♫ HM:MM - LUCKY ~ ♪ | Misanthropiclove

No rabbit stew for lunch? But rabbit stew was so good! Samuel gave a little squeak when his head was flipped but drank the water down quickly. Then bathing was mentioned, "Lucky, go on out and watch Woolie and make sure he is okay."

Lucky barked and went outside to play with his wonderful new friend. The sheep, for his part, was leaning against the house asleep. It had been a hard day of eating grass and being covered in wool. The process of being adorable had also worn down the poor sheep who needed his beauty sleep. Lucky looked at the sheep and nuzzled it, trying to get some reaction out of the sleeping sheep. None was forthcoming.

Samuel placed the cup down and figured that saving water was what was truly important and followed Ian into the bathroom, "Hold up, I guess I should apologize for just ordering you about. But I am not about to become some invalid, I promise. I'll keep my leg in tip top shape. And my ankle will be fine." He took off his shirt, the sound of wet cloth leaving flesh making a peculiar sound and the shirt thwapping to the ground with a slick "schlump" sound.

Samuel stretched out and looked at the pale man before him. Perhaps he would be a bit more tan if he happened to work out from under the tree canopies. Samuel stepped closer and began to rub Ian's shoulders, "You could have told me if you were going to be lonely. I could have left the rabbit cleaning for later and stayed with you in the forest as you chopped up the tree. I didn't mean to make you feel abandoned."

Samuel stole a kiss from his adorable city-boy farmer and began to unbutton his pants, revealing the see through underwear he was wearing. He pulled the undies off with a sound much like what had come from his shirt and dropped them on the floor, testing the water before slipping into it, "So, no hard feelings, handsome?"
As soon as the bathroom door closed shut, Ian realized that he was not alone. Not in the ‘duh, Samuel is still in the house’ kind of alone, but rather, it seemed that he was not going to be the only one taking a bath. A shower might be easier, but they had yet to install the showerhead. With the water bubbling up to fill the medium tub, the brunette stood awkwardly in place as he watched the black haired male strip in front of him.

“Uh…” it took him a moment to realize what the black haired male was talking about, and it took another moment for his brain to catch up and give a response. “Sure…” that was smooth.

Turning his eyes away as soon as Samuel was submerged into the water, he began to strip as fast as he could – so that he wasn’t putting on a show like the other male had. That is to say, that Samuel was doing such a thing. Highly likely, Ian was just daydreaming and drooling over the other’s body. Not that he did that on a regular basis… but it wasn’t wrong to appreciate one’s boyfriend’s form.

Once nude, he slipped into the tub carefully and adjusted so that they were both able to sit comfortably. Lean muscles rippled with his movement, as he reached over and grabbed for the sponge to wash himself with. Vanilla scented soap wafted into the bathroom air as he began to lather himself up, suds forming where the sponge brushed. “Need help washing?” he asked conversationally, trying to ignore the strange sensation of bathing with someone.

Sure they’ve seen one another naked and they had been up close and personal with one another’s private areas… but with no sexual undertones, it was almost too normal of an activity that they were doing together. So best to just keep it as normal feeling as he could, he supposed.
Samuel watched Ian undress with a devious glee. The skin was turning darker, he could see it. The man also was a bit embarrassed, either from his own body or from watching Samuel's planned stripping. It would work to his advantage either way. He searched every little inch when Ian bent over to get his underwear off. Then as soon as he turned around Samuel's face was just as innocent as it had ever been.

He washed a little bit as Ian got in, just about to open his mouth when Ian began to speak to him, "Yes, thank you Ian, some help would be wonderful. I think I may have gotten some splinters in my back. Could you check?" Of course there were no splinters. Samuel would give little grunts of approval when Ian touched him, his body melting into those hands, no matter how clumsy they were. It was just something about being touched by Ian that made Samuel feel like putty under his hands. At this stage he was more likely to come out like a child's project than a masterpiece with Ian so he didn't relax completely.

"Could you wash my back too, Ian?" He asked it innocuously, his tone showing no hint of any ulterior motive. He leaned into Ian after a bit, turning to steal a kiss from the pale farmer's cheek, "Sorry, couldn't resist. You are just so handsome, Ian. Plus how you touch me has also gotten me a bit riled up, my gorgeous guy." He ran a hand over Ian's cheek and hoped this worked.

