Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

"Oh don't be like that. He's always cute."thorne said huffing a little teasing before nodding."lets. Because we all know the only peran who'd ever take this serious is tony himself. You should. Fury's deserved it."thorne sighed quietly worriedly as she got dressed and headed for the kitchen, smiling slightly at the sight of tony and pepper already waiting for breakfast. "You made french toast."tony said smiling happily because it was one of his favorites as he settled at the table. "You okay?"thorne said watching him. The man looked amazingly hyper and manic, aka himself, rather then what she'd expected. This was going to be hard she felt.
he snorted. "not really." he admitted with a smile. "he just acts cute for you because he wants you to like him." he admitted, teasing James who was too sleepy to care. "m cuter n you." or not. Steve just grinned and urged him up and got him dressed. "He's fine." Pepper promised as she walked in. "we're going on our date today, since we ran into problems last night." "the same problems Fury emailed me about last night?" "...most likely." "are you going to do a press release?" "later. maybe. depends on what the little bint has to say." Pepper admitted. "Fury is ignoring me now though because i asked about Phil.." "he's a dick." Steve agreed. "i think i might go down there and find out for myself. or send Clint." "Or you could ask me." a tired, familiar voice spoke from the doorway. it was Phil. a Phil who was tired, think and weak but still Phil. "What the hell!?" "i escaped. more or less." Phil admitted. "Fury doesn't know i'm gone yet. don't tell him." he ordered, sitting down and looking exhausted. "i'm not at my best yet." "i'll get Clint." "yes. please. thank you. i know i have a lot of explaining to to." he admitted. "i'd rather do it all at once."
"I already like him. He doesn't have to try."thorne smiled a little. "We're doing a date day and I'm angling for public sex somewhere."tony snickered looking amused."Fury's ignoring everyone who asks about phil. I don't like it. Was thinking of...well."tony stared looking startled and bemused trying to figure out how he was feeling as he looked at the agent."sit. Relax before fury comes around and demands you back."tony huffed a little getting up to fuss over phil."no reason to get me.jarvis said you guys needed me? I was sleeping guys."Clintwhined as he walked in with grant making a face before stopping staring,paling as he caught sight of phil at a loss for what to say
Steve smiled. "i know. and he knows. he's just super cute right now because your new and he's a lot like a dog trying to get attention." "hate you." "love you to Jamie." Steve teased. "Fury is up to something i think. there's no way Phil stayed away this long on his... oh..." he blinked at Phil and Phil nodded. "you would be right." Phil admitted, letting Tony fuss over him as he sat down with a sigh. "hey Clint." Phil murmured, studying his lover and then Grant as he walked in. "i'm pretty sure i shot you." "i'm pretty sure you missed." "i'm pretty sure i didn't." "i'm pretty sure your mistaken." "Grant? are you hurt?" Steve demanded, Grant rolling his eyes and lowering his borrowed jeans just enough to show that he had been grazed across the hip and it was already mostly healed. "no i'm not hurt." "so. explanations?" Pepper demanded, Phil nodding. "yes of course please, keep in mind that i don't really... understand a lot of it." he admitted. "and what i do understand is hard to explain because it just doesn't make any sense..." he admitted, Grant looking amused. "as you might know... i died on the Helicarrier. at least, that's what they tell me. Fury claims i was dead for a full week. although, technically speaking... i am still dead." he admitted.

