Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Phil nodded, smiling at his lover. "she really is the cutest thing. she's nearly white." he admitted. "she's only got a patch of brown over her eye and a black dot on her nose. it's really too cute for words." Phil admitted with a grin. "she's planning on giving the last one to Bruce." Phil admitted, James grinning at her. "that's a great idea. man spends way too much time alone." he admitted before scowling at the idea of someone killing a dog just to hurt Grant. that was sick. good thing Garret was already dead, no one would be out looking for revenge. "okay." Grant agreed, relaxing at the promise that no one, not even him, would hurt the puppy. "oh. well if you insist." Pepper agreed with a smirk. "how about i get spandex and be the team mascot?" she asked with a grin. "well, how much control do you have over it?" Steve asked, curious now, James leaning in as well to see. "as long as i'm not too upset, i have full control." Pepper admitted, fire wrapping around her fingers. "the best part is the healing rate." she admitted. "i don't have to worry about being kidnapped again now either." she admitted. "that's how i was kidnapped in the first place, was because someone had tried, and damn near succeeded in killing Tony. while Tony was out solving the problem, i was kidnapped." she admitted. "it was really kind of romantic, the way he swooped in and saved me. without the suit even."
“Awww, I know which one you mean. She is adorable.”Clint said nearly squirming in excitement. “That’s what we were thinking.”Thorne smiled a little as she considered the hulk, having already gone down to talk to him for a bit about it, and he seemed hesitant, but okay with having a dog. Nervous about it, but okay. “I do insist. You can be my personal mascot.”Tony said smiling a little, “And you can’t be in spandex with the others. That’s just for me.”He whined. “Which was great. Healing it allowed me to finally remove the arc reactor, since I wasn’t risking my health to do it.”Tony smiled as he listened, blushing ever so slightly at the praise. “It wasn’t that romantic.” “No suit huh?”Thorne said looking interested. “Nope. He busted his up, had to be simple genius. I heard about it, tony. Chrismas bulbs and nerf guns?Priceless.”Natasha teased just to watch tony blush more at the praise. While he usually enjoyed the attention, saving pepper when he put her in danger, made him feel awkward about getting praised for it.
Phil nodded, grinning. "she's a bit of a bully too." he admitted with a laugh. "so i figured she was a perfect fit for you." he teased, Grant giggling. "very well. i'll wear leather in front of the others then." she teased with a grin. mostly because she knew the more she wound him up, the harder he'd fuck her in the elevator. "it was scary as hell, watching him have open heart surgery while awake..." Pepper admitted. "i kept waiting for him to start screaming or something and he never did." she admitted, shuddering a little. "it was romantic." she admitted with a smile. "especially when you blew up all the suits after." she admitted with a chuckle. "granted, i only lasted a week before i made you build another one." she admitted. "it still annoys me that i broke before you did." she grumbled, Steve laughing. "Christmas bulbs?" Steve asked, looking baffled. "how in the world did you make high end weapons out of toys and ornaments?" "he's just brilliant like that." Pepper admitted smugly. "it's a bit creep though, knowing the guy who used to have a crush n you in high school was so obsessed he actually hinted me down. the fact that i worked at Stark industries was just a bonus for him." she admitted. "he was one creepy man." she admitted.
“I am not a bully.”Clint made a face looking amused though. “...No you wont.”Tony growled shifting, wrapping a arm around her, snuggling against his mate. “It was sorta awesome really, I mean, I hadn’t gotten to see it the first time around.”Tony muttered before rolling his eyes.”No it wasn’t. And it was great you broke first. Need protecting there.”Tony smiled nuzzling her, amused that she’d given in, had known that he would need to be iron man still. “yea christmas bulbs and itch powder. It wasn’t that high end really.”Tony huffed smirking a little. “Hm, I am brilliant.”He agreed. “That is really creepy.”Thorne shuddered a little. “We should be going. You have work to do.”Tony muttered kissing pepper’s head, the slight possessive growl to his words, even knowing she was his, he was jealous.
Phil laughed. "no but you'll b wrapped around her paw for the rest of her life." he teased with a smirk. "sure i will. pink leather. totally." Pepper decided with a giggle before making a face at him. "it was gross and creepy Tony. and you kept making faces at me and you kept telling the Doctor that 'that felt weird'." "so in other words, he was himself." "yes." Pepper muttered, making the others laugh. "i don't need protecting." she huffed. "your the one that's a danger magnet." she teased, pulling him into a kiss. "ugh. i really don't want to work today." she admitted with a sigh. "lets go have angry possessive sex instead." she ordered, making Steve laugh and shake his head to hide the blush. "they're worse than teenagers." "and rabbits." "ah, yes. much worse than rabbits."
“Probably.But it’s okay. I don’t mind having a dog boss me around.”Clint snickered. “No you wont.”He growled before smirking. “It was weird!It felt weird.” “...If you two ever need surgery, know I’m not going to be in there with you.”Thorne said smiling at her boy’s in amusement though. “I am not a danger magnet. It’s steve who brings danger to me.”Tony grumbled before smirking. “We should.”He said standing, pulling her up with him, lifting her easily, settling her legs around his waist, hand on her ass to hold her up. “Elevator’s going to be out for awhile guys, don’t try to use it.”Tony said as he headed for his desitation already kissing pepper. “They’re like teenaged rabbits. So horrible.”Thorne snickered a little running her hands through her hair.”but him like this is better then being upset over the stupid bint.”
Phil chuckled and nodded. "good, because that's what's happening." he admitted with a grin. Pepper just rolled her eyes at Tony. he was such a kid. "i doubt we'll ever need surgery." Steve assured her with a chuckle. "anything that we get hurt with heals pretty much instantly." he admitted. "uh. no. your the danger magnet. i wasn't around when you faced off against that mad Russian.... what was his name? i can't remember." Steve admitted. "whatever his name was, that was not my fault! s for the invasion.... that wasn't my fault either! your the one who was chatting with Loki like he was a common criminal!" Steve complained. "although, that was kind of cool..." "i'm beginning to see how it's Steve's fault." Grant admitted, making Steve sulk. Pepper just laughed as she was manhandled and she pulled him into a deep kiss, moaning against him, because she was horny and it made Steve blush. "your right, this is better. gross and creepy, but then most of what Tony does is." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "so... Johnny was it? how long are you staying?" "i dunno. however long Tony needs me i guess."
“Good.”Thorne said relaxing at the idea of never having to see them under the surgeon’s blade. “Vako. And somehow it’s still your fault, I don’t care. And Loki was awesome! I threatened him. That was great.”Tony snickered a little smirking at steve. “It is indeed all his fault.” “look, you made captain america sulk. That’s horrible.”Clint teased looking at grant in amusement. “Hm, gross and creepy. I’m sure that’s not how he’d describe it.”Thorne snickered a little before looking at johnny. “What did he want anyways?”She asked curious, wondering why johnny was there anyways.

