Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“No I don’t.”Clint frowned a little before snickering. “He does blush. It’s quite amusing considering even with soundproof you could hear the two of them going at it in their apartment. Amazingly enough, the boys are being celibate now that they have a third.”Clint snickered a little before shaking his head.”No you don’t. Just rest. We’ll make food.”Clint said before looking thoughtful as he washed up himself. “Spaghetti and meatballs?”

“Nope, not everyone can.”Thorne said looking upset before watching them go, smiling a little as she washed up. Going into teh bedroom she looked soft and cuddly in her pj’s, shaking her head as she leaned over to kiss his cheek.”I’m fine. Just daunting to consider being naked.”She said before leaning in to give him a real kiss, hesitant and obviously not a great one, but she was trying.”I’m okay.”
Grant and Phil both snickered and Phil just up and laughed at the knowledge that they could hear the super soldiers fucking even through Tony's amazing technology. "well. she had a hard life didn't she? sexually and physically abused? i imagine they don't feel right having se without her, and don't want to pressure her." Phil admitted, Grant nodding. "i like Spaghetti." Grant agreed happily, pulling out the mushrooms, peppers, onions and garlic to start chopping while Clint was cooking the hamburger. "i don't know how to make meatballs though." he admitted, watching Clint work with a deep concentration. Phil just started dozing at the table. " he really going to be okay?" Grant asked Clint, looking a bit worried about the 'old man'.

"you look so adorable in those." James admitted with a grin. both of them had used the other shower to get clean so they where still slightly amp themselves. "it's okay, i understand." Steve promised, hesitating before. "i was raped once you know." he admitted. "back before the Serum. i was so traumatized that i couldn't let my Ma or Bucky touch me for three months." he admitted. "so i know more than you'd have thought about what your going through." he admitted, smiling at her. "we won't push you, it's okay to be scared." he promised.
“She did. And probably, it’s just amusing that this is the quietest it’s ever been. Actually amazed tony’s not harassed them about it or anything.”Clint smiled a little before nodding as they started to cook. “You do the pasta, I’ll take care of the meatballs.”Clint smiled a little glancing at phil, looking him over before nodding. “Yes, he’s just tired.”He said though he sounded worried still.

“Thanks. They’re soft.”She smiled as she ran a hand over the fuzzy pj’s, smiling a little as she moved over and sitting on the bed, eyes widening, looking startled as she considered what she was hearing. “Really?”she said looking concerned for him, before sighing quietly, leaning into him a little, smiling as she squirmed to get between them, just wanting to cuddle. “Okay. We’ll be okay.”She muttered yawning a little.
Phil chuckled and shook his head. "i think even Tony knows when not to cross boundaries." he admitted. "okay." he agreed, smiling as he worked on the pasta and the spaghetti sauce. ", you carry him to bed." Grant ordered. "i'll finish up here." he promised. since the meatballs where already in the oven he didn't need to do much other than put it all together and make a salad and some Garlic bread n that part was easy. "you should lay down for a bit too, you look pale. go on." Grant ordered, nudging Clint to Phil.

"they are soft." James agreed with a smile as he nuzzled her shoulder. "yeah. it took a long time to get over. i was only fourteen at the time after all." he admitted. "it hurts, a lot being taken advantage in such a way, some of the scars never really heal, but it does get better." Steve promised. "especially when you have friends and family helping you. and no matter what you might think, the people of the tower are your family now. and nothing and no one will take you away from us. okay?" he asked with a smile before tucking them all in. "let's get some sleep. your exhausted." never mind that it wasn't even seven yet.
“Hm, true. He does. Sometimes.”Clint snickered a little before looking at the other, blinking at him sleepily, now that he wasn’t focusing on anything really that needed him really awake and thinking, he was tired. “You sure?”He muttered even as he was already gathering phil up in his arms and heading to bed. And even if he’d only intended to sleep for a bit, he’d crashed as soon as he laid down and slept.

“It’s hard.And I was worse, since he’d been so nice in the beginning...then after he got the marriage he wanted...he changed.”she sighed quietly smiling at him. “okay. You guys are family.”She smiled as she snuggled in close, content to be tucked in for a nap.”Night.”She muttered sleeping.