Samuel wasn't a master seducer by any means. He could probably get away grifting a few people here and there, maybe even make a decent living out of it, but nothing special. Ian was easily pliable, at least Samuel thought. Or hoped. He gave a small prayer that it hadn't been the novelty of himself that made Ian like him so much. If so he wouldn't be able to get Ian to put out too much. Not that he was truly FORCING Ian, just reminding him that the option was available.

"Would you mind going a little lower, Ian? Please? I'd be ever so grateful."
“Mmhm…” Ian easily complied with the request, wetting the sponge with more soap and water, before pressing it against Samuel’s back. The other male was charming when he wanted to be and yet, in this little cabin-like house, Samuel was almost undeniable. Perhaps it was some charm that the other male didn’t show others – and that was enough to make a small spark of warmth grow inside the brunette.

So lost in his thoughts, that he was caught off guard when the black haired male requested him to go lower.

Now, it’s safe to say that Ian is a healthy male. Because as his eyes trailed lower, his cock twitched at the thought and sight of those round cheeks. The memory of just grabbing a hold of them and squeezing them was arousing. “Sure, sure…” he mumbled, unconsciously scooting closer to the object of his affection. Was it the novelty of Samuel that attracted him? He couldn’t say, as this was the first time he had allowed himself to entertain – even act – upon desiring another male.

As he continued with his scrubbing, his hands smoothed over the top of the round bottom pressed against the bathtub’s bottom. Just as he contemplated about how to justify running his fingers between the crack, a loud pop resounded.

“LUCKY!” a squeak of a voice cried out. Like watching something he couldn’t stop in time, chocolate eyes followed a vibrant green orb fall from out of nowhere and headed straight towards Samuel’s head. The little note inside seemed to bounce vigorously, like it was happily aiming for the black haired male’s head.

It was the Brushing note.
Samuel was awaiting his teasing and lustful advances from his Ian and the hot sex that was to follow. He could imagine the gentle eyes of Ian, almost doe-like in their innocence, shimmering as Samuel arranged for them to have bath sex. It was easy, too easy, but too fun to pass up.

Until the damn faerie cock-block.

"What?" Samuel looked in the direction of that damnable "LUCKY!" and got pelted in the face by an orb that let off a surprisingly melodic jingle as it hit Samuel. Samuel felt time slow down as the pain started. It was first just in between his eyes where the orb had hit, then it spread out as his nervous system reacted to the beating. His nose started leaking blood as Samuel felt the power of recoil, his head snapping back to spray the blood up and into the water.

It felt like ages before his vocal chords reacted, a painful scream ripping from his throat as his entire face began to throb at the painful hit. Samuel lifted his hands up quickly, launching a bar of soap he had been holding into the air. He pressed his hands to his face, the soapy one hitting his left eye. More pain. Samuel's cry went up a few octaves as the burning began and he forced his face forward, dunking it under the water.

Lucky, believing his name had been called, burst into the room and leapt into the tub with both men, splashing up a fury. He also managed to bump Samuel's head with his paws, causing the poor man to inhale water in pain. Samuel shot up and started coughing, his face covered in blood and water, the bathtub full of a pink mist thanks to his nose. Lucky felt that this was horrible, especially when Samuel coughed up a lungful of water in his face.

Lucky began to scamper, flying out of the bath with a yipe and running about the house, throwing water everywhere.

It was at this moment that the soap fell down and smacked Ian on the top of the head before bouncing into the tub and landing right next to the floating orb.

Samuel's thoughts of lust were lost as he kept coughing up water, snot, and blood while his face felt like it was being abused by a million bees. Later, he would think of throttling faeries. Lots and lots of them.
“Samuel!” the brunette cried out in surprise. He really didn’t know why he was surprised – the orb was headed directly for the other male after all. It wasn’t even a shock to see the other male look up at the sound, since that was placed off as instincts. But he was a bit surprised to see his lover spew blood and then nearly stab out one eye in his haste.

Ian reached out to help the black haired male, only to have their dog jump into the bathroom and nearly drown them both. “Bad Lucky! Out, out!” he cried, nearly shoving the mutt out of the bathtub. Lesson learned indeed. They needed to lock the bathroom door more often.

