Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Mnn, that was hot and dirty. He had to keep himself calm or else he'd be riding home with a painful boner. "Will do, sweetheart." He said as he reached out and grabbed the suitcase. Before he left though, he moved over and pressed his lips against hers and held his lips there for a moment before pulling back. "I can't wait to see you again."
"Mm, don't get too attached," she smirked, returning the kiss. "Business and pleasure don't always mix, pretty boy...still, I'm looking forward to it." Eh, why not? Girl needed to keep her options open, didn't she?
He just gave her a wink before leaving her shop. That was true, but Aernir never really was one to get attached. He didn't have much room in his heart to. He made his way back to the apartment, hoping that he wouldn't get nagged at for taking an extra ten minutes to enjoy himself.
She couldn't believe she got dragged into doing this, and she was fairly certain if that bitch didn't stop talking about whatever the fuck she was talking about with her and her boyfriend 'who wasn't really her boyfriend, but he seemed nice enough for a little bit of fun', she was going to stab her. Literally, literally stab her with the pair of scissors that she was cutting some rich whore's hair with. She didn't know why she agreed to do this, but she was about as pleasant looking as a sour lion. It was probably one of the first times that they had gotten a customer that had two sleeves of tribal tattoos and a look that could make people who thought violence was a 'poor man' thing almost wet themselves.

Still, Luce was not ugly. She was quite attractive if you took away how she carried herself. Her hair was never really cared for, simply because she didn't see the point. Her hair was washed and rinsed thoroughly, and all she could do was stay quiet. It had a smooth, almost silky touch to it when it was properly cared for, if she could take away the almost violent expression that seemed passive on her face, she'd probably be presentable.

Pretty hair. Pretty girl. Pretty girl? Worth the money. Baths with scented oils, well manicured nails, diets of food to make the figure look better, prettier, more appealing. Shaving to appeal to the people who wanted something 'young' looking. Pretty. Pretty, Pretty. Nothing could hide the ugly on the inside. A lion with a pretty smile. A rabid dog with clean teeth.
Rayna wanted to hold Luce's hand the whole way through the experience, but she unfortunately had gotten separated through the whole experience. Since her hair was crudely cut thanks to Aernir's knife skills, she to it layered and curled up so that it had a bit more flair to it. She didn't mind the chatter one bit, but she was honestly too busy watching Luce from the corner of her eye. She could hear her thoughts from here, and as soon as she was free she went over to Luce and smiled at her.

"You look great, Luce. Your hair is beautiful."
"Feh," Luce grumbled, glancing away from her. "Who cares, it's not like it'll stay that way, and I sure as hell don't want to sit in this fucking chair again and deal with this chatty bullshit." Had to give credit to the hairdresser though, she just took all of the passive displeasure from Luce with a smile. Must be getting paid well to deal with it.

...She supposed it was nice to think that she could still look attractive, though.
"If you want I can do it then. You can be at home. But it really does look nice. I want to touch it but I'll mess it up." She smiled and then walked out of the salon with Luce. They had already gotten her dress, now it was time to go home. "I mean..even if you're hair is not done, you're still really pretty. And a good person, too..."
'Yeah already gave me that speech earlier, Rayna," she muttered, following her out. She felt like a dressed up whore with her hair done, maybe because she used to be one when she got all of her pretty work finished. It was done straight, in layers...if Wizard or Aernir said anything about it, she'd kill them both. In their sleep, stabbing them in their kidneys and twisting her knife.
"I just wanted to remind you because you're pretty on the inside and out, Luce." Rayna told her as she looped her arm around Luce's tattooed, well defined arm. "Because when you think otherwise, I want to correct you."
"...I think it for a reason, Rayna," Luce muttered, knowing full well it was pointless to try and squirm away from her. "Because it's true."

