Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

"...that's right! all of us can't possible be wrong." Steve agreed with a smile before looking very worried. "...his hair has changed color. look, it's like, jet black now." "it was black when i was a kid." Phil admitted. "by the time i was two it was sort of a dirty blond color." he admitted, rubbing his head. "maybe it'll do that again?" he wondered before smiling at Clint. "it's okay Clint, Bruce will figure this out. he's the most amazing doctor on the planet after all." he admitted. "and i'm sure Thor will come by sooner or later and help us out." he admitted, trying to calm the other down. "we'll talk to Bruce later and see what he knows okay? in the meantime, i think Tony has a date he has to get ready for. you know what your wearing?" Phil asked, fully intending on distracting the others. no matter how weirded out he was that his hair had fallen out one day and was now regrowing all in the space of a single twenty four hour period.
“....What?It is?”Clint looked up looking even more anxious, his fingers tangled nearly painfully tight in grant’s hair, not really even aware he was doing it, anxious and scared. “Like he said, bruce is amazing. And I’ll go down and talk to loki. We bonded, might be able to figure something out.”Tony said. “No. You’re not doing anything but going on your date, cause you’re not allowed chickening out.”Thorne said fussing over the man. “Hm?Oh. No. I was going to ask Cap’s advice actually.”
Grant's breath fluttered when Clint's hands tighten and he closed his eyes, riding on the sensation. Garret had trained Grant very well. while Garret had never cared really about Grant's pleasure, he had made sure that Grant was well trained in the bedroom, and that meant subspace training. it only took a few 'key actions' to make him drop, and a hand in his hair griping just a touch too tight was one of those. "uh.... my advice?" Steve asked, looking startled. "i don't know anything about proposing or anything." Steve protested, looking utterly panicked now. "uh... Clint?" James piped up suddenly. "you might want to let Grant go..." he pointed out, examining Grant, who was just standing there, eyes half mast and eyes glazed, face slack. "...oh dear..." Phil muttered, examining Grant. "i didn't realize he'd drop so easily..."
“No but you can help me pick out clothes. You always look amazing. I mean, you’re the romantic one. I want help.”Tony whined a little looking just a little anxious before his head swng around looking at grant. “Huh?”Clint paused looking startle, before frowning as he realized he was griping grant’s hair, loosening his hand, returning to petting the other looking worried about him before nodding. “Neither did I...or I wouldn’t have been playing with his hair...”He said frowning before wincing. “Come on Grant. We’re going to our room.”Clint said gently urging the man towards the door. “Tony, just wear a suit, you’ll be fine. Spare poor cap from helping you.”he called over his shoulder looking amused as he took both his boys back to their rooms
Steve blinked a little at Tony and then. "yeah, no. i'm not the one you want. James picks all my clothes." "i'd be happy to help." James promised with a chuckle. "you really don't want Steve picking out your outfit. he's terrible. he things it's okay to wear a green button up with white slacks and black socks. he also thinks it's okay to wear socks with sandles." "my feet get cold." "then don't wear sandles." "they're convenient." "sometimes i hate you." "sometimes i think your gay." Steve quipped back, making James laugh. Grant uttered a short sigh when his hair was released and he was pet, not sure what was happening. Garret never pet him. by now, Grant was usually naked, on his stomach or back and laying there like a pretty doll while Garret used him like a sex toy. he moved easily, following Clint's guiding nudges with ease and Phil shook his head. "of course... Garret. he used Grant like a sex toy. of course Garret would train him to drop easily." Phil growled, very unhappy that they hadn't found Grant sooner. "come on Tony." James ordered with a chuckle. "i'll help you pick what to wear, just keep in mind that Pepper has Veto and if she tells you to wear something else, you do it."
“...Why doesn’t that even surprise me really?”Tony said snickering a little before making a face. “I thought he gave up the whole plaid and khakis thing.” “You can’t wear socks with sandals.”Thorne scolded lightly stealing a kiss. Clint flinched at the mention of Garret as they got to their rooms, looking over at phil. Making a unhappy noise himself. “I hadn’t...oh god...”Clint looked sick dropping his hand from grant, looking upset and not wanting to use the other, so worried about treating him badly, of using him like garret did.