Once Lucky was out of the bathroom and probably causing more chaos in the house, Ian reached out to aid his lover. However, just as he had a hand on Samuel’s shoulder to stable the other male, the bar of soap from before came hurdling down and smacked hard against his head. “ACK! Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me…” he growled, picking up both orb and soap. The soap was placed in the soap holder – as much as he wanted to throw it across the room – and he observed the orb in his hand.

The thing glowed vibrantly and happily… something that did not suit the mood of the occupants of the bathroom right then. Glancing up at his lover and seeing the blood that stained them, he twisted his lips in a sneer and a bit in disgust. Talk about killing the mood. His show of affection had certainly wilted a horrible death. “Are you all right? Here, tilt your head back a bit…” he placed the orb in Samuel’s hands and gently tilted the other male’s head back with his own hands. Fingers brushed through wet black strands to get it out of the other’s face. The injury didn’t look too bad, but any amount of blood with water would make it look like a lot of blood.

Only once he was sure that Samuel wasn’t going to bleed to death, did he pull the bathtub’s plug. “Maybe we should just take a quick rinse and get to lunch…” the fish should be ready any moment, and he really couldn’t see how the mood could pick up again. Not after the sprite’s ‘warm appearance’.
"Yuh...okay...dat sounds gud." Samuel found talking to be extremely nasal-y after being smacked in the face by an orb. He sniffed and immediately winced, coughing and dripping more thin blood. He took some soap and brushed it over his skin before gathering a small bathing bucket and filling it with the bloody bath water before dumping it over himself.

As Samuel got out of the bath he noticed he had no dry clothes any more. At least not in the bathroom. He picked up a slightly moist towel and rubbed himself, blowing his nose into it as he did so. He had figured out that breathing in through the mouth and out through the nose diluted the pain but he had also felt what was like a clot as he breathed out. He found a big red stain on the towel after he was done, his face contorting into a bit of a disgusted reaction as he noticed it.

He grabbed up his wet clothes and looked back at Ian, smiling as he hoped he still looked at least passably good, "I'm gonna go chek on Luky and duh outside." Ian could handle cooking as Samuel rummaged for dried clothes and got the dog dried off. Samuel had that much respect for his lover.

Out the door Samuel stopped and stared, his eyes wide. EVERYTHING was wet. And there was a happy dog in the middle of the room who was slightly moist as everything else dripped. Samuel gave a defeated little sigh and grabbed a different towel and got to drying off the house as best he could. He thought it was great that they had few things now as it meant much less to clean up. Still, it also had allowed the water to get everywhere.

"Luky, go outside and batch Boolie. And get dry." The dog looked confused at the oddly worded request and Samuel grumbled, scrubbing the floor with the dry towel, "Da sheep. Go batch da sheep."

Lucky understood this and bounded outside, leaving wet doggy foot prints as he did so.

Samuel muttered something indecipherable as he moved to get the wet doggy foot prints, his most recent breath causing a few drops of blood on the floor that he also picked up as he moved on.

Oh yeah, those faeries were going down.
Theoretically, seeing his boyfriend in the buff should be arousing. However, when said boyfriend was blowing spit-wads of blood out, well… that just took the edge off of things. “Uh… right.” Ian muttered, half to Samuel and half to himself. Once he got dried and into his new clothes – luckily he had prepared his clothes and Lucky hadn’t drenched it on his way out – the brunette migrated towards the kitchen to prepare the lunch.

The thought of being some kind of housewife for being the one to prepare the food passed through his mind. It didn’t bother him that much though. Not when the black haired male was on his knees, scrubbing at the ground to clean up Lucky’s mess. “Playing Cinderella? Does this mean I’m the fairy godfather or prince charming?” he teased, chuckling a bit as he moved to check on the fish. It seemed it would be done in a few minutes, so he began to set the tiny circular table with two of each silverware that he owned.

Sadly, on the way to the table with plates and cups in hand, a little jingle resounded in the air. “LUCKY!” a sprite cried out happily, which caused Ian to quickly look upwards to see if he needed to duck and cover. Which, in turn, meant that he wasn’t looking down, where the vibrant green orb was rolling towards him. With his next step landing right on the musical note, he comically slipped on it with wide eyes.

