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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“No, it’s not really, but considering what you were going through, it’s fine to interrupt my day. Grant, I do like you. You were one of the few who knew what went on in my home. And you protected me when you could...for that, there’s little I wouldn’t do for you. Interrupting my day isn’t so bad.”She smiled a little, before wincing. “I know that. But it would have been nice if you hadn’t told them that they were my bondmates before I did.”She said sounding frustrated and tired.
he blinked at her a little. "of course i protected you. you didn't deserve what they where doing to you. no more than i deserved what my parents did to me." he admitted. "...or what Garret did to me apparently." he admitted softly. "i did love him you know. i truly thought he was perfect for me. i let him do the most aweful things to me because i fooled myself into believing he would never hurt me too badly... i was such a stupid little shit..." he admitted before he stared at her. "you mean... they didn't... know?" he asked, yes wide, startled that he had outed her. "but... i don't... i'm so sorry i didn't know. i thought you told them and that's why you where here." he admitted, looking very upset that he had outed her like that. "that's what Chris thinks, i guess i should have known better than to think anything he said was actually thought out." he admitted with a shake of his head, looking up wen Steve knocked on the door and peeked in. "oh! your awake." he chirped, smiling. "i brought you some dinner. Pepper's packed your things. Grant? your about the same size as Tony so he's going to loan you some clothes until we can get you to a store." he explained with a smile. "feeling any better?" "much better. yes. thank you... is it drugged?" he asked, looking at the food. "uh... no... should it be?"
“...No, neither of us deserved what we got, but we’ll be okay.”She smiled at him a little before nodding, staring down at her hands. “I know you did. I’ve seen you two together... Sometimes we’re all stupid little shits. Even knowing I wasn’t Chris’ perfect match, I still let him. Still let him treat me like that because I thought I loved him.”she sighed quietly, before shaking her head. “No, they don’t know. When....I met them, they saw me after Chris hurt me badly. Instead of leaving me with him, they made me leave. But I haven’t...been able to tell them. Though I guess now I’ll have to have a conversation with them...”She sighed quietly before looking up, smiling a little. “Hey steve.”She smiled before nodding. “Thanks.”She said before frowning in bemusement at Grant’s question, tilting her head a little. “No, its not drugged, nor should it be...”She sighed quietly, fidgeting, nervous despite steve’s promise to wait, she was still nervous.
he looked at her and nodded. "we do stupid things when we foolishly believe we deserve it." he agreed softly. "in any case, where could we have gone? no friends. the Family in on it. there was nothing we could have done at the time, but we are strong. we survived." he smiled at her. "and we escaped with our minds and bodies intact and that has to count for something. right?" he asked before grimacing. "i'm sorry. still, they're good people. i'm sure they won't mind." he hoped so anyway. "it's not drugged." Steve promised. "no reason to drug it. your not an enemy." he promised Grant with a smile. "do you want me to test it first?" he asked, his head tilted. Grant finally just shook his head and started digging into the reach meat stew, fresh baked bread and salad. "this is good." Grant admitted. "thanks. i'm going to finish getting my stuff packed up. the movers are going to get everything we don't and i don't want to leave behind anything embarrassing for them to find." he admitted, leaving the room to pack up all his sex toys.
“Yes, we do.”Thorne smiled a little before nodding. “We did survive. And it counts. It’s the most important thing.”She smiled a little before swallowing hard, looking down, nodding. “You didn’t know. You made the reasonable assumption I was with them because I told them. Makes sense...I just...”She shrugged helplessly before smiling as grant started eating. “Don’t forget any of the sex toys!”she called after him, snickering as he left. When grant finished she smiled and got up.”Come on. You can help me get the dogs settled and ready to go. I’m sure the others are ready to head out.”