Tony snickered as he held Pepper up easily, having stripped them both of their bottoms, sliding into her with a sigh even as he turned off elevator, leaning her back against the wall, leaning back to look at her as he rocked his hips, eyes blown and glazed with lust. Then something extraordinary happened. Tony stark forgot to control his own thoughts. “Marry me.”
Steve huffed. "it was not my fualt! sure i helped beat up the Russians and made deportation legal, but that wasn't my fault!" he complained. "you threatened Loki!? God of chaos, lies, mischief, Fire, Winter and Fertility?" Grant asked, startled and more than a bit impressed. "Captain America is a grown man, i'm sure he'll get over it." Grant admitted, making Johnny laugh. "entertainment and distraction mostly." Johnny admitted. "he's pretty upset over that woman's accusations." he admitted. "he wanted his opinion on something too but i'm not allowed to talk about that for fear or blackmail material leaking out of his possession onto TV or the internet."

she moaned eagerly as he slipped into her and moaned, pressing her forehead against his, holding on for dear life because holy hell what a ride. wait... what? "...Tony?" she asked, looking startled. "are you... are you being serious right now? because if i say yes and you have a freakout about it tomorrow i will be very unhappy." she warned. she'd forgive hi of course but she'd make him regret it. "the answer is yes of course." she promised him. "bit you have to honestly be ready for it." she ordered, studying his face for any hint that he was only asking because he was upset or being possessive.
“Yes it is. And of course I did. Threatening him with his brother, a living legend, the hulk, master assassins and me, was a very good distraction.”Tony snickered. “Of course, it got you thrown out your own window, but it was worth it wasn’t it?”Thorne teased. “Of course.”Tony snickered. “Ah, I was wondering if he was doing as well as he pretended.....we should go see Fury. Find out what he knows.”Thorne said frowning a little, looking curious about what johnny knew.

