Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Grant laughed at that and nodded. "eah it's like letting Clint play sniper games on the TV. it's just not fair." he agreed with a grin, waving his controller at Clint. "he's beaten me like, ten times now." not that it stopped Grant from trying. "things have been good. it's weird having nothing to do." Grant admitted. "and it's really quiet here. it's a bit unnerving." he admitted. "other than that it's been pretty good here, i'm learning that while i can't play worth a damn, i really like Video Games." he admitted.

Pepper smiled a little. "there is a difference between rough sex and rape Tony. a very, very big difference!" she informed him. "you ALWAYS stop when i, or anyone says 'no', 'don't', 'stop' or any variation." she admitted. "if a woman is telling you to keep going it is NOT rape. if a woman does not tell you to stop, doesn't make you stop then it is NOT rape. this woman? she did not tell you no. she did not say stop, she did not get raped. she had sex with you just as willingly as the other hundred women did. she's just using you as a way to get money." Pepper informed him. "and Jarvis will prove it. after all he does record every single sexual encounter you bring home for me." she reminded him. "you don't take women to hotels after all, you always bring them here. so we'll have evidence enough as soon as Jarvis finds the right information." she admitted, wrapping her arms around him, holding him before turning her phone back on and informing them that she had to take care of Tony and that they where to keep working and email her when they found anything useful.
“It is totally fair. You’re the one who offered to play Wii archery with me.”Grant grinned a little. “Good.I;m glad you found something you like.”Thorne smiled kissing his cheek, shifting her hold on the bear. “I’m going to go check on the dogs and get rid of the bear, you coming?”She said smirking at James, knowing that of her two boys, james was the one most protective of scrapper, and the one who definitely spent most of the time checking on him.

Tony frowned a little listening to her, ducking his head a little, squirming closer, resting his head against her breasts,holding onto her desperately, and the chaotic emotions coming on the bond would say just how badly he was falling apart, and how desperately he was scared she’d walk away from him. “No,I don’t think she said no. I mean...I don’t even remember her.”Tony said quietly, frowning a little, before nodding, closing his eyes.”I do come here. I mean, you never seem bothered when I do.”Tony muttered, because while he might bring them home, he always took them to one of the other apartments, none of the men or women ever got close to the penthouse he shared with pepper, no matter how much they wanted to believe that they had gotten to him. It had always simply been sex to him,even if he never quite understood why pepper was okay with him sleeping with everyone. “ can go back to work...I’m okay...”He muttered nuzzling her a little.
he shrugged. "you like that one the best. beside you creamed me at Mario Cart too. and Halo, and Call of Duty, and Zelda and i wasn't even aware that was a competition game." Grant admitted, looking amused. "yes. yes i am coming." James informed her. "i have to check on Scrapper." he admitted, Steve chuckling. "i'll bring up some hot cocoa." Steve decided. "i want to check on Tony and Bruce before i go up." he admitted. "i'd normally check on Clint but seeing as he's right here." he admitted with a chuckle. usually he sent them a text to make sure they where still alive. he was pretty protective of the Avengers and liked to make sure they where alright.

she smiled at him, stroking his hair when he clutched her. "of course you don't remember her. she's just some plain little nobody you picked up in a bar." Pepper scoffed. "who remembers people like that?" she asked. "of course i'm not bothered." she promised him. "Tony, honestly don't you understand why i let you bring those bimbo's home?" she asked, looking amused. "it turns me on. watching you fuck other women." she explained. "i thought you knew that? it's pretty hot when you fuck men too. and i know i can't fuck you, not the way a man can so watching you get fucked is a fun bonus for both of us." she admitted. "i'm not working, Tony. i'm protecting my man." she admitted. "and making sure your sane and mentally healthy is more important when i know Rhodey and McCartney will do all the legal boring stuff." she admitted. "your my number one priority, now and always." she promised.
“I have a lot of free time. And Zelda is totally a competition game.”Clint gave a superior snort. “you are so weird.”Thorne snickered a little smiling as she nodded. “Go check on everyone, we’ll be upstairs.”she smiled a little as she headed for the elevator. “Careful checking on Tony. It’s date night remember?”She said smirking a little, smiling happily as she saw the puppies, amused as they all whined and wiggled at the arrival of their people home.

