Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

they smiled at her. "we'll stay with you." he promised before he chuckled and pulled her into him, holding her. "it's unfair of you to look so cute." he whined playfully. "you make me want to snuggle you ruthlessly." he admitted before smiling. "Tony is looking up everything Chris has done wrong as well as Video proof of him pressing your arm against the stove. he was able to hack the Hotel cameras and get evidence of it, remember? then we're going to air the whole mess onto Swedish National Television as well as you, me and James with our marks showing, proving your mother and Chris to be liars and unsuited for Rule. if we're lucky, Chris will be found as Guilty, especially as Maria's clothes after being raped show a lot of Chris's DNA." Maria was getting a lot of help now that they knew she wasn't just causing trouble, and Phil even had her moved into a house he had in a beautiful countryside so she could recover on her own terms. there where neighbors but they where distanced so she only had company when she wanted it.

"it would be a crime. and if we can't have him arrested we'll unleash James and Grant onto him." she promised, patting his knee. "they'll see him tortured before death at the least." she promised with a smile before nodding. "i think Grant is just trying to figure out how to be himself, when himself has been a lie." she admitted. "at least Loki's on a fast track to recovery." he indeed was. he still did anything Phil asked or told him to do, but he was eating on his own again and was even playing small pranks on people. Bruce was never far away from Loki, talking about genetics and aliens. the 'hive mentality' fascinated him too. Phil on the other hand was so miserable he refused to leave his bed unless he had to. it was like he had the flu, and surprisingly Cold medicine tended to make him feel better. not that it stopped his back from splitting open and bleeding every few hours. it wasn't dangerous, but Phil was freaked out because apparently growing new appendages wasn't uncommon. Phil was terrified he was going to grow another set of arms or something.
“Good.”Thorne muttered snuggling into his chest, before laughing. “Well I always want to snuggle you all the time. And you’re fairly cute to. I totally saw that teddy bear you were snuggling last night.”Thorne teased because steve had left them like normal, since they tended to sleep longer then hi, but it amused her that james snuggled her and the cap bear that tony had gotten them. It seemed the man had a thing for stuffed animals, having heard about the fiasco with the bunny for pepper. “...Oh yea. Well, that’ll make things easier. And easier to stay together.”Thorne smiled a little before nodding. “I know. As bad as it was, thank god for that. It’ll make getting divorced easier.”She sighed softly leaning into him. “When do we have to go?”

“Hmmm, that’s appealing, but I dont think this is going to fail. We have a lot of stuff going for us.”Tony smiled kissing him gently before leaning back. “And publicly humilated. It’ll be good.”he smiled slightly before nodding, “Yes. It’ll be a good trip for us all, I mean sweden is the original home of Vikings, might find something that belongs to him or something. And maybe both clint and phil will relax.”Tony muttered so worried for both the archer and agent, since clint was stressing so much over phil and grant.
Steve chuckled a little and James went bright red. because he had always cuddled Captain America teddy bears. Steve's mama had made them matching teddy bears as children and ever since then if James had a bad dream or was upset he snuggled the teddy bear. it was the only thing his family had never dared ruin. Sarah Rogers rage was infamous and when broke Jame's Father's hand for tearing apart the first Teddy bear, no one fucked with the Teddy bear again. the one he'd had was worn down and starting to fall apart, so Tony had delightfully gotten James a new one. "yeah exactly." Steve agreed with a smile. "we're still going to be prepared for trouble." Steve admitted. "but w don't expect anything from the Locals. even in Sweden Captain America and Iron Man hold a hell of a lot of weight." he admitted with a smile. "Half an hour."

"we do have a lot of stuff going for us." Pepper admitted, "But we can't let our guards down. there's no telling what this asshole is planning." she admitted. "you do realize that Loki probably doesn't have stockpiles of things right?" she asked with a smile. "i imagine most of his things are up in Asgard." she admitted. "i'm sure Phil will... uh finish? soon." she admitted with a smile. "i hope they all calm down soon though." she admitted, shaking her head. "come on. we have to get going soon, were leaving in thirty minutes."
Thorne smiled a little as she snuggled the other, amused and pleased, because it was so rare to make james blush. He was adorable. “I know. I think tony’s plotting how to make chris fuck up just so he can tell everyone to kill him.”She snickered before smiling.”Well, that’s true. And you being my bonded, and james, I mean, even there you’re legends. It’ll be okay.”she said trying to relax before sighing as he finished packing her bag. “Well, we better be going then.”