"after i woke up i scared about... fifty people by walking out of the morgue. luckily enough i woke up before they started embalming me." he admitted. "i don't understand." Pepper interrupted and Phil shrugged. "neither do i. i felt fine. if a little naked. i just got up, walked out, that was that as far as i understood it at the time... turns out my heart has stopped. i had no brain activity, and i wasn't breathing. by all accounts, i was dead." "wait... has stopped?" "yes. has. it still isn't beating. it's... weird." he admitted, rubbing his chest. "by all rights, i am in fact, dead right now." Phil admitted. "Fury refused to let me go when he realized i was up and walking. he claims it's because he's scared of what might happen to me. while i feel fine, i'm getting worse. i sleep less, eat less and while i feel phone, my physical body is showing the strain. he thinks i'm infected, going to turn into a Zombie or something, like that. something i have to admit, i'm a bit concerned about myself." he admitted. "when Thor found out what happened. he brought us Loki. we;ve been trying to get information out of him but... something is wrong with him." Phil admitted. "he just repeats the same stuff. over and over like he's been... brainwashed, or had his mind erased or something." Phil admitted. "Fury's scared i might be contagious, but i know better. if i was, the people i've been interacting with until now would be too. so i slipped out while he was busy with some woman making idiotic claims." he admitted. "and came here. Fury has made no headway into what's wrong with me and now he's just being stupidly stubborn. if anyone can fix me, or find out if i'm going to actually die or... metamorphose or something, it's the people here."
“Ah, he should sleep out with the others then, if he’s just going to be a cute puppy.”Thorne teased before staring at phil. “....You got shot?”Clint frowned looking at the other man, grabbing on the only logical thing he could think of. “Good.”he muttered relaxing as he realized the other man was okay before looking at phil, worried as he moved over to sit down. “We’re avengers. Our lives don’t really make sense anymore.”Tony pointed out as he watched the others before snorting. “We’re quite aware. Are yo aware Fury ruined your cards?”He said looking worried before startled, staring at the other man.

“...Then how can I still feel you?I mean, if your dead. Dead marks burn like ice. You’re just....still there.”Clint said as he tried to make sense, but this wasn’t making sense. “What did he repeat?”Tony asked looking interested, wondering if the sorcerer had made some sort of rambling sense before wincing at the mention of the idiot. “Well, it seems even the dead know that she’s being stupid. Want to know what she thought she was going to pull off with claiming that.”Thorne snorted a little looking concerned for them all.
Steve sniggered as Grant groaned pathetically and shook his head. "your not supposed to be mean to me." he protested, sulking before focusing on Grant to make sure he wasn't actually hurt. "well that's true, but even still this is a bit weird, even for me." he admitted before tensing. "he did WHAT?! that son of a bitch! those where authentic! vintage! one of a kind!" "i have an even more complete set." Steve scoffed. "they where in my Bank account." he admitted. "you can have them." he promised Phil. who looked quite pleased by the promise before he nodded at Clint. "that's the problem." he admitted. "being that dead people don't get up, walk around and watch Supernanny." he pointed out. "i have a recording." Phil admitted to Tony, plucking out his Tablet and sliding it to the middle of the table, playing the Video. in it was Loki, sitting at a table. hands bound tightly in the magic inhibiting cuffs that Thor had provided.

"So." the Phil in the room asked. "Why attack earth?" "this is the part that's really creepy." Phil admitted. "it's when he starts showing the worrying symptoms and why i started recording. "it was my task. it was appointed to me to lead the attack on earth." "yes, but why?" "why do you try to destroy cockroaches? you are pests. a plague upon this planet." "why do you care? this isn't your planet." "it was tasked to me. my appointment. lead the cleanse." "alright. who asked you to lead this attack?" there was a pause, Loki's face never changed. "i do not understand the question." "who assigned you to this task?" there was a pause and then. "it was my task." "yes, but who told you to do it?" "i don't understand the question." the on screen Phil frowned and ordered the camera to start recording and to back record five minutes. "alright Loki, lets start over." "very well." "what is so important about earth that you had to get the humans our of the way?" "they are parasites. it was my task to eliminate them." "...who gave you the Chitauri?" "i do not understand the question." "where did you meet the Chitauri?" "in the Abyss. they caught me after Thor abandoned me." "did they tell you to do anything?" "no. it was my role to lead them. there was resistance, but it was minor. the promise of fresh flesh was a great incentive for them. it was important to use the Chitauri." "why?" "they where as disgusting as humans are. destroy them both." "why destroy humans?" Phil reached over and turned it off. "he just keeps repeating himself. on and on. anytime i try to ask him about myself he just looks at me like i'm stupid. he doesn't seam to remember nearly killing, or succeeding in killing me or about me blasting him. he doesn't seam to remember anything at all about the attack, only that he lead it and it failed. he mentions that it doesn't matter because he succeeded in what he needed to do anyway. which doesn't make any sense because according to his babblings, he was tasked with destroying all of humanity."
“True, but we still deal in weird....and yea. He motivated us with your beautiful amazing cards. And no he can’t. I’m going to take them eventually. Phil can’t have them.”Tony huffed before tensing a little, wincing as he looked away, because he was being weird about stealing things, twitching a little at the idea of taking them. “You don’t get to watch Supernanny. You threatened me last time you did.”Tony grumbled.”Thanks.”He muttered as they started to watch.

