Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Ah, that makes sense.Hopefully, considering how weird weird would be for Tony. I mean, he’s weird enough normally.”Thorne snickered a little though she was a little worried about the man. “...there was a time with a train?”Thorne said looking up at steve in interest, before laughing at james’ decision.”I thought we already all had matching designs.”She teased smiling a little as she headed for the painting station, looking at the designs before deciding to get a butterfly on her cheek, giggling a little at how it tickled, looking younger then she had in years, the trauma of her marriage put behind her for the moment, simply enjoying being with her mates.

Elsewhere, Tony smiled a little as he leaned back in the office chair, absently running a hand over pepper’s thigh as she straddled him, panting slightly. Simply relaxing in the afterglow and simple desire to be with his mate. Having taken Grant out for lunch the man was feeling a little battered by the public’s response to him, but not about to tell pepper, not when she’d go all mama bear again and totally destroy someone. While it was hot, it wasn’t worth the effort. “Clint and Grant are flirting. With each other.”Tony said after a moment, looking up at her, dark hair a unsightly mess around his face, curly and sporadic, worried about both men, and wanting pepper’s advice since she was usually good at telling him how to respond to things. While most people would hate that kind of control, tony, who was lacking severely in the whole correct way to respond to things, and needed advice for even the most basic interactions, found it utterly reassuring to let her help him.
they both nodded. "he is weird, but it's a good weird. all genius are weird, it's like a rule or something." Steve admitted. "yeah. we where up on a cliff and had to zipline down onto it so we could catch some doctor. later i fell off it, Steve thought i was dead but i was just captured, brainwashed Etc Etc. anyway ina fit of manic depression Steve flew into the arctic ocean where he was frozen for seventy years while i was trained to be the worlds most ruthless assassin. seventy years later we tried to kill each other. then we saved each other, then i ran away, then he found me, then i moved in, we fucked like bunnies and now your here!" James informed her, smiling happily, Steve snickering a little. "ignore him." he ordered before laughing. "she's right James. we do have matching designs." Steve admitted, both boys refusing to walk around with butterflies on their cheeks. instead James opted for a Japanese Koi while Steve got a hummingbird. "well that was kind of fun." Steve agreed with a chuckle before narrowing his eyes as a woman gasped and rushed over. "Mr. Rogers! i've finally found you! look!" the woman pulled up her sleeve and revealed a copy of Steve's mark. with one glaring issue. "it's backwards." Steve informed the woman before shaking his head. "you see? this is what i was telling you about." he admitted, leading the glaring James and Thorne away before they attacked the stupid bint.

Pepper smiled as she snuggled him. there was nothing better than afternoon office sex. except frantic public bathroom sex, date night sex... okay she just liked sex. people would never have guessed she was more of a nympho than Tony was. "oh? are they?" she asked, looking startled. "well it's not entirely unexpected i suppose." she admitted, her head tilted. "Grat will be desperate for positive human contact and Clint is the first male whose ever been truly nice to him. it only makes sense that he would fixate on Clint. and Clint is undergoing some extreme emotional trauma right now, finding out that he was right and that his mate isn't dead but hasn't contacted him...he's seeking emotional comfort and Grant fits that bill, especially as Grant won't complain about Clint cheating and he won't want to have a full long term relationship being as neither of them are marked to the other." she admitted. "it's harmless. let them flirt, even fuck if they want it won't hurt anything." she decided. "especially with Phil being so laid back and understanding." she admitted. "he probably already knows." she admitted. "he is a super spy after all." she admitted, smiling at him. "you and Grant did the Bow today right? any opinions on our newest rescue?"
“....”Thorne stared at james’ explaination, looking a little startled. “....You are to hyper.”Thorne made a face at him before smiling slightly, “You should get butterflies. I mean, koi and hummingbird isn’t that manly either.”Thorne teased though they would know she wasn’t being mean about it, simply teasing before looking startled as the woman rushed over, blinking stupidly, to startled to know what to say for a moment. Growling after a moment as she was led away she swallowed thickly, her own hands twitchign at her sleeve, the dark lines of james dragon’s tail showing just over the back of her hand, though you really couldn’t tell what it was since her marks covered so much of her arm, you really had to see it all to truly see what they were. “...Would it stop or make things worse if I showed my marks?”She frowned a little as they headed for the ferris wheel.

