♫ HM:MM - LUCKY ~ ♪ | Misanthropiclove

The girls were just completely happy about being so close to Samuel. He barely noticed when Ian came over but gave him a great show of affection, at least from his point, "Ian, I was waiting for you. These girls have been keeping me company while you were away. I also made a good amount of money. I bet I could buy some good food."

One of the girls smiled, "Aww, poor boy, haven't you been eating well lately?"

"Well, just fish and apples really, miss."

"Oh, that will not do! Let me take you out to dinner, Sammy!"

"NO, I will take you home and cook for you, home cooked meals are always better than store bought things," the blonde girl said, taking Samuel's hand as a sign of dominance in front of the other girls.

Samuel blinked and felt pretty taken advantage of but thought he saw an out, "Ladies, if you wanted to feed me you'd also need to feed Ian. He is the one letting me stay with him."

"Oh but he is so far away. I bet you'd LOVE to stay home with me," the redheaded one said, seeing her opportunity to be the most generous one.

"Oh no," the brunette said, "I have a spare bedroom. You could have it all to yourself. Unlike Ian's place you'd have your own room!"

Samuel was now starting to feel pretty nervous, "Ladies...I'm happy with my arrangement, really." He looked at Ian for a little bit of help. Anything, really. This was just getting maddening. He needed something! Anything to escape.

"Ian! I think I have enough money to buy you a chicken! Why don't we head over before the shop closes? I bet you could get a really nice chicken! Oooh, or a dog! Don't you think the farm needs a dog!?" He looked desperate and wanted his sweet, pale farm boy to rescue him from these treacherous harpies.
Women were… sometimes too much. Even for someone who enjoyed their company. Ian was no stranger to the wooing of women, or the lavishing affections that some of them could bestow upon one that they were infatuated with. From the offering of dinner to the offering of a bedroom in their house, it seemed like these woman—all eligible bachelorettes—were ready to just whisk Samuel away like the brunette wasn’t standing there. Not that they knew that the two men were dating, as it had only been but last night that they had decided to do so.

But even still, his eyes hardened a bit and he tried to be as firm as he could when he reached out and grasped Samuel’s other hand. “Yes, let’s get a dog. We must really get going now, before the day drags on. Sorry m’ams, he’ll have to join you on another day.” he declared with a polite tone; or so he hoped. Dragging Samuel with him as fast as he could, he politely gave another firm smile, but one that told them he wouldn’t appreciate them casing after the two males.

The women gave a range of looks at him, each varying on a degree of contemplation and a bit of venom. Hell had no wrath like a woman scorned, and he dearly hoped he didn’t scorn any one of them. But Samuel needed an out from them, and he was not just going to leave his boyfriend in the clutches of flaunting girls. After quite some distance, he finally stopped and took a deep breath, calming his racing heart.

It was then that the blush stole over his face—one of the first that was outside of any intimate acts. Ian tried to tell himself he wasn’t jealous, but there was a small spark of it in him. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Samuel to be faithful, but they hadn’t really outlined anything of the like, and those girls were attractive. “Um… sorry, I hope you didn’t take a liking to any of them and I ruined it?” he started off, then bit his tongue for saying something so stupid.

“I mean—well…er. Anyways. You wanted to get a dog? Together?” it was like asking for some sort of commitment, and he hoped Samuel got it. Guys sometimes just didn’t talk about certain things, and asking for commitment out loud might have been too much for them at this stage. Slipping out the book he took from the library, he wiggled in front of Samuel with a lopsided grin. “Got some reading for us for the night. Hope it’s more entertaining then them?”
"But, we weren't done!" The blonde said

"He doesn't have my number!" The redhead almost shrieked.

"We live in a small town. He can figure out where you are!"

"Shut up!"

Samuel just walked as fast as he could with Ian. Then he noticed the blush and figured Ian must have been a tad jealous. It made Samuel feel good, "Like any of them? No...I sold them some jewelry and I knew they were buying for me and...it got out of hand. Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. You are like my white knight only you killed three dragons to save this prince." He hoped his joke wasn't too bad, but Ian really had saved him.

"Yes, we can get a dog and he can watch after the sheep once you get the sheep. That is a good idea, right? You said you wanted a barn with sheep." He grinned and motioned to move when he saw the book.

"OH!" Samuel blushed and he looked rather dark and almost embarrassed, "Y-yes. We can read that! I don't see any reason why not. Oh, and the doctor says I will be walking by tomorrow afternoon. That should be good, right? I'll come back to town and sell some more things and then help you get enough wood to build that barn." This was turning out to be a very, very good trip to town.

He finally stopped where they were to get a dog and noticed that there was only one to buy; a rather large looking german shepard. Still, it was a herding dog so it would be good for the sheep. "What do you want to name him, Ian? I'll pay for him and you decide that. I'll also grab a bowl and some food, okay?" Samuel hobbled off to go pay for the dog, his mind still on that book. Ian must be more into this than he had thought! It was great!
At the mention of sheep, he smiled a bit and rolled his shoulders in a small shrug. Having a barn full of animals would be fun, just so they could have some live creatures to handle, rather than work with crops all day. Being a farmer wasn’t filled with exciting things, at least, in his opinion it wasn’t. But at the same time, it didn’t mean he had nothing to do, or that he couldn’t make it fun for himself. The picture of them catching the sheep, grooming them, falling asleep next to their large, fluffy bodies… it made him chuckle. They would get good cotton out of sheep, and he could make clothes out of them if he tried hard enough.

