♫ HM:MM - LUCKY ~ ♪ | Misanthropiclove

"That would be fine if you made the cane. I would be very grateful. And I think that is a wonderful idea with the barn. It would be a bit more work, but I suppose that would mean more money coming in. Then you could get new items for your house and I could help rearrange them and do more work around the house." He smiled and noticed the odd way Ian seemed to be looking at him for a moment. It was almost adorable, in it's own way.

"I do not mind you running out on me this morning. You slept in a little and that is more than understandable. I think I am lucky that in your haste you remembered your clothing and I didn't have to limp around to find you outside watering plants in the buff. And as what to do after working for a day...I am unsure. You could walk about and make sure any unkempt grass becomes kept, that there are no excessive rocks upon your property, or walk about the forest. You could even try fishing like I was before. You can borrow my rod if you wish. I think fish would be worth quite a bit and would make a great dinner item."

Samuel readjusted himself so that his leg was in a spare chair and stretched himself out. He wasn't particularly good at the farm life. If he had his way he would just have Ian walking about and being eye candy. That wouldn't provide the young farmer with a barn though, nor would it get him money. If Samuel had the cash he might dole it out just for acting that way but the world wasn't going to work in that manner.

"Maybe you should go clear some stumps for wood? I can wash the dishes while you are out and get dinner started. I figured I would make a stew so it could last us a few days. Hopefully by then you could have made enough money that we can get more food in, or you can find some things out in the woods while we wait for the plants to grow. Anyway, I think I may be out of ideas of what to do after farming. Tonight, if you wish, I can rub you down again. You will probably be sore enough to need it."
At the rush of information and speech to be tossed in his direction, Ian blinked a few times like a landed fish. Most of the things that Samuel told him to do didn’t sound that extensive, but weeds were growing every day, and he was sure that an unkempt farm wasn’t appealing. There were rows and rows of growing crops, so he could spend time watering and tending to them. To the brunette, farming didn’t consist of much, especially since one was able to leave the crops there and allowed them to grow as the days rolled by.

Shrugging his shoulders, he nodded and stood up once more. “I guess you’re right. Um… do be careful though, alright? I’ll catch some fish for storage and maybe chop down some wood for us. That’ll be good for making a cane for you. And afterwards, I’d love a massage if it doesn’t bother you.” for a brief moment, he entertained the idea of leaning closer to the black haired male and giving him a kiss on the cheek as a preemptive thank you. It felt like they were starting off a life together like married couples. Which wasn’t possible, since they weren’t even dating.

But… well, that should end that train of thought. “I’ll be back soon.” was all he said, patting Samuel’s shoulder and quickly leaving before the other male saw the flushed pink cheeks he had. The door closed with a final thud, before he was seen from the window with an axe over his shoulder, a fishing pole over the other, and a small backpack of tools.

That was close… he mentally sighed to himself, finding that he was forming such strange thoughts about his… roommate. Samuel seemed like a nice guy, so he really didn’t think it was a good idea to form such imagines in his mind and take advantage of the other male. So banishing those thoughts of ‘naughty’ things, he focused on cleaning the weeds around the farm land that he owned, fished one or two small ones, and then wandered to chop a few wood pieces that didn’t seem to be of use to anyone. Gathering them was a bit difficult, but he managed, before carving a sturdy stick he found into a good walking cane. It was there that he found random flowers as well.

Without even thinking about it, he plucked it up and began to head back home. Ian didn’t think he needed to knock on his own door, so he entered with casual ease. A smile was upon his lips as he stepped up to Samuel and offered him the flower. “Look what I found. It’s for you.”

A small tinkling sound arose and “LUCKY” cried out of nowhere. It nearly made him jump, but soon, without seeing any little sprites, a small orb rolled between their feet. It was the Full Bloom Flowers note, given for giving flowers to a crush. Of course, if Ian knew what it was representing, he would have blushed. Instead, he just stared at it oddly, with his hand still held out to offer Samuel the flower.
Samuel found the hesitation rather flattering. He figured that Ian didn't want to leave to stay with him. Or, perhaps he was worried about hurting his leg. Samuel preferred the latter idea so he stayed with it as he moved to pick up where he left off sweeping. He spent all the time Ian was out tidying up, moving slowly on his foot as he did so. He managed to get all the dust and grime off the floor and left it spotless. He then decided the windows needed some polishing and got some soap and water in a bucket along with a towel to use as a rag and went to work.

He managed to get the insides of the windows to be very clean before Ian got home. He was startled by the flowers and gave a smile of joy when he was given to them. Ian DID like him! The small chime and globe that appeared just reinforced this idea and made Samuel blush, his dark cheeks turning a deeper brown as he beheld the orb and the flowers, "Th-thank you very much, Ian. I like them very much. You didn't have to do this...but thank you! The cane also is just too much!"

He placed them against the side of the bucket since they had no vase and took the fish from Ian, smiling at him, "These will do. I will make dinner with one and a picnic lunch for us for tomorrow. You should go bathe, you have been outside a whole lot today." Samuel tucked the orb away with the others and marked the note off when Ian headed out of sight. With that done he cleanly opened the fish out and brought out the guts in swift movements and soon began to remove the scales, each one of the shimmering pieces of the dead animal landing in the sink only to be washed away as the fish was cleansed in and out. He pulled a small grill top out and placed the fish on top of the stove as he began to work the heat, leaving the fish to be cooked whole. With as much finesse as the first he cleaned out the second one and placed the meat into the refrigerator to rest until the next day.

He flipped the fish over to finish cooking on the other side, listening for Ian as he did this. He imagined his body in the water, the soft yet strong form that would become firmer over the days and weeks of farming. The light skin just waiting to be kissed dark by the sun. Those brilliant eyes that seemed to beg for attention. He almost tried to run in and test the new cane but decided to wait. Patience was always rewarded.

The meal was simple, one fish to share between them and water. Samuel made sure that Ian got most of the fish, using a simple tactic. Once he was done he stood up and used his cane to move to Ian's side where he laid a hand on his back and began to knead, "You poor man, being outside and then in the woods all alone. I will need to get all that stress out of you. I hope you are ready for a good, long rub down." He moved closer, his shoulder length hair grazing Ian's cheek as he maneuvered to his ear, "And, perhaps, a very happy ending."

