♫ HM:MM - LUCKY ~ ♪ | Misanthropiclove

Once things were done and over with, Ian waited outside near the door for Samuel to finish. It was just in time as well, since he was handed the fish. “Are you sure you can do that? I wouldn’t want you to be tripping over a rock and making your ankle worst.” they still needed to visit the doctors for that ankle, but for now, it seemed like it was best to get Samuel moving around for a bit first. Nothing seemed too bad, so he wasn’t worry that the ankle would get worst by just waiting to go to the hospital.

Following the dark haired male under a tree, he tried to help with the towel, before sitting down and serving out the fish. “The crops are good…” he muttered, taking a bite of the fish. Suddenly, after all the preparation and waiting, the date felt like it was too much.

Not as in he was afraid, but his confidence was dwindling, and he was feeling that creeping bout of shyness once more. To think, sitting under a tree and having a picnic with another male… it wasn’t something he thought was romantic, but something he was sure only happened with males wooing females.

The sun was at noon setting now, shining a healthy amount of heat around them, while the birds chirped and the breeze flew by. It would have been the most romantic picnic if they were eating something other than fish, and sitting more than a polite distance away from one another.

“So… um… about last night…” and really, he didn’t want to make this moment any more awkward—was he the only one that felt strange?—but he couldn’t think of anything to talk about other than the night before. There were still questions that he had unanswered, so they lingered in his mind like a festering leech.
Samuel found the picnic quite pleasing, at least for what it was. If things had gone better they would have more than water, one meat, and apples. There would have been fish and chicken perhaps, with mashed potatoes filled with butter and sour cream and bacon, cinnamon spiced cooked apples, and fresh sweet tea made from leaving a glass pitcher in the sun. What they had would work. Ian was still with him and the atmosphere was free, making it all worthwhile.

Until Ian spoke up.

Samuel felt a knot in his stomach form. Ian wasn't going to end this, was he? The orbs wouldn't have to be gotten by staying on the sidelines and watching Ian get it on with a random hussy from that tiny village. That would be almost insufferable now. Or did he not want to actually date? That could be all right, as long as Samuel got to molest, and by the same turn be molested by, Ian. Perhaps he just didn't like the fish. Samuel could sell things in the village and get money for other meat! Why hadn't he thought of that!?

Or he could just ask what was going on.

"Yes, Ian? Is something the matter?" Samuel held back a stutter as he spoke, his dark eyes glancing over at Ian. The man was still pale, which was to be expected after just three days of farming. Samuel gripped one of the apples very hard, his knuckles going white as he unconsciously braced himself in body as in mind for being told off.
He glanced up once at Samuel, before glancing back down to the fish. Ian had no idea what the other male was thinking, but with the way that Samuel was looking at him, he felt strange and the butterflies fluttered in his stomach. “Nothing’s the matter really… just,” he cleared his throat, realizing that he was acting like some girl. Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders in a small shrug. “I mean, the question I asked last night. About what… men did together? I—I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but… I’d like to learn too.”

It was mainly because truthfully, the brunette wanted to know what he was getting himself into. Was what they did yesterday it? Sure, it had been amazing, but if it was it, then it lacked a bit of flavor that he enjoyed between the sheets. Surely not only females gave the ultimate pleasure. He knew that for a fact, and there were plenty of men that did it with other men—at least, he’d only known a few—but they all said they were satisfied and pleased with their partners.

Bringing his gaze back upwards, he locked his eyes with Samuel and tried to hold it. The other male seemed to be so cool and collected most of the time that he found it a bit odd at the slightly nervous look. “Are you alright? You look tense… er, it’s alright if you don’t want to share about it. I’m sure I can pick it up somewhere else.” there had to be books on it in the library, right?

Ian balanced his plate on his lap and reached over with a hand to gently brush it against the tight knuckles. It suddenly occurred to him that what if Samuel didn’t want to go further than they had done? Swallowing his own stupidity, he tried to plaster on a sweet smile that made him cringe inside. “Or, we could just stick to doing that. I’m all for vanilla, you know?”
Samuel sat blinking for a moment. Had Ian truly asked if that was it? Oh wow. That was...new. He had never even imagined that. Samuel cracked a smile before bursting out laughing. He felt so sorry for Ian, this response had to be completely different from what he had expected. Samuel finally composed himself and found himself still full of joviality.

"Ian, there is definitely more than what we did. MUCH more than what we did. I enjoyed doing what I did to you, I enjoyed having it done to me. In fact, I would love to do it again whenever you wanted. But to just stay at that stage? Well, if you were ever nervous we could cautiously go down the road of sexual exploits but I had never intended for our passionate exploration of each other to start and stop with just one type of action."

He scooted over to Ian and kissed the man, holding him close. "To be honest, I had already planned to go further tonight. It was going to follow the massage theme of last night's experience, just for the hint of nostalgia. I can skip all the playing around and show you what I was planning on doing right now instead. I would be more than happy to."