he nodded. "the most important thing, actually. is that your with people now who you can love." he admitted with a smile. "these people? they are good people." he admitted with a smile before shrugging. "you know what they say about assumptions?" he asked, smiling. "it makes an Ass, of U and Me." he admitted simply, looking slightly amused. "you just wish you had the time to tell them yourself right?" he asked with a smile before laughing as Steve squeaked. "Your not allowed hanging around Pepper and James anymore! they're bad influences on you!" Steve protested, bright red. no matter that was exactly what he'd been about to do. "Dogs?" he asked, perking up. Grant loved dogs. Garret loved to get Grant a dog and them murder it in front of Grant as 'punishment'. "hey! you feeling okay? where you hurt before you got here?" James asked when he noticed Grant. "hungry? Steve made Dinner." "i had some already. thank you. i'm sorry about..." "don't worry about it, she would have told us when she was ready." James admitted. "she needs time to process how she feels about it yet though, we'll talk when she's ready for it. are you sure your okay? you look pale. are you running a fever?" "is he always like this?" "yes." Steve admitted, still faintly pink.
“Yes, that is the important thing.”She smiled a little before snickering, shaking her head. “That’s a fairly adorable saying.”She snickered a little before nodding.”Yea, I do.”She said before grinning, looking at grant. “yea. Shara just had puppies. Like literally, moments before you arrived.”She smiled amused at grant’s perking up at the idea of a dog, before tensing, looking at james, nearly squirming in place. “...yea, he’s usually like this. Worse actually.”Thorne smiled a little as she moved over to the dogs, crouching down next to the basket, gently stroking shara’s head.”Hey sweetheart. Time to go.”She muttered before settling mother and pups into the basket, relaxing after a few moments when she realized netiher were going to try and get out of the basket. Good. one less thing to worry about
he smiled a little. "it was something Garret used to say." he admitted. "never make assumptions. it can, and will cost you your life someday." he admitted. "somehow i forgot that in my panic." he admitted. "really?" he hesitated. "i shouldn't touch them... when i get attached to dogs they die." he admitted. "i'll let you handle them." he promised. he stared at James who nodded, pleased to see that both of them really where okay and then settled in to carry the two suitcases that where his and Steve's. "Steve's going to carry the basket. i can't trust myself, being that i have a bad arm, to carry them." James admitted with a smile. "Pepper has your bags. something about not trusting Tony to refrain from ruffling through panties or something." he admitted, patting Scrapper gently, Grant chuckling. "Tony Stark right? i'm sure he'd refrain. way i hear it he'd rather go through captain America's underwear." "and what lovely underwear they are." Pepper agreed, handing Steve a pair of boxers, making Steve go bright red. "caught Tony trying to pilfer these." "why on earth does he want my underwear?!" "i honestly have no idea."
“Good to remember, but I’m also glad you came here.”She smiled at him before frowning, tilting her head, wanting to know the story behind that, but not sure how to ask him why the dogs always died. Wondering how she could get him to snuggle one of the pups without seeming to ask him. Figuring that he would simply pick one up eventually. “...Are you serious?Tony Stark being a panty thief?I mean, he steals alot of things, but surely he’d refrain from-”She stopped staring at pepper for a moment before snickering. She knew tony stole things from people he cared about, he really was such a kleptomaniac. “Pepper, give them back!I’m going to dye them red and blue. He can have his all american ass wrapped in a flag.”Tony whined as he walked back in, well. That explained the odd choice in what he stole. Tony wasn’t above pranking anyone, and given his utter excitement in having everyone in the tower, it was really fairly amazing he’d refrained from being utterly manic. This quiet excitement was more then they could ever hope for. “Ready to go?”The genius said before pausing tilting his head towards Grant. “I’ll have to apologize, you’re going to have to share a apartment with Clint until I get a set of apartments remade for you. While you could move in if you wanted, decorating’s easier if you’re not in it.”Tony said, well it wasn’t really a surprise he’d accepted grant. Not only because he cared about people, but because he was important to thorne, which guaranteed tony was okay with him.