However, that wasn’t the issue at the moment, and it forced him to pay attention to the now instead of what could happen. Samuel was blushing now, staring at the book he was holding up. The brunette tried to look confident with this, as it was his idea after all. “That’s great! But… um, you’ll stay, even after your leg heals, and the barn, and things, right?” he asked, wondering if this relationship only lasted until Samuel was done and bored of the farming life. Ian couldn’t leave it—this was all his life consisted of now. But like the people of this village, Samuel had the ability to come and go as he pleased.

Without getting an immediate answer, he paused and saw that Samuel had found a dog for them. Smiling, they got the dog and he knelt down to ruffle the dog’s ears. “Hm… why don’t we name him Lucky?” because by god, have they not been hearing that enough for it to stick into his mind. The dog barked once and licked at Ian’s hand, trying to get treats from the human as if he had a sweet scent on him. Chuckling, he patted the dog’s head a bit, before standing up and walking towards Samuel. The book had been placed back under his jacket, so that no one else saw him walking around with a gay pornographic like it was the next best thing.

The dog seemed to follow him, still chasing after ‘treats’ it appeared. After they’d done everything needed for the dog, they trekked home, his body close enough to Samuel’s incase his boyfriend needed him for support or whatnots. The book felt like a heavy rock inside his jacket, pressing up against his side and reminding him of the naughty things that it probably had to teach him. Swallowing a bit, he opened the door to the house and allowed the other male to go in first, before he would enter. Ian had never felt more like a ‘naughty boy’, nearly bursting with curiosity and excitement to get to reading a book. “Um… would you like to read it together? Or separately?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Lucky is a good name." Samuel gave Ian the bag of dog food to carry and held onto the dog bowl. It was a bit common, but it would do. Besides, Samuel could easily see how Ian had come up with that name. The trek home was rather nice, even with the cane. "Of course I am going to stay, Ian. I wouldn't leave just because I can walk away. How could I get my daily dose of hot farming action that way?" He was right, because nothing turned men on more than watering crops and brushing cows. Nothing.

At home Samuel placed the dog bowl for food down and got the one for water filled up. He turned and saw that Ian seemed to be in a real hurry to read the book and found that rather adorable, "We can read it together. That way we can talk about what seems good to us and what does not. Besides, learning is more fun when you have someone with you." And there could be naughty tutor and student roleplay as well!

Samuel sat down on the bed and motioned for Ian to come over with that naughty, delicious book. He was rather eager to see what it contained as well. Perhaps his cheesy romance novels had left some things out. The first page was flipped and Samuel gave a little gasp. The first few pages were just men of different races in various sexual positions! How scandalous!

Samuel touched Ian's shoulders and gave a little nervous laugh, "I've never seen PICTORIAL pornography, ju-just read it." That could have been because Samuel's formative years were spent back in the day of Ian's grandfather. Pictures of people having sex were not as common for Samuel to grab up. It was just so new. "T-turn the page! Come on!"
Hearing that they could read it together, Ian smiled brightly and nodded, as he moved to curl up against the other male on the bed. In his mind, he pictured something similar to the tutor/student deal, only in his imagination, he was the tutor that was giving Samuel a few spanks for getting it ‘wrong’. It caused him to have a slight dazed look before the first page was even turned, and only amplified it once they actually had the book opened and between them. When he heard Samuel gasp though, he had to wonder how much the other male was letting on that he knew and what he didn’t know.

Turning his gaze down towards the page, the brunette found his eyebrow twitch in shock. Men of all sorts, body on display, twisted and pressed up against other men in such lewd positions that it made him embarrassed and curious at the same time. The first question in his mind was, “Is that even possible?” he asked aloud on accident, biting down on his bottom lip soon after. Maybe this wasn’t the time to speak, but when Samuel spoke up about the pictures, he thought it was safe to do so. “Er, yeah…” hesitantly, he turned the page and prepared himself for what was going to show up.

Nothing extreme, thank goodness. Just a simple introduction, on what the book was about, and making sure that one practiced safe sex. Once that was done with, he turned the next few pages, expanding on the introduction. Finally, they reached chapter one, titled in big bold letters “The Art of Oral Sex & Its Varieties”. Well, at least they were on track of things and started off their relationship like the book was starting off.

“… Oral Sex, is defined by using one’s mouth on genital areas of the human body to provide sexual pleasure.” the brunette read, swallowing a lump in his throat as he remembered earlier on how he was doing just that for Samuel. The feeling of semen sliding down his throat, filling him with tastes that he’d never thought could be fishier than fish, but slightly bittersweet at the same time. It made him cringe a bit at the thought, yet he had a hunch he’d do it again if the time and place was right. “Seems like we’ve got this chapter down already.” he joked, leaning his head against Samuel’s shoulder as he slipped down further to read. “How did you learn about—about what you did earlier, anyways? Couldn’t have been the novels, could they?”
"Y-yes, that is completely possible, Ian. That one might require some flexibility though. Ooooh, a hispanic man. Don't turn the page just ye-oh." Samuel finally calmed down and allowed Ian to get to chapter one. Samuel would have thought that perhaps there would have been more on just kissing and maybe some cuddling, but this stuff didn't seem bad either! He was not going to complain about this at all.