Samuel pushed the plate of fish away and stayed laying out so that he wasn't on his bad leg. He was slightly aroused from the idea and very, very relieved that Ian was just rather naive. It was as if he was working with a virgin himself. Well, that meant they weren't going to have the most mind blowing sex ever, at least at first, but it also gave them a fresh sense of unknown newness to the entire exploration.
At the sudden laughter that erupted from his boyfriend, Ian felt his entire face flush a deep red and he nearly stood up and ran. It was definitely not the answer he was expecting, or rather, the reaction he had hoped for. Ian hand been speaking seriously, but now with the situation going somewhat downhill, he thought better and was two seconds from punching Samuel’s lights out. Bastard was making fun of him! Indeed it spiraled out of control in his mind, because he assumed that perhaps last night and this ‘dating’ thing was a joke to Samuel.

But the quick answer came just in time for his fist to uncurl and not appear like it was going to land a black and blue bruise to the cheekbone. Of course that made his cheeks flush even further, as it suddenly seemed like he was rushing things, rather than them unraveling this all to be a joke. The brunette found a small headache forming in the back of his head. Suddenly, he realized that dating—no matter the gender—was going to be a bitch either way.

“Um… if-if you want. I was just thinking about… reading up on it. So I know what I’m doing.” he replied, slightly apprehensive at what Samuel knew compared to what he did. It was like having the short end of the stick, and at any moment, the dark haired male could spring a ‘trap’ on him.

Licking his lips, he maneuvered himself so that he was slightly leaning over the other male. The plates of food were placed towards the corner, leaving them an ample amount of room. “We’re outside. Shouldn’t you be concerned that people could walk by at any moment?” his mind ran through any naughty things that they could be doing, and the worst he was thinking of was giving each other blow jobs while the sun tanned their asses. Ian tried to tell himself that they should get started on the fishing, but his body only lowered itself onto the other male and sealed their lips into a soft kiss.
Samuel shrugged, "People could walk by, but I doubt they will. This is close to your farm so why would they need to? Now, come on, I need to at least have given you a good reason for that gorgeous blush you are sporting." Samuel enjoyed the kiss he was given and held Ian close for a small while. It was a big relief that this wasn't going to end. It was probably going to be unnecessarily awkward, but not end. Perhaps after some confused fight they could have glorious make up sex!

"Ian, stand up. Now walk over to the tree. Good. Drop you pants and turn around. Now, lean you upper body against the tree. Trust me on this." Samuel scooted over but stayed sitting. He ran a hand over the underwear of the farmer before pulling it down in a swift motion and exposing his genitalia to the wilderness. A smooth hand pulled Ian's flaccid member to his lips for a kiss before leaving it once more to dangle freely. That wasn't Samuel's goal this time.

He kissed the buttocks of his newest lover before licking the white semi-spheres. With a little manipulation he spread the cheeks aside and his tongue ran along the length of Ian's anus. Samuel had always read about rimming and figured that the reactions in the books were quite good, so why not try it out? Ian had washed earlier in the day so it would be perfectly fine.

Samuel's hands gripped Ian's thighs and kept his face buried deep in the man's ass, licking him with a surprising energy as he found himself liking the task he was doing. With Ian bent over as he was the task was much easier than it sometimes had been in his erotica. Or perhaps it just was not a challenging practice. Samuel didn't know and didn't much care as he continued to eat his lover out. He would take time out from just licking to kiss and nuzzle Ian's rump, spreading the passionate caring all over him. "Is this good, Ian?"
The way that Samuel seemed at ease with the whole idea helped him remain calm as well. Ian wasn’t an exhibitionist in any way, at least, that’s what he knew of himself, but the idea of doing something indecent right now was thrilling. “I guess…” he agreed, halfheartedly, as his moral standards protested. Despite that, he listened to the request—because he really hoped they weren’t orders—and stood up to move towards the tree. Having the other male speak to him as if he was some doll was a bit strange, but it was enough to narrate what he was supposed to do.

Leaning against the tree with his pants around his ankle, the brunette suddenly felt very, very stupid. Here he was, a grown man, playing some strange game like he was a little kid. If this had been in some other situation, it could have been a bully trying to humiliate a weaker, younger boy by shoving him up against a tree and pulling down his pants. In this situation though, they weren’t little boys, and he was willingly shining his ass to the world.

Ian shifted from foot to foot, fingers digging into the rough bark of the tree trunk. “Er, what are we-.” but his words were cut off, as he felt Samuel touch his ass. Suddenly, all the ‘gay jokes’ came rushing towards the front of his mind, and he remembered a crucial point of why dating a gay had been something he hadn’t looked for. Not that he hated it, but the idea wasn’t something he was sure would be pleasurable.

There was no time to stop Samuel though, and for the first time in his life, he screamed in shock, fright, and overall, lust.

