Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he shrugged. "i was convinced you where a snot nosed spoiled brat with authority issues. i still believe that but now i know you are a very caring and loyal friend as well." Phil admitted with a smile. "i would love to have a puppy!" Phil agreed, looking delighted, James and Steve chuckling. "so, the only pup leaving the tower is Blue." he mused, the high ends racer having officially bought the puppy, named it, paid for it, filled out the paperwork and everything. he had already given her a tour of his own training facility, and his dogs where all well loved, paid plenty of attention to and trained without abuse, drugs, or trauma. he was a very good dog owner as well as a dog racer and breeder. he even promised to send her articles anytime Blue won a race. "i'm sure it has been pretty hard on him." Phil admitted, looking upset and ashamed. "i didn't come back right away because i was honestly afraid i was going to die anyway. then because i was worried whatever was wrong with me might be contagious. when nothing happened day in and day out, it was only Fury keeping me in. paranoid old bastard." he muttered, stroking Artemis and Marie Curie was was set in his lap. "this one is Tony and Pepper's puppy, Marie Curie, and this little one is Scrapper, he's mine and James." Steve explained, trying to cheer Phil up. "this one is Blue, he's going to be a racing dog. and this one is Bruce's now so i'm sure it's going to have a hell of a name. and Shara and Chase, the proud parents." Steve explained, Phil chuckling as he snuggled the pups, eventually just sleeping in the pen, propped up against a wall. "poor man. he looks like death warmed over." James muttered as he covered Phil with a blanket. "he's always doing too much." Steve agreed. Phil had never met James of course, James came after Phil 'fell' in battle. but they knew of each other. James especially since it was Phil who had helped Steve through the first years of being unfrozen. Phil and Tony.
"I am a bastard with authority issues."tony agreed smiling a little."awesome. It's awesome that the first new litter is mostly stay here. And blue's going to a good home."she smiled because while she had checked on the owner herself, she'd had tony and steve talk to him to, trusting their instincts in people reading to."it was. But he was still handling it well."thorne said smiling looking worried for the man."grant's been good for him....and whatever iswrong,we're going to help you phil."she promised worried about him. Smiling slightly as phil drifted to sleep looking up at steve and james before standing."come on. Let's go workout for awhile let him get some sleep."
Phil chuckled. "you brought puppies into a tower stuffed with grown men tat are more like children, what else did you expect?" he asked, looking amused. "you take very good care of your puppies, i imagine he must have been a saint to have impressed you so much." Phil admitted with a smile. "he wasn't handling it. he's just shoving it down and ignoring it. it'll all come up later in a mass explosion of emotions, tears and screaming... most of it aimed at me." Phil admitted. "Tony as well, he does the same thing. he hides it well but this problem with the woman is bothering him a lot more than he'd ever admit." Phil admitted with a shake of his head. "whatever is wrong with me, i think Tony and Bruce are the only people who even have a chance." he admitted before falling asleep. "yeah i agree. come on, Tony has a gm in the tower full of unbreakable bags and treadmills. i say we go try our best to make a liar out of him." James suggested.
"Hm that's true. I shouldn't have expected to get them to go to other people with them here."tHorne snickered a little before looking worried looking concerned as she considered what was going to happen when clint finally exploded."we'll take care of both of them. When they do break down."she sighed."well,then you're in the right place."she smiled watching him sleep before grinning at her boys nodding a little."let's. He'll sulk if we break his stuff."she giggled a little before changing into a pair of jogging shorts and a tank top smiling as they headed down for the gym looking around with wide eyes. It was amazing to see.
Phil just chuckled and nodded. "i always do." he promised her with a smile. "this isn't the first time i did something really, really stupid." he admitted. "Clint's exploded about a dozen times since i first met him when he was thirteen." he admitted. honestly i don't think he'll ever grow up." and Phil didn't sound at all displeased by that. "he will sulk." Steve agreed with a grin, leading the way and letting James give her some more lessons, this time the proper way to stand before moving into kneeing. "you don't want to kick until you have a better sense of balance and know what your doing. kicking can hurt a little bit, but if you get kneed it's gonna hurt like hell. always aim for the soft spots just like with punching. the groin, the gut, the neck." James coached her. "if you can't punch them, then knee them. if you can't do that, use your heel on the toes and then to the groin, never the front of the foot because as a beginner, you'll do more damage to yourself." he explained, running her through various maneuvers before teaching her how to break someone's hold on her. Steve playing the dummy for this one. he'd grip James and James would show her what to do and then Steve would grab her the same way and let her beat the hell out of hi. it was kind of fun really.
"I'm sure it's work with shield, definitely stupid moments entailed with that."thorne snickered a little."he hasn't really. He's just in a adults body."thorne smiled.