He had no idea if Ian would comprehend what he was offering, but he would try. And, if Ian did not grasp the gist of the saying he would just be pleasantly surprised when the massage turned to a more erotic turn. Samuel shivered, knowing that the male had a crush on him. He may just have to go slower. Perhaps a kiss to see how Ian reacted. Still, that image from the morning...he did want to. "Just as soon as you finish eating. You need your strength."
After giving Samuel the flowers, he sat down and waited for food to be finished. Once he was able to, he began to eat slowly, knowing that if he stuffed it all in his mouth, he’d choke or get a stomach ache. The moment seemed to drag on as he nibbled on meal, listening into whatever the dark haired male spoke of. It made him blink a few times, mind taking a much dirtier route than he would have liked. “Per…perhaps.” he answered in turn, nodding his head a bit before resuming his meal. “Are you not going to eat?” he asked, before glancing at the cane he had made.

It wasn’t the best cane there was, nor was it fancy. Just a simple stick that was sturdy and smoothed down, but he hoped it worked for now. At least until he made enough money to buy a better one from the woodshop… well, if Samuel even needed it by then. The crops were going to take some time to grow, and even with constant watering, it had a chance of coming out of a lower quality and grade.

After finishing his meal, he stood up and stretched, before scratching his head. Ian paused for a moment, thinking of what he should do. The morning of work led to a rather nice lunch, which led to… what? “I should go visit the other villagers.” he announced, moving over towards the drawer to find some more suitable clothes to wear. Nothing of interest caught his attention, as they were all worn out jeans and random assortments of tee-shirts and sweaters.

Fishing further into the deeper end of the drawer, he found a simple long sleeved shirt that looked casual but pleasant enough that would be suitable for meeting new people. “Would you like to come? We could see the doctor here as well… but then again, we could wait a day or two so that you had the strength to go.” he announced, knowing that walking around town with a limp was going to hurt the good ankle.

As he spoke, he pulled off his shirt with a slow ease, trying not to get the dirty that flecked on his shirt onto the ground. Toned muscles were revealed, layered with smooth white flesh that has not yet the time to tan like a farmer’s would. Ian knew he was going to get tanned eventually, since he was sure he’d commit to a good while in the farming direction. The fact that he had nowhere else to go if he dropped farming helped him know that he was going to be working this ‘career’ as well. Once the shirt was off, he curled it up and threw it into the clothing bin.

“Did you clean around? Things look nice.” he commented, brushing chestnut hair out of his face, as he realized that his clothes were all in drawers instead of a few out and out as he had left them. Finding a new pair of jeans, he peeled off his pants and stood in just boxers, as he compared two shadings of the same style of jeans. Dark or light… while it didn’t matter on a normal day, he wanted to make an impression on the other villages. “Which do you think I should wear?”
"You can go ahead into town. I will stretch my legs and walk around the farm, okay? That way I won't be inside the entire day. Take your time and I'll see you when you get back." He walked outside with Ian when the man was about to leave and then stopped him for a second, "Ian, you have a bit of dirt right there. Let me get it." He placed his hand on Ian's cheek and removed a smudge, resting his hand on it just for a fraction too long. "Come home soon, okay? I will run you a bath so you can get clean and then I can spoil you."

Samuel watched the man walk away and his eyes were plastered on his farmer friend. He mulled over in his head over the orb of the crush. Yes, he was supposed to make sure Ian got the orbs and that required many rather fun activities, but he hadn't really counted on the farmer man falling for him, even in this fashion. He figured he would be pushing the boy into debauchery and other erotic debacles. Now it could be much easier. Yet he was torn. Perhaps he liked Ian a little bit too, more than just the feel of the pale skin, more than just the lustful attraction. Samuel gave a little grunt, pushing the thought out of his mind. He'd cross that bridge when he came to it. For now he just needed to focus on his work.

Near the farm were a few wild apple trees. Samuel leaned against the tree and snapped his finger, calling one of the little elf-sprite-servants. "You, get me some of those apples."

The sprite-thing shook it's head and Samuel gave a glower until he realized why. "GREAT. This is just wonderful." He took his cane and began whacking the apples he could reach, collecting a few before moving to another tree and repeating it until he had fifteen of them. A small chime came and an orb appeared in his bundle, Samuel using his shirt to carry his food and prize to the farmhouse. He dropped all of it into the sink and grasped the orb, idly placing it into the drawer with little fanfare.

He ran water over the apples, placing a bowl filled with water in the side sink and resting the apples in it as he hobbled into the bathroom. A little twist of the surprisingly well kept knob and water began to rush into the tub. Samuel held his hand under the stream as he sat on the side and felt the water temperature rise. The stopper fell into place as the water got hot enough and Samuel filled the tub for Ian. He found his mind wander for a brief second as he wondered how Ian was doing in town. Everyone should be nice to him, shouldn't they?

Samuel hobbled out of the bathroom and went over to the sink, throwing out the water that had rinsed off the apples. He took a knife to one and cut it into slices before biting into it. He leaned against the counter and waited for Ian, an idle wonder if the man was okay at the forefront of his thoughts.
Deciding on the darker pair of jeans, he slipped them on and stood up, only to be confronted by the other male. His breath seemed to hitch as he felt the rough, yet somehow still somewhat soft, fingers brush against his cheek. The heat coming off of his cheeks had to be a give away, as he stepped back and mumbled something. It wasn’t anything really, just to make a noise so that Samuel knew he appreciated that. After all, he didn’t want to go outside and wandered with a smudge on his cheek. “Thanks.” he rushed out afterwards, making it as clear as he could, before grabbing a jacket and leaving the house as soon as he could.

‘Man, what the hell?’ Ian mentally huffed, sighing a bit outwardly. His mind was racing with why he was flustered, while his stomach felt like there were butterflies in it. The brunette had had a few crushes before, a handful of girlfriends, and even fewer flings. But the idea of crushing on another male was a bit foreign to him, and even more so with someone he didn’t know very well. They had met only a few days ago, if that, and now he was acting like Samuel was his surprise housewife or something.