‘Please, no one heard that, no one heard that.’ he mentally pled. The next he knew, he was nearly plastered to the tree trunk, arms wrapped around it like he was some tree-hugging hippy, and crotch pressed against it to try and stop his insistent wiggling. His prays started to shift towards not getting a splinter anywhere near his junk. “Ugh… I…” had never known how such a dirty act, of having his anus touched, could send so many sparks of pleasure along his nerves. “Yeah? I don’t… does it feel good for you?” the brunette asked, as if he was confused and still trying to get away from that devious mouth. His mental babblings still swayed back and forth between not getting splinters and no one checking up around this area, providing something for him to stabilize upon, least he rut back against Samuel’s face.
Samuel gripped Ian tightly and pulled him from the tree, forcibly placing him back first on the towel. "Yes, I DO like it. Now stop trying to get away from me." He went back down on Ian, moving his head under the pants and underwear to get back at Ian's anus, licking and kissing him with more energy.

His mind raced as he thought of what to do next. He looked up at Ian with a little look of erotic malice in his eyes. He pressed his tongue against the tight muscles of Ian and kept pushing until he felt them give and that his tongue was surrounded by warmth. He began to screw Ian with his tongue, drawing it in and out in slow succession. Samuel's hand gripped Ian's length and he began to stroke in time with his agonizingly slow thrusts of his tongue.

He stopped removing his tongue and began to explore, tapping areas within Ian with it. He knew that the prostate was reachable with many tongues, if only he could just find it. He gauged the responses from Ian until he got the best one and began to drill that area with his tongue. Perhaps he shouldn't be making Ian make loud noises outside, but Samuel just loved the sound of it. It always made him feel
like he was doing well. His tongue began it's thrusting again, the slow and measured strokes gone for quick and frantic ones pressed up against the prostate of his partner.

Samuel's right hand worked the shaft of his partner to the speed of the tongue molesting, his left one supplying Ian's balls with stimulation. In all it was a very well done manipulation. If Samuel was better he might have been able to slow down his stroking or at least timed them differently. As it was he was stroking at a pace that would bring orgasm in a very quick time but he was lost in his own world of pleasuring Ian.
Dazed by the burst of sensation that he had been subjected to, it was much too easy for Samuel to maneuver him into the position the other male wanted. Lying on his back, Ian stared up at the crystal blue sky, thinking of how it was such a beautiful day, with the sun just out of his vision to allow him to gaze up at the serene clearing. It was a mockery of how he felt inside, as his ankles were trapped in the pants legs, while his thighs were sprayed wide open because of the dark haired male between them.

“Samuel, I don’t think this is a goo-OH!” his tone spiked upwards, body taunt as his anus was licked once more. But this time, instead of the swipe of warm muscle against muscle, he felt it push as if Samuel was trying to move his body with just his tongue. His sentence had cut off with the moan, both of discomfort and surprise, as he realized that his sphincter gave way and parted for the intrusion. It wasn’t much, just the first ring of muscle giving and barely a few centimeters covered that devious tongue. But it was enough that he felt it. Felt it lit up every nerve in his entire body like some Christmas tree lights.

But then, before he could protest, that thing was moving inside of him, digging in deeper and deeper. Ian was bright red by this time, from embarrassment, arousal, and who knew what else. There was an annoying monologue of someone crying out to ‘God’ over and over, and he realized that the vibrations from his Adam’s apple told him it was his own voice. “Stop… don’t… stop…” and really, he should be embarrassed by the fact that such an indecent part of his body was so sensitive. Ian made a mental note to try and avoid getting touched there in the future, as he found his fingers buried in thick grabs of the picnic blanket.

Being touched around his balls was stimulating enough, since he hadn’t been very active overall with his “self-love” until the events of the previous night. But when the tongue fucked right onto his prostate—he knew what that was, at most—he arched his back and literally cried out in shock. Someone had to have heard that. Ian had good lungs, and that stimulation, coupled with the erotic feel of the entire moment, had sent him over the edge. Toes curled, muscles clenched, and eyes seeing bursts of white behind his eyelids. Without his shaft being touched, he had squirted his seed all over his abdomen and a healthy amount onto Samuel’s head—HA, served the bastard right!, he vague thought.

As Ian flopped down onto the blanket and panted like a racing horse, a small orb rolled out of nowhere and nudged against Samuel’s leg. It was the ‘Fireworks’ note, given for seeing the stars with someone special. Attached to the orb was a small note, written in small handwriting that could only be from a sprite.

‘Be cautious of what you’re doing!’ was the neatly written warning, clearly by how the end of the exclamation mark was done, showed the sprite’s irritation when it was written.
Samuel withdrew his hand from Ian's shaft, having realized he could stop by his fingers being coated in a slick and warm substance. It seemed that Ian had quickly achieved orgasm. Samuel was more than pleased by that and figured that he could definitely do this again. He looked forward to it, having truly enjoyed rimming his lover. Samuel took in the scene of Ian slowly releasing the blanket they were on and the lines of semen on him. Ian had shot so far! He'd need to wash his shirt now.