And indeed she was having lots of fun with the training so happy and pleased to being doing it. Panting quietly as she watched steve and james grabbing at each other,flushing brightly when she realized they were probably getting the sense of luster she was giving off. After all watching them grab on each other was extremely hot. Smiling as she worked with Steve shivering a little as she felt his arms around her for a moment not fighting him off as she leaned back into him."you two are to tempting to hold onto."she smiled a little looking amused
both men where rather enjoying themselves as they showed her how to defend herself. this was not unlike when Bucky had tried to teach Steve how to defend himself. of course the little bastard never ran away, defeating the whole purpose. they both paused and then grinned when she commented and Steve's arms tightened around her before he bent just enough that he could brush his lips across hers. "it's you who are the tempting one." Steve admitted with a smile, James chuckling as he shook his head. "your such a sap Stevie." "you love it when i'm a sap." "...yeah i do."

upstairs there was a knock at Clint's door. it was Bruce who was holding the folder. he'd read through it twice and had decided this was information Clint needed to have in completion so Clint could be the one to tell Grant.
Thorne shuddered as the man tightened his hold,squirming a little as he looked at the other over her shoulder at him whimpering as his lips touched her neck."Nooooo not me. You are."she muttered before laughing softly."you are a sap. Adorable sap."she smiled looking up at james smiling at him..

Clint pulled open the door after a moment making sure grant was sleeping before looking at bruce.looking concerned and worried."what did you find out?"he said knowing that there was a reason bruce was there
Steve chuckled and James laughed, smiling at them. "you know... i never imagined this day would ever be real." James admitted suddenly. "all of us together. happy. getting along." he admitted, watching hem with a sad little smile on his face. "i used to think that we had been born as sinners and God was punishing us for being gay, since when we where born out third mark burned like ice all the time." he admitted. "Bucky..." Steve murmured. "we're all here now, and we're not going anywhere." he promised. it was James worst night terror. waking one day to find both his lovers gone. dead, taken, abandoned him, leaving him all alone with marks that never healed and never stopped hurting. "i love you both. so much." James admitted, smiling brightly at them. "i'm so glad this day has finally come. the day we finally get to be together." "forever." Steve agreed with a smile.

Bruce offered Clint a tight little smile. "a lot, unfortunately." he admitted softly. "i don't know what Grant should know and what he shouldn't so... since you know him best, i figured i'd tell you and you could tell him." he admitted. "where is he? still asleep?" he asked, looking around for him. once Bruce was certain Grant was still sleeping and made sure Jarvis would warn them when he woke up he sat down with Clint and started to explain everything. how Grant's mother and Father had allowed the mother to be artificially inseminated with a heavily experimental fetus and host it until it was born. he explained tha Grant was born the way Thorne had pretended to be. markless. he explained how Grant was literally tortured for the next thirteen years of his life until he tried to burn down his own home. after that they strapped him down, tattooed him with Garrets markings and then completely wiped his mind and gave him to Garret as what amounted to as a plaything.