“...Not me. I was probably workign through a work problem.”tony muttered, because he usually only picked up other people when he was working through problems, needing meaningless sex to get his head straight and get the ideas working again. Startling a little as he looked up at her, frowning a little. “Oh...oh.well.”Tony muttered blushing a little, “It is a fun bonus.”he muttered blushing a little, before relaxing into her, slowly starting to calm, “’re mine to you know. Know I don’t say it alot, or show it...but I love you pep.”he muttered nuzzling her, raising a eyebrow as jarvis informed them that steve was on his way up, smirking. “tell him to come to the bedroom.”Tony grinned, knowing steve would think something totally perverted at the order to join them in the bedroom, and he enjoyed embarassing the other to much to not do it when he was feeling badly.
"i'm pretty sure Zelda can't be a competition when only one person can play at a time." Grant admitted, looking amused. "yes, i remember." Steve admitted before pausing and looking at his watch. "it is Date Night, they should have left by now." "...each, i guess so." Grant admitted. "i never saw them leave. did they decide to stay in?" "i guess i'll find out." Steve admitted, heading off to check on his people. Bruce and Natasha right where he expected them to be.

"Probably." Pepper agreed before smirking at him. "you really didn't realize i was watching you through the cameras when you where bringing people home?" she asked, sounding quite close to laughing. "wow. Tony that's pretty sad." she admitted with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "i know it." she admitted with a smile. "you don't have to say it for me to know it. i feel it every time you offer me that sappy little smile of yours." she promised, kissing him gently. "i know it when you bring me the lunch i forgot, even though you where in the middle of a project. i know it when you crawl in bed at three in the morning and whisper an apology for waking me up, even if i haven't actually woken up." she admitted with a smile. "i know it when you bring me terrible food you tried to cook yourself, knowing you can't cook but you tried anyway." she admitted with a smile before laughing at Tony's commencing prank. "you are so mean to him." she complained. "hold on." she ordered, stripping off her shirt and sitting there in a Bra with the blankets over her hips, making it look as if she was naked under there. "there. lets see what color he turns." she mused, tapping on her laptop now. pretending to be working on something innocent. "Tony? Pep? you guys didn't go on your da....." he paused, blinked at Pepper, blinked again and then closed his eyes, turning a vibrant shade of red that made Pepper smirk. "..."
“it is. Not sure how, but it is.”Clint snickered a little. “Dunno. But they came up after lunch and never left.”Clint said shrugging, because even without wandering, he was generally aware of where everyone was.

“...I knew. Just didn’t know why.”tony whined a little, not about to admit he hadn’t, or he really hadn’t known why she allowed it. Shuddering a little as she confirmed she knew, relaxing because it loosened somethign tight and scared in his chest, that had waited for her to leave in face of this scandal. “I don’t have a sappy little smile...”he muttered kissing her back, blushing as he realized the other had always known how he felt, smiling a little. “I can totally cook. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”hed snickered a little, shifting to hide that he was wearing pants, settling in close to pepper, resting his head against her shoulder. ‘I’m not the only one who’s mean. Besides, he’s not having sex, with a girl, he should get to see boobs sometimes.”Tony snickered a little smirking as steve walked in. Grinning as he went red.”Hey. No we didn’t. We had some business to take care of.”he said, not about to admit to steve he’d freaked out so badly, because he knew his reaction, along with teh accusation would piss off the good captain.
Grant shrugged and looked at Clint. "twenty on Steve getting pranked by using a naked Pepper" Grant stated, well aware Clint would never take a suckers bet like that.

"oh. well now you know." Pepper stated with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "now now, don't lie. you have the most adorable sappy little smile ever." she teased, chuckling. "you can't cook." she huffed, shaking her head. "at all. i don't even want to bring up the burning water episode." she admitted before smirking at him. "Thorne won't hold out for long. she's a virile young woman living with two hunks." she pointed out. "they have too much muscles though. i like my man limber." she admitted with a grin. "but i think Thorne likes the muscle bound look." she admitted before laughing as Steve flushed. "business? everything okay?" "it's fine. i'm handling it." Pepper assured Steve. "go back to Thorne." "okay. but if you need anything, let me know okay?" Steve ordered before backing out of the room. wary of seeing more than he'd wanted.