Tony smiled a little as he closed his eyes, simply reclining in her office chair, having gotten the most comfortable chair he could make, simply so he could do this most afternoons. “They are.”he said crackign a eye to look at her, nodding slightly. “Speaking of phil, I looked through Shield’s files, and there’s nothing. I’m going to have to get steve to talk to fury, cause he’s not answering calls from me.”he sulked a little absently stroking her skin, not for sex really, simply enjoying touching her. “well, that’s true. Phil is the super agent.”He muttered before smiling a little. “He’s smarter then he lets himself believe. Knew his way around weapons in a way that I’ve only seen a few times. Like Natasha. Or Clint. Or James. Natural at it. He didn’t say it, but I have a feeling he’s trained as a sniper to. If we can get him over his lack of confidence, I think he’d be good backup for clint.”
James shrugged. "Bruce says it's a deflection technique." he admitted with an impish grin. "Koi is too manly!" "hummingbirds are merchants of insect death." Steve informed her, both looking amused. "it wouldn't stop them. in fact a lot of people would accuse you of faking your marks just like that woman back there did." he admitted. "better to keep them hidden until we want people to know your really our third." he admitted with a smile, holding her hand. "let people guess until then." he suggested with a smile. "as far as they care your either a dying woman on the make a wish, a mental patient we're volunteering with, a sneak, a whore, a close family Friend, a member of one of our families, the list is endless and most of the people guessing don't really care anyway." he admitted. "they'll learn the truth when we want them to learn the truth." he admitted.

she smiled a little and then frowned. "Fury is keeping him hidden for some reason." she mused. "that's the only reason i could think of for him not coming back yet. i can't imagine why though." she admitted, shaking her head. "if he'd contracted Ebola or something like that he'd be better by now. or dead. so unless he caught something from Loki, i can't imagine him being sick is the reason why he's being kept away." she admitted before smiling at him. enjoying being close to the other. she loved moments like this, just sitting together, him soft inside of her, just talking because they could have the luxury of it. "well he has been trained with weapons since he was a kid. fourteen they said right?" she asked. "he does need a good swift kick to get his self image up." she agreed. "we should run him through a few tests. see how he is in the hand to hand, the sniping, weapons, stuff like that. let him see how good he really is. praise him a lot. it's not unlike what i had to do for you." she admitted. "the more he succeeds without being negatively influenced, the more he'll grow."
“...Merchants of death...I dare you to tell Tony he has to share his former title with a hummingbird, and convince him that he needs a tattoo.”Thorne snickered a little before frowning thoughtfully, nodding slightly. “Okay. I’d rather be quiet for now really.”She smiled tilting her head. “Not that I’m ashamed, its just...I so rarely get time to myself. Even with my family keeping me out of the public, being royal keeps me from being having a private life most of the time.”She shrugged a little smiling as they got into line.

“I don’t like it. If it was something to do with loki, it should be Clint to who’s in isolation. I just don’t know, and I don’t like not knowing.”Tony whined a little smiling up at her, enjoying the rare luxury of simply being together and talking. “Yes, that’s what they said. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s like the others, and sort of a prodigy with weapons.”He smiled a little before nodidng. “we’ll have to. It’ll be fun.”he said before raising a eyebrow, “Oh, and this praise, is it just to make me feel better?”Tony raised a eyebrow at her words, looking amused before nodding. “We’ll take care of him.”he said rolling his hips a little, groaning as he felt himself hardening a little as she shifted on top of him. Just cause he liked being with her and talking, didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to have a talk with having sex to.
Steve snorted, covered his hand with his mouth and snorted again, trying hard not to laugh because he knew if Tony ever, ever heard that he would never, ever forgive any of them. even if it was really, really funny. "that's why we're not going to say anything." he admitted with a smile. "it's okay, you don't need to explain. it's going to be a pain when it does come out, i'd rather have this time just for us for a while." he admitted with a smile. thankfully no one bothered them as they waited in line. not even fans would give up their place in line. thank god, Steve hated it when people did that.