Bruce explained that Grant had been mind wiped so often that he literally had severe brain damage from it, which was the real reason why he was incapable of counting over fifty or learning new things properly. Bruce explained that due to the heavy experimentation that Grant would never have a Bonded relationship. Grant would probably have strange side effects that had yet to be seen and would probably never have children of his own. "the only upside to all this is that the experiments left him with a delayed nervous system. when he's in pain he will probably never feel it unless it's extremely severe. his healing rate is also very high, not as fast as mine or Steve's but high enough that within a week he could probably heal broken bones." Bruce admitted, running a hand through his hair. "for thirteen years he was nothing but an experiment and the rest of his life he was considered a plaything... i don't know if we can honestly help him." Bruce admitted. "but i don't know that calling in a specialist would help either." he admitted. "Mentally speaking, if he ever regained his lost memories, he could very well create multiple personalities." Bruce admitted. "how many personalities? i'd imagine at least three." he admitted softly. "he needs us now. more than ever if he's ever going to have a chance at a normal, healthy life."
“Hm?”Thorne looked up startled at james’ words, before wincing as she smiled at him, “James, you weren’t a sinner. You were marked, for steve. For me.”She muttered reaching out for him, smiling quietly. “Come here.”She demanded wrapping her arms around him when he got close, tucking her head under his chin. “I was so scared, when I realized who’s marks I bore. I mean...I thought I was cursed. You two had been gone for burned so badly, but...I’m so glad to have gone through all that, to have this now.”She muttered closing her eyes, simply enjoying between them both.

“Okay. Hit me with it.And yes he is.”Clint said and by the time bruce got through it, clint looked sick and utterly lost. “...Well. That’s...good to know.”Clint said looking shaken and scared for grant, before standing abruptly. “Well, it might not be normal, but we’re going to be able to do this.”He looked shaken, glancing at the door. “Will you stay?Just in case he gets up...I need....I need...”He trailed off looking anxious waiting for a positive answer before leaving, needing to go see phil. Smiling quietly at the sight of phil and the dogs before squirming his way under the blanket with him, snuggling close as he clung to the shaken not to be needy.
James shrugged. "it's what i believed back then." he admitted. "everyone used to tell me how sick i was for having to bondeds, let alone for being gay." he admitted before smiling as he snuggled into her, Steve joining in on the snuggling fest. "we're together now. that's what matters right?" Steve asked with a smile. "come on. we should get cleaned up and go on another date, since we're going to be all emotional and stuff." Steve decided with a nod.

Bruce nodded and hit him with it. ", it's not really. it's sick and twisted and horrific." he admitted. hating that he'd had to tell Clint that until Grant was thirteen the only thing he knew was pain, abuse, and Doctors who would hold him down and take whatever they wanted for him to study. including semen and spinal fluid. spinal fluid being very painful to retrieve when the patient was willing let alone when he was pinned down and struggling. "i'll stay." Bruce promised. "you go see Phil." he ordered softly. Phil shifted when Clint snuggled up to hi but didn't say a word, he just wrapped the blanket more firmly around them and then wrapped his arms around Clint, simply holding him until he stopped shaking. "you okay?" Phil asked, worried about Clint.
“That’s all that matters now.”Thorne smiled a little because she refused to worry about what was going to happen in sweden, or what was coming, she just needed to be with them. “Another date?How about we stay in...and I don’t know. Make out or something. I mean....I don’t know...if I want to yet. But you two got me all hot and bothered watching you two wrestle.”She muttered flushing brightly at the admittance, but at the moment, wanting nothing more then to stay right where she was, pressed between them both.

“ It’s really not good to know but...”He swallowed thickly staring at the floor, hating this. Hating it as he stumbled out of the room, snuggling into phil as he pressed his head against the other;s chest, and it was indeed awhile before the shaking stopped, and from a man who’d been known to hold his hands steady to take a shot while bleeding to death from a gut shot, the shaking said just how bad it was. “Bruce told me about grant...I don’t know how to tell him...or what to tell him...”
they both smiled and snuggled her some more before they both jerked back, startled and blushing at her suggestion. even James was a bit pink. "really? yeah i could go for that." James agreed, Steve snorting. "if your sure." he agreed with her. "but i refuse to do it on a filthy gym floor covered in sweat." he ordered. "showers and then comfortable clothes and a love seat at the very least." he ordered with a smile.