“He said something like that when he first came. About ants having no quarrel with the boot or something.”Clint muttered frowning a little. “...It’s like he doesn’t understand what happened...”Tony muttered. “Wait. He said that Chitauri was as disgusting as the humans. Said he had to use them. And that Nuke, it destroyed them didn’t they?”Thorne said tugging on the strand, thinking it through. “What if...I don’t know why...but he planned on wiping them out...even if it’d mean destroying his own plans?I mean...he rolled the dice, figured earth would destroy both of them at once....”Thorne stopped flushing brightly as she looked down, not used to being able to give her opinion, that for the moment, she looked a little lost and embarassed at having added to the important discussion. Because despite her title as princess, her mother and chris had isolated her from actually getting involved truly, or asking her for advice.
Steve smirked. "i have two sets. actually i have six. you can each have a set. one card at a time for good behavior." James laughed and Grant chuckled. Pepper just rolled her eyes. "i do get to watch Supernanny. it's about all i have the energy for these days anyway." he admitted. "that's right. he did." Phil muttered, surprised. "i'd forgotten." he admitted. "yes. he said the Chitauri where just as disgusting. you think whoever got Loki to do this, if anyone did and he's not just completely insane, that their goal was just full on Genocide of both the humans and the Chitauri? one of those Ants against ants situations?" Phil asked, looking troubled. "that's... very clever." he admitted, biting his lip. "you might be right... i'm sorry who are you?" Phil asked, blinking at Thorne. "this is Thorn Vasa, heiress to the Swedish Throne and James and my third." "congratulations and nice to meet you Lady Vasa." Phil chirped. "but you might be right. Loki could very well have hoped we'd kill ourselves off as well as the Chitauri. in fact it seams so likely i don't know why the hell no one else thought of it." "it's because your all men and stupid."

"...yes. thank you Pepper..." Phil muttered, James and Steve sniggering. "uhm..." Grant piped up suddenly. "sorry to interrupt but... uh, what does the Chitauri have to do with you, not ding?" "i don't know that it does." Phil admitted. "like i said, i don't understand most of this, and since Loki is the only key i have to finding this out, figuring out why he did what he did might be the only way to make him tell me what he did to me. if he did anything at all. oh! before i forget. when i found out he was here..." Phil indicated Grant. "i did some research into him for you." he admitted, hesitating as he pulled out a folder. "it's... pretty twisted." he warned. "i don't know that he should read it. better let Bruce have it and let him tell you the... important parts."
“...No. I want them all.He can’t have I’ll share. He can have them all.”Tony muttered squirming a little, looking a little anxious, absently turning one of clint’s arrowheads through his fingers, having picked the man’s pocket when he came in, to anxious not to revert to being a klepto, but he was trying so hard not to. “Yes, I think so. What better way to deal with two problems, if you wanted earth, then to let the invaders and the humans kill each other.”Thorne said looking troubled herself before smiling a little. “Thorne.And it’s nice to meet you to.”Thorne smiled at the man before laughing at pepper’s words.

“Not all men are stupid. I agree, the one’s at shield are, but I’m not.”Tony pouted at his mate before looking at grant, tilting his head, before sighing. “It might not have anything, or everything. I have no idea.”tony frowned knowing he was going to need to look into things. “...”clint winced looking at the folder, glancing at Grant before nodding. “we’ll let Bruce read it. Grant, is that okay?”Clint said looking at the other, worried about him, and for the first time, feeling utterly lost on how to deal with phil being in a room with him.
Steve snorted. "you can't have them all." Steve protested, sliding the gloves over to Tony. "here. you forgot those last time." he informed Tony. a bit worried about Tony's behavior. "it does make sense." Phil agreed, smiling at her. "you want to work for Shield?" "no she doesn't." both Steve and James chorused. "well, in any case, i think it's clear to say that Loki is completely off his rocker. the question now is, was it induced or natural? if it was induced, then he can't really be blamed for the things he did." Phil admitted, looking rather unhappy about admitting that.