“Pepper always has veto choice. Nothing different about that.”Tony said snickering as he followed james for the penthouse. “....Hey. Cap.”Thorne looked up at her marked bonded, looking nervous and not sure how he was feeling. Wanting to make sure they all were okay despite her having gotten brave with james.
"no. i just refuse to let him keep those things." James admitted. "he burned them." Steve informed them. "and laughed and danced around the burning pile like a madman." he admitted. "it was awesome." James admitted with a grin. "but i like Sandles!" Steve protested, sulking before smiling as he settled in with Thorne. "hey, stop with the worry. i'm glad you felt safe enough to play with James." he promised her with a smile. "your making amazing progress. if you feel ready for it, do it, and if you get scared, stop." he told her, giving her a gentle kiss. "okay?" he asked with a smile. "now. come help me? i need to find a clashing outfit to annoy James with."

Grant blinked sluggishly at them, confused but content. "hey... hey easy." Phil ordered, gently stroking Clint. "you could never abuse him like Garret did." he promised Clint. "you would never drop him and use him for your own pleasure. neither of us knew this was going to happen. it's okay. and he's not scared of us, see? he's perfectly content." Phil promised, stroking Clint's hair. "we won't hurt him. there's no telling what kind of behaviors Garret instilled in Grant, this is just one of those things we have to help Grant with, okay?"
“he is a madman.”Thorne pointed out with a smile, teasing him as she stole a kiss from the brunette. “Well wear sandals, just without socks.”She teased before sighing softly, relaxing. “Thanks.”She said realizing he didn’t care, as long as she took care of herself. “ was fun.”She said blushing as she stole a kiss, shivering. “Okay.”She agreed before laughing as she nodded.”Let’s go then.”she said looking amused as they headed for the bedroom.

Clint whimpered shivering as the other stroked his hair, closing his eyes as he relaxed. “No?”He said still looking anxious at the idea, before swallowing. “...No. He’s not scared. Sorta cute like this.”Clint muttered relaxing enough to look at the other, studying him, before nodding. “No, we wont hurt him.”He muttered relaxing at the idea, leaning into the other, trsting phil to help him, to take care of him. “Okay.”
he huffed. "but my feet get cold." he complained, sulking at being ganged up on. "for what?" he asked, looking at her, a bit confused as to why he was being thanked. "i bet it was. James is so easy to please." he admitted with a grin. "it's fun making him beg." he admitted. "he loves pretty much anything you do to him and almost always wants more." he admitted, smirking. "about the only thing he doesn't like is feeling pain or ice." he chuckled. "of course, i'm the same way. so don't worry about him, he'll love anything you do to him." he promised with a smile. grinning as he headed up the stairs to pick out the most awful outfit he could find as revenge against James.

Phil smiled. "no. he's not scared at all." he agreed before blinking when Grant suddenly stood up. he wasn't bothered in the least by the mild yelling that had occurred. there was usually yelling when he was under. there was always work to be done, so he had to drop fast and come up fast. it was a rare luxury when he got to savor his drop. no matter that no one was fucking him. he went into the fridge, something he never, ever did. not unless Phil or Clint asked him to grab something. he ate only when they told him too and seamed to believe the fridge didn't even exist. so Grant going in there now was a shock. until he brought Clint a beer. "it looks like he doesn't like it when your upset." Phil admitted, chuckling. "being with Garret who was a slavering drunk, he must have incorrectly assumed it was beer that made Garret happy." he admitted before blinking when Grant stripped down to his boxers and crawled into the bed, laying on his belly with his legs spread, just in case someone wanted to partake, and sighed. content. "he really is cute." Phil admitted with a smile, arms wrapped around Clint. "i think we should keep him." Phil admitted, smiling at Clint. "we could totally keep him, right? he'd make an excellent third. we'd have to teach him how Sex is really supposed to work of course, and work on his subservient nature." he admitted. "but it could be fun, teaching him how to be a person again." he admitted with a smile.
" guys are...awesome. Jameswas nice about waking him up like that...and you aren't jealous or anything...its weird...just nice to know everything's okay."thorne said blushing brightly."good to knos. It'll be fun discovering everything you like."she smiled shaking her head at the totally awful outfit he picked. James was going to freak.