Phil grimaced. "it's some messed up shit huh? if it makes you feel any better, i had nightmares when i first read that file." he admitted softly. "do you want help telling him? i can go with you when you do it." he promised softly, stroking the others hair. "it's messed up, but i think if we just stay with him, he'll be okay. he's never had anyone he could really depend on before. just being there for him will help him immensely i think." Phil admitted.
Thorne laughed as they jerked away from her, blushing herself and looking a little shy as they studied them both. “Yea...I would like to. I mean. I’d like some pleasant memories to work with when I masturbate sometimes.”Thorne said, blushing just as bright as she was trying to make steve blush. He was just so adorable when he blushed. “...and in the showers?Or move to the love seats.”She smirked looking amused as she headed upstairs, knowing she’d startled them both, but definitely wanting to tease them into a better mood.

“Yea. It really is..”Clint swallowed thickly whimpering softly before nodding, “please. I...I can’t do it on my own.”Clint said going utterly relaxed at the other’s promise to help. While he knew phil was amazingly good and would let him be with who he wanted, he’d still have expected anger over it. And for the moment he was so utterly locked down in his emotions, and dealing with grant, he was simply enjoying being with the other. “he expected me to abandon him with you back....I can’t phil. I wont.”He mtutered.
they both laughed as well, embarrassed by their own surprise. "well, if you want to, then we'll have to." Steve agreed with a smile before he caught up to what she said and went even more red, James cracking up and laughing so hard he almost fell over. "are you okay with being naked in front of us?" Steve asked her. he knew better than to push her, for now, she had to make the first moves or they could scare her away or scar her even more than she already had been.

he nodded. "of course i'll help you." he promised softly. "no one could be expected to handle this kind of thing on their own." he promised, gently kissing the top of the others head. "of course you can't." he promised. "i never would have asked you to." he promised. "especially not after the things i saw in that file..." he admitted with a shudder. some of the procedures Grant had undergone left him feeling sick. "come on. you shouldn't lay here for too long, you'll get stiff." Phil warned, slowly getting to his feet, showing that he was the one who was stiff. he paused, swayed, shook his head and then stooped to gather the blanket. "we'll go spend some time with Grant and calm down, okay?"
“Thanks.”Clint muttered relaxing at the other’s promise, feeling so much better to have phil back, knowing he wasn’t alone. His heart hurting at the knowledge that grant would never feel that utter certainty that you had someone, marked and bonded, for their own. Well. He’d just make sure grant knew they were there for him. “...Yea. It was bad enough to hear about it, I don’t want to see the actual folder.”Clint shuddered before laughing as he got up, helping the other. “Hm, getting stiff like this is no fun.”He said wrapping a arm around him to keep him from swaying, before nodding. “Kay. Let’s go.”he said before stopping and staring as the super soldiers and thorne. Smirking at just how red steve was, and the still laughing other two. “We’re fine. You three are the ones who look a little out of sorts.”

“Yes we will.”Thorne smirked a little, realizing steve hadn’t really heard her, until he went even more red. Snickering herself as james nearly fell over she bit her lip, “I...I think so. You’ll have to forgive me if I kick you out of the shower, but I’d like to try....wet and slippery works for me.”She smiled a little as they walked into the apartment, looking concerned when she saw clint and phil, pausing to see if they needed help. “You guys okay?”
the boys smiled and gave her a kiss before nodding. "wet and slippery then." James agreed. "and if you need us to leave you just say so and we will." he promised, stroking her hair. "don't be afraid to tell us to leave okay?" Steve ordered with a smile. "we won't be mad and we won't be upset." he promised before tangling his fingers with hers, holding her hand as they walked.