he nodded. "i'm glad i'm here too. i can't imagine what Hydra might have done to me if i hadn't left." he admitted. "i'll have to thank Coulson at some point for killing Garret." he decided, unaware that Coulson was supposed to be dead. he was just outing everyone left right and center. "Tony steals anything and everything." Pepper admitted with a chuckle. "and yes. he steals underwear too, you have no idea how many panties i've found hoarded in the weirdest places. usually mine." Pepper admitted with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "you can't have them back Tony." she scoffed, Steve snorting as he set his suitcase down, opened it up and pulled out a pair of American flag boxers, lifting an eyebrow at Tony. "are you going to stop stealing my shit now i've moved in or is it just going to get worse?" he asked Tony, Pepper giggling. "Clint Barton?" Grant asked, looking excited. "your living with Clint Barton!? that guy is a legend!... he won't kill me in my sleep right?" Grant asked, doing a double take as he realized that Clint was standing right there! "...can i have your autograph later?" Grant asked Clint, looking not unlike the little kids in awe over Iron man or Captain America. "i don't need much, just a room is fine." Grant promised Tony. "you don't need to go through so much effort." he promised. "i'll be happy with anything really." he promised, inching way fro the dogs when Steve picked them up and headed down the stairs to carefully settle them into the car.
"...coulson?"Natasha raised a eyebrow from where her and Clint had been enjoying their drinks the two assassins looking amused as they watched them all. Clint winced.while he'd known coulson was alive he hadn't known how or why,and had hoped the man would come to them before anyone else found out."...why? I mean I get the general stealing and cap stuff but panties?"thorne looked bemused. "They're good fodder for sexfantasies when she's gone on business. And you have to give them...oh. that's not fair cap. I waned to give you the flag panties."tony sulked before shrugging for once looking actually contrite and upset. "I'll stop."he muttered cause he would probably try seeing as he knew it upset people so he really did try to stop sometimes, but mostly Clint and Natasha had simply learned to accept it as a weird quirk."...yea. the idiot lives with me. Even has his own little bird nest." "Tony stop being a ass."Clint rolled his eyes before looking startled at grants reaction,for a moment looking so confused on how to act it set thorne and Natasha off in a round of giggles."...uh.yea. I guess."he stuttered after a moment. "...yea no. You're getting a apartment. Sorry you have no choice in the matter."tony said airily as they headed downstairs. "It'd just give up arguing with him,ward, he'll just be annoying until you give him what he wants anyways."Clint said with a smile as they got the dogs settled into one of the more practical of tony's car, a big suv. Sliding onto the back of his bike he smirked at grant. Flirting because it amused him."wanna go for a ride?"he said not only because it amused him but because he figured gushing over him was better then obsessing over what garret had done, being nice to the former hydra agent because he knew what it was like to be so lost.
Grant nodded. "yeah. Coulson. he's level nine now. doing something top secrete with only Fury in the know." he admitted. "Garret was trying to find out what they where doing and they shot him." he admitted. "i barely escaped myself but that's probably because i didn't want to go down in that creepy place in the first place." he admitted. "they're my panties. i think he wears them when he thinks i'm not home but Jarvis won't tell me if i'm right or not." Pepper admitted, looking amused. "i don't care." Steve admitted. "just stop taking my underwear." he ordered, grinning at Tony. "awesome." Grant muttered to himself. "oh... well, if you say so..." Grant muttered, looking a bit baffled. even when he was living with Garret he typically snoozed on the couch because Garret didn't like him on the bed unless they where fucking. Hydra base he shared a room with three other men, he'd never had a place of his own, ever. ".....yes." Grant admitted, blushing hard. being bi was such a pain sometimes. "James? you take my bike." Steve ordered, James laughing as he nodded and headed back u for Steve's precious bike. neither man trusted the movers not to scratch it or leave fingerprints. "so... you wanna get drunk with me later?" Grant offered Clint. he felt like getting drunk but he didn't like drinking alone. so he'd ask Clint since Clint was awesome.
"Huh."Natasha frowned a little as she considered that tilting her head a litfle. "...don't give me that look. I don't know what he's doing."Clint muttered. "I do not."tony made a face at pepper's words wrinkling his nose a little nodding eagerly at steve's order."I will."he promised in that quiet manic way that pepper would know meant he'd try to stop taking anything instead of just the underwear."I do."tony said grinning a little. Clint rolled his eyes looking at grant."don't worry. You'll get used to him. He sorta just gives everyone gifts all the time."Clint snickered smirking at grant's reaction to a bike ride passing him a helmet."always willing to get drunk."Clint grinned as he flipped on the Mikes between the helmets as he headed back to the tower.