“I know I know. I learned the lesson with killian. Just because he’s stupid, don’t take it for granted.”Tony snickered before sighing. “Well, we have human things that are meant to be gods stuff. I’m sure there’s loki related stuff there. And if not, I’ll buy him some.”Tony huffed before staring at her. “ make it sound like he’s having sex, and not changing from human to god.”He teased stealing a kiss before following her out. Knowing they had be be going.
James coughed into his hand, trying to hide his embarrassment. he knew she wasn't teasing him to be mean, but he tried to hide that he slept with a teddy bear. he only ever did it when he was upset anyway, usually when he was in his fish room. "you know, i wouldn't doubt it. he's really very good at making people fuck up." Steve agreed with a smirk. "i hope he succeeds." he admitted before smiling at her. "no ones going to pitch a fit if your the Queen with us supporting you." he admitted. "it could be one of those political matches that people are always excited about." he admitted with a chuckle, kissing her before nodding. "your right. we should get going." he agreed, taking all the bags while James snuggled her while they walked.

"you better have, he was fucking nuts." Pepper admitted, shaking her head. "you know. you might be right." she admitted with a chuckle. "we'll take him to a museum." she decided with a grin before blinking at him. "well... true." she admitted with a smile and a shake of her head, blinking at Phil, who appeared to have miraculously recovered overnight. "it's the end of his Transition. he'll be fine now for a week, and then he'll vanish. find a cool dark place to curl up in and finish up." Loki explained with a smile at their stunned looks before blinking at the jet. "can i not simply follow you after you have landed?" Loki was very, very unnerved by the vehicles. cars, trains, boats, planes, they all made him very, very nervous.
“He really is. And sometimes it’s not even on purpose. It’ll be worse if he’s trying to do it.”Thorne snickered a little before smiling. “I know. Just wish I’d been doing this after my divorce was final. As it is, it’s not going to be protested, but it still makes me feel awkward showing up with my bonded in tow, when everyone knows I wasn’t least thought I wasn’t. It’s just...”She shrugged not sure how to explain how she felt, but trying. “I’m always right.”She snickered a little smiling as she saw the others. Relaxing as she realized she wasn’t in this alone, she wasn’t dealing alone.

“He was. And I did.”Tony snickered before nodding. “I’m always right, and I’ll ask Thorne what museum to go to. She’ll know best.”He said before looking at phil as they got to the plane. “...You’re looking good.” “He does. Not sure if I’m liking this disappearing thing, but I’m glad he’s well enough to go with us.”Clint said having been fretting that they’d have to leave him behind if he was really sick. Glancing at Loki he tilted his head, “If you really are that uncomfortable with it, you could.”Clint said looking worried about the other as they got on the jet.
Steve and James both chuckled and nodded at that. Tony could, and would be insufferable anytime Chris was so much as in eyesight. they would be making that man's life a living hell. "you kept it a secrete for so long, it feels like it still needs to be a secrete." James offered, smiling at her. "we understand that. me and Steve had to be a secrete for a very long time." he admitted. "when we where outed, it felt very surreal. we had no idea how to handle it." he admitted. "it's still a bit surreal." he admitted settling into the Jet and letting James take the pilot seat. Natasha would kick him out of it soon enough. or Phil. probably both.

"thank you, i feel much better. my back itches almost constantly though." he admitted smiling a little at Clint. "as if i would leave you again." he promised the other. "if he doesn't leave, you mustn't touch him at all." he warned. "physical contact could, and probably will disrupt the process and that would kill you both." he warned before looking at Phil hopefully. "fine. fine, i'll call you when we land." "thanks." Loki breathed, sighing in relief at the reassurance he didn't have to get on that flying metal deathtrap. "James get out of my seat!" Phil ordered, making James whine but move to the back with Steve and Thorne.
“Yea.It does. Not only cause I’m famous, but we’re going to have every person who ever hoped to be your mates, freaking out.It’s going to be horrible.”She said sighing a little as she settled into her seat, snickering a little.

