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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Thorne blushed a little as she realized they were showing their marks simply because she was uncomfortable. Smirking a little as she looked at them.”Hmmm,but it would have been nice staring at your bare asses.”She muttered before her eyes widened, startled at her brave flirt, because it had been so long since she’d been able to flirt without worry. “Well, come here then.”Thorne muttered shifting, snuggling into james as she hugged him before frowning, tilting her head. “I don’t know. Tony’s the one to ask. Even it not being his invention, it was made in his labs, they’d be able to tell you exactly what you could do with it. I was never interested in putting something over it, so I never tried.”She said frowning a little thinking it over before nodding. “He’s not stupid. He thinks he is, but he’s not.”Thorne agreed, flushing a litle as the other praised her, nodding slightly.”Okay.”she said at a loss on how to handle being called beautiful or gorgeous, it was so weird to her. “...Okay then.”She smiled yawning as she stretched, “We should probably get some sleep.”She said worried about them to, hoping they could at least get some rest despite being upset.
they stared at her for a shocked moment before James started laughing and Steve grumbled. "you are certainly spending WAY too much time with Pepper." he muttered, blushing even harder even if he was smiling. "anytime you want a look you just ask." James promised, still giggling before happily snuggling into her. he was like a big dog really, cute, cuddly, snuggly and warm until you messed with his people and then he was like a rabid pit bull and would chew your face off and use your guts as a waste receptacle. "i'll ask Tony then. or rather, just go down to the labs and ask them." he decided. "tomorrow of course, they wouldn't appreciate me at this time of night." he admitted with a chuckle. "he only thinks he's stupid because people have told him so all his life. i think we should get him to take an IQ test of some sort and prove he's not as dumb as he thinks he is." "of course, that only works if he's literate." James pointed out. "he was abused by his parents too don't forget, who says they let him learn or go to school?" "...good point." Steve agreed, grinning as he followed James and Thorne to bed, stripping down to his boxers, which was how he preferred to sleep. he did pull on a pair of sweatpants for her. it was James who hesitated, chewing on his lip a bit. "he usually sleeps naked." Steve explained to Thorne. "he's trying to decide if he wants to ask you if it would bother you or just get dressed into something and go to bed. he worries about silly things like that." he admitted with a chuckle.
“hmm, it’s not pepper’s fault I want to stare at human perfection.If anyone should be blamed, it’s tony. He’s the one who enjoys making you blush”Thorne said snickering as he blushed, blushing herself. It’d been so long since she’d actually flirted, actually been allowed to, that she had no idea how to do this. “Hmm, I will.”She muttered at james’ words, blushing a little. “No, they really wouldn’t.”Thorne snickered at the idea of steve going down to the labs now before thinking over his idea, then nodding. “He can read. Garret made sure he could, meant garret didn’t have to worry about reading to him. We’ll ask tony to get a test.”Thorne said sighing softly as they headed for the bedroom, after stopping in her room to change into her own pj’s, pausing as she looked at the hesitating james, “...Oh.”Thorne glanced at james, smirking a little as she poked him in the ribs. “You did say I could stare at your bare ass if I wanted. Just sleep how you want.”She shrugged a little, blushing and embarassed, but she really did want to see him, see them both naked, even if she wasn’t ready for doing anything yet. Still having problems accepting that this was okay, that she was okay.
Steve shook his head. "i think i might spar with Tony in the morning." he decided. "teach him a few lessons about corrupting young impressionable women." "Tony beat you last time." "he was wearing the suit! it didn't count!" Steve huffed, sulking. "so he's literate at least. though, Garret had to teach him?" James asked, surprised. "so i was right, his parents wouldn't bother letting him learn anything. foul bastards." "no, James. you can't hunt them down and teach them a lesson." Steve stated calmly before grinning when she poked James who squirmed and then blinked at her. he grinned at her and nodded, giving her another hug before striping naked, it wasn't like he had any shame, he'd been more worried about her modesty than anything else. "don't worry. he won't hump us." Steve promised with a chuckle. somehow, by unspoken agreement, Thorne ended up in the middle of the two men. "goodnight Thorne. James." Steve stated with a smile. "sleep well." he offered, yawning and settling down for a few hours sleep.