Forcing himself to file it into the back of his mind, he wandered his way towards the other major pubs of the village. The hospital was cozy and warm, just like the rest of the village, with a rather young doctor by the name of Alex, and an older woman of Martha. They were welcoming and told him to bring in his friend whenever he could, and if he couldn’t, just tell them and they’d pay a house visit. Thanking them, he wandered around town once more, meeting the ranchers, the woodshop builders, and an inn keeper.

After the long day of visiting and making it as brief as he could, he thanked everyone for their hospitality and began to trek home. The door opened with a slight creek—something he knew he’d have to fix when given time and money. “Samuel? I’m home…” the brunette felt silly saying that, as if he was some working husband. Peeking in the kitchen’s direction, he smiled shyly at the other male and inched closer to nudge their shoulders together. “Hey, how is the leg doing?” he asked, peeking downwards the area. “After a bath, I’ll put on new bandages for you. The doctor in town said it’s fine to visit him whenever, and if you can’t get over there, he’ll visit us.”

As he spoke, he pulled out a small orb that had dropped on his head from earlier. It was the new friends orb, given for when one met the people of the village.
Samuel appreciated the nudges when Ian came home and accepted the orb with little fanfare, "That is very good. When I feel like I can make a trip I will certainly go with you. I may have to lean on you a little bit though." He placed some of his weight upon Ian, the scent of apple on his breath as he faced the man, "If you don't mind. I figure it wouldn't hurt to be closer to you on the trip." He felt a schoolish pleasure in this cheap flirtation. It was cute and such, but was just a softening blow for his later ideas.

"I think my bandage can wait. You go wash up and I'll see to YOU after the bath. You already made me this fine cane and spent your day working, I can help you out more." He said this with a little squeeze on Ian's shoulders to remind the farmer of the tension relieving massages that were within his grasp. He pointed Ian to the bathroom and grinned, "Go on, go on! Get yourself clean and all squeaky so I can get to work on that nice back of yours."

Samuel placed the orb in the drawer with the others and noted this one as well in his little book. This was a pretty good haul for just two days. Sure, they didn't even have ten percent of the orbs ready, but this was more than enough for just two days of work. Samuel placed the book back and waited patiently for Ian, sitting on a chair next to the bed. He had his little pack with him and reached in it when he saw the pale farmer come out of the bath, "I figured I could use some oils on you this time. They can really help." He motioned for the other to come over and, when Ian was close enough, Samuel lashed out and stripped him to nothing, tossing whatever items he would have placed on onto the clean floor, took a moment to appreciate the view and the way Ian reacted, and then placed Ian face down on the bed.

"All professional massages are done in the nude. Don't worry, I'll be careful." He rested a warm hand on Ian's back and rubbed soothingly to calm him down and make sure he didn't reach for any other covers. That could potentially ruin everything. A small twist and the oil cap came off, the scent of lavender and chamomile filling the close area. A few drops were placed on Ian's back, warming where they landed. Samuel's sure and rough hands found these droplets and coated themselves in them, dragging the warmth all over Ian's back. "Oh dear, you DO feel so tense! I may have to give you a special massage this time to completely relax you."

Samuel was glad of his vantage point and Ian's own direction. The injured masseur was sporting a rather profound erection at seeing Ian's own items once more. The lustful and carnal thoughts running through his mind didn't help much. Images of him pushing Ian up against a barn and taking him right then and there was the first one, followed by himself being bent over the dining table with Ian tentatively pressing deep inside his hole. Samuel's eyes glazed a little yet his hands remained steady even with the thought of how this might end. He wasn't going to rush intercourse; that would be crude. No, he was just going to titillate Ian and take moderate advantage over it.

The firm grip moved lower down Ian's back, finally leaving it as he rubbed them over the man's butt. "Don't worry, this needs to be worked out as well. Just relax." He just gently molested the man under him, rubbing both globes with tenderness and a small amount of perverted glee. He watched Ian's body, trying to determine if he was getting aroused by this, hoping he was. When he figured that the man could be stimulated, he flipped him on his front, hoping to catch Ian aroused and ready. Samuel moved in closer, both to try and get a good look and to hide his own throbbing piece so this wouldn't be seen as a scheme to molest Ian from the start.
Ian smiled gratefully at his roommate, before inching towards the bathroom to wash himself up. The water was still warm by the time he got into it, clothes littering the ground, as the water eased his muscles. Farming wasn’t intensively hard, but it was taxing on the body. Even for someone who was supposedly in shape and in his prime as Ian was, the brunette was tired from the day. A massage later was exactly what the doctor ordered, and he really hoped that Samuel was going to be a good massager. He was nearly sure of it though, as he could just imagine what those hands could do.

But of course, that was not a good way of looking at things. Not with the naughty thoughts that fluttered around in his head about the black haired male. His own body was warmed higher than the water when he wasn’t able to stop that train of thought in time. Hands that were large and warm, rubbing over his body and teasing him like he was a prize. He’d want to do the same, to rub his fingers all over Samuel’s body and feel if the other male was smooth skinned as he suspected. He could just feel the sweaty flesh, heated from his touches, aroused by his—

And that was when he realized his erection was bobbing towards the surface’s direction. ‘SHIT, what the hell am I thinking?’ he mentally groaned, before taking a deep breath. It took him three minutes to calm down, and another five minutes to feel as if he had himself under control. Enough to stand up and dry himself, after draining the tub. Of course his bathing time was usually less than it had been tonight, but Ian had decided to stay in the bathroom, touching up his hair and drying himself off. The brunette was sure it was best to allow his body and mind to find a different topic at hand, since he wasn’t going to be some kind of pervert. Showing off his junk to his new roommate and asking for a massage was definitely out of the question and the realm of normal.

Stepping out of the bathroom with just his towel, he nearly allowed a girlish sound escape him, as he was stripped bare. “Well, if you say so… but I-.” Samuel seemed to be confident in this, so he cut himself off and decided to trust his roommate. Laying down on the bed and on his stomach, he tried to relax as warm hands pressed against his bare flesh. The gentle scent of lavender wafted into the air, teasing his mind as he inhaled a healthy amount. “Oh god…” he moaned out unconsciously, those lovely hands were as heavenly as he had imagined.