“I wont. We’ll lock him in hulk’s room or something, I just don’t like the idea of him being gone.”Clint said smiling a little as he looked at loki, tilting his head a little looking amused at loki’s leaving as he settled into his seat. “And who said you got to fly?”Natasha said smirking a little as she settled into the co-pilot’s seat looking amused. “It’s okay. We’ll let you fly something when we get to sweden.”Thorne smiled nuzzling the other as he sat down, settling down and relaxing as they flew, even if she was a nervous wreck inside about what was going to happen. Knowing that as soon as they landed, everyone would figure out exactly what was going on.
Steve nodded. "in the end. this will either be very good, or very bad. either way, we will all be there for you." he promised. "you won't have to handle this alone. i swear it." he promised her before snorting a little at the by-play between Phil and James.

"i don't like the idea of being gone." Phil admitted. "i'll get a swear from everyone that they won't touch me. that should help the instincts to leave." Phil decided, Loki nodding. "that's why those going through a natural transcendence leave, so they won't hurt anyone." Loki agreed. "if we can lock him in from the inside so no one else can get in, you could check on him, but not disturb him. it's a fascinating sight to be sure." he admitted with a smile. "and his hair is growing back quite lovely." he admitted, but not touching. never touching. the last time he tried to touch Phil Clint had tried to attack him, and so had Grant for that matter. he couldn't blame them in the least. he remembered that part now. making Clint a puppet, stabbing Phil through the heart. when he was himself properly again, he would abase himself before them, and accept any punishment they offered. it was no less than he deserved.

when they landed, Phil called for Loki, who appeared silently and looked a little bit guilty. you could tell why. he'd gotten into the cookie jar again, which he wasn't supposed to do because he'd eat three dozen at a time and then get hyper. from the lack of crumbs on his shirt, he'd probably only had two or three this time. Steve smirked. "i only put six cookies in the jar and hid the rest so Loki couldn't find them." he explained, highly amused before grimacing at the sight of all the reporters waiting for them.
“We’ll get them to say they wont bother you. At least in the hulk’s room, we can’t go in, but we’ll be able to check on you.”He smiled a little a arm wrapped around grant as they settled into his chair, closing his eyes as he relaxed. “It is quite lovely.”he agreed snickering a little.

When they landed Clint snickered at the sight of the guilty god, shaking his head a little. “At least he didn’t eat himself sick this time.” “That’s cause steve took care of it.”Thorne snickered swallowing thickly as she took in the sight of the reporters, wincing as she heard the questions. Sighing quietly as she looked at steve and james, pausing in the doorway. “Do we wait, or tell them?They’re going to be wondering why you guys are here beyond simply friends. They know you had a third...I don’t....”She said looking as indecisive and upset as james did when he was having a episode, relying on them to help her figure this out, simply because she couldn’t think, having spent so long under chris’ control, that she had no idea how to function like this. While simple decisions were okay, things like this overwhelmed her.
Phil nodded. "i agree. we'll have to talk to Bruce first though." he admitted. "i don't want to take his room without permission." he admitted.

Loki flushed a little. it wasn't his fault he couldn't control himself around sweets! he'd demolished all of Thor's pop-tarts and had all but eaten Natasha's 'hidden' Stash of Chocolate.... he'd paid for that one. as he came up out of his Thrall all the way he'd gain more control over his sweet tooth. "it's alright." Steve promised, smiling at her. "we'll do the talking. you just look sad and upset." James promised. with that they stepped out and started speaking, very eloquently about everything the Swedish wanted to know about. yes they where there to honor the Queen, no they did not support Chris. yes they had video evidence and physical evidence of his abusive and rapist activities. no Thorne was not emotionally ready to speak to the press, yes it was true she was their third. the lie of her not having marks was just that, a lie. no they didn't think the Lady Vasa had intentionally tried to hurt her daughter. yes they where very certain Chris HAD intended on hurting Thorne. they had all agreed to the 'Thorne's mother was being manipulated by Chris' Angle to make sure the public didn't think they where just decrying the swedes. they wanted Chris to be the bad guy, since her mother was already dead what did it matter? she was paying for her crimes in Hel. "We will be out and about later, but for now i'm afraid we have to leave. Thorne is very upset over the death of her mother. please do not bother her during this time of grieving." James ordered before moving in and gently settling the black Veil over her face, showing she was grieving. the press still yelled questions, but moved out of the way obediently when Steve and James offered them scowls.
“Okay, I think I can manage that.”Thorne smiled quietly, sadly as she walked between them, though she wasn’t cringing and moving away, it was obvious to see that she wanted to. Tilting her head up as James settled the veil into place she smiled quietly, “Thanks.”She muttered as they moved through the crowd, giggling a little as she looked behind them, seeing the equally annoyed glower on Tony’s face as he looked at the press. “we should let you handle tony’s press. He doesn’t like them.”She muttered amused that the press indeed simply moved away when steve and james scowled.