in the morning, Steve had slipped the bed, and James was clinging to her like a monkey, looking ever so peaceful in sleep. his head was resting on her chest, arms wrapped around her hips and legs tangled with hers. he was rather cute all snuggled against her like that. especially since during the night he had shed all blankets and was now one hundred percent naked. he was about to stir though, the smell of Coffee signaling that Steve was making breakfast.
"You shouls. He's totally without in corrupting me."thorne snickered."though you should let him use the suit. I mean otherwise it's totally unfair."she pointed out with a smile before nodding."at least that's the feeling I got when I talked to him...and no we can't hurt his parents. As much as I want to."thorne made a face sighing a little."well that's good."thorne said still a little nervous about being in bed with them,but it had nothing to do with them or the state of dress. She was just nervous."night."thorne muttered as she fell asleep utterly content to be held.

When she woke she smiled thoughtfully and sleepily as she figured out what was going on smiling quietly as she gently stroked james bare back,simply enjoying touching him and shy enough to want to just take the chance while he was asleep and couldn't tease her. Trying really hard to not simply let her hands wander,even with all that delectable skin she could see. Nudging her nose against his hair she pressed a kiss to his head smilingwhen she felt him waking up."good morning."
Steve snorted. "he corrupts everyone so don't feel bad." he teased with a smile. "besides, it's cheating if he uses the suit!" he grumbled, looking amused before shaking his head. "we literally can't. not unless we want to cause a major incident. his mother and father where one of the nations most liked governors. and his brother is a very popular governor now as well." he admitted. "so we'd have to get around that first." he admitted. "they'll get their due, don't you worry about that, we just have to be careful about it." he admitted.

James sighed as he was stroked, snuggling into her a little more. "...mmmm morning." he slurred, blinking up at her. "your soft." he mumbled, nuzzling her a bit, too tired to really filter himself. "'n warm." he admitted happily. "'s nice." he admitted. "you smell good too. like coffee." he admitted, mistaking the heavy smell of three pots of coffee brewing for her natural scent. "an vanilla." he mumbled, groaning as he slowly pulled away. "gotta pee." he admitted, staggering off to the bathroom, ignoring Steve's complaints about unsanitary kitchen conditions when James simply sat down in the kitchen, butt naked, after 'draining the lizard'. "shhh... Steve... Coffee."
"...I think you're the corrupting influence here. I mean everyone thinks you're good and pure and your not."thorne teased before sighing."damn...they'll get the dues eventually."he si ghost ed quietly frowning a little as she fell asleep.

"Hmmm your warm to."she muttered as she stopped petting him, sighing quietly happy as she listened to him. It amused her to listen to him be sleepy."that not me jamie. That's steve."she teased a little getting up herself as he stumbled out of bed. Quickly checking on share and the pups and making sure they were okay she settled at the table with her own glass of coffee she smirked a little watching james and steve. Simply enjoying their company.
"of course i'm not." Steve snorted. "honestly. people act as if i was raised in a church by the pope himself. it's ridiculous." he admitted. "they will get their dues. no worries." he promised with a smile. "Tony's working on it i'm sure."