He gave a little snicker at Ian's joke, "I bet we have a lot more to learn. Go on, read it." He was interested in the book and then listened to the question, "Oh...ummm...yes, it was in a book I read. A prince was rescued by a knight and then he...ummm...rimmed the knight and then he fucked the knight and the knight really loved the rimming so I thought you might and I was curious as to what it would be like so...yeah." Samuel rubbed the back of his head and felt pretty sheepish about trying something he had just read in a book, "Then there was the book about pirates and the captain would have his crew members rim him and he loved it and so, same thing. It was also in other books too."

Samuel was sure that Ian had enjoyed it, one didn't get off without even touching themselves without enjoying it. Samuel had found the action very nice himself and was looking forward to going back down on Ian in the exact same manner. Perhaps he could even talk Ian into doing it on him one day. Fair was fair, wasn't it?

Samuel did notice that there were side notes written for both circumcised and uncircumcised penises. It was rather interesting, "Look, we'll both have to learn things. Ooooh, this seems interesting. It seems many men like the foreskin being played with." Samuel looked at Ian with a mischievous grin and started to formulate plans in his mind.

Lucky, done as he was with the food, came over and curled up at the foot of the bed if only to make both men feel slightly awkward reading about hardcore sexual activities with a pet dog at their feet being adorable.
At the answer, Ian couldn’t help but let the small smile curve his lips. The idea of Samuel reading up all of those romance novels—pornographic really—and trying them out on them, seemed just too adorable in his mind. There were cheesy moments to come, that was for sure, and he found himself a bit excited for it. The brunette had touched into roleplaying as a character of sort in the bedroom just once, and he wouldn’t mind exploring that idea further with his boyfriend.

Lifting his head and nuzzling the warm neck, he allowed his lips to stretch into a grin at that. “Oh, so did this knight save the prince then?” he asked, knowing that in a sense, it was like that. He had found Samuel injured out in the forestry area, and like a knight in shiny armor, he had brought the dark haired male back to safety. All in a day’s good work, and he’d like to say he got the better end of the stick. Not that he didn’t want to give as good as he got, but a hands-free orgasm was pretty intense.

His thoughts were disrupted when their dog decided to curl up at their feet. For some strange reason, his body temperature went up, and it wasn’t due to arousal of reading such an erotic book. Rather, he was slightly embarrassed that their cute dog, no more than the tip of his puppy years and into his ‘teen’ years, no doubt, was staring at them with big eyes. Lucky barked once, happy that he had his masters’ attentions for a moment, as he curled up on his stomach and rested his fluffy head between their legs. His paws were no larger than their hands or so, but felt like they weighed more than they should as each front paw landed on one of their legs.

“Um… where is Lucky going to sleep from now on?” he asked, noting that they didn’t have a dog house, nor did they have any dog beds for inside sleeping. Ian was firmly against allowing the dog sleep outside in the cold, but as of now, the spring air wasn’t too bad, and summer would come around the corner. They would have to build a dog house for Sheppard soon, but that still didn’t solve the question of the time before he gathered enough wood for it.

“We can’t let him sleep outside, but… being inside on the bed might be weird.” Ian hinted at the fact that he was hesitant to explore their relationship with big puppy eyes staring at them. He even went as far as close the book and hide it under the covers, not wanting to let their ‘baby’ be exposed to worldly things.
"I think he can sleep next to the bed. That should work. We should build him a doghouse though. That would be the best. Perhaps we should do that before we get the barn up?" Ian might notice now Samuel spoke now, there was no more "your" farm, there was "our." Sure, Samuel hadn't paid for it but that showed that he was definitely wanting to stay and be a part of Ian's life. Or he was at least really into farming.

Samuel noticed the book being placed away and gave a little smile at Lucky, "Hey boy, get on the floor. Good boy! Now sit! No, SIT! Errrr..lie down? No, no, don't lick me! Stop!" Samuel was having his face ravaged by dog tongue as he finally placed Lucky down on the floor so he was lying down and held out his hand, "Okay, now stay! Stay. Good boy!"

He turned to Ian and wiped off his face with his shirt, "We will need treats. And I will train him. I think I am rather good at getting men to do what I want." He hoped that little bit was not lost on the farmer as he picked the book back up since they had the bed to themselves again. "Ooooh, Ian, look, they have picture diagrams in here!"

Indeed the book did. The next page where they were going to turn to had a picture on the left of a man servicing an uncircumcised penis and the page on the right had his partner servicing the circumcised penis. "Oh, you should try that one Ian! And I could do that!" Samuel pointed to the african male who had his tongue inside the foreskin of his partner and seemed to be running his tongue along the tip. Samuel made sure Ian noticed what he was referring to in case Samuel decided that it was not what he wanted to go on with his peep. Better to get the information out now instead of when they were trying to be erotic.

Samuel felt a little flustered looking at these pictures and reading on this topic. It did seem to make one want to try it out almost immediately, but that wouldn't be very logical. Just reading about something and immediately trying it out didn't always have the best outcomes. He also didn't want to rush Ian.

"Do you see anything you really want to try...or have tried out on you, Ian?"
Ian, being the dumbass that he was at times, didn’t catch onto the whole aspect of how Samuel speaking in tones that were indicating how he was determined to stay longer. It wasn’t until later that night would he realize it, but for now, he just nodded and agreed, knowing that Lucky was going to have to make due with sleeping beside their bed for the nights until the doghouse was built.