Phil smiled as he held the other. "i'm sorry i stayed away." he whispered. "i should have known better." he admitted. "i honestly thought i was protecting you. i was wrong." he admitted. "yeah. no we're burning that file once we're done." he admitted. "there are things in there no one needs to ever know about." like how Hydra had spliced animal DNA into Grant's body when they where, literally making him, which was why his hearing was so sensitive. or how they would beat him if he spoke when they where in the house with him. claiming 'beasts don't speak' to try and modify his behavior. it worked well even after the mind wiping, he retained a very silent disposition, only speaking up when he needed something or when he was spoken to. "i feel so old." Phil admitted with a sigh before looking up at the group and chuckled. "how cute." he teased. "they embarrassed themselves." that only made Steve blush brighter.
"Okay. I can do that."thorne smiled a little looking up at them, squeezing steve's hand a little reassured that it was okay.

"As you should be."Clint huffed a little before sighing."you should have at least given me the choice but it's done now...we'll just go from here..."he sighed a littletter before nodding."definitely burning it.""you ARE old phil"clint teased before smirking."so they did. Which is interesting as Barnes' rarely blushes over anything." "Goodnight you two."thorne rolled her eyes even as she blushed heading for the bathroom.
Phil smiled a little. "i know. i'll make sure to never ever do anything like this ever again." he promised, kissing his lover on the forehead. "i am not! i'm only thirty eight!" he protested, huffing before grimacing. "god am i ever a cradle robber." he grumbled. considering that he was about thirteen years older than Clint was. when he'd found Clint at the tender age of thirteen Phil had been twenty six. talk about pedophilia, even if he had waited until Clint was at least eighteen before claiming the other. he smirked at the trio in the room and watched them shuffle into the bathroom. "wear protection!" "Piss off Phil!" was Steve's embarrassed response, James laughing. "come on, let's leave before they start making noises we don't want to hear." Phil decided, heading for the door and heading up to Clint's room, where Bruce and Grant where talking calmly about some weird TV show they both watched. "Good morning." Phil chirped, Bruce blinking at him. "you look like shit." "thank you. i know." Phil said, rolling his eyes. "i'll need blood samples." "i know." Phil admitted. "later." "alright." Bruce agreed before smiling at Grant. "come down to my lab anytime, we'll watch season three together." he offered. it was rare for him to invite anyone to his personal space. save for Tony, Grant was the only person who had ever gotten an actual invitation.

Steve huffed, watching them leave before pouting. "why does everyone pick on us? honestly." he grumbled, already starting to strip down, marks gleaming in the light of the bathroom, James following suit, smiling at the thorns on one wrist and the Griffon on the other. "you know. when i was younger, i used to color these." he admitted. "with a marker, so they'd be prettier." he admitted, Steve laughing as he nodded. "i remember that. my ma was furious because she couldn't get the color out of the carpet."
“Good. You better not do anything.”Clint grumbled before smirking.”You are a cradle robber, as I just turned 25.”He teased smirking laughing. “remember condoms don’t like water!So wait till you’re out of the shower!”Clint snickered before nodding. “Yea, lets.”he smiled heading up to his room with a smile, before smiling. “He does look fairly bad doesn’t he?”He said sounding worried before smiling pleased that grant was getting a invite, even if it was surprising.

“Because you blush so well.”Thorne teased smiling as she watched them strip, for a moment so distracted she wasn’t undressing herself. “Really?Maybe that’s why I got colored.”Thorne said as she fidgeted with her shirt before pulling it off, the colored marks and large expanse of her arm looking brilliant on otherwise slightly pale skin. Fidgeting as she pulled off her bra, jeans and undies she trembled a little as she watched them look at her. Even though she was pale, it wasn’t enough to hide the pale scars that decorated her torso, as chris had always been careful to not mark her permanently where others could see, her marks the only place he’d forgone that rule, as he knew the marks would never scar, so it was safe to hurt her there.
he grimaced a little. "ugh. don't remind me." he grumbled, amused before laughing at Clint's parting remark to the trio. "Piss off Clint!" James echoed Steve's earlier comment. "he does look pretty bad." Grant admitted, looking a little nervous, as if afraid Phil was going to attack him in some manner for being too close to Clint. "i'll do that." Grant promised Bruce with a fain smile before watching him leave, twitching a little. "so... uh... should i leave, or?" "no no. stay." Phil ordered. "you're living here right?" he asked Grant who hesitantly nodded. "you have everything you need? clothes? blankets?" "uh... yes, Clint took me shopping, i have everything..." poor Grant looks so confused, wondering why Phil was being nice to him. "good." Phil stated, pleased that Grant was being well taken care of.

