feel a little better. he chuckled when she yelped and playfully chastised Steve for scaring her. "thanks Fury. we will. we'll keep a look out for Loki as well. we'll get Jarvis on it." James promised before leaving with Steve and Thorne.

she nodded. "she does. poor girl." she admitted before smirking. "now now, sending our Assassins to kill everyone who doesn't do as we say isn't an appropriate response." she gently chastised with a chuckle. "besides we can't be sure that they would be able to leave, so..." she shrugged before laughing at him. "well it was perfect even if it was an accident." she assured him, giving him a kiss. "now finish your ice-cream before i use it on you." she ordered with a grin.
“No you’re not. Cap’s always right.”Thorne muttered, smiling quietly as she snuggled into them, smiling as they left.

“....Fine. No killing everything.”Tony agreed sulking before laughing. “Good. Glad you liked it.”Toyn smiled relieved as he kissed the other back, snickering as he finished off his ice cream.”Okay okay.”he grinned.

The next day Thorne smiled a little from where she was cookign with Steve, glancing at the living room, amused as she watched tony gush over the puppies and show off marie to johnny. “You know, is this normal hyper activeness?I mean, did pepper yell at him or something?”She said looking concerned as she considered the billionaire playing with the puppies, a little worried that he’d shown up within moments of her and steve climbing out of bed to make breakfast.”I’ll go get James.”She muttered heading for the bedroom, pausing at the sight that she saw. Hmmm...blushing as she moved over to the bed she dipped her head to press a kiss to that taunt and toned stomach, simply because she had the right to,simply touching before he woke because she was to nervous to do it when they were awake.
Steve glanced at her and shrugged. "i have no idea." he admitted, smiling as he watched Johnny snuggle the puppies and laugh. "your right though this seams a bit more hyper than he usually is." he admitted. "i'll talk to him, find out what's wrong if i can but Tony's a lot like James. he won't say a word until he's darn ready to." he admitted before smiling as she went to get James, who was laying on his back, metal arm over his head and legs splayed, looking like a french girl. "he hummed as he was kissed and squirmed to get into a more comfortable position before uttering a short, adorable little snore.

"Hey, Tony? are you alright?" Johnny asked Tony all of a sudden, Steve giving him a look. Johnny knew what was wrong with Tony? well, he'd have to corner the fire starter later and find out.
“It does.”Thorne said smirking a little as she watched the other two men, before huffing. “Damn.Well, hopefully he’ll talk then.”She said worried about tony. Half wanting to beat it out of the hyper man, but letting it go for now. Shaking her head as she watched James, she snickered.”such a bed hog.”She snickered quietly smiling at the adorable smirk, biting her lip. Wondering how to wake him up, blushing as she considered his state of undress. Maybe....biting her lip she kissed her way down, gently tugging the blanket down, studying her completely nude bondmate, she swallowed hard, looknig nervous but curious as she dipped her head down to lick along his cock, curious and inquistive, she’d never really been given free reign to simply explore, so she was taking advantage of sleeping man.

“huh?Oh yea. Fine.”Tony said nearly bouncing in place as he played with the puppies, mentally laughing to himself as he played before biting his lip, nervous like. “She’s adopting a puppy with me, so that has to mean something right?I mean, it’s not like she’d turn it down, when we’re already living together.”
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "i'm sure he'll talk eventually." he promised her before blinking at Tony. "....Tony, she loves you, of course she's not going to say no." Johnny promised, setting his hand on Tony's shoulder. "it'll be fine. your worrying for nothing." "what is he worried about?" Steve asked, concerned. "anything i can help with?"