James whined when she stopped petting him but didn't actively protest. "no. 's you. Steve's makin Breakfast." he mumbled. "honestly James! you can't sit at the kitchen table naked!" Steve protested. "go get dressed. i'm not feeding you until you are. lord knows what happened the last time i gave you hot food when you where naked!" "hey. i didn't scar!" "it was a close thing! honestly you'd think burning your pecker would teach you something." Steve chastised, making James huff, even if he was grinning when he ambled off to get dressed. "morning Thorne. sleep well?" he asked with a smile, handing her a plate full of eggs, bacon, breakfast ham and grits. "Tony's probably going to be here any minute with Pepper." he warned. "they usually stop in before Pepper goes to work and Tony goes to... whatever it is Tony does." he admitted. "i think to make sure we're still alive or something."
"Does he have to?this makes for a good view first thing in the morning. I'm sure there's plenty of people who'd enjoy finding him naked in their kitchen."thorne snickered a little before her eyes widened."...he burned himself?"her jaw dropped a little looking startled before giggling a little."morning. And I did. Seems having two teddy bears makes me sleep amazingly."she smiled a little "no its so you can make sure I didn't kill myself or spend the wheel night in the lab like you think I do."tony smiled as he walked in, snuggling against pepper before leaving her to go see the puppies,looking like a little kid as he watched them."tony you want breakfast?"thorne said smiling a littld.,later. I'm dogwatching now."
Steve chuckled. "yes he does." he stated simply. "i don't want him repeating his past mistakes." he admitted with a grin. "yes he did. he was in such a rush to eat that he spilled straight off the stove eggs, and right out of the pot Coffee into his lap. being nude at the time, well i think you can imagine." he admitted with a grin. "good. i'm glad you slept well." he admitted. "isn't that Pepper's job?" he asked Tony when the man walked in, looking amused. "Breakfast now." Steve and Pepper both ordered. "you can eat and watch the puppies at the same time." Steve promised, shoving a plate into Tony's hands while offering Pepper food as well. "looks like Blue is fending for himself now." Pepper commented, pleased to see the little runt firmly attached to a nipple like his brother, Scrapper. the two where very effectively hogging breakfast all to themselves, being as the other three girls where still snoozing.
“Damn.”She sulked a little before snickering. Shaking her head a little as she considered how much that had to have hurt. “That’s horrible.”She said smiling a little before laughing a little at tony. “It is pepper’s job, but you worry if you don’t see me. I know you do. Always afraid I killed myself or something.”Tony said frowning at the orders, looking up at the other, before smiling happily.”thanks.”he said smiling as he settled on the floor to watch the puppy’s as he ate. “So he is. Though that might be cause the girl’s are still sleeping. We’ll have to make sure he keeps eating.”Thorne said smiling a little amused.
he nodded. "it was prett bad. he had blisters all over his penis and thighs, he couldn't even pee without it hurting." he admitted. "i'd inform Steve if you died." Pepper scoffed. rolling her eyes. "you just come here because you like to annoy James and Steve." she teased her lover. "your here now because you can't decide which girl you want to bring home." he teased, making it sound so naughty. "no problem." Steve chirped, looking up when James returned, fully dressed. "i'm sure he'll be okay. Blue won't let those bossy ladies pick on him." James decided with a grin. "man like that's gotta learn how to stand up for himself."

down in Clint's room, Grant was having a hell of a morning. he was busy being sick in the bathroom, hungover just enough to cause the need to purge what little there was in his stomach. "ooooh... don't walk s loud." he groaned, nursing a mighty migraine. maybe drinking four large tumblers of liquor with a high alcohol content for his first experience had not been a good idea.
“ouch.”Thorne winced a little. “I did not. That would be mean, and counterproductive, as if I annoy them, he wont give me coffee.”He pouted a little looking amused though, looking up at pepper, raising a eyebrow. “I always knew you wanted me to take another girl home, you pervert.”tony smirked at her, looking amused. “Hm, you let me boss you around. You gonna stand up for yourself?”Thorne teased blushing a little, feeling utterly out of sorts with this almost flirting teasing. Tony grinned watching them, looking happy for them before returning to watch the puppies, not about to voice his opinion on what they needed to do.