"Steve? your all red." James stated, sounding highly amused when Steve walked in. "yeah. i got a good look at Pepper's...uh. assets." Steve admitted. "i think she set me up. she's a horrible person and i don't want her to be my sister anymore. from this moment on, she is the enemy." Steve decided. "i will never un-see that." he groaned unhappily.
“No bet. That’s almost a given if they’re not having sex.”Clint snickered a little as he leaned back on the couch, content in the other’s company.

“Do not.”Tony made a face, before sulking. “ wasn’t burning water. I just burned the pan.”Tony muttered sulking a little before laughing.”Very true. I’m actually amazed she held out this long really....and I’m very limber.”Tony smirked a little before smiling at steve, nodding slightly, trying to be calm and not worry the other, knowing better then to tell steve he’d been upset over a rape accusation.”Always, cap.Don’t worry she’s being amazing and got a handle on it.”Tony grinned a little.

“..Seriously?poor steve.Though I’m sure it was a good sight....and I don’t think you can make a enemy of her. You like her to much.”Thorne teased smiling as she gently stroked blue’s back as she looked the runt over, settled into the dog’s area to look everyone over. “Hm, whatever shall we do to make you forget that sight?Just think, soon james’ll be going to bed, and he sleeps naked.”She said smirking, hoping to make steve feel better.
he snorted a little. "good point." he agreed before beaming at the TV. "hey i didn't die this time! i'm getting better." he declared, pleased with his progress on Mario Cart. "so. i was wondering." he admitted, looking at Clint. "how would someone go about permanantly hiding a Bonding Mark?" he asked. so, he was starting to suspect something about how Garret had fooled him.

she snorted a little and shook her head. "yes, because you let the water boil over completely." she huffed, looking amused. "she's held out this long because she's never had a pleasant sexual experience." she pointed out. "remember how long i lasted against you because of my own experiences?" Pepper had been a whore through her collage days. a literal whore, which was the only reason why she'd graduated and hadn't starved to death or been on the street. it had rather soured her of sex and she'd stood up against Tony's horniness for almost six months before letting him rock her world. "well. okay." Steve muttered, suspicious but not saying anything. Pepper was a big girl and if she couldn't handle it she would have said something. "see you later then." Pepper just snickered. "how that man can still be innocent is beyond me." she admitted. "he's going to walk in on Thorn one of these days and act just like a virgin."

"i'm sure i don't want to see my sister like that." Steve complained, shaking his head. "gross. besides, plenty of siblings love each other and are still enemies." he informed her. "i will prank her tomorrow and you'll see, i will have my revenge." Steve declared with a smile as he watched James stroking Scrapper. who was chewing on James hand. "so... i was thinking." James admitted suddenly, flexing his left hand and wincing. "i think i might let them do the surgery." "what. really?" Steve asked, sounding delighted. they probably wouldn't be able to get rid of all of the mechanical enhancements, being as many of them where wired into James very bones. but they could probably stop the pain and even prevent an more short circuits inside of James arm. "your right, James does sleep naked. that does make me feel better about being temporarily blinded by my own sister." he agreed.
Clint grinned."you are getting better."Clint smiled before growing serious rubbing a hand over his face."I asked thorne and she used a SI invention that's a semi permanent paint, it hides marks and tattoos but you have to keep putting it on instead of just once."

"That's true...those two are going to rock her world..."tony snickered a little because he knew just how good the two were at sex,as the two super soldier's had no shame about being out and about when they started sex ing each other up."I remember. Longest I've gone without sex that didn't require getting kidnapped to make it happen."tony snickered a little nuzzling her offering comfort, to both of them cause he hated what she'd had to do to survive.tony snickered as he watched his best friend leave smirking a little."he really is. It'll be great."tony smirked sighing softly..