When they got there d thorne smiled a little as they got back to the tower, smiling slightly as ton showed the three of them to the floor amused that it was set up alot like the apartment had been, the most recent addition was a small play area\room for the dogs that had been added just for them."this is amazing tony."she said as she looked around. "Of course it is. I designed it. Always psrfect."
Grant didn't seam to be aware he'd caused another problem at all, he was too busy trying to figure out if Tony wanted something or not. "sorry. i don't know what he's doing either. all i know is that Fury yelled at him a lot for 'exposing himself'. i think he might be sick actually. he was really pale." Grant admitted simply. "uh. gifts?" Grant asked, looking more confused than anything else. "thanks." Grant said as he yanked on the helmet and grinned, wrapping his arms around Clint, feeling the firm muscles and silently cursing himself when he felt a blush steeling across his cheeks.

Steve smiled as he looked around. "this is kind of awesome." James agreed, wheeling the bike in and setting it into it's own little corner before blinking a little at the huge Pen. "that's for the dogs? like their own bedroom?" he asked, looking interested, poking his head out into massive balcony that was attached to the dog pen where they could go roll around in real dirt and grass that Tony had installed. the edges of the balcony bullet proof glass, steel and concrete so the dogs couldn't fall off the edges at all. "very cool!" James stated, grinning happily as he noticed a second, human intended Balcony where Steve could paint the scenery while he read a book or practiced his viola. "where's my fish room?" James asked.
Clint frowned at the idea of his mate looking sick absently rubbing the mark that was on his upper pectoral on the left rigut over his heart. Feeling the ache there that had been present since phil had 'died' making him wonder what was really going on."welcome."Clint said and when they arrived at the tower he smiled as they walked in showing grant to his apartment,and indeed it had a nest bedroom for him but a guest bedroom grant could use."also if you have any requests or want the bedroom a certain way you have to tell tony soon otherwise he'll choose whatever the hell he wants...though pepper usually manages to rein in his more insane ideas..."