James hummed when she spoke, snuggling into the bed a little more comfortably. he hummed as she kissed a line down his body, cock already half hard just from the minor attention. "mmm... Thorne...." he mumbled, still mostly asleep when she licked his cock, making him moan softly and squirm. granted, it was hard to take advantage of a man who didn't care if she was touching him.

down a few levels, Jarvis was informing Phil that there was a stranger in the elevators and that the stranger was somehow getting in despite clearance. Jarvis was concerned because the stranger bore a very strong resemblance to the War Criminal Loki. granted, Loki was wearing a pair of Skinny jeans and a charcoal gray sweater but it was still Loki, no matter that his hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and he was unarmed. "Clint, Grant, don't do a thing." Phil ordered, nervous, what did Loki want? Loki stepped out of the Elivator and stared at Phil, who was holding a gun, just as Grant was, though no one was actively aiming it at Loki. "...Loki." Phil stated, a tremble in his voice. "what are you doing here?" "My Duty is to serve." Loki stated simply, blinking at Phil and giving him a very odd expression. one of love and affection, the way a young boy gives his favorite Grandfather, or the way a daughter looks at her father. a look that said 'i will do anything for you'. "...Serve?" "yes." "Serve who?" Phil demanded, heart nd gut sinking when Loki gave him that affectionate look again. "Serve You, of course." Loki informed him. for a moment, Phil was certain he was going to pass out.
“You’re being to hopeful. She is. I know she is.”Tony whined fairly bouncing in place, before looking up at steve, biting his lip before pulling out the ring, having stolen it back from pepper just so he could do this. “I want to ask pepper to marry me. But I know she’s going to say no. I mean, who wouldn’t?”

Thorne smiled a little as he squirmed, shifting to get comfortable as she laid against his side, simply exploring, before raising a hand, absently stroking over his cock, curious before looking up at his face,”James?”she muttered wondering if he was awake, before returning to her licking exploration of his cock and body, simply playing with him.

Clint tensed from where he was playing chess with phil, his head jerking up. Looking anxious as he reached for the bow, unfolding it. Even if he wasn’t drawing it out, it was obvious he was ready to shoot the godling at a moment’s notice, twitching slightly as he watched the other, shifting closer to phil, looking worried for him. “Why?”Clint growled looking anxious.
Johnny shook his head. "of course she's not going to say no." he huffed. "she's lived with you this long after all." he pointed out, Steve gaping at them both. " really?! Tony that's wonderful!" Steve admitted, looking delighted. "of course he's going to say yes! he loves you! you have to do something special for it. anything planned?"

James sighed as he felt her hand, his eyes fluttering. "mmm Steve?" he asked, confused before blinking at Thorne. "Thorne?" he asked, blinking before he smiled. "yeah. this is an awesome dream." he decided, hips thrusting slowly, luxuriating in the slow pleasure.cock hard now, and dripping for her. showing her just how much he liked what she was doing.

Loki didn't seam to be aware of the fact he was currently in a very dangerous situation. he did not look anywhere but at Phil, awaiting instructions. Phil turned to look at Clint when Loki failed to respond to him before nodding and turning to Loki. "why are you serving me?" "Because you are The Master." "why am i the master?" Phil demanded just like in the video Loki faltered, looking a bit confused. "i do not understand the Question." he admitted. "why's he talking like that?" Grant asked suddenly. "all enunciated like that?" "childhood training probably. etiquette lessons for royalty." Phil mused. "Thor probably ignored the lessons, but Loki is supposed to be a scholar, not a brute so he must have taken etiquette to heart." Phil mumbled. "but why would he think i'm his master!? what the hell am i supposed to do with him!?"
“...I know. But people have had bad luck becoming Starks. What if she doesn’t want to risk it?”Toyn whined looking upset before looking up at Steve, tilting his head. “Yes. We’re going to the threater tonight, to see the princess bride, then to dinner.”

Thorne raised her head to look at him, yelping a little as he thrust, looking startled before blushing a little as she realized he was enjoying it. Biting her lip a little as she lowered her head again, sliding her mouth down over her him cautiously, before pulling away as she gagged, looking up at him with a smile. “Morning.Time to get up.”She said even as she stroked him, feeling more confident then she had before since he was the only one naked.

