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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he shook his head. "he wasn't my mate though. i was just tricked into thinking he was." he pointed out, kissing the other back. "i think i'm getting better at this kissing thing." he admitted.

"you so did. i am o getting the video." Pepper scoffed, amused. never mind that Tony had only been two or so at the time. "Date night means we take our time instead of just fucking like bunnies." Pepper explained, looking amused. "it was once! and it SO wasn't my fault! that bastard from the enemy side started it, i just finished it!" Steve huffed, James chuckling. "your the misspent youth, Garret is the Alcoholic." Pepper stated simply. "because you can, and do go weeks at a time without a single sip." she admitted. "...." Grant just huffed. "okay fine. i was drunk." he grumbled. "and i bet you feel like shit too. here eat some toast. it'll help settle your stomach." Steve promised, passing Grant thick slices of butter soaked bread. "once you eat that you can have some eggs, breakfast ham and some grits." he promised, Grant nodding as he chewed on the bread, feeling a little uncomfortable. usually when he ate breakfast, it was with people who where telling him what he'd be doing with his day. no matter if it was with Hydra or Shield. to have breakfast with people who actually seamed to like him. why they liked him, he had no idea, but it was... nice. he liked this.
“Tricked or not, you thought he was. Makes a difference.”Clint sighed before laughing a little. “You are. It’s not as sloppy this time.”he teased.

“I’d pay to see that video. It’s probably adorable.”Thorne snickered looking at the sulking billionaire. “Hmm, even if fucking like bunnies is fun. Taking our time is good to.”tony smiled a little kissing her head. “...That’s amusing and adorable.”Thorne snickered at the idea of steve starting a riot. “I do. Though it’s usually involved with science and building things.” “He’s only a coffeeholic, nothing else is his addiction.”Thorne teased a little before smirking, seeing that grant was uncomfortable, and intending to distract everyone. “So, tony, have you decided what puppy you want?” “Yep.”Tony grinned, this one, but I’m gonna let Pepper name her, since I choose which one.”Tony smiled a little.
he flushed brightly. "i wasn't sloppy!" he protested. he hadn't even opened how mouth! how could he be sloppy!? he'd show Clint sloppy! once he figured out how to kiss anyway.

"oh, it is. he didn't even cry, he just sat there, cool as calm while Maria had a huge panic attack because 'her baby was stuck'. it's hilarious." Pepper admitted with a grin. "any sex we have is good." Pepper scoffed. "we're sex Gods remember?" she asked with a grin. "thirteen people ended up int he hospital." James stated with a grin while Steve sulked. "yes. Caffeine addicted." Pepper agreed. "still, at least it's not something worse, like tobacco, or heroin." she admitted with a smile. "oh, that's a good one Tony!" Pepper agreed, stroking the Puppy and smiling a little. "i think we'll wait on the name until she starts expressing a personality." she decided. "it would stink to name her something like Flower, when she likes to roll in fresh oil spills after all." she admitted with a grin. "oh hell i'm going to be late. i have to run." Pepper stated, kissing Tony goodbye before heading off to S.I for her daily job. she was very good at running S.I, the company had seen a 3% increase in profit since she'd taken the job. "Still feeling gross?" Steve asked Grant, who shook his head. "no i'm feeling a lot better now, thank you." he admitted, happily accepting a bigger breakfast.
“That’s truly adorable.”Thorne giggled a little at the idea of tony having gotten his head stuck. “Hm, we are sex gods. There will be monuments built in our honor because we’re so good.”Tony smirked a little. “Captain america starting riots. And people think you’re innocent. We should correct them.”Thorne smiled a look of contentment on her face. “It is. She’s adorable.”Tony muttered smiling at his lover happy and pleased that she approved. “Hmmm, considering she’s ours, oil spills are more likely then flowers.”Tony snickered kissing her back, whining a little at her having to go, but at least she wasn’t going that far. Simply downstairs to the office part of the tower. “See. I told you you’d feel better after food.”Clint said eating, and not even realizing he was rubbing at his mark, a nervous tic that he’d never really been able to break himself of.