Tony paled a little looking at the other, having not meant to say it, but was there now. Whining quietly he nodded, shifting his hold on her to dig through his pockets, glad at least he’d only undone his jeans, otherwise this would have been awkward. Holding up the ring he looked at her anxiously. “marry me. And yes, I’m being possessive, and I’m still upset, and you’re going to have to keep me from freaking out as we plan things, and about the stupid bint and whatever her accusations mean, but I still want to marry you.”He muttered looking upset before pulling away, putting the ring away, and it was obvious he hadn’t really heard her answer, jerking up his jeans with angry jerks, muttering to himself. “Nevermind. You know. Just...I can’t do I’m sorry...”He muttered hating himself, his self confidence taking a beating for being a idiot.
Grant was staring at Tony as if he was some kind of Hero or legend. maybe he was? "you where thrown out the window?" he asked, looking even more shocked. i'm not going to go see Fury." Phil huffed, shaking his head. "you guys can go but i am not going back after i FINALLY escaped the clutches of evil nurses!" Grant wasn't sure if Phil was joking or not. but Phil hated all doctors and nurses, so being bedridden for the last several months must have been worse than torture for the man. "okay, James and i will go see what Fury knows." Steve decided. "we'll see if we can't get anything out of Loki too." he decided. "shame we can't just get Thor down here. he'd know what's wrong with Phil, right?" James asked, Steve shrugging. "no telling. but Thor's busy trying to stabilize the nine realms, so he can't come yet." "ah." "wanna come with us Thorne?"

"oh Tony it's... hey!" she protested when he pulled away and pocketed the ring. "you give that back Tony Stark! Don't you dare change your mind right after i said yes!" Pepper commanded, leaping onto him and kissing him senseless, while rooting in his pockets for the ring. "your mine now! you asked and we're doing it whether you want to or not!" she decided.
“Yes I was. My own damned window actually, it was quite annoying.”Tony grumbled. “And I wasn’t going to let you. We’re not going back there. Let cap and the scary soldier go.”Clint smiled a little leaning in to nuzzle phil a little. “I wont turn you over to the evil doctors.”he muttered. “Yes I do. I want to know what’s going on, along with what’s happening at home.”Thorne said as she finished eating.

Tony looked startled, yelping a little as he was kissed, kissing her back as he wrapped his arms around her, holding onto her tightly, groaning as she rooted through his pockets, cause hey, he still was hot for sex, and she had her hands nearly in his groin.”Okay okay, we’ll get married then.”Tony said looking unsure as he studied his mate, sliding the ring onto her finger, anxious because he was trying to decide if she really wanted to do this or not.
Steve snorted. "shouldn't have antagonized a God then." he informed Tony, looking amused. "good! Captain and Soldier can go." Phil agreed. "i need to catch up on my Supernanny anyway." he admitted. "want to go now then?" he asked Thorne. "i imagine Fury's going to keep us there for a while. especially since he's going tot want to yell at me over Phil." "it's okay. i'll punch him..." "no don't punch Fury. he never forgave you for shooting him in the first place." "he deserved it." "he did?" "yes." "why?" "i dunno. it's your job to think of things like that, i just follow orders." James admitted, looking amused.

she grinned at him. "Your damn straight we will!... oh wow." she breathed, looking amazed at the ring, her eyes wide. "where in the world did you get this? it's... flowing." she breathed, looking awestruck and amazed. Johnny was right, she loved it. she kissed him again and then grinned at him. "i want you to fuck me nice and hard so i feel it all day." she ordered with a growl, pulling him into another kiss.
“you and your supernanny.”clint teased shaking his head a little. “Yea, we better.”Thorne said running her fingers through his hair, smiling slightly as she considered her mate’s. “You two are amusing. Really.”She rolled her eyes as they left, smirking slightly as she realized they were going to have to take the stairs. “We live with perverts.”She snickered as she headed for the jet, looking vaguely nervous about going to the helicarrier.