It was another indication that Samuel was going to stay for an undetermined amount of time, as they had gotten a dog together, claiming ownership equally despite Ian not buying Lucky. The said pup was going to grow up, thinking it had two masters, which would make it hard and a bit heartless to split that up.

The brunette chuckled at how Lucky seemed so attached to Samuel already, despite the fact that the dog was not really listening to the other male right away. However, his chuckles died away to a bit of an embarrassed silence, as he noted that yes, Samuel did have a way of getting men to do as he pleased. The farmer almost imaged himself as the dog, looking to please Samuel in some way so he’d get ‘treats’ himself. Just of different kinds, being naughtier and less stomach filling in many cases. “Hm?” he asked, shaking it off as best as he could, as he leaned in closer and peered at the book once more.

Seeing such graphical diagrams of people giving each other head made his eyes wide, both from shock and a touch of horror. “Er… that looks… good.” Ian agreed on what Samuel was saying, wondering what it’d be like with his foreskin played with. Previous partners would be against it or dive down so fast and finish him as fast as they could, he barely knew what hit him.

Scanning through a few more pictures and turning the picture to see more oral techniques, he pointed towards one that had the Asian boy with his tongue swirling around another male’s anal opening. Even though his cheeks were pink at that, he rolled his shoulders in a shrug either way. “Er… I mean, if you wanted to. It was enjoyable for me, so I thought you might enjoy it to?” unless Samuel was uncomfortable with something like that, but it’d be the perfect opportunity for them to try things on each other. Who knew, maybe one of them might not like it, but the other would. And if they both knew they liked it, then it just added another to the list to play with.

Ian felt like a kid again, flipping through the book as the sunset began to flutter across the horizon, while curled up against his boyfriend under the warmth of the blanket. Only difference was that they were reading a pornographic book and he was half hard from staring at the sexual situations this book had. “Shall we go to the next chapter?” he asked with a slightly nervous chuckle, hoping it was tamer than oral, so he’d get his erection to go away.
"If you'd like to try that on me I would be more than willing. I just can't imagine what it would be like seeing your reaction!" Samuel was truly looking forward to Ian going down on him in that fashion. He almost wanted to fling the book down and just allow Ian to get to business but that would be very forward. Besides, Ian might not even be in the mood.

Samuel went to the next chapter which was "Handjobs" and had several different types. He brought the book to rest between them and began to read the chapter to Ian, "The simple pleasures of masturbation can be shared between partners for an expression of sexuality and love. The handling of your partner's penis can be as simple as a quickie before they go to work to a drawn out process that takes hours and mimics the worshiping of deities of old. There are more techniques than can be listed in this single chapter but we will try to educate everyone in the basics (and some of the more advanced techniques) of manual penile stimulation."

Samuel was pretty impressed, "I just figured you would touch and go...this is interesting. Wow...there are more than twenty techniques of masturbation!? This is so cool!" Samuel was more excited than embarrassed by the book as it elucidated many of the concepts he had imagined from his old romance novels and semi-graphic pornographic literature.

The next page detailed the simple and general technique of grabbing the penis and stroking it with the Asian model sitting in the lap of one of the white models who had gripped him. There were even step by step guides with this simple technique that any boy over thirteen had mastered. Each description had a picture next to it and ended with the Asian model arching back and ejaculating in what had to be one of the luckiest photographic moments yet.

Samuel would read out the graphs of each technique and noted the footnotes on different kinds of oils, friction levels, and the differences once again between circumcised and uncircumcised.

"Wow, it looks like my massage oils can come in handy if you'd like. We should probably by lubricants as well." Samuel had little idea of Ian was getting excited just by this chapter as well as Ian had been able to hide his growing interest with the last chapter as well.
He raised an eyebrow at the masturbation chapter, wondering if these techniques were sound. They seemed farfetched and he had always seen masturbation, for self and perhaps his partner, as something that one just did without the need for technique. Touch, rub, stroke, play with, and then hope that they found their orgasm within the time of here and there. Seemed like there was plenty to learn though, as there were truly well over twenty or so things to do to make it more pleasurable. Mutual masturbation was even something suggested for beginning couples, so they had a ‘feel’ for one another.

Ian paused at that, finger still pressed against the sentence that he had been reading, before feeling as if he had rushed things for one another. “Er… guess we should have started off like that?” he muttered, hands retreating back to his lap to curl up and not touch the book for now. Pictures of partners pressed up against each other, lying at natural and odd angles, each reaching between the other’s legs. Upon a few of the images, his shaft gave a small twitch, wanting to feel something more than the sheets press down against his growing arousal.

His mind filled with images of Samuel touching him, rubbing that warm hand on his even warmer sex. Bringing his knees up slightly, he tried to hide his erection better, as the next page was turned and more and more of the lewd acts were described and shown. Pink, from natural body heat rising, tinted his cheeks, making him duck his head so that what little hair that was long enough, would cover his cheeks.

Lucky barked once, rolling around to get comfortable, before curling up against the side of the bed. The dog seemed ready for bed, hinting that it was going to be knocked out completely in a moment. The brunette shifted on the bed, trying not to stare at the book, but found that if he didn’t, he had the option of staring either at Samuel or at the floor; either of which wasn’t favorable. Not that Samuel was a bad stare, but he didn’t want to worsen his condition. “Um, want to turn in early?” he suddenly asked, thighs pressed together as he tried to look as natural as possible.