The next day Tony grinned as he looked up from the project he was working on, smirking. “Johnny!Get in here. I need help. You totally need to get in here.”Tony demanded, having come down early that morning, so early in fact that it could have been classified as the night before, simply because he was to manic to sleep, so he’d started working on the project he’d been doing on and off for a year. The fact that he was even working on it, was something no one had ever thought he’d do really.
when Clint woke in the morning, Grant was laying where Phil had been, curled up in that cute little balled up formation he always slept in. Phil was in the bathroom taking a shower from the sounds of things. from the looks of things, Phil had picked Grant up and carried him to Clint's bed. which was kind of adorable. Grant shot awake and started scrabbling for a weapon when a very loud, very high pitched scream issued through the Tower from Phil. it wasn't a manly, 'holy shit what is that?! kill it!' scream. no. it was a high pitched, feminine, 'oh god it's a spider save me!' scream. the kind of scream that can only be followed by hysterics. when Clint made his way into the bathroom, that's exactly the state Phil was in. hysterics. because every last lock of hair was gone. Phil was bald not shaved bald, literally every last hair had fallen out. "DON'T LOOK!" Phil shrieked, flinging the towel over his head as he started picking up the hair that he had finally noticed laying on the floor. he had literally shed every follicle from the bedroom to the bathroom and whatever was left was now clogging the shower drain.

Johnny blinked sluggishly at Tony as he walked in, shuffling his feet. he was barely dressed. he was wearing bunny slippers, a pair of Captain America sleeping pants, and a bathrobe that was untied, leaving his bare chest perfectly exposed and perfect for swooning at. well, in his opinion anyway. "Tony... it's six in the morning and i hate you." Johnny complained, moving for Tony's Coffee machine before doing a double take. "...the hell are you working on?"
Clint bolted awake at the scream, coming out of the bed armed and dangerous even if he wasn’t fully awake. Stumbling a little as he got out of the bed, he looked around before easing into the bathroom, pushing open the door with the barrel of his gun, looking down before lowering the weapon, once he realized there wasn’t a enemy to fight or danger. “Phil?”Clint said sounding sleepily confused as he looked at the other man.

Tony grinned amused as he glanced at the other man, snickering. “Cute slippers, fireboy.”He teased before returning to working on the ring, glancing up at him again. “I said come over this morning, you’re the one who didn’t go back to sleep, AND showed up at the tower half dressed.If either of us is hating the other, it should be me hating you for making me feel inferior to your devastatingly good looks”Tony complained, because he always complained, and was even worse about it when he was being manic. sipping his coffee before smirking as the other did a double take.”It’s a ring. What does it look like?It looks cool right?”Tony said showing the ring, , the outside edges dark and obviously heavy metal that had been burned at some point, the inside bright and orange...shifting. Until looking closer you realized that somehow, someway, he’d given the middle of ring the shifting colors of extremis at it’s hottest, when it turned the body into a conductor of fire, of shifting flame. Yet there was no heat to it, simply the color and rarity of flame trapped.
Phil shook his head when the other walked in. "Don't look! god i look horrible!" he complained, trying to pick what was left of his hair out of the sink, tears gathering in his eyes because this was really just freaking him the hell out. who lost all of their hair in one day!? in an HOUR! "i think i need to see Bruce..." he admitted, biting his lip and looking rather panicked. or as panicked as Phil Coulson could get.

he snorted. "shut up, i like these Slippers." he stated calmly. "besides you've always been insupirior to me. in looks at least. one of these days Pepper's gonna realize." he teased. because they both knew Johnny was never, ever gonna run off with Pep. for one thing she'd kill Johnny, for another thing she was entirely the wrong gender. "a ring?" he asked, blinking at it before reaching out and plucking it out of Tony's fingers and examining it carefully. "...that's really cool. she'll love it." he admitted with a smile. "i wouldn't ask her now though, she'll think your joking. you're acting a bit off." he admitted. "i'd ask you to explain how you got it to do that, but i imagine it will make my brain hurt." he admitted. "come on. lets head up for breakfast. Popsicle made french toast." again? well, he must have realized Tony wasn't feeling well. Cap always made french toast when Tony was upset. "he had to run out though, Cap i mean. something about a fight or something."
“No you don’t. Come on, Phil. You’re okay.”Clint said looking at him, looking worried. “Okay, well let’s go see bruce then. He should be down in the lab by now.”he smiled looking worried for phil, having never seen him like this.