"It'll be a good prank I'm sure."tHorne snickered a little smiling slightly as she watched james with scrapper,sighing quietly as she stroked shara's head."what?"thorne said looking startled before grinning, happy for him."good. You'll probably feel better for that."thorne smiled kissing his cheek."hm it's a nice thought isn't it?"she snickered a little amused at the idea of james sleeping naked.
he frowned a little. "so there's no permanent way?" he asked. "i suppose Garret could have used that method." he agreed. "but it doesn't seam likely." he admitted with a frown. "i wonder if Hydra had a new method?" he mused. "or maybe he just tattooed over the original Boding Marks? or maybe m marks where faked and Tattood over?" he wondered. "but i'm sure i would remember that, right?" he asked, looking at Clint. "so Garrets had to be the ones faked... i just... can't figure out how." he admitted.

she chuckled. "she's going to be horrified when she finds out just how slutty those two really are." she admitted. "i'm stunned they've restrained themselves. Jarvis reports they haven't so much as sucked each other off since they moved in probably because they feel guilty having sex without Thorne." she admitted. "i was pretty impressed. you didn't even sleep with other women." she admitted. "that's part of what convinced me you know." she admitted. "how loyal you where. i hated it though, because i always did like watching you fuck other women." she admitted with a giggle. "maybe that's pretty wrong of me, but i guess i just don't care." she admitted.she smiled as he nuzzled her, she didn't regret that period of her life. yes it had sucked, but it had helped make her the woman she was today.

"it will be. once i think of it." Steve admitted with a smile before beaming at James who flushed and ducked his head. the way he figured it, if Thorne didn't deserve to be in pain, she wouldn't want him to be in pain either, and the thought of Thorne being upset made him cringe. so if him being in pain upset her, then it stood to reason that he should go with the surgery. "honestly i'm more surprised you don't mind." Steve admitted, smiling at Thorne. "it took me a while to get used to it myself and i grew up with him." Steve admitted, wrinkling his nose. "what he's going to do when we're attacked and he's naked, i have no idea."
"Not that I know of."Clint said frowning a little before sighing quietly."maybe. Whichever mark is on your back,is faked....its scarred.real marks don't scar."Clint said gently worried how the other would respond

"Maybe or considering she's going to be the focus of their combined frustration when they eventually give in,and she is marked to them, she'll probably be just as bad."tony pointed out before looking startled."that really is amazing that they haven't really."he snickered."hmm I'm not that Great at loyalty you know,but I knew I wanted to be with you."he muttered blushing at the words, wanting to stay with her forever, and never leave. If he could be with her and never go anywhere he would but he knew that would drive her insane if he was around that much.

"....I you looked at him? I mean, I've had to sleep next to chris for years. Definitely not as good looking or amazing to stare at....and swedes are known for having a...loose relationship with our clothes. Generally if we can go naked,we do."thorne snickered though she knew theyd understand that her thoughts and needs to be dressed were from her abuse,not from not trusting them."stand there and dazzle the villian with his good looks probably."tHorne snickered
"well damn. i mean, i just don't... wait.. what?" he asked, looking shocked. "the one on my back is...?" he looked so startled it would have been funny if not for the fact that he looked like he was about to burst into tears. "...Bonding Marks don't scar?" he asked softly, voice trembling a little. "i didn't... i didn't know that..." he admitted, pulling his shirt off and twisting his head, trying to look at it. " so all this time my Bonding marks where the ones that where faked? but how!? i didn't appyl any paint or anything and i should remember being Tattooed of all thing! i don't... i don't..." he paused, took a deep breath and held it in with his eyes closed, not unlike what a small child with an anxiety problem might be trained to do. there was a moments pause and then he blew out the breath he'd been holding, looking a little bit more calm.

"you have a point." she agreed with a smile. "they aren't all that desperate yet. probably too afraid of scaring her off." she admitted. "they tend to have obsessive behavior too so that would dull down their Libido while they're focused completely on her too." she mused with a smile. "well you did a very good job convincing me. and of course you are good at loyalty." she stated with a smile. "you are loyal to me in all the ways that count. it's not cheating on me when i point blank tell you to go find another woman to fuck for the night." she teased with a smile. "your mine now. mine forever and that's the way it's gonna stay." she admitted, kissing him rather possessively. "and that's that." she stated with a smile.