"He isnt. It's adorable."Clint muttered relaxing slowly before startling eyes widening at grant got into the fridge. Staring at the man as grant got him a beer. Studying it he looked amused nodding a litfle."no I don't think he does like me upset."he sighed a little sipping the beer staring at grant in amusement as he stripped was adorable really. Leaning into phil he smiled.> think we should totally keep him."Clint smiled a little."It'd be nice being the one teaching him to be a person again."
he blinked a little and then smiled. "well, it's James, he's a slut." he pointed out. "he'd be eagerly accepting of anything you want to do to him. any guy you ever meet will never say no to a morning wake up call via a blowjob." he assured her with a chuckle. "besides, how can i be jealous? your our third. if you want to touch us, touch us, we won't get jealous that it wasn't us because we know you'll touch us later." he admitted with a smile. "even if you don't do anything for another six months, as long as your happy, we're happy." he admitted with a smile. "oh, next time? James loves having his nipples teased. they're sensitive." he admitted with a grin. "he loves it when you nip at them with your teeth, he practically crawls inside out." he admitted before smirking at his outfit. he clashed so bad even his own eyes hurt. "Steven Rogers what the HELL are you wearing!? you change! you go change right now!" James ordered, Steve huffing and crossing his ar,s. "no. i'm comfortable." "....i am going to burn those! change! now!" "no!" Steve was clearly enjoying himself.

Phil grinned a little before startling as well when Grant went into the fridge. "he's quite protective of us. it's kind of cute." he admitted with a smile. "i think you should be the first one to have sx with him though, he trusts you more... we should probably tell him... bout himself when he wakes up though. before we offer him an invite into our relationship. he won't like it if he thinks we're hiding it from him." he admitted, nuzzling his lover. "we should let him sleep." he admitted. "i want to go down and see what Bruce has found out...." he admitted, torn between going and finding out and leaving Grant. "i'll do it when Grant wakes up." he decided. "wonder if he'd get upset if he woke up in bed with us?" he mused. nope, Grant was a snuggler, he loved crawling in bed with Clint and going to sleep pressed close to the other. desperate for physical affection.
“Hnm that’s true.”Thorne smiled a little, before tilting her head at him, smiling quietly, shyly. “I’s just...I’ve never had anything like this. All I feel is grateful that I’m getting a chance to do so.”She said blushing as she leaned into him, before laughing. “Ohhh, he said he didn’t know his stomach was sensitive, but I’m going to have to try that.”she said looking pleased. “...But Jamie, I think he looks lovely.”Thorne said smirking, enjoying watching them both.

“It is.”Clint agreed sipping his beer before looking unsure, bt willing to follow phil’s lead, because he always read people so well. “Okay. I’d like having sex with him.”He said before wincing, nodding. “We can’t ask him right after telling him though, he’ll think we’re jst pitying him and we’re not.”he sighed a little before shivering as he was nuzzled, “You could go if yo uwant.”he said before snickering. “No. Considering how many times he’s climbed in to bed with me, he wont care.”he said stripping down to his boxers and slipping into bed.

Meanwhile, Tony smirked as he looked up at the man stepping into the box seats, gently nudging pepper. “Sorry. I know its almost the end, but we have to go. There’s a surprise, and we have to go get it now.”Tony said with a quiet anxiety, even if it was a prank, he’d taken the time, plnned out his perfectly epic proposal, because while he knew she liked the sex proposal, he still needed to do it for himself.
He nodded. "very true." he agreed before smiling at her. "you had a very hell inclined life. but we're going to do out best to give you heaven now." he admitted before laughing and nodding. "you'll have to." he agreed before smirking t James who was twitching now. "Take... It... Off...." and Steve paused, got the most evil little shit eating grin on his face and said- "Make Me." the next hour resulted in Steve and James wrestling on the floor trying to strip each other naked. it ended with Steve on the ground and James 'Teaching Steve his place'. which for some reason involved a cock up Steve's ass. how tat was teaching him a lesson and not rewarding him, was well beyond anyone's mental ability to comprehend. at least James stopped worrying about having sex without Thorne. and she got that show she wanted.