"Yes it is. Figured they'd want a room of their own. Easier to let them go to the bathroom and such with the lawn and stuff. Not to mention they'll be happier having a space just their own. Everything jarvis found said that dogs like having space that's just theirs."proving that yes,tony had done alot of research to make this the perfect space for the three of them."come here.this is co."tony grinned showing james out to the balcony to show off the awesomeness of the balcony. A side of the tank showing from that outside then showing james to the bedroom, where there was a enclosed balcony fishtail area. Definitely a lot of thought had been put into making the whole apartment perfect for the three of them.
"wow." he muttered, looking up at the nest that was way up there. "you aren't afraid of falling out or anything?" he asked, blinking at Clint. "oh, anything Tony wants to put in there. i'm not really all that smart enough to have a personality anyway." Grant admitted, unaware that it was untrue and would only make Clint angry. Grant had heard it all his life after all, from his parents, to his older brother to Garret they all made him believe he was too dumb to make his own choices. being that he'd never been allowed to even choose his own clothes, Grant didn't really have much of an opinion on what he did and did not like. he knew he wasn't a big fan of certain colors and late made him break out in hives and that was about all he cared about the matter. "i'm sure Tony will make me whatever he feels i deserve." honestly Grant would be more comfortable with a cot in a closet.

"Hey Tony? your the best." Steve stated with a grin. "here's those gloves i promised you." he chirped, handing over the authentic gloves from his first tour. "i think i should go check on Clint... he didn't look very well when we left." Steve admitted, looking worried before grinning as they walked into James room. the balcony was just a massive water filled area and Steve quickly evacuated before he had another panic attack. James adored it and started setting up a couple of blankets and pillows into a little den where he could snuggle in when he wasn't feeling well. "you did an amazing job in here Tony." Steve praised with a smile. "i'm glad you talked me into this." he admitted, not about to admit that if Thorne hadn't shown up they would have moved in that night of the charity ball.
"Nope. Considering I spend a lot of my life on tall buildings with tony as my only safety net,it's not this isn't that worrying."Clint snickered before grinding his teeth together to keep from lashing out at the man who wasn't the one he really wanted to yell at."that's not true. I'm fairly certain you'll have opinions about the stuff tony puts in there."Clint snickered a little hiding the anger."and don't tell him'll end up with alot of stuff you really don't need if you do."

Tony smiled grinning a little as he took the gloves smiling happily."thanks."he smiled before nodding."after we finish the tour."he said showing them the rest pleased as james settled into the room and thorne set about getting share and the pups settled."thanks. And I'm glad you did to."tony said blushing slightly at the praise glancing towards thorne as he and steve headed upstairs to check on clint."you okay?"he muttered worried about his friend
he blinked a little. "Tony's a pretty cool guy huh?" he asked with a smile. "i never expected...." he shook his head. "i thought i'd be turned over to Shield or handed back to Hydra. nothing like this." he admitted. "i'm sure i won't. i'll probably sleep in the closet anyway. open spaces bother me a bit. i can't sleep in them, you never know when someone might sneak up on you." he admitted. "i don't really need much anyway. food, clothes, that's about it. i don't have hobbies, never had the time for them." he smiled at Clint. "thanks for letting me crash here, i promise not to be a bother."

"no problem. though i do have to wonder about what you do with all that stuff." he admitted, looking amused. "your not building a shrine are you?" he asked, ruffling Tony's hair. "...i'm not sure." Steve admitted, sighing as he rubbed the mark, Thorne's mark. "i just can't think of a reason why she wouldn't want us to know. why she would keep it a secrete. i know i promised her she didn't have to talk about it until she was ready. but what if we're not suited to each other after all? what if she hates us and that's why she didn't want us to know?"
"He is. And you're important to thorne...and it's not your fault garret was a ass. We look after people not punish them."Clint said sighing quietly before frowning a little."you could tell him to make the room smaller then he'd normally make."Clint pointed out before tilting his head."no'll be nice having company...I just wish phil was here..."he muttered looking at him."you saw him?how was he?"

"No. I'm not."tony said blushing brightly ducking his head a little as his hair was ruffled reacting like a kid as steve ruffled his hair. "Steve. She doesn't yatryou. I don't know why she didn't tell you but watching her with you says she likes you...not to mention her family wasn't surprised she went with you. That has to say something."

"James?"thorne paused in the doorway of the fish room looking around and nervous wanting comfort but not quite rave enough to ask, absently rubbing at her covered arm, feeling steve's emotions,and it a s hitting her like a battering ram.
he shrugged. "i still did terrible things." he admitted. "me being a stupid little shit and believing the wrong people doesn't make my crimes any less a crime." he admitted. "no. he seamed to really be happy to make me a room. i'll let him do what he wants and just do whatever with the space." he admitted, shrugging. "i don't want to be the person who makes his smile dim. i don't get to see a lot of smiles." he admitted. "... well my first impression of him was that he was super pissed off." he admitted. "...he..." he hesitated and then decided the truth would hurt less. "he looked really sick actually. he was pale, and thin and sweating. he didn't seam to be able to breath properly and he looked like he was in a lot of pain. i managed to stick around long enough to hear Fury yell at Phil for 'exposing' himself. like something might get at him if he left the room he was in. or like something was going to get out since he left. i dunno. Coulson told Fury that Fury had one more week and after that, he was leaving. Fury said that if Phil wanted to die for good, then go right ahead. i didn't understand most of what they said, but i was terrified of being discovered." he admitted. "i think he might have contracted some sort of disease. Eboli or the plague or something."