Pepper nodded. "very adorable." she admitted with a grin. "we should have monuments in our honor." Pepper agreed, nodding. "we deserve monuments. we'll start here in the tower." she decided. "People would riot again if they thought Steve was anything less than perfect." James warned, Steve perking up. "sounds fun, lets do it!" he ordered with a grin. "no." "you never let me have an fun James." "ell you never let me do anything i want to either, fairs fair." James teased back. "i'll expect you for lunch Mister Stark." Pepper informed him. "i'm not wearing anything under this dress today, so you'll have to be there to take advantage of that." "god..." Steve groaned. "that is the last thing i ever wanted to know about a woman i think of as an annoying older sister." he admitted before chuckling as Grant stuck his tongue out at Clint. "so. what is everyone doing today?" Steve asked curiously, noticing Clint's nervous tick and seeking to distract him.
“We will start here. I’ll design something.”Tony grinned a little before snickering. “Hm, we should do that.”Thorne said snickering a little at her mates teasing complaints, for the first time in a long time, utterly content. “...I’ll definitely be taking advantage of that.”Tony said squirming a little in his chair watching pepper go. “Poor Steve.”Thorne teased leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Well, I’m going down to the lab, and working on new toys for you guys.I have a new bow in the works”Tony grinned intending to distract clint, having noticed to. “REally?”Clint perked up at that. “Yep.”Tony smiled a little. “What are you two doing today?”Thorne said studying her two mates looking amused.
she chuckled, gave him another kiss and grinned at Thorne. "we are not doing that." James stated simply. "Steve's good name is the only thing that keeps Tony from being destroyed by the press more often than not." he pointed out, making Steve wrinkle his nose. "oh, sure. use emotional blackmail to make me behave, that's just not fair." he complained, pouting. "yeah, poor me!" Steve agreed, nodding as Pepper smirked at them all. "a new Bow?" Steve asked curiously. "you finally got that thing that i didn't understand when you where complaining about it worked out?" he asked, Grant hiding a snicker behind a hand. "the same we usually do i guess." Steve admitted. "we're a bit boring. i have another class today at noon." he admitted other than that we typically just lay about and do boring things." Steve admitted. "we could go out on a date today if you'd like, we don't have anything planned." he admitted.
“...Damn. And the only thing that’s going to keep things from being worse when people figure out I’m getting divorced. That sucks.”Thorne pouted. Tony snickered a little makign a face. “Don’t behave simply for me. IT’s not worth it.I mean, I totally can take care of myself.”he said smiling a little. “Yep, I did. Totally got the draw fixed and the metal working. It’s almost done.”Tony grinned amused at steve’s description of the project. “...We should go on a date. I mean, I know we’re together it just...doesn’t seem official until we’ve gone on a date.”Thorne said blushing ever so slightly.
Steve nodded. "especially when people find out your our missing Mate." he admitted. "most of America is going to think Sweden is full of assholes and dicks." he admitted. "oh, i don't behave only for you. i also behave because James stops having sex when he's annoyed with me." Steve admitted with a chuckle before wrinkling his nose at Tony. "yeah... that stuff." Grant snorted. "the Draw is the force it takes to literally, draw the bowstring back." he explained. "i'd imagine Tony was having trouble keeping the draw withing human capabilities." and he thought he was stupid. "the Draw can also indicate the length of the bow or the style of grip used to draw the string." Grant admitted before chewing on a piece of bacon. "we'll go on a date then." Steve agreed, smiling at Thorne. "what would you like to do?" "i think we should do a three prong date." "...a what?" "it's something i made up. it's basically a three stage date. something fun, dinner, and then something romantic." "that does sound fun. what should we do?" "well. the first part should be fun. roller skating, going to the Zoo, hitting up an amusement park or something like that. Dinner is self explanatory, then for romance we take her walking on a beach, horseback riding or go see a snuggly movie or something." "very nice first date. what do you think Thorne? any preferences?"
“Probably. It’s not going to be good.”Thorne said looking a little pale at the idea of what was to come, knowing it was going to be bad. “Ah, that’s a good reason. Reason I behave to, otherwise pepper gets annoyed with me.”Tony snickered a little. “...Yea, I wanted a better bow, but keeping the tension down to human level was hard...and you should come down to the lab. You understand enough to know how to help.” “Told you he’d want to use you as a lab rat. Shouldn’t I be testing my own bow?” “No. It’s a surprise. And I dont’ give out imperfect things to the people they’re for. You don’t get to see it yet.”Tony huffed, definitely a obsessive perfectionist. “...”Thorne tilted her head, giggling a little at james’ made up date before nodding. “Sounds good.”She smiled before looking startled she was being asked for her prefences, smirking. “Well, I heard about you two’s ill fated visit to coney island and the ride on the tilt-a-whirl. We should go there. Then I think they have horseback riding on the beach there...”