“Good.”Tony smiled nearly shyly at the idea of being married, before flushing at her praise for the ring, biting his lip a little. “Didn’t get it. Made it.”He muttered looking like a little kid who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Despite her liking it, he was still nervous and all over the place still. “Extremis bonds with metal, as well with body. Keeps it nearly molten, without the heat. Took time to work it around to that, but it works.”Tony smiled before kissing her back, growling as he undid his jeans again, picking her up as he pressed her into the wall, grinning as he proceeded to do just that. “You do?Does it get you hot and bothered, wearing my ring, knowing that the others can’t use the elevator?That you’re stuck until I say we’re done?”He growled as he rolled his hips into hers.
Phil shrugged. "i like Extreme home makeover too." he admitted. "and the DIY network." "we are not amusing." James protested, grinning. "we're just naturally inclined to mischief." he admitted with a laugh, Steve chuckling as he let James take the wheel. James loved to 'drive' unless i was a car. James hated cars. "there she is." Steve chirped suddenly, smiling. "i'm always amazed when i see it." he admitted, staring at the base, which was sitting in the water today, for repairs no doubt.

she looked amazed, slipping it off her finger to get a closer look at it. "that's amazing." she admitted. "so it won't melt, even if i get mad!" she sounded so delighted by that. she slid it back on, mesmerized by the shifting colors before moaning as she was picked up again and slid right back into. "fuck! Tony! Yes!" she moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair. "yes! it makes me hot! so hot! oh god!" she moaned, trying to match his thrusts, too turned on to really do anything but enjoy it. she came twice before Tony met his own completion and she giggled once he was done. "god i love eliminator sex." she breathed, grinning. "i love 'i just proposed and she said yes' sex too. that was hot." she admitted. "i think i should take the day off." she admitted. "it's not every day a girl gets a proposal." she admitted. "i have to go brag to everyone i know." she admitted. "starting with Natasha."
“Oh, wow.”Thorne said looking at the base with wide eyes as James landed on the deck, looking amused as they walked in, eyes widening as she saw who was waiting for them. “Director.” “Lady vasa. Captain, Mr. Barnes. What brings you three here?”Fury said studying them. “Well, we wanted to know about the woman accusing tony, and what you knew about phil, and I want to know what’s going on in Sweden.”Thorne said frowning at the look fury was giving them, simply closed off and unforgiving.

“No, it wont. It will hold no matter what you do.”Tony smiled shivering as he fucked her, groaning as he came. Gently holding her, resting his forehead against hers. “Hm, you just love sex with me. And that was hot.”he muttered stealing a kiss as he set her feet back on the ground, reaching for his clothes before pausing, whining a little. “Do we have to? I mean, I want to stay in bed and do sex all day. If we tell everyone, especially the girls, you’ll start planning and working on things today.”he whined a little even as he started moving the elevator back to the penthouse to let her go tell everyone.
"Yeah it's pretty awesome. and don't mind Fury, he's always an ass." he admitted. "We're here for various reasons." he admitted. "like Thorne said. and also to let you know Phil is at the Tower and is refusing to come back... he lost all his hair and Bruce is freaking out because he can't find anything wrong. we wanted to see if i couldn't take a crack at Loki, see if there's anything more i could get from him." which would be hard to do, because just that morning, Loki had vanished. it wasn't those 'someone helped him escape' either. it was, 'one second he was there, i blinked, and then he was gone!' the magic inhibiting cuffs melted right off. "and also to inform you that me and James found our Third." that was important information to have, if Thorne where ever kidnapped Fury would know how to handle the situation. if Thorne had been a friend, it would be handled one way, but bonded mates where a tricky business and had to be handled a lot more carefully. best to tell Fury straight up. "also, i'm supposed to tell you that Phil says he'd rather die with friends then live in a hostile environment with evil villains in the guise of nurses." Steve admitted, looking a bit sheepish. "he made me promise."