Clint paused mid step, lightening his already amazingly light footsteps to near silence as he stepped into the bathroom, “Well, I guess I don’t have to ask you how you’re feeling. Probably a good thing we didn’t raid tony’s cabinet if you’re feeling this bad.”Clint snorted laughing softly though he did look concerned for the other.
Steve, Pepper and James all scoffed at Tony. "as if we would dare. you'd whine us into insanity." Steve stated, pouring the other the cup of Coffee he wanted. "of course i'm a pervert i'm mated to you aren't i?" she asked with a grin. "i'll stand up for myself where it counts." James promised. "i probably won't have to much." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "besides, being bossed about in the bedroom is a whole different ballgame." James admitted, making Steve grimace. "ugh. don't bring up ballgames. i'm still pissed." "they sold the Brooklyn team to another state. he's not over it yet." James admitted, looking amused. "speaking of ballgames though, we should go out on a date." "a date?" Steve asked, blinking. "yeah, a date. she's our girl right? we need to treat her right. that means a date." he ordered, Steve nodding. "your right. but i don't know anything about dates." "i do. no worries. i'll plan the whole thing." "i highly doubt she wants to go fishing James." "you shut your mouth!"

he groaned and cracked an eyelid at the other. "uuuugh. you talk too loud... now i know why Garret wouldn't let me have anything more than a single half shot at a time... maybe i'm really actually allergic to alcohol? maybe i' dying?" he wondered, laying his throbbing head on the cool tiles. "just let me lay here for a while. i'll either die, or recover. either way i'm sure the pain will stop." he admitted.
“I would not. I can go without coffee. I’ve done it before.”Tony said though he huddled over the coffee cup and greedily drank it down, totally ignoring his food for the moment before starting to eat, definitely more awake now. “Well, that’s true. You are my mate.”Tony said, giving pepper that dopey ‘I’m still in love’ smile. “....”Thorne’s eyes went wide at james’ teasing, flushing brightly, ducking her head a little. Despite her teasing, she was still easily embarassed and still not sure how to do this dating thing. “I told you I could bring the Dodgers back.”Tony said as he sipped his coffee. “...Is that a good idea?I mean...I would like to...but...I am still married.”Thorne pointed out tilting her head a little, before laughing softly. “I’ve never gone fishing.”She said thoughtfully.

Clint smiled a little, shaking his head. “No you’re not. You just drank to much and got drunk. You’re hungover. You’ll feel better in awhile, and after you drink this.”clint said crouching down, handing him the small glass of water. “Drink.”he ordered smiling slightly at just how miserable the other looked.
Steve smirked. "for how long? five hours?" he asked, looking amused. "you could no more give up Coffee than James could give up sex." he scoffed. "and he's a nympho." "i am." James agreed. Pepper smiled at Tony, that same gushy look that few people ever really got to see. they where so cute for each other, anyone who was close enough to see such private moments would say the same. shame that those where so few and far between. "no you can't Tony." Steve growled. "they turned traitor and moved. they will never be my Dodgers again." he grumbled before smiling at her. "of course it's a good idea." he stated calmly. "well, depending." he admitted. "we have three options here." he admitted, holding up a finger. "the first is we televise before Chris can and let the world, including Sweden, know the truth about your marks and the abuse. two, we keep it a secrete, you never leave the tower ever again and we let Chris rule Sweden with a tyrannical fist. or three, we handle it quietly, ruining your mother and Chris's reputations frm the shadows until having them arrested or assassinated while you get a divorce. we can then date quietly while letting the world think we are either close friends or related in a familial manner. each one has it's pros and cons."

he groaned. "i am. i wasn't drunk. i was just... uh... i dunno." he admitted, closing his eyes. "you talk too loud and your pity mocks me." he groaned, smiling as he accepted the water and drained it. he did feel a little bit better now. "thanks. that helped." he admitted, rubbing his aching head. "i don't feel sick at any rate." he admitted, carefully getting to his feet.
“I’ve gone longer then that without coffee.” “Being held prisoner in afghanistan doesn’t count as willingly giving up coffee.”Thorne said rolling her eyes, looking amused though. Tony smiled as he moved away from the puppies, wrapping a arm around pepper as he sat at the table, getting his snuggles in before she had to go for work. “Fine. No buying the dodgers. Though you guys should go to a Yanks game, you could watch them lose.”Tony said snickering a little. Thorne frowned looking down, and through the marks the boys could tell just how anxious and upset she was as she considered the options even if the turmoil didn’t show on her face. Thinking it over she sighed softly. “I don’t know...I’d want to handle this in a quiet manner, it’d be easier, but.....” “You could do a single interview, and let your people know what’s going on. It’s going to be bad, but if you refuse to do any but the single interview, you have better control.”Tony sighed a little knowing it was going to be bad no matter how it went for the normally very private woman.