Samuel gave a little smile at the look and opened his mouth to say something just as a big dollop of Ian's seed that had been in his hair fell from its perch and landed in his mouth. He gave a little start and then realized he had never really gone down on Ian before. "Well, it looks like we need to clean up. Don't worry, I'll handle it."

Samuel moved back down and lapped up the trails of spooge from Ian's abdomen and even sucked on the shrinking member to get it cleaned off. He bit down on the foreskin lightly and pulled it as he backed off from Ian's genitalia, the act of his indecency making his own arousal throb slightly. Ian was a very good subject to learn how to apply all this perverted knowledge on.

Samuel removed the note from the orb. He knew what he was doing. He held the item out to Ian, "Fireworks huh? You must have really enjoyed that. I'll make sure we repeat it again." Samuel rolled the orb around between his hands and tossed it up and down, catching it with little effort as he played about. This work was turning out to be much more pleasant than he had ever imagined.

Samuel finally decided to worry a little about decency and pulled Ian's underwear and pants up to give him an edge in redressing himself. If he had indeed caused people to hear they might be coming to check things out by now. "D-did you really like that? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
For the first time in a long time, he was truly lost in his own world. Cloud nine turned out to be the realm between conscious and unconscious, where he was half awake, half still unbelieving that he just had his orgasm ripped from him. Not that it was the first time. A few times, some of the more lewd women he had been with had gotten him to cream himself so fast, they were left laughing. Luckily, Samuel wasn’t causing himself an aneurism, and instead, the other male showed a bit of concern for him.

Hurt? Not in the long run. Overall, he was placid and just trying to gain back what little dignity he had after that episode. “No, I’m good. More than good. Fuck, where did you learn how to do that?” he asked, grateful that his lower garments had been pulled up. Shifting so that he was kneeling before Samuel, he took in the sight of the other male’s front, the crotch bulged. Unconsciously, he licked his lips, a flare of misplaced embarrassment shifting into the want to reaffirm his masculinity between them. Truly misplaced, as he realized it would have been best to just clean up and go home.

Instead, he blindly reached out and pressed two fingers against the other male’s shaft, feeling the pants’ material under the pads of his fingers. Heat radiated from the warm body, reminding him of the slight throb that his foreskin had from the playful nip. “Need help?” he didn’t even wait for an answer, before he was leaning in to kiss Samuel’s neck. There was no way he was going to kiss the other male’s mouth at the moment—he wasn’t ready for something like that.

His fingers pressed harder against the erection and rubbed over the bulge, wondering if they were going to get caught if he tried to return the favor then and there. Ian felt his heart hammer, but he knew that if he backed down now, he’d feel like some little girl that just had her virginity robbed. Swallowing to clear his throat, he tried to ease Samuel back down onto the sheets. “I’m not skilled at this,” hell, he never attempted this before. “but I figure, what’s gay sex without a little head, right?” because that was universal from gender to gender.

Inching his body even further downwards, he unzipped Samuel and attempted to get the arousal out and ready for him to lick like a lollypop, without doing something stupid like damaging the goods. Goddess, he hoped Samuel didn’t taste bad.
Samuel was completely grateful that his ministrations hadn't traumatized or hurt Ian. He had never meant to do that. The books had just made the anal stimulation seem so good that he had to try it. Besides, Ian's butt was like some magical attraction. Samuel could stare at it for hours on end and not be bored, actually playing with it was just icing on the cake.

"I read it in books. The man getting licked always seemed to love it. Plus, it always turned me on imagining doing that to someone. I just really wanted to try it out. I am glad you liked it." He grinned and watched as Ian regained his faculties. Samuel was just pleased, even if he had set up the start of both their sexual encounters. Then he noticed a bit of a glint in Ian's eyes.

"Huh what? N-no I'm oka-aaaah!" Samuel gave a little gasp of surprise as Ian pressed his fingers against the erection. Samuel's face darkened as he closed his eyes, "R-really, Ian. I c-can wait." He didn't really have much choice as he felt Ian clamp down on his neck with great force. Samuel decided it was worthless to resist and allowed Ian to touch on his body.

Then the warm air hit his penis and made him tremble with the feeling. Samuel looked down at his dark rod protruding from his pants and then nodded at what Ian said, "That is fine. I...I haven't done that either. Y-you sure?" He was really nervous for some reason. He did want to experience it but Ian seemed somewhat rough. He didn't want the man to think he had to prove anything. Samuel would have been completely satisfied with just the handjobs they had traded before.