"of course i've looked at him." Steve huffed with a chuckle. "Chris was ugly. little pimple." James agreed, Steve snorting. "what, really?" Steve asked, looking startled. "so you won't mind if i go to bed in just boxers?" he asked. "...actually. now that you mention it, there where a lot of nude beaches in Sweden last time i was there..." he admitted. "i am pretty dazzling." James agreed with a smirk. "besides, i've fought naked before." he admitted, "Or did you forget about that time in the public bathes at Luxemburg?" "Oh my god. yes i did." Steve groaned, laughing. "that was horrible!"
“Yea.It’s scarred completely.”Clint said looking upset that the other was upset, shaking his head a little. “Nope. Can’t. You saw thorne’s arm, it’s healing clean, where by all rights, that should have scarred deeply.”Clint said before flinching, his shoulders hunched a little. “I don’t know Grant. I didn’t...I didn’t know which bond was doesn’t make sense yours is the fake one...”Clint said looking upset and worried, wrapping a arm around grant, leaning into him, holding him gently. “We’ll figure it out.Thorne might have a idea, she’s been hiding hers for years. Might know how to pull it off...”clint muttered.

“Not yet. It’ll get worse. It’ll be amusing to see.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, “True.Though eventually they’re going to start focusing on how good she looks. I mean, now that they know about the marks, she’ll probably start wearing more...revealing clothes.”Tony snickered enjoying the thought of what it was going to do to the boys. “...Well.I guess your right.”Tony said blushing slightly as he snuggled her, kissing her back before groaning, leaning back into the pillows, tugging her closer. “Good. You’re mine....we should get some sleep. Even if the editorial isn’t oging to come out tomorrow, its still going to be hard...”

“He was. Terrible to see all the time.”Thorne muttered shuddering a little, pepper really was right. Her reluctance to do anything beyond snuggling and kissing was built on that hse’d never had good sex, or even pleasing sex. “No, I wouldn’t.”She shrugged smiling at him, smirking as she considered just how much bare skin she was going to see.”Though you’ll have to forgive me for keeping my pj’s.”She said blushing a little before snickering. “Very dazzling....and you’ve fought naked?Why?And...didn’t it hurt?I mean, no clothes.”She said looking interested.
he shook his head. "no... i haven't seen Thorne's arm, what's wrong with her arm?" he asked, worried about her. because she was back to wearing long sleeves when he'd arrived, he hadn't realized she'd been burned. "i just want my lif to make sense..." Grant whimpered, pressing his face into Clint's chest. "i just want to know...." he whispered, trembling in Clint's arms. calmer, but still badly shaken up.

"oh, i have no doubt." she agreed with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "oh, they know how gorgeous she is. James keeps staring at her ass and Steve drools a little bit when he's watching her and thinks no one else is looking." Pepper admitted with a grin. "and i'm not so sure she will. just like James, she's been punished for revealing those marks, she could very well keep them hidden." Pepper admitted. "of course i'm right. i'm always right." Pepper admitted with a smirk. "The editorial isn't going to come out at all." she informed him. "apparently, your going to love this." Pepper admitted, looking amused. "Fury caught wind of the article as well and pulled the woman in for questioning. even Fury knows that you could never rape anyone." she admitted, showing him the Email from Fury. which basically read. 'Stark, some stupid bint is claiming you raped her. i'm leaning on her. and she's sweating buckets but has already admitted to being a lying bitch. working on a reason for why now but she's staying quite. foul play suspected'. "too bad he won't respond to my Emails asking about Phil." she admitted with a grumble.