“No, you were drunk. I know drunk.”Clint snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “Welcome .and now time to eat a little bit, you’ll feel even better then.”Clint said smiling as the other got up.”if you’re feeling up to it, the others have breakfast in steve’s apartment most of the time. Even when they didn’t live here, tony went over for breakfast most of the time...I can only imagine tony’s going to be even more in their space then normal.”
Steve snorted. "you haven't gone that long without Coffee, willingly, since you where twelve. i know better." he stated, looking amused as he examined the other, head tilted. he loved watching Tony be mushy and lovey. Pepper did too for that matter because she snuggled into him quite happily. "i hate the freaking Yanks." Steve growled, scowling a little. "can i buy the yankees and then burn the stadium down?" he asked hopefully. both Steve and James moved when they felt the agony through their marks and gently snuggled her, offering as much comfort as they could. "quietly would be best." Steve agreed softly, rubbing her back gently. "eventually word is going to get out. it would be best if we got the word out so we can control what is said and what isn't." he admitted softly.

"i wasn't. your just wrong." he decided. "ugh... food?" he asked, looking a bit green again. "fine, i suppose..." he mumbled. clearly unhappy at the thought of food. "i need a toothbrush, my mouth tastes like vomit." he admitted before nodding. "that sounds fine." he admitted. "i can ook if you'd rather me just make something." he admitted, rinsing his mouth out with a swig of mouthwash. "in any case, if Steve didn't like being bothered all the time, he wouldn't have moved in, right?" he asked with a smile.
“Before. I wasn’t supervised as a child, and knew how to work a coffee machine.”Tony snickered a little, pressing a kiss to pepper’s head as he tugged her into the crook of his arm, snuggling her as he drank his coffee, raising a eyebrow as he realized he was being stared at. “What?”He muttered looking at steve, before snickering. “No, you can’t buy the Yankees. Take Thorne to a game. I’m sure she’s never seen a baseball game.”He looked amused. Smiling quietly as she was snuggled she sighed leaning into them. “We’ll do it quietly then. The backlash of actually getting divorced is going to be bad enough, I’d rather just do it quietly, letting it come out slowly, instead of letting it explode.”he sighed softly.

“Yes food. Even if you’re feeling sick, you need to eat.”Clint smiled a little before nodding to the counter. “Brush your teeth then then we’ll go upstairs.”he smiled a little “And miss out on whatever steve’s making?No thanks. Sorry, he’s amazing at food.”clint snickered a little as the other washed out his mouth before nodding. “Yea I guess. Though I don’t know if he’s prepared for just how much tony’s going to be around now that he’s living with him.”
Steve rolled his eyes. "i suddenly have this hellish image of a six year old Tony hot wired on Coffee and sugar terrorizing anything that catches his attention." he admitted. "really? me too." Pepper admitted, looking amused. "oh wait, i've actually seen that. Jarvis Home Movies." she admitted with a smirk. "i have so much blackmail material." she admitted with a snicker. "it's just cute." Steve admitted. "it amuses me how everyone can say your the worst mate in existence ever, and yet you two can look like that." he admitted. "but the Yankees suck! seriously! they need to be permanently disbanded! fine! we'll go to a game! but it's gonna be the Mets if it's gonna be anything!" he ordered. "and then well go fishing, gut and dress a deer and go have a pissing contest. see who can pee their name in the first fastest." James snickered. "easy there Steve we'll do girly dates too. like a romantic dinner with a walk down the beach." James promised. "good!" Steve declaimed, muttering under his breath about brain-dead lovers and how he wanted Thorne to like them, not run away screaming because James tried to teach her how to clean a fish. "slowly it is then. we'll have Tony do most of th planning and stuff then. he's the best at it." Steve admitted with a nod.