"Men are stupid. but it's one of the things us women love about you." she promised Tony, kissing him gently. "..." Grant stared at the folder before swallowing thickly and nodding. "yes. okay." he whispered, staring at it, his fingers twitching as if he wanted to snatch it up and run off with it, he was too scared to actually do that. terrified of what might be in that folder. "i...i'm going to go lay down." Grant decided, staggering to his feet and staggering off, Phil wincing and looking at Clint. "ou should go with him. he needs you more than i do right now." in Phil talk that was 'it's okay, i know your upset, we'll talk again when your ready, go be with your on the side lover, i'll wait for you.'
“...No. It’s okay.They’re your gloves.”Tony muttered squirming a little as he ducked his head, resting against pepper, hoping the others would chalk up his behavior to the accusations, and not simply him trying to curb his need to steal things. As oblivious as he could be, he was well aware of just how weird he was acting. “I don’t?”Thorne said raising a eyebrow at steve and james, smiling. She didn’t want to, it just amused her that they were saying no. “...I’d go for induced. I mean, even in legend, Loki Silver-tongue’s mania was more peer induced, rather then simply him being insane.”Tony pointed out before huffing as he kissed pepper back, knowing better then to protest men being stupid.

“Good.”clint said looking a little relieved tha the wasn’t going ot have to argue about it, before nodding.”You need the rest.”he muttered before looking at phil, frowning a little, looking axious and confused before nodding a little.”I’ll see you guys later.”He said before following grant out.
Steve shook his head. "but i left them out for you." Steve explained. "take them." he suggested. "i know you want to wear them while your boning Pepper. which is totally creepy, i know that's why you do it." he teased, trying to make Tony feel better. "no you don't. you'll get shot at." "you'll have to run a lot." "you'll be tortured for Torture resistance training." "you'll have to learn how to kill." "and lie." "not worth it." they both finished in a chorus. "you know. you might be right." Phil admitted to Tony. "even Thor admits that he has been far more cruel to Loki than he should have been, simply because everyone else was. Loki is all but hated in Asgard and Thor could never give me a real reason as to why." Phil admitted. "could be he's deflecting his anger?" Bruce suggested. "taking it out on people who can't stop him, defend themselves, or even really complain. yet are alike enough to his tormenters to really get his rage going?" he wondered, having come up at Jarvis's beckoning for the folder in Phil's hands. "i'll look that over." he promised.

Grant shrugged. "i got plenty of rest last night." Grant muttered, wrinkling his nose as he headed off. looking up at Clint when he followed. "...shouldn't you be with your Bonded?" Grant asked, sounding confused and lost. now that Phil was back, Grant assumed he would have to leave. Clint wouldn't want him hanging around anymore now that he had his lover back, right?
Tony twitched looking up at the other, biting his lip a little studying the man before reaching out and taking them, smirking a little. “I could totally be creepier. At least I haven’t asked for you to join us. I totally don’t want human perfection anywhere near my sex life.”Tony grumbled a little, sighing softly as he leaned into pepper. “...No, no I don’t then.”Thorne snickered a little looking amused. “maybe. It would make sense.”Tony said frowning a little as he considered that.