“FUCK!” the brunette cried out in response, knowing that this was just going to hurt. Plates went flying upwards and the cups went shooting to the side. He was in the air for one moment, before slamming down on the unforgiving wooden floor in the next moment. With a resounding ‘smack!’ his head whacked against the floor and stars were swimming in his vision. “Ohh… shit… that hurt…” no, he wasn’t whimpering in pain. Really.

The little sprite didn’t leave right away this time though. It stared towards Samuel and gave the male a mixed stare. One was of a warning – the Harvester was taking advantage of the farmer in their eyes – and the other was of a reminder. The two had more than five orbs already, and every five orb could make an instrument – they should go visit the Goddess Pond to create that one instrument. After all, five instruments created meant that the Goddess could be saved from her stony prison. With the message sent, the sprite happily smirked at the bloody nose that Samuel had, before popping out of existence.
Samuel watched in horror as his boyfriend tripped on the orb. He reached out as if from his kneeling position he could have actually had reached Ian and caught him. He gave a gasp as he heard the harsh meeting of face and floor, his eyes closing so he wouldn't have to witness the impact.

His eyes opened enough to see that smarmy faerie fuck fluttering about and giving him the eye. He had sort of forgotten that five orbs made an instrument. Well, he had forgotten the importance. He was having much too much fun with Ian to consider that they did need to get the instruments ready. He had just wanted to help him build a fence and take care of Woolie, the sheep of awesome. And they had a dog to take care of. It wasn't like having just one instrument would end up saving his mother.

He got up, placing a bit of napkin from the table in his nose as he went over to Ian, "Ian, ar yoo alright?" He bent down, picking Ian up to look at his face. He gave a bit off a grimace as he realized he wasn't the only one with a nose bleed now. He helped Ian to a chair and patted some napkin on his face, wiping the blood off as carefully as he could. Samuel would feel like a tool if he also hurt Ian anymore.

"Ah'll go get sumb ice," Samuel said as he stood up since he didn't want Ian to think he was just walking away. He picked up their other washing towel and carried it to the freezer, packing some ice into it before tying it up. He maneuvered over to Ian as swiftly as he could and handed him the ice pack before kissing him on the forehead.

It was not the most pretty sight, two men who were bleeding from faerie inflicted orb wounds, but it was somewhat sweet. "Ah'm gunna clean up da rest ub da dog mess."

Samuel stood and went back to cleaning on his knees, hoping Ian would soon feel better. Tomorrow he'd have to take Ian and the orbs to that special spot. Otherwise the faeries might end up hurting Ian more. Samuel wasn't as much bothered by the faeries going for him as he was his lover. What with a killer on the loose he didn't need to worry about orb sponsored injuries.
The brunette allowed himself to be pealed off the floor, all the while thinking that he just got served. By things that shouldn’t really exist.

God, someone hated him up there.

“Ah’m all wight…” he murmured, nose twitching when it was dapped at. It wasn’t so much in pain as it was just bruised, but luckily, he didn’t think it was broken. Having carpet might be a better idea, but for now, they might as well make due with what they could. “Thagnks.” Ian sighed, taking the ice pack and pressed it gently to his nose. Just a busted blood vessel from the impact… he should heal sooner than Samuel, considering that he had his face to cushion the rest of his impact, while the other male took a direct hit.

Talk about being K.O’d… he mentally sighed, before picking up a tissue and blowing his nose into it. Once the clogging of blood seemed to clear a bit, he cleared his throat and titled his head towards the stove. “Well, dinner’s ready… and looks like we’re making progress on collecting these things…” he shook his head with a small smirk, before standing up and picking up the dropped items.

Just then, the door opened (it wasn’t fully closed from when Lucky bounced out of the house) and the wet dog came bounding in once more. This time, it came in tow with Woolie.

Apparently, it had started to rain, and since they didn’t have a barn, Lucky thought it was best to bring the sheep under any available roof – namely, the house.

The animals trekked wet prints over the area Samuel had been trying to clean and dry.

“Ugh, give us a break! Can’t we just have a normal day and fuck?” he groaned, before blushing at what he said out loud. “Well, might as well start eating!” the farmer quickly changed subjects, hoping that he hadn’t voiced his earlier statement loud enough to draw Samuel’s attention.
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