It was then that Lucky suddenly jolted up, barking as if he could sense something. As a ‘teen’, the dog was hyper aware of the scent of arousal, and without even thinking of it, the dog jumped onto the bed and began to nearly paw at the two’s crotch. It was as if he was searching for a bone or to put out a ‘fire’. Ian cried out as Lucky’s paw stomped onto his crotch and curled up with a whimper. “Shit! Bad Lucky!” he cried out, shoving the dog towards Samuel’s direction as he curled up into a ball.
Samuel laughed when Ian said they moved too fast, "The first thing we did was touch one another. We can always go back to basics you know. I have..a bit of a thing for hand jobs I guess. I always liked them the best of the foreplay." He did close the book when Ian seemed to be getting tired, laying it down near the bed.

Apparently this prompted Lucky to decide the bed was free for himself. Samuel took the dog when Ian cried out and threw him at the darker man. Samuel took Lucky and placed him on the ground and flicked his nose lightly, "NO. Bad boy. Stay down. Go to sleep." He was very firm and Lucky gave a sad whimper but obeyed, turning his back on the man before gazing with the trademark sad puppy dog eyes. Samuel was firm and shook his head, "NO. Stay on the floor."

He turned to Ian and moved the covers, trying to see if everything was okay. He gave a little gasp noticing the erection that must have been stepped on and gave Ian a kiss, "You poor boy! I am sorry, I should have grabbed him earlier. Are you going to be okay?" He tentatively touched Ian's penis, trying to make sure there was no permanent damage.

As he checked his lover out in only the most caring and platonic fashion, he began to wonder about the book. About the techniques that had been seen that dealt with Ian's member. He gripped a tad bit harder to assuage no permanent damage had been dealt. He smiled and moved closer to Ian, "I think Lucky is going to be down for the rest of the night. He learned his lesson. Could I try out some of the lessons we learned?"

He hadn't been particularly aroused by the book. He had been curious, yes, and the photographs had been neat. Yet none of the men had been the one he was with, the one he liked. Knowing that the man he was crushing on was aroused was a completely different story and made the dark demi-god want to pounce and gently molest his farmer.
The brunette remained in a curled up position as he rubbed out the sting in his nuts and shaft, having half a mind to just sell the dog back to where he came from. However, Samuel seemed to have a firm grasp on scolding Lucky, so he decided that if anything, he’d just lock the dog outside if something like that happened again. “I’m fine… he just surprised me, that’s all…” he muttered, rolling onto his back as the other male inspected him.

He had all but forgotten his erection, and yet, looking down with Samuel inspecting his shaft, Ian felt the rush of lust spike again and jerk at his flesh. Standing up tall and proud once more, he swallowed hard and shifted his hips. Samuel’s hand was warm and firm, teasing at his cock, despite the fact that he was just inspecting it. “Um… this isn’t because of the dog, if you’re wondering. The book was educational.” the brunette stated, not wanting his recently new boyfriend thinking that he was some kind of pervert.

Upon hearing that the other male wanted to try some of the lessons they had learned though, Ian took a deep breath and tried not to grin. Like a guy would ever say no to a free handjob or blowjob? “Sure! I mean… did you want to try a specific one?” he picked up the book and flipped through the pages, landing on one that he had found interesting. “If you didn’t have one in mind, perhaps… this one?” he revealed the page, with two men facing in opposite directions, practicing oral techniques on one another. Under it labeled “69”, which he would assume was more than just a number, but a position.

If the other male didn’t want to do this, then he thought that maybe they could just use their hands on one another. At this point, anything would have been nice, because he was firm on not going to bed with an erection. Who knew what the damn dog was going to step on if Lucky thought he was excited in the wrong sense.

“We should take Lucky outside first though. I don’t—er, he shouldn’t be seeing these kind of things anyways.”
Samuel looked at the picture and nodded, "That'd be fine. I'll put Lucky out." Samuel stood up and went over to the dog and got him up, "Lucky, Ian doesn't want you to watch us doing naughty things. Come on." He took the dog outside and gave him some pets before the dog drove his nose straight into Samuel's crotch and sniffed about. Samuel gave a surprised squeak and quickly moved the dog away, "No...none of that. I mean...well...I have to get back to Ian."

Lucky gave a light whine and watched Samuel disappear into the house. Samuel filed away the information of Lucky's interest just in case. He would need to corrupt Ian just a bit more first for him to open up to it, but he figured that he could make sure the dog was allowed to explore as well.

Samuel walked back over to the bed before getting on it and moving to get in the correct position. "I will try to be good. Just tell me if I do anything wrong, okay?" He settled in and nestled Ian's hard one before trying the first thing he remember from the book. He gripped the penis and stuck out his tongue, separating the foreskin from the head by sliding his tongue inside it. It was an odd taste, slightly tangy in a way and it smelled of sweat and Ian. There was no other description for the latter, Samuel had never smelled something like it before except on Ian so it must be a smell specifically for the farmer.

He twisted the tongue around to get all over the head, enjoying the sensation. This also meant he had no worry about his teeth catching his farmer boy. It was a very easy way to start. His hands moved up and down the shaft for a good while, warming Ian up before Samuel was willing to try his hand, or mouth, at something new.