Clint frowned looking annoyed and confused as loki ignored them, tightening his grip on his bow, “Can you tell us why you’re acting like this?Loki, we don’t understand what’s going on.”Clint said before nodding a litle. “Thor sounds like this sometimes if he’s not really awake, court trained.”Clint shrugged a little before biting his lip. “Well, we could put him in one of the guest rooms, and see if we can get ahold of thor. Maybe see what’s going on.”
Steve snorted. "everyone wants to be a Stark." Steve pointed out. "and i know Pepper wants to be a Stark." Johnny admitted. "women don't give you looks like that unless their planning your wedding." he teased with a smile. "Theater? oh she loves the Theater that's perfect!" he agreed with a grin. "i even know that one! Pepper made me read it." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's a really good book."

he blinked at her Yelp, looking a bit startled at the sudden noise before moaning again as she wrapped her mouth around him. this time he forced himself to lay perfectly still so she could do whatever she wanted without him choking or hurting her. "g...god..." he groaned. "don't say stuff like that all innocent when you just had your mouth on my cock it turns me on." he groaned, amused before shuddering as she continued to stroke him, panting. "Thorne... stop... i'm gonna spill..."

Phil scowled when Loki, again, disregarded Clint. "Answer him." Phil ordered, startled when Loki finally turned and acknowledged Clint. "It is my purpose to serve The Master." Loki informed him. "i act only as The Master instructs." he stated calmly, indicating Phil. "your right, he does." Phil agreed, amused. "we should call Fury as well. he'll want to know we have Loki... he seams to be... contained, i guess." Phil admitted, staring at the God. "why in the hell does he think i'm his Master though?!" "maybe because you where the one questioning him? did anyone else interact with Loki? maybe he's just obeying you because your the only person he's had more than a passing glance at?" "maybe. but why suddenly switch behaviors? he wasn't like this when we had him at HQ...." "how often did you see him?" "every day or so." "so. maybe he realized you where gone and that triggered it?" Grant wondered, trying to think of how he would have acted, or James after a mind wipe. "i dunno, i can't think of anything else." Grant admitted. "should we call For Bruce?"
“Well, if you guys think so....I mean...she does have my mark...she hasn’t not wanted to.... And you think she’s planning my wedding?”tony asked looking up at them with those wide puppy dog eyes before nodding. “She does. I thought it was romantic and shit. Perfect.”He said before nodding. “It is good. It’s one of the few that I don’t mind watching.”

Thorne smiled a little laughing quietly at his groan. “I’m very innocent, I just wanted to wake you up, and since you’re usually grouchy, I thought this was a good morning you’d enjoy.’She said with wide eyed innocence before stopping, biting her lip as she stopped her hand.”Isn’t that the point?”Seh said looking concerned she’d done something wrong.

Clint to looked startled at being talked to tilting his head a little. “Well, instruct him to behave and we’ll eb okay for now.”Clint muttered before nodding. “I’ll call Fury, let him know we got a handle on the godling.”He said twitching as he edged over to where he’d left his cell phone, still not liking this even if loki seemed sane. “No...maybe because whatever’s happening to you, is magic-asgardian induced?Maybe now that it’s taking a firmer hold, he’s starting to act on it....”Clint frowned. “And I’ve already asked Bruce to come up, sirs.”Jarvis said sounding worried himself.
they both smiled at him. "Trust us." "...or rather, trust ME. can't lie, Captain America, paradigm of all that is right and good in the world. she wants to marry you." Steve promised with a smile as Johnny nodded. "oh yeah. Sue gives that look to Reed all the time. i asked her about it once and she said she was planning the wedding.... which is creepy." he admitted with a grin. "it'll be fine." Steve promised, grinning at him.

"uuuuhng you make my cock very happy." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm never grouchy." he huffed, smiling at her. "and yeah, it is sort of the point, but if you sit like that it's going to get all over you." he pointed out. "and cum stains are hard to get out of clothes." he admitted with a chuckle. "you have to get out of the way before i spill." he admitted with a grin. the last thing we need is my spunk getting in your hair or eyes. not pleasant." he admitted.