he shook his head. "it's going to be bad for Chris and your mother. it's going to be very bad for Sweden as a whole for letting said people torment you your entire life for what seams to be no reason. if anything, the people who live here in America are going to support you." he admitted. "and really the only people whose opinions matter are in this tower, are they not?" Steve asked with a smile. "no matter what, once the truth comes out, the people who will have black marks on their names will be people like your mother and husband." James agreed. "i don't know how to shoot a bow." Grant stated calmly. "i don't think i'll be as much help as you want me to be." he admitted examining the billionaire. "i can try though." if it was for Clint he'd be willing to do just about anything at all really. "...she would want to go to that place." Steve grumbled even if he looked amused. "okay, Coney Island, Dinner at the Docks and then horseback riding. it's a date." Steve agreed. "and if i puke, i promise i'll puke on James and not you." he promised.
“Yea, it is.”Thorne said almost sadly because she hated causing such problems for her home, but she knew it had to be done. “It’ll be fine. And they are. You guys are who matters.”she smiled a little. “Doesn’t matter, neither does CAp and I made him help yesterday. At least you understand the basics of the bow, which is more then I can say for my shield obsessed friend.”Tony said stretching, twitching a little. His kleptomania acting up, wanting to take something when he left, but trying to curb the need as he got up. Smiling a little as he petted the puppy before getting up. “Come on then. Let’s go, Grant. Time for work.”he said shooing him towards the door with a smile. “...He’s so obsessive.”Thorne snickered a little. “He is. But it’s fine.”Clint said amused before heading out himself, intending on catching up with natasha. “I’ve never been there.”Thorne said innocently at steve’s grumbling before snickering. “Yes, puke on james if you must.”
"if anyone deserves the backlash of this, it is them." Steve admitted. "they where wrong to treat you like that and it's high time they realized it." he admitted before smiling at her. "no... your who matters." he admitted, gently holding her hand. "okay. if i can be of any help at all, sure." Grant agreed. "at least i'll be able to earn my keep." he admitted happily, blinking when Steve turned his back on a set of army cufflinks from WWII. waiting for Tony to steal them? "okay." Grant agreed, shoveling down the last of his food before following after Tony. "Coney Island it is then. we'll say... three o-clock? that'll give me time to run my class and clean up and we'll still have two or three hours at Coney Island before we want to stop for dinner." he offered, smiling a little. "we could always go with you to class." James suggested. "i could give Thorne some basic self defense lessons then." he admitted.
“I know. It still upsets me to know its going to be bad as the world reacts to it.”She sighed softly, before flushing at his words, “You matter to.”She muttered looking up at them, holding onto his hand, before snickering at grant’s words. “Enjoy yourself.”She said smiling blinking slowly as tony simply walked out and left the cuff links. Now that. Was odd. “We’ll go with. We’ll just take clothes to change into after class, and we’ll leave from there.”Thorne smiled a little.
he shook his head. "it's going to be a bit rocky for a while, but no worse than when people realized me and James where gay for each other." he admitted. "that was hellish." he admitted. "but people got over it pretty damn quickly." he promised. "i know we matter. but more than anything you matter more because it's how you feel about yourself that will ensure your following happiness." Steve admitted with a smile. "that is what me and James want more than anything else." he admitted. "alright. we have a plan." Steve agreed with a grin. "well, what shall we do until then. i don't have to be at the Gym until twelve thirty." Steve admitted. "we could watch another movie?" he offered.
“...Well.that’s true. And you guys already went through the problems of having a third bonded. It should be easier this time...”She said sighing softly, biting her lip a little, looking up at them, nodding slightly. “I’m doing better now.”she said, though indeed it was hard because she really was having problems with her self confidence, but she was steady for the moment. “Let’s. I saw a commercial for sherlock holmes last night. It’s supposed to be good.”She smiled a little as she headed for the living room, smiling a little as she settled in to take care of the puppies and shara even as they watched the movie, simply enjoying looking after them and being with the guys.
he nodded. "it'll also keep those creepers out." he admitted. "do you know how many times we get pictures or calls claiming that they are our third? they will actually photo manipulate our Marks onto their own pictures so it looks like they really are our third." he scoffed. "and then they claim they need money or some shit to get here to meet us." he admitted. "most of them just want to be seen with us. it's super freaky." Steve stated, James nodding. "so congratulations! your protecting our virtues!" James teased with a grin. "Sherlock it is."