He stayed leaning up on his arms and watched Ian, anticipating the mouth finally descending on his piece. He hoped Ian liked how he tasted.
In no way did he want to force this upon his boyfriend, but the stammering caused him to pause for a moment. Ian had to think about what he was doing twice, before steeling himself for what he told himself was fine. The erection seemed to point at him and beg him to lavish it with attention, despite the fact that the other male didn’t seem like he was jumping for joy. Then again, he didn’t expect anyone sane to jump for joy overall, so perhaps he was overreacting on small details.

With that in mind, he leaned in closer and pressed his lips against the warmth of the shaft. It was truly warmer than he had expected, almost burning him mentally. The first thing that hit him was the heat. Second was the scent. It was suddenly all around him, the husk of another male, the sweat that naturally formed between the legs over a warm day and arousal induced. Finally, flavor hit him. Ian took a long swipe of a lick along Samuel’s cock, taking in the flavor that he feared would have him diving into the river and swimming as far away as his body could take him to rinse it out.

However, his fear was unjustified, as the taste was somewhat sweet. Sweet and unique—not that he knew what cocksucking tasted like—and just the hint of something strong that reminded him he wasn’t courting a woman. Crystalline blue eyes gazed upwards at the other male, trying to see his expressions and reactions, as he flattened his tongue and began to lick long swipes along the throbbing rod. He even swirled his tongue along the tip to collect any pre-ejaculation liquids, just to get a stronger taste of Samuel. The other male didn’t taste like candies, but it was sweet enough to be like natural-fruit sweet.
Samuel was just surprised at how forward Ian was being. He shouldn't be all that shocked, Ian did get their cocks touching the day before and had easily taken to kissing him. Perhaps Ian just had had to work over his fear of being caught outside. Now that he had he was just taking what he wanted.

Samuel gave an odd purr-like sound as he felt the tongue test out his piece. It was actually a very pleasant sensation. His eyes closed and his facial features showed only approval. Samuel decided that perhaps all gay sex did need oral skills. This made perfect sense.

He gave a grunt when the tongue went flat against his underside and then twitched as he felt his tip being played with. His hands gripped the blanket slightly, the sensations of all of the attention he was getting making him tense up some. He looked down and found Ian's eyes looking up into his at the very same time. "Could you pull my pants down more?"

Samuel was feeling a little bit crowded by the pants. Besides, with them off Ian could get to taste the other parts of his genitalia. Samuel found it a very good sign that Ian was continuing to lick him. That meant that going down on Ian would probably be just as enjoyable as rimming him had been. "Y-you're good at this. I like it."
Obeying the small request, he pulled down the pants and undergarments so that he had better access. Some part of him still hoped that no one was near them, but another part of him stopped caring. After all, he had his face buried into another male’s crotch, after having his ass eaten out. Embarrassment was something he didn’t think he could feel at this point. That was just a theory though, as his cheeks were still a flush of pink for the very reason that he was mouthing another guy’s junk. He really shouldn’t be shy about this, but it still shone through a small bit.

That wasn’t enough to stop him though, as he lowered his lips towards the scrotum and tried to take the balls into his mouth. They weren’t overly huge, but enough to push out his lips and a bit of his cheeks; with what he could get into his mouth without injuring the flesh around it. Feeling silly, he really hoped that Samuel enjoyed this, as he suckled and nursed on the sac. There was definitely a stronger scent and flavor that hit him while doing this, as he was sure would happen if and when he’d take the shaft into his mouth.

Even still, he continued to toy with the balls, pressing his nose against the base of Samuel’s erection, while drawing in as much enjoyment from this as he could. It was arousing and soothing at the same time, for unknown reasons. Not that his own dick was going to spring up so soon, but the tingling feelings were still there. He just had to remind himself that this was like sucking on a jawbreaker—he just needed to not bite down, least the consequences would end up with Samuel breaking his jaw.

After a moment with him getting intimate with the other male’s scrotum, he released them with a wet plop, and trailed wet kisses up along the underside of the shaft. “Still good?” he asked, voice husky and firm, but words betraying his security. While waiting for his answer, he nuzzled his pink lips, swelling from the stretching abuse, along the cock-slit.
Samuel relished the freedom for his balls and gave a satisfied sigh as the sunlight hit his legs and crotch. Outdoors sex was just awesome. He'd have to make sure they did this again. Perhaps even the first time they actually had actual sex. They could do it in the crops! He'd have to remember that.

Then he felt his balls being toyed with. A small groan originated from his throat and he leaned his head back as he felt Ian swallow part of him. His breath began to quicken as sexual arousal started hitting a higher point in him. His nipples hardened and he felt the blissful stimulation of his body start to spread from more than just that area. It was as if every nerve connected to where Ian was suckling on was alight with signals. He could map out where the strongest twinges came from and how they traveled into his brain.

His tip began to leak even more, especially with that tongue working around his sac. He finally moved his head to look down and saw the pale head between his legs and gave a small squeak. There was just something much more REAL when he watched Ian. Something that made him appreciate this much more than he thought possible. He could tell when Ian stopped sucking on his scrotum more because of how cold the air was now instead of the lack of pleasure.