"i imagine. he was pasty and ugly." James agreed. "i bet he had a tiny cock too. and didn't know how to use it." "men like that never do." Steve agreed, blushing at the sudden change of topic. "poor Thorne, i bet you a man like that couldn't even make her orgasm,: :why does everything always end up being about sex when you speak?" "because i'm a horny man with no verbal filter." "...ah." Steve muttered, looking amused now. "we where in the public bathes in Germany and some of the Nazis popped in as well and we had a massive brawl. Steve was the only one wearing dressed because he was the last one to show up, cus he was in a meeting." Jams admitted with a grin. "he showed up just when me and the rest of the Commandos where finishing up the fight. he actually just sat down and watched me wrestle with another naked guy." James admitted, looking amused. "it must have turned him on because he fucked me harder than he'd ever fucked me in my life after that." "i was staking a claim." Steve admitted. "you where rolling on the ground with another naked man, of course i had to teach you your place...huh. did you know some crazy bint is accusing Tony of raping her?" Steve asked, blinking at the Email he'd just gotten from Fury.
Clint winced as he realized grant hadn’t known, having forgotten she’d been wearing lng sleeves again. “...Chris held her arm to a stove and tried to burn her marks off.”Clint sighed rubbing a hand over the other’s back. “We’ll find out okay?Someone has to know what happened.”He muttered before frowning as his phone pinged, lifting it to read before snorting, starting to laugh, because it was such a riddculous claim. Even if he’d never met tony, he’d known this was stupid. “Someone’s trying to accuse tony of raping her.”

“...I’m so going to catch him watching her sometime. It’s so amusing to embarass him.”Tony snickered a little, before frowning a little. “...That’s true. She might.”Tony sighed a little before smiling at the other’s words, amused they both had ego’s before looking startled, shifting to read the email over her shoulder, “...that’s amusing. Really. And I do want to know what she’s up to.But not tonight. Tonight’s still date night and I want to make love to you, then sleep.”He growled nuzzling her a little. “Hm, he’ll answer steve’s about phil.”He muttered with a smile.

“...I don’t know. It was...normal sized I guess?”Thorne said shrugging a little, looking amused at steve’s blush as they discussed her sex life, flushing even brighter at james’ words, looking away, not about to admit anything, to embarassed to do something. “So it’s not just us who make you horny?”She teased before snickering, amused at the idea of him fighting naked, shaking her head a little. “That’s really amusing.”She snickered looking down at blue as the blue wiggled in her lap, happy at the attention before looking up startled, staring.”...Wait.What? Bet that’s why they canceled date night though...”
"That filthy fucking bastard!" Grant snarled. "i'll fuckin Kill him!" he snarled, bristling in rage that someone had hurt Thorne like that. "okay." he agreed, settling down again. "i'll get answers even if i have to storm Hydra bases for them." Grant decided before twitching and sat up a little. "seriously? as in, our Tony. as in, Tony Stark? no one believes he would ever be capable of Rape." he scoffed. "who is this woman? seriously, does she not know what she's fucking with right now? i mean really." he scoffed, shaking his head. "no one would ever possibly believe him capable of that, ever. especially when he can get any woman he wants in the first place."

she giggled a little and nodded. "yes it really is. that's really mean of course but what do we care?" she asked with a grin and a giggle. "Fury will Find out." Pepper agreed. "and then Steve will put the heat on Fury. i'll be fun." she admitted with a smile. , kissing him gently. "i love you." she admitted with a gushy little smile. "are you going to give me the sexing of a lifetime Tony?" she asked with a grin.

"okay. lets rephrase. how big was he compared to mine?" James asked, looking amused. "because to be honest, i'm an average male size. Steve? Steve is just hung, the little punk." "Jerk."Steve complained, looking amused. "oh no. everything makes me horny." James admitted. "the kitchen, the living room, the shopping mall, the clothing store..." "mostly because he imagines what he could be doing in said locations." Steve admitted with a smile. "i bet our right, Pepper would be all over this shit." James agreed, examining the Email before scooping up the female that Tony had claimed and snuggling i, grunting when the other two landed in his lap too, courtesy of James. "By the way, Pepper named e pup." James admitted suddenly, grinning. "Marie Curie."
“I think you’ll have to get in line. James and Steve are ready to commit murder, and james is more then capable of doing it.”Clint snickered a little before nodding, “Yes as in our tony.”Clint said smirking a little as he let the other read the email. “There’s only one person in the world who’d ever believe Tony was capable of rape, and that Tony Stark. Whatever’s going on, I’d put money on it someone wanting to screw with Tony’s head, and not anything else.”Clint said glad that the other was being distracted.

”If we cared, we would have not gotten mostly naked and had him walk in.”He giggled a little before nodding. “It’ll be alot of fun.”he agreed smiling a little, that ‘I love you’ smile before grinning. “I am.”He smirked laughing.”Gotta make up for not taking you to dinner after all.”