When they arrived at the castle, Chris tilted his head as he walked into the entrance way, looking the group over with a shake of his head. “Always managing to cause a scene.” “Well, if you’d stop giving me things to freak out over, you’d have a quiet life.”Thorne sighed softly, knownig this was going to be hard. “Don’t fight this Chris, I just want a divorce, to go home, and stay.” “Well.Even if you get divorced, you’re going to lose thorne.”Chris smirked watching them as he gestured them into the living room, ignoring teh glares, either he was incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid.
Steve and James wrapped their arms around her, supporting her against the crowds. "oh, we handle the press all the time." James admitted with a chuckle. "we won't let them bother you." he promised before focusing entirely on Chris. "well. maybe she wouldn't have made a scene if you hadn't told the entire world that she was arriving today at the exact time she arrived, hmm?" he asked the man. "you think Thorne will loose?" Pepper asked, looking amused. "you forget who you are speaking to Boy." Pepper stated stepping forward and gently patting his cheek. "more importantly, she has ME on her team. i will ruin you." she whispered, smiling innocently at him. "i will make your life a living hell. you think you can hide thing from me? you've already fucked up. we have Video, we have DNA, and i will end you." she admitted before walking away. "Thorne this is a lovely home." Pepper admitted. "where will we all be staying? i think Loki needs an airsick bag. you know how he hates flying." taking the hint, Loki adopted a sickly expression. like he was going to be sick any second.
“Good.”Thorne muttered squirming closer to steve. “I didn’t. My secretary thought that the people deserved to see their queen. I’ve already reprimanded her for it.”Chris made a face before tensing as pepper moved closer, raising a eyebrow.”You might ruin me, but I’ll take her with me.”Chris muttered refusing to be disturbed as he watched the others walk away, growling as he left to see about seeing if they really had found out about other things. “Thanks. And you’ll be staying the in private wing.”Thorne said already heading for the door, rushing to the small bathroom and returning in a few moments with the waste basket, the woman so distract she forgot loki hadn’t flown with them. “Here. For now, come on. I’ll show you the rooms now.”Thorne said leading them through the beautifully decorated halls. While they weren’t the most welcoming, they were nice, and she had learned to walk here in the halls of the stockholm palace, had grown up here. As painful as the memories were, it was still home. as much home as the tower had become.
"i'm sure you did." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Just remember, she's the Queen. your just some jump started little Prince who isn't even properly Swedish. you have no power here and the People won't stand for an outsider like you causing problems." he warned. "nor will they stand for us to interfere." he admitted, warning Chris to back off. because they could, and would kill the little shit and play it off as self defense. no one would question it. "oh you poor delusional little man." Pepper tsked. "as if you could ever really do anything to her when she has the President of the United States offering to help her. and an entire platoon of Superheros at her back. i can't decide if your delusional or dumb." she admitted. Loki had turned into a tiny bug, and was now clinging to Chris's jacket, waiting for evidence to literally fall into his hands. Phil had tasked him with this, as had Pepper and he would not fail them. "wow!" James gasped, looking around at everything, itching to start running through the halls and asking what things where. not many knew it, but James was a huge history Buff and he loved learning. so he wanted to stop at each painting, suit of armor, or decoration and ask what they where, who owned them what time period and everything else. "thank you." the fake Loki said, accepting the waste basket. clones where awesome.
“...I’ll keep that in mind, Captain.”Chris tilted his head watching the other, knowing that they would gladly see them dead before looking at pepper as he walked away. Not answering. He had his own plans, which he set about working on, and loki would indeed find interesting things, as chris was researching both marriage laws, and bonding laws, as even if they were bonded, not everyone accepted their bonded, and hell, even sweden had a law on the books to stop bonded for their nobles and royalty, if needed. He was going to figure it out.