Each muscle that was given a good molding to eased up and lost a good amount of the tensed state it was in. He wasn’t even paying attention any longer, as his body was touched all over, up and down. Ian was so relaxed, he rolled over without complaint. His eyes were closed, shielding blue eyes from the world. But without even knowing it, there was one muscle that was tense, while the rest of his body was relaxing.

His cock stood up at half-mast, nearly pointing at Samuel in its effort to relieve the arousal that the message had brought about. “Wow, you really have… godly hands.” Ian murmured, his body wiggling a bit on the sheets to feel the smoothness of cotton on flesh. Slowly opening his eyes, he smiled dazedly at the other male, before gazing down at his body out of instincts. That was when he saw his erection, and without even commanding his body to move, he had already flung himself back against the wall—where a headboard would have been, but seemed to be missing—and had pulled a pillow over his genital area. “Crap! Sorry, I-shit, sorry!” he cried out, flushing red as he tried to calm his problem. He didn’t dare look at Samuel, fearful of the other male beating his stupid ass up.
Samuel was about to reach out and touch Ian before the boy seemed to almost levitate and throw himself against the wall. Then came that damnable cockblocking pillow that would definitely have to go. "Oh no, no, it is completely all right, Ian. That happens commonly in massages. Why do you think there are happy ending massages?" He gave a small chuckle but sensed he might not be making the best head way into getting Ian to lower his guard-and that pillow.

Samuel sighed and stood up with the help of his cane. He used one hand, the oil on it making it somewhat difficult as he leaned against the cane. Still, the obvious tent should at least soften the blow that was to come yet not stop the point from being driven home. Finally, after what felt like an age while watching that gorgeous man cower like a scared child, the pants fell, exposing a set of rather ornate silk boxers and a rigid shaft under them. Samuel teased Ian by slipping one finger under the waistline and pulled it out, watching his eyes as he traced the front of his stomach before pulling and releasing himself. Hopefully that show would make the next bit a tad easier.

He showed off his own erect member, touching the very tip as he pulled it up to his stomach and then let it drop, the motion making it look almost like his penis was jumping for joy thanks to the inertia, "To make you feel a bit better, hopefully, I got aroused touching you. Your skin is delicate, unlike how I would have imagined." He sat on the bed, discarding his cane to reach out and grasp Ian's hands and bring them forward, the slick oil warming them up a bit.

He pulled Ian close enough and maneuvered the man's hands lower, placing the white palms on his own caramel piece, "Don't be afraid, touch me. I've touched you enough that you have more than earned this, haven't I? I want you to." That damned pillow hadn't been moved, but this was a much easier way than just assaulting Ian. Besides, a gentle stroke and pull between pals would be just as satisfying as ramming his cock down Ian's hole until he made the boy pass out. For now at least, the latter would be difficult with a hurt ankle anyway.
His heart was pounding against his chest, threatening to break out of the flesh and bones, just to run screaming like he wanted to at the moment. Homosexuality hadn’t ever been a question for him. It wasn’t that he was fearful of it, nor was he against those who engaged in such activities, but for Ian, he never really thought about how and what gender he’d be bedding. It had always been the idea of sex, never the person itself. Oddly, it had only led him down the directions of a random and drunken encounter of a male once—making out being the furthest with that male—and more women than he could count on both hands. The brunette wasn’t a virgin, but faced with his roommate, he felt like one.

The flush across his cheeks and neck didn’t seem to recede, but nearly made the tips of his ears glow. “Wha…” but his voice died out, as he watched the other male ‘ease’ him about this situation. How touching himself was going to help this situation didn’t seem to make sense to Ian, but after a few moments, it didn’t seem as bad that he had an erection. Without protest, he didn’t even jerk his body away from Samuel, when the other male drew his hands and brought him closer to the throbbing erection.

Touching a cock that wasn’t his own made the farmer wet his lips, both in nervousness and a bit of arousal. The pillow fell between his legs and the corner was barely covering his shaft, which was poking at the soft cotton. “This is really… some massage.” he half joked, eyes fixated on the task that his hands were given. Ian hadn’t even admitted that he had a crush on Samuel to himself yet, but the feeling of interest spiked as he pumped his fist up and down the rod of flesh and muscle. Curiosity on how to pleasure his roommate—and boyfriend?—drugged his mind.

“Samuel… are you gay?” he suddenly asked. There was one thing to mutually masturbate, if that’s what he could call this, and it was another thing if this was leading into more, naughtier, things. Even as he spoke to Samuel, his eyes didn’t leave the other male’s crotch. Firm fingers pumped up and down, tugging and pulling at the skin to stimulate the nerves underneath the surface, while the side of his palm rubbed up against the black pubic hairs. ‘Heh… so the carpet does match the drapes.’
Samuel gave a little grunt at Ian's hands on his piece, finding it rather comforting. It was good that the farmer hadn't run away screaming, yes. Yet he still seemed a tad tentative yet also very intrigued. Samuel wasn't sure how to take that until Ian asked him that question.

"Gay? Well, yes, in the fact I like A man. I haven't much really liked anyone." He placed a hand under Ian's chin and tilted his head up so they could gaze at one another, "At the risk of sounding like a fool, I could be thought of as an Iansexual." With that corny remark he moved in and kissed Ian, parting the new farmer's mouth with his tongue with ease, caressing his own slippery muscle with Ian's. He held the kiss for a small while and pulled back, a blush on his face.

He did like this. The fact Ian was touching them, the fact they were together, and the fact that they were all alone. If he had fucked up with this there would be very little in the way of getting back on Ian's good side outside of trying to put on a disguise and entering his life again. Yet if Ian did find this more than just arousing and a once in a lifetime thing then everything would smooth over. There would have to be kinks hammered out, but that was the trick.

Samuel reached out and brushed away the pillow from hell and gently placed his fingers around Ian, tugging on him lightly, "We can go slow. Just a hand job this time. If...if you never want anything else, we can leave it at that." His hand moved up and down Ian as he spoke, his thumb masterfully pressing against the pale man's tip, the oil and prefluids working to provide a perfect friction. "If you want more later though..."
Shifting his body so that they were at a better angle, Ian gasped softly at the feeling of a slick hand upon his shaft. Mutual masturbation… it wasn’t unheard of, that was for sure, but it wasn’t exactly common among the men in the city he grew up in. The brunette tried hard not to press his lips together too hard, as he knew that it would ruin the kiss. Just the brushings of their lips and the warm hand teasing his cock was making his heartbeat race inside his chest.