she grinned. "that's amazing." she admitted, wiggling her finger and letting her fire wrap around it, so she could see it stand up to amazing temperatures. "wow!" she laughed when he set her down. "i do love sex with you." she agreed, grinning. "well. no i could put it off for a few hours." she agreed with a grin. "but only tonight." she ordered. "tomorrow i'm telling the world! maybe i'll accidentally out myself to TMZ?" she wondered, grinning at him. "and no, Tony, we can't use Iron Man colors." she told him. "i promise not to use anything too girly." she promised, kissing him deeply. "and i want to use this ring for the wedding too, it's just perfect!"
“Okay then.”Thorne said looking worried though. “...He did?Bruce has no theories?”Fury asked as he escorted them into a conference room, studying the three before sighing. “I wish I could allow you to do so. But Loki vanished this morning, and even the video feeds show nothing. We’re still working on how he got out.”fury said before looking startled, studying the princess. “Damn. Dealing with you two was bad enough when it was just you, having a third and dealing with the bonded if something happens is a pain in my ass.”Fury huffed looking annoyed, even if happy for the two men. “Well then.”Fury sighed a little, as much as he wanted to order phil back, looking at the three in front of him, he knew that he’d have to go through the avengers to get him back. “There is also something that I was coming to tell you, so it is good that you came.”Fury looked upset and annoyed. “The woman was workign for someone, but he has her so frightened even the most hard put questions didn’t make her talk. I’m trying to find out paid her off, but for now, watch your backs.”

Tony grinned happy as the fire didn’t melt anything, pleased. Snuggling against her for a moment, wrapping his arms around her waist before sighing. “Only tonight.”He muttered nuzzling his nose against her neck, simply enjoying touching her, peppering kisses over his mark along her neck.”We should. Totally keep it a secret, we could go out to dinner, accidently on purpose reveal to one of the paparazzi we’re getting married...”He hummed a little before whining. “Can we do avenger colors then?Captain America?”He whined kissing her, moaning softly. “I have a matching one for me, so we’ll be well matched at the wedding.”He smiled kissing her again pulling away as he stepped out of the elevator.
he shook his head. "as far as Bruce can tell, Phil is completely healthy, even f Phil's heart still isn't beating. from what little of it i was able to understand, Phil's blood is still flowing through his veins, it's just not the heart or the pulse, uh.. things that are doing it. his blood pressure is even perfect and i'm pretty sure Phil had a blood pressure problem before.... you know. he's tired all the time, looks like hell, won't sleep for more than ten minutes at a time and yet is healthier than i am!" he admitted, shaking his head before grimacing at the idea of Loki getting out. "fuck..." it wasn't often Captain America swore. "Phil and Clint are going to be up the wall when they find out..." Steve muttered, twitching himself at the idea of Loki on the loose." "Does Thor know?" he did, and he had Heimdall watching, but for some reason Heimdall wasn't saying where Loki was. why? Thor didn't know but i was a bit reassuring. if Loki was doing something bad, Heimdall would speak up. "...the woman is that scared huh?" Steve asked, his eyes narrowing before he smiled. "i have an idea." he admitted. "can i give it a try? it's a bit underhanded and sneaky of me, but i've been getting lessons from Nat..." he admitted. "and James too." James nodded, wondering what Steve was up to.

she chuckled and snuggled her man, sighing into the kisses. she loved it when he paid attention to her marks. "oh my gosh that would be awesome! we totally should." she agreed, smirking. "of course we'll have to make you pretend to be super worried about something so that everyone in the tower is super paranoid about it. maybe we could even stage a proposal." she sniggered. "it would be epic, watching everyone freak out." she admitted with a laugh. "we'll see. maybe a Blue and white theme would look good. with small red and gold accents." she agreed with a smile. "i want to see yours." she admitted, staring at her ring gain. "it really is one of hte most amazing things you've ever given me." she admitted with a smile.
“Damn. Well, keep me informed on what they find out. And while I would like him to rest here, I know he’ll rest better wtih clint at the tower. Maybe he can get some sleep and relax.”Fury frowned concerned for his friend before wincing at steve’s reaction. “No cussing.”Thorne teased looking worried though, nodding. “Thor does. And heimdall is watching for him. We’ll see.”Fury said before nodding. “Yes, she is. And if you want, go ahead.”Fury said escorting them towards the room he’d given the woman, amused at thorne’s look of curiousity to.