"i know, it's confusing to me too." she admitted with a sigh and a shake of her head. "i don't like not knowing either." she admitted, frowning a little before smiling at him. "you know, i wouldn't doubt it." she admitted. "teaching a person can only do so much after all. a person training all ther lives still can't do a lot of what Clint does for example." she admitted. "no. this praise is because you where a very good boy." she admitted with a grin. "this praise is because i'm hoping that Ego of yours will swell your cock instead of your head so i can have a round three." she admitted with a laugh, clenching around him and giving him a wiggle of her eyebrows. "what say you, Sir?" she asked, sultry and playful. "want to give your CEO another pounding?"
“Good.”Thorne slumped a little, so glad to know that she didn’t have to explain why she wanted a few private moments to themselves. Grinning as they settled into the ride, she tensed, “Now, Cap, remember, puke on james.”He smiled a little, simply enjoying being with them as they rode the rides, and pretty much had a normal sort of date.

“Exactly. The fact that grant figured out the problem I’d been having with the bow simply by picking it up, says he has more then a little god given talent.”Tony grinned before laughing. “A very good boy?I’m not a boy.”he snickered shifting, hands cupping her ass as he stood, settlign her onto her desk. Willing to let sex and pleasure distract him from the other problem he’d been mulling over and not sure how to bring up. Obsessive enough to need utter distraction to forget it. And his wiggling mate in his lap, was indeed that. “Hm, I think I can give you that. After all, I wouldn’t want you to not be able to show the stupid people at your meetings today that you’re well pleased. Can’t have anyone thinking I can’t please you.”he growled as he thrust into her, hands braced on the glass of her desk as he worked himself into her, resting his head against her shoulder.
Steve snorted. "i don't have problems on the Ferris Wheel!" he protested with a laugh. "it's the fast spinners that get me. like the spinning Apples and the Octopus and stuff." he admitted with a grin. "keep that up and i'll make you go on the one that drops at fifty miles an hour and swings upside down with me." he warned, grinning at her.

"what, really? that is impressive." she admitted, nodding. "you are a very good man then." she admitted with a grin. "a very big, strong, gives it to me the way i like it best man." of course, the only way she didn't like it was if she had to work on the morning with a limp. and even then it was only if she had to go to work. "....Tony?" she asked sounding worried. "has someone said something to you?" she asked, looking worried. "you know your perfect for me right?" she asked, wondering if she'd have to tell him why she let him fuck other women, and men, again. "mmmm that feels so good... little harder." she moaned, taking everything he offered her because she loved it when he got possessive like this. "ah. take me. take me. make me yours... GOD Tony!" she moaned when he angled his thrusts just right.
“Ah. Still. Puke on James.”Thorne said snickering a little amused as they got on, settling into the seat, snuggling in between them.”You know, I could get used to being sandwiched between you two.”She smiled a little before making a face.”No, no upside down ones.”

“It is impressive.”he agreed before smiling a little at her praise.Resting his head against her shoulder, he sighed, shuddering a little, “...No. It’s nothing. Really.”he muttered nuzzling her a little, enough words to show that there was something, but he didn’t want to talk about it, because he didn’t know how to say anything. Turning his head a little he bit down over her mark, sucking gently. “Of course. Mark says so.”he muttered shuddering a little as he shifted his grip on her and fucked her harder, giving himself completely into making sure she’d feel it for awhile, tugging her right to the edge of the desk as he drove into her, clinging to her with a quiet desperateness that wasn’t usually present, but was always there when he was feeling off balance.
"i will puke on James." "He always pukes on me. he aims." James admitted with a smile, both f them chuckling and slinging their arms over her shoulders. "a Thorne sandwich. sounds yummy." James agreed with a grin. in the end they opted not to go on any rides, since the ones Steve and James liked Thorne didn't, and all the others made one or more of them ill. they did carnival games instead and James won her a massive Teddy Bear.