After a moment, he pulled back just enough that their breaths were still mingling together, but his lips were free to speak without spitting in Samuel’s mouth. “Not sure.” he answered, wondering if there was supposed to be another time after this. “I mean, I know what to do. I just… I’ve never actually thought I’d be doing this… with a guy.” Ian smirked a bit, gaining a bit of confidence from the teasing joke that the other male had made. Surely it was a joke, but still, it made him light spirited about what they were doing.

“You know, there are a lot of Ian’s out in the world…” the brunette teased back, shifting his body again so that he was closer to Samuel’s form. Leaning so that his head was pressed against Samuel’s shoulder, he grunted as his hips unconsciously thrust against the other’s hand. They were both males, so they knew what was pleasurable for one cock to the next. Perhaps not the exact pleasurable points on the muscle, but enough that it wasn’t lacking.

His grip had loosened a fraction, and it was obvious that he was losing track of what he was doing. Without words, he gently eased Samuel onto his back, before slipping between the other male’s legs and aligning their arousals against one another. “T’is iz easier…” he mumbled out, slurred really, as he buried his face against the other’s neck to hide the shameful face of arousal. With nearly practiced moves, his hips swayed back and forth, rocking their erections together and rubbing the flesh against one another. His foreskin caught against Samuel’s shaft, their sweat easing the sliding motion, and yet, sticking them together slightly as he rutted with a bit more vigor. “Good?”
Samuel was now much more relaxed and gave a pleasured grin when Ian seemed to like this. The return joke made Samuel chuckle and he kissed Ian's cheek, "Well, perhaps, but you are the best one I have ever met. And the prettiest one." Perhaps he should have said handsome? Ian was pretty though, more entrancing really. Some sort of pseudo-sappy adjective that Samuel didn't have time to rummage about for because he was getting rubbed by strong and rather lustful hands. He could compliment Ian on his physical appearance later.

Samuel fell willingly on his back and felt the farmer frotting their members together and gave a light sound of satisfaction when asked how it felt. He did not allow Ian to languor in his neck for very long, a warm hand pulling him up and dropping him so they could kiss once more, his tongue again searching out Ian's mouth. He didn't think he felt any missing teeth but he could be a bit distracted by all of this and have miscounted.

"Sit up, I want to watch you." Samuel gave a sly smile and then grasped Ian's member, pulling on the foreskin lightly before getting to stroking him, watching his expression and listening to the sounds he made as Samuel rubbed and pleasured the man straddling him. He blushed as he watched Ian react, his own member twitching at the moans and sounds Ian would give, a light throbbing filling him.

Samuel took a chance to glance back down and found himself rather pleased. Ian had foreskin while he himself was without it. It was rather well matched up and they could both learn to pleasure a different style of penis. That is, if Ian hadn't been better at all this than he had let on, like he had on the frottage. Samuel didn't much care if Ian was virginal or one of the biggest sluts the city he moved from had seen. Right now he was his and he was Ian's even if they were fumbling over each other like drunk fratboys. It was good. "Your penis is awesome, Ian." Samuel regretted saying that as soon as it left his mouth. Really? That had to be one of the most pornographic and worst compliments ever given. At least the time was mildly appropriate though.
Strange was a word he would have used to describe how kissing Samuel felt. It wasn’t that it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite in fact. But at the same time, it felt strange in the sense that this was another male, and there was a hard jaw-line pressed against his own at the moment. He could feel his own stubbles from the few days of not shaving rub against the dark haired male’s chin, making him realize how different kissing a woman and a man. So lost in analyzing the kiss, Ian was nearly shocked when the contact broke.

He sat up as instructed, confused, before he was informed of what the other male wanted. A light pink flush swirled on his cheeks, as he pressed his shaft into Samuel’s hand. By now, even he could hear his own panting, speeding up as he rutted his hips back and forth, rocking into the hand and gaining a fraction more of pleasure. The warmth pooled in his stomach, heating his entire body up, as his cock turned a shade of light violet and pink; both due to the rubbing and arousal he felt from the hand-job he was being given.

Reaching out with his own fist, he firmly grasped Samuel’s erection and gave it a precise stroke up and down. His pinky finger even tickled the balls as it bypassed the gonads, teasing the nerves just below the skin’s surface. “I’m not some girl.” he muttered, finally responding to the earlier comment about how he looked. Not that he didn’t like being called pretty, but the spike of alpha male in him protested. Social norms were always popping up, even in moments like this.

“Girls don’t have ‘awesome penises’.” he smirked lazily, an airily breath puffing out of him. Trying to scoot closer, despite the awkwardness of the position, he butted their erection heads together. The nerves felt like they were slapped, sending tingles of pleasure raking over his spinal cord. Smooth flesh compared to the roughness of other parts on their body; of their hands, as the fingers glided the flesh over the thick rods of muscles.

Closing his eyes, the brunette focused on holding his pleasure back, so that he didn’t cream himself and embarrass both of them. It had been quite some time since he had a good frottage though, so it wasn’t a surprise to himself that he was panting harder and thrusting unevenly. Release building up faster, he nearly shoved their heads together to seal their lips in a passionate kiss, nearly ravaging Samuel’s mouth as if he owned him, with the way his tongue claimed every inch he could inside the mouth, nearly trying to beat the tongue into submission, and how his teeth nipped at the other male’s lips.
Samuel gave a mental note that pretty was out for compliments. Handsome, strong, sexual, maybe even beastly would be all right though. Still, Ian WAS pretty, even if he wasn't a girl. He was also rather skilled at this. Samuel would have to ask if Ian had had many same sex encounters after this. He seemed rather ravenous about his own pleasure, something Samuel had not expected from Ian.