Phil grinned. "i know." he admitted with a chuckle. "he is really sexy." he admitted, examining the other, asleep in their bed. "your right." he admitted with a sigh. "and we can't ask him before for the same reason..." he muttered, shaking his head. "i'd rather wait until you can go with me." Phil admitted before smiling and crawling into bed as well, laughing when Grant tried to limpet to both of them at the same time. he finally ended up glued to Clint and Phil grinned, gluing himself to Grant. "there. hows that?" "sss mmmphm.." was Grants slurred, happy reply.

Pepper blinked a little at him, her head tilted. "...but... but they haven't kissed yet." she protested, just as she normally would, actually she probobly was protesting for real. the Princess Brice was one of Pepper's addictions. she read the book every few months, watched the movie every couple of weeks and dragging her off from that course usually led to pain. Tony was the only one who could actually get Pepper to leave before the ending, just like now! she was following him out, mostly because she'd heard the Anxiety in his voice.
Thorne indeed had settled onto the couch to watch, smirking as she watched, squirming a little despite not wanting to get naked and down and diry with them yet, it was still good watching this. Smirking a little she moved to sit on the floor, wrapping a hand in steve’s hair and pulling his head up to kiss him. Needing to be a part of this even if she hadn’t be able to join. Growling quietly as she kissed him, smirking. “You are so hot like this, though I’m not sure how this isn’t just rewarding him for bad behavior, Jamie.”Thorne said snickering a little.

“he is.”Clint snickered a little sighing quietly, “Fine. We’ll wait.”He said a little relieved that the other wasn’t leaving, not wanting him to see loki without him. Snickering as grant tried to be a limpet, nuzzling the other’s hair before snuggling, smirking as he yawned.”So cute.”he mttered as he let the contentment lull him to sleep.

“I know, I promise, there’s a good reason for it.”Tony smiled a little as he walked with her backstage, smirking to himself as the stage hands got their clothes changed into who else, the beautiful bride’s dress, and the swashbuckling pirate’s outfit. Though he was no carey elwes, he did look good in the all back. Slipping a hand into her’s he smiled as he walked out into the near dark with her as the final scene went, smirking as he walked onto to the stage with her, cupping her hands in his as he went to one knee, and the lighting was low enough that no one in the audience would notice that buttercup and westley weren’t the same ones that been there the whole night, at least not till they heard the proposal. “My lady buttercup, my princess, I know that I may not be the farmboy you fell in love with anymore, secrets and double identies have a way of getting in the way of things, but I’ve never stopped wanting to say ‘as you wish’, of making your every dream come true. And I know this is your favorite, the gentle love story, and i would like nothing more then to have you marry me like this, pirate and princess.”Tony smirked a little, grinning behind the mask as the ‘priest’ from the play, who really was a priest, appeared. Oh yea, tony had set them up to be married right now, if she wanted/.....yea. He’d totally gone overboard, and he'd regret it when he remembered he hadn't invited any of their friends, but he'd gotten carried away
James chuckled, panting and sweating from the effort of getting Steve pinned down and naked, Steve sweating from the effort of stopping James from doing just that. surprisingly, neither of them had so much s a red spot. surprisingly gentle on each other. "nnnng." Steve groaned at the hair pulling, kissing her back eagerly, James snickering. "please. as if. he only pisses me off when he wants me to do this." James admitted, looking amused. "i'm usually the 'bottom' in the relationship but everyone and a while Stevie needs a cock crammed up his ass, don't you Stevie?" "yes... yes.. James... don't Stop you asshole! OW!" he whined when James spanked him. "now now. calling me names isn't about to get you anything you want." James warned, smirking. "i was just thinking that you'd look better on your back so you can't hide that pretty little blush you got, since you realized Thorne was watching." that only made the blush brighter. though it didn't actually seam to bother him at all. "Your such a pervert Stevie." "me!? your the one that... oooooh god." Steve moaned, arching when James maneuvered him into a new position on his back, without removing his cock.