Please no, no more. No more. It hurts, just kill me. It hurts so much. Bang. In the knee. Bang. The other knee. Screaming, sobbing. Bang. Bang. Shoulders. Tell me how you felt when I told you the same thing. I'm sorry, he says. He never meant to hurt me, he says. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Click.
Rayna stopped in her track and then brought Luce into an embrace. She didn't care if she'd get pushed away or hurt. "It's not true though. Even if these thoughts that I hear from you aren't pretty, I know that it's not who you really are. You just want to take away the pain..and you're doing it the only way you know how."
"...You enjoy touching, don't you?" Luce muttered. "I don't...please get the fuck off me before I cut your arms off." God, why couldn't she just let Luce breathe?
Rayna let her go out of respect, but she sighed and then looked away. Usually she didn't get bothered by her threats. Though she was upset with herself for forgetting her boundaries and hurting Luce more. "I'm sorry." She told her before she resumed walking.
"It's...okay," Luce mumbled, hands in her pockets. Now she felt guilty because...ugh, god dammit. This is why she shot people. Shooting people was easier. "Just...warn me next time, would you?" Ugh, she really hoped she could kill someone at this stupid party. Otherwise, she really would go crazy.
"I will. Sometimes I just feel so strongly about you that I can't help myself." Rayna admitted with a small smile. "I time I will ask though. If I don't, you can cut my arms off."
"Don't say shit like that, Rayna," Luce muttered. "Because next time, I will." Why was she trying to do that? Did she think it was funny that she was getting threatened? That Luce wouldn't actually do it? Ugh.

"You should get attached to someone else," she grumbled. "You're too clingy for my tastes."
"Am I?" Rayna asked with a pout. "Well, then I won't be clingy. I don't care as long as I get to be your friend. If you told me not to touch you ever again, I wouldn't. Though that would make me sad. Do you still not like me, Luce?"
"...I don't hate you, Rayna," Luce finally admitted, after a grit of her teeth and a faint growl. "...I just...fuck if I know, alright? Just...leave me alone about it, okay? I don't know." She didn't, that was the most annoying part.
She supposed an "I don't know" was better than a yes. Rayna was happy with the fact that she at least knew she didn't hate her. "I can't wait for our first mission. I want to prove myself to all of you." She told her as they got into the car. A change of subject since she seemed irritated.
"Well, don't get too excited," Luce muttered. "Mages mean lots of problems, keep your guard up, okay? This isn't a party for us, it's a job." Ugh, she hated all his formality. The things she'd do for a good paycheck, better than the alternative, at least. She had never been to a rich party...let alone a rich Mage party.
"I fight best against other mages." Rayna admitted, thinking back to her younger days. "I had a teacher...wasn't a good one. Never gave me a school to focus on because I already had a strong affinity to spirits. But the best thing he taught me was counter spell magic...I got really good at it."
"Well, that's something," she mumbled, heading back to their place. Thankfully, she wasn't going to be wearing any kind of dress, but she was still dressing far too nicely for her own good. Ugh, and she knew that Wizard and Aernir would say something about her hair. Fucking ingrates. She'd gut them both. After enough internal muttering and cursing, she pulled into the parking lot and slid out, hand running through her smooth hair.
"It really does look nice. If you didn't look so miserable I'd ask them to give you a facial. It's relaxing and good for your skin. Maybe next time, huh?" Rayna giggled a bit, wondering if there even would be a next time. Luce didn't seem like the type to enjoy things like this...
"Hmph," Luce muttered, heading up the stairs. "I need to stop having you convince me to do this pussy shit," she groused. "You know what's a good time? A firing range, stabbing someone in the kidney and watching them bleed, romantic comedy, those are good things. Dressing up like I'm some well dressed whore is not a good time."
"Dressing up doesn't make you a whore, Luce. Though romantic comedies sound fun. As far as torturing someone and killing someone, I'd much prefer summoning evil spirits and haunting a person until they go insane and blow their own brains out. Much less messier for me. But to each their own." She smirked.
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