"Yes. YES. That was so, so good. D-do you like it?" Samuel completely missed the lack of security Ian had. As much as he heard was just Ian's rightful gloating. He was doing such a good job that Samuel figured he had to be some kind of expert. Perhaps if he had had any experiences before this he would have known differently. Yet to pump Ian's ego up every move he made on Samuel made the man cry out in some respect and Samuel was almost repeating Ian's name like a holy mantra.
Truly, it was a wonder if Ian was working on frying the synapses of the other male’s mind, as he was going as slow as he could. By now, the dark haired male’s flavor was a welcome and ‘normal’ flavor for his tongue, teasing the taste buds with the salty undertones. Hearing Samuel moan like a two-bit whore and crying out his name like a prayer gave him such an ego boost, that he felt embarrassed he had pressed so hard for the stroke. Still, he didn’t turn it down or away, as he continued to kiss and lick the shaft.

It took another few moments before he decided to take the cock into his mouth. At first, it had been because he was preparing himself to take it in, but after a moment, it was to tease and draw out Samuel’s pleasure. The brunette realized he had been drooling for the last minute or so, indicated by the sloppy and wet sounds coming from each kiss, lick and suckle. Even though he was the one between another’s legs, the sound effects were having a good kick at his libido.

His arousal throbbed, despite his shaft not springing up to full mast. Ian just wasn’t that amazing in bed that he was able to recover within the full ten or so minutes since he had came. Instead though, he just allowed his body to enjoy the pleasant tingles, while he sealed his lips over the tip of Samuel’s head and pressed his tongue against the oozing slit. Semen, definitely tasted different than sweat upon flesh. It made his breath hitch for a moment, a wave of fear and pleasure and confusion attacking him all at once.

Nothing he couldn’t handle, he told himself, before giving an experimental suck. The air pressure inside of his mouth thinned, and formed a vacuum around the tip of the cock. It provided a good pull and seal around the flesh, drawing out a small bit of the thick liquid from the slit and into his mouth to savor. Unconsciously, he moaned a small sound, rumbling the vibrations around and down the erection. The only conscious movement he was making was his fingers, nuzzling at the wet balls while he continued to torture Samuel with his mouth. Gods, he hoped he was pulling this off well, despite going off of what he liked on himself, and having no skill at doing this prior to Samuel.
Samuel didn't much care that Ian was completely new at this. It was his first time ever having anyone do it to him so unless Ian happened to chomp down there was little in the way of mistakes to be made. Samuel kept his eyes looking down and gave a gentle sound that could be described as a "meep" or other high pitched vocalization when Ian got back to the tip.

"You don't hav-oooh!" Samuel's offer of no longer having to take his entire length into the depth of Ian's mouth was drowned out by an over eager farmer opening up and sucking him in. Samuel was silent for a while until he felt the actual sucking of air being drawn out from the rest of Ian's mouth and the warm pressure being lain upon his piece.

"N-never....just-ooh-keep doing that!" Samuel fought the urge to arch up, not wanting to thrust deep into Ian's throat and choke him. At least that was supposed to be one of the dangers of oral sex between men. The dark skinned man was not sure if he was exactly large enough to do that to Ian, or if he'd end up hurting himself on the teeth if he arched up. Neither really appealed to him so he just gripped the blanket more.

He tried to vocalize his worries to Ian but only managed a mumbling burble of inanities and low breaths. His breathing hitched after a few seconds in response to his body's rising sensitivity. His eyes began to look skyward and his lungs expelled air in much quicker bursts, his vocal chords sometimes making the expulsions of air into monosyllabic sounds of encouragement. Samuel looked down at Ian and tried to lift one hand to warn his partner but found himself only moaning loudly and orgasming into that wonderful mouth as his warning became obsolete.
When Samuel arched upwards and thrust his hips against his cheekbones, Ian felt the cock push in further than he was ready for. It wasn’t that Samuel was extremely large to the point of killing him, but as a beginner, taking in a little more than half was an accomplishment for him. So when the fat prick was shoved in more and his lips were inches away from the base, he gagged a bit and tried hard not to bite down onto the shaft. That would have ended any arousal if he bite a chunk off of the other male’s member.

“Mmgh…” he half protested, holding down the hips with a hand on each side. Firmly pressing downwards, he pulled off of the shaft and took a deep breath. “Hey, no rushing me, or I’m going to leave you here like this.” he teased, licking his nearly cherry red lips. Ian’s cheeks were flushed a light pink, both from arousal and a touch of shyness associated with burying his face into some man’s crotch.