she looked so confused, following him. "...Tony... are you... are we?!" she asked, eyes widening. "...oh my god..." she breathed, stunned as she followed him onto stage, trembling she was so amazed. while it was true she hated the Fairy Tail Cliche, this was the most amazing proposal EVER! "Yes! Yes my Hero! Always!" she gasped, leaping onto him and peppering him with kisses. "i love you! i love you i love you i love you!" she gasped. she was getting married, as Buttercup to Westley! she was never letting Tony live this one down because it was the most wonderful, amazing, beautiful, perfect way to get married EVER. who cared if their friends weren't there?! she was not turning this down! the could have another wedding later! "I Do!" she gasped, beaming at the priest, so happy that there where tears running down her face. she knew people in the crowd where starting to recognize them and get eve more excited, but she didn't care. she had her masked Hero, and he was perfect.
“well, then he must have been pretty desperate to use ugly clothes to do it.”Thorne snickered gently stroking steve’s hair, laughing as he was spanked. “Such a bad boy, stevie.”Thorne muttered smirking a little, “oh. You should. I want to see this blush.”Thorne smiled down at steve, amused as he blushed more, shifting to rest steve’s head in her lap as he was fucked, resting her hands over his chest, simply enjoying touching him. She might not be ready to be completely involved, but the love and lust she was getting from them both was to much to not simply touch them both.

“I keep telling you I’m not a god.”Tony muttered looking amused yelping as she jumped into his arms, shifting, wrapping his arms around her waist, swinging her around in a circle, kissing her back before setting her down, somewhere in there his mask falling, and the definite startled gasps from the crowd, and flashes from cameras, definitely said someone was taking pictures. Blushing and happy as he realized he’d done the right thing, that he had done well doing this. Settling her down he nearly giggled as the ever beloved lines of ‘mawwage, mawwage is what bwings s together today. Mawidge is a dweam wiffin a dweam. The dweam of wuv wapped wiffin the gweater dweam of everwasting west. Eternity is our fwiend, wemember that, and wuv wiw fowwow you fowever. You have youw vows today, Pirate?”

“There is no room in my body for anything but you. My arms love you, my ears adore you, my knees shake with blind affection. My mind begs you to ask it something so it can obey. Do you want me to follow you for the rest of your days? I will do that. Do you want me to crawl? I will crawl. I will be quiet for you or sing for you, or if you are hungry, let me bring you food, or if you have thirst and nothing will quench it but Arabian wine, I will go to Araby, even though it is across the world, and bring a bottle back for your lunch. Anything there is that I can do for you, I will do for you; anything there is that I cannot do, I will learn to do.”Tony dipped his head, nuzzling her a little, knowing she'd know that he lifted the vows straight from the book. “I love you. I pwomise fowever and ever.”Tony muttered simply for pepper, “I do. Marry you.”Tony muttered sliding her ring on with a smile.
he snorted. "oh he loves using ridiculous ways to get me to pay attention to him. he once painted my arm, my flesh arm, in rainbows and kittens." he admitted. "with permanent marker." "that was awesome, OW!" he got another spank followed by a moan. " he looked up at her, expression glazed as James went back to fucking him, moaning eagerly as he was touched, reaching up to hold her, just desperate for a handhold as they both shuddered and jerked to completion. "...god Steve." James groaned, milking out every last drop while Steve shuddered, jerking into those tiny little thrusts. spilling out every last drop of his own, a few strands of his cum had actually flown far enough to land in Thorn's hair. "hnnng.... god... so good." Steve moaned, smiling. "we're doing this again." James agreed, panting over his lover. "without the wrestling next time." "aww C'mon, i love the wrestling part." he complained befre blinking when his Phone went off. it was James who checked it. "....well... Tony's married to Pepper." "what?" "yup. just now. Tony married Pepper, it's trending." "seriously!?"