by the end of the movie both James and Steve had looks on their faces. " it wrong that every single time Sherlock opened his mouth i thought of Tony?" James asked, Steve nodding. "it's creepy.... but you know what? Tony finally has a nickname." "so where i'm Snowball, and your Capscicle. he's Sherlock? i dunno, i like Rust Bucket more." "yeah. me too. but it's a good backup. like if he's annoying, we can just tell him to 'shut up Sherlock.' it'll be fun." "that's true. we should get going though or your going to be late." "yeah." Steve agreed, heading to gather a change of clothes. they stopped at Steve's personal Gym and smiled at the group of ten or so kids. "morning everyone! sorry i'm late! James was being a jerk." the kids giggled and Steve ushered everyone inside where he proceded to show the kids various 'dirty fighting' moves while James showed Thorne the proper way to punch.
“...that’s seriously creepy. Really.Totally.”Thorne shuddered at the idea making a face before smirking. “Hm, I think you’re virtue is long gone, really, but I’ll protect you.”She teased.

Thorne stared before starting to laugh.”oh, good. I’m not the only one who thought that. Especially the line about him being to in love with himself to ever consider suicide.”Thorne giggled a little before nodding. “No, rust bucket will annoy him more, use that when he’s annoying. If anything, he’d feel privledged and special that you’re calling him sherlock, after one of the most brilliant detective ‘alive’”Thorne pointed out snickering as they got ready to go. And by the time they got through most of a workout, thorne was bitchy and sore, finding the workout more then she wanted to do. While she knew it was a good thing, she’d never really had physical workouts, had been discouraged from learning it, so finding herself with this training was hard on her. Panting as they finished she took her drink, smiling a little as she pushed her sweaty hair out of her face.”Damn.That was hard.”She muttered, though there was a quiet pleasure coming through their bonds that said she was pleased at having done it.
James and Steve both laughed and nodded. "we might want to reconsider giving him a dog if he's too much like Sherlock though." James admitted with a giggle. "this is true! Rust Bucket will annoy him a lot more." James agreed, grinning. "we'll call him Sherlock when he's been a good boy." he decided Steve chuckling as he nodded. "i thought Sherlock Holmes was dead?" he asked. "he was from the Victorian Era right?" "was he even a real person? i thought he was made up?" James asked, looking confused. "it is hard at first." James admitted. "you learn very well though, once you caught the line of the punch your body adapted to it perfectly." James admitted. "it's going to take a while to make your body fall into that stance naturally, but yu really did exceptionally well." James admitted. "you would do well with weapons learning, a sword or a staff of some sort." he mused. "a staff. there are always sticks, poles, stuff like that laying around. she'll be better able to defend herself if she always has a weapon at hand." "that's true. improvisational weapon fighting is an art form that most people overlook." James agreed. "we'll start with Fighting Sticks and move on to the Cane and then the Staff." he decided. "then she'll be set for any situation and anything she might get her hands on. be it a couple of wooden spoons or a broom handle or a walking cane." he grinned at her. "we'll of course teach you the down and dirty that Steve's good at, and traditional martial arts like i do." he admitted. "i tested for my Black-belt about a half a month ago so i'm okay-ed for teaching." James admitted. "how about it, wanna learn to kickass?"
“hm, maybe, but then again, pepper will keep him from injuring the puppy. I mean, he did say he was using it as a test run for having a kid.”Thorne said snickering a little before making a face. “he was. He was fictional, but he was brilliant, charming, and arrognant. You’ll just inflate tony’s ego if we call him sherlock.”She teased looking amused. “thanks.”Thorne said flushing brightly at the praise as she covered tilting her head a little as she thought about it. “And I bet tony could make a collapsible sort of staff for me, to have all the time.”She said thoughtfully before smirking, waggling her eyebrows a little. “Down and dirty huh?”She teased a little before nodding. “I do. Later. We have a date remember?”She smiled at the two men as she wiped the sweat away.