she smiled at him and shook her head. "obviously it was something, but it's alright. you'll tell me when your ready." she promised with a smile before moaning as he bit her. she loved it when he did that, laying marks all over that ring of numbers and symbols that apparently equaled infinity or something. "Mark means shit." she moaned, shuddering under him. "I love you, because i love you." she admitted, panting. "i love you because your the man i've always wanted. even before i ever met you! oh god yes. yes. YES!" she moaned, arching as she came, shuddering and writhing underneath him. "Tony! Tony! God! Yes!"
Thorne smiled a little as she held onto the teddy bear, the thing nearly as big as she was as she looked up at james, smiling a little. “what am I supposed to do with this?it’s huge!”She said even as she clung to it, not wanting to let go of it as she put it in the car, smiling a little. “Dinner then?”she smiled a little.

“I will.”Tony muttered nuzzling her a little smiling a little as she moaned. “You are so easy to make happy.”he muttered shuddering a little at her words, holding onto her tightly, “Love you to.”He muttered growling possessively as she cried out, clinging to her as she came, shivering as he came with a groan, clinging to her tightly as she milked him empty. Slumping into her for a moment he groaned as he picked her up, slumping back into the chair, holding onto her tightly, blinking slowly.’...I should go...”he muttered but not wanting to. Not yet, not when it meant he’d be alone and able to give to much thought to himself.
James grinned, looking very smug for having gotten her such n impressive thing. "i still think it unfair that the sniper won the shooting contest." Steve complained even if he looked amused. "put it on our bedroom and snuggle it when your feeling upset?" James suggested. "use it for epic ultimate pranks against Tony and the rest of humanity?" was Steve's suggestion. "Dinner." both boys agreed, laughing as their stomachs growled. "where should we eat?"

"i'm a horribly picky bitch." Pepper admitted with a grin before snuggling into him. "your not leaving. you are getting dressed, helping me dress and then carrying me to bed where i will have a well deserved nap snuggled up to the man i love." she ordered. "then you will sign the paperwork i want you to sign before we go out for date night and then have more glorious sex." she ordered with a grin.
“I don’t think they have shield throwing games, otherewise you could win though.”Thorne teased a little before looking at james, tiling her head before grinning a little. “I like it. Snuggles and pranks. I should tell tony its there to spy on him or something.”she giggled a little before smiling as she looked around. “There.”She said pointing to one of the pizza shops on the boardwalk, making her way through the crowd to get there.

“You are.Horribly.”She teased before raising a eyebrow.”I am?”He said looking amused as he pulled away, gathering his clothes and getting dressed. Smiling a little as he looked at his amazingly mussed up and beautiful mate, straightening her clothes before picking her up and heading for the penthouse. “Any truly important paperwork in there?”He asked having let her get what paperwork she needed before heading upstairs.
he chuckled. "your attempts to comfort me are lackluster and sarcastic." he complained, grinning at her. "you've been taking lessons from James haven't you?" he asked with a grin. "oooh, no lets not do that. he'll dissect the bear." James warned, looking amused. Steve, ever the gentlemen opened the door for them, and kept it open for the little old lady who was walking out. as ever, the two boys could agree on nothing and ended up getting two extra large pizza's for themselves. Steve got the traditional new york thin crust Pepperoni while James got a Brooklyn Deep Dish with everything on it. anchovies, artichoke leaves, mushrooms, peppers, every kind of meat. Steve called it a junkyard. James called it heaven.