she laughed. "you ARE a god!" she breathed. "MY God!" she admitted, giggling when he swept her around into a circle. she could only giggle as the priest started talking and smiled at him with tear filled eyes when he started reciting his Vows. "oh Tony!" she breathed, her eyes tearing up even more, sobbing as she pulled him in for a kiss. "i'll love you forever!" she promised, kissing him again as he slid the ring onto her finger, hands shaking as she tried to do the same for him. she was too overwrought with emotions though and the preist had to help her. "Tony?" she asked, smiling at him. "your going to have to carry me, i can't make my legs move." she whispered. "i'm too excited and happy and.. oh.. oh i can't stop crying. it's wonderful, so wonderful, i love you, i love you so much!"
“Heh. Though I would have thought fridge magnets. I bet they stick.”Thorne snickered a little smiling as she weatched them, smiling as his hands found her arms, simply holding onto the other as she watched them come. “Gods...”she moaned quietly, yelping a little as the cum hit her hair, looking startled before grinning. “You are definitely doing that again. Though the wrestling was hot.”She muttered before stirring at the sound of the phone going off, not really paying attention before looking up, “What?Tony married pepper?What?I didn’t-I mean, he was proposing right?”Thorne looked startled and confused.

Tony laughed at her words, hugging her tightly, looking upset when she started crying, kissing her back. Clinging to her, smiling softly as she had to get help sliding on the ring, nuzzling her a ligghtly. “As you wish, princess.”he purred a little bending slightly, picking her up.”I love you to. Always.”he muttered nuzzling her hair, “It might not be a ship, but I have a limo waiting. And probably friends at home freaking out.”Tony snickered as he carried her out, ignoring the press and people waiting for them, sliding them both into the limo, amused and utterly carefree laughter filling the car as they drove home. “Oh man, Cap’s going to kill us.”
he stared at her and then. "you and Tony are not allowed to be in the same room together ever again." he decided before laughing as Steve came, delighting in the others pleasure. "the wrestling was hot." Steve agreed, grinning sheepishly. "sorry... should have told you to move." he admitted, accepting a towelette from James to wipe her hair clean. "...yeah, this is Tony we're talking about." James pointed out, looking amused. "over the top or not at all. it was a Princess Bride wedding. on stage and everything, Pepper's crying she's so happy. there's video, look."

she giggled and snuggled into him when she was picked up. "best. wedding. ever." she breathed happily, smiling at him. "Limo will do fine. i have a Cruise planned for our honeymoon." she admitted with a grin. "granted, it was supposed to be for next year, but i don't care." she admitted with a giggle, pulling him down for another kiss. "he won't.... James on the other hand." she admitted with a laugh. "and Pepper too, she was going to help me plan my wedding." she admitted with a grin. "she's the one we're really going to have to worry about." she admitted with a laugh. "i can't believe it! we're married! oh my gosh we need to have Sex right now!"
“..Why not?”Thorne said looking amused though, before laughing at steve’s agreement. “No, it’s fine. I wanted to stay.”Thorne said blushing a little as he cleaned up her hair before looking startled. “...That’s....I have no idea what to say to him getting married.”Thorne said before smiling quietly, laughing as they watched the video. “That’s epic.”

“Yes, yes it was.”Tony smiled before smirking. “I like the idea of a cruise. And we’ll just go sooner.”Tony smiled kissing her, before making a face.”damn. James’ll do weird things to me in my sleep or something.”he whined before snickering. “We’ll just take them all on our honeymoon, and send them on opposite ends of the ship while we have sex. They’d have to forgive us then.”He said as he settled back into the seat, still dressed as westley, looking at his princess bride. “Definitely. I mean, its not every day you get to have sex with a pirate.”He snickered as he slid his hands up under the skirt settling her into his lap, undoing his pants, and groaning as he slid into her. “You’re amazing...”he muttered hands gently gripping her hips, slowly, easily making love to her.
because clearly you two can't be trusted not to conspire against me." James admitted, also looking amused. "it is Epic. Pepper has a well hidden thing for The Princess Bride. she stabbed a man once for interrupting her when she was watching it." Steve admitted, looking close to laughing. "i guess we'll have to forgive them for it. it really was a perfect wedding for her." he admitted, chuckling as he kissed Thorne before starting to clean himself up.