“No, I think not. I’m always better then you. And pepper would kill you if that ever happened.”Tony snickered a little rolling his eyes before nodding yelping as the other took the ring.”Hey!Give it back.”He demanded looking annoyed, before frowning at the other. “What?No I’m not. Just cause some woman wanted to accuse me of things, doesn’t mean anything.”Tony grumbled, sounding annoyed. Before frowning harder.”What?He only makes french toast when I’m upset. This isn’t right, no one else will want anything.”Tony grumbled looking annoyed even though he followed johnny upstairs, looking disgruntled. “Fight?What fight?Why didn’t I know?”Tony said frowning, cause he should have gotten to go to a fight.
Phil shook his head. "i'm BALD Clint! BALD!!!!" he protested, rubbing his head and staring at himself in the mirror. "i look like an ugly baby." he whined, Grant biting his lip so hard it was bleeding to keep from giggling, looking away when they came out, pretending to be making eggs for their breakfast so they wouldn't notice how hard it was not to laugh at Phil's freakout. Bruce just blinked when he saw Phil's new state and closed his eyes for a moment to gain control before inviting them in and running a few dozen tests. "i just don't get it!" Bruce muttered. "he's perfectly fine! there is absolutely nothing wrong with him aside from the fact that his heart isn't beating...." he muttered. "which doesn't make any sense either!" he grumbled, looking at the other. "i did Cat Scans, genetic tests, X-Rays... nothing!" " i'm just bald for no reason then!?" "as far as modern medical science can tell us.... yes."

he snorted. "i've been cuter than you since we where two." he stated simply. "but don't feel bad. ou have more intelligence." he pointed out with a grin. "and swagger. you have a lot of swagger." he blinked at Tony. "hey dude, chill." he suggested. "i'm not gonna take it." he promised before rolling his eyes. "please, Tony. even Sue has noticed you behaving oddly and she's dumb." he admitted. "Tony. it's French Toast. Captain America's french toast. everyone loves Captain america's french toast." he pointed out. "It was not that kind of fight Sir." Jarvis interrupted. "one of Captain Rogers students was attacked by a corner gang. the child is currently in the hospital with severe wounds. Captain Rogers other students expressed a desire to take revenge. Captain Rogers has gone to stop them."
“Well, in all fairness, you were already going bald.”Clint said with that quiet assurance that said even if he was upset, he wasn’t going to let it show. “You’re not ugly, even when you were a baby.”Clint said smiling a little as he looked at bruce, looking upset and worried himself. Looking at phil he sighed, “Well, I like you like this.Sexy.”Clint said trying to make him relax.

“No you weren’t.”Tony made a face before snickering. “I do swagger. It helps I have a amazing mate. Makes swaggering easy.”He smiled a little relaxing at the promise to give it back before snorting. “No wonder your sister never wants to talk to you.”He snickered before smirking.”That’s true. Everyone does like steve’s french toast.”he sighed before looking up at jarvis’ words, “Oh. Okay. Well, make sure the hospital bill’s paid and that the kid’s doing okay, and let us know if Cap needs some backup.”Tony said smiling as he walked into the kitchen, smiling happily at the sight of all the food, and his girlfriend, because pepper could make him feel better no matter what.
Phil scowled at Clint. "i was not! i had beautiful perfect hair!" he protested before sighing a little. "i was an ugly baby actually. i'll show you the pictures sometime." he promised, rubbing his bald head. "....i need a wig before Tony sees me." "oooh... yeah that's not going to go well." Bruce admitted. mostly because Tony would laugh and hen Phil would Taze him. "you really think it looks okay?" Phil asked, rubbing his head.