"you are." she admitted with a grin. "nothing completely important. i just need your permission to hire this Shield Dropout. he was kicked out for stashing dangerous chemicals in his room. explosive ones. he was trying to make a clean energy source and i thought we could use him. and this one to hired a Russian prisoner who was arrested for...." she paused and checked the paperwork. "instigating a panic and causing issue with the regime." she admitted. "he's one of the most brilliant minds the world has to offer and the Russians don't want him in their country anymore." she admitted. "the rest of it is just budget that i need your okay on." being as he was the owner, he still had to okay certain things. "oh! and i was planning on giving Sheryl a pay raise and a promotion." she admitted. "woman is a god send."
Thorne looked up at him a little worriedly, biting her lip a little before realizing he was just teasing, before grinning. “I have. He gives good lessons.”She snickered a little before wincing. “That’s true. Okay, no pranking tony.”She snickered smiling as steve held the door open, stepping inside with a smile as she got a simple deep dish cheese pizza for herself, well... A small one anyways. “You two amuse me. So different in tastes.”she snickered as she studied their pizzas.

“Ah. That’s not to bad.”Tony said the utter relief coming through the bond to much for him to stop her from getting, and said that whatever was wrong, he’d expected her to have had paperwork on it. Smiling as he leaned over to read the paperwork, pressing a kiss to her head before moving away, helping her gather what she needed before heading for the penthouse, for once content to spend the afternoon with her instead of going to the lab. “She really is a godsend.”He agreed as he set her down on the bed before starting to get ready for bed, sliding into a pair of sweats and leaving a shirt off, looking utterly amazing and in shape, definitely looking younger then he really was.
they chuckled before giving her Pizza rather baffled looks. cheese? just cheese? not even ten or fifteen cheese? weird. "well. just goes to show you, he's wrong." Steve commented, making James snort. "as if. you guys just eat boring stuff. i, on the other hand am cultured and refined." James informed them, before shoving half the slide he was holding into his mouth like the pig he was. Steve snickered, shook his head, folded his pizza and took smaller bites. they didn't even eat Pizza the same way! it was hilarious.

she nodded, glancing at him. seriously, what the hell was going on with him? "Tony you don't even know who she is." Pepper teased, looking amused. "she's my assistant secretary. i was planning on moving her up to personal Assistant and hiring a new assistant secretary." she admitted. "that way neither of us are working ourselves sick." she admitted with a smile, slipping into the bed and watching him undress. "have i told you how sexy you are?" she asked with a grin, studying him happily. "my you are a hell of a specimen." she admitted with a grin, sighing as her phone went off, reaching over to answer it, examining the text. "...well... the boys have gone on their date and now the internet is awash with theories as to who Thorne is."
“Don’t look at my pizza like that. My pizza is good.”Thorne made a face at their bafflement, “Cultured and refined?”She said snickering as he ate, rolling her eyes as she nibbled on her food, just taking small little bites. Glancing around them she smirked.”So. How long do you think it’ll take for this to end up on facebook?”

Tony snickered a little.”I don’t, but if you think she’s a godsend, I’m bound to like her for making things easier on you.”He smiled a little before grinning.”You should do that.”Tony said smiling as he settled into bed, laying down and offering him a small smiling, “Hm, you have, but it bears repeating.”Tony snickered before raising a eyebrow, laughing a little. “it’s going to be amusing when they figure out she’s royal. Totally going to be amusing to see what theories everyone comes up with.”he smiled a little, resting his hands behind his head, sighing quietly. Reaching out, tugging her closer, pressing a kiss to her head.”Nap. You said you wanted to sleep.”
"yes. cultured and refined." James agreed, Steve snorting and shaking his head. "your a caveman." "a refined Caveman." "that's an Oxymoron." "i am not! how dare yo! i scored consistently higher in school than you did!" "...and my point is proven." Steve stated simply before glancing at her. "oh. it's already on there. it's been the running Tweet on Twitter since we hit the Carnival." he admitted simply. "it's easy enough to ignore." he admitted.