Thumbs rubbing against the hipbones, he smiled a bit, before leaning back down to take in the head once more. Slowly, his head began to bob up and down, taking in a bit more each time he went down. The licking, suckling, and as gentle as nibbles he could make, returned. Ian really didn’t know if the other male liked teeth, but the brunette had a few girls daring enough—and thankfully skilled enough—to attempt it on him. So instead of using too much force, he just lightly let his teeth graze against the skin, wondering if it was noticeable.

Holding back his gag reflex as best as he could though, he finally took in the length completely in his mouth. Lips pressed against the pubic hair, feeling them crisp against his lips. The tip of the shaft pressed down against his throat, not too far, but enough that when he swallowed, the muscles rippled over the head like a small massage. It felt weird and just a touch nice at the same time. Different was the key term, but different wasn’t always bad. Ian found his heart race, mainly because he was not on the other side of this position, and unconsciously let out a small whimper.
Samuel panted and looked down at Ian. With little thought he lifted the man off his shaft and pulled him up for a kiss, his lust overrunning his thought process. He clamped onto Ian and made the lip lock last for what seemed like an age. When he was finally satisfied he pulled back, the string of saliva from their tongues spreading like a bridge between their mouths.

"That was...good! Very good!" Samuel darkened immensely and he began to tug his pants up, glad there was no cleaning needed on his own end. Ian's stomach had made sure of that. This picnic had been a humongous success, at least as Samuel saw it. Ian had broken out of his shell some and they had both gotten a rather kinky release.

Samuel handed Ian an apple and picked up the fish as he grinned at him, "This was amazing. All of it. T-thank you." Samuel bit into the fish and chewed as he watched Ian. He hoped that this wasn't moving too quickly for the farmer. He seemed to have never seriously considered being with a man romantically and now he was being sexually serviced by one he barely knew who he had taken to live in his house. It sounded like it could have been one of his trashier novels from before.

"If...if this is going too fast we can slow down, Ian." Samuel stated that plainly and without any hint of anger. He would prefer to go slowly and keep Ian for a long period of time instead of experiencing a good amount of sexual activities and then suddenly be bereft of the farmer.
Each swallow seemed to be too much and scorching hot at the same time, filling his throat with thick liquid that he’d never dare think about drinking down at any other time. It was something that he almost wished Samuel did for him, as his own abdomen was sticky from dried semen. “I-.” before he was able to speak, he was pulled into a deep kiss. The first thought was how this wasn’t sanitary—to kiss someone who just had their mouth over one’s bits and/or ass. But the pleasure of the kiss was enough to make him forget about that.

When the flavor was what hit him, he pulled back and gasped a bit, hearing Samuel adjust himself and compliment him. “Er…thanks.” he muttered. The awkward feeling wouldn’t leave his person, leaving the fish to feel heavy in his stomach, along with the semen he swallowed. Glancing up at the other male with a partially shy and partially frightened look, he rolled his shoulders and inched towards the stream to wash what he could. The brunette pulled out a loose cloth to wet and wipe down his stomach, before rinsing out his mouth.

“Do you think we’re moving too fast?” Ian asked, turning his head to give Samuel a glance, as he picked up the fishing tool kit and began to set it up. The sun was at a high noon, touching evening, so it was a good time to get started. Fishing for immediate hunger didn’t seem like what he needed to do at the moment though, because he was quite sure he wouldn’t be hungry for quite some time. As he pondered on if he even thought this was too fast, he throw the line into the water and kept hold of the rod while sneaking Samuel gazes.

This would have been the cuddling time, courteously at least, but he figured the dark haired male wouldn’t mind if they skipped the gushing things this once. “ ‘Cuz I’m fine with it, I suppose. We’ve done it all, yeah?” he joked, really making a note to go to the library soon. There has to be books on these things, and plainly asking Samuel might lead to demonstrations he wasn’t ready for. The only problem was that he’d have to be careful of anyone catching him in the library, reading dirty pornographic novels.
"Well, I like it. I just didn't want to rush you." Samuel was more than pleased that Ian didn't seem to mind. He had wicked, wicked ideas and plans to perform on his farmer. He still wouldn't rush them all, but he would take his time and try most of them out at least. Well, if Ian seemed up to most of them.

He didn't force the cuddling on Samuel. He would probably find it very awkward, especially while fishing. He would begin to clear the picnic up and noticed that the towel blanket would need to be washed as well. He placed the remaining apples in the blanket and finished off the fish before grabbing his cane and standing up, "Ian, when you catch enough come back home and I'll go to town with you to see the doctor, okay?" He walked over and gave the farmer a smooch, noticing his reflection in the river. Well, he needed to wash his hair.

Samuel trudged home and added the orb to the drawer of orbs and noted it in his book. He placed the towel in the washing machine and washed his hair, changing his pants just in case and washing off his junk in case the doctor had him strip down any. He didn't want to be seen as an easy skank by any means.