He took a deep breath as if he was going to dive under water and opened as wide as he could, hoping to spare Ian his teeth, and took some of the penis into his mouth. He miscalculated the first time and pulled up coughing, his eyes watering a little. "I'm okay, just got excited." He cleared his throat and decided to go slower, placing just the tip in before inching down.
Ian tilted his head back as they shifted into position, Samuel’s shaft pointing at his face as he relaxed as best as he could. Giving head while being given head couldn’t have been that hard, but as soon as the other male started on him, he found that it was harder for himself to start on the other male. Samuel’s tongue seemed to know what to do, curling under his foreskin and giving his cock a good lick and suck. His own legs spread of their accord, pushing his hips forward so that he was jutting out the midsection and waiting for more.

However, when Samuel chocked, he pulled back and his eyes snapped open—when had they closed?—to stare down in alarm. “You oka-.” he was cut off and reassured that the other male was fine though, before the pleasure began to spread from his prick once more. His nerve endings jerked and twitched, causing endomorphines to be released into him.

“You’re really good, Sam…” he muttered, nearly wrapping his legs around the other male’s head. Slitting open his eyes, he noted that indeed, Samuel was excited, as the other male’s cock was pointing right at his eyes, nested in thick pubs. Reaching out with both hands, he held onto the shaft and gave it a firm stroke up and down, trying to remember what to do. The books had plenty of pictures and descriptions on men without foreskins—something that must have been common in nowadays society.

Pressing a soft and wet kiss against the tip of the head, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on pleasuring his lover, while his own body wanted nothing more than to shut down and enjoy the pleasure being done upon him. Shifting his hips to ease the tension, he began to French kiss Samuel’s cock-head, pressing tongue and teeth against various areas, nearly sucking and slobbering over it as he worked more and more into his mouth. Knowing what to do rather than playing with instincts seemed to work just as well, if not better, than earlier.

His fingers still didn’t know what to do, whether or not to play with the balls yet, as he dipped more of the cock into his mouth. Soon enough though, his fingers curled around the balls, while the fingers of the other hand curved around a buttock. The tip of his middle finger nuzzled against Samuel’s anus, briefly wondering if his lover enjoyed being touched there as much as he had. It wasn’t his tongue, that was for sure, but perhaps anything touching there would be just as pleasurable?
Samuel gave a little shiver when he felt the finger run around his anus. He was sort of surprised by the sudden attention and was a bit scared of Ian trying to push it in. He knew enough that lubricant was needed or else it would hurt. Still, the gentle rubbing was more than enough to add some sparks to this sexual session.

Samuel was glad he was doing such a good job on his first time. He took another deep breath and moved further down, soon finding his nose poking Samuel's sac. He took in a careful breath but found it uncomfortable and pulled back, releasing the member as he took in a clearer breath. He looked back down at Ian's cock and bit the foreskin very lightly, pulling it back before letting it go. Ian was just like a little playground. Samuel could try and find every piece of amusement he could find on his lover.

He licked on his own finger, sucking on it for a good while before pressing it against Ian's entrance as well. Unlike Ian, his lubed up finger slowly, and painlessly, slipped inside his partner. He tested gently, barely willing to push too deep or even try and hurt his partner. He had felt eager when the digit had slipped almost effortlessly in but he was worried about hurting Ian.

With a little gathering of courage Samuel opened his mouth and took half of Ian's penis into his maw while he slowly, ever so slowly, searched around inside Ian to try and find that place he had stimulated so much before that Ian had just exploded. It was hard to control himself as well, what with Ian servicing him wildly and in a way that made Samuel breath heavily and choke out sounds around the dick in his mouth, the resultant vibrations applying a bit of extra pleasure for his mate.
Shifting his fingers and flexing the single digit against the anal passage, Ian moaned as he felt his shaft get special treatment. His own lips were nursing on the tip of Samuel’s length, just slowly getting used to taking in more and more of the cock in his mouth. The flavor was like little starbursts along his taste buds, both salty and bitter like an acquired taste of a candy he wanted to like.

The brunette gasped, moaned, and bucked all at the same time though, as he felt a finger press against his own entrance and prodded its way in. His sensitive nerves, still fried from earlier, tingled back to life and fuzzed the pleasure outwardly into his muscles. In his haste of getting air, he had gulped down Samuel’s shaft. The tip was now pressed against the back of his throat, where he swallowed deeply.

Throat muscles rippled along the organ, while anal muscles tightened around the digit invading it. His own finger was too dry to enter Samuel, despite the fact that he was gently pushing against the sphincter in an attempt to do so. It felt strange to have something in his mouth, preventing his muscles from clenching close every time he swallowed and sucked, while being penetrated from his other end as well. Despite that, Ian soon found his rhythm once more, and pulled his head back just enough so that he could start bobbing his head up and down the shaft.

As he did so, his digit left the backside and tried to gather enough spit around the exposed end to lubricate itself. Ian couldn’t see what Samuel was doing, but he had a hint of what had been done. As he pressed his digit against the opening and pressed it harder to dip into his boyfriend’s body, his own was losing focus. The single digit was desperately searching for something to ‘hook’ onto, half remembering something about the prostate, as his own was brushed against. Without meaning to, he snapped his hips forward, clenched down with his sphincter, and moaned loud enough that the vibrations rumbled along the organ inside of his mouth.
Samuel found the stimulation very much appreciated, especially when his fingering explorations sent Ian down onto his length. He'd have to remember that if they were to ever do this exact position again. Then he found a bit of other arching and had to back off lest his own throat be assaulted by Ian.

