Fixers (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"What? I'm not..." Aernir trailed off but left it alone and continued to eat his food, keeping to himself. Rayna just stared at Luce, unsure if she should be flattered or worried. But once Luce was finished she started pushing her plate forward.

"You want more, yes?" She asked her.
Luce's brow arched faintly. "...What, you don't want it?" she mumbled. "Why? What's wrong with your plate?"
"Nothing. You just seem to want it more." She quickly switched their plates, taking the empty one without waiting for Luce's approval. Then she disappeared into the kitchen.
"...The fuck is that about?" Luce muttered. "Did I say something wrong?"

"...Dunno," Wizard admitted. Of course, that was a standard question anymore with those two...
"Seemed to me she just wanted you to eat more of her food." Aernir said as he finished his plate. "If you don't want it, Luce..give it to me." He wasn't sure if he should really be asking considering she bit his head off earlier for even looking too hard at her while she ate...but whatever.
"Funny joke," Luce snorted, shoving down half of the food that took them almost all dinner to eat. Wizard blinked faintly, shifting his plate over to Aernir. He...was least, now he was. How could he still be hungry watching Luce eat like that...?
Rayna came back out with another plate and sat down to enjoy her food. Like she said, there was plenty to go around. And Luce's eating habits didn't disgust her or anything. She really hoped she could cook more often.

Aernir picked up his dish, but when he came into the kitchen he was..horrified. Good food but..he hadn't seen their sink filled with dishes like this and forever. Seemed she liked to do everything except clean when it came to cooking. Oh well...he'd her butler or something if he was gonna cook them food.
"Not it," Luce said, as if reading Aernir's very thoughts when he went into the kitchen and stopped.

"...I uh, do better work on a computer, sooo..." Wizard trailed off. "Speaking of...better get back to it, thanks again for the dinner, was really good!" They'd have to put groceries into the budget from now on.
"Thanks, you two are so helpful. But no, let Rayna and I do everything for you two. I'll do your damn errands, she'll cook your damn food, we're all one happy family." Aernir's voice was dripping with sarcasm, but in truth he was happy. All in all this was a good day. Fucked a hot chick, ate some other hot chicks food. He was fine doing the dishes. Tonight anyway.
"Glad you think so," Luce smirked. "Doing dishes is bitch work, seems to suit you nicely, Aernir." Well, the old Luce was some capacity, that was still a little less venomous than usual.
"I'm the one who delivered that gun to you. Maybe next shipment will find itself at the bottom of a lake." He muttered as he started washing the dishes. Rayna finished her food and then started gathering the plates. She didn't know how to wash dishes so she was glad Aernir took it upon himself to tackle the job.
"So's your next paycheck if I find out you do that, buddy," Wizard said from across the room. "And don't think I won't give the three of us a little 'surprise bonus' for our trouble."

"Ooh, I like that idea," Luce smirked widely. "By all means, rice paddy...get petty, I could use a nice raise."
"You people are all against me. I have to meditate twice to deal with all of you." This was Rayna's fault. Somehow he was being treated worse. Then again, it had been a long time since they all interacted like this. Or rather...they never did. And that girl was...just too damn cheerful for him to actually be mad about being picked on too.

"Thank you, Aernir." She told him, and he looked at her closely. Really looked at her.

"Welcome,'re hair looks....beautiful that way." Glad someone had fixed his shitty cut..but seriously. Rayna was...really attractive...and each day he noticed more and more.
"My hair is nice, and hers is beautiful, huh?" Luce snorted. "Tactful, aren't you?" Honestly, the guy did one thing and said another...pissed her off more than anything.
"I can't call you beautiful,'d put a bullet through my testicles." Was she getting jealous or something? Rayna liked compliments like that way more than she did.
"She could do worse," Luce reminded dryly. "Mage, remember? I think I'd take the nutshot at that point."

"At any rate," Wizard said, waving it off. "Luce, Aernir? You're Lucy and Aramaki, Lady Rayna Windemere's personal assistants."

"...Windemere?" Luce said, brow raised. "Seriously?"

"...What?" Wizard defended. "What's wrong with it?"
Aernir suddenly stopped washing dishes and came out to give Wizard a glare. "Aramaki? Are you serious? You couldn't come up with anything better than that?" He growled. Good God, did he even try?

"I like Windemere. And I think Aramaki is cute." Rayna said as she joined them.
"See?" Wizard said, stuffed up like a proud peacock. "It's fine! What, you don't like being Japanese, Aernir? It gets you ladies! All those rich girls think Japan is the land of cyber samurai and super ninjas!"

"It is," Luce said dryly, thumb pointing back to Aernir. "You think he's an exception? Those fuckers over there embraced their culture like a whore on a dick."
"I like my name the way it is now. It's simple. Two syllables. Arimaki? That sounds like a name for a fucking dog." He growled before shaking his head and then going back to the kitchen. Wizard was definitely against him. Probably trying to get under the good graces of the two women that ran the place.

"I want to see Japan some day. I've been to the UK, Canada, and Australia. Not Japan though." Rayna commented as she sat on the couch.
"It's...different," Luce mumbled. "Corporations are a brand, you know? They have to paint everything how they see it. I spent some time there before I came back to Seaboard City."

"Really?" Wizard blinked in surprise. "I didn't know you traveled, Luce. Why'd you head over there?"

Blood. Red. Pretty. Smelled good. Tasty. Yummy. Iron, mixed with fear and terror. The best flavor, like a wine. The flash of a blade, the scream and clatter of a gun. A knife, stab. stab. stab. stab. A choked cry, sobbing. stab. stab. stab. No more crying, no more sobbing. Footsteps, gun was on the floor. Safety off, faster footsteps. The door knob turns. A flick of a fire selector, like a roaring dragon. Brrraaaatatatatatatata. Six men go back, full of holes. Had to run, had to get out of there. Knew someone who liked american women and wanted a free pussy. Better than here.

"Business," Luce said after a moment, her eyes taking a distant look. "Anyway, I'm gonna head to bed early. Since we gotta be dressed up little birds tomorrow."
Rayna was the only one in the room who knew what sort of business Luce was talking about. " it okay if I still sleep with you, Luce?" She asked softly. Rayna wasn't sure how much she'd be able to sleep, but she wanted to be there for her. She didn't care if she had to sacrifice sleep. Something about Luce just made Rayna want to be there. If she couldn't do anything other than exist and make her slightly less miserable, that was fine with her.
"...If you want, Rayna," Luce muttered, heading toward her bedroom. She didn't know why Rayna wanted to stick around her. If whatever she was saying was even half right, who...would want to be around that? She was far more stubborn that she was giving her credit for.

"Well, goodnight, you two," Wizard murmured. No rest for the wicked, as they say...
"Night." Aernir called out from the kitchen as Rayna followed Luce.

"Goodnight you two! Don't stay up too late!" She told them before turning her back and following Luce inside of her room. She immediately started to take off her clothes. She loved this outfit but it wasn't comfortable enough to sleep in. Plus she got some things to wear casually and during bed. Something that wouldn't make her sweaty at night.
Luce watched her undress a moment, brow raised. But kicked off her shoes and slid into bed. She didn't really feel like changing clothes, or...being naked around her. "...So, ready for your first job?"
"Yes and no. I'm ready to fight but I am not sure how well I will blend in because I am not a very social person." Rayna admitted as she stripped to nothing but her panties. She then put on a black, lacy nightgown that showed off her cleavage just as much as her dress did. Then she walked over to her bed and crawled on top of it, next to Luce. "I'm sure everything will go well though."
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