“Nope.He’s okay for now. You need someone, and I’m that someonee. Come on. You’re going to lay down, and we’re going to get jarvis to bring up a battleship board, and we’re going to play, and I’m going to totally kick your ass.”Clint smiled a little as they headed for the apartment.
Steve smiled at him. "i don't mind if you take my stuff Tony, seriously." he promised, rolling his eyes. "it's just certain things. like my underwear, or my drawing stuff. or my underwear." he admitted. "that's why i leave stuff out for you. for you to take. i said Tony! not you! put that down!" he ordered James, who was trying to steal Steve's breakfast. Phil just chuckled and shook his head. "Tony! gross!" Steve protested, flushing brightly. "you might be my best friend, but i am never sleeping- with you and the woman i equate to as my sister. nuh uh. never." he promised before frowning at the Tablet, which he had started playing again. "i just done get it... is there any way to talk to Loki ourselves? maybe he's just faking it? he is a god of lies and trickery after all."

he stared at Clint for a moment before he started to cry. he couldn't help it. he'd never had someone comfort him before. not really. his mother and father and brothers had told him to 'shut up' when he cried or was upset. Garret told him 'men don't cry'. Shield people just ignored him and sent him to Garret. no one had ever put him first, not really. "i'm s...sorry i c..can't help it." he stuttered, worried Clint would be upset at him for crying. "i d..don't mean to."
“...Okay.”Tony said frowning a little at the other man, trying to decide if he was serious, because so many people had told him it was fine, and then still gotten angry. And he knew even pepper got annoyed with the habit that he couldn’t curb without driving himself insane. “Okay. No underwear. Can I have james underwear?”Tony said with that innocent wide eyed look, because really, he just enjoyed watching steve blush. “Jamie, don’t take his food. He gets grouchy when he doesn’t eat.”Thorne said smiling at the brunette. “Exactly why I didn’t ask you. But saying it just makes you blush so nicely.”Tony snickered before frowning. “I don’t know about faking it....might be able to convince fury to let us talk to him, if and when he comes for Agent here.”

Clint’s eyes widened, looking startled as he started crying, starting to fuss and look anxious as he patted the other’s back.”It’s okay come on, over here, sit down. Calm down. You’re okay. Nothing to be upset over.Do you want something to drink?Eat?”clint asked in a rush looking him over, and it was obvious he wasn’t upset because ‘men don’t cry’ but because he just didn’t like tears and didn’t like not being able to stop them.
Steve smiled at him and then blinked, startled by the question. "sure you can have my underwear. but only if you have sex while wearing them." James commented, Steve blushing brightly and muttering about evil people who where not getting a Captain America Card today. "that's right! i get grumpy!" Steve paused. "i do not!" he protested, sulking as he wolfed down his pancakes before James stole them. "i don't blush! stop it Tony!" Steve complained. "your making me look bad in front of my new girlfriend." he complained, sulking, James, Pepper and Phil all laughing at that. "oh, whether he comes for me or not, i'm not leaving." Phil admitted simply. "why bother?" he asked, looking amused. "he can't keep me a secrete now." he stated, quite pleased with himself. "feel free to pester the hell out of the one eyed bastard though."

he sniffled, hiccuped and continued to cry because Clint was just so nice and perfect and wonderful and Grant was falling in love with him and could never have him. he obeyed, sitting down, still weeping and trying to stop because he hated how weak he was for crying, which only made him feel worse. "i'm.. ok..kay..." he finally managed once he'd calmed down. "i'm sorry. i know i shouldn't cry. i just... all the emotions... the folder.. and then you being so nice..." he struggled to explain, hating that he couldn't.
“Awesome. And I’ll totally wear them while having sex, as long as they’re captain america themed.”Tony said grinning, enjoying giving steve a hard time and knowing the other wasn’t angry with him, to not give him a hard time. That and he was distracting himself from worrying about what the stupid bint was up to, to not be his normal manic self. “I can’t do that, Thorne already knows you’re like a blushing virgin.” “He’s not a virgin.”Thorne frowned a little looking bemused snickering a little. “Good. Clint needs you around, and we’re going to make steve and james pester Fury. They’re very good at being annoying.”