"okay good because if you kidnap me we'll be having words." Steve warned with a grin, having just finished a book where an author had been kidnapped by an insane Fan. the crazy bitch had snapped his legs and everything. "she might. i practically kidnapped her." he admitted, fidgeting. "you think maybe we can work this out? it would be great if we could have our three way partnership. me and James get along well but we aren't perfect matches." the way they raged and fought was proof enough of that. "i just want her to be happy here. with us." he admitted.

James looked up and offered her a shaky smile, holding his hands out to her. he was curled up in his nest. "Steve's upset." he murmured. "come hold me?" he asked hopefully, opening up a section in his little den for her. letting her curl up with him because holding someone made him feel better when Steve was upset.
"Yes but you're in the place where villains are heros. We all have done things grant, our ledgers are gushing g red. We're just trying to make peace with that by helping now."Clint smiled sadly shaking his head at grants logic."talk like that will have him convincing you to do some really ridiculous things. Careful with wanting tony to smile at you."Clint teased. Before flinching absently rubbing at his mark,pacing and looking a little sick himself."I'm going to have to get tony to look at shield then..."he muttered anxious about the man now that he knew he wasn't fine.

"...I don't have to kidnap you. You live with me."he pointed out logically whining a little though. Amused before sighing softly."no you saved her from a relationship that was going to get her killed. You're being stupid. And she is happy. She trusted you enough to move in,to not immediately bolt when you found out about the marks,and to tell youabout wanting to raise dogs. You'll just have to talk to her."

"He is...of course."she muttered crossing the room and crawling into the nest with him curling up close. Holding onto him sniffling and after a few minutes james would know she was crying silently."I'm sorry...I didn't mean to mess everything up. I didn't want that."she whimpered quietly.
he tilted his head. "that doesn't make any sense. if a person is a villain, then they can't be a hero, right? because villains are evil and heroes are good." that was a shockingly childlike view of the world, particularly for someone who had suffered so much. "...yes... gushing red." he agreed softly. "do you really think i can make it better?" he asked. "wash the blood off?" he sounded so hopeful, like he had never expected to honestly be able to make peace with himself. "well. if it makes him happy. it's not like Garret didn't have useless crap laying about all the time." he pointed out. "it's easy to ignore it." he admitted before he smiled. "i can do ridiculous things easily enough." he admitted. "being that i have no pride to speak of." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think he was getting better." he admitted. "he didn't have any bags under his eyes, and he wasn't too pale." he admitted. "and he was clean and his hair wasn't greasy so he was getting showers and stuff. so he's probably on the mend, whatever's wrong with him. i'm sure he'll be back soon." he hoped. it hurt a little bit, seeing Clint so worked up.

Steve blinked. "you could still kidnap me." he admitted before sighing. "i know i'm being stupid. i'm sorry... i'm jsut having a bad day..." he admitted, running his hands through his hair, hands shaking. "she did stay, even though she wasn't happy she did stay." he admitted, biting his lip. "we can make it work, right?" he asked Tony.

James sighed, relaxing as she snuggled into him, gently kissing her forehead. "it's not you." he promised. "he's delighted your here, we thought you where related to us you know." he teased with a smile. "he's just having a bad day. his PTSD is acting up. he got too close to the fish tanks and it makes him remember things he doesn't want to remember." he admitted. "so instead of remembering, he worries about stupid things. like right now, he's wondering if i'm not going to love him now that we have a woman in our lives, and he's worried that you'll be unhappy with us, and he's worried that we'll find out he's thinking things like that and we'll be mad at him." James admitted. "the move and the fish tanks just set off his PTSD, it's not your fault." he promised. "just think happy thoughts, he'll feel the good feelings through the bond and he'll calm down a bit."
"Nothing is ever that black and white. Simply by being who we are,are world can't be that clear cut. We live in the shadows,in grey shades. Heros are sometimes villians, and villians are sometimes heros. All we can do is make it better."Clint said having Ling ago,with phil's help,made peace with what he'd done to survive."you'll never forget what you did,or the lives ended. But you can always strive to do better. I have to believe that it helps.otherwise I'd never get out of bed."Clint smiled a little before smiling a little."true. Just make sure to ask him what he wants to do before letting him use you in the workshop. He's a little mad genius down there."Clint snickered pacing glancing wincing g as he realized the other was upset."...he's my marked. I knew he was alive despite the appearance of dying from loki's attack I just didn't know how."he explained sounding so upset and admitting to a fact few but the avengers knew. Most of shield hid their marks,simply to keep enemies from attacking their marked if it was possible