Thorne laughed softly as she watched him look around, slipping a arm around steve’s waist, showing the others to their bedrooms by the long way, simply because the servants had already taken their luggage, so they were just seeing everything. And unsteady enough that she wanted to be with them all, and wanted to show off her home. Stepping into the hall of mirrors she smiled at james, “Every swedish royal has been married in this hall. It stays this bright nearly all year. I wanted....”She trailed off, blushing brightly looking away, “I wanted to show this to you, since it’s my favorite room, because it’s just beautiful.”She said blushing, not ready to voice what she really wanted. Not yet.
"....we're watching you Chris. every move you make." Fury warned before the other left. Loki had settled into a corner up on the ceiling as a spider this time. he was good at things like this. sitting, waiting, staying still in anticipation of the perfect moment. he had once stayed inside the womb of a woman for eleven months, waiting for the right moment to make someone pay. he had stayed there, human baby, then human toddler, human child, to preteen to adult, just waiting for the right moment. twenty three years in anticipated waiting before he struck and smote the entire city in his own name. with Odin's blessing of course. Atlantis had never been found since. Loki was half tempted to give a few references of it to Tony and watch him freak out.

everyone was rather amazed and awed by the place, as most people where. "someday. we're going to get married in here." James decided, smiling at her. because she didn't need to say it. he already knew what she was thinking.
Thorne smiled, blushing a little as they looked around them. Snickering quietly as she listened to tony inspecting things and hearing the engineer in him looking for things, instead of simply enjoying it, the man was workign out how it’d been done and made when man hadn’t had modern tools. “...Yes. We will.”She said looking up at james, blushing even more as she stole a kiss. “so, anything else you want to see, my history buff?”She teased finding it utterly amusing at how very intent he was on learning everything. It was adorable and cute really.
Pepper followed Tony about, rolling her eyes and smiling at him. he was so cute like this, he really was. James just beamed at her and Steve smiled a little as he looked around, laughing when James beamed at her and started rattling off a slew of historical places. "oh. and a Museum where we might find things devoted to Loki." Phil asked. "Clint wishes to play pranks on Loki." he admitted with a smile. well aware that the real Loki was with Chris and the 'fake' Loki was snoring away conserving energy.
Tony paused in the middle of the talking, looking at his wife, sulking a little. “You don’t have to look so amused.”he muttered leaning over to kiss her lightly, wrapping a arm around her waist. “How you doing?”He muttered worried about her, about them all, so taking care of her obsessively....and engineering stuff....was his way of coping.

“Well. We can go to the public side of things.”Thorne said glancing at her wrist watch and figring out what time it was. “We’re in the private residence now, my father opened the other half of the palace to the public, to make them feel in touch with their royals and to be able to see them, he was good man,”She said sadly remembering her father, while he’d died when she was a child, the man had left her wtih a strong sense of how to connect to her people, and to be a ruler. Even if the lessons were buried under years of abuse, she was finding those lessons again the longer she was gone from the abuse. “We might have something. If not, there’s a few different museums in the city to try.”
Pepper smiled at him. "i am amused." she admitted with a chuckle, kissing him back. "i'm fine." she assured him. "it's Thorne we need to worry about." she admitted with a sigh as she snuggled into him. "keep talking it soothes me." lord how was she ever going to tell him?

James grinned. "that would be fun! let's do it in the morning though, Phil looks like he's about to start dropping off at any moment and i hink Steve's tired too." Steve just sighed and nodded. he wasn't tired physically, he was just tired emotionally, but it was enough that he wanted to just crawl into bed. "your Father was a good man. i never got to meet him but i looked up everything he and your grandfather did after i.... fell." "after you flew a plain into the ocean?" James corrected, Steve smiling sheepishly. "uh.... yeah..."
Tony smiled at her, “Good. And we’ll take care of her, and post two super soldiers as a guard.....and I’m trying not to worry about the dogs in Johnny’s care. I mean, he can take care of himself, and Sue and Reed are there.....Marie will be fine right?”He said fretting a little as he tucked her under his arm, snuggling her as he kept up the engineering talk as thorne directed them towards their room.