Phil nodded. "he does seam... Docile. which is super creepy..." Phil admitted, ordering Loki to go sit at the table and not to move from that spot for now. "he's insane..." Grant decided, staring at Loki who just did as he was ordered. "you think that because i suddenly got worse, he's reacting to whatever's wrong?" Phil asked, looking surprised. "you might have a point." he admitted. "maybe Bruce will be able to tell." "and here i am." Bruce stated as he walked in, giving Loki wary looks. "Loki. this is Bruce. you are to do anything he says and answer all questions he gives you." Phil ordered, letting Bruce take a blood sample from him before Phil took one from Loki. Loki answered every question, though most where answered with 'I don't understand the question'. "i want to take him down to the lab, get some X-rays, Cat Scans, stuff like that..." Bruce admitted. "there's clearly something wrong in his head." he admitted. "but i'm hoping to figure out why he's responding to you the way he is. might be a clue as to why your... you know." he indicated Phil's chest and then bald head, making the Spy wrinkle his nose. "go for it. if he gives you an problems, taze him or something. it still works on Thor, it should work on him."
“...That’s true. You are a virtuous sort of guy, can’t lie.”Tony muttered calming a little as he stroked the puppy’s ears, snickering. “That is indeed creepy. Poor reed.”He muttered before looking towards the bedroom. “Are you worried about your mates?They’re not up for breakfast yet.”Tony said, yea, even if he was hyper and worried, even if pepper had already said yes, he was still nervous. And yes. He was curious.

“...I’d hope I make all of you happy.”Thorne sulked a little before smiling. “You are to. Always grouchy in the mornings.”She teased before her eyes widened, “Oh!Oh. That makes sense. Okay.”She scampered up so she wouldn’t hit with anything, settlign at his side. Leaning down to kiss him slowly, straightening after a moment. “You want me to leave?”she asked curious.

“It is fairly creepy.”Clint agreed before watching loki, shuddering at the godling, hating that he was looking so docile. This was so much worse then if he’d still being megalomaniac and world dominating. “I think so.”Clint said tilting his head, looking at bruce as he looked loki over. “Hopefully it is him responding like that. Otherwise we’re still at square one.”Clint groaned, snickering at the idea of tazing him, before looking at phil. “I want to go check on Artemis.”He decided, wanting to distract the other from worrying.
Steve grinned at him and nodded. "well, i can, but only to Bucky." he admitted with a grin. "no it's fine." Steve assured Tony. he knew exactly what those two where up to. "Thorne went in to wake him and he probably snatched her up. Teddy Bear Mode." he lied with a chuckle. "i'll go in there and wake them up in a bit." he promised. "If Thorne doesn't wake him up first anyway. she never dozes more than a half an hour after she gets up." he admitted.

he smirked. "of course you make all of me happy, but my cock is happiest right now." he teased with a grin before laughing and nodding as he watched her Scramble. "that's better." he assured her, sighing as he gripped himself with his flesh hand and started to stroke, finishing himself off. "no, it's fine." he promised her, grinning. "i like it when people watch." he admitted, arching and spilling all over his own hand and chest, groaning as he emptied himself out. "that... is the best way to wake up." he sighed, happy with his morning wake up call, smiling at her. "you can molest me anytime you want." he promised her, chuckling as he pulled her down for a gentle kiss. "want me to return the favor?" he offered. fairly sure she'd say no, but wanting to offer anyway.