"Well I promise no kidnapping. I only kidnap pepper and that's cause she needs to get away from work sometimes."tony smiled before sighing."I know. You did say you'd have bad days. Come on.we'll check on clint then go enjoy time in the lab. I have new toys for james I want your opinion on."tony smiled hoping to help looking a little anxious not sure how to help before nodding."she did stay. And yes,I think you can make it work."

" related. Which is a good thing."Thorne sighed a little trying to relax before wincing."oh that makes sense. He did say you guys wod be off for awhile."Thorne muttered ring to relax,just finding comfort in his arms as she rested her head on his chest going quiet for awhile before muttering."....its not you guys...that...made me not want to say anything. You know that right?"she muttered avoiding his eyes."at least...not how you probably think it was..."
Grant stared at him for a long moment, wide eyed and startled, as if he wasn't sure how to handle such a declaration. he'd never heard anyone talk like that before. he realized he was blushing again but he couldn't help it. "yeah... yeah i can do better. be better." he agreed, nodding. "i'm sure i can atone for my sins if i work hard enough." he agreed. "it is hard to get out of bed sometimes." he agreed. "but Garret always had something i had to do so..." he shrugged. "will he poke m with needles or something?" he asked, his head tilted. "Hydra used to poke me and do a lot of stuff. they used to say i was their proudest creation. well, save for James." he admitted. "oh! i'm so sorry. i didn't know. no wonder your so upset..." he muttered, biting his lip. "i could... take you there?" he offered. "the place where i saw him i mean."

Steve chuckled. "i thought she kidnapped you?" he teased with a grin. "i'm having a bit of a bad moment more than an actual bad day." he admitted. "it's not helping that Thorne is all torn up herself." he admitted, biting his lip. "yeah, i wouldn't mind helping out in the lab." he agreed with a smile. "James loves the things you make him." he agreed, following Tony and shaking his head, knocking on the door to Clint's room.

"very good thing. that would have been creepy." James agreed with a smile. "yea. off is a good word for it." he murmured with a nod. "unsettled, off balance." he mumbled, already starting to calm down as Thorne and Steve started to settle. "hmm? i know. you didn't tell us for a reason, whatever that reason was i'm sure it has to do with your filthy excuse for a family." he admitted, holding her tighter. "but whatever the reason, we won't be mad." he promised. "we might get upset, but we won't be mad at or with you okay?" he asked with a smile. "you don't have to explain." he promised. "not until your ready. don't push yourself, all we want is for you to be happy." he admitted with a smile.
"Well she does that to. We kidnap each other. It's quite a kink and amusing."tony snickered before looking at the other worriedly before nodding."well I'm sure you two will be okay. Besides lab time always makes anyone feel better. New toys are awesome."

"That's all we can do. Atone."Clint smiled slightly before snickering a little."he might. Though it's usual helping him work on his car...or testing out a new weapon for him...or once he broke my nose cause he got so excited he was gesturing wildly and smacked me in the face. Seriously just remember to ask him what he wants before you enter the lair."Clint said before nodding a litfle."it's okay.not many knew he's my bonded.and that would be nice...I'm not sure though..."Clint bit his lip looking up at the knock before smirking as the billionaire and the captain walked in.

"...good description."she muttered calming before going utterly relaxed in his arms as she realized he did understand. Biting her lip a little she nodded slightly.""something like that..."she muttered biting her lip before sniffling so so glad he wasn't angry."thank you...for not..."she trailed off knowing if she finished the sentence like she intended he'd be pissed. Knowing he wouldn't like the comparison between her husband and them."..okay..."she muttered yawning a little calmer now and despite still worrying over their reaction,chris having taught her even if people where calm there was a chance of violence,she was learning to trust them.
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