“Oh...uh...”Thorne paused thinking, looking at steve, studying the man, because well, she enjoyed looking at him, even if it made her blush. “Smaller.”She said smiling a little before laughing, “In public?really?”She sputtered blushing before nodding. “Definitely. Can’t wait till pepper gets ahold of this woman. It’ll be amusing.”She snickered before grinning happily. “good. And definitely a name that fits tony, considering one of the first women of science was named madame curie.”Thorne giggled a little stretching, “we probably should get some sleep.”She muttered smiling as she settled blue into steve’s lap, just cause he looked so adorable holding them all.
Grant huffed. "fine. but i get him third." he grumbled. "Jesus, he would believe it wouldn't he?" he asked shaking his head. "you know. i bet this woman was hired by one of Tony's competitive businesses. not that anyone could compare to Stark Industries. this is probably a distraction so that either Pepper or Tony doesn't notice someone trying to sabotage, buy, or break S.I or something." h mused. "Hydra does shit like that all the time." he admitted. "especially if they think they can get away with it, and they usually can."

she sniggered and nodded. "next time maybe we'll be all naked, just sitting here. watch him really wig out." she mused, looking very wicked. "well. lets get to it then." she growled eagerly. "and who says we skipped Date night? tomorrow is Sunday, no work. it'll be Date Day." she decided.

James smirked. "see? he was tiny." James admitted with a nod. "oh yes. in public. we're horrid perverts." James admitted. "remember that time we got kicked out of Macy's?" Steve asked, looking amused. "it was your fault." "how was it my fault?" "you wouldn't shut up when i was sucking your cock." "It was your fault for stopping me in the bathroom TO suck my cock!" Steve protested, flushing brightly. "it was your fault for not locking the door!" he protested, sulking. as red as a tomato. "Fury has the woman. right now. it is amusing. i have requested Video copies." James admitted. "and for information on Phil." Steve laughed and nodded. "me too." he admitted. "Pepper named her after that exact woman. Marie Curie, the first ever woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize, the only person ever to win Two and in two different categories for that matter. she's one of the biggest names in women's scientific acknowledgment." Steve admitted. "She was Pepper's hero during school." he admitted before laughing as he realized he had all five puppies. "we should get some sleep." Steve agreed, gently arranging the puppies next to Shara.
“Go for it. I think we should go on vacation to just deal with her husband really.”Clint said before nodding. “He would. And despite how he acts, his self confidence is battered enough to knock him off balance while he’s doing with this. I don’t doubt its someone trying to distract them.”Clint said sighing as he kissed grant’s head. “we should get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow’s going to be long for us all.”

“....Oh god. That would be great.”tony snickered as he nodded. “A date day then.”He agreed smirking to himself as he set about giving her the loving of a lifetime.

“And didn’t know how to use it.”Thorne agreed, blushing a little because this was so weird to be discussing, and actually enjoying the thought of sex when she hadn’t before. “....There are no words for this. I don’t know what to say to the idea of you guys getting kicked out of macy’s.”She said snickering a little before nodding. “Good. We’ll find out what she’s really up to...and why phil;’s not here. We’ll know everything.”Thorne smiled before grinning. “A good role model.”She agreed amused at the puppies name, smiling as she got up, fussing over the puppies for a moment before heading for the bedroom, blushing a little as she changed into one of steve’s iron man t-shirts, for the first time being a little less covered up, trying to relax. Even if the shirt was big enough to cover her to midthigh and really didn’t show anything, she looked more comfortable. “goodnight you two.”She smiled as she crawled into bed.
he nodded a little. "he's not really all that well adjusted is he?" as if Grant was one to talk. "...yeah. Tomorrows gonna suck." he agreed with a sigh. "... Clint?" he asked, sounding hesitant all of a sudden. fidgeting. "i... i don't... can i sleep with you?" he asked hopefully. he didn't like being alone.