“Let’s then. Johnny knows I’m already one moment away from panicking over it, we could totally set him up to make the others super paranoid over it.”Tony muttered smirking as she sighed, simply playing with the skin over her marks, simply enjoying teasing her. “Yes they would. We should, you know Cap will blush something fierce if we did that.”Tony giggled a little before stepping off into the lab, “Come on. I’ll show you my ring, and then we’ll go put on a show for the other’s.”he smirked a little, pouting. “Considering the amazing things I’ve gotten you before, I feel amazed that you think so.”he said looking amused.
he nodded. "i have you on Speed... okay Jarvis has you on speed dial i'll have him email you everything Bruce gives us." he promised. "and he's already sleeping a lot more. he took a nap curled up with all of Thorne's puppies." he admitted with a grin. "and he slept again when Clint and Grant where cooking dinner." he admitted. "oh, i almost forgot. we have Grant Ward in our custody." he admitted. "Phil and Clint are mamma birding him something terrible. it's hilarious." he admitted. "you have camera's in there? visible and hidden ones?" he asked. "you'll be able to watch me even if i take the main camera offline?" he asked Fury, his head tilted. once he was sure Fury could still watch him from remote hidden cameras he slipped inside the room, offered the woman a smile and unplugged the main camera. "hey. i'm Steve Rogers." he introduced himself to her. "i just wanted to see if i could help... i believe you." he lied, giving her a fake sympathy look. "no woman would ever lie about being raped. i know Tony better than most." he admitted. "i know what he's actually capable of." he admitted, sitting down next to her. "i'll do everything i can to help you."

she smirked. "or we could prank him like we are everyone else." she admitted. "that would be pretty damn hilarious.... of course, then we have to worry about retaliation." she admitted, pondering that. "moaning as he played with her. "your just so mean sometimes." she moaned. "winding me up like this and then making me walk to the bedroom." she whined, grinning at him. "he would! he's such a sap." she admitted with a laugh. "Tony. a ten foot tall rabbit is not amazing." she scoffed, amused. "i think you should just act as hyper as possible. you get Hyper when your fretting about something." she admitted with a grin. "so we totally need to feed you a whole ton of candy and then i can fuck the sugar rush out of you later."
Fury chuckled a little, “Good.”Fury said pleased at both being kept updated and that phil was getting some rest. Before growing serious frowning a little. “So that is why you requested the information.” “Yes. We needed to know if it was safe to trust him. And Clint and Phil have decided to keep, it’s quite amusing watching them.”Thorne snickered a little. “I do.And we’ll be able to.”Fury said watching the other, looking interested in what what was going to happen. The woman shifted looking up at him, eyes widening slightly as she realized who it was, the fake tears starting, “I’m Maria.”She said softly, looking over at him.”Thank you. No one, would believe me here. They all think I’m lying.”She said quietly, shaking her head.”But I’m not.”She said quiet, and it was obvious, even if it hadn’t been tony, someone had hurt her and terrified her.

“Ohhh I like it. We should....and we would, but the prank would totally be worth it. And if they’re really pissed, we could just go on vacation for awhile. I hear Sweden’s lovely this time of year.”Tony smirked a little, nuzzling her, “Hmmm, not so mean.Playing with you is so much fun.”he muttered heading for their room.”He really is a sap. Adorable one, can’t wait till he gets married, he’s going to be such a sap. So much worse.”He snickered before pouting. “That rabbit was amazing!It was very cuddly.And I have good reasons for having it. It’s not my fault you asked me to go gift shopping when I was manic.”He sulked a little, before grinning as he detoured towards the kitchen to dig out his amazing chocolate. “Good idea. Both the sex and sugar rush.”
"yes... you've read the folder i imagine?" he asked Fury. "Bruce was sick after reading it." he admitted. "he wouldn't let me look. or anyone else. not even Clint." he admitted. "i know he's been hurt very badly. Bruce thinks there's a risk of... what did he call it?" he asked James. "Mental fracturing and the formation of multiple personalities." "yeah. that. whatever that means. sounds bad whatever it is." Steve admitted before moving into the room. "Maria." he greeted with a smile, gently taking her hand. "they haven't hurt you, right?" of course not. Shield never tortured civilians. and for all that she was doing, she was just a scared Civilian. "i need you to tell me everything, okay?" he asked, gently stroking her hand. "i need to know everything if i'm going to help you." he promised. "if your lying, they can tell." he explained, indicating the turned off camera. "even if it's just withholding information. that's why hey think your lying, because they know your not telling them everything. but if you tell me, then i can tell them and they'll leave you alone. okay?" he asked, gently coaxing her. "no matter who it is, they have no right to hurt a woman like this, okay? Billionaire, CEO, Prince, King, no one has the right and you should never be afraid to speak up. okay?" he asked gently. "i'll keep you safe. even if i have to take you out of here and hide you in one of the Safe houses me and James set up for mutant kids... okay?"