"yes. i know exactly what cruise i want to go on." she admitted with a smile. "he will. it would be awesome if they where kinky. but i don't think he'd ever cheat on Cap." she admitted with a sigh, grinning impishly at him. she didn't much like anyone but Tony touching her, but she loved to watch other people do naughty things to Tony. "mmm that's perfect." she moaned once he was inside of her, smiling before snickering when Tony's phone went off, a text from Bruce that said 'i didn't get to be best man so i have taken the liberty of hiding most of your power tools'.

Phil, on the other hand was finally stirring from his nap and groaned when he realized Grant had switched to clinging to him. he had to pee something terrible and his back ached like he'd just finished a spar and his teeth hurt and his head hurt. he wondered if people would get mad if he just slept for the next week until he either died or recovered.
“Ah. Well, if it makes you feel better, Steve’ll conspire with s to.”She teased looking amused. “that’s awesome. We’ll indeed have to forgive them, since it was perfect for them.”She snickered a little amused as she watched him clean up.

“really?”Tony hummed looking interested rolling his eyes, “He wont. Him and thorne, I doubt they’d ever consider anyone else.”Tony rolled his eyes as he watched her, whimpering quietly as he checked his phone, growling, as he looked up at her. “pepper, he hid my tools.”he whimpered nearly in pain at the idea s he shddered holding onto her as he thrust, simply enjoying watching her above him.

Clint whined a little as he heard phil, squirming a little as he blinked sleepily. “you okay?”clint asked smiling tiredly as he raised a eyebrow at him as he stretched.
he huffed. "no, that just makes me all the more paranoid." he admitted with a chuckle and smiled at her. "so. enjoy the show?" he asked with a playful grin, Steve squeaking and flushing as he realized he had indeed been showing off for her and he hadn't even realized it.

she chuckled a little. "come on Tony, don't tell me you've never thought about it, he's practically half cyborg. oh! did you hear? he talked to Bruce about getting his arm fixed." she admitted before laughing at him. "oh Tony. you know he'll give them back after you apologize." she teased with a giggle, riding his cock since he was too distracted to fuck her properly. "that's it, fuck me. god, fuck me like the pirate scoundrel you are." she moaned, grinning.

Phil just groaned again. "i have to pee. my back hurts, my teeth hurt, my head hurts and i'm so damn tired all i want to do i sleep for the next week... go let Bruce in." he ordered at the rather frantic knocking. it was Grant who slithered out of the bed, yawning to let them in. Loki looked as blank and calm as ever and Bruce actually looked very, very excited. "so, Loki didn't know much, but i was expecting that." Bruce admitted, ignoring the various stages of nudity. "i did find out a lot of very interesting things. Biologically speaking, Loki is just fascinating!" Bruce admitted. "here, this is Loki's blood sample." he explained, handing Phil a Tablet. inside the red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells where tiny, tiny blue... somethings that looked a lot like a very small blood cell. "even more fascinating is that these tiny blue things, are actually starting to show up in Phil's blood spontaneously. the blood sample i took hen you first came, didn't have these little things. but now they do!" he admitted. "i can't begin to guess what they are for, but that's not the least of it! Loki doesn't have a heart! at all! there are no pulse points, no little trap doors that we have in our legs, nothing! his blood runs all on it's own using some system i haven't figured out yet! i never imagined such a thing! i know his blood flows a lot slower than ours does, and is full of some sort of natural Antifreeze. the same way certain frogs and insects do in cold climates." Bruce admitted. "this is just exciting!" he admitted, blinking as Loki examined the Tablet. "Loki? how does your blood move?" Phil asked curiously, Loki blinking at him. "Magic mostly." he admitted. "the little blue cells here, carry magic though my bloodstream, that magic works not unlike an electrical current, pushing my blood through my system." he explained. "i don't have a heart, because in the cold extremes of the world where i as born, it would explode under the force." so he did know some things, you just had to know how to phrase the question.
“Hm, I did.”Thorne smiled as she laughed as steve squeaked, running her fingers through steve’s hair, nuzzling him a little. “You guys are amazing.”She muttered.