Steve and James both snickered. "he only said that because he doesn't like people teasing him about having baby phobias." Steve admitted "kids scare the piss out of him." James agreed before huffing. "as if Tony doesn't have enough of an Ego on his own." he stated with a smile. "i bet he could, and if he can't i have connections with the X-men. one of their guys, man named Gambit, has a collapsible staff." Steve admitted. "yeah. down and dirty means just that. fight dirty to put your opponent down. it's straight up self defense." Steve admitted. "most of the kids i teach live in rough neighborhoods." he admitted. "i teach them the best way to drop any would be attacker so they can run away. might be cheating to clock another man in the balls, but if it saves your life who cares?" he asked with a smile. "yes. date night begins right after a shower!" Steve agreed, getting to his feet. "the women's rooms are in here." Steve informed her, leading her to the ladies changing, locker and shower rooms. "me and James will take a quick shower and meet you out here okay?" he asked, indicating the main Gym. he hesitated and then gently brushed a kiss against her lips. "you did very good today. you should be proud of yourself." he admitted with a smile before he headed off for a shower so he wouldn't stink during their date.
“...Seriously?He has a phobia about kids?”She said looking startled smiling a little. Because that was fairly adorable really.

“That sounds good. We’ll ask him tomorrow mornign at breakfast. Tony said he enjoys making stuff for everyone.”Thorne said smiling a little before smiling a little, “Definitely a good reason to clock a man in the balls.”She snickered before nodding. “Shower it is.”She said following them towards the locker rooms, flushing as she was kissed.”o-okay.”she stuttered a little smiling at the other, the flush of pleased pleasure and pride strong through the marks.”Thanks.”She grinned as she headed off to get ready. Soon enough she was waiting for them, dressed in dark skinny jeans, a black sweater and knee high riding boots, the girl looked ready for a night out. “REady you two?”She smiled, brightening at the sight of her boys.
"we'll do that." he agreed. "Tony loves to make the people he cares about Happy. building weird toys for us helps him feel better about himself." he admitted. "he looks like he's very self confident and assured but he's really pretty shattered inside." Steve admitted. "he was pretty abused as a kid by his old man, and he's been told all his life he's nothing but a womanizing failure so... yeah he doesn't have a lot of confidence. or a lot of friends." he admitted with a smile. "so he's pretty clingy with the ones he has." he admitted, flushing himself after the kiss, slightly surprised he'd been so bold. "you look amazing!" James admitted, studying her with a shy smile. he was wearing his preferred jeans and button up while Steve was wearing a pair of slacks and a button up with a jacket. both men looked very nice. Steve had even abandoned his perfectly coiffed look for a more modern slightly spiked hairstyle. James just pulled his back into a ponytail. "very ready." James agreed. offering her his arm with a grin when Steve did the same on her other side. "now. if it pleases the court, i am staying off the twirly rides." Steve decided. "being that my inner ear is twice as sensitive, which is why i can do such amazing aerobatics, i get sick on the spinny rides twice as easily, and i think we all agree that me puking my guts a good date does not make." "overruled. mostly because i want to see you puke."
“Well, we’ll let him build stuff to his heart’s content then.”Thorne smiled, glad to have a way to help the other feel better before growling, angry at tony’s treatment even if she hadn’t known him then.”Well, we’ll all just cling to each other then....though I find it amazing he didn’t steal anything this morning.”She snickered a little. Flushing at james’ praise she smiled a little.”So do you.”She said with a equally shy smile as she looked them both over, slipping her arm through theirs, “No, James we can’t make him get sick. That’s just mean.”Thorne said looking concerned, wanting to make steve get on the ride with them, but also not wanting to upset him, so simply agreeing with the blond’s ruling as they headed for coney island, simply happy to be with them.
Steve smiled. "that's what we do. and most of the stuff Tony makes us is actually really cool and more often than not, useful." he admitted with a smile. "i think it's because i told him not to stel my underwear." Steve admitted with grimace. "i'm sure he'll be back to his normal behavior soon enough." he admitted, hoping that was true. "i usually leave something out for him to steal. he likes to have things that come from the people he likes. not sure why." he admitted. "but it's easier to let him have it or he gets all... funny." Steve admitted. "of course it's mean. it's why i do it." James admitted. "he gets even. trust me. remind me to tell you about the time with the train." Steve grimaced. "your never going to let me live that down are you?" "nope." "fine i'll ride the damn ride." "i knew you would." he teased with a chuckle. "okay. so, wanna go on the Ferris Wheel first, or the Cyclone?" "Oh! lets get our faces painted!" James ordered, indicating a face painting station. "we can get matching designs!"
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