Then that hand grasped him. Samuel bucked reflexively, his throbbing member smacking against Ian's with a low sound of flesh against flesh. The sound was lost on Samuel as he opened his mouth and let out a surprised gasp followed quickly by a pleasured groan of approval as the hand began to stroke him. He found that Ian was much more forceful than he had reckoned, the idea of the massage turning into a cuddling of that pale man as he gently molested him far gone from Samuel's mind.

Yet for a minute it was just both men giving out sounds of satisfaction as their bodies writhed together, two hands working the other along with small darting moments of frottage that spurred them on more. Samuel pushed out his other hands and grasped Ian's chest, pinching and stroking the left pectoral of the other man and nipple as he tried to wrench more pleasure out of this experience. He could tell from the muscle contractions that Ian was having that he was doing his work well and could just imagine the other man's pleasure. Still, he had his own bliss to worry about and Ian was not letting up.

Samuel almost laughed at Ian's retort and was more than glad his next statement, while retarded in the extreme, hadn't been taken as badly as the comment on appearance. When Ian threw himself on Samuel and kissed him the bronze man was more than surprised. It was not unwelcome and Samuel soon closed his eyes and greedily held Ian tight to his face, his lips capturing Ian's again and again as their bodies rubbed against one another. He still stroked Ian, only now his blood was boiling and he started pumping the shaft in his hands very quickly, his other hand going from Ian's chest to his head and finally in between his legs to squeeze his balls to bring him closer.

Samuel didn't last much longer, the pitch in his voice growing higher and louder as he neared his climax and culminating in a loud cry into Ian's mouth as he felt his rod fill with hot ejaculate before it was forced out onto Ian's own stomach and member, the thick seed somehow adding even more warmth between the men. Samuel was more than satisfied at the expulsion and kept close to Ian, a look of complete serenity on his face.
Samuel was like coffee to him, Ian suddenly realized. Just how he liked it too. Not too dark, but not too light—personality that is!—and just the right amount of strength in him. The pleasure that he got from being touched and touching seemed to be a lot more than he had anticipated. For Ian, he hadn’t expected to be pleasured so easily, especially by another male that he did not romantically fall in love with, nor did he know that well to consider Samuel his best friend. In this village at the moment, he supposed the black haired male did constitute as his closest friend.

The brunette’s mind was muddled though, filled with such random thoughts that didn’t matter for the moment. However, he couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything while his shaft was stroke with such ease. He’d have to ask Samuel if the other male was skilled in this department or not later.

It just didn’t seem likely, with how the other male seemed to just know exactly how to pleasure another male’s body. Sure Ian understood the mechanics of the cock, but the kisses and the touches around there… it made him jerk and actually whimper. His nipples had never been played with before, previous partners too busy with themselves, so it was a surprise for him to hear the sharp whine that came from his throat when the nub was plucked at.

“Shit… don’t… don’t touch elsewhere…” he demanded, breath hallow as his tone wavered with the amount of passion he felt. Ian jerked with shock though, as he felt warm liquid splash onto him. There was a mixture of feelings that very moment, ranging from shock, to embarrassment, to such a painful spike of lust, that he was gushing his own seed between and on them. Thick streams splattered on their flesh, coating them both with a mixture of spunk, before it was obvious that they were both exhausted. Exhausted and content, as anyone could see on their faces.

“LUCKY!” a chime tinkled and a small voice declared omnisciently. A little orb rolled between them from nowhere, gathering a healthy amount of semen around its shiny frame. It was the ‘milking’ note, misinterpreted as ‘milking’ each other, rather than cows.

Ian was still coming down from his high, half panting as he leaned against Samuel’s shoulder with his forehead. “Wha… these things are… strange. Why do they come at such odd times?” he asked breathlessly, not moving to remove his hand from Samuel’s soft shaft, while staring at the orb.
Samuel looked at the orb and gave a little smile. He personally figured this would have been the "helping hand" orb, but perhaps they had a different version of humor. He picked up the orb and let it fall to the ground with little fanfare before turning to face Ian, "Shhh."

He moved a hand behind Ian's head and pulled him in for another kiss, this one slow and gentle compared to the lust filled passionate ones they had just shared. He let the kiss last a good long time before cuddling close to Ian and nipping at his neck, "Who cares? And you don't need to keep a hold on me down there, I promise I won't go anywhere in the night." He chuckled and removed his own hand from Ian's member, licking it with a little bit of panache.

"Well, I think that is a very successful massage. I think I may have to give you those more often if it ends up like this. Besides, HANDSOME men like you certainly deserve it." He would not allude to the deleterious comment he made about "awesome penis" just so he could forget it in his own mind. Anything to be able to forget about it in his own mind.

Samuel did enjoy this. He had never really gotten to be in a position like this, holding a man close to him while enjoying post orgasmic bliss. Well, of course that could be because he had never actually done anything with anyone. He knew he hadn't really been a salesman, in the most specific sense. His life had been filled in for him and then he was placed here to help find the orbs.

Still, this job definitely did have perks. Ian being the best one so far. He found himself with little to say, just hoping to be able to lie there with Ian as their collected jism cooled while their bodies stayed warm.
Between sometime of post orgasmic bliss and waking up to find himself facing the other male, Ian realized that he had done something that wasn’t “normal” for a massage. He wasn’t naïve enough that he’d believe this was what everyone did. Give a massage and then a platonic and mutual masturbation. But at the same time, he couldn’t find the words nor energy to protest against what had occurred. Not with such a pleasant outcome as his reward for just letting it happen.

“Yeah… do you do this often?” he asked, wondering whether Samuel offered massages to every person he met. It didn’t effect him really, but the small part that was festering within him, that harvest the crush he had on Samuel, flared a tiny bit in jealousy at the thought. Ian crushed it as fast as he could, because to let that feeling grow would be an embarrassment to both of them—just because they rutted against into each other, didn’t mean they were courting one another.

As they made small conversation, he curled up against Samuel without caring how he looked. Their semen dried between them, the cool air nipping at the sensitive skin as their legs were laced together. Without asking, he leaned in close so that he rested his head against Samuel’s shoulder, breathing in the after-scent of their coitus. His erection was gone by now, limp but content in the nesting snuggle of their hips together.