Clint looked startled as he wrapped around the other’s shoulders, holding him gently before sighing softly, relaxing as the other calmed. “Well, that’s understandable. I mean, it’s been a hard few days for us all.”Clint said goign quiet, thoughtful, before smiling a little. “You want to play battleship?”He asked wnating to distract the other
James smirked. "i do have some Captain Underwear." he agreed, Pepper snorting. "you also don't wash your balls. i am not having Sex with you wearing flthy underwear Tony. "i do too wash my balls!" James protested. "every morning!" "masturbation doesn't count." Pepper commented, startling James who, much to Steve's glee, blushed for the first time in several months. it wasn't often someone got James to blush. Steve cracked up. "i am not!" he protested, sulking at Tony. "you think i'd get kicked out of Seers by having sex in the changing rooms if i was a virgin?" " many times have ou been caught in public having sex?" Pepper asked. "oh.. uh, a couple dozen?" " in the hell do people still think your a saint?" "i honestly don't know." Steve admitted, Phil chuckling. "it helps that Shield covers up your indiscretions." "what, seriously?" "yep." "...that's kind of awesome." James admitted with a grin. "that was not a challenge." Phil corrected, making James sulk.

he sniffled and nodded, leaning into the comfort. "it has been a bit of a hard couple of days." he agreed softly. "yes i do." he admitted, standing up and following Clint into the bedroom to play Battleship. so torn up from his emotional breakdown that he fell asleep halfway through the game. tears still clinging to his eyelashes.
“Cool. And I’d wash them before wearing them. I don’t want to wear Barnes’ underwear. I mean, who knows where his dick’s been.”Tony snickered a little before laughing as pepper made james blush. “Yes maybe. I mean, you were with James. He’d totally get kicked out on his own.”Tony smirked at steve’s protests. Thorne laughed softly at james’ delight at having people cover up for him, ducking her head a little to kiss his cheek, “well, we could do something. I mean, I’m fairly certain shield wouldn’t cover up for me.”She muttered blushing brightly, looking amused.