"if i puke again, it will be all your fault." he grumbled. "and i can't brush my teeth o don't have a toothbrush." he stated simply. "everything i ever owned, ever, is back at Hydra." he admitted. "even the clothes i was wearing. i didn't want to risk tracking chips in my clothes so i stole the ones i was wearing from a clothing shop." he admitted. "is he?" he asked with a smile. "well. i suppose i could manage something then." he admitted "i'm sure hes aware. he is Captain America after all." he admitted with a smile. "okay, now that my mouth doesn't taste gross anymore..." he paused, hesitated and then leaned in, catching Clint's mouth with his before pulling away, blushing a little. "...thanks. for last night..."
“...I wasn’t that bad. And I don’t know what to do with you ms. Potts, you lying liar who lies, there are no such movies. Anywhere.”Tony said smiling a little making a face at the other before sighing as he looked at steve. “I am the worst mate ever, but I can snuggle like a champ.”Tony shrugged looking amused, because really, he did believe most of the stuff said about him, his father’s abuse and his mother’s neglect having left scars deep enough that he rarely thought as well of himself as he pretended. “We could go to the mets-yanks game, and watch them lose.”Thorne said before looking startled at the other, offering a shaky smile. “uh...can’t we just like...let the fish go?I mean, they’re fairly adorable. We should just let them go.”Thorne said looking overwhelmed at the idea of guting and hunting. “I’ll take care of it....well. Jarvis will, with my help.It’ll be good.”Tony grinned a little.

“Everything usually is.”clint snickered a little, “Well. We’ll go get you stuff this afternoon.”Clint said knowing better then to tell the other that he was going to steal tony’s credit card to do it. “He is. Like everything else, he’s perfect in cooking. Though James makes better steaks.”Clint smiled amused before startling a little as he was kissed, kissing him back a little. “...oh. So you were serious about that. I mean...I thought drunk kisses were just kisses.”Clint muttered looking startled, blushing himself before smiling a little.”Welcome.”he said ducking his head, stealing a kiss before stepping back. “Let’s go.”he said heading for the door.
he snorted and nodded. "i don't have any money." he admitted. "i can do chores and stuff to pay you back?" he offered. "i'm good at house keeping." he admitted. "and i'm a pretty good handyman too." he promised before chuckling. "that's amusing, that Steve can cook." he admitted before blushing brightly. "well... i just... your really nice, and your super cute and i've had a crush on you for like, forever... i'll stop if you don't like it. i swear i won't make it weird i just..." he shrugged again. he wanted to try having a relationship where the other person wasn't a lying scumbag who was only in it for their own goals, gains, and pleasure. he blinked as he was kissed back and brightened happily. he'd at least get some physical affection, even if they never became anything more he could say he got some nice things in life.

Pepper jut smirked. "you don't believe me? i'm sure i could get Jarvis to play them on every Tv, Screen and Holoscreen in the building a few of your more embarrassing childhood moments... like the time you got your head stuck in the training potty." she mused, examining her nails. "unless of course you decide you want to take me to Trescetta's tonight." she mused. proving that she indeed was not above blackmail. "you are not the worst mate ever." she scoffed, Steve and James nodding their agreement. "you are perfect for me." she admitted, pulling him in for a kiss. "you do snuggle like a champ. and you fuck like a..." "PEPPER!" Steve protested, blushing furiously. "....why must you insist i go to a Yankees game? what are you planning?!" Steve demanded, suspicious of Tony. granted, Tony had a habit of pranking Steve so that suspicion was well earned. "....well. no. i eat the fish." James admitted. "well... okay we're not taking her fishing." he decided, amused. "at least not for fish i intend to eat." he admitted. "we could do volunteer work at the animal shelters though, that could be a nice date." Steve admitted. "and we could go hiking. i bet she'd love hiking, with a picnic lunch." "oh good idea! we could fly kites, go roller skating, go to the movies." James agreed happily before smiling as Clint walked in. "good morning... woah, are you okay?" "Clint drugged me. it's the only explanation." Grant decided.
Clint studied the other man, tilting his head a little. “If you want. God knows I suck at cleaning up.”Clint smiled a little. “..No. I don’t mind.It’s just been awhile since I kissed anyone.”he said feeling utterly confused and lost, not sure why he was enjoying this, but he was, and not sure why. Smiling as they headed upstairs.