While they nearly snuggled, unbeknownst to the brunette, there was a spy among them. Beyond the back of his head, there was a little sprite dressed in red watching them. He seemed to be taking notes on a small notepad, documenting what was going on between the two males in the room. The sprite raised an eyebrow in Samuel’s direction, as if asking the Harvester what he was doing with their farmer.
Samuel gave a gentle chuckle at the question of if he did this with everyone, "No. In all honesty, you are the first one I have ever done anything with. I travel a lot so I don't get to meet people for very long. I just never really settled down to be with anyone. I guess I could have slept with a maid or bus boy but I never found a reason to. I'd be leaving the very next day and probably wouldn't be back for a long time. I did read a LOT of pornographic romance novels, so I do have some idea of what goes where and how to please someone of both sexes though. At least in theory."

Samuel grabbed some cover and draped it over both of them, glaring at the little sprite with a bit of annoyance, his hand holding the blanket shooing it away as he moved. After that he would ignore the little beings as he touched Ian's head and rubbed his hair. It was nice just sitting here and talking, even if he had admitted he was a complete and utter virgin. He knew how to masturbate, of course. Every boy past the age of thirteen that wasn't debilitated in some way knew that. He just hoped he could keep Ian satisfied.

It was almost a human response, but he blocked out that thought for the material realm. Ephemeral thoughts on humanity and what he was had no real place for the moment. Ian was real enough and that was fine for Samuel. He blushed as he thought for a while about the farmer and then gave up resisting, figuring now was not the worse time to ask, "Ian, would you like to, perhaps, date? Or at least be intimate more than this time. I rather...like you. You have gorgeous skin, a kind heart, and I fear saying the rest because it might be sappy. If you'd just want physical relations, that'd be fine."

Samuel felt almost childish. This is how he imagined high school, not men of their age. At least he hadn't stuttered or spoken some deliriously sappy words. Oh shit, maybe Ian LIKED sappy words. He had a book of poetry somewhere and he could read that to Ian if he wanted. If this didn't go right.
Admittedly, he didn’t make the best looking sight at the moment. With a bit of drool making a small line from his lips to the shoulder under his cheek, Ian looked more like a lunatic than a sane man. However, the brunette was awake and listening to what Samuel was saying—more afraid to fall asleep and hurt the other male’s feelings. Sure he wasn’t some flamboyant person who always thought of emotions and all that like, but it didn’t mean he didn’t think about his partner once every while. Still, his mind wandered often, and it wasn’t until the last question did his mind snapped awake.

And he really wished it didn’t, because his body was exhausted. “Date?” he asked to clarify it, wondering if he was just delirious and hearing things. But it seemed like the other male was sincere and spoke clear enough that he wasn’t just some crazy person hearing things in the post coitus bliss. “Uh… yeah, sure, why not?” Ian agreed, placing his head back where he was and tried to snuggle up together once more. His mind was racing though, wondering how things had led to this moment.

It wasn’t as if he didn’t want to date Samuel, but to think that the dark haired male had literally asked him out. Well, that was enough to spend a strange sense of butterflies in his stomach and his heart racing. Ian was used to being the wooer, the one who seduced delicate females, gave her gifts, and led them towards a married life together—or rather, a pretense of marriage and a good romp in the bed. But to have it happen the other way around?

“Wow…” his voice came out deep and sensual, roughed by the lump—probably phlegm—in his throat. “I mean… what do guys do for dates on a farm?” he cleared his throat, trying to sound less sleepy and more attentive towards the conversation. He usually didn’t talk much afterwards, but it was a pressing subject, and with a virgin, he was sure he’d wake up with his kidneys missing if he just brushed off the topic. Either way, they were both virgins when it came to male dating, so perhaps all those pornographic novels had taught Samuel a thing or two that he didn’t know of.
Samuel grinned with excitement. He WAS going to date Ian. This was marvelous. Of course, Ian had several orbs to acquire that would at least need to attempt a relationship, but that wasn't the reason he had asked. Was it? Samuel looked at Ian before shaking his head, "Worry about it tomorrow, or even the next day. You are tired, go to sleep."

Samuel may be a virgin, but he was not callous. Ian had been more than adequate and now they both needed rest. He gave the sprite one final nasty glance and wrapped his arms around Ian before closing his eyes. His dreams began normally until he ended up in front of an ephemeral looking woman who sat on a dais, and he knew his dreams were being invaded.

"Samuel, you know why I birthed you, do you not?"

"Y-yes mother. To collect the orbs and gain your freedom," Samuel said, feeling like a chastised child.

"I allowed you out to live a life and then sealed you away. You had a taste of life. You enjoyed it, yes?" She asked, her face looking rather stern.

"Yes mother, I did. I do."

"Then why am I receiving reports about you and the target?"

"I do not know, what do the reports say? And, mother, his name is Ian." Samuel sounded rather pleased he knew Ian's name, his pride brimming slightly.

"I know his name. The reports say you are fraternizing with him. You do know you are only half-spirit, right, Samuel? Do you know who your father was?"

"N-no mother, I don't," Samuel replied.

"Then you should be more careful. I will ignore these reports for now, you have an...unorthodox way of getting the orbs, but you are doing well. Just remember your mission."

"Yes, mother," Samuel eked out, his voice rather frail.

He awoke next to Ian, his arms still around him. Samuel had a light sheen of sweat on his body and a light tremble of fear. He didn't want to be taken back to some spiritual chrysalis like his mother. He liked living. He liked people. Even if he had never been with a human like he had Ian.

The sun had yet to rise but Samuel knew he wasn't getting back to sleep. Slowly he untangled himself from Ian and got his cane, hobbling as softly as he could to the bathroom to draw himself a bath. Samuel needed the warm water to ease the chill out of his bones. Plus, he could think about what kind of dates the two men could have.
After being told that they should rest first, he nodded sleepily and closed his eyes. The day had been exhausting, despite only doing farm work and visiting people. Even still, he still had to pull the weeds and till the soil. There was mining to do, as someone had told him that if he shipped gems and ores, a place would open up and help him forge his tools. Forging meant that he’d have stronger tools, better and faster than the old rusting ones he had.