“Morning. Agreed.”Thorne said smiling a little as she showed them to their rooms, smiling as clint and grant bullied phil into their room and tony and pepper disappeared into theirs, amused at the tech babble tony had running, knowing the man was still talking excitedly, and knew the only thing the man was going to be doing, was talking tech for awhile. Looking up at steve she looked worried for him as she showed him to her bedroom, “No, James fell. You just crashed with a vengence.”She teased a little, sliding her hands over his back.”Come on,lay down and I’ll give you a massage.”
she giggled a little and shook her head. "Tony she already has two super soldiers as a guard." she pointed out with a grin. "Marie Curie will be just fine. we'll Video Call him later okay?" she asked him with a smile, letting his voice sooth her. she knew she wasn't helping his anxiety, the worry curled up inside her belly. along with something else that he wouldn't be able to feel.

Steve huffed. "everyone's ganging up on me!" he whined, sulking as the others laughed. "it's not hard to do." James admitted. "especially when our wrong." "i am not! good god what an amazing room!" he gasped, looking around before smiling at her. "you just want me naked." he teased, obediently laying down, knowing that touching him would help her calm down a little bit, James chuckling as he started unpacking their things so they'd be a bit more comfortable.
“I know, but telling them they should stand guard and wear those silly uniforms that all royal guards wear, would be epically amusing.”Tony snickered before whining a little. “Are you sure?We will video call, and if anything’s wrong, I’m going to yell at him.”Tony decided as he settled her on the bed and started to unpack their things, feeling what she was feeling, and trying to relax and be calm enough to simply be with her, but he knew something was wrong, and had no idea how to ask about it, so he was simply doing useless easy tasks, since he couldn’t retreat into the lab like he normally would.

“You are wrong, though I guess it’s a good thing, since otherwise you two would have been old long before I was born.”She smiled a little before laughing. “I do. You look amazing naked.”She smiled as she sat on his ass, tucking her legs against his sides as she worked out the knots in his back, smirking at james. “It is a fairly amazing room. Bathroom has a huge bathtub and shower.”She mused.
she giggled. "well, all women love a man in uniform. i'm not sure they'd get any guarding done if they did that." she admitted with a giggle. a video call later and evidence that all the puppies where fine and she snuggled into him for some sleep. she needed it desperately.

"that's true." Steve agreed with a grimace before sighing as he was rubbed down, mumbling about how amazing she was. James laughed when her 'plans' where foiled and he fell asleep. he joined them in bed, snuggling her.

later that night he was standing up and staring at nothing. he was as cold as ice, but didn't seam to notice and didn't react when she called out to him. "Thorne? go stand on the other side of the bed please. he could hurt you." he warned softly, stroking her back before stepping forward. "these rooms soundproof? he's going to scream." he warned her. "and don't feel bad. he's been weeks overdue for an episode." he admitted. "having you around has stabilized him so much that he was able to contain himself. this is normal and it's merely bad timing more than anything else." he admitted. "over the bed now. where he can't get to you." he ordered as James began to Stir, face blank he moved, striking out as if to attack, as if to Kill. Steve was faster, expecting it. as soon as he had the other on the ground James began to scream, like a wounded animal. Steve pinned him down, riding James like he was a wild Bronco for almost an hour before the man started to tire. then Steve started whispering, murmuring that James was okay, that he was safe. the Nazi's where dad. his handlers where dead, no one could hurt him, Pierce was dead, no one could hurt him. only when James began to cry, great heaving, wracking sobs that shook his entire frame did Steve cautiously let him up. he waited long tense moments for James to start to calm his sobbing into softer weeping before he looked up at Thorne. "it's safe now. help me get him into the bathroom, we'll need a hot bath and then a small space he can curl up in, a cleaned out closet stuffed with blankets or something similar." usually James was settled into his fish room, but a calm, dark closet was the next best thing.
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