It turned out not to be his throat but his ass which was attacked. Not necessarily badly, but he had not expected it. He opened his mouth wide around the penis to moan, denying Ian the vibrations that it would produce. He started adjusting his own movements in response to Ian's, wondering if they could discover what felt the best with one another.

Luckily for Ian he seemed to find it first. The finger brushed against some part of Samuel that made him tense up and tremble with the feeling. His nerves were on fire as they transmitted that signal. "Thrre" He muttered around the genitalia in his mouth, hoping that Ian would get the general gist of what he was saying and were to poke. Samuel understood now how Ian might have gotten off on just internal stimulation.

Samuel went back to focusing on Samuel, his body still shaking a bit with the sensations as he began to bob up and down on the piece like Ian had begun to do. That seemed to be the proper technique, or at least felt good enough that he'd want Ian to experience it as well. Samuel began rubbing around in Ian and would stop on the point that seemed to get the best reaction from him and rub it from the inside. That book was very handy, and perhaps it would detail what these spots were and how to best pleasure them.

Samuel had begun to drip the pre-ejaculatory fluids as soon as his prostate was rubbed, his own body telling him he would not last a tremendous length of time.
Sweat, moans, scents of heavy musk… they all seemed to blend together to fit an aroma that screamed sexual desire. His body hummed with the pleasure, clenching and relaxing in intervals, as he tried to gain control over his senses. Samuel’s touches were addicting though, and despite knowing that they were soaking one another’s body faster than a relationship usually went, he couldn’t help but indulge in it. Whether or not he decided to mentally didn’t seem to register with his body though, as it arched and twisted in ways that demanded for more.

Each nerve cell was slapped with passion, causing him to curl his legs unconsciously and ended up cradling Samuel’s head between his legs. “Sam…ool…” he muttered around the piece of meat in his mouth. It was a half moan, half warning as he was rather close himself. Ian rolled his tongue sloppily around the other’s cock, pressing firm licks to shift the flesh around the muscle, while hoping to stimulate the nerves properly.

The flavor was still bitter and strong—perhaps too strong—for him, but the brunette didn’t pull back. On some subconscious level, he thought that would be rude, so he kept at it like a vacuum—sucking the pre-ejaculatory fluids up and swallowing it once it mingled with his saliva. His finger continued to press and nuzzle around the spot that had Samuel moaning, hips thrusting in hopes to get the vibrations that he was sending down the other’s cock for himself.

On a particular brush against his prostate, Ian jerked his head back and moaned, dropping the other male’s shaft out of his mouth. The haze of red pleasure seemed to blind him, and he hadn’t even realize he was nuzzling and nursing on the balls until he realized he had pubic hair poking at his half opened eyes. Clenching down on another prod of his inner walls, the brunette turned his cheek to press against the genitals and bit down on the supple thigh. Leaving crescent marks along the flesh without meaning to, he nearly screamed his release as thick semen gushed out of his arousal. The amount was less than before, indicating that his body hadn’t fully recovered from the pervious encounter.
Samuel found himself bombarded by all sorts of feelings. There was the thrusting of the penis in his mouth and the gentle cupping of his head by the legs. Ian's scent and pheromones driving the rather pleasant taste of his crotch to new levels. The warmth surrounding his own finger and the veritable assault on a part of his body he only vaguely knew existed just moments before. It culminated with the expulsion of Ian's seed into his mouth as Samuel had pulled back to once again tease the foreskin. The taste was just too much.

Samuel gurgled some as his throat opened to announce his own body seizing up with pleasure thanks to the semen of his mate, his hips becoming stiff like rocks as muscles spasmed and sent forth his own ejaculate. He decided to be like Ian had been early in the day and swallowed down what the man had expelled, remembering that he had had to wash sheets earlier in the day. This would be a much safer, and perhaps more erotic, turn of events.

Samuel pulled his head back when he felt the final muscle contraction in Ian, his mind rummaging through the tastes to compare Ian to. It wasn't fishy, exactly. And definitely not sweet. It wasn't unpleasant, just different. He'd need to get more of it to find out exactly what he thought, and Ian shouldn't be against that at all!

Samuel leaned back, his eyes gazing up at the ceiling as he panted. "That was...good! I liked that a lot!" He didn't know what else to say. Was this the moment couples said they loved one another? Was it too early to love Ian? Did he just want to go to sleep now? It was rather confusing. At least he knew he didn't have to ask how well he had done; that was obvious.
Familiar flavor hit his tongue once more, as Samuel’s orgasm rippled through the other male’s body and sent a healthy splash of seed along Ian’s face. The brunette was still reeling from his own release, so instead of jerking his head back to avoid the semen, he just moaned softly and closed his eyes so the thick liquid didn’t get in his orbs. His face was a whitish mesh though, slicking up the high cheekbones and glistening around his lips.

“Mm… yeah, good…” and exhausting. He wasn’t used to doing this much twice in a row, and his body was ready to completely shut down this early in the day—well, as early as he could call it. The sun was just dipping against the horizon at best, edging towards the dawning of the moon, and yet, he was tired as if it was midnight. Perhaps some other night, he’d stay up all night, doing naughty things with Samuel or even just talking. But for now, he found that the post-coitus period was going to be devoid of cuddling.