she just grinned. "the prank is worth it." she agreed with a giggle. "we are not going to Sweden Tony, it's just asking to get kidnapped." she huffed, looking amused. "it is mean." she moaned before laughing again and nodding. "he refuses to marry James until he can marry his third as well." she admitted. "so it's going to be a while yet." she admitted with a smile. "Tony. it was for our anniversary, i know exactly why you got it." she stated, amused before laughing at his eager candy snatching. "yes. let's go have more sex." she agreed with another laugh.
“I have. It was indeed some of the worst I’ve ever seen.”And coming from fury, that was saying something. “Keep a eye on him, and if you need anything, you will let me know.”Fury said worried about grant, about them all. He might not show it well, but he did care. “No, they haven’t.”Maria said holding his hand before swallowing as he held her hand, sniffling a little. “I’ve been tellign them everything!I told them about how I was in stockholm on a science convention, and Tony raped me. You have to get them to leave me alone, or believe me. I’m scared he’ll do something.” Outside Thorne stirred at that, frowning,”Bloody fuck. If you would have told us that, I could have told you who was behind this.”Thorne said looking pale and shaken as she heard the other woman’s words, trembling a little. Instinctively knowing what had happened and feeling utter guilt. Steve had said chris would hurt someone else eventually, she just hadn’t thought it’d be a innocent in the effort to hurt her.

“Why not?It would be the perfect excuse to make steve and james follow us. And if we just happen to stay in the capital, all the better.”Tony whined a little before smiling a little. “I know. But he’ll get married now.”Tony smield before snickering. “It was. I thought you needed something to cuddle while I was in the lab.”He explained before looking up at her, smirking a little. “Don’t laugh. You never give me enough sugar. I’m taking advantage of this.”He grinned as he followed her with the bucket of ice cream and a spoon, he was definitely going to enjoy getting her sticky.
"hey. hey. easy." he whispered, gently wiping away her tears. before pausing. "...Tony's never been to Stockholm..." he informed her, looking confused. being confused. she wasn't lying, not really. yet, Tony's activities where always loudly documented. there was no hiding Tony Stark. every thing he did, every movement he made was on TV, recorded in newspapers. if he'd been to Stockholm, especially in the last few years what with him being Iron Man. "Maria. i have no doubt at all that you've been raped. but i don't think it was actually Tony Stark." he admitted, wrapping his arms gently around her. "we'll find the truth, okay? i'll get to the bottom of this if it was Tony, we'll make sure he pays his dues. if it's not Tony Stark then i will, without a doubt, hunt down the man who did it and make him pay his dues. okay?" he asked her. "we won't let you suffer alone.... for now, i think it's safer for you if you stay here, okay? i'll tell them what you said and they'll be nicer to you, okay?" he asked her, doing his best to comfort the actually very upset woman. James turned to fury from where they where watching. "she's not lying. she honestly believes Tony raped her. and you can tell the way she's trembling and the way she flinches. even if it wasn't Tony, she's been raped. brutally. i'd recommend getting her a therapist so she can start to put her life back together." he admitted before wrapping his arm around Thorne's shoulders. "never blame yourself for what that monster has done."

she laughed. "and we'd start War with Sweden and i do NOT want another fifty states added to the American Map Tony! i had enough trouble with the first fifty." she admitted with a chuckle. "eventually. they have to have sex first... and get her divorced." she admitted. "which would have been fine, if i didn't hate rabbits." she pointed out, looking amused before grinning at him. "your such a child Tony. of course i don't give you sugar your hyper enough as it is... though, there are perks." she admitted, licking her lips and looking at the Ice-cream. eagerly anticipating smearing it all over him in return.
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