When Ian returned Samuel would patiently wait for the farmer boy to get ready and then would stand and walk with him, "Thank you of taking care of me so much these past days. I still am unsure how to exactly repay you. I will try to. Once my leg gets better I'll go back into town and sell some more things, okay? That should pad your income some. And it will leave you extra time to work on your crops."
“Alright.” he answered with a small voice, not that he was acting up all shy at the moment, but rather, he was lost in his own thoughts. Once Samuel left, he remained there and caught a few fish to put into the sack they had brought with them. His own thoughts were wandering towards what he was doing with Samuel, and what they were doing overall together. Being with another male in a relationship meant many things, but it didn’t have to be extreme different than being in a relationship entirely.

Men and men were like women and men, just with different anatomies. At any other time, he could treat Samuel as he would any other of his relationships. But in the bed, he had much learning to do. Perhaps he could leave Samuel at the infirmary once they got there, and head over to the library. Doing something so soon tonight would be too soon for the brunette, but he wanted to at least learn what they could do before jumping into things. That way, he’d have some time to mentally digest what he’d learn.

After the ninth or so fish, he decided that it was enough. Half of them went into the small pool beside the bin—shipping them dead was going to give no benefit, after all. A few other things were tossed into the bin as brought time, wasting it so he didn’t have to go home just quite yet. Not that it was a bad thing to do so, but he was nervous. Still, only so much time could be wasted, before he headed into the house and gave a knock on the door to signify to Samuel that he was back home.

“Hey… all ready to go?” he asked, wanting a bit of a wash down for himself, but knowing it’d be best to save it for the night. He moved towards the kitchen and placed the remaining amount of fish into the fridge—after wrapping them up in bags, that is. For now, they’d have to live off of fish meat, but once the crops grew well, they’d have a healthy amount to sell and eat off of. Things were just at the start, but he felt a bit overwhelmed. Common thing to feel though, so he just took a breath and trudged on with events.
Samuel walked with Ian and waved goodbye to him as he went to the doctor. Ian had said he had some things to check out so Samuel left him to it. The doctor didn't have many people to see and saw Samuel almost immediately. Samuel showed his foot to the doctor and waited for it to be analyzed. Within a little time he got his results back.

"Just be patient. I will give you a pain killer and you should be able to walk on it tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise there is nothing wrong. It was a decent sprain but nothing bad. You should feel really lucky that Ian found you out in the forest like he did. That was very nice of him to take you in. You be sure to be nice to him, okay?"

"Yes sir." Samuel swallowed down a nervous, awkward laugh. He felt he had repaid Ian for that kindness, in a way. He still felt like he owed him for other things, of course. "Doctor, do you know anywhere where it would be good to peddle some wares?"

The doctor looked up and nodded, "Yes, go to the town center. You'll find plenty of people there to sell to."

Samuel used his cane and walked to the town center. He was almost immediately found by some of the eligible girls of the town who fawned over the pretty stranger who had a hurt leg. He was so vulnerable and needed their help! They also eagerly bought the baubles and trinkets he had brought with him. By the time Ian would even bother to come looking for Samuel he would be at a table near the bakery with an ice cream sundae and three pretty young girls hanging onto his every word and trying to out do one another for his attention.
After dropping the other male at the hospital, he waved a shy goodbye as well, before heading towards the library. He really hoped things worked out and the doctor would diagnose Samuel with nothing more than a bit of a sprain. If not, then they really waited too long for any serious injury and might have made it worst. “Don’t think too hard…” he muttered to himself, receiving a strange look from one of the girls that passed him down the road.

Pouting a bit at being seen as a freak already, he finally made it to the library and got a good look around. The librarian was a nice woman, close to his age, if not younger. She claimed to be the mayor’s daughter, and how she loved books. If anything, he could see himself court her, wooing her with flowers and coming to the library daily to read nothing but nonsense. But then again, he was an occupied man already, and the purpose of coming to the library was for his boyfriend and their education. Sex life, really.

The brunette stood there for a small conversation, just to be nice, before he headed into the deeper end of the library. There, he fished out a book or two in the more adult section. Most things were about heterosexual things though, and it took him a bit of time before he found some things about homosexuals. “Oh god, I’m gay…” he bemoaned, biting down on his tongue and hoped that no one heard that. Deciding that she had said he could borrow any book so long as he returned them, he snuck it under his jacket and gave her a kind wave as he left the place. For now, he’d have to pick up Samuel, and he’d read this while he was taking a bath or something.

However, it seemed like Samuel had left the hospital, because by the time he got there, the doctor informed him that Samuel went to do something else. Ian puffed out his cheeks, a bit annoyed, and had to ask around a few times until he was directed towards the bakery. It was there that he saw bubbly girls hanging off of his boyfriend, and the said boyfriend just flourishing under their attentions like he belonged there. “Chatting up the girls?” he asked, a smile plastered to his face. He had to tell himself that he was definitely not jealous. Because he wasn’t like that. Because that’d be stupid and… and he wasn’t the girlfriend in the relationship. Right.
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