Then again, this could be considered cuddling, since they were still half holding one another—or, holding each other’s pricks at least. “Mm…” Ian knew he should say something else beside that it was good. He should probably praise Samuel; tell him how good he was and how amazing it felt. It was one of the things he read in the book, since it was to promote a healthy relationship and ego in bed.

He should have, but instead, a light snore came from his direction instead. The brunette was out like a light, despite the fact that the semen was going to dry on his face if he didn’t do anything about it. There was no time to care though, as he was already drifting off into some other world, and dreaming things like chasing sheep and hugging large, fat cows.

When morning would come, he would get up and praise Samuel then, he mentally promised the other male.
Samuel moved from the crotch he was nuzzling and noticed Ian with the facial. He snorted a bit and grabbed his cane, walking over to the sink to get paper towels. He came back and wiped Ian down, tossing the paper towel into the trash as he finished. It had been pleasant, and he didn't judge Ian for going to sleep right afterwards. He was just mortal after all.

Samuel dropped onto the bed just in time for the news. He heard the damnable "LUCKY!" and felt the orb drop down. He looked at the "teamwork" orb and gave a little grin. These sprites had a sense of humor it seemed. He gave a little yawn and dropped the orb into the floor, wrapping his arms around Ian so he could still get in his cuddles. Samuel just loved his cuddles.

He grudgingly let go and got the blankets to cover them when he felt Ian shiver a little bit, but went right back to hugging onto the farmer. He couldn't wait for his leg to get better the next day, then he could help out so much more. He could leave the house and go pick things up, he could teach Ian how to cook some things, and he could find Ian in the field and molest him until the fields were indeed "seeded."

He gave a little smile at the idea of sneaking up behind Ian and getting him off all over the farm. Maybe later when they were more serious. Or perhaps after a time when they hadn't played with one another for some time. He would definitely have to hold onto the idea, as the index of the book showed that a chapter on odd places to make love was coming up in the book. He was sure not many people got the luxury they did of having a vast tract of land to molest one another upon. It should still have good ideas.

He gave Ian one last kiss before he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He'd see more of Ian tomorrow. Now it was time to rest.
Birds chirped merrily in the early dawn of morning. It was supposedly a natural thing in any place, but it was something that Ian wasn’t used to daily. He had lived in the city for far too long, and there, the birds were a good distant away from his apartment—or at least, they had the decency to remain quiet until the brunette found his alarm waking him. Sadly, the countryside didn’t have polite birds, and they were loud and near enough that if he had a shotgun, he would have killed them.

“Ugh… don’t wanna get up…” he groaned, rolling a bit to his side as he tried to jar his mind awake. Parting hazed over eyes, last night came frolicking back to his memories, causing him swallow thickly and blink a few times at the figure sprawled beside him. Their legs were looped with one another’s, hinting at either a post-coitus cuddling that he didn’t remember, or that one of them was trying to kick the other’s gonads for some reason.

He voted for the first one, but considering how perverted Samuel was—some virgin!—he wouldn’t be surprised if he had attempted the second. Slowly, he attempted to untangle himself, finding that he was sticky-free and warm due to the sheets over them. It caused a small smile to stretch on his lips, knowing that Samuel must have cleaned them up and covered them after he’d passed out—gracefully, as he didn’t just keel over like some inexperienced douche.

Ian nuzzled his nose against Samuel’s cheek and neck, before pressing a soft kiss there. “Hey… mornin’ ‘s here.” he murmured, planting appreciative kisses along the other male’s neck and face. “Get up or I’ll have to do something extreme~” he teased, chuckling a bit. This was perhaps one perk of the farming life—he could just take his time and lavish his lover as much as he wanted.

The chuckles were cut off though, as the potentially romantic morning was interrupted by a loud gunshot.
Samuel didn't stir until Ian began to lavish attention on him. He gave a little murmur as he was touched and started stretching, his tan skin showing up perfectly against the white sheets. "Okay...okay...I'll get up. You don't need to hurt me, I promise." He was jesting about being hurt, he doubted Ian would do anything like THAT. Of course, other encouragement could have been given, but he wouldn't push for that. Not yet at least.

He yawned a little and moved to wrap an arm around Ian, "Oh, I am so tired! I am so weak! Some strong, strapping man has to carry me around and make sure I don't fall and hurt myself!" He gave Ian a little nuzzle and kissed him. All in all not an unpleasant way to start the day. He could take his time and cook some eggs and maybe toast some of the bread they had. He could cook the apples they had for lunch, maybe caramelizing them.

His little mental reverie was broken by the gunshot. He gave a very manly squeak of surprise and flipped over onto the floor, dragging Ian with him. Luckily the blanket came with them and broke the fall a little bit. He kept his arm over Ian, not wanting whomever was shooting at them to get a good shot. Then the dog came to mind.

"LUCKY! LUCKY IS OUTSIDE! WHAT IF HE GETS SHOT!?" Samuel didn't like that idea in the least and shot to his feet, adrenaline taking away any pain that would hinder him. He jerked the door open, waltzing out in the nude without care for the social problems that could go with that, "LUCKY! COME HERE BOY! HERE PUPPY!"
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