"i was." Johnny agreed before laughing and nodding. "anyone could have a swagger with Pepper." he agreed. despite being Gay, Johnny would forever love Pepper as a second sister. she and Sue adored each other and often went out on 'spa days' together. "Sue just doesn't like me because i have cooler super powers than she does." he scoffed with a smile. "Morning Tony, Morning... Johnny what are you wearing?" Pepper asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "my Swag." "...." Pepper just rolled her eyes and resumed eating.
“Yes, it was beautiful hair, that was starting to recede...though considering you have to deal with me, its not a surprise.”Clint said before snickering. “You could never be ugly.”Clint huffed before wincing. “No, it’s not. Definitely going to have to stop him from laughing....though considering tony’s being weird, he might not notice.”He muttered before smirking. “And it does really look okay.”

“Well, no one else gets pepper.”Tony huffed before snickering. “yes, I’m sure that’s the reason.”He said rolling his eyes a little smiling. “Just ignore him. Apparently I got him up to early this mornign.” “Morning.”Thorne smiled sleepily as she walked in, looking at the two men before her eyes widened, grabbing the edges of johnny’s bathrobe, pulling it open, looking utterly panicked before looking at james. “James!What happened?!”She said sounding close to a breakdown.
he scowled. "it was not receding!" he complained. "Clint!" he complained, shaking his head. "ohm don't worry about it. tazing him will make me feel better." he admitted, rubbing his bald head while watching Bruce mutter and mumble and snarl at his microscope. "....i think we better leave before Hulk shows up..." Phil admitted.

"of curse not." he admitted. "she loves you too much to find someone else. and if anyone else tried to take her, she'd kick their lily livered asses." he admitted. "she's a scary lady you know." he admitted with a nod. "hey! hey! Woa!" Johnny complained. "i know i'm gorgeous but that doesn't mean you can fondle me in public!" Johnny protested, James blinking. "....Steve?" "uh. no. we've been through this. Johnny. Joh-Ny." "oh... you again. it's okay Thorne that's just some mimic." "hey! i was here before Captain America was!" "....your ninety years old then?" "no." "then Captain came first." "i'm twice as handsome as that...." "finish that sentence and i will make you swallow your own tongue and vocal cords." James warned, Johnny swallowing thickly and falling silent.
“Yes it was.”Clint said snickering as he stole a kiss. “Taze and supernanny.”he smiled hugging the other a little, wrapping a arm around his waist, looking worried for him before nodding. “Good idea.”he muttered heading for the door, “Cap made french toast. We should go get some.”Clint muttered.

“Very true.”Tony snickered before laughing out loud at johnny’s protests. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear you complain about being fondled.” Thorne looked up at johnny, looking frightened and confused, before looking at James. “Are you sure?”She said stepping back, looking freaked out and rubbing her arm, as if reassuring herself the marks were still there. “johnny, I’d like you to meet the good captain’s bonded. And don’t doubt that will cause you some bodily harm for insulting him.”Tony said snickering as he watched them.
he grinned. "i do have all the seasons of Supernanny on DVD now." he agreed, smiling at him. "yeah. okay." he agreed, nuzzling the other gently. "let's go get Grant first, i think he was making eggs for us." he admitted. "we don't want to hurt his feelings by not eating what he made for us." when they got there though, Grant was actually poking around for something to entertain himself with instead of cooking. having assumed Phil and Clint would be tied up for a few hours, instead of the few minutes it had taken. it was easy to convince him to have food Steve had prepared.

"Well. no i suppose not. i was just startled. she can fondle me if she wants to." Johnny agreed before looking worried at her absolute confusion and fear. "yeah i'm sure. back before i really remembered who i was i went looking for Steve." James admitted. "instead i found this guy. i was so confused and upset that he didn't recognize me. you'll see when Steve... where is Steve anyway?" "trouble with some kids apparently." Johnny admitted. "aaah! well now it makes sense." he admitted, realizing why she'd ripped his bathrobe open. "yeah i kind of figured." Johnny admitted, examining James will ill concealed fear. "so. i'm Johnny Storm. it's nice to meet you." "James Barnes." "Clint Barton, Phil Coulson and Grant Ward." Clint chirped as he walked in.
“Probably. Wouldn’t want to upset him.”Clint said looking concerned for a moment, smiling a little as they headed down to get some of steve’s food.