"oh. well, just shows you have good taste." she agreed with a chuckle. "well i'll do that then." she agreed with a smile. "well, i'll say it again, you are one fine specimen of male masculinity." she purred, smiling. "oh very amusing. until people start finding out she was heavily abused by Swedish royalty for being bond marked to the American dream team." she pointed out. "i imagine there's going to be riots and protests against Sweden soon enough." she admitted. "i do want a nap." she agreed, snuggling into him, abandoning her phone in favor of snuggles.
Thorne giggled a little listening to them, leaning over to kiss james’ cheek. “You’re a very refined caveman.Ignore Steve.”She teased a little before making a face.”I guess. It’s just weird. Usually I have bodyguards and lots of people keeping everyone from taking pictures.”She shrugged a little before finishing her food, smiling at him a little. “you two still up for horseback riding?”

“Not as fine as my mate, but I’ll agree wtih you I am fine.”Tony grinned a little smiling at her, before nodding. “Hm, and then the dream team will definitely have fun making sure sweden has problems.”Tony said smiling as he snuggled her back. Smiling as she fell asleep, though as time past, it was hard for him to relax enough to go to sleep. Upset enough that sleep eluded him, staring at the ceiling as he absently ran his hand through her hair, simply enjoying being with her as he hid his phone down against his leg and read the email that had been sent to him. While he wanted to tell her, he was afraid of what pepper would say, or worse, just how badly she would react.
James and Steve both grinned and nodded. "we're both refined cavemen." Steve agreed, chuckling a little. "ah. well. we have Jarvis." Steve admitted. "he'l remove anything too horrific and cite the offender with a warning." he admitted. "he does the same for news articles and news stations and stuff too." he admitted. "granted, legally he can't do anything if it's actually true, but he keeps the rumors from spiraling out of control." he admitted. before grinning. "of course we're going horse back riding." James promised with a grin as he stood up, offered Thorne his arm and headed outside while Steve paid the bill. turns out both boys where well practiced in the art of horseback riding. they where as elegant as princes. well, until James started showing off and doing tricks and got bucked off his horse.

she smirked a little and chuckled. "i'm sure the Dream Team will be more focused on keeping her from panicking." she admitted. "Tony?" she asked after an hour and a half of a well deserved nap. "didn't you sleep at all?" she asked, blinking up at him, so cute when she was just waking up. "what's wrong?" she asked, worried now. Tony loved taking naps. meant he could stay up longer during the night.
“You know, that’s truly good. Jarvis is good people. No wonder tony has a little more control over the rumor mill these days.”She said smiling a little, amused because indeed tony didn’t have nearly as much talking about him as much as he once did. “Good.”Thorne grinned laughing as they got to the horses, not suprisingly good at riding, as it was a traditional royal thing. “You okay?”Thorne said looking anxious as she scrambled down and looked him over, eyes dark and worried.

“Hm, that to.”Tony snickered a little. “Hm?”tony turned his head smiling at her as he turned off his phone, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “No, coultn’t.”He muttered shifting a little, running his hand through his hair as he sighed quietly, biting his lip as he closed his eyes, not wanting to tell her, but also not wanting to lie to her either.”.....”Staring at her for a long moment he sighed softly before handing her the phone so she could read the email. The editorial that was going to be in tomorrow’s news, forwarded to him by a friend wanting to give him a warning, titled ‘Stark up on rape charges’.
Steve nodded. "Jarvis is exceptional." he admitted. "i'm fine. i'm fine." James promised with a chuckle. "i have a cracked rib, it'll be healed in an hour or so." he admitted. she could feel the faintest twinge of pain but that was it. he and Steve didn't feel pain the same way most people did. "mean horse." he complained, patting the horses rump. "so very not nice." he complained, swinging back up into the saddle as effortlessly as before, as if trying to say 'see Thorne? i'm fine'. "we should head back soon, it's getting late." James admitted.