Steve just huffed. "i do not!" he complained before smiling. "i think you got Colored because your so very important to us." he mused. "the force of our emotions brought out the most impressive marks." he decided with a smile, both of them watching while she undressed. it was James who moved first, gently stroking her arm. "it's okay." he whispered, trying to calm her down. "do you need us to leave? breath now okay? you need to breath."
“Hm, he’ll be okay. We’re going to make sure of it.”Clint said fussing over phil to before looking at grant, tilting his head at the other,”Nope. You’re staying right here.”clint huffed a little looking annoyed that grant would even consider leaving, smirking at phil as he fussed.”You’re a horrible mother hen. No wonder Tony makes fun of you, Agent.”Clint teased heading for the kitchen.”you guys want something to eat?”

“Ah, that makes sense.”Thorne said blushing a little before shivering under the touch, though she started to relax as he touched her, shaking her head as she took a breath. “No, stay. And I’m breathing, I’m okay. I don’t...want to go running away at every moment. I just...need to work on it.”Thorne muttered leaning into him, shivering at the touch, he was so warm.
Grant looked even more confused, eyes flicking between Phil and Clint as if he couldn't decide if someone was playing a trick on him or not. "am not." Phil protested. "i'm just making sire the people close to me are safe... speaking of, have you been sleeping? you look tired." Phil fussed over Clint now, making Grant chuckle. calming now that he realized Phil didn't mind him being there. "Tony makes fun of everyone." Phil huffed before smiling. "yes please. something to eat would be great." "you want help?" Grant asked, already up and moving to Clint to assist. he had a feeling Phil was too tired to actually stand up at the moment.

James nodded, pleased with the idea of their emotions making the marks more colorful. they couldn't be sure that's what it was. there wasn't a whole lot known about the Marks really. "not running is good thing, but pushing yourself too hard can be bad for you." Steve admitted gently. "only do what is comfortable for you. if your terrified right now, then your pushing yourself too hard, okay? we never want to do anything to make you feel too bad." he promised her. not moving closer, he had a feeling she'd panic more if he got too close. James just gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her as long as she wanted.
“I sleep fine.”Which was clint speak for not sleeping at all, or very little. He never slept well, and being gone from the other had made it even harder. “No, he makes fun of you and Steve the most. And that’s cause you both are weird.”Clint teased smiling. “Yea, if you want to. Phil, you just sit there and nap. You look more tired then me.”He ordered smiling a little.

“I know...I’m not terrified..its just...I’ve never really been undressed in front of others.”She swallowed hard leaning into james for a moment before whining a little, squirming back. “ have to go. Please.”She said biting her lip, hating to make them go, cause she really did like the sight of them naked, but she was to uncomfortable to stay there with them.
Phil rolled his eyes. "you need a nap, right after lunch." he ordered. "he makes fun of Steve because Steve blushes and he mocks me because he can't get a reaction out of me." he pointed out. "i drive him mad by not reacting, it's pretty fun.... i look fine!" Phil complained, sulking as Grant shook his head. "i'm sorry Sir but you look a half a step away from... passing out." he'd been about to say Death, but he didn't think that would go over well. "what are we making?" Grant asked Clint while washing his hands. good hygiene was important.

"i know. it's pretty daunting. not everyone can be as calm about nudity as we are." James admitted with a smile. "it's okay." James promised her with a smile, Steve nodding. "perfectly fine." he promised, both of them leaving. looking more worried about her than they looked upset. soon they where dressed and sitting on the bed, waiting for her. "you okay?" Steve asked her, looking worried. "you didn't push yourself too hard?"

this is Phil's Mark by the way.
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