“You are such a whore.”Tony teased rolling his eyes a little. Thorne frowned stepping back, looking at james, though the confusion lessened, she still looked upset, not sure about this. “He should be back soon.”tony promised sending a quick text to steve, not wanting to rush him, but wanting him to know what happened as he knew the man would have gotten the rush of emotions. “Yes, not everyone woman want’s to undress you, Johnny.”Tony teased. “Sorry. Thorne Vasa, it’s good to meet you to.”Thorne said blushing as she stepped back from him. “Well, now that we’ve met each other, let’s eat. Cap made french toast.”Clint grinned as he sat down looking amused.
Johnny smirked and shrugged. "course i am." he admitted with a chuckle. not many knew it, but the reason why Johnny slept around was because his marked partner rejected him simply because he 'wasn't good enough'. once he became a superhero she tried to 'get back together' with him but he'd already decided he was better off without someone so shallow. it didn't happen often, but sometimes people let their greed get the better of them, ruining their own chances at happiness. "everyone wants to undress me, look at me, i'm gorgeous!" James just snorted. "and that right there, is proof that it isn't Steve." he informed Thorne before choking. "what... what happened to your head!?" he demanded of Phil who flushed bright red. surprisingly, it was Grant who stepped up to defend him. "leave Phil alone! it's not his fault we can't figure out what's wrong with him! you laugh Stark and i'll make sure you don't see anything but the back of your head for the next six hours!" he warned, Pepper hiding her own laugh. not at Phil, but at how protective Grant was being.
Tony rolled his eyes a little because he knew the reason the other was a man whore, but it was okay. Because he was there for his friend, and would help him if he needed him. “...Yea. Definitely not steve.”Thorne said relaxing, looking relieved to know johnny wasn’t steve, shifting to snuggle into james before looking at phil looking startled and then concerned. “.....pepper. I was wrong. You aren’t the scariest person living in the tower.”Tony said with wide eyes as he looked at the other, having a very different reaction to being yelled at. His manic mood leaving him even more open to being upset over being yelled at, because despite usually provoking people alot into yelling at him, he still got really, really anxious over it. Thorne sighed rolling her eyes a little as she studied tony, looking worried and wondering if she should take him down to their apartment simply so he could steal something.
Johnny smirked a little and shrugged. "he's just not cool enough to be me." "....he's not Tony enough to be you." James corrected, making Johnny gasp. "are you saying that i'm like Tony Stark?" "no. i'm saying your a pale, bad imitation of what the world thinks of Tony Stark." "...oh my god... ow." Johnny complained, James just looking smug. "Tony i like him. we get to keep him right?" Johnny asked, grinning. "i'm not?" Pepper asked with a smile. "don't worry about it Tony, he's just being overly protective. you'd yell at him if all of my hair had fallen out." Pepper pointed out with a smile before grimacing. "oh hell... Tony i set the table on fire again, grab some water would you?" she asked, small bursts of flame escaping her fingers, showing she was more annoyed than she'd admitted that someone had yelled at Tony. "Hey! i'm home..." Steve stated before pausing at the sight of Johnny and then doing a double-take at Phil. "...i missed something big didn't i? who made the cloning machine?" he demanded, Johnny laughing. "i'm not a clone! you've met me before." "...oh yeah. your the guy who found Bucky." "well. sort of. he found me." "whatever."
“....You two are very amusing. We should lock you in a room together.”Tony snickered looking amused as throne snuggled james. “...You’re not. He’s being scary.”tony muttered shifting to look at Pepper, growling a little at the idea of her losing her hair before nodding as he scrambled to get up, getting the water before handing it over.”Here. It’s okay. You’re right, he’s just being protective. Don’t catch anything on fire.”Tony muttered leaning over to nuzzle her, biting her neck ever so gently, simply to distract her. Having every intention of keeping her from going to work a bit and spending the morning with him. “Hey.”Thorne looked relieved to see steve, moving over to snuggle him. “I didn’t!”Tony protested the cloning machine even if no one had said anything about it. “He’s here to visit for a bit.” “And we don’t know what’s wrong with phil’s hair.”clint said frowning a little.