“....No!No. I didn’t do that. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”Tony sputtered even as he nuzzled her a little, smiling slightly. “Of course I’ll take you to dinner tonight, it’s date night isn’t it?”He muttered smiling slightly. “You really are good Tony.”Thorne said watching tony. Tony blushed a little leaning in for a kiss before smirking, “And fuck like a god. I know.”Tony snickered, just to listen to steve freak out as he tugged his girl closer, fingers absently stroking over his mark along her neck. “Nothing. It just amuses me to watch you freak over going to see a Yanks game.”tony snickered a little. “That could be a nice date.”Thorne said sounding interested in going to the shelter, looking up as the other two walked in. “I did not. What you’re feeling is hungover. It’s what happens when you get drunk.”
he smiled, pleased to be able to help. he had to be useful or he'd be kicked out and that was the last thing he wanted. "oh good. because i really like kissing you." he admitted with a smile. "i guess that's why Garret didn't like it when i kissed him. because i liked to. he hated anything i got pleasure from so." he shrugged. "now that i think about it, really that should have been a pretty big hint..." he admitted with a sigh.

Pepper smirked. "you so totally did." she teased, kissing his forehead. "it was adorable. your mother had to cut it off with a hand saw." she teased with a smirk. "it is Date night. i was simply reminding you that i want to go to Trescetta's." she admitted with a grin. "and make sure you don't get distracted." she teased, kissing his nose. "plus i like blackmailing you, it makes me feel powerful." she admitted, laughing when Steve sputtered, leaning into his thumb. "well the yankee's suck and i refuse to give them any of my money! even if it is just to see them loose." he huffed, crossing his arms and sulking, James snickering. "as you can see, Steve takes his baseball very seriously." he admitted to Thorne. "if we do go to a ball game, we're sitting far away from him. he starts riots." "i only did that once!" Steve protested. "there's no way i was drunk last night. i only had three glasses. it took Garret three bottles before he was drunk! and Tony can take a full bottle without even a twitch!" "i don't think comparing an alcoholic and a man with a misspent youth to yourself is accurate." Pepper commented. "oh? how many glasses does it take you to get drunk?" "depends on what i'm drinking, but if you where drinking Clint's favored, it'd take me... oh, two glasses? if you where using the Coffee Cups." "i was using the Coffee Cups." "no wonder your drunk." "hungover." "whatever."
“Hm, we all have our blind spots. Especially when it comes to our mates.”Clint said leaning in to steal another kiss trying hard to not think to hard about his own mate, the guilt and pain of enjoying the kisses, twisting up his stomach.

“Did not.I don’t know what you’re talking about.”Tony whined a little before smiling, “I’d never get distracted on date night. Date night means sex.” “Don’t you always have sex?” “Yes, but date night sex is romantic and seductive, instead of just falling into bed.”Tony said snickering a little, blushing a little as pepper admitted to feeling powerful. While most people would assume it was tony who was dominate most of the time in the bedroom, the quiet moments like this, you knew it was pepper who bossed him around most of the time. “So I see. Really?”Thorne said looking at steve with wide eyes at the idea of him starting a riot. “Wait, which one am I?The alcoholic, or the misspent youth?”Tony snickered a little before wincing a little. “Clint, you need to throw that shit out. It’s going to kill someone sometime. Grant, even the wonder twins and me are under the table after two coffee cups of clint’s alcohol, where we normally can outdrink anything. And our bodies process the alcohol faster then most people thanks to the serum and extremis...not to mention a mispent youth.You were totally drunk last night.”Tony snickered a little wanting to make the other man feel better.
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