"most men don't." Steve admitted. "i certainly didn't, James had to teach me, just like someone taught him." Steve admitted. "i was a slut. oh wait, still am!" James admitted with a laugh. "before i admitted that i was in love with Stevie, i slept with anything that moved." he admitted. "anything that would have me, so i actually knew what i was doing once we finally got together." "and he trained me." Steve admitted. "don't know how much i actually know about a woman's body, but i know the basics." he admitted. "at least, i think i do." he admitted. "a very good Role Model." Steve agreed with a smile. "goodnight." they both chorused. each nearly naked... well no, Steve was nearly naked. James WAS Naked.

in the morning Steve was, as always, the first up and he was in the communal kitchen this time, cooking a massive breakfast for everyone, having a feeling that it was going to be needed. he had no doubt that Pepper was going to want to do a press release that evening about the blatant attack. James was once again, hugging her tightly when she woke up.this time his head on her shoulder, arms wrapped around her ribs and legs off to the side, one of them actually hanging off the end of the bed. "nooooo. don't wake up." James whined, arms tightening around her when she started to stir. " 'S Sleeping time." he mumbled, pressing his face into her breasts instead. right smack in the middle.
“He really isn’t.”clint said before frowning, looking worried at the hesitant sound of grant’s voice before smiling softly, nodding.”Come on then.I could use a good snuggle.”he said smiling as they headed for bed.

“well, good thing you two know what you’re doing.cause I have no idea. It’s,,,really don’t know.Sex wasn’t that fun.”Thorne muttered with a shrug, smiling a little at james admittance at being a slut, and steve’s not knowing what he’s doing. “well, we’ll figure it out otghter then.”She said smiling a little, amused at how very naked they were all, with barely any clothes between them.

Thorne whined a little as he snuggled her, not waking up nearly as fast as normal, squirming a little, needing to get up but not wanting to leave bed either. Sighing quietly as he held her tighter she smiled a little.”Sleeping time still?I think it’s time to get up.”She teased a little, whining softly as he pressed his face into her breasts, ample enough with the breast there was definitely a cushion and clevage laying down. Shuddering a little, her mind going straight for the gutter with him like that. Now that they’d sorta discussed sex, well, the repressed woman was finding things interesting now.
he brightened at the promise of a bed mate and followed Clint happily. snuggle times where the best.

"Sex should always be fun." James admitted. "don't worry. when your ready, we'll rock your world!" "James!" "what!? i'll wait patiently. even if it takes year. i'm just letting her know now, that we know how to make her feel like she's burning alive in pleasure, that's all." "oh dear god..." Steve groaned, shaking his head. "some days, i wonder about getting you those pills that make you too happy to do anything but sit there silently.... or castrating you." "oi! no threatening the man jewels!"

James mumbled unhappily when she continued to move and burrowed his face into her breasts. as if he thought she was a pillow. he probobly did she was that soft. "no. 's Sleeping time." he mumbled. sighing into her cleavage. his breath hot against her skin as he settled back to sleep, just laying there with his face pressed into her breasts like a madman. "James. get your face out of her breasts before she smacks you and get up. breakfast." Steve ordered as he walked in, looking amused when James just whined and tried to press himself even deeper into Thorne. such a baby. "i made French Toast." that seamed to get James going because he groaned and slowly pulled away, blinking dumbly at Steve and looking very unhappy at being woken.
“...Well.Okay.”Thorne sputtered a little blushing brightly as she looked at the two, laughing softly at the two’s joking. It was cute really.

Thorne smiled a little as she stroked james back, swallowing thickly at the feeling it stirred. After all, it was her bonded, of course having his face pressed into her breasts made her feel things. “I wouldn’t smack him. He’s fairly adorable like this.”She smiled a little looking up at steve with a smile, snickering as james pulled away.”Food.”She said pressing a kiss to his cheek before squirming away and heading for the kitchen to get food.
Steve smiled a little. "you might smack him. i smack him all the time." he admitted with a chuckle. "he is kind of cute when he's not talking." he agreed, kissing the top of James head before kissing the top of her head as well. "shall we go and see what Tony and Pepper are up to? i made breakfast in the common Kitchen today." he admitted. "i'm a bit worried about how Tony is handling this." he admitted. "and i haven't heard anything at all from Fury." he admitted with a sigh. "the little dick. i'm half tempted to just storm Shield and see for myself what the hell is going on."
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