"i'd kill him." James stated simply, Johnny wincing and moving to hide behind Tony. "he's only scary because you don't know him." Pepper promised with a chuckle. "i'm sure he's just a big softie." "the fact that i have a stuffed Animal collection does, in no way, make me a softie." Grant complained, sulking. "...actually.. i'm not sure any of those survived. i'll have to start a new collection." he muttered. "okay, that is adorable." James informed Grant who bristled like an angry cat, Phil chuckling and gently rubbing Grant's back to calm him down. "need i remind you that Grant Ward has more training than Natasha Romonoff and Clint Barton combined?" that shut them all up. "Tony." Pepper complained. "i'm being angry right now, don' distract me." she complained, smiling at him to show him she was joking. she couldn't be mad when he was snuggling her anyway. "it just fell out this morning." "...what, all at once?" "yes." " i didn't know that could happen." "neither did i." Phil grumbled. "what's Bruce say?" "he couldn't find a single thing wrong with me." Phil admitted with a sigh. "there's nothing to be done and wait and see what happens." he muttered, laying his head on Clint's shoulder. "hey... before i forget... when did Pepper start lighting things on fire?" Phil asked, giving her a baffled look.
“Don’t kill him.”Thorne muttered snuggling close to james, though she was still obviously upset at the absence of their third. “...Yea, definitely not a softie. Though we should take him animal shopping. It’ll be fun pepper.”Tony sai smiling a little. “You’re such a suck up tony.”Clint said rolling his eyes at the man, because he knew how upset it made him to have anyone mad at him, which was amusing, since it seemed like he spent his whole adult life pissing everyone off. “Hmmm, but I want to distract you. Then maybe ride the elevator down with you to go to work. Said I was going to help with paperwork didn’t I?”Tony muttered smirking at her, he hadn’t, he just wanted a excuse to have elevator sex before looking startled at phil, “...Well.That’s weird. We’ll figure it out, Agent.”Tony frowned, for a moment distracted by the problem before flinching, shoulders slouching a little, because no matter how many times she told him it wasn’t his fault, he still felt bad for her ending up with Extremis. “A few months ago. We got on the wrong side of a wanna-be super villian, and ended up with a version of the serum, though ours lets us catch things on fire.”
James smiled and snuggled her back, trying to comfort her. "Actually, Thorne agreed to et us adopt one of the Females." Phil piped up suddenly. "i have named her Artemis." he admitted with a smile, because he knew Clint was going to gush about it in just a moment. "a Puppy?" Grant asked, looking very, very timid about the idea. "i'm not allowed to be near puppies." he muttered. "anytime i touch one it dies..." "no. anytime you annoyed Garret he killed it to punish you. that won't happen here." Phil promised. "Garret was a cruel, sadistic asshole. you won't have to see any puppies killed here just because you love it." Phil promised, making Grant blink at him. " promise?" "i promise." "oh very well. distract me then." Pepper agreed, just as eager for Elevator sex. "well damn." Phil muttered, looking startled at Pepper. " know. i am getting real sick of assholes taking advantage of Dr. Erskine's experiments." Steve growled. "first Centipede, now Extremis..." he mumbled and growled and Pepper chuckled. "don't worry. the man who made Extremis is gone." Pepper assured him. "Tony took care of him." "good! thank you Tony." Steve stated, pleased that the problem was fully dealt with. "at least Pepper has control, and a means of properly defending herself now." Steve admitted. "plus, Natasha's been teaching me some stuff." Pepper admitted. "before long i'm going to have a tight spandex outfit and a mask and i'll be out there fighting crime with you guys." she stated with a grin, mostly because she knew they wouldn't like the idea.
“really?!”Clint perked up looking at thorne excitedly. “Yes. She’s adorable.”Thorne smiled looking amused as clint started to indeed gush, only pausing when Grant looked concerned, looking at the man, leaning against him a little. “Grant, do you think I’d give anyone a puppy that I thought was going to kill it? It wont happen, I promise.”Thorne said looking concerned at the other man. “No, we wont hurt the puppy. She’s adorable and it’ll be fun having her around.”Clint said sounding hyper and excited. “Good.”Tony smiled nuzzling the other for a moment before looking at steve. “And the only working versions of Extremis left are the ones me and pepper have. And that’s not getting out to anyone else.”Tony said smiling a little before growling, “You can do the spandex outfit, but no fighting with us.”Tony growled, working himself into a fine temper simply at the idea.
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