Loki just blinked at them, not certain if they where talking about him and if it mattered. "i don't think we ever left square one." Phil pointed out. "okay. we'll go look at Artemis." Phil agreed, Grant narrowing his eyes at Loki before following Phil and Clint as Loki followed Bruce, quit the obedient little toy. that was all Grant could see when he looked at Loki, someone just like him. made into a Toy. at least Phil wouldn't take advantage of Loki the way others would. "it's going to be alright? right?" Grant asked them, looking worried. "he's not going to suddenly wake up and hate us all, right?"
“...Seriously?You can like to James?”Tony said looking amused at the idea before relaxing. “That’s amusing. Fierce assassin, totally cuddle bunny.”Tony snickered, for the moment distracted from worrying about pepper.

“Ah, well that makes sense.”she smiled a little getting comfortable, shivering a little at the sense of emotions she was getting from him, watching his hand. It was amazing, watching him like this, to feel connected like this. “Well, I’ll watch anytime you like.”Thorne blushed a little shivering as he came, eyes wide and blown as she studied him, “I’ll definitely be molesting you some.”Thorne said smiling as he pulled her down, kissing him back before shaking her head, looking skittish. Despite doing it, she was still nervous. “No, I’m good. Just wanted to make you feel good.”She smiled as she moved away to get a washcloth, cleaning him up gently before nudging him. “Come on, breakfast is probably getting cold.”

“we didn’t, but this would be weird if it wasn’t connected.’Clint pointed out before smiling happily as they headed up to check on the puppy, before sighing. He hated seeing loki like this, and hated the vindictive part of him that enjoyed loki getting a dose of his own medicine in being a toy. “If he does, bruce’ll go hulk, whip him around the room again, and toss him in tony’s godling proof room. It’ll be fine.”Clint said sounding more sure then he felt.
Steve snorted. "i've been lying to Bucky most of our lives." he admitted with a smirk. "no Bucky, i didn't take your candy bar. no Bucky i didn't get into a fight trying to beat up the biggest bully in clss even though i'm a shrimp. no Bucky, i didn't steal all of the bullies underwear and tape them up all over the school, honest!" Steve snickered. "he is a cuddle bunny. he's worse than static cling really." he admitted.

James grinned a little, chuckling. "good. maybe sometime you could watch Steve fucking me. i bet it's a real show." he admitted with a grin. "good. i like it when you molest me." he admitted with a grin. "okay. and you certainly made me feel good." he admitted. "i never realized my stomach was so sensitive before." he admitted, examining the planes of his belly. "ugh.... your making me get up?" he complained, slowly sitting up. "that's just mean, getting me all loose and pliable and then making me move." he complained, grinning at her before giving her another kiss and heading to his dresser to get dressed.

"your right. it's way too much to just be a coincidence." he admitted, shaking his head. "you know what's really bad though? the whole invasion?...." Phil sounded like he was biting nails and glass admitting this. "Might be that Loki was just following orders of his last 'Master'... as pliant as he is right now, he would easily adapt himself to whatever someone wanted him to be." Phil admitted, grinding his teeth a little. he so much wanted to blame Loki for it. but how could he when he didn't blame Clint for the same thing? "God proof Room?" "yeah. Thor helped us develop the technology." Phil admitted. "might want to keep Loki in there actually. it's safer and i'd sleep a lot easier." Phil admitted before knocking on the door and smiling as he realized Tony and Johnny where there too.
“....Heh. I can totally see those lies. Walking around with you must have been like having a over aggressive Chihuahua.”Tony snickered shaking his head.

“....oh gods...that would be a show.”Thorne said her eyes going a little unfocused as she thought about it. For the most part, her problems with sex and being with them, was her own nudity and sexual experiences, not with them. Watching her mates fuck?Oh yea, she could get behind that. “I’ll have to make sure Steve knows it is.”She snickered as she rested a hand over his stomach, shivering at feeling the muscles crunch as he sat up. “Are you telling me you regret me doing that now?You need to eat. You get sick if you don’t.”She reminded him, fussing over him a little as she watched him.