Just minutes after closing his eyes, he fell asleep to the pleasant dreams of his childhood. Cute moments with his mother chuckling, his father pulling magic tricks on him, and telling him that magic was real. The old man was probably crazy, but as a child, Ian loved him wholehearted and even loved his tricks. By the time that his dreams became much too painful to remember—something he didn’t like to think about, with his father dead and his mother’s health leading her to live in a nursing home—his dreams began to shift. They became stranger and stranger, until he felt his body shifted.

It was then that he moaned softly and tried to get up, knowing that the day was probably starting soon, and he’d have to go water the plants. The brunette had three tries, before he finally sat up. The movement curled his abdomen and the dried semen flaked off, sticking to his skin like a shedding snake skin. “Ugh… should bathe after doing that.” he firmly told himself, eyes blurry as he tried to focus on something. It ended up being his eyes following Samuel’s ass, as the other male moved to go wash.

Peeking out of the window, he saw that the sun hadn’t even risen up yet, but they were awake. Well, partially, as he was still dizzy with sleep. “No… Samuel, wake me in an hour or two so I can go water the plants, okay?” he cried out, before falling back to bed and curling up against the pillows. They’d have to wash the sheets too, but he’d worry about them later. For now, he’d get some shut eye. Then later, he’d think of something to woo Samuel with.
Samuel heard the call from the bathroom and made a note of it. He would happily wake Ian in an hour. He went about washing up and fell under the water, imagining what he could do with Ian. He had planned a picnic and that could be completely romantic. Or at least somewhat fun. With the fish and apples he could at least make a decent lunch. That could work out perfectly well. And, while they were out they could find some more food and perhaps even fish some more.

Ian got out of the tub after his hour was up, more ideas going through his head. He hobbled over to the bed and removed the cover from Ian, sitting next to him and prodding him lightly, "Ian, it is time to get up. You have had your rest." He ran a hand over Ian's cheek and gave a light pinch to rouse him from his sleep, "I have a picnic planned for lunch. We can talk, sit, and if you really want to, I can give you a massage out there." He left the ambiguous note of 'massage' linger in the air, if just because he didn't mind molesting the farmer out in the wilderness.

Once Ian was out of bed Samuel got the sheets and blanket and began to wash it. He found that the small farm house did have a washer and dryer, so that was a major convenience. After that he walked to the kitchen and removed the fish from the refrigerator and began to get some of the meager spices they had available to them to cook it. The fish wouldn't be much, but it would work. When it was paired with the apples it would definitely be more than enough.

Working in the house was time consuming for Samuel. The work needed to be done though, and he felt rather pleased to be able to do it. The sweeping had been done and in little under an hour the sheets and blanket were popped in the dryer. Samuel then started making the fish, the pan frying method adding just dashes of salt and pepper to taste and leaving the outside just minorly crisp. A cursory look around the house revealed there was no basket for the food, making this a rather unorthodox picnic in the mind of Samuel. He managed to find a decent towel for both men to sit on, leaving the basket the only truant member of this outing.

"Dammit," Samuel muttered, his hands now washing the pan as he had decided to stop worrying overmuch of his plans not coming to total alignment. Ian would still like the outing, he seemed to not be the type bothered by that. At least Samuel hoped his interpretation of Ian was correct.
Some time passed before he was awoke once more, shaking a bit as he was told to wake up. Ian groaned softly, legs twisted in the blankets after twisting and turning in his sleep more than a few times. If he had attempted to, perhaps he could have looked alluring, with his legs spread slightly and his hips jutted outwards as he stretched his stiff limbs. “Mm… getting up…” he mumbled, yawning softly as he arched his back in a long moment. Afterwards, he kicked at the sheets and got up, muttering something about taking a warm bath himself.

Once in the bathroom, he tried to wash himself as fast as he could, but found that his limbs were still sleep ridden. It was another few minutes before he was able to function and fill the bathtub, and then another few to get the right shampoo for his hair. Thirty to forty minutes later, he was well washed and was on his way to drying himself. “Crap… Hey, Samuel, I have to go water the crops. Do you want to come with and we could have the picnic by the riverside afterwards?” he asked, wrapping a towel around his waist as he walked back into the main room.

At first, he had planned that they went to picnic after his farming duties, but looking at the time, it didn’t make sense for him to wander back and forth. Seeing his boyfriend—oh, how strange it was to think that about his roommate—he smiled slightly and trekked towards the black haired male. “”Wow, you’d really make a good housewife. Can I keep you?” he teased, using cheesy lines and some ‘skills’ on how to woo people. Ian had some ideas about how to do so, since he had had a few girlfriends and lovers in the past. He just needed to teach himself how to pleasure a man and that was good enough. Surely Samuel had a few books lying around he could snoop around with.

Leaning into his lover, he gave Samuel a soft kiss on the cheek, shyly almost, before turning and moving towards the drawers. He fished out some simple clothes for the day and dressed efficiently, before standing by the kitchen edge and looked around. “Need me to help with something?” the brunette was a bit lost at what to do, but he didn’t want to be rude and not offer. Truthfully, his skills at the house and cooking were so low, it was almost sad to think about. Luckily, Samuel was there to help them, and hopefully, he’d learn plenty from the other male.
"Of course we can go after you are done watering. I can even help you outside afterward. My leg is feeling better, perhaps I will be able to walk on my own in a while." Samuel shooed Ian away, scolding him for calling him a housewife. He didn't mind doing the housework, but that was only because he was trapped in the house. After Samuel got better Ian would be required to learn at least the very basics of housework or else.

Samuel finished up his cooking and preparation of apples almost in exact time for Ian to finish watering his crops. Samuel met Ian outside the house with a plate of fish and a towel full of apples, "Here, carry the fish. We'll find a nice place to sit down and after that we can go weeding and removing rocks together."

It wasn't the most romantic thing ever perhaps, but it was what they could do. When the farm got off the ground they could do more interesting things like boat rides and disgusting acts of sexual deviance in the bakery. Those would come with time and the wait would make them all the sweeter.

Samuel found the shade of a tree and set out the towel, placing the apples in a pile as he sat down. He pulled out two forks and gave one to Ian before he rested his cane on his lap. The shade was shaped like the leaves above them and kept the two of them cool and with a grand view of the forest and plains around them. Samuel gave out a small little sigh and turned towards Ian, "So, how are the crops looking, farmer boy?"
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