she frowned at the phone for a moment and then. "stay." she ordered Tony, sliding out of the bed and grabbing her laptop and her Bluetooth. "Jarvis? stop that editorial. i want it blacked out, fully and completely. run a background check on that woman and call Sheryl, Rhodes and McCartney." she ordered. oh she was serious of she was calling her secretary, War Machine and their personal Lawyer at the same time. "Yes Ms. Potts." Jarvis stated. "Rhodey! how nice to hear from you, i'm sending you an Email. yes i am well aware Tony would no more rape a woman than murder a kitten that's not the point here. no i'm not calling you so that you'll go blow her up. honestly i think we should reconsider letting you lease that suit. yes you are too leasing it, you think i'm just letting you run around with that thing? of course you signed a contract. granted you didn't know that's what you where doing at the time. oh i love you too darling would you focus here? hold on Sheryl is on the line, i'm patching her in." Pepper chattered. "yes Sheryl i am well aware Tony is no rapist." she rolled her eyes. "honestly does everyone think me stupid enough to actually believe that?" she demanded. "we're waiting for the lawyer. yes." she admitted. "oh. hold on." "sorry Tony, sweetie. Date night is on hold." she informed him. "i'll have this taken care of soon enough and we'll go on a vacation instead, hows that sound?" she asked Tony with a smile. "i have people's lives to ruin if you want to help?"
Thorne frowned looking him over, and indeed she did feel the slight twinge, but not horrible crippling pain, so she figured itw as okay. “Well, if you stopped showing off, you wouldn’t get thrown.”She teased before nodding, “It is. Head back.”Thorne said smiling a little before smirking a little, thinking naughty things to herself about riding in general, amusing herself as she watched her mates as tehy headed back to the stable.

Tony looked startled and a little hurt as she slid away from him, simply lifting a arm to let her move away from him, his shoulders slouching a little as he watched her, simply laying on his side as he watched her work. “We should take back war machine. He painted it weird colors.”Tony grumbled, sounding sad and lost, and utterly confused as he listened to her. “Well...yes?”Tony said watching her, before frowning a little.”...On hold’s fine.”he said, though there was a sad, lost note to his voice that said he thought it was going to be permanently on hold, and that vacation wouldn’t happen. “Okay.”he said before watchign her, shrugging a little, shifting, staring at the blankets, not feeling steady enough to face her.”If you want me to, yes.”
James grinned a little. "but i like showing off." he admitted with a grin. "if either of them noticed she was thinking dirty things, no one commented. soon they where on their way home, feeling very pleased. "that is one big Teddy bear." Grant commented when they walked in. "you guys have fun?" he asked, looking amused.

Pepper snorted. "Tony says he wants to reclaim War Machine because your bad at naming things and have no fashion sense." Peper dutifully told Rhodey. she paused when Tony told her yes and paused to stare at him. "i'm putting you guys on hold." Pepper informed the people on the phone before pausing the call and letting them chatter at each other as she pulled her head set off and then cupped his face with her hands. "Tony Stark. if i ever thought you where even remotely capable of raping someone, i would never, ever have bonded to you." she informed him. "you are not a rapist. the woman heading up these charges was NOT raped by you. don't you ever think about it." she ordered, face soft and voice gentle. "you didn't rape anyone. she's just trying to get you in trouble because people are evil, sadistic and cruel." she admitted. "we are not going to let this bitch ruin your life. ou life." Pepper promised, kissing his forehead. "i love you. i know you more than anyone else in this entire world. so if i tell you that you didn't rape anyone, then you have better damn well believe it, okay?" she asked with a smile. "we need to take care of this though. now, before it gets bigger than we can contain." she admitted, blinking when Jarvis informed her that he had found the correct files and was now processioning the woman's entire history.
Thorne smiled a little as they walked in,shifting her hold on the teddy bear.”We did. It seems letting a sniper play shooting games results in big stuffed animals.” “That thing is nearly as big as you are.” “Yea.So how was things here?”Thorne smiled a little relaxed and happy.

Tony snickered a little as he listened to pepper say rhodey had no fashion sense, flushing a little as she paused, looking up at her. Closing his eyes a little as he leaned into pepper’s hand, shuddering a little.”But...I can be rough and demanding. You know that.”he muttered sounding upset and lost, definitely capable of believing this of himself, even if no one else did. “...Okay. You do know me better then anyone else.”he said smiling a little, sad and hurting, shuffling closer to her, wrapping his arms around her, cuddling close, taking comfort in her touch as he listened to jarvis going through the woman’s file.
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