“It has.”Clint smiled a little pleased as the other settled in to rest, snuggling into the bed next to him, simply falling asleep holding him, to emotional himself to consider staying up.
James snickered a little. "it's been in Steve's ass, that's where it's been." "Vulgar!" Pepper protested, even if she looked amused. "well. that's true. James just can't be trusted on his own in public places though, that's why i go with him." Steve pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "of course Shield would cover for you." James scoffed looking amused. "your a princess, bonded to Captain America, we have to protect both your images." he teased with a grin. "of course, that's no fun so while they're doing that i'l be doing my best to make you look terrible perverts." he teased with a giggle. "not that it's hard to do, being as i am a terrible pervert." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "anyway, Tony, weren't you going out on a date today?" Steve asked, worried about Tony. "of course we are. we just got a bit distracted by Phil. who looks like he needs some rest." Pepper admitted. "rest would be very nice please." he admitted. "you can kip out on my bed." James offered. "i don't usually use it anyway." he admitted, Phil nodding. "thank you, that would be wonderful."
“...yea. Totally washing the underwear for that reason.”Tony snickered though looking amused. “Hm, that’s true. We should behave badly just for that reason.”Thorne smiled stealing a kiss as she finished her food. “And you are a terrible pervert.”She teased, because even if they were behaving around her, she knew they were being on their best behavior, and not sure how to tell them to be normal, without upsetting them. “We are. I’m totally having sex in public. And going out for lunch.And maybe to the zoo.Come on, Pepper.”Tony smiled, definitely overcompensating to show he was fine, when he was actually still upset and at a loss. Despite pepper’s reassurances and that no one believed it, he was still upset. “Just be prepared, we have two dogs, and five puppies. They’re not usually loud, but they might be hyper and demanding when you get up, in that you’re a new person.”Thorne smiled as she said goodbye to the other couple before heading upstairs with her boys and phil.
James snorted. "you totally want Steve's germs all over you." he scoffed. "don't lie. the idea of it it get's you all warm and tingly." he teased with a snicker. "exactly! we should totally behave badly, it gives those stuffy Shield agents something to do." "gee. thanks James." Phil grumbled playfully, looking more amused than anything else. "your welcome." he chirped with a smile. "oh good. i like public sex." Pepper agreed with a giggle, taking Tony's hand and letting him take her wherever he wanted. anything to make him feel better. "puppies?" Phil asked, looking quite eager. "Clint's always wanted a puppy. maybe i should get one for him?" he mused. "i was wondering... Grant Ward..." "he's harboring a massive crush on Clint." James admitted. "they've been kissing but they haven't gone any further than that." "huh? oh, no i wasn't worried about that. Clint is a very tactile person. he needs physical contact." Phil admitted. "i was just wondering how yu guys ended up with him?" "he just showed up one day looking for Thorne." James admitted, Steve nodding. "he was pretty upset. it was a couple of days after Garret was killed. Grant realized that Garret wasn't really his marked bonded when he didn't feel anything through the markings, so he came to the only other person he knew. Thorne." Steve explained, Phil nodding. "makes sense." he agreed, smiling at the sight of sleeping dogs in their little area. "those are adorable."
“No, I don’t. I just want his stuff.”Tony snickered a little. “Totally.”Thorne giggled. “You are stuffy, Agent. I mean, for those first few months you knew me, you didn’t even smile at me. You even threatened me with a taser.”Tony whined a little grinning as they headed out. “Yea. Five, italian greyhound puppies.”Thorne smiled looking amused at how eager he was. “There are two females unclaimed, if you do want one.”She said before looking concerned, wondering how phil was going to react to clitn and grant’s relationship before relaxing, “Really?You’re not mad at him?”she said looking concerned, and at a utter loss. Chris having taught her that jealous was usually violent and looking around at others, even if she didn’t do anything, was going to get her hurt. “Yea. Said he didn’t have anywhere else to go, and wanted to get away from shield and hydra....”She smiled before nodding. “They are. These two females aren’t claimed yet.”she said smiling as she showed him the two black and white puppies
"i am 'stuffy', Mr. Stark, because you annoy me." Phil informed him, looking amused. "at the time, i daresay i didn't like you one bit granted i knew nothing about you at the time." he admitted. "besides, it certainly worked... for an hour." he admitted. "i still don't know where the hell you went." he admitted. "really?" he asked with a smile. "you' let me have a puppy?" he asked, his head tilted before shaking his head. "of course i'm not mad at him. i was dead and he found someone who he could be comfortable with in my absence." he admitted. "frankly i'm surprised their not... how does Tony say it? Boinking like bunnies?" he asked, looking amused. "more than anything i want Clint to be happy. and if that means sharing him with Grant ward, then by damn i'll learn to love Grant Ward just as much as i do Clint Barton." he admitted. "Love isn't about yourself you know." Phil admitted. "it isn't about being possessive or controlling or owning another person. love is about making that person the happiest person in the world. because if they are happy, then you are happy." he admitted with a smile. "but it only works that way, when the other person is doing the same. otherwise you end up just giving and giving and getting nothing in return and being truly miserable." he admitted. "oh gosh...." he muttered, examining each puppy carefully and with practiced hands. Phil was one of those people who was a little smart in just about everything. never a master, but he knew enough to get by in nearly any situation he might ever find himself in. this one." he decided finally. "her name will be Artemis. after the Greek Goddess of Archery, hunting and the moon, since this one's so pale." he decided happily. "Clint will love her! i bet Grant will too." he admitted before looking at the last little female. "have you considered giving her to Bruce? i know he doesn't tend to interact with anyone here." Bruce was a loner to the extreme. having his bonding mark torn away from him had left him reluctant to become close to anyone. he rarely left his lab. searching desperately for a cure, even a half a one. anything to get his bonding marks back.
"I annoy most people. That's no reason to threaten me."tony whined a little. "I went to the office. It was a good trip." "Really. If you want one."thorne smiled before looking at the other in curiosity pain testing her heart as she looked away from him. So very afraid of trusting her boys simply because she had no basis for what a good relationship should be like. Because in the beginning chris had been exactly like them,loving and happy to be with her until the illusion broke. So she was worried about teusting. Snickering a little as she nodded."I think we're all amazed they're not bonking like bunnies. But like clint said, he knew you were alive so it's been hard for him."she said worried about then all before smiling."good...grant needs someone to love him..."she said before nodding."they will love her. And it'll be a few weeks till they're okay leaving shars,but you can just do what tony does and come visit all the time...fairly certain he's obsessed with his dog really."she snickered before looking startled."no I hadn't but I think I will see if he wants her. It'd be good for him."she said liking the idea.
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