“....Don’t say it. Please.”Clint said sounding like he’d swallowed glass, because he really didn’t want to consider it.”....stop. Just stop.”Clint whined hating to hear it, but knowing it was probably the same. He just didn’t want to consider it. “...We’ll ask tony to make sure its ready for someone staying in it.”Clint grinned as he moved over, grinning as he fussed over artemis. “Hey. So, we’re taking a poll. Do you guys think pepper will say yes when I ask her to marry me?” “Do I have to answer stupid questions?”Clint whined looking at him,
Steve offered Tony a very deadpan look. "you don't get any cheesecake."

he smirked at her. "we have a couple dozen fuck fests recorded. if your interested." he admitted with a grin. "just ask Jarvis for one." he suggested. "you just want to see him totally own my ass." he complained, looking amused before shivering when she stroked his stomach. "of course i don't regret it, i would just have prefer ed to go back to sleep after." he admitted with a chuckle. "that's what men do after sex. we sleep." he admitted with a chuckle. "fine. fine. food then." he agreed while getting dressed, walking out and blinking at Tony's question.

Phil grimaced. "i'm sorry Clint but it needs to be said. if he was in control of his own actions then be assured he will be punished for it. but if he's a victim..." he shook his head. "we can't punish him if he can't control himself Clint..." he admitted softly. "we'll put a bed and stuff in there for him." Phil agreed. "and we'll lock the door so he can't wander around while we're sleeping." he decided. "Tony... don't be dumb." James ordered as he walked out of the bedroom. "of course she's going to say yes." he scoffed. "she loves you like i love Steve and Thorne. of course she'll say yes." "was that your way of proposing? because it was crap." Steve pointed out, James laughing. "no it wasn't me proposing. i'm not gonna do that till can propose to Both of yeh. besides, your the man in this relationship, shouldn't you be the one proposing?" "
“I am, but catching the live action show is more interesting.”Tony smiled a little. “I do, you’d look amazing getting owned.”Thorne growled a little before laughing, “No. I have things to do today, and steve told me to get you up. So no sleeping.”Thorne teased as they walked out.

“...I don’t care.”Clint said so obviously sulking that you knew he was pissed that his stance on loki had already shifted. That he was already willing to not punish loki. He just didn’t have to like it. “Tony’s always dumb. Why are you asking?” “I’m going to ask pepper to marry me, obviously.”Tony huffed making a face at them all. “...Steve’s the man in the relationship?”Tony asked in curiosity, smirking a little.
he laughed a little and nodded. "i imagine so." he agreed with a grin before snorting. "i do look amazing getting owned." he agreed with a smile. "but i like to sleep." he complained, pouting.

"...i know." Phil admitted with a soft smile at Clint before chuckling at Tony. "James is right. Pepper will be delighted." he assured the man. "it'll be fine." he promised. "by the way... that missing God you where all worried about? he's downstairs with Bruce and thinks i'm his Master." he admitted. "so... we need to put a bed in the God proof room." "i am the man in the rela...." Steve paused as what Phil said permeated his brain and he turned to stare at Phil. "...Loki is here?" "yes." "...and he thinks..." "he literally does everything i say." "... weird... why?" "we don't know." Phil admitted. "Bruce is running some tests." "hey! your hair is coming back in!" James commented, startling Phil who reached up. and indeed, he could feel the faintest bristles. like he'd just shaved his head. "huh... weird. that's not how hair works." Grant complained from where he was sitting with the puppies. unable to resist their adorableness.
“Good. I can’t go wrong if all of you, and Spangles thinks she’ll say yes. This has to count for something.”Tony said, mentally laughing his ass off. His friends were going to be so pissed, but this was definitely worth the prank.”Bed, I can totally go bed shopping. Maybe I’ll take pep-what?”Tony stopped, his mind catching up to what he was really hearing. “...Loki?”Thorne stared. “Yes. is. What the hell?”Clint growled sounding utterly annoyed with the changes as he rubbed a hand over phil’s hair, growling at the bristles. This wasn’t cool. One hand absently playing with grant’s hair as he stood between his two boys, simply needing to reassure himself, needing to touch them.
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