“...Of course I’ve thought about it. I mean, cyborg and tech.”Tony shuddered a little before grinning happily. “Good. I’ll have to work on his arm before we go on the honeymoon.”He smiled kissing him lightly. “no he wont.”Tny whined at his missing tools, moaning loudly as she rode him,”You are a naughty princess, talking like that.”He said grrowling as he shifted switching their spots so he could pound into her, groaning as he came, clinging to her, so so happy.

“......”Clint winced a ;little not sure how to help with any of that.”I’ll rub your back later.”He smiled a little. Wincing a little as he heard the door, looking at bruce as he walked in. “Well then tell us.”Clint said rolling his eyes a little, grouchy at not knowing anything, wanting to hear things. “....Well that makes sense. He just has to know exactly what you want, if you word things right.”Clint said frowning a little. “Loki, do you know why Phil’s heart has stopped?”He said watching the other.
Steve grinned. "Careful there, we'll get Ego's the size of Tony's." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head, kissing the top of hers. "i'm glad yu enjoyed that." he was glad they hadn't terrified her. "what do you guys want for Dinner?"

"she giggled a little. "you know, if you look really close at his arm, you can see all the metal and wires laying underneath the skin." she admitted. "it' both creepy and awesome all at the same time." she admitted with a chuckle before moaning eagerly when he called her a naughty princess. "yes. god yes." she groaned. "Fuck me! my terrible pirate. oooh lord you are too good at this!" she moaned, grinning as she came, chuckling as he followed. "come on, lets go home and share the good news." she ordered, giggling.

Phil smiled. "thanks. i'd like that." he admitted before sighing as Grant let Bruce and Loki in. he did not want to deal with this. "yes. well..." Bruce muttered before shaking his head as he realized he hadn't thought to actually ask Loki anything. oops. "Yes." Loki admitted to Clint. "when he was Stabbed, a few flecks of the Tesseract where imbedded in his heart. the Tesseract was once a beacon for your people, it tests you, if it finds you worthy, you rise again and become a God. an Earth God." Loki explained. "the Tesseract itself, as you call it, is actually a semi sentient being that was broken into several smaller pieces. one for each realm. it was the closest thing to a unifying God the nine realms has ever, and will ever have." Loki admitted. "My Master is undergoing a process known as Transcendence. where his human body dies, and the Gods body takes form." " in other words. i'm a caterpillar." Phil complained dryly, Loki blinking at him. "i do not know what that is." "So the reason why you could come through our Tesseract...." "is because the Previous Master also had a Tesseract. he intended on wiping out anything not worthy of it's presence and reuniting all nine pieces, which would begin the Era of the Ragnarok and make ruin to the entire universe." Bruce looked a little pale at the idea. "According to Legend, through Ragnarok, only the most worthy would survive to bring about a new Era for each realm. he intended to place himself in charge of all of them." "so. am i going to be a Jotun then?" Phil demanded. "No. you will become an Earth God. you will be stronger, Faster, have mighty powers and magic. many of your so called Legends where actually Earth Gods. Zues, Posidan, Cernunnos The Horned God, the Great Goddess, the Morrigan and many others where all actually earth peoples found worthy by the Tesseracts powers." Loki admitted, Phil just looked startled. he was turning into a god because Loki stabbed him in the heart with his Glow Stick of Destiny?! "why Change masters?" Grant suddenly ordered and here Loki paused, looking confused. "i do not understand the question." "why is Phil your Master." "e is the Worthy." "...who was Worthy before?" "Odin. Thor. Others. usually Odin or Thor." "but not last time?" "No." " you know who was your master last time?" "No." "they can control you from a distance?" "Yes. Their will is my own. My Master..." he indicated Phil. "Desires me to be conscientious and verbal. so i am. he desires me to know myself, my own desires and make my own decisions. it is.... difficult. against my current nature. i am trying." he turned pleading eyes on Phil, begging him to understand. "i am trying." "....i know you are." Loki literally sagged in relief that Phil wasn